Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 May 1904, p. 1

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W8 chiefly con- ipment a! White a. White Brnidl. e summer credo. unent gives our room en sir of elegence similnr ich was so notice- Spring Opening. re of the nicest the shapes are ming and the reasonable. “Va 3’ a variety of flats in Muslin. eghorns. and all does which Rood pro still loft a '0RS'I’EDS. so no g“ I our 83.90 non. You DICK nery. . 18 most com- b‘ummer Mil- "l'HI ER. 'SUHTS lY DEllVEBED. nnng ans] ,‘LO’I’HLV( a Toronto. S ‘3 0083 1811 an V 01] . ' Local News Items THE latest hook on lmselmll is issued by Richard K. Fox. and it is written and (fulllpllml by no less an authority un the great national game than John .I. .‘l('(iil\\'. Captain and Manager of the New York Team; National League. He has written chapters and provided illustrations on how to throw a curved hall. the art of catching, how to become a good batter, and has covered every other detail of the game- It is the only book of the kind published. The book has a handsome cover, and it is No.3 of Fox's Library. It will be sent to any address upon receipt of seven two cent postage stamps. It also contains the official rules and a schedule of the games of both leagues for the present 89880" . GATHERED DURING THE P187 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS’. \V.\ NTED~GOOd all round mechanic for planing will work.- â€"Apply to box 2'5 Flt-shel'tun.â€"â€"~2. \VE visited the Cement. Mill a. few days ago and found everything run- ning full swing. An additional coal grinder is being put in. \\'r; x-em-et to learn that Dr. Jamie- son met with an aweident on Thursday eyening lust whirh will lay him olf Work for a few days. He was driving through town when the front axle broke. and the buggy suddenly qil‘tbpllt'il tin-owing the. Doctor for'ward and frightening the horse so as to Pause him to run away. The Doctor hung on for a time, but was subse- quently pitched out. The tendons of the ankle were badly sprained, but a. Week or so will see him round again with his usual smile we hope. SEEI)H.â€"-â€"C0m and all kinds of root «1115. at. (Ben. Lawrences. MR. A. \V. BEALL, M. A... of Peter- boro, was in town the latter part of last week. On Thursday evening un- der the auspices of the \V'. C. T. U. he addresses] a fairly good audience on “Japan." where he spent five years as an instructor in English. Many phases of Japanese life and customs were. graphically pictured, and special stress was laid on the period from Tm: REV. “'3ng B. SMITH will prezu-h 0!] Sunday morning and even- ing in the Methodist church. Tux-z Young People’s Guild will hold a social evening Monday night in the Presby terian church. AUfl'loN SALE of Household goods, near Cement Works, Durham, on Sat- urday at l p.11). Robt. Redmond, Proprietor. H. MacKav. Auctioneer. 1867 to the present time. Their ad- vancement during the past forty years is phenomenal and to-day they are measuring well their strength as a military people with one of the great- est mutinental powers of Europe. The mldress was interesting and in- structive. On Friday he addressed the school children and on Sunday af- ter the evening service he spoke in the Baptist Chapel. A VERY heavy thunderstorm passed nver here on Sunday night. It was wild fur a time, but no damage has been rvportml at time of writing, Wc-dnvsday evening. 'l‘m-z Allan Line Steamer, Hebernian run ashore at midnight of! the New- fnnndland cmwt at the mouth of the Hulfnf St. Lawrence. None of the vnrgu “as s.u’.ml but there’s no loss of human lift‘l re portal. Great SLAUGHTER SALE now on at THEOBALD, the Clothier’s. Now for Genuine BARGAINS. Tl'us; spectacular entertainment in thc- Mvthoilist church under the aus- pices uf the» Epwm-th [fugue was both pic-{using and instructive and financially prntifuhlt- tn thv young people’s society. THE annual meeting nf Smith Grey l":u'nwrs’ Institute will be held in the town hall. Durham. on Saturday, June llth. Mr. Duncan Anderson will be present. and address the meeting. The “'nnwn's Institute will meet at same llllH' :uul plac'v with bliss Lillian I). “my. 'l‘nruntn, and Miss Lizzie Rife, l’lQ'SlM‘lt'l‘, delegates. “'1‘: are pleased to notice in the list nf students who passed the. recent ex- auninaticm in ph'zu-lnaey the name of Mr. ”III'I'UW'S. whu spent a couple, of }'t‘ul'~ in this MW]: in Mr. Parker’s Drug Stnre. \Vejuin his many friends herein nth-ring mn- mmgratulatinns. )Ir. 4\. R. l’iekering, of Mt. Forest, hr. flu-r nf «me of any town dentists is VOL. 38-440. 1941. winm" DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mn. .lozix l’ou'rrzoi's. of the Colling- Wood Road. nuule a. Visit to Culling- Wood last week and while there met with a little experience that will keep green in his memory for some time to come his jaunt to the. lakeside town. The Enterprise of Thursday last re- ported the incident as follows: “ At the police Court yesterday morning David MeKeelmie, J r.. was tried on a very serious charge, that of forcibly robbing a man named Porteous of a purse containing $24.00, to which the prisoner pleaded “not guilty.” The evidence went to show that Porteous, who is an old man of 76 years, arrived by train on Monday on a visit to some friends. Mr. Porteous had not been in Collingwood since the opening of the H. N. \V. Railway and was in- nocent and unacquainted with the evil ways of city life. He went to the Arlington Hotel and enquired as to where he would find one Sherwood. McKechnie volunteered to show him the way and instead of doing so led him to the town park and forcibly relieved him of his pocket book. Por- teous at once reported the matter to Chief “'ild and McKechnie was located. The prisoner testified that he had been drinking hard and did not know that he had taken the money. He withdrew his first plea and pleaded guilty. The Magistrate dismissed the case. on McKechnie paying back the money taken and paying all costs.” A term in the Central Prison would have. been a wholesome lesson for the oflender.-â€"Flesherton Cor. LAST week Mr. ('has. Brown received and llt'\\'S of the death of his brother, James, who died after a lingering ill- ness. Four years ago he received a paralytic stroke. which disabled him from any active exercise, one side of the body being completely paralysml,. Alu mt two weeks ago he received an- other stroke, which rendered him un- conscious. and for four days before his death the body was pronounced dead by the medical attemlants who never before experienced anything of the kind. The heart and lung action seemed to be in perfect order right up to the time of his death. This is the only brother Mr. Brown has in Tana- da. and was seventy-six years old at the time of his death. Three other brothers are residents of New York State. Miss BEsSIE BANKS leaves Friday morning for New York city, where she will spend a couple of Weeks on a business and pleasure trip. On her return she will reopen her Fancy Goods business above Russell’s store. NIAGARA CAMP starts June 14th. Preparatory drill will be held here May 28th, June 4th and 11th at 6:30 p. m. The ranks are filling fast here so those who intend going and have not yet applied should do so at once. Uni- form at R. Torry’s any evening after STEADY work for first-class plumb- ers. gas and steam fitters. Samuel A. Esswein, Columbus, Ohi0.~â€"3. PASTURE.â€"The undersigned has pas- ture for a few head of cattle for the summer.â€"Alex. Firth, Bunessan. PERSONS interested in Waterworks are requested to attend the meeting in the Town Hall, Friday night, 27th inst. AFTER 3 long silence we had an interesting letter last week from our young friend Mr. Frank Irwin, Who we are pleased to learn is Well and in a. good position at Fairmount, West Virginia. Frank appears to be much married to Uncle Sam, but expects to visit Flesherton and Durham some day to again see his old friends.â€" Flesherton Cor. OUR city reporter has just informed us of the illness of Mrs. lameron out here in the, country at the age of 80 years. The old lady We are told is being well eat-ed for by her nurse, Mrs MeUillivray, who is only ninety-six yearsold. \Ve hope the precocious judgment of the. nurse may be guided by the experiemfid of an older head and that her patient may pull through without difficulty. Paisley maid who lacks herself in hm- 11mm and pulls down the blinds when shv wants to change her mind, and the \Valkm'tun git-l whn never thinks 0f rvtiring at night if thvre is a. copy of tlu- (,‘hristian ()hsm-vvr in the. rmnn. \VE have been told of the Chats- wm-th girl whn is so bashful that she mum: it see a. sleeping tar without blush- ing. and thv Elmwnml miss who faints at thv sight of undrmscd lumbm', the Mr. T. W. Wilson, of Flesherton, was in town Saturday and gave us a friendly call. We regret to see that he is not in good. health at present, but hope to see him as sprightly soon as he was twenty years ago when we first knew him. He conducts a Sash and Door Facto: y in Fleaherton and is doing well. Mr. H. J. Burrows, who recently graduated in Pharmacy, spent Sunday with friends in town. He is re-en- gaged in Mr. Parker’s Drug Store 8 ud enters on duty this week. Mr. C. E. Nightingale, of Wallace- burg, special agent for the Oddfel- lows Relief Association of Canada is spending a few days in town in the interest of Oddfellowship. Dr. Park, of Hamilton, spent Sun- day in town. He intends to leave for the Old Country in a week or so, and put in a few months in some of the European hospitals. Mr. James Anderson and his little daughter, Eva, of Owen Sound, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J as. Hes- lett and other friends in the vicinity. Mr. John Kiunve has purchased the lot on Garafraxa street just north of Rowe’s bakery, and intends building on it this summer. The Rev. \Vray R. Smith and Jas. Redford are attending the District meeting of the Methodist Church at Mt. Forest this week. Miss Sadiv Carson left Monday morning for Lauder, Manitoba, where she intends to remain for some time. Mr. Adam Robertson spent a few days visiting friends in Guelph and vicinity. Mr. \V. B. McDonald, of Toronto, spout a few days with his aunt, Mrs. N. \V. Uamplmll. Mr. McRitchie, of Harriston, agent for the Sylvester M’f’g 30., spent a few days in town last week. Messrs. James Matthews and Austin Morrison, of Mzu'kdalo, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Hopkins left Tuesday to spend the sumnwr in Markdale. Mrs. \V. Bean is visiting her parents in Howick township, near Fordwich. M rs. J as. Carson spent a. few days in Toronto. Miss Edith Dunn, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with her brother Barrister Dunn. Mrs. Allan visited Garafraxa friends for a few days. ‘ miss nary Binnie, is visiting friends in Erin. the 24th, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Russell spent Tuesday in Fergus. Miss Belle MacKenzie was in Tor- onto on Tuesday. Miss maud Davidson is threatened with appendicitis. Dr. \V. 0. Pickering was in St. Mary’s the 24th. Mr. A. R. Pickering, of Mt. Forest, spent a day or two in town last week. Miss Alexander, of Toronto, came home Friday night for a holiday. \V. H. Bean was in Minto over Sun- day visiting friends there. Miss Lizzie Weir is visiting friends near Guelph. M 1'. J. \V. ('h'nwford wont to Toronto Monday. Mr. “'11:. Buohan wont to Bayfield last week to visit, his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) \Vnnds. Mr. E. Broonmll, Mgr. of the Dur- lnun Manufacturing Cmnpany, went tn 'l‘urnntu Monday. Thos. Binnie, of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, spent a few days at the parental home in Glenelg. Miss Ireland and her little sistor Hvlen spent a fvw (lays in Mt. Furest this week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. \Vorts, of Orange- ville, spent, a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. “'11). (‘aldwvlL Miss Ella Rnbvrtmm rutumod to Hamilton, Monday, to continue her cmu'so in training as a nurse. John Livingston is in Ottawa this week. Mrs. \Vulfe returned last week after visiting some time in Meaford with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Culbertson. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VI8ITOR8 IN THE MONTH OF M)! Y. People We Know Mr. “C Calder spent a few days in DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. Theobald was in St. mary’s on THE Shakesperian Olub went to Walkerton Friday night last and gave a presentation of 'Hamlet to a small audience. The boys admit they didn’t have much luck and that their treasury wasn't much inflated, but they speak in highest terms of the orderly and ap- preciative audience. The costume was the same as they had here, and it was much admired in the sister town. We omitted last week to mention the scenery used in connection with the play. It was home-made and the artistic work of Mr. H. H. Mockler, who, it seems, would do well as a scenic artist. The Company took the scenery with them to Walkerton. THE “measuring” entertainment given in the Baptist Chapel on Tues- day evening, under the auspices of the B. Y. P. U., was a most pleasing event. A goodly number were in at- tendance to listen to the short, bright program which was prepared for the occasion consisting of solos, duets, choruses and recitations. During the evening ice cream and cake were served. Everybody was measured and paid according to their height which netted the treasury ten dollars. Mr. Allan Bell was chairman and everything went off with a ring. THE Russell House, Ottawa, was damaged by fire last \Vednesday morning to the extent of $3500. Though one hundred and fifty guests were sleeping at the time, they were roused systematically by ' rapping on the door of each bed room, and wait- ing for a response. There was no panic, and all escaped mostly in their night clothes and slight coverings, some by the corridors and others by the fire escapes. There was a drench- ing rain at the time. A NUMBER uf citizens have put in a stuck ()f coal for next \\"intm', and 0th- ors are to fallow. The difficulties of getting furl during the past winter, tngethor with the high prices demand- ed, are leading people to look a little ahead. \Voud is getting scarce and coal will soon he the ordinary article of fuel. Mrs. (Dr.) Watson, of Georgetown visited her mother, Mrs. Glass. She was accompanied by Kathleen Barber who will remain some time with her friends in town. Dr. Hopkinslof Grand Valley was in town a few days visiting his son. who is engaged in the bank here. Mm. John Thompson and daughter of Port Elgin, are visiting the farmer’s niece mrs. F. Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and daughter Mrs. Irwin and child visited Mt. Forest friends on the 24th. Constable Carson went to Owen Sound Monday with Chas. Boy who was committed at the magistrates Court here on Saturday last. DON’T forget the Promenade Concert in the Town Hall this Thursday even- ing Refreshments and amusements, form the programme. Hrs. Hilker, of Port Elgin, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Liv- ingston. JUST as we are locking up the forms at 4 p. m. Wednesday, we learn of the death of Alex. Beggs. from a severe attack of Pneumonia. THE Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administered in the Presby- terian church on Sunday at 11 a. m. The pre-communion service will be on Friday at 8. p. m. When the Rev MI‘. Hanna from Mount Forest will preach. THE Independant order of Oddfel- lows will elect their officers on Mon- day night next, May 30th, when all the members ate requested to be pre- sent. All past Noble Grands will please nmkean effort to attend this meeting and vote for the Grand \Vard- €11. THE town was as silent as a grave- yard on the 24th. There seemed to be nothing going on, and the town would almostremind one of the Deserted VilL age. Some went away on the train, some were fishing, and others picnick- ing, a number having gone to spend the day at Eugenia. Falls. Wm. McGowan went, to Toronto on Monday morning. DR. BURT, Specialist in diseases of Eye, Throat, Ear and Nose Will be at the Middaugh House Tuesday, May 31 from 10 t04 p. m. This is one day earlier than usual. 'J.‘ J. HUNTER THE BU8Y 8TORE ON THE RUBY OWNER. §%%*%%W%***W*fik**fig _: |---â€"-â€". Your money refunded if we fail to satisfy you. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The Newest Spring Fabrics include beautiful mixture effects quite unlike those worn last season. New p'atterns ideal for spring costumes and waists. Our new prints are now in. A grand collection of beautiful new designs from which you may select. The Coming Season . . . the Zomer Store . will show nnuenel chengee in styles. Never before have more ettrective feb- rice been ofieredâ€"meny of them being entirely new in weeve end pettern. The moot beentifnl collection of Prints ever on diepley in Dnrhnm. Our style: being exelneive e. lerger veriety in not shown by eny other store. OUR BRAND SHOWING 0F $1.00 PER YEAR.

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