HAVE YOU SEEN ’EM Gentlemen should ‘ call ‘ on r “PREMIER HATS. †on the market. ‘M v 3, Ladles’ , in Cream .25 per yard, and LIN] this store. The very breath â€of spring prevails throughout this busy bee-hive, spring goods having ï¬rst place with us. Tons of new goods have arrived for the spring trade, and the people are now rushing to us, and as a result all are delighted with our stock- INTER i fh nn "‘1 SATURDAY ONLY! -v- wstv l the people (ire now 3d as a result all are r stock. â€" FOR and REMEMBER 1625 low are for (Saturday r AFTER Saturday you goods at bargain prices L, in Cream. Sky, New Blue . and LININGS TO MATCH. We give x-ou one 1 rod and fancy $2 25 mu $1 «)0 K6 a look at newest thing Russell’s you - ° Died Arch. Benton and McLeilan are the] BOYCEâ€"In Bentinck. Sunday, Apri. 3rd. Robert W.. only son of Mr! and Mrs. Richard Boyce. aged 11 {I Wm. and Henry’s pile is humor as years. 1 months "Id 21 days. Mxemoxâ€"In Bentinck. on Saturday - April 9th, James Mightun. aged 22‘ 599 on Friday. "The boys from this years. . Its a large gathering consisting of I the members and adherents of Knox 81 Church. Nnrmanbyt assembled at the residence of Mr. T. Gadd to spend a 0' 9 near future every- thing Will be running at full blast . ‘ Mt . James Watson on behalf of managers -â€"_... Andrew Picken’s the other night. and congregation expressed the deep .- We are sorry to â€89°" "“8 week sense of appreciation they felt for his -._ â€'1“ W0 13- Matthews, once 0‘ â€â€œ3 services as treasurer for a number of m p ace, but now 9‘ Toronto, 15 a†pres years. the willingness and cheerful- ï¬ ent in the hospital there undergomg nus with which be discharged the 3% an operation for.appendlcitis We duties of the ofï¬ce and haped he ’ 11099 W hear 0f h‘s speedy recovery. would long be spared to enjoy the % W e have not seen no: heard tell of we will get spring in the near future pgeRsant 8:503 :eléallfof the 'us the snow is fast disappearing and U nox ‘5 1a 'west of us with roads flooded in However, not much i that we are aware f . t " '° . “ ° gratitude. . . _ except the carrying away of fences. ï¬g; ’ There has been no meeting- ï¬ â€œchurch here for some time on a $5 30f bad roads and the sev “9‘13: . 5351's- . - -~. . {not saying a word about the bangeen a; l in the ccount attenda at ur ereness ol . nce o v . ’ . 41 m â€h“ “m“ “N “N New Nr- New- Sit-2.: m ‘12???»2’5323 :2? at: r as . 3 ton, is likely to be along any Sunday cause, f it: intrirns' vallfe but as a : $ 5 from this out and it will seem more 0 1c ; $ iï¬ glike old times to meet again at the! â€of?“ 0“ our-esteem. ’ st: EE TCentre - ; give road on his way to town a fort- Sumsâ€"In lnight ago Mr. Gresby had poor luck April 5 of late as he had his other horses A Sirn ' badly snagged some time ago. ° Mr. Pinnock lost a horse recently LIVINGS'I‘O §and purchased one at Captain Mc- d3]. Al Lauchlan’s sale. Frank I The poet 18 Bull cracking Jokes 3 Arch Beaton and McLellan are the , ' champion wood cutters They cut Boxesâ€"In . Willie Edwards. "of ' spent the past fortni, uncle and other friends . Jesse Edwards. who éfortune to break his w ; while ageighriding some Mr. Malcolm Mcfdillen h d cessful wood bee on Saturda; Iii-0‘. _â€" Miss Bella Binnie, of Spent. Easter week at the Steed. .‘Jr. John Beacon. be preacher Jack, from been visiting friends Durham since Easter. v'vc- either of the caudidat but by and by we exp comingalong with out looking for votes. b 9 near future every- 3 running at tull blast A number around‘ th going to take musicl Miss M Hooper as soon will allow her to make UT The cement train has made her anneal-nun. nt- 8 Henry intends leaving th West. in the near fp- very successful wood been Phe fair sex joined them in the avail m: and tripped the light fantastic «in vhe weesum’ hours. nusiness, was through our nher day and purchaseda numben )f {at cattle. A few from our hex .social on good time» burg attended the the 2m! and report a William Hunter changed the sub. ject the other day l) , ï¬llish' . fall threshing, 5 â€'2 his The quW is rapidly (lisflpfleï¬ and we expect soon that seeding be the order of the day. Rich Blood Old Mom mm» from M as: blood. I {ouud’no "not and! I took Ann Barnum“. Four W pm My cured me." Mr. I'- moo. I. Y. no “:38. F. n. .r. c. A"! 00.. o . Lowell Mug, undmmm. for H I I it. Their doctors ousted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength In it. You know the medicine thatâ€" makes pure, rich blood- Beacon. better known as Henry’s Corners BE mepastor. Mr New 0 be along any Sunday and it will seem more ' w 11- _ had poorluck Sums In Durham, 0" '1 April. 5th, to Mr. and M 0th" horses A. Sirrs. ‘ daughter. 6 ago. arse recently LIVINGSTONâ€"In Durham. on Captain Mc- gay,_April 7th. to MLQI here and (““ï¬ppearing in t! __ "mum. unucnarge 01 your- duty and your faithful and constant? Signed on behalf of the Society. I ARCH. MCDONALD. G50. MARSHALL. MISS L Bums. .- sts GRACE WALLACE. ' MISS MCCRACKEN. ‘ any, April 7th. to Mnand Mg Frank Livingston. a son. “We?“ years past been void of our will 5 he was only three months married. The funeral ser- vices were conducted at house and grave by the Rev. J. P. Bell. A large number of teams followed the remains to the Saugeen Cemetery forg interment. I‘hp 9mm“: m.-- L“ ‘H4.P.â€"O-___ Arthur Hunt. 1Y “I With DDOl around again. Bentinck. Monduy April _L -_ p ‘0 - Charlie Lawrence of Mount. Forest. spent Easter at. his ho me here. Andy Ford. who has been workin in the Inn: for some time intends returning to Cementville this week. Mrs. John McGillivray is still keeping poorly . Allan McMillan is engaged with George Binnie for a. term of eight months at a good jingle. Address and Presentation of Mr. :na Mrrg.‘ Barbara Gilchrjgt spent ._:al I . and Mrs. Joï¬n' ant. who has been serious- pneumonia, is able to be Vickers. :I‘uesday, spent a .531 a McIntyre Block Cull i. FARMERS ! ’PHONE 2 7 in and ask to see our Quality Will Tell In The Long Run Canned Cum, Peas and Tomatoes quality and freshness unequalled. THE Durham, 0m; We can safely recommend every article we sell to customers. bring your Butter 4 Highest prices will The Best Pure Money for lac lb Hater them. C‘P‘. Glove. Berry Sets, 31 .60 be p37d; , 40c and 1' an t“! thm thfu ‘00: ’1‘ n Ox Wedneedey night ol the town wee treated to float instructive and inn tnree delivered here in m The epeeker wee the in HcDongnli who for man] been engaged in Missii amongst the Indians of West. The speeker was} an the present. towd Bound. and from hi.~ ed hood he run nesocieted emetomed to lama q The epeeker is highly gm word pictures. end carriei one. 'ith him in mm: M: needy two hours. In c treyele Were 80 reeli luteeer would imegine q IUD“ Io beentifuliy The herdehips endured, tnree encountered and goose! ponrtreyed would I the developed imagine! â€Ii“ Old yet we have Dr. McDougeli to verif; efeech of his assertiuni the Indien is the true 1y Oral. but undevelQpedi ‘oï¬ebie in their .194 sunâ€"The. S horses. has h April 19th to Ap hoot deemed m3 at of the m)nditi«..~l A summit of young but: hove constituted t to I Shekesperian Club. 0‘ Game of the principal flaunt of English dra the pest month they h fled in the stud) of they purpose presenting “form about the tire week of May when the town may expect a are lobar or espense is being pmpcretion. They will costumed end present true opecuculer form. privilege of seeing co (or one of the costumes. “out. the young club w' it beet form. We bes n hearty support. WE gave in this has" udcon 6 speech on the 4 Paciï¬c. believing as we member’s actioue m the b. more generslly know “noon“. tad ubove I proud to hnve so able l tivo. He is not in the 6 sinus ha is non seeking :1 mini electors we cannot with eloqtionoering mol render of this paper shat “dun. It is worthy a ï¬fth of no ncreï¬w utad CI The “use! was crushed ll under the weight. a! 800! ly Outed. 08 Friday last 1 a. 1:04 on which by public auction bought by Mayor thd by his brothe or. Both gentlem 30: extra good val: The purchue pl ic‘ Till South Grey Society proposes this voluoblo prizes to sch proï¬ciency dong agri Full particulars will be but in the meantime 1 him the: it would be i: oll pupil. to leorn as l Iible about noxious 1 form. BIN. Com Dcunu. "tori“: Miniuter of committed suicide. by “If. A young lady toe Ion: tandem) reject. 0‘ matings. tnd he tho pressure. LIP “ARV M ARSHAI In an Operation la: ,v dlcitin is getting a was alien down d «160er severe [1 hurt. but being in ex we expect. to ï¬nd her n 1w- are pleasm Iadinghuu. w in psuing his ion! Exnminat routé. bf to hot? it I 611qu now I of all chunges of b oï¬oe. VOL. 38-»l FIE!) DURING THE : CHRONICLE RI um I Ne am he: Hun r. M ‘60 us [0