Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 May 1904, p. 8

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DU 17):); _yon if you so desire. We eell the “ IMPERIAL ” end “ KEITH” mekee. Heve you tried them? Perfect in fit end elweye etylieh they meke life’s welk eeey ee they ere comfortehle to the feet end eeey on the pocket-hook. We heve e full line to eelect fromâ€"ell ehepee end eixee. Men of good nnderetendieg know e good thing when they eee it. end ee e coneeqnence our PATENT leether ehoee heve hed meny purcheeere. They certeinly ere the peer of ell dreel ehoee end ere ievoritee now. Come in end we will gledly Gentlemen’s Footwear. Waist TOO OFTEN an ill-fitting shirt waist is the fault. A shirt waist that doesn’t tit well, and is wnthout stvle. will mar an otherwise perfect attire. We claim to have in stock a line of shirt waists that is sure to please the most fastidious. They are made from best materials and are right up-to-date in cut and style. See these waists and have your pick before the line is broken into too badly. They are quick sellers and are just the thing for the warm days that are sure to come. Ihe People’s Store! Ladies’ Shirt Waists. fig? prgggg ; QQcI-Slfit), $1.25, $1.50, 31.75, 32.00 House Block. DURHAM, ONT. Correct Dress is easy to recognize, yet many women just miss it. .50. in Your Stocking Feet. If the Shoe fits Don’t go l The no electric light in the centre 'of the village which has not been ’working setlsfectorily hes been re- moved and in lieu eeverelfl2-cnndle power lights heve been edded to the etreet lighting in the vicinity. A new eidevvelk being kid is the sub- At the last session of Artemesie Council. Reeve Muir, Clerk Bellamy and Councillor Purvis were appointed a. special committee to inquire into and report upon closing that portion of Alma. street in Eugenia upon which the Falls are situated and also to confer with the Eugenia Electric Light and Power Company who wish to secure Right of Wave! the same. On Wednesday of last week a meeting of the Committee at- tended by their Counsel, Mr. A. G ‘ MacKsy. of Owen Sound..and the representatives of the Power Com- pany was held here. Propositions were made and discussed by both parties but the diflerence was too great for anything definite to be ar. [rived at at that meeting. Nego- .tiations will doubtless continue and ”m all probablit, come to a success lfulissue. Mm Annie Richnrdeon whom we reported eerionely ill lent week in now, we are planned to note. on the mend end tanking utiefeotory pro. green townrde recovery. Mr. Alex. Reid, of the suburbs. teecher in No. 4, had en unplemnt end dengerous experience (or a. while on Seturdey evening lest. By mil- teke he ewellowed e dose of liniment for en internel remedy he supposed he was tnking. Dr. Carter ed- minietered en emetic which bed the desired elect end in a chart time normel conditions were reetored. In honor of Empire Boy the public school fl: floated proudly to the breeze on fiandey. Mr. M. K. Rich- erdeon. M. P. vieitod the school end you the scholars a. very intereeting eddrm on poetry. A number of the echolers have recently been engeged on that eubJect and some very credit- eble elortn have been mode. A game of foorball was played on Saturday between the Beavers of our public school and the club at Mr. Reid’s school east of the village. The match took place on the grounds of the latter and was won by the Beavers 4â€"0. The Eckhart family, public enter- tainers, on a return visit appeared in the the Town Hall here onThursday evening last. The programme, we learn, was good. but the audience was small. On Tuesday evening of last week a quiet marriage was solemnized by Rev. G. F. Hurlburt at the Baptist parsonage here. The contracting parties were Mr. John Nnhn. of the \Voollen Mill. and Mrs. Mary Stocks. both highly respected residents of this place. May prosperity and happiness attend them. Miss Maud Chapman. of Mount Forest, is visiting friends in this part at present. M599 Bella Grierson. of Normaubv, apuut a part of lean week visiting at Mr. Ben Crittenden’s. Mr. Wm. McMeeken IS busy v #0!- ing a wire fence along the from of Miller McLean’s lav-m. Will i~ either making an exam good job or else Mo. is a' very liberal sort. of a fellow from the way he settles up. Our school children have not re- ceived much encouragement as yet that they will win the prize to be given at the Fall Fair for the great- est collection of obnoxious weeds. and our farmers are determined they won't find many around here. We understand some schools in Glenelg and Bentinck have as many as 135 duflvrent specimens and they have’nt fairly started to collect Those lit- tle urchins will cause their daddies to wear well shamed faces at the Show to think that the smallest child in the bunch can go over tllt‘lr farms and gather bad weeds by me hundreds of different kind.» Seeding is progressing very slowly at present with many owing to heavy rains. Most farmers have a piece of low ground some where on their farms which they leave to the last honing for dry weather. and it looks at present as if some of those fields will scarcely be seeded. It is bad enough without having some fields left out altogether to have crops shrink through the dry weather from forty acres at seed time to about twenty-five or thirty on the day of threshing as they often do unless the farmers happen to be good ones in every sense of the word. We understand that Mr. Jag. Allan has been engaged for a few weeks by the Ayton Binder 'l‘wine Co. to sell twine and appoint agencies. Mr. Robt. Mead was so unformn- no as to lose two valuable cows lasc week from a strange malady sup. posed ;to come from eating some poisonous substance. Mr Robr. Barbour had some sheep worrivd by dogs last week. Ai- thuuub he: saw the dogs he was un- able to identify them as they were ems-angels from a distance. 'You will excuse us. Mr Editor. for not forwarding our usual budget last. week. News has been a very scarce article since the spring opened up and continues so. But we hope for bettwr things next wrek. Mr. Joe Lenoox 5e making the most visible imprm'mnpms on his {mm this Spring of any in this part. He has Mr. Jim Johnson steadily engaged in rebuilding old fences and erecting new ones. Corner Concerns. Flesherton. 0-4 0.. “a. Mn. Profit from Arthur, wu visit- ing Q Pettigrow lut week. Two of Bichu'd Morrison’ 3 children hnvo Surluina. Mr. and Mrs. J. Csraon and frmily were the guest: of Mrs. Clark, one day thin week. lire. Hepburn from Durhem visited her denghter, Mrs. Petty, leet week Min Avery from Harriuon is Vil- iting Mn. '1‘. All“ this week. Mu. Dyer end mu Hiloook. were visiting ‘Wm. Smith lest week. who is now moved to one of the houses on Thoe. Petty’l form. Bieherd Allen. went to Herrieton, leet week, where he is engaged with the pork pecking Company. non of Toronto. no the guest. 6! hits. C. thd. John Calvert, Jr. lsit Tuesday lust on s business trip to Manitoulin. Mr. and Mrs. George Strschan who were visiting the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Queen left {or Zion City Wednesday morning, so- compsnied by Mrs. Strachan’s niece, Gertrude Roblefl Miss Galvan spent Friday and Sat- urday last. in Mt. Forest, the guest oLMiss Allie Yeomans ' Mr. anJ Mrs. Henry Meier of Lake- lec were guests over Sunday of the farmer’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Hoegi. John Brown left for Rouleau, Assn. on Thursday lest. John’s absence will be very much felt especially in the Methodist Church Choir of which he was a valued member. Quite a number of our young men and maidens spent Tuesday at Bell’s Lake. ‘Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is visiting friends in the city thlS week. Mr. S. Phillips, of the Toronto po- lice holidayed» last week at his old home on the Collingwood Road and renewed acquaintances in town. Mrs Corbett. of Corbettou. is spends inga few days with her daughter, Mrs. L. W Wright. Mr. James Burma“. 0} Toronto. holidayed with. his friends at Ceylon and the 4th line. Mr. J. P. Bum, of Hanover, is spending the holidays with his breth- er here. Dr. Thomas Henderson and Dr. E. T. Paul, of Toronto. were among the holiday visitors in this place and vi- cinicy Dr. Fred. Murray of Toronto. hol- idayed from Saturday till Tuesday with his brother here The Doctor favored the Methodist congregation with abeauti-fully rendered solo on Sundav evening. Mr. J. W. Bates, of Toronto. who was in business here some years ago. renewed o-ld acquaintances on Satur- day and visited over Sunday with friends at Portlaw. Mr D. McClintock, a graduate of Knox College. was the guest of Rev. L. W. Thom on Saturday. Mr. Mc- Clilfluck 2~ supplying the Osprey Presbywriau pulpits for a couple of Sabbaths. Mrg._Bobinson :nd Min D. Robin- Mr. R. J. Sproule was in Owen Sound on Friday last. ' Mrs. Willett, Mrs. Joy. and Minnie Joy, are visiting friends. in To- ronto. Mr. A. Munsnhaw is spending a week in Toronto attending the races. He is accompanied by Miss Mabel. Mr. F. '1‘. Carr, of Eugenia, is not only a racy writer of prose. but has shown his ability as a poet in a re- cently composed patriotic song en- titled, “Our Great Canadian West.” Mr. Carr has lived in the West and his song breathes the spirit of that young bounding country "Where cities grand adorn the land;where wheat and gold. woods, ores abound -â€"Our Great Canadian West.” We have to thank Mr. Carr for a copy of his interesting song which is set to appropriate and pleasing music. Mrs. W. W. Trimble is in Toronto this week. a delegate to the Women's Missionary Convention. ject of much edveree criticism, but we understand an improvement is to be made in it. Ayor’s Pills at! ald tho Cher Poctonlln 3'9 3 up a col. Throat, Lungs wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. You can hardly find a home without‘lts_Aycr’§ Cbcqx Pectornl: Pat-ems know whit it does for children: breaks {n1 be!) Cherry Pectoral Varney. Ochard. «0.0M ”WRITâ€"i6! tho'coulh “ny be better.‘ my magnum A003 HULL. Sutton. 1 for J. G. Am 00.. Lowell, Mun. L "1’5 1 .l ‘- young Pigs. Sees} Potatoes. 1% Pure Bred Shorthorn Heifer, 15 months 01¢}. 1 (Jolt, 1 year old. Several Cows. Calves, Stockere and Peas. .............. Barley ............. Hay ............... Butter ....... . ..... Eggs ............... Potatoes per bag. . . . Apples ............. Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack. . . Chop per cwt ...... Live Hogs .......... Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per lb ...... Sheepskins .......... Fall Wheat .......... 3 Spring Wheat ........ Oats ................. Peas ................ . Barley .............. . Hay ................ . l Butter ............... Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag. . . . . . Apples .............. J Flour per cwt ........ 5 Oatmeal per each ..... 5 Chop per cwt ........ 1 Live Hogs .......... . i Dixon ’PHONE 27. {W J. M. HUNTER BLOCK. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Working Shirts. etc. Tweeds for Ordered Clothing. Raincoats. 40 Boys’ Suits. 75 Men’s Suits. Market Report. WM. L. DIXON, Dmuuu. May 18. 1904. OFFERS FOR SALE at THEOBALD’S ‘Slaughter’ Sale. ALL AT COST. Cd! and lot never equtlled prim. and Trimmings, or: PROFIT WANTED. IN_SI_JIT LENGTHS. (TWO AND THREE PIECE.) The teble must be cleered of thee ()ne price to everyone end thet t e suite. No fake. be con price. DROMORE, ONT. cwt. 90 tot 90 to SOLE AGENCY. 625 10 75 10 3O 15 15 75 .933 McIntyre Block. â€"~ Durhun, Ont. Call and see the most com- plete stock of Summer Mil- linery. It will please you. New York and Toronto. ..Mil|inery. . 80008 PROMPT” DElIVERED. MISS DICK etc., for the summer trade. This assortment gives our millinery room an air of conspicuous elegance similar to that which was so notice- able at the Spring Opening. The hats are of the nicest braids, and the shapes are most becoming and the prices are reasonable. We also display a variety of Children’s Hats in Muslin. Silk and Leghorns. and all kinds of Baby Bonnets. v-DAY'S NEWS chiefly con- cerns ; shipment of White Stuwfihupol. White Braids, no stud. you with A.» 312.50 ‘9 ammo puma rm.r . CHRONICLE n5. Local NC“? W'ANTID-4ioud all n for planing will work. 15 mesh-rum. 7- 2. “'3 have jusl learn: of Mrs. Henry Petty. a Wednesday morning. PASTm.â€"â€"â€" The. nude tum for I few head 01 summonâ€"Alex. Firth. THE services in the M will be withdrawn on «not of the theence 01 Want your neighbo row the Chronicle mll one of his own for the yen- tor 60c. TEE Members of G1 10. l. O. 0. R. will Service in the Baptist! day, June 12th. All“ particularly requested To-DAY, “'edneedl laying sway our of he in the pen-um of Mr. who [mused away tn t Monday manning at Ills. Mrlurmy. uf daughtvr tn thv (la-0a mea to the shoe: quhnrson at the mend end Assembly MSt. . be no service in LII Sum-Corn and al Till; Court of Amid night wlwn two a.‘ [IMP fur I‘Hlllt'tiulfl Tho' ‘olvgraph ( ‘mupad ”ID W’fifillwlll whicl fill). and flu- (Wm-1 “soled against {hail “All! for svlmul pu ing to have a n-duvl-N “IL Nu c-hzmgv \wu 85h! ’Hi “all on Saturday m1 number of "101an Pro». \Vm. Allan 4 III! Melly address: the mlvantagv of 0 good it might. an 1153109 of (hw‘nside address on nmltm-s « wining (A! l'm'uu'l's i Nil'hul of Lannlms'h. ' him upnn tlu In (A: i F1". either of Llu 0 "Cdfizidud (A) ask “mm In (hr (‘4 [million on mmw ul' “one the public. to Riflwuys. Blmu ' Hum-1m. w was. For a com to acquire such PM involved a great dc: diflmlltplay like “ any do it- genera": fit, as we haw aln noting was really \1 Indexed all th u the beautiful 00M“ chum-(inn Hotlink-t, B. Hocklor. and it mvm. wumms Linn u “.M if I h! 3th"

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