he Big4 )l‘l fol In \\ tPu lntx Store. HIU heap. €65? paid 2'25 - vqu "(III UCUU charged by Mr. Alex. Beggs with be- in; noisy and oflensive in front of his place of business. The insults became unbearable. so he claims. and an information was lodced. Though, several boys were implicated direct‘ evi‘lence was established only in the cane of two, and these were ï¬ned two dcllars each and costs, amounting to neerlv seven dollars apiece. Magis- tra'e Telford’s decision so far as we can learn, has met with general up proval. and it is to be booed that the ï¬ne imposed will have u salutary in. fluence on the youth of the town. and prevent a recurrence of such .1 :_ii~*-irhances. The question of deal~ h ing with boys is a difï¬cult problem, d mow especially so when they are al bend to grow up without pmper 1. home train'vg. Some of theevidence (1 very unsotiefuotory. and utter u was. hear â€"â€" ,’ ON Tuesday morning last Mr. Wm- .\ Pouch; Magistrate’s case was held 5 Lawson and family had quite a sur- lmre on Wednesday night of last prise on ï¬nding'their driving house Week. A number of boys had been in ashes, ï¬re having occurred some charged by Mr. Alex. Beggs with be- ' ' in: noisy and ofl'ensive in front of other articles it contained a new his place of business. The ' became unbearable. so he claims. and of the ï¬re has not been ascertained, an information was lodced. Though, ' ’ several boys were implicated direct‘ aviJence was established only in the, rase of two. and these were ï¬ned two lcllars each and costs. amountino m -u‘l Iuneral took.place Thursday to Riv- erstown Cemetery. Wm. Edge, Dan Edge and Robt. Edge three nephews from this vicinity attended the fun- eral Mr. James Edge was unable to be present on account of the state of his health. The deceased leaves a Mnily of two sons and ï¬ve daughters. viaâ€"«Philip af Egremont. Robert of Arthur township, Mrs. Bennett, of Ymien. Manitoba. Miss Mary of’ Mt. Forest and Sarah and Fanny at home. luneral I'VOV W Mt. Forest. The deceased lady was the only sister of Mr. James Edge of Edge Hill, and was 79 years at the time of her death, which occurred on Monday of last week. She was a‘ rwiilent of the township for nearly sixzy years and knew everything in Connection with pioneer life. The 1.-. . r - ' ' “ bouquet of roses was Miss Bessie B while the groom his‘brother. Will gratulations all n in; room where a .‘vu' Irwin liz‘os'u. of Muiock. The: bride was becomingly attired in a! dress of white lustre with white silk' applique trimming. and carried a! A «gum wedding took place on. evening of March 30th. at the In of Mr. G Mighton. \iulock, when eldest daughter. Amy. m marriage by How. U E Pineo ‘ , _ â€"â€"--â€" lDurham seems to have her share 0. ADHURT ““19 “I? we referred to it. Miss Marshall. of the Review Alr- éllflmw Mellyrlde. 0‘ Langdon, stafl, is the latest victim, and we .\. \V. l.. henng in the hosmtal at understand the caaei Calgary under treatment for chronicI - . IAt time of writin an o oration b bronchitis, from which he recovered' g p 35 l I been decided nicely. Recently he was taken down ! - with typhoid and is again in the has»! q“ pita! With his many friends we re . gm his misfortune, m: we he 3 hafvgn‘g’gamgeet 3W.†C -. may soon be restored to his wife and i . g p " . . t ‘ . .â€" familv in the full enjoyment ofper- .‘ 3 sweetness on â€Â£8 desert air feet health. . of Mr. H Might-m. \lulock, When his I- a. certain .Itlest daughter. Amy. wan united,l30rtlon of ground to the cultivation ll lll‘APl‘iagq-g by “NV, (3 E Pint-’0 [0 Of beets, “7" 1.....f.‘ l) , . .- _ Tun water was very high in river on Sunday last, and I trouble for Ed. Kress when it to his basement where he had a lo furniture‘ bed mattresses, and c goods stored away. _ VVOIBV by sending in News items, but indo- ing so we request them to be so kind as to give their names, not for publi- cation. but to enable us to have some idea. of the source from which the :nRAâ€"u- - ed to a good position in the Standard Bank. Toronto. I Ox Thursday last ingston became the I: bouncing boy. Tm: subject for n91 .ing in the Baptist 0] Newton will be â€I br last Mr. FrankiLiv. A COMMIT'I‘ the happy father of 8. Grey Agricultural Societ next Sunday even. ; Chard] by Pastor “National Sins.†cumstapces are very trying to the relatives, and especially to the sor- rowing mother, so soon bereft. of an retinas doughtor. Qno. sister. 3 Ju. Hepburn, and foot broth- 3:31 “V‘J 0f Cumnn. Hark... -1 before her daughser’e death. deceased was 32 years oï¬age, mad been married ten years. leaves. besides Mr husband, an fan“ d'ushter only three weeks '0 mourn than Inna n! . m-.L-_ . 3nd She ' in- old present we can say n We understand that incendinrism is cute family. other oblige sign give it a modern and up-to-date ‘ appearance/ The cozy Reading-room i in connection is also very attractive. 1 It Will be some time before the build- is completed, adding sixteen new bed yu‘uuaï¬uu [n9 proper Post- ago. on ac- ~~-~‘~- roads. THE friends and a. Mrs. Hannah Firth Mr- R visiting friends in Ha lly 0‘ pleased to learn that omot- ing nicely from her ndard l and will soon return t FOR THE weather ï¬c cold, Tuesday bein _ her than Anvil THE Walkerton W. D. Cdnner, who cages without a b build another cage. started_operations, and it in “m . UUI . Canada Cbiié'ée ’i‘uem M Sorry to learn of him bemg again So prostrated. for the Pat‘s-{Sm cently to Mr PUDCipal Allan Purchased the I ago. d for Toronto. Tuesday mormng. u 9 t t ' _ teefala‘tyExohegmgge he prize “St for Mr. Thos Stevenson, of Toronto began work this week In C. Smlth \ M en yearswas s'old re- ntly to Mr. John McFadden. d‘W 111017110ng . and sons, moulding shop. . e been occupylng HE weather continues IVE YEARSAGO MR. J. A. HUN- . raw and THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITOR8 IN . l, Tuesday being more like Novem- ’ than April. ceiling in artestic de- noderu and up-to-date be cozy Reading-room . also very attractive. time before the build. ten Years. She husband. an in. three weeks old Hérbort Binder Twine lg an operation has . and will be per- lesday afternoon. ,, v'v-.-U"u UPUUD Due haszer o 7 I o . . ‘ nd acquaintances of holidags With his sister in l'orest Firth, who is now ville. It is whispered around that in Hamilton, will be he also visited somebody else’s sister that she is recover. in Park Hill before returning. her recent illness, Fred Kelly returned to Upper aflnnl‘n nï¬ilA-_- m g zy stamp col. ollars for it. Wine in. poor pro. §l§°9dy In Keeler’s Window ‘thi Saturday, April 16th -_ u...’ quayaluu you. I Come early and get your share of the greatest bargains ever placed in a Durham win- dow. We have still a lot of the “big stock†that we bought at a low rate on the dollar and it will he sold cheap. THEY am?†A POSTAL card from Warsaw 81a. was received at this ofï¬ce. quite a curiosity and we’re Inn]; Aral- nun-â€" will, :‘surprise†you camp}: UNIMPROVED 'l 0.5- -- mu we growing town ch there has been ï¬ve he past two years, and nin. Price $11 per ac. of No. 1 land in a dis- pays, get full parti~ or WM. EDGE. I town Saturday to 1d relatives in the in Toronto Monday business and pur. >f millinery goods, and Edward Burt Wednesday mornw Engineer on the Y. went to Strat- 13214 E now until the end 3 has been V151.“ pendent in this week’s budget. , returned to his for Sale. TPROVED iwing town ' is been iive years, and May Beatty on the ice near Vail’s Point, about nineteen miles east from Owen Sound. on Saturday, solved the mystery of the disappearance of the young lady on March 20. Miss s11 per ac eatty was a handsome young bady {d in g, dig; of 20 years, dangliter of Tnos Beatty full parti. ahighly respected farmer, who re- sides in the township of St. '" , EDGE can of Balaclava. The young lady Edge llill became afflicted with nervous tronnle labout a year ago, and went to Owen ______! Sound as the guest of her Sister. Mrs. Mm'H. Vt. Fletcher. In the hope that a ’change would imp'ove her health. The beneï¬t expsctad did not mater- ialize, and early in March she went to the General and Marine Hospital for treatment. Her condition was not sufficiently serious to prevent her visiting her relatives on Bay Street occasionally. On Sunday evening March ‘20. she. volunteered to return to the hOSpital without an escort. Later in the evening she was met by people, three miles east of the tOWn, as they were going to church. That was the last seen of her alive. In- ' quiry at her home two days later elicited the {act that she was not there, and the deepest concern was felt by her relatives, and the details of her disappearance were published in the local press. On Saturday, John McMillan. of Balaclava. was teaming logs. which had drifted on the shore during the summer months when he was startled by ï¬nding the young lady lying across a log, where ntly frozed to death. She had apparetly walked north through Balaclava. going out on the. ice at the Point, and had plodded along the shore in the direction of her home. Exhausted from her walk ,of nineteen miles through the snow. and probablv in a condition of nervous you. 'insanity. she had mistaken the log your for a bed. and sitting. had removed rains her shoes and then had lay across the log to freeze to death by the cold at of winds that swept across the Georgian end cams. Associate Coroner Dow was notiï¬ed, but, in view of the cir-' cumstanses. conï¬dant!) an thongs -- ’ .. .: .l' w‘-'.w, .13!" s I r E . I ‘ *‘V â€-2“ p week for the ‘ KNOW] Paying Large Profits. load of the \VHEN you are dows of “The Big now north from the river. Of course the ï¬elds 1y bare. BODY FOUND. are. passing the win- Blg Store †just stop m..- LL“ afctm did not macer- y in March she went and Marine Hospital Her condition was serious to prevent, her] F-«.o.-‘ Aprilâ€"and fiï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©s seem from the Saugeen the ï¬elds are most. 1 092m in earnest. :ame down the 2nd and h°_reports lots them as m â€"â€" vvv lrrors us_ before far-in , Where death. north on the 3 1904. of 1904 for 60 Cents 25$ . . 23 CASH AND ONE PRICE Tweed Suitings, Ornaments and ALL GOODS the rise in pf Rive our custo Purchued baton 106, bl!‘ WC '1†mar: the heath. Opening several M1 gOOdS, consisting « NOW IN DELAYED Etc.