Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1904, p. 1

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ices IE1: nto. DI 3'8 ifififi A. l. Ten-yherry, B. A.; Elmwood. Thomas T. Smith; Paisley. Chas. W. Owens; Port Elgin. Herbert B. Chris- Tm; abun- an- the changes that have born nuuh- in the appointments to the charges in and around Mount Forest, and \Valkertun District :â€"â€"Durham, Thmnas Culling. B. A.; York. James Ferguamn: Varney. \th. D. Masson; Arthur, \Vray R. Smith; Walkerton. Hugh 8. Dongal. M. A., B. D.; Hano- ver, James A. McLachlan, M. A.; Eden Grove, Judson 'l‘ruax; Southampton: Holstein, J. Tm: “'orkex-s of the Varney S. 8. have (lt’t‘ltlt’tl to hold theirannual S. S. picnic on Saturday. June 25“), in Mr. John Aldrml‘s orchard. If the day is fine a good time may be expected. Everylxxly welcome. Get your basket ready and come along and spend a pleasant afternoon. There will hefoot raving and swings and other games for the children. while crocquet and other amusements will be provided for the young people. A game of foot ball will be played in the evening. Remember the. date. Saturday, June: 25th. are uwmhers of the Craft to be present and jniu their brethren in the cere- monies. NIAGARA LUDGE No. 2 A. F. A. M. will hold their annual church parade Sunday, June 19th, 1%. It is the in- tc‘ntiuu to make this a. grand reunion of Masons in the Old historic town “'hil'h is the birthplace of Free Mason- vry in Wt'stt'l'll Ontario. Lieut. Col. Campbvll has received an invitation for all ufiiu-rs, non-commissioned om- u-rs and men of the 313t Regment who sad misfortune hmm- now nursing his injured hand, whirl: will 110:” in timt- but the poor unfurtmmtc- Imy will be maimed for lit’w. \Vv sympathise with him in his ht A 5: interesting letter from Rev. Mr. I’m-qulmrsun, an address by: Mrs. T. .\l«-(3irr tn the \anan's Institute, a repul't of the \Vnman's Institute, Flesh- ertun and Edge Hill correspondence and .1 Int, of utherinterestingitems are rrnwded nut this week but, will make gum] reading i'n next issue. \YK regret to state that Fred Glass, I this town. {who was engaged on a pimlle carver in «me of the Hanover -‘urniture fzu-tnries met with a serious wide-ht nu Monday last by which he. wt half the little finger and two mid- I“ lingers nf his left hand. He is nlllt' now nursing his injured hand, :lnil-h will heal in time but the poor SPEt'lAL nu-vtings of the Farmers’ Institute will he held in (ilenelg Town- ship Hull \lenesday June 15th, and in Russvll Hall, Dnnum-e. on Thursday, .lmw lfith. Mr. J. P. Carey, of Co- lumrg. will lu- [in-sent and address the Him-tings. \Mu. NEw'rux will prgach the annual dew-tuna! sermon and Mrs. Newton gives the Presidents address to the \\ «um-n s Circles at the Owen Sound Jasmintiun of Ba] tist chmches in \Vinrtun m; J llllt' 14th, 15th and 16th. A COUPLE of weeks ago, we stated that Mr. J. H. Burrows was re-engaged in Parker’s Drug Store, but other ar- rangements have since been concluded and J. R. Gun is continuing on. SA'rlrnnAY, June 11th, Iwill be at 3))» Knapp House, Durham, for con- sultation in eye, ear, nose and throat vases. Hours 12 to 6.-â€"W. M. Brown. on Sunday. The subjects, in the morn- ing A New Appointment,” in the evening “ Hiding places.” M . l). THE va. “fray R. Smith will take tho- .wrvices in the Methodist church Fem HA LE.-â€"â€"A second hand cook flow with reservoir, nearly new, will ho. sultl cheap. Apply at this office. Tm; Rey," “'my R. Smith will preach in Zion Methodist church on Sunday nftvrnuon at 2:3) o’clock. 6’4 THERED DURING THE P187 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER8. the Local News Items Il'snlmgt' lawn VOC. 38-440. 1943. tn stutt- that Fred Glass, , MR. EDITOR :â€"The water tanks pro- ‘vided for use in case of fire are in a most dangerous condition. They are i covered by a small wooden lid hinged, ihut not fastened in any other way. A-few days ago some one left the lid on the Elgin street tank open, which almost resulted in drowning some small children that live near. These lids should be securely fastened and f thus made safe. The tanks contain; a‘mut 6 feet of water and should a :child get in, it would be sure death 'and would prove expensive to the town. Yours truly, J. F. B. From 6 to 23 shares of National Portland Cement stock. Make ofler. Must sell. I need the money. Ad- dress Box 497. St. Thomas, Ont. 3 Miss Moon, of Kent 00., Out. has been :isitipg at the Man I‘ l.\' another column a letter appears lI from \V. A. Clemons on “The “'ater I Supply.” This is so much in line with = articles appearing in this paper from ' : lime to time that special direction to " its contents is quite in order now. I' Many people imagine that water is .' pure and wholesmne simply lwcause it! I is clear and of a low temperature. Thisl - may not he the case. however. and the 5 result of a. thorough chemical analysis goes to prove the contention we have often made. Shallow wells are liable to contamination from surface water percolating into them, through theI surroumling porous soil, whichI in time becomes contaminated, and l unfit for use. \Vithout gmng into full particulars, and trying to demonstrate 'from our own knowledge. the danger‘, of ordinary wells we submit Mr. Clem- on’s letter for a careful personal peru- sal, and in cc‘uclusion we may just ex- press grave doubts regarding the pur- ity of any well in Durham or any other town supplied with water as 'we are. \Ve know there are some who talk knowingly about the purity of water in their own particular wells, but they’re not chemists and know very little about what they’re drinking. | plau'v at, 8 n'vluvk p. In. [)0 nut fail to attmul as mine very important busi- ness will be transacted at, lmth meet- ings. JIatlu-w Hamper. l). M.: J. \V. A MEETING of tlw. Durham District l.. U. l.. will lw lwld in Calder-’8 Hall «m .lmw 14th at 2 n'vlnck p. m. Also tlw Royal Svm'let (’haptm- will he upen- ml un tlw ssnnv (late and in the same Blyth. l). I). J. AND J. HUNTER of the corner store are determined to reduce their stock during the next thirty days, before moving into their new premises. In- spectionnf goods and prices respect- fully solecited. Durham Cement Stock for Sale. TUE memlwrs of Court Durham N n. 446 will have their annual church par- :ulenn the nmrning of June 19th to the Preslwterian church. All the. brethren are requested to be. present. THE Annual Excursion to the Model Farm is to take place on Thursday June 23rd, leaving here by special train at eight o’clock a. 111. Tickets good to return by any tmin the following day. I WE omitted last week to mention i the death of Father Hauck, a gentle- ‘man whom we knew well and for Whom we entertained a very high re- ,s'pect. THE Junior League meeting will he held in the schoolroom of the Metho- dist church on Monday afternoon at a quarter past four o’clock. Mus. NEWTON wishes to thank the Choral Society for their useful gift. Although wholly unexpected, it was received with grateful thanks. \Ve regret to state that Sandy Hop- kins is seriously ill and there are grave doubts regarding his recovery; STEADY work for first-class plumb- ers, gas and steam fitters. Samuel A. Essxn m, Columbus. Ohio. â€"â€"3. THE Oddfellows W111 attend Divine Service“ 1n a. body next Sunday aftei- noon at 2 p. m. at the Baptist church. Do not forget Mr. Parker’s sale of Registered Shorthoms on Wednesday the 220d instant. Tanks Are Dangerous. M. R. B. Keeler 8’ Son IF THERE IS To BE Aim" "W“ wedding at your home or! - Th. if you are invited to a wed, ding, Keeler’s Big Jewelry! The semiannl fisogedjs t}; place to buy your-{and BruceMedit e mg resents. in Hanover on ln Sllverware we “"0 juathemb‘m were opened up the lemon stock of new‘Soudd, Walker end up-tmdete goods on: shown in and Domech. Durban. Quality the best and price Smith, of Dorm: any the lowest. Come end see the Papers werepre greatest lot of useful presents ever . “ shown in town. {of Paisley on Mr. Hunter, of Letter-Kenny, Ire- land, is a guest at the home of his uncle, Mr. David Hunter, of Bunessan. He intends to remain for some time, ’aml the chances are that he’ll fall in 'lm" with (lamuln and forsake the ‘(h'ecn lslc. Master W'illie Campbell, son of In- spector Campbell was thrown off a. horse he was riding Monday evening, and got a. shaking up that will cause him unconveuience for a few days. Damian’s \Ii. \\ ill Buchan left Tuesday mm n- ing for Lelhbridge, Alberta, Where he intends to remain, pex haps, perman- ently. \Ve wish him success and pros- perity. Mrs. Thus. Noble and her son Ernest left Tuesday morning for Toronto, Where they now live. “'8 hope they may find the change, a. benefit socially and financially. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dice of Toronto were in town Tuesday. and afforded us much pleasure by a half hours call. They were. visiting friends near Price- ville. \Ve arc glad to learn that Mr. Ferg- uson Grant passed his sccond year at" alnination in dentistry with honors. Accept our congratulations. M1. VValkm of London was in town this week w 1th the p111 pose of arrang- ing to take av 61 the h1ick yard fo1mer- ly owned by W 111 \V right. Mr. Nat. Swallow and sister Miss Swallow went to Ingersol’ Tuesday to be present: at the marriage of their sister, Miss Mabel. Mr. Littlejohns, of the Markdale Standard Staff, attended the Lacrosse match here on Tuesday and gave us a brief call. County Commissioners McKinnon Allan left Monday morning for the County Capital to attend the meeting of the County Council. Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Zion City, formerly of Fleslferton, gave us a. call on Wednesday." She thinks John Alexander Dowie, is the pure stuff. Mr. John Livingston returned home saturday night after spendinga. couple of weeks on busitiess at Ottawa. ‘ Mr. \Vatson, son of Peter Watson of this town, left Tuesday morning for Winnipeg. Miss Della McAllen of Domoch vis- ited her young friend Miss Ada. Limin over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter went to Brussells Wednesday morning. Rev. Thos. Callings B. A. is the new Methodist Minister to succeed Rev. Mr. Smith. Mr. Chas. McKechnie of Markdale gave us a call Tuesday. Wm. Ritchie went to Picton Wed- nesday. Mrs. (D12) Gun is visiting friends in Stratford and Gait. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITOR8 IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. WE HAVE even thing for the bids in up to date Jewelry. DURHAM, on, THURSDAY, mu: 9‘ relry i l The semi annual meeting of the. Grey your 1 and Bruce Medical Association was held in Hanover on Friday the 27th inst. justiMembers were. present from Owen new ‘ Soudd, Walkerton, Durham, Paisley . and Dornoch. The President, Dr. Smith, of Dornoch, occupied the chair. Papers were presented by Dr. Morrison {of Paisley on “Cerebral abscess,” and Dr. Gun, of Durham, on the “Impor- tance of the early diagnosis of Pott’s disease. Both papers were discussed A son of Mr. Chester Dies, grandson as the deceased, has been living with the aged grandparents since he was four years of age, and though yet only a boy, of twelve or thirteen summers, The deceased lady was born in Scot- land in 1822 and in 1850, with her hus- band and one daughter. Isabella, (now Mrs. Neil McDonald, of Bathgate, Da- kota) innnigrated to this country and settled in the townshipof Glenelg then a dense wilderness in its pure primeval. state. Nine children were born to Mrs. Melmodr Isabella named above, Neil who died at the age of twenty -two i 3 ears, Colin, of \V innipeg beach, Man- I itoba, Mar3 (Mrs. James \Icfiillivray of )I:111.nitoulin Island)D an in Glenelg. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, Mrs. Chester Dies and Mrs. A. \V. Tavlor, all of To- ronto. The four last named attended at the deathbed and burial of the aged lad3 33110 during her long residence in the township 331011 the respect and esteem of the whole community by 33' hom she was known. The aged hus- band remains to mourn the loss ofa true devoted partner, with whom he spent more than half a century. Our (rm-res”mdent at Priceville has nut given us a notice of thu death of the late Mrs. Neil McLeod. who (16- parted this life on the 23rd of May at the ripe age of eighty-(me years. Sharpâ€"CochranemThat a warrant be issued for the election of a council- man to fill vacancy for the balance of the year 1904. (hu'ried. Cochrane-â€"Sharpâ€"That the request of Dr. Jamieson, a delegate from the Furniture Co., asking for a release of 4 acres land from mortgage held by Town on Furniture Factory be gran ted and that our solicitor attend to said: business. Carried. In response to an appeal laid before the council to release 4 acres on the west side of furniture factory so as to enable the said Company to build a Sawmill. In reply to correspondence between H. O’Hara and Town, re debentures, Livingstonâ€"Kressâ€"That the papers forwarded to O’Hara 8: 00., Brokers, that they be requested to return same at once or accept both blocks of De- benturesas agreed upon, the Mayor and Solicitor attend to same at once. Carried. Cochraneâ€"Sharpâ€"That the Board of Works advertise for tenders for the building of a stone wall on the North and South side of Lambton street from the bridge East, the town to furnish all material. Tenders Will be asked for stone, sand and cement. Carried. a retaining wall for the vgmnolithic sidewalk from the bridge east to Mr. Flarity’s tailor shop. Carried. McLachlanâ€"Livingston -- That the petition of ratepayers be granted for _' wvo ”a” “u“ U“ ' supplies ...... 3‘35 And that the accounts of H. ‘MacKay and Crawford McIntyre he laid over for further information. John Livingston, Chairman. .Sharpâ€"Cochraneâ€"That the report of the finance committee be accepted and cheques issued for the several amounts. Carried. James Falkinghsm, burying beast from flood ..................... 1 00 C. Elvidge, balance as assessor... 14/ 00 Chas. Brown, work on street... 19 25 Mrs. J. Parrot. pipes and stove fittings finance committee reported on the following accounts and recommended payment. Wm. B. Vollet, salary for May, ex- press. postage etc ............. 3% 48 Council met regular meeting. Mem- bers all present. Mayor in chain. Death of Mrs Neil McLeod. The Mod: Heat. TOWN COUNCIL. the true greatn at? Great Sale, is f i be reahzed wh quality Mercha PWWW <â€" and we pref _ F ODDnD'rnN Huang“ we W111 uegma mgnty Bargain Juno Carnival. Our Great Movmg Clearance Sale of all % i? odds and ends leftover from the season’s selling. 5% Incrder that all Out-of-town. Folks as well as the * Citizens of Durham may: enjoy the exceptional 51% money-saying opportunities of this Great Sale we * Wlll continue for 30 days the selling of all lines in Dry Goods, etc. at Greatly Reduced Prices. This Great Sale is full of mighty opportunities though the true greatness of this store ’8 offerings can only be realized when you call and see its display of quality Merchandise and the prices at which we i are selling at ‘1;â€" lt’s a case of MONEY or MERCHANDISE 3 Z and we prefer the money. This is your 9! $2. OPPORTUNITY. Don’t let this SLIP. 1‘1 This. wgek _}ve grill bqgin S. F. MORLOCK Call and call and see our Clothing and see for yourself the way they are made and the quality of cloth. Progress Clothing for Boys Progress Clothing for Men OUR CLOTHING TRADE is progressing every day, and the reason of it is that the man or boy who buys a suit from us gets 100 cents worth of service, comfort and satisfaction for every dollar he pays. This season we are showing a larger range than ever in men’s and boys suits. ‘- Our Big Moving Sale Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing CASH FOR BU'ITER They are nude with a soup and style and hue that manly appearance that proud of their new suits. make the boys We have them in all the latest Worsted: end Scotch Tweede. made in latest etyles and best quality of Trimm Workmenehip. eflecte in Fency the very iuge end Genuine BARG. AND WOOL. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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