Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1904, p. 4

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A Militia Bill will be introduced cun- hining several important amendments b the present law rendered necessary by the growth of the Force and calcu- u to W in anciency. The sum of $511031) in cash has hen deposited in the Bank of Montre- Ol in accordance with the provisions “Mined in the original and suple- natal agreements with the company. The agreement made with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company re. guiding a new transcontinental rail- way. contained certain stipulations which in effect required the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada “Wawty to that agreement a to m heavy obligations in mm. - Further consideration of the agree- “ by “I! Wilmives of the “Trunk Railway Company and u, Smelt-amt has resulted in show- u the desirability of certain amend- ments to the contract which, having been approved by my Government and subsequently by the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, will he submitted to you for ratification. It is very gratifying to know that until5years interest isdue, upon whicl the yearly increasing trade of Canada, the government shall operate the roar which has been so marked a feature 0 until such time as it will have recoup of the past six years, gives no indica- ‘ ed itself, when the property will rever‘ tion of any abatement. while the num- to the company: the G. T. P. is giver her of settlers seeking homes in Mani- ; permission to present to the Grant toba and the Territories is without a 3 Trunk $25,0mfll) in common stock parallel in the history of the country. ' which may be sold in open market it These two very important facts lead i place of being help by the Grand Trunll irresistibly to the conclusion that long ; as a company for 50 years: running before the Transcontinental Railway. ; rights over the Eastern Section to be authorized by parliament at its last i guaranteed the Grand Trunk for 5( session. can possibly be completed, its ; years after the expiry of the lease in urgent necessity as a medium for i the event of the government taking carrying the products of the \Vest to f over the road: and the G. T. P. to have our own Atlantic ports will have be- i' the right to sell to the government, at come apparent independently 'of the l the expiry of the lease all branch lines many benefits that will follow from I which may not be considered desirable the opening up for various enterprises l by the company. of the Northern parts of Quebec and' It will he Ontario. “c-___ __ .1_ u--- seen at a glance that the In again meeting you in Parliament. it is our duty to express our heartfelt thanks to a heneficent Providence for the abundant harvest with the country has been favoured during the past year. and for the general prosperity that prevails in all parts of the Do- minion. Honourable Gentlemen of the Senate: Gentleman of the House of Commons: The Address of the Governor-General on the opening of the Home. Durham, March I7, 1904. DURHAM CHRONICLE MacFAHLANE EU. A trio! will convince you tho: these remedies are no expotiment. COMMON S IN SESSION. '. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Veterinary Preparations. Give it a test. and you will be utisfied it is all we claim for it. Draggists and Booksellers. Exterminate The Vermin. We always keep on head a lull line of veterinary rem~ edies, and are in u poeiticn to put up all veterinary receipes entrusted to us with skill and uccurecy. Our own thoroughly tested and reliubie veterinary pre- purutions are in Jorge de- mand throughout this sec. tion. and give the utmost satisfaction. You can get nothing better than our COUGH POWDER, BLIS TER, HEAVE REMEDY, THICK NECK REMEDY. LINAMENT, etc. Now in the time to get rid of the lice that inieet the poultry and stock and the ticks that are a pat to the sheep. Your hens will not lay well, nor your stock and sheep thrive well, 2 long as theae parasites worry them and nap their vitality. LOUSE KILLER is the best thing you can one and the easiest to ap- ply. It destroys the ver- min completely without in the least injuring the an- imal. Timothy seed-Thos. McGirr. Rob- ert Edge. Clover seedâ€"W. L. Dixon. Euly poutoesâ€"Wm. Smith. Sum L. Scatt. ‘ Blue peasâ€"W. L. Dixon. Wm. Smith. Spring whoat~Wm. Dixon. Sam L Scott. Goose wheatâ€"Wm. Smith, Sam L. Scott. Six rowed barley-D. Hamilton, Wm. Smith. - Long white oatsâ€"Wm. Smith David Leich. The following is the prize list for the Seed Fair held in Durham on March the 5th. 1904: :PG. T. P. may lease the Eastern Sect1on :‘ piecemeal as a const1uction 1s complet- . ed; the gua1antee of the bonds of the -, P1ai1ie Section 18 unchanged, but on » I the Mountain Section the Government » .'11ndertakes to guarantee 75 per cent of the a1 tual cost, i11stea1l of a maxi- , mum of $30,000per mile: the govern- . 111ent undertakes to refrain from fore- }closing its mortgage on the G. T. P. g until' a yea1s inter est isdue, upon which gthe gov emment shall operate the road g until such time as it will have 1ecoup- e1] itself when the p1 operty will revex t 3 to the companv: the G. T. P. is given permission [1) present to the Grand i Trunk $25.1)(ll,(l)t) in common stock I wl1i1h may be sold in open market in gplace of being help by the Grand Trunk as a 1on1pany fo1 50 years: 111n11ing ‘ fights 01 er the Eastetn Section to be , guaranteed the Grand Trunk for 50 ' yea1s .1fte1 the expi1y of the lease in g the e1 ent of the gove1 nment taking {met the road: and the (i. T. P. to have the 1ight to sell to the go1ern1uent, at the eXpiry of the lease all branch lines It will be seen at a glance that the few redeeming features of the original agreement are wiped out. The com- pany assumes no risk, the hazard be- ing the government’s alone. I In brief the period of construction I of the \Vestern Section is extended i from 5 to 8 years, with a further pro- } vision against strikes; the G. T. P’s ! liability for rolling stock is reduced i from $20,000,000 to $15,000,000 for both ’sections; the Grand Trunk deposit of 35.00041» may be made in “cash or ap-‘ proved securities,” instead of “cash or' approved government securities,” and will be repaid on the completion and equipment of the \Vestern Section and not held, as originally intended until the Eastern Section is completed: the A. _ __ l l n a contract dated February 18th. ; the government agrees to release the lGrand Trunk from almost every ob- ligation it took upon itself in the mat ter of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Every boasted safeguard to the people’s in- ‘terests is swept aWay, and strong as was Hon. A' G. Blair’s denunciation of the scheme of a year ago, one uu-‘ consciously wonders if that gentle- man’s vocabulary would be equal to presenting the deal, as it now stands, in its true colors. The secret of the government’s secrecy in connection with the amend- : ments to the Grand Trunk Pacific con- ‘ tract is out at last. The electors of eight constituencies in which bye-elec- tions were held were denied informa- tion as to the nature of the concession to Mr. Hays and his associates. It is well for the government that strict silence was observed on this question. In eight contests the government vote, on an average, was five hundred and seventy less than in the last general‘ election. Had the G. '1‘. P’s latest deal been announced, it is certain the loss to the government would have been much greater. I After the long protxacted session of 3 the last year, when so many import- ; ant matters were dealt with, it is not } probable that your duties will imvolve . your being detained on the present oc- ' casion for any lengthened period. I commend, however. to your best con- sideration the subjects to which I have . refiered and I invoke the Divine Bless- ; ing on your delibexations. ‘ In view of the widely extended set- Q tlements now forming in the Territo- , Mounted Police Force, and authority will be asked for that purpose. [Gentlemen of the House of Commons: The estimates for the coming year will be laidlbefore you at an early date. peniture, leaving a balance to be ap- plied in reduction of the public debt. The accounts of the past year will be laid before you. I am glad to say that the revenue will exceed the ex- boundary between the Dominionv and Alaska, and other papers connected with the controversy, will be laid be- fore you. Every Safeguard to G. T. P Gone A copy of the award defining the SEED FAIR 1.; is to be had at Darling’s drug store. It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and s bonded guarantee to that efiect goes with each package. This is when Hem Raid. the only internal and only absolute Pile cure bringc the results that has made its fame Simptoms indicating other nu .Liua‘ may appear to a thoroughly Pile sick person. After piles have existed for a long time and passed through difierent stages. the sufiering is intenseâ€"pain aching throbbing, tumors form. filled to bursting with black blood. Shippers of these mild cured meats must take advantage of the best means of transportation which are now provided. Ship goods as little as possible to be sold on commission and then only to reliable firms who will see that they are warehoused under proper conditions as regards cleanliness and temperature. W. A. Oneness Publication Clerk. There is Still room for improvement 'as regards packing cases, these are often made of knotty lumber, badly nailed. and no battons at ends (same as American packers use) which give double nail bearings. Heavy split. wood h00ps should be used to bind round each end of the case and for extra large cases an extra binde? should be placed around the centre. Canadian mild-cured bacon and hams are becoming very popular in Great Britain and are preferred to those imported from United States. as they are leaner and there is always a demand for lean cuts. Canadian packing houses should make a close study of the various British markets and supply them with the cuts which are in demand by the consumer. During 1903 the United Kingdom imported 19,818,897 great hundreds (120)0f eggs, valued at £6,617,619. Canada’s share of this‘ great trade amounted to only 557.080 great hun- dreds, valued at £218,571. The im- ports from Russia amounted to £1,- 866,421 and from Denmark to £1, 648- 367. Germany. Belgium and France are the other leading exporters of eggs to Britain, each of these countries sending from three to four times as many as Canada. BACON AND HAM TRADE 1903. Mr. Grindley also reports as follows concerning the Bacon and Ham Trade. As Canadian exporters have to meet this competition, great care must be taken in selecting and send- ing forward only eggs which are per- fectly fresh, clean and graded into sizes. The bulk of these eggs are perfectly clean, and are graded into as many as six sizes, so that today the British importer is not inclined to speculate as in former years, and will have little if anything to do with stocks which have been held in cold storage. Theee foreign eggs now arrive reg' ularly every week of the year. According to a book recently pub. lished in Russia, that country boasts of having left Denmark behind as re. gards export of eggs. Russian com- petition in Butter. eggs and poultry is becoming very serious by reason of adopting up-to-date methods. and 1 these products are becoming much more popular on the British markets, to the improved quality. Russia. Den-1 mark and other foreign countries are now taking greater care in selecting. grading and packing eggs, as well as getting them marketed as fresh as possible. Both "fresh” and “glycerines” have come forward late in the year in large quantities; the quallty was good but the total shipments have not been so large, owing to scarcity of eggs in Canada. The Canadian Egg Trade is in a good way, best brands selling as high as fresh or Danish selected. The eggs are chiefly shipped in the “Ca- nadian box”, with “fillers” holding thirty doz. The style of package is pOpular and being of good quality gives general satisfaction- A limited number of eggs are shipped in the “Foreign Box” which holds twelve long hundreds (1440) eggs. The eggs in these large cases are packed in straw or excelsior and are put up in this style at the request of the Im- porters. “Continental” and “lrish” eggs are packed in this style of pack- age. The following is the report of A. W. Grindley. Agent of the Depart- ment of Agriculture in Great Britain. regarding an important branch of the Canadian export trade in food pro- ducts. Late potatoesâ€"Sam L. Scott Dan Edge. Buck wheatâ€"Thea Gadd. ~~¢om Egg Trade 1903 Appetit_e p63r$~7 Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? Head ache? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all yegetablc. Boldfor 3.0.1 92-00., “my years; 7 Lowe: . Muss. Want your moustache or beard ! beautiful brown or rich black? Use _B_|J_BK|NGHM’S BYE The Worst Kind. DIZZé rite poor? x P. am. 5 co..§s_s§§ 5L5}. Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician Pins, Breaches, Cuff Buttons, Rings, Chains, Watches and many Silver and Cut Glass novelties. Now for SNAPS. Penny Wise Fall Wheat ..... Spring Wheat... Oats ........... Potatoes per bag. Apples .......... Flour per cwt. . .. Oatmeal per sack. Chop per cwt.... Live Hogs ....... Dressed Hogs per Hides per lb. . .. Sheepskins. ...... Lard ..... MCQUARRIE-Jn Bentinck on Wednes. day March 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McQuarrie. a danghter. MCRONALDâ€"In Bentinck on Wednes day March :2pr to Mr. and Mrs. .- '\ YOUNG GROUNDSMAN CHARMING. 3 ears old in July, next. Beautiful bay. w ite face. three white legs. close on 16 hands high. Terms reasonable. JOSEPH CAIRNS, 3 â€"- Ceylon, (Flesherton Station.) OMLINSON. STANDARD BRED, Roadstex. Roofing And Eavetroughing Estimates cheerfully given. Call in we like to see van. Hardware Paints Oils I will be in a better position than ever to supply my many customers with all they need. Place your order early for Fred Siegner and having placed my order for a large quantity 0t A. GORDON Jas. McRonald, a 50!; Notwithstanding the battle with the snow blockade Sieg- ner is stlll 011 top with a la1ge stock of Weeks like last. people need SMOKEDGLASSES. Calland see our stock. But NOT found foolish are those that trade with us. est incomes. HARDWARE AND TIN WARE BATTLE FOUGHT Stallions for Sale. Market Report. Wheat ........ . . i 3 per bag ..... n' cwt ........ 2 per sack ..... S tr cw: ........ l ’88 .......... 5 DURHAM. Mar. 17. 1904 AND WON. A GREAT BORN. cwt. 8 00 15 9O 30 4O t0 to to 8 OO 15 10 75 70 00 .Il’“ $9Â¥5Â¥=¥¥=W¥¥W$Â¥$WÂ¥$WÂ¥ =‘-‘J"“4'I‘->"’<=§% Durham and Owen Sound men's 3.110 W omen’s light felt boots, laced or gait- ‘ ers, regular 1.25 and 1.50 for $1.00. 1 42 4' Women’s and Misses Cardigans for $1.00 5 Men’s oil, tan and buckskin moccasins. regulzu' 1 1.25 and 2.00 for $1 00. a Men’ s fem buckle felt boots 1egular$ 2.50 for $1. 00 Men’s long felt boots regular $2.75 for $1 00. Men’s and Wemen’s light felt boots, laced or gait. DRUGGIST - AND - SEEDSMAN - DURHAM. ed in a few days. SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds PEEL, the Shoeman HORSE AND CATTLE Spice and Food. The best mukes. POULTRY SUPPLIES. GROUND OIL CAKE AND LIESEED. BIBBY’S CREAM EQUIVALENT for calves ;nd young pigs. SCOTTISH CHIEF OATS. A great yielder. CASH FOR RAW FURS. H. PARKER, Have been shipped from England per S. S. Loyalist and are expect- STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM To Know How to Make Big I nterest on Money Invested Ptssengers [nu flock should take Toronto at, 1.45 p -COIODiIt Sleepc to each train. For full purlicalars am “flottlers’ Guide,” "Waste: ‘0‘ ”British Columbia.H .1 Ctnudinn Pacific Agent Passengers: flock should Toronto at to To Ntnitobn won. will leav a” during Ma loot business ( Settlers’ One=‘ Excursions. l \Vorld's Fair. St . lpocialist: Eye. Eal Will be at t. Lin! Ans: lag" and “'5" be at. Kna snazdn’ in em Mu. 10~â€"t{ R G ROCHRIBS. 1’ feed, go to ALLX. I produce bought and 30h livered promptly to any town. ‘ RADULA'H Hu'e you heard of lender. Spcure a l You should ex Buketa. \Vt Work Baskets. Dim of Eye, 1 are very cannot be there is n Present“ Our “’0 have a I Cuttlery and week is IXI Knivec at ; henrd of. 'I‘. goods are km of peOple. Apt“ 50th “December In. I Now is the time to b Pronun- u we nre col Bilvoruure Sale Am: in! urticlou oflered are BISCI'I'I‘ JARS CAKE DISHES. BUTTER DISH BERRY SPOON PIE KNIVES. BI'TTER. KNI \' CleITS AND 51 AND PEPPER I Crockery Me Wedding Pn of euc W. Blac )rk DB. GED. S. BUR The Busv Table DR. BROW GROCERIIES Hardw Ant. Gen. Pass 'anc IL 1 King St. East. V6 A H. NOT” I" m "'8 an ll exummr I‘l [CK ALEX. B ll ll‘

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