Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 May 1904, p. 3

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ofhnptcn Strut. of Durham, age! - , good now m 11 acres final... -ut last spring. A Y. Apply to! 9. CON. 5, GLEN- “ Rood hardwood P yr codu.’ fire a never an mg l, “1'! wall fenced, r I! for hm ma- 'r Sale. ’ um. ab good solid Brick n and 9 acre of ac orchard {good [-3 HOUSE. SOLI.D nrdinno Street we“. [0 buildings Th'l I block or separate in: going west. For INN t for Sale. h‘ Sale. BER 1:} NORTH I the Town of Dut- Grey, containixgg‘ ' terms and partwa- 3A}: WILDER’S CED HAS FOB be? AR It VI’REET W EST I’OS Sidoroad RT 'or Sale. ER'I'Y SITUAT- rt r Sale. 'or Sale. "0 Store, Dur RAMS. YOI BET, ONE TWO the Jeweler VIDGE. Durban lle. Lows. ferns {OYLE (Imp. PA RKZK. IRIXG sum 9" “d not than IO" Mu LAC "LAN, Pricevillo P. 0. Sale. “EFFERNAN, Ie. Sale. Truman, ficitor. Durban SIDS Honoviflo P. O ral In ON QUEEN 0! Mrs. J. 1.. Durha'u Marden P. O. banish; 10... Prices right RNOCH of mild 3am, won and run- Nation. Ichin , nd mil . For quick .rs apply ).. or the I Bordon :raphor «chard, Macon manb '0‘. 1 9c" rillal fur- >8" 110 11 '0? A. W. WATSON I am here to stay and I went the people to know it. Ordered goods on short notice. “ . ‘-. Having Twenty yous experience in the business, the lust 13 you: in Cheboygsn, Mich. I am in a pooition to satisfy :11 requirements and gun:- antee satisfaction. Darling’s Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two ap- plicatiuns will remove the mughrws's, and by its occas- sinnal use the skin acquires thn mmmhness and sut’tness Hf a baby's. Makes Your Skin like Velvet Darling’s Cream of Witchazel. UREAU ()k‘ \v'lTCdAZEL is not sticky. and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. JNO. A. DARLING I, the undersigned. wish to intimste to the people of Durban snd vicin- ity tbs: I hove purchased from Hr. Peter Calder the Dnrbsm Bskery. snd am now ready to supply orders for all kinds of Bakerv goods. See our line of Tooth Brushes We can save. you money on them. Delightful after Shaving. PRICE, _ 2501‘s. The good wife of the house elweye likes to heve gnod Breed, end the heat Breed ie to be hed et Stinson’e. The whitest. eweeteet end most heelthful mede No husbend will ever find feult with Stinsnn’a Breed We turn out e first-clue erticle whether it’s Breed. Pies or Cehes end give specie! ettention to em: customers. Bread G. H. Stinson CHANGED HANDSâ€" DURHAM, -â€" ONTARIO. DU RHAM BAKERY FIRST-CLASS LINE of Biker-y Good: day: on land. going like 3 SHOT and we always hit the mark. Chemist nnd Druggist. DRUG STORE. Davisâ€"~Kerneyâ€"-That the Clerk notify Treasurer of National Portland Cement Company to pay to Treasurer of Glenelg 85 for drawing agreement and By-law No. 410 granting rights of way to that Co. through Glenelg. -â€"~Carried. Accounts were paid as follows : The Municipal World, stationery, $6.39 ; C. Ramage, printing, 814.89; Martin Stonehouse. gravel, 84; J. Staples, on salary, 820; D. J. Mc- Nah. necessaries for M. Mallion. 84; John O’Neil, repair of bridge. $1.00; Wm. Fallice, repair of bridge, 50 cts.; Registrar South Grey. searches, 75 cts.; Bell Telephone Co.. message, 30 cts.; the Clerk, express charges, $1.90; the Treasurer. postage and stationery $1.433 ; R. McPherson repair of bridge $1.00 ; D. Sinclair and Alex. McLach- lan, repair of bridge, “.50 each ; \Vm. Irwin. printing. $7.25; Mrs. Kerney. keep and expenses of J. Rowland. 8'2 ; Geo. Arrowsmith. con- veying J. Rowland to Owen Sound. 38 :30; J. S. Black, re J. Rowland. $2; J. Nichol. re J. Rowland. $1.50; Mary Mullen. keep of Mrs. Dillon 4 weeks, 88; Mrs. J. Lennahau, keep of Mrs Dillon 6 weeks. 86; the Clerk on salary, $2.”); S. Wright. work on road. 557; D. J. McNab. work on bridge. 31 00; J. A. McMillan, com- mittee work, $1 00; Thos. McFadden, committee work. $3.00; \Vm. Ker- ney. committee work. 31.00; Thos. Davis. committee work $3.00. An English scientific journal recalls some remarkable- cast-a of resuscita. tion in discuSsing the ar'tua] dangpf of ntemaruw burial liner». is on record the raw of a titan u ho was cap- sized lmtm a sutll’ioot' and sunk With weights on top of him. With the ex- ception of his left arm he was entire- ly submerged for almost fifteen min- utes; but was revived. though with cansiderable difficulty, and eventu- ally recovered, Examples of recovery after periods of submersuon lasting for twenty minutes. one hour and even two hours. are recorded Another interesting case is that of a criminal who was hanged. being suspended for twenty minutes. His death was certified to and the body removed for not mortem examination; but while the surgeons were making their pre- parations for work he suddenly sat up. fully alive, although be after- wards died of pulmonary congestion. Another instance relates to the sur- prising experience of a Russian gen- eral who was shot through the head and buried by his orderly who had satisfied himself that the oflicer was dead. Two hours afterwards the general reported himself to the Em- peror; and it is recorded that he lived for many years and that he served. incidentally. as a pail-bearer to the orderly who had Buried him. Again. their is the case of a man who took 120 grains of chloral with ap- parently fatal results. His respira- tion had cea~ed entirely. the sounds of his heart were imperceptible and there was no pulse at the wrist. Af- ter having been in this condition for some hours he was successfully re- vived and made a permanent recov- ery.â€"Harper’s Weekly. Dovisâ€"McMillanâ€"Thnt the Reeve. Clerk and Councillor Arrowsmith be a committee to exomine deviation at lot 28. con. 7 and report to this conn- cil as soon as convenient.â€"Corried. Davisâ€"Kerneyâ€"Thet By-lew No. 440 giving Minnie Bros. authority to erect and construct a line of poles for eletric purposes through the town. ship of Glenelg be now reed a. third time, signed. sealed endeugroseed on By-lcw book.-â€"Cerried. The Council adjourned to meet when called for Court of Revision. The Council met April 16th. puro suant to adjournment. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of meeting held Feb. 6th and special meeting held March 19th read and confirmed. Communi- cations and accounts read as follows: From 0. Ramage and Wm. Irwin ac- counts for printing ; from Bell Tele- phone 00. account for message ; from Municipal World account for station- ery; from John Love account for breaking roads; from I‘hos. Lauder account for searches re Treasurer’s sureties ; from P. J. Sullivan and 52 others petition for wire fencing at Irish Lake. Mr. Orr Minnis applied to the coun- cil ior suthority to construct s line of poles for the transmission of electric energy from Hayward’s Falls to Bur- hesd Mills and By-lsw No. 440 for thst purpose was introduced end read a. first and second time. When {other tskes me out to wslk. On Sundsy sfternoon, We hove the nicest kind of talk: Anol tether ssys thst soon I'll he so big so cousin Dick: And then to school I’ll go To study my srithmetic; My letters now I know: I tske fest hold of fsther’r hsnd; I never stub my toes; My father cells me “Little men,” And {other slwsys knows. But cousin Dick, he tenses me; He cells me "Sis” end “Girl!” He need not think it plea-es me To west my hair in curl. My mother ssys she’ll hsve it out As soon es I em four; I wish that tree to-morrow; but It's only one yesr more. BRINGING THE DEAD T0 LIFE. Gm COUNCIL. Pathor’n Little Hm. J. S. BLACK, Clerk. ~Ann; Pitt ‘ A gruesome find was made at the Pacific hotel on Wednesday afternoon when a young son of the proprietor entered a room occupied by Alex. Clark, a boarder, and found him sit- ting on the floor with his back against the wall and apparently quite dead Coroner Cameron was notified and on seeing the body decided that the man had been dead for some time. He at once locked the door and took steps to hold an inquest. That Ferrozone removes the causes that interfere with the proper dis» charge of all womanly functions: it corrects irregularities and is especial- ly good for women who are nervous and troubled with headache, lame back, bearing-down pains, desponden- cv and tiredness. Ferrozone is a blood builder and purifier and can’t be excelled for the complexion. For your good looks and health use Ferr- ozone. Price 50c. per box at drug- gists. The jury was empanelled Thursday morning and some evidence was tak- en, the witnesses examined being Mr. W. 5 Bradley, the proprietor of the hotel, Jessie Riddell. a chambermaid. Peter Shae. the porter. Mrs. Annie Bradley and Ashley Bradley. No evidence of any importance was se- cured, and the inquest was adjourned until Monday Last Monday afternoon the four- yearoold son of Mr. Geo. Rodgers, 8th line, came within an ace of losing its life by drinking laudanum. The little fellow and his brother, two or three years older, were playing in the woodshed at their home, when they saw a little bottle on a high shell which they thought would be a fine thing to play with. So the elder boy climbed up, got the bottle, and handed it down to his brother, who drank the contents. The bottle contained laudanum. which had been left by the veterinary for a sick cow. When Mr. Rodgers came home shortly afterwards. he noticed that the little fellow was trying to stand on his head and go through all sorts of manoeuvresâ€"he was ex- periencing the first efiect of laud. anum. intoxication. The father picked up the child, which immedi- ately went limp and apparently life- less in his arms. Dr. Gibson was hastily summoned, and for three hours their was a struggle with death, but by means of artifical re- spiration and the stomach pump the little lad was brought out of danger. For some time the breathing could not be noticed, and the only sign of life was the beating of the heart The child slept for a long time, and. though weak for a few days after- wards, is all right again.â€"Hillsburg Beaver. In the meantime Dr. Rutherford is conducting a post mortem examina- tion. The Sun understands there Were no marks of violence on the body and that death resulted from a clot of blood on the heart. but the port morn-m may not substantiate this and no further comment will be made until the inquest is completed. The man had been at the Pacific about a week. He had previously ooarded at the Comely house for some time, was a stone mason by trade and travelled around quite a bit. The doctors believed him to be about 50 years of age. He had evidently been drinking to excess.â€"O. S. Sun. Mr. Antoine Wendling. owner of Deveras 211-}, and proprietor of the Clifton House, Brockville, says no liniment compares with Nerviline for general use around the stable. For srtains, sprains swellings, internal pains and especially for the eflections of the whirl bone Nerviline is un- qualled. Mr. Wendling believes Nerviline is indispensable as a horse liniment; it has strength. penetrat- ing power and works thoroughly. Every horse and stock owner should use Nerviline. Sold in 25o. bottles. Instsntly the schoolroom become s managerio, lions toning, dogs bsrk- ing. birds singing nnd twittering, cows lowing. cslvos blasting, cats moowing. stc., nil in nu nprosr snd excitement-tall, with one single ox- caption. A Kansas City teacher of a kinder- garten was incapacitated from work one day by the following incident. The subject of the lecture and object lesson was animals, birds. and then more animals. OR in e remote corner a little fel- lo'w wee sitting perfectly still, an- psrently indiflerent and unmindiul of all the rest. The teecher. observ- ing him. approeched end eeid : “ Waldo. why ere you not telling part with the other children ?" sting her 03 with a deprecsting hnnd 3nd wide, robuking eyes, he fervently whispered: “ Shâ€"shâ€"sh, umberâ€"obi I’m a. ’ooctor. 9nd {’m s-luying : gig!”â€" " Now, children.’ ’ said the teacher. “ I want each of you to think of home animal or bird and try for a moment to be like the particular one you are thinking about and make the same kind of noises it in in the habit of making.” A Not ed Horseman’s Experience T00 BUSY TO MAKE A NOISE. Every Lady Should Know. A GRUESOME FIND. Ho Drank Lsndmum. --â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"oâ€"‘4.o-.-â€"o- Mr. Jes. J. Grant gave a unique wire walking exhibition on the Mar- ket square Wednesday night. but owing to an accident was unable to finish his program until last evening. A crowd of several thousand people witnessed the performance and the Regimental bend was also in attend- ance. Mayor Grier introduced the wire-walker in a neat speech in the course of which he referred to Owen Sound as being the home of more famous wire-walkers then any other town on the continent. Chief among these celebrities he mentioned Dixon. Calvary, McDonald, Campbell and Graham end lest but not least Mr. Grant, who. he said. had now been performing for five or six years and had met with several accidents. none of which, however, were of a very serious character. Mr. Grant then. started out and performed some dar- ing feats. when of a sudden he made a slip and fell face downward on the wire. Unfortunately his balancing pole broke and he was obliged to hang onto the wire with his hands. The proceedings were then adjourned un- til the following evening when a splendid program was successfully carried out. and a good collection taken to defray expenses. Mr. Grant leaves shortly on a tour of the con- tinent.â€"O 8. Sun. [Owen Sound has no right to claim Dixon or Calverley both of whom belonged to Clerks- burg.‘ Dixon came to Clarksburg when quite a boy and started his high wire performances in that vill- age. He subsequently spent a short time in Owen Sound as photOgrapher. Calverley was born in the neighbor- hood of Clarkeburg, if not in the village.â€"-Ed. Chronicle.] “A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after use- ing it he need not pay a cent for it,” says C. P. Rayder, of Pattens Mills. N. Y. “A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, ’give me another bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, I want. it in the house all the time for it cnred me.” For sale by H. Parker. Middaugh House, Wednesday, June I, 1904 Marshall Sanitary Mattresses CALL AND SEE ONE. HAVE COMFORT. WW“ * mu '3 [m5 abunfltulbrownorrichblack? Use In! on. "mull-AHOMMLI. IAxer’s Pills COMINOI COMING! COMING! Call early and avail yourself of hi! valuable services, as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No uess work but a scientific certainty. ifli- cult cases accu rately fitted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WIRE-WALKING EXHIBITION. Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism T. P. SMITH, SOIEN‘I’IFIO EYE sncmusr Door tfl'l never call at private noun.- Furniture! furniture! WILL BE AT THE ONE DAY ONLY. constructed of hnir and n thouannd springs. This Mnttreu costs at little more then the ordinnry, but think of the comfort Produce including Batml' you get. end think of the henlth you secure, nnd the extrn and Eggs. cost will not trouble you. You spend nt least one-third of your time in bed. end your health depends lnrgoly on the invigornting influence of I. d night’s rest. You cnn’t hi! to get real comfort if you I p on one of our Edward Kress, Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. \Jl. D. CONNOR JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIS'I‘ _ AND â€" DRUGGIS’I‘ DURHAM, ONT. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. W. D. CONNOR- 2 vds. 10112.27 1n wide ...... 25c 11 peir 15 yds. long. 273 1n wide ...... 401: 3 pair 3 yds. long. 36- -1n wide ...... 70c 11 mir 3) (13. long 37- -1n wide . .75c n pair 35 yds. long. 503 111 wide” ”811!) a. pair All Curtains have taped edges except the 250 line. ROLLER BLIN D8. Oil Cloths. TABLE LIN ENS. Table Linen. 54-in wide“ yd Table Linen. 65-in wide ........ 50c yd Linen Table Cloths 23 yds. long. 81 1y”. 3 empty boxes, togetlier with the 3 boxes you hsve not opened, snd get your money bsck‘No fsirer, squsrer proposition has ever been ofl'ered, snd we wouldn’ think of msking it unless we were 1: file remedy willdosllthstlselsimedfclt. Bytheslngleboxthel’illsmfls. Lace Curtains. ItyonpnrchueOboxeu “Dam Celery-Iron Pills for “.50, bk. 8 box- ofthofilhudhdmmwdu gene“ {rpm their nag, youpgn you}? P: The Big4 There is no other remedy which will so quickly restore you to heelth end etrength end enimtion as Dr. Hurte’e Celery-Iron Pills, and there in no other you can buy which is accompanied by 5 positive Guer- ntee e! Cure or your money refunded. on arising 'from . run-down condition of an get-mun lyltem or wed: and nary Heavy Twill Shooting. 72-in wide. . . .25c yd blood. All our Spring Prints. Ginghtml and Muslins are now in. See them. TomAmthdoutdStnowOom. Mon. Nmomneu, Sloopleunou, In- Find Memory, Depression of Spiritg. W. H. BEAN We Positively Guarantee CALDER BLOCK. He Sells Cheap. Floor Oil Cloth, l yd. wide ..... 25c yd Floor Oi'. Cloth. 2 yd. wide ..... 500 yd Table Oil Cloth, 45in wide ..... - 25c yd Roller Blinds, plain ......... 35c each Roller Blinds. with fringe. . . .45c each Act directly oncthc liver. They cure constipation, biliousncss, sick-headaclgs. Sold for 60 years. Inn: Put Pure Honey, 10¢ 3 lb. DR. HARTE'S CHEM-IRON PILLS Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" 100.; ACRES neer Allen Putâ€"68 cleered. 20 hardwood end 18 ewemp. 82100.00. 150 ACRES neer Lemleeh â€"â€"Stono dwelling. good out buildinn. Fine fem. Under 84000.0(). 105 ACRES neer Allan Perkâ€"Ex- cellent ferm. feir buildings Cheep. l ACRE more or leesâ€"Gerefrm street. Durhem. near Cement Worksâ€"Fine lots. Oflered very cheep. Beeidee above I have e large list of other lands of all kinds. 100 ACRES in Bentinck. nut Dur- banâ€"~90 cleuod. 10 hudwood. Good buildings. spring crook, orchud. etc. 83200.00. gigyest priceg pgid for Farm es~m~‘mw HAS ALWAYS ON HAND: 7 WISH TO BUY 03 If you sell property, borrow money, insure a property. heve writings drawn or collect a: debt, call on me. “ Always Promptâ€"N ever Negligent.” H. H. MILLER. LIST OF LANDS HANOVER. Are received from booin- firme and any mom ere pieced in good position eoeh year by the femoue The Hunover Con veyuncor. The thover Conveyanoer. All kinds of Groceriu. Tau. gngru, Colo”. Spica ad Flour. meal. Food. Panto... OM. Qornnul, Fidel ad GOODS deliver-0d promptly to :11 pct- ol m WI. l1. l1. MILLER. MANY CALLS OFFERS: NEW Grocery and Provision Store ONTARIO

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