Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1904, p. 2

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'ueherwards found that the un. Iortunete men’s neck wes broken Al the occurrence was purely ecci- dentel, Dr. Mourns. the coroner, con- eidered an inquest unnecessary. De. caused had been in the employ of the Knechtel firm ‘ for ehout 25 yen-s, He was born in Germany, emigrating 'hen eyouth. At the time of his lath he wee 43 yeere, 8 month’s end ’nine deye old. The end efleir has eeeeeioned expreeeione o! sorrow on my heed. Deeeeeed leevee, ’e “at ende fer-i], of eix children fleet e! whom ere very young. The ‘ M will tote a on Thuredev ‘ W to the ever cemetery. The first fatal accident in the his- tory of the Knechtel Furniture Co. belell an employee on Monday after noon 0! this week when Mr. Adam Hauart. and general repair man of the firm, was accidentlly killed. The deceased and Jooeph Bohnert were en- gaged in repairing part of the ma- chinery in connection with the ele- vator in the storage building. It ap~ pears owing to a slight shrinkage in aome oi the timbers to which the. gearing is attached the bolts had worked somewhat loose. although not sufficiently to interfere with the operation of the elevator. It being Ir. Hauert’s duty to look after re- pairs of this kind he noticed it. and thoughtit better to have the bolts tightened up. In order to do this it was necessary to stop the elevator. and in doing so the cable partly un- wound from the drum. After the re. pairs were eflected Mr. Hauert pulled the operating chain in order to cause the drum to revolve to take up the slack To do thisit was not neces- nary for him to go under the me. as the chain can readily be reached from the outside. For some unknown reason he went under. and when noticed by Mr Bohnert he immediate ly warned him that it was dangerous. but no sooner was the warning given than the cage dropped. No one seems to understand why the unfort- unate man risked his lile by going into the place he did, as it appears to have been entirely unnecessary. From the position of the deceased it would appear that he suddenly he- came aware of his dangerous position and attempted to come oat, but was not quick enough, as when the cage struck him his head aldarms were only outside of the danger qoint. Death must have been “tom u although he was “W, when out there ”and“ of 1th. Dr. Mearne 0.. Men for the purpose of clearing allow ofl. had been on duty day and night for nearly four months. For three days they had a storm which astonished the oldest inhabitant and lolt him without a Word to say. Farmers had more difliculty in gette in; to town in that week than they had had at any time during the win- ter. By Thursday of the week the cut on the G. T. R. at Limehouse was impassable: on Wednesday the Great Westetm train was completely snow‘ odup between Alma and Draytcn The storm was. of general extent and unaccompanied by rain. sleet and intense cold. It was that spring that the Goldie and Present dams were carried away.-â€"Guelph Mercury. It may be too early yet to prophesy concerning the breaking up of the winter. In the last week of March, 1873, the railways in this section inc all tied up by a snow storm. They had a long and severe winter that year in Ontario and a mint of money spent in keeping the roads op- Mr. J. B. Adams received a letter this week informing him of the detth of his step mother. the widow of the late H. P. Adams. “'hile on her way to Seattle from Los Angeles, Cal., by water. the boat took fire, and she got into a liie boat which was upset and Ike was drowned. The body was re covered and interment took place at Cnvalier.â€"â€"-Hanover Post. An impostor, representing himself to be Dr. Own-n9, Specialist of London. he visited Thamesville, Glencoe, Wyoming, Watford and other places tolling glasses and prescri'ing for the people. His method of Operntion is to hire a rig and engage a driver and make a general house to house visitation. The impostor is quite an. dark complexioned. prominent from teeth. gold filled. A reward is olered for his apprehension. A former drove into London one day last week with a load 0! wood for which be mixed 810dollere 1 single “rd. A business men said he would give 39. The farmer refused the ole [or and took the wood home. The holden' was reported and during the fleeing a crowd of men end boys vent to the farmer’s home where thy discovered ninety cords of maple wood piled in the yard A great fire was started and in a short time the IItire ninety cords were burned. while the farmer and his wife watch- Od the crowd from an upstair window. ; Ir Wm. K Raid. the well-known! ox-tucher. walked into town yous:- hy from his home neurDurhun. He hadn’t boom in town before in three months ad is no doubt keeping him- Iolf in training: (or the Opening 0! the wheeling seasonâ€"Mt. Forest Rep. Fatal Accident At Knochtel‘s Exchange Echoes. “O'D’a “on. k hath kopofroznmohfldm The X Ray depadmentgives wonderful malts. A girl came in with a. double thumb on omhand. She left with one thgmb-p peg-fog. hgud. See what: the land of the Surgeon does {or the cnpplod children of Ontuio. A Hollar or tire {nouns "soull' lot of money out of. your pocket, but it takes a bignloag o_f mispry out. Of some little l_ife._ - The avg-ago stay 'of every patient m u .dazshthe cost. per patient per (1511940 _ DHOBI AMER O! the 808 patients 293 come from 216 places outside of Toronto. In three you: the patients from different parts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 250 â€"I_Ieurly a third of the entire number._ In sii years 1,400 outside patients hve been treatedâ€"and for 20 years past they wilmrenge 100 a year. Last year ihere were 868 boys'and girls in its beds and cots, and of these 493 were caged-end 2.47 imp-any. lore and after. This is the 28th year of the Hospital’s life. The story of the years is a wonder- lnl oneâ€"for in that period 10,000 children have been treated, and over 5,000 cured 301! 3,000 imgrovod. This is the reason' that the Trustees ap- peal to the fathers end mothers of On- tarioâ€"for as their money goes out to help the Hospital so the Hospital’s mercy can go eat to help the children. _ sad the same mivileaes as annex l’OR mmumu. some claim sad the some pxivilegos as the Toronto ch'i'l‘flporo ‘within sight. of igs tolls. The'Hospiml for Sick Children, Toronto, la not a. local institutionâ€"it is Provincial. The sick child from “i any part of '_ I O n t. a r i o ' whose par- ; ents cannot afford to pay for treatment has the n Tat-o Cup. of Ivory 510k Child In Ontario Who Cannot Afford to Pay For Treatment. Don’t fail to tesr, Ferrozone, which druggists sell the world over. Price 50c per box. or six boxes for $2 50. By mail from the Ferrozoue company, Kingston. Ont. Get a supply of Fer- rozoun to-dayâ€"ic assuress health. MONEY at 4E2) MacKay Dunn, Durham. â€"tf. Mrs. E. C. Raycroft. of Sunnyside, says: "I owe a great deal to Ferre- zone which improved my health very much. Before using Ferrozoue I was weak and listless and had no color in my cheeks. After taking a few boxes I telt better, and by continuing Ferr ozoe I gained eight. pounds in weight. My complexion is clear and my ap. petite good. Ivan recommend Ferro- zone very highly. It isa Splendid tonic” THE GREAT CHARITY. Why not restore your beauty and keep back signs of old age? It is easily done with Ferrozone Suffer no more from nervousness and weak- ness; use Ferrozone instead. Let Ferrozonn help you to get more out of life. It is an easy and quick road to health. a Splendid remedy for all womanlv disorders If you are thin. run down have blue transiparent skin. you need Fe:- rozone. When the nerves are weak and the tears ever xeady to flat». its a sure sign you need it badly. Noth ing on eatth makes blood so vitaliz ing. nothing puts on flesh. makes bard muscle, and renovates weaken- ed systems like Ferrozone. Inok_at_thésefii;iét‘n?e_§ of club feetâ€"be- Are Coveted by all Sensible Women For Health and Beauty Use Bond Figure, ed It had snowed for 48 consw-mi days. and the "beautiful” coverm. 7; ground to a depth of four or five fe in the bush while at certain Dun" in the clearances and along the row it was piled as high as ten feet. The Iidlsnd Free Prue man says he can well remember the severe Victor oi 1874 75. no he was living on a farm in the township of Collin: wood nt thnt time. The snow fall on the 5th of October. and remained nn» til spring with the exception .of a slight thaw in Janunry. The {arms re were cnught with their pomtoes and other root crops in the ground When? ’they remnined until spring Potatom were dug out in the spring: as (huh and nice :9 could be. but turnips; we”: rotted to a. large extent. The onu- railway running into Owen Snuml at that time was the old Toron'o. Grok: and Bruce, constructed on the mum“ gaugv, “stem. and therefore H‘ .rh more difficult to keep“ open Mun) thrilling exneriencee could he I‘Hla ~€ in connection with this pioneer tum! It in true that from February 23ml .- Mnrch QS'h. 1577;, traffic on the n’l Grey anri Bruce was entirely sum-«xi errozone. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, TORONTO. Rosy Comp BXIUH. tho Heap! Pleat. lend your contributions to J. Ron Robot-hon Chairman, or to Douglas David-on. Scuba”. of the Hospital for Blob Ohlklren, Co 9120 Sumo, Toronto. If you know of . sick childâ€"the club 2906130)? 91' girlâ€"send his parent’s name to Twenty-three children who came in with club-feet. were sent home perfect cures last car. There are as many more in the capital to-day awaitmg treatment. Take off the handicap of deformity «- give all chi‘ldron a fair start in the race of life. help to'do tBavt. Look at the piciures of a Before and after.” They tell their own storyâ€"surely yole will hglgus in t_h_is good work. _ If your ddlhr could straighten the fwt of a little boy or girl wytb club- feet you yould gladly give it, and your dollm will 7l‘here fie two newspaper cots, and boys and girls from the country are placed in thg cogs fouqdedby the neyvqupe; men. The citizens of Toronto contribute about 7,000 a your towards the. m a i n to name of every patient in the Hospital, whether fromcity or country "I: ENJOY! READING. Toronto does itscshnre in the good work, and the Trustees ask you to do yours. The Newspaper Prbprictors (3f Ontario have kindly helped {he Hospital by insert- ing__our appeals. The Corporation ronto gives 37,500 a year to the Hospi . ml for the mam- tenance of every child, whether from city or country. Health and Wealth. You give Wealth to the Hospital, and the Hospital gives health to the children. Your money means mercy to somebody’a child. Your money can cheer some mother’s heart by saving some mother’s ehild. _ The prospects for the profitable manufacture of butter have never been brighter than they are this season. The exportation of butter from Russia, which is assuming large proportions, will probably be much curtailed by the war between that country and Japan, and this fact. together with the firm 'advices from England. should bring about higher prices in the near future. With the present good home trade demand, producers of choice creamery butter will find prices profitable this spring. The StOCk of cheese in Great Britain 1 and Canada is now almOSt double that! of last year, and if many fodders arel made. it is bound to result in pheno- menally low prices during the com-, ing season. i ”VI?“ BEFORE Yours truly. J. STANLEY COOK, Secretary of the City of To- AFTER Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Table“. All a: Uggim refund the money if it an: to cure lW. Grave's sinetnre in on each box; 25:: a The bright warm sunshine, beauti- 13' ful invigorating climate. and no end to ly nice people makes life here in the West a pleasure. Dear reader I wish you could see the beautiful scenery that I am about to describe, however. 16 the next best thing is to go on with ar the description. A journey from is E Colorado Springs to Cheyenne Moun- 3r l tain and the marvellous Seven Hills, :e is a true resort and near to nature’s h heart and is a magnificent spot where .t inature has outdcne itself in a grand ;. ldisplay of touring clifis and running n l waters which embraces a mile of the :r i grandest scenery in the region of e Pike’s Peak, and is so admitted by l, ' many. The entrance to Cheyenne r 1 Canon can be comfortably reached :- i from the city of Colorado Springs by n I carriage or by a line of electric cars t; that terminate at Stratton’sfPark a e ? short distance from the entrance. In - l all the range of mountains there is noi . : more grander or more beautiful than 1 gCheyenne Canon. Immediately in~l jside the entrance abruptly rises twol g tremendous towering cliffs. standing' j as giant sentinels treacherously " guarding their comrades hundreds of . :‘feet. high. How those sharp edged,l ' iclifl's standing with upright heads} 'iseem to play hand ball with the? g l clouds and alternate with one another lEeach mountain crest. half obscured by “its fellow in front. At this point liyou are almost seized with an inspir- gi ation to halt as your journey seemed! i barred and is at a loss to know which ;' ,way to go. On either side are per : lpendicular walls scores of hundreds“ gOf dizzy feet in height, barely giving . f room for the limpid waters of a moun-l itain stream that sweetly murmurs f a song of play and arcad way between lthem. As you go along this gorge {where the noon day sun never shines iyou are gazing at a wilderness of gsavage walls whose sides are splint-l ered rocks with monumental cragsf and ancient forms As the afternoon '- sun is sending along its last rays oft. “Olden light. touching here and there; i l .e 1 )l‘ the airy pinnacles. then and only then do you realize that you are en- ,veloped in a'stupendous chasm. you i are now at the end of the famous" canon, and at a point where nature has artistically made a beautiful dis- 1 play of rock-pilingâ€"of towering clifis : and rushing waters. Down one side 1 land into a round wall of granite f l l plunges a foaming torrent of white water in seven distinct leaps seem- ingly from a perpendicular height of 1 five hundred feet. The way farer lnow beholds a thrilling scene and is {compelled to take a much safer path, Iwhich is a line of stairway ascending ' ialongside of foaming waters. As _ lthere is no green foliage a magnifi. U cent view can be had of the angry l waters leaping and flashing in the . sunlight from a height of five hun- ' dred feet. No description can convey the scope and grandeur that meets the bewildered eye as you ascend this stairway of almost 300 steps. As the 1 top of the falls are reached you com- !mand a beautiful view of the sur- l rounding mountains and cascades, not only of the seven falls far below but‘ of Colorado Springs stretching far out in the western plains where high waves of rolling land appear as toss- ing billowa on the ocean deep. Above the falls is the steep and winding trail that leads you up the mountain side hundreds of feet high. When the task of climbing is accomplished the tired traveller is greeted by a small plateau on the eastern slope, and under the shade of mountain pines is a weird spot where the wild wind mournfully utters a song of sorrow, cold and all alone is the grave of one of America's truest poets. Here the body of the late Helen Hunt Jackson was 'laid in the tomb. It . was her last request that her remains be laid away among the scenes that she so dearly loved. T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY. 1am in spirit still quite near to Durham and vicinity where so many of my years came and went. but in the body many miles awav. DEAR MR. Burrowâ€"As you have given space to my last letter, I will ask you also to publish this one. for I know many of your huge army of readers will enjyy reading an account of some of Colorado’s scenery. In part. I would say your paper for some time past has not been very satisfac- tory, because you have recorded the deaths of toomanyof my old friends, please try and keep the rest for many years to come. Another Letter From N. McDonald COLORADO SCENERY. Sold in Durham at Darling’s Drug Store. N. McDONALD. "n CALLED RHEUMA- L TISM. kind use Anti-Pill and see There is e greet deal of pain and echo termed Rheu- mticâ€"sometimes celled Kidney pan. The back aches, shoulders, side, and hips. A cold will cause pain and distress in the back, Kidney and Bladder trouble. In cases of this DURHAEE FOUNDRY .1 one year old. Will befisglducll Apply to WM RITCHIE. Edge Hill HOROUGHBRE D YORKSHIRE The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means. after suffering for several years with a. severe lung affection. and that dread disease Consumption, 18 anxious to make known to his fellow sufl‘erers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. free 0: charge. a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Chat-"h. Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy. as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing. and may prove a blessin . will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WI N Brooklyn New York. WANTEDâ€"FAI'I‘HFUL PERSON TO travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salhry 820.00 per week with expenses additional, all pay- able in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business successiul and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn St.. Chicagoâ€"1932 TORONTO. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale, A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. IN Fuvn‘ Tans. SMALL an'rs. Oaxaxtxuu, SHRL'BS, Rosns. Vuus, SEED l’o'u'rozs, E'rc. DURHA M and surrounding country. and take orders tor A man to represent “CANADA’S GREAT”! NURSERIES ” in the Town of The Agent. '. SMITH 8: SONS Singer Sewing Machines and Oxford Cream Separators. London, \Voodstock Clinton Organs. Cutters, Robes and Horse Blankets. Farmers who are thinking of - buying a separator. See the OX- FORD and you will have no other. JUHN UVINGSTDN Massey-Harris Showmoms Repairing promptly attended to Saws gummed and fitted. Castings of all kinds made to order. March 10â€"2 Steam and Gas Piping and Fit tings. Bissau Disc Han-owe Rollers. Domestic Sewing Machines. McCormick Binders, Movers and Rakes. Dealers in and Manufacturers of Harvesting Machinery and farm- ing implements of all kinds. Stone 6: Wellington Our Hardy Specialties A few left which must be cleared out before Xmas. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Boar For Sale. FOXTHILL NURSERIES FULL STOCK OF WANTED OVER 800 ACRES Dr. Leonhardt’o Anti-Pill is a perfect. System Treat- ment. Price, 50 cents. how quickly you will get relief. It acts on all the hrgo glad: of the body. Any 0:. who doubt: should write for a free sample to Wstox-an 00.. Magnum Falls, Out. A LSO M WW "1; Durham. Ont. ONTA RIO. 1:”! Frame buildifinâ€"gt; first class land. 33,400. 212 1.50 March lâ€"tf , _.-_.--u .l Bulls. Heifersiaud Cows be «flanged. VERSCHOYI head of hard. OTS 14. 15, 17, S. D. R., Township of Glenelg. containing 150 acres, 4 miles from Durham. School op site gate. post oflice 5, mile. Farm in g ' shape. all seeded down except 15 acres and am is ready for seeding. Good barn 40x70 stone foundation. Good stabling. implement shed, good brick house. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, Feb. 3. Ian. v 5 '11., 11-. UtJâ€"LVIUCI'UIIU L’U. It miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars apply to DUGALD D. MCLACHLAN. Jan. 28â€"tf. Priceville P. U. August 3rd.-tt' Also lots 3 and l. Kincardiqe Street west, containing 1 acre. No buildings. This property will be sold en block or separete to suit purchases. Owner going west. For terms apply to U on which there is a good solid Brick House 20x30, 7 room; Barn and £5 awre of land ; good well and young orchard ; good stone basement to barn. Aug. l5th.â€"tf. Feb. 5th, 5 w, pd D elg. containing 100 acres. about 70 cleared and 25 acres of good hardwood bush and five acres of good cedar. The farm is well watered by a never failing spring creek and a well. fairly well fenced. in good state of cultivation, lit for tarm ma- chiner . Convenient to church and M‘lltmi, live mi es from Durham Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply J. of Slddler street in the Town at Dur- ban. in the county of Grey. containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- us apply to July 10th. 1901. THE UNDERgIGNED HAS FOR _Sa_l‘ealarger_ number of (iiuderilla. .I. Salon large number of (,Ziuderilla, Cambridge and Yorkshires. wluch he will shiptopurchasers to any point. For fur- ther particulars apply to. V ED on North side of Lampoon Street. first place outside town of Durham. every- thing in first-class shape. good new brick house. good bank barn. 11 acres first-class 19nd, largo orchard set out last owing. ' A first class place for any body. Apply $02111| A HOUSE AND LOT ON QUEEN Street. the property of Mrs. J. 1.. Browne. The house coulsins 12 rooms, ooveniently situated. and quite new. \V i ll nuke an excellent boarding house. For particulars apply to Nov. 25thâ€"tf. Park Lot For Sale. PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town at hm. EING EAST PARTS 01‘ LOTS «l and 5. Con. 2. W. G. 3.. Narmanby. Also part of second division of Lot- 3. Gen. 1. Normanby. containing in all about. 110 acres. 90 acres cleared. w acres of mixed bush land. log house. good frame barn. well fenced. well watered with springs and run- ning brooks. in good state of cultivation, lit for all kinds of agricultural machinery, convenient to church. school and mills. Easy terms. A good chance {or quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to T. R. WHELAN. Durham 1’. 0.. or the Proprietor W. R. ROMBOL'GH. 254 Burden Street. Toronto. Ont. “Arch lO-tf ALUABLE PROPERTY SITUAT- ED on North side of Immntou Street. J. P. TELFORD, Dec. 2.-â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham. Oct. 13th, tf. OT about the first of: Margin, August 8th. 1903. EING LOT 190.2 ._CON. 5, GLEN- House 6: Lot for Sale. Farms For For Sale or Rent. ACRES NEAR Luke. . . . stone Sables out floors, good home, well wnwred or further mrticuhrs apply to 3. ELGIN Cows for Sale. Farm for Sale. THOS. MCCOHB. Bunesun P. U Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Hogs for Sale. glACKA‘.‘ 5. DUI}; wâ€"w vvvvg. ‘c' a VERSCHOYLE (Imp. H.PARKEu Durham . KEELER the Junior. 0 Durhm. For Sale. For Sale. t of March, apply to fiOBT.BARBQUR. C. ELVIDGE, Durham. owm‘ HEFFERNAN. Marden 1’. 0 A. H. BURNETT, Honeville P. 0. STREET W EST J. L. BROWNE, tf. Photographer DQRNOCH. Terms an Varhéy orchurd ,‘ tt'. b.) at The good wife of the “k” to have gnod B: but Bread is to be My} “0 whitest. e‘wemes‘ hillthful made. No om find fault. with S” We turn out a first. 'IOthor it’s Bread. P ill (in special um cus‘omers. A FIRST-CLASS LII Goods dmys on b Bread JNO. A. D; Bhould be in eser Cd they are neede 3 fine lot of [In kind for this or will surprise 5 on. are sold the humo- alwa Rubi made the i Ilsa AT THE The ue bf . H. Sti MODEL BAKE Why Go Around .. A Good Fountai we alan Three' qt. v H.“ Money 8 ()2 neti Ht SDI h an ill when lK( rtl rtl (3188C mac

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