Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 May 1904, p. 8

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Waugh House Block. RURHAM, ONT. month. They will improve your up A SUM OF MONEY WAS HAND- petite, cleanse and invigornte your ad in to this ofioe. and will be re turned to the owner on satisfactory proof stomach "Id give y on .' “h“! for beinggiven, and e noes paid. An afi- your food. For ale by H. Porter. gym“! ed before it is given -L “A..- nnnfi‘vr" ' â€" Annihi- Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when constipated; when you hnve no epo petite. feel dull after eating and wake up with a. bed tutu in your mouth. They will improve your up- petite, clennee and invigorate your stomach 9nd_¢ive _yon e relish for Miss Minnie Reaper passed through this vicinity on Friday on her way to tnke char 0 of her music clue. at Henry’s orners. Mr. Amos Chisletto sold a. cow John Scott for a good figure lately. . On the afternoon of Wedneeday the 11th inst quite anumber of ladies wended their way to the home of Mrs. Wm. Ramage, Thistle‘ where they held a very intereeting meeting of the Women’s Institute. The enh- jeote treated were Hygiene and “Care of health. ” It was decided to hold the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Grey, Sr. near Varney, on Thursday June 2nd. Miss M. Hex-grave has returned to Durhem, where she has secured a position. Rev. Mr. Mathieeon. Priceville. preached to a large audience in Ebenezer church on Sundey evening last. Mrs.Bothwell has been very ill these lass couple of weeks. but we are glad to know that. she is gradual ly recovering again. Since Spring has opened out the fax-liners in this part have hardly time to eat or sleep. they are so eager to get all their seeding done, but now that some of them are through we will look for a few cool days which with that beautiful re- freshing shower on Friday and Satur- day. will certainly set the farmer at his Steady pace again. l One of those happy events that loanse a more than ordinarv ripple of *excitement took place in our neigh- borhood. last Thursday. It. was the union of Miss Nellie McNally. fourth danghter of Mr and Mrs Wm Mc- Nally of the 6th. to Mt. Wm. Harr- ington of Detroit. Her cousin Albert drove the glad hearts to the Rectory. where the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan geniallv. but surely. tied the mystic knot. The groom is a clever flue- looking fellow, and has an «Xcellent position as book-keeper in a large meat establishment Nellie was one of our most popular girls. posSessing a charm of manner and a grace of per; son rare to find. They took the train for the ”City of the Straits ” where they will reside. Beet wishes Corbett and 90". Of Mt. 1““:4385 PY‘PCtPh a fine. dark~blue. Alhtal'dc-rn monument {or Miss Annia Jardinr. laat week. over thn gamma of her {at h- or and mo'her and little sister. I! is a cre'iit. :c thP firm who are men of mom than ordinary ability h was just a year ago today rimr. her broth- er John so mysteriously dis appeared Pro-slime he is making his pile out \Vust. 'If her mother contium-s tn imprnvn in health, Mrs. Ed. Emhnry win :9 turn to her home in Toronto m. h‘nv urday. Mr. 'I‘Om Glencrosu “'4' an company her and remain a. m-uk He is somewhat umh-r.the wow lwr at present Tis reported that our local cartoon- is’t. Pat Ryan. has gone to St. Louis, Pat has rare gifts if he developes them. Alf Staples has been there some time and reports times good. Dr. Maitland Cook has sold his practica at Rose Lawn. Indiana. and] isemonto set. up hm shingle Mme where Annie Jardinc’s solo in the Ep- worch League on Sunday evening was one of the sweetest and most impres- sive rver heard with in Zion walls. Mary Marklow is visitnng friends in King. and Adam thinks the days drag on very slowly since her do- parture. Tom Timmons was taken suddenly ill on Sunday and medical aid had t o be called in. Miss Mary Ryan of the 4th has gone to Toronto. She is a light- hearted maiden. Keep'ifie bowels re ulhr with AVGYT; Pllla, Just on. p1: each night. “ For more than so you. I luv. and A or’s Sarsaparill; In my family It“ 3 grand Me at all times. out! a wonderful modlclno {or lmo pure blood. "â€"1). C. BOLT, We” Huron. Conn. 81.00 a bottle. J. C. AYIR '30.. All druafiuu. for Lowell. Ins. Sarsaparilla When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your checks are gale and your blood is thin. our doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. Weak Nerves Just What YonNood° Glenmont. Traverston. ~»-‘ 0.9 0» to Mrs. McFuddon of Durham, visited her daughter Mrs. John Bailey. Misty Smith of Win-ton visited her purents during the past week. Ebenozor S. S. re-opened on Sun- day lam, with a good attendance. Mery Vickere intends to spend the enmmer with her sister Mrs. Edwerd Hopkins. Chas. Mighton htd the misfortune to lose one of his valuable colts. Mre.Jamee Mighton is able to be out again after a severe attack of Pneumonia. Ann Pnrlmd spent last week with Mrs. Robt, Britten near Mulock. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hunt spent Sundty with Mr. Pearson near Allnn Pgrk. Mnrthn Torry bu gone to Meaford where she intends to remain for some time. Annie Hordfof Allan Park visited her niece Mrs. A. W. Hunt. Mr. and Mrf. David Donnelly. spent Sunday wig r. and Mrs. Thomas Mighton Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strachan. of Zion City. U. S. are the guests of the lacter’s perents Mr. and Mrs. John Queen. Harry Lewis, Jr. had been rapidly improving after the operation until last week when he was again afflicted it is thought by an abcess in the head. Victoria Carmount. nurse, enjoyed a few days well earned rest as her home here last week but is again on duty. Mrs. and Miss Yeomans and Mrs. Zinu. of Mt. Forest were the guests of Miss Calvert Wednesday of last. week. and enjoyed a few hours fish- ing. Mr. David Robertson of Southamp- ton is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. Rubs‘ Calvert has returned from waiting Holmein friends. A pleasant event took place on Fri- day May 6th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R J. Emerson 1144. 418t. Ave. Chicago the residence of the bride’s sister. when ’J‘reo. Strachan and Mrs. M. Q. Jack. both of Zion City were happily married by Rev, W H. Cos- sum at 11. a. m. After the ceremonv the guescs partook of a sumptons dinner. after which the happy couple left for a fortnights trip East. visit. ing Toronto and other points. After May 20th Mr. ‘and Mrs. Strachan will be at home to their friends at 2805 Enoch Ave. Zion City. Ill. Mrs. Strachan is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Queen of Orchard. The howl pmperty owned by John Collins has been purchased by Wm. Brown In is a good business stand and in the hands of a wide awake enterprising man We anticipate for him good returns, as there is a strong demand from the travelling public for proper accomodation. If you are bothered with pimples, rashes or ugly blotches on your face, if your complexion is sallow. it’s an evidence that you require Ferrozone to tone up your blood. One Ferro- zone tablet taken at meals makes the complexion like peach bloom. cheeks soon bocome rosy, eyes bright. you’ll be the picture of health. Thousands ol ladies keep up their youthful ap- pearance with Ferrozone. whv not vou? Price 500.. at druggists Miss Christens McLean, of whom we spoke in last issue as having an den-gone an operation for Appendicitis is doing nicely and will be home be- fore long. We would like the Board of Health from Bentinck to take a walk up this way and take a look at those, putrify- ing carcasses, that are creating a nuisance in the neighborhood. This week will finish up most. of ighe seeding in this part. Miss Maggie Fletcher ha.g 5:000 to Toronto to Lake a. position thure. We have a very ineflicient mail service between Durham and Aber- deen. We are aware that the mail in Durham is sorted in time, but it fails to reach Aberdeen sometimes until after seven o’clock in the even- ing. Now some one is at fault and we intend to leok into the matter. The gov’t. can bonus all kinds of railways and guarantee all sorts of sums to defunct manufacturing con- cerns, such as the Soo Industries. but they can’t give us an efficient mail service. notwithstanding the fact that they clalm a handsome surplus in the postoflice department. Something must be done, and done shortly. Although the fishing season is open there has not. been' very much good fishiuu weather. but we expect to hear " fish " stories presently. The farmersi interests are well looked after these times. Hardly a day passes without an agent calling round. No less than 51: Cream Sep- arator Factories have representatives calling in this part. Money Found. Young Ladies Road This. Mull Corners. Vickers. ”â€"9 0.0 9â€". Orchard. ‘0“... young Pigs. Seed Potatoes. 1 Pure Bred Shorthorn Heifer. 15 months old. 1 Colts, 1 year old. Several Cows. Calves, Stockers and 3 Space will 3;, not permit Fell Wheat ...... . Spring Whest ..... Oats .............. Pete .............. Barley ............ Hey .............. Butter ............ Eggs .............. Petstoes per bag. .. Apple- .......... . Flour per cwt ..... Oatmeal per sack. . Chop per cwt. . .. . Live Hogs ........ Dressed Hogs per c Hides per lb ..... Sheepskins ....... . Wool ........ Lamb ........... Tallow ....... Dixon ’PHONE 27. J. M. HUNTER BLOCK. BAINCOATS-Still a few left. gt a but-gain. BOOTS SHOESâ€"Fine and Working at con. HATS CAPSiâ€"Hus in Felt and Straw at cost. UMBRELLAS, TIES. Henry nnd Light Working Shir-u .3 cont Don’t forget where the Bargains are. TH E SLAUGHTER SALE Market Report. WM. L. DIXON, DROMORE, ONT. tht ........ IIIIIIIIIIIII: per bag 1:.c.v.v.c...... ..... 3 per sack ..... f rcwt. THEOBALD Bataan. May 18. 1904. if: OFFERS FOR SALE McIntyre Grocery WESTON’S FANCY BISCUITS us giving price list. of Clothing. but the prices which eppesred in our previous ed. still holds good pro viding the goods ere here. We heve still 1“; ¢ number of Bleak end Blue end Fency WORSTEDS. Light end Derk Grey TWEEDS. These ere ell merked et wholesele price. Don’t forget our 83.90 Bleck end Blue Worsted Suite for men. You wouldn’t believe it until you sew them. ,_ .- “ wâ€"vâ€"ow III-u" go. Since our last sd. we have added to the list about twenty-five SUMMER SUITS in black, gray and green tinges with light stripe to sell from $3.00 to $6.50. These we overlooked in our previous sd. We also neglected to plsce in our list some extrs good value in SUIT LENGTHSâ€"Csnsdisn snd Scotch Tweeds snd Fency Worstedsâ€"sll msrked down to cost price. is still on. apd yvill be qntil this stock is clotted out â€"-vvâ€" 5. vow-l0“ UHU, and those who know whenâ€"thâ€"ey: are receiving snaps will be the better 03 a: thin stock of CLOTHING, MEN’S FURNISHINGS and BOOTS SHOES must CWto 8 00 to 15 to 15 to 75 to 1 00 to 2 25 to 2 40 to l 00 to 5 00 to 6 00 to 5 to 40 to 17 to 7 to 5 Co 10 to 90 to 8 90 to 28 to 60 to SOLE AGENCY. 625 10 75 10 15 75 McIntyre Block. â€"- Durhnm. Ont. Call and see the most com- plete stock of Summer Mil- linery. It will please you. FROM New York and Toronto. ..Millinery. . 60008 PROMPT” DEUVERED. 'I'O-DAY'S NEWS chiefly con- cern: e ehipment of White Strew_Shepel. White Braids, THE CLOTHIER. MISS DICK etc., for the summer trade. This usortment gives our millinery room sn cir of conspicious elegance similar to thnt which wee so notice- able at the Spring Opening. The hats ere of the nicest braids, and the shapes are most becoming and the prices are ressonnble. We also display 3 variety of Children’s Huts in Muslin. Silk and Leghorns. and all kinds of Baby Bonnets. u TNERED OUR/4 CHROI Great SEEDS.~â€"Cnl‘l‘ needs. at (31-0. l \VAKTEDAh for planing mi $15 Fleshvrmn. “'8 visited u days ago and ‘ ning full swing grinder is being THE Young I a social evenim Pmbytrrian cl Am‘rmx HA near Cement. \ urday at I 13.1 Proprietor. H1 A VERY been" over Iww on 84 wild for a. time been n-purtml Wednesday 9w Tl'll‘: sport.“ the lethalist t piceh‘ 0f ”)0 Eli pledaing and in: prufltahlv to thc .I. Mc-(iaw. FM ”)9 NOW Yurk 1 He has writwu illust rat/inns on book of the kill his a handout]! of Fox'- Libra”i my address an cent W 6‘1 the oflicinl ruld Wofboth! nelson. THE Ian-st II by Rivhafil K and compiled on the great n ('ilflhl “Japan,” whet In instrucubr phases of Jan Immune” The address Motive. O the school (I) tn- the 9v 3 evening Work fut thrtmgh hunk“. dropped and fris. lum fit in his usual Tm; Allan L rm ashore at fuundland «my Gulf of St. LI mn'gu 'fl 5 lulllmll lifc tinm and plan Gray. Tnnmh Hm‘wlvr. dvltfi THE annual 1 I’ltrnwro" lnsu town hall. Dm‘ 11th. Mr. IN phenom and ad mninat inn in 80" Ill! ”:11than ‘ haw in uflvl‘il Mr. A. H. Pk hrnthvr uf um- \V Mr. Burt-u“ \\' I (DIIN’II VOL. M Ililll Iltl t \w wmm fl it \Vl'li SH Vt lust p WE f1 ' W In

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