Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 May 1904, p. 7

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barium) dismoun ml. ‘- vflet. \Vlthln be 1m. director. who with (ht Lrfleld bowed the re-oph | note 0! his surround. action, the marquis at indeed to turn his eye- ply and quizzically to might was not the belt. p some time before d1:- fful figure and a pure. park hair and eyes. l’ the nobleman drew up nanny lighted entranco. ated the glass Sud- nated frame Itralzllt- book violently. and tho his nerveless finger: he murmured. But ti. tones continued to an e a voice from the past. in went down on tho as a storm of applam, as Adrienne lacon- yonth and the knowl- was called out several logos all the lattice. , “a compliment to any raws. To the marquis v logos were only remi- nshinnable dame-s with and glittering jewels in .t‘ nlol lll'lll‘)’ Lane lean« huh tribunals to ap- '¢-mw of twenty years Francois produced m lard. Escorted to ht In settled himself in an '1' which he stated in- quisitiveiy around him. \. " tells of a dog 1! - o volullial family rm: " \ noted for his an- izmx \Itmm he delight“) colu' «'nmpuign against '3 .1”; insisted on ammu- ms'u :‘ although his feet ible 1" :ulition from bar u «mung the previous 2: 11w .ngt which ended as [hamlm-k's defeat be ted from his master. and Fwsmg him killed. went him. Some weeks later ’ do}; appeared tn bit old has many miles from the e. was fined :36 won. sore feet soft moccasins showing that he had Ice. “Looks like a me- nd. And there’s an or. I! Pom 2" a bad stage presence!" robably plenty of bean- city 0! talent! That’l lays. The voice-why, an) it before? A bun- )at melody, what pow- 111',” said this court”- plng unusuazly low. waved his band toward 298! And the taco”â€" tbe moisture from his 9 face is equal to tho n unusual combination 'tidr o! g 0.. ’t'd ”110.) II .ll II P. our good as made- a}! halt turm-d. ng band on we'll sin d1 1147939 trzl watch :nphvd Id she more. It while with 198th ll! that hm! rtt‘d The up d 1 mi on (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A _ short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambtou Street. Lower Town, Durham. Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. udmg' 1y 1 “Fat '39.¢t‘ lac-ch subset All advertise h in dance. D homo wk, 5 THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT AWERTISIM}i ‘ IRES. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. :P‘Fia vim at L Ac mlimtion ”Alla! U (:arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. ()fiice hoursâ€"9d! 3.11)., 2.4 p. m . 79 p. m Telephone No. 10. HIE WEBB!" BREWER I. fice omr McLachlan’s store. Office hours. 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7. to 9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbyterian Church. ( Fl’ICEâ€"FIRS'I‘ DOOR EAST OF . the Durham Pharmacy, Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. nvidâ€"Universit ; Graduate of Royal College of Dent: Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms-Calder Block. over Post Oflice. “-v-v-~ â€"__- _ Uflice over'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. “-V-vâ€"w â€"â€" â€" McIntyre’s Block, Lower 'PoWn, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- ttv Office. .-"-'-v â€" ___- D ve)'au:cers._i'3£c; Money to. Loan. Othceszâ€"la the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. 1‘ er. Conveyancer, etc. Private money to loan. Old accounts and debts of ell kinds collected on Commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham. Ont. )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- UGH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction~ ear for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly Intended to and notes cashed. vâ€"â€"â€"' Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Snles promptly pttended to. Call at my residence or wrrte to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left nt the Chronicle ofice. â€";l_nâ€"ied Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Land Valuator, Bailifi‘ of the 2nd Divnsion. Cour} $3108 1195] £11 o‘thor‘matfiegg J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. d 'Eéhee} ifer the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders me be left at his Implement Warez-coma, Me 'nnonle old sand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. fouling {unifies work. F FUJI-3 A N D RESIDENCEâ€"COR. 'I'w. Vv‘.‘ prompvti-Sr attend'eawié; “.Hâ€"is'ihest refereoncs *urnished if required. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means. after suflering for sevgal year: with a sen-re. lung aflection, and t ' t dread disease Consumption. 13 anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of care. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. free 0: charge. a copy of the prescription oped. which they will find a euro cure for COM. Auk-I, cum. Mada] throotmd lung W 110 hope. :11 onflomwilltry hi. remedy. u it is inimitable. Thou duirlng‘ the pmcnption, which will cost than nothing. m voahlouin.vlll locum n.39ma. Bl'oozhnfiow York. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ELM ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC., ARRIS’I‘ERS. SOLICITORS, CON- ONOR GRADUATE OF TOIEON: Nov. 9. '03. A. H. Jackson. OTA RY PUBLIC. CO_:\1_MI‘SSION- AMES CARSON. DURHAM. L10T OBERT BRIGHAM. LICE_N§ED Dr. T. G. Holt, 2.. D. S. OHN CLARK. LICENSED App- Med [all Dz'redorv . Arthur Gun, M. D. {I obi 90,52 T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Denial Dz’reclorv. MacKay Dunn. . Lefroy McCaul. Legal Dz’rectorv. \Y . IR‘YIN Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. “WW AND PROPRIETOB. I: completely stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus at. (a: turning out First-class mucus arm It: 0:31 to any cc of postage, at buyer ble in advanceâ€"$9.50 may . The date to which every m :21 by the number on the I. .0 ntinucd until all arrear. m of we pyoprielor. nn‘cmc ': insertion in can: 121:: than Tum ems-nu furnish: .: inscnion, 25 c 'an 2213 must ‘1 W. F. DUNN. and surrounding country, and take orders tor A man to represent ”CANADA’S GREATEST NURSIRIES " in the Town of IN FRUIT Tamas. SMALL FRUITS, Onnxaxnw. Snnms, Rosns, ans, SEED l’o'u'rons, ETC. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale, A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. TORUNTU BUGGIES . WAGGONS. A large assortment of all the best. makes. SEWING MACHINES. The " White.” and “ Standard.” STOVES. Huron Stoves and Ranges. THRESHERS ENGINES. HAY FORKS. The best. in the world. Cream . . . Separators. The ” MELo'r'rE,’ twoâ€"piece bowl. The best skimmer and the lightest running machine in the market. D Campbell, - DURHAM, ONT. Stone 6: Wellington w GENTLEMEN: I can but speak well of the International Cor- respondence Schools and their system of teaching in the difierent branches of education. In teaching languages there is no better system. Their Commercial Course. as well as their course in Drawing and Sketching. is perfect. Any person with a common school education can through these schools acquire a thorough knowledge of any of the branches they teach. The long evenings of the fall and Winter season could not be spent better than by taking up one of the branches taught by them. Uur Hardy Specialties The \Vhite ” Challenge ” Separ- ator and new and secondhand Engines of all makes. Noteâ€"H. S. Hallman has four children with the I. C. S. FONTHILL NURSERIES WAN-TED AGENCY. OVER 800 ACRES DURHAM . W. MCKAY, Representative, Box 411, HARRISTON. ONT. ONTARIO TESTIMONIAL. Agent. Another Astonishing Case of Female Troubles Cured by SO WEI‘..K COULDN’T WALK. "Before taking the first box of Ferr- ozone, writes Mrs. Annie Jefi'ry of Sandy Cove. N 8., my condition was deplorable. Though I employed the moat skillful medical aid, I grew steadily weaker. In fact. I was in such a low condition that it was im- possible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very weak, I suflered from terrible palpitations. which the doctors said were from peculiar to women. Friends urged me to try Ferrozone. and I bought six boxes. When I had used the third box my old time vigor and strength returned. The palpitation ceased, my appetite increased. and I gotagood rosy color in my cheeks. It would be impossible to speak too highly of Ferrozone. All weak wo- men should use it. I hope many suffering sisters will uzfierrozone. for in will surely cure m.” Rev. J. C. Morse, D. D., pastor of the Baptist church. Sandy Cove, bears witness to the recovery of Mrs. Jeffry and writes: “ This is to certify that Mrs. Annie Jefiry is a lady upon whose word you can de~ pend. I have known her since child- hood. and believe her to be a truthful honest woman.” This adds addition a1 force to the testimonial of Mrs. Jefiry. and gives assurance to other sufferers that Ferrozone does what is claimed for it. Three weeks treatment costs 500., or six boxes for $2.50. At all drug- gists. or by mail from The Ferrozone Company. Kingston. Ont. Order Ferrozone to-day.â€"It assures health. SCHRAEDERâ€"HAVENSâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s parents, on Monday evening May 9th by Rev. Rural Dean Ryan. Mr. Andrew Schraeder to Miss Olive Belle Havens, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hsvens. (Sd.) H. S. Hallman, Editor GOSpel Banner, Berlin. CI‘I‘OZOHG. Married Tia? m*2 BRITISH COLUMBIAZRANCHING Live Stock Conditions pring of 1904 According to an oflieial report re ceived by the live stock commissioner Ottawa, British Columbia range cattle went into winter quarters 111 very fair condition, feed in the late sum- mer having been very good owing to the heavy rains The winter up to February was very fine and mild but after this to the end of March the ranges were covered with very deep snow, in mosc sections: much heavier snow fall than has been known for \ears. Hay was comparatively short all through the range country; there was no old hav on hand and a good deal of the 1903 crop had been dam- aged with the heavy summer rains. Speaking generally, the cattle are in fair condition. and few losses have occurred; the she stock suflered most and it may be estimated that in consequence the calf crap will be be.- low the average. There is no doubt that in certain sections of the country. more es. pecially on the Thompson, the cattle business ls too much of a speculation to be healthy. If the past winter had been of a similar character to the previous one. a very large pro- portion of the stock of that section would have been wiped out. The dav is past- when it is safe to go into winter with s} or 1 of a ton of hay per head, per year. the ' reason that, snow or no snow. by the time Janu- ary comes there is practically no feed left on the lower ranges. In this section a great area of the recently leased lands will be fenced in during the next year or two and it will be possible to limit the stocking of these ranges, but it will of course take some time for them to recover un- less the seasons are very favorable. Beef is still low in price and from present indications not likely to be better than last year, if as high. Horses are in good demand and the heavier horses, viz . those weighing from 1150 lbs up, are realizing good prices. Horses of this class go to the coast, and more of them are be ing bred every year. mostly from Kamloops and the district south of there, and are worth at the present time more money in B. C. than they are in the Northwest. For this mar- ket the lighter horses and ponies have been shipped in increasing numbers. The C. P. R. have given the follow- ing figures of shipments from points on the mainline during the year 1903 To Coast Points: Horses 140. Cattle 9424. Hogs 2013. Sheep 400. To Points Ease of Laggan : Horses 1722. Cattle|130. From these figures will be noticed the comparatively small trade in horses with the coast. With the Northwest including the shipments by the Crow Line and from Golden, not given in the above figures, pro. bably 2300 horses were exported last year. The pr0posed legislation which was unanimously asked for by the recent live Stock convention in Ottawa to assess all horses coming into Canada from Other ('mintrws at a value of not less than $75) [wr head. will haw. if enacted, a stimulating efiect on our export trade to the Northwest, as their principal supply of horses is from the Uniud States. From official figures no less than 96,000 head were imported last year. In regard to cattle, in addition to the 9484 head given as shipped to the coast markets. in order to arrive at the consumption of beef at these points must be added the local SUpply and a total supply for about 4 months from the Northwest. as the B. C. ranges hardly ship any beef from February to the 1st of June. The Kootenay trade is supplied mainly from the NorthweSt with the exception of the supply from the country south of Okanazan Lake and along the boundary. This will bring the exports from B. C. ranges to a figure probably between 10.000 and 11.000 head. At. the coast, the dairying business has been very good. and the price of butter high; during January and February some of the creameries were paying the patrons 3:? cents per lb of butter fat. Theimprovement of the heads {8 very steady. and although 51.0 deubt 3 Von. nuruber of cows should still be weeded out, the average is a good deal better than a few years ago. Yours very truly, W. A. CLEMONS, Publication Clerk. FAR MERS and others, who have stray animals come on their premises, have been under the impression that they could claim costs from the time the animals came to the premises whether they advertised them or not. This is wrong. They can claim ex- penses only from the time they are advertised. A man held four cattle two months before advertising them and was only aIIOWed by law the cost of advertisingâ€"Ex. NEW regulations governing the im portation of live stock have been adopt- ed by the government. All animals subject to quarntine must be detained at one of the stations, those in Ont- ario being Niagara Falls, \Vindsor and Sarnia. Animals subject to inspection only may enter in Ontario at the ports of Cornwall, Prescott, Brockville, To- ronto, Bridgebnrg, Sault Ste« Marie and Port Arthur. Persons contemp- lating the importation of animalsfrom any country except the United States must first obtain a permitâ€"Ex. 0f the best makes TR\ Shewell Lenahan FU RNITU RE UN DERTAKING We treat and cure Vurlcocele. Nervous Do . Strictun. Glut. Blood roman. Urinu-y Drun- and Lama. nanny 8W nun-u. ' Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? ' Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. look! Incaâ€"“The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. “Diseases of Women," “Varicoccle, Stricture and Glect." All sent :33: sealed. PROMPT ATTENTION TO For all kinds of DEPARTMENT. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY A Schools in 'l‘n’ruum. This deservedly popular svstem by means of chart. drilh. nlackbmrd diuzraum and other interesting devices btiugs the following topics within the child's immediate comprehension : “a Musical Notation, Rhythmical Motion; Technique Keyboard Loutiun. Mush-41 History. Piuno Work. 1! de'y 5,â€"3m. DURHAM SCHOOL. -u I --â€"â€"â€"â€"- --- ad unmouliddii' "mu, under the foiiowili «a! of competent teachers for that department: the yahoo! iu‘ «pumped for my J u‘yiur‘mviu -‘9..__.£_‘ Intending studenu abound onwr at beginning of term. or u ooon after u poo-flue. WI. JOHNSTON. Choirmn For terms apply t THOS. ALLAS. Principnl. )(ISS L. M. FORFAR. Chaim md Modem DOPTED BY ALL LEADING Foes, 1.00 per month Myer's Music Method- STAFF ASK) EQUIPMENT 1615‘ MARGARET GUN Teacher M . M. u C. BAHAGE. Secretary

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