‘3‘ Pearcey’s Pure Prepared Paints Lovely Wallpapers ed that. there will be a. Pro- * ‘ ' n at. an early fly take place tow. week, the Li‘gis - A reconstruction of the Ministry Will { for 11001. bonsuuqm. . The National Sanitariu we place before the_ election. Agorzney-Gmm-ax. “on. J. )1. Gibson, , koh- onne yea a -â€"a woman from N3 ’ is to retire. His name has been men- 1 into the hospital . 9 ' f M attention to his pnyat . . F. B. Luchford. who in at. 916- . W " ' in the South in search of health. mummflfmw â€xii“! “ ‘ â€"t-â€"‘J 6“. r ago thi panca- und six same price. this Spl’mfl- bro“ Call und see our IIOCK 0! New Amarioun md Canudnn Wall Papers. We still hwe a few remnants at greatly re- duced prices. IRWIN. Don't forget that we large stock of Window Shades from 2:") cents DP. of hhe oldest hrende I made with pure .oil and turpentine. r go father end will longer than other lee end are but. the e nrice. Try these Editor and Pmpn’ctor. our “00k Cabinet l4, â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" ‘1 will accept the New York Court clerk- ‘3 hip. Nothing is stated as yet as tc 2 M r. Stutton’s intentions. 9' Who the new Ministers are to ix i ‘ ‘ 3â€".an 1118!) early T0 CUBE A COLDIN ONE DAY. “ For years when spring time came on and I went. into gardening. I was sure to have an attack of Rheumat- ism and every. attack was more se- vere than the preceding one,†says J oaie McDonald. of Man, Lagan wonnty, West. Va. “I tried every- 3‘ thing with no relief whatever, until , I procured a bowie of Ohamberlain’s '1 Pain Balm, and the ï¬rst application and before the ï¬rst new pet- bounty, ‘v 686 V .0 A V thing with no relief whatever, untnl I procured a battle of Ohamberlmp’s Pain Balm, and the ï¬rs gave me ease, and before the ï¬rst bottle was used I f9 son. Now I feel that I am cured, but I always keep a b ,lain’s Fain Balm in i when I feel any eymp ~ I soon drive m away m ‘ applications of thi ' ' Town of Durham. descri g of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G.R.. Glenelg. 0n the premises is a. comfortable brick ' roamed cottage. a good frame barn and bearing orcherd, an :bun- L sable. a small heat running water. All dunes of the " cleared. title good. Terngs easy and rice lnght. For further partrculars army to I. A A ‘V'n â€"â€"-â€"â€" sed Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for anumber of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it dy for coughs, colds Ihave ever used in my I have u and croup family I have not words to express my conï¬dence in this remedy.-â€"Mrs. J. A. Moore. North Star. Mich. For sale by H. Fathomâ€"2. How to Ward Oï¬' an Attack of Rheumatism. Bruno innino Ttblota. ' it kilo to care All t number of these ' wholly ans 10 to pty unything tow whilst the av 1y 1 . their manten3nce,. in less thsn om 1 I005 Ulluu rs keep a bottle of Camker- Balm in the house and l any symptons of a return '0 it away with one or two L9 of this liniment. For PROS. DANIS. N. D. R.. GIenelg. DURHAM P. sixteen yesrs ago. . Dundalk, and Thom i this place, con» 1: ducted the burial service. and the 0 poll bearers were Jos. Badgerow. Robt. Wslier, Geo. Binnie, R J Johnston. John Lyons and Mr. White was born in I 3", UVV‘-va ' ed to take op land for with some others came most unbroken forest c . .4-) 1 w- ‘e U‘J' vv wwâ€" W. Lyons of this place was under l "’5 . . grip last week and had an unpleasant Aim“. Th“ “"11 be season on the lakes. Before leaving for the and near the drill shed meeting Mr. (393' Williams took out: t wife, in the person of Meekin. oi Egremont. d. our congratulations tq couple. Mrs. Williams living with her mothel . C. Williams. ble degree. At the conveyed to h M ually recovered and is about again thankful for the timely aid at a cum Business 5( and Andy Naughton dress. in Hamiltonholi) Friiiay The best clover seed 3 t e urg are You can get a childs 1n the Mitcnell bank robbery here last drab or white for 190“ week. When arrested Naughton had WANTEDâ€"Scrap irm in his pockets $152 in cash and a pass ‘ ' do at C. Smith 85 Sons. Pewny’s kid gloves black and colors at Gr Go to George Lam Jim Murphy were arrested Ladies fancy silk cu They ask- turnovers lï¬cts. at G ed for food and Mr. Allan gave them For grass seed and i 0‘ W11“ had to Geo. Lawrence's. taken place here. He was. however. the better able to give agood des- vs 05. criptlon of the men, which secured by _ n I LL21. “Inna whn was Mr. A. Munshaw has purchased a mate for his roadster and with Mr. S. Colquett at the helm will work his farm with his own team this sea- children 0 Gill University, Montreal, suddenly bereft of his wift in August . last. are visiting the Professor’s sie- ter, Mrs. J. P. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence left on Tuesday for Kenton, Alta. The former’e brother has been in the West for some time and iein love with many Albert... , Hr. Edger gallant, who is “‘01:; "‘ 1- n_-I| “A“ t M 3. Rev.) Ayers, of Toronto. is z :r ( daughter. Mrs.Joseph visitihii her Blackburn- 0 Miss Maud Beggs, of Holland war.- is visiting her father here and Miss Nellie. left on Friday ple of weeks with (1‘6. on Saturday to attend the funeral of his aunt. The bereft husband. Thos. Heard. who was himself too ill to at- tend his brother's funeral here, lived for a number of years in Artemesia and here lost his ï¬rst, wife whose re- mains lie in Plesherton cemetery. C. H. Munshaw Minnie. are on a vi week. Mr. A McAuley, of Ceylon. has purchased Mrs. Kingston’s residence here and will become a resident the ï¬rst of May. Mrs. Kingston purposes ‘-- A n:an'~ r0. Mr McGill’s far the residence h‘ capied by Ed P8 Archie Ector has rented Guy W i1- liam’s farm for a year. We are pleased to report that Geo. Ritchie’s baby is getting better. Edge, LUWU â€â€œ5†vv".__. Alex. JOpp returns to Owen Sound this week. He is engaged for the season on the steamboat Alberta runn- ing between Owen Sound and Port Arthur. This will be Alex’s sixth season on the lakes. .' _‘ 1‘,“‘ wife. in the person Meekin. of Egremont. our congratulations to the young Mrs. Williams is at present living with her mother in-law Mrs. C. Williams. Mr. J abez Banks has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. James Staples and s .1 9- -IA nnznkhfli‘fl- nMrs. Mann, of Aberdeen.‘ nty. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond‘ and Mrs. W. Guest, of Ben Maine, sons-in-law and 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Henry )n of this place, are visiting gentleman who has been ill time and is at present very he probable cost. of woterworks, idor the advisability of the property and-wind- Eoirs of the Compony. tain t and to cons disposing of ing up the n Armqtrong spent East- -_ n n Business Squibs- of Holland Cen- [DU v-wâ€"v _. one of the very best Photo- HARD w ARE A241) eries in Western Ontario, ow prepared to turn out ""'"""""'"'___,___._.__â€"â€"â€"----" work. F. Kelsey. . ‘ Ladies Dongola Balmoral NOtIC 0' 1" Gm“ 8' . LL HOUSEHOLI tequt tboi pl‘uynucu w -â€"-â€" k. F. Kelsey. lies Dongola Balmoral N923. L. Grant 8. LL HOUSEHOL WM“ something 39“ quested to put their yards and closets ' 3t once 13 I Will be u the Photo line, try in proper conditxon . . ' round m a few days on a tour of Inspectxon. tudro. . - HUGH MACKAY. Health Inspector. pril 9th, 1904.-4 c. pen for Sets. at Grant's. A â€Mfrâ€"â€M tore never does things .- L‘hie week car No. 64955 Town LOtS for 53‘3. .d with mixed hardware, _______ 13868 wrth store 69?}: IN THE CENTRAL p ART OF - n..- 1M. nn East Garafraxa J om: McKncnmE. BUluuuu-ua __ condition u Uuuu w..- Photo line, try {xiiâ€"prob“ . -_ ' round m a. few days on a tour of Inspectxon. )ins regular 5c. HUGH MACKAY. Health Inspector. récts. at Grant’s. A ‘ . M, Mr.- III___,__._...,._,_,..-â€"-.. ' 1 mar does things Am...†91: car No. 64900 TOW“ LOtS for Sale, mixed hardware, _______ thh stove coal - THE CENTRAL PART 0F ‘0 supply t 0 1 Durham One lot on East Garafraxa. ng thirty feet fronuge a. full supply in boots and ‘ cKay Dunn, llars 25cts. and 'ant’s. clover seed go m. school boot Field and ï¬arden Seeds Muralo, E HA VF in bro! and Shoes w] and 500. April 12. 1' One seven-room one storey mum 1 acre of good bmkhng lots. “Ed. duo a number n-- 4..“ m nu. Prices right. examine and price these MACHINES. 1904.-â€"tf‘ House for Sale. BURTEK Durham. and Food. 3 Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ................ Lamb ............. . Tallow .............. « Lard ................ Cough. am. turnout. and other and human“ u‘o quickly relieved by Oracle“ “blob. tenants pot box. All amen-ts Trunks. Vauses. ClUb Bags! Telescopes. CUSTOM WORK And gs proqlptl)’ ‘3 PU Remember the placeâ€"Next to D. Campbell’s Implement Ward-tonne- The best makes. WE HAVE some odd sizes in broken lines of Boots and Shoes which we ere sell. ing a reduced prices to clear. They are good value gt more than we ask for them. We have a. lot of different Shoe Dresaingo in stock and more coming. Ask for t bottle-‘0! ~ Glycerine Lustre, regnlnr 25c size. Enclosed with ovary bottle is n Genuine Silver Spoon. This is no fake. Every spoon in good. Spoon and polish . 25c. TERMS CASH. Q.O-.-" :7 pigs. tad "pairing dOIO m DtV‘ï¬P-Ib‘b‘flo 17 to 10 to 15 75 10 75 10 hand.