Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1904, p. 6

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Standam’ Bank of Canada; ‘ general Banking business unna- wd. Drafts issued and collections do on all points. Deposits re- udvod and interest allowed at cur- rent fan‘s. ”its of $1 nod upwards. Prompt “cation tn “miners living at. a distance. ‘Otpital Authorized. . 41000000 Paid Up ........... 1.000.000 ”urn Fund ........ 850.000 BIND]? Groceries 'â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" in; READY-HADES 3nd SUITINGS, a chap u the chap». us. Washers and Wringers, ». Cream Separators. and mm Dunn Hay Forks. For the Millons, GUI. wv -~"__ ‘ ere net cheep goods which ere deer at my price, but the very best thet. money cen buy. They include Any quantity of APPLES, mootly Spies md Al fruit Harnessmaker. on: when the hour on delayed trains and l The warden himself, did not. reach Owen o’clock, the C. P. B. n til that hour The c postponed the meetin Jon. Pringle Elected Warden by Acclamation. T irom “Haldiinand county councii In" . . reference to responsibility of COllntVl Consumptlon IS a human council for bridges over three bu" ‘ weed flourishing best in weak tired feet in length‘ c0pv of award . . ’ lungs. Like other weeds it’s of the arbitrators in reference to the . . settlement between Owen Sound and easfly destroyed Whlle young; mfor lands taken from ”'t when old, sometimes lm-l former and attached to the latter; . , posmble. also accounts from M. Scully. . I HOllaud, J. A. RlChardSOD, J. E f Strengthen the lungs as you Little, McCallum Co., John Shay. 1 R. M. Williams and Parker Co. § wou.d W331? land and the On motion of Messrs. Gordon and weeds WI“ disappear. . . . to strike- The best lung fertilizer is McLean a special committee the standing committees for 1904 was Scott’s Emulsion. Salt Pork appointed consistingofhlessrs. Allan. . . . McKinnon. Shute. Brown and the ‘5 gOOd too, bUt 1t 13 very hard ' to digest. mover. The council then adjourned to meet l The time .tO treat consump- again on Wednesday morning in the' - . . . town council chamber. tion Ԥ Whe,“ you begln tryln to hide it from yours: WEDNESDAY roassoon. , , , Others see it, you won t. The council met pursuant to ad- . journment in the council chamber at Don’t wait until you can’t ‘ the town hall. Mr. Neil McColman. ; who was unable to attend the No. : (éiggem); auxin {1:81;}, tlllztlllggefil . . T - l “.“nm‘” 1" “mm“ ‘mmmd‘ i much the better; gou Will 8001 COUNTY COUNCIL. '.'w " Four communications were read by the clerk. A petition from Mayor A. 8. Hunter. of Durham, and others. urging the council to grant a free auctioneer’e license to Hugh MacKay, who had been an auctioneer for thirty O‘_n___ “u“ uuu vvvâ€" â€"â€" w..- V years, but was now becoming infirm. ; - The report of Mr. A. Grier, public n school inspector for East Grey, gave an account of work done in the in- 1 r spectorate, and stated that the writer i had held the oflice of inspector for , ( lfifty years, having been appointed by t t the county council in 1854, and he} was not aware of fault having. been 5 found with the way he had diecharg- E 1 ed his duties. The Western Ontario ~ Good Bonds Association asked the council to donntc 810 to its fund, and to nppoint delcgntes mo nttond its convention, which is to he held this you in Inch so unto hue the ndvnn- tm of. prominent public sponhot! special committee to strike standing commiuees for 1904, presented ’his‘ rvport. The committees were after Wsrds called off in order by the war- d~n and retired into the town ball. A here they chose their chairman. “Hum all was comnlete the cemmxt EDUCATIONâ€"Messrs. Shute. Mcar th'tr, McColeman McKinnon, Allan. Gordon. Garvie and Brown. Mr. Mc- Avthur, chairman. PRINnNGcâ€"Messrs. Schenk, Pater- son, Garvie. Thompson. Mchtbur, Preston Doyle and McLean, Mr. Paterson. chairman. COMMUNICATIONS Mrssrs. Gordon, C .u cboleman. Mf- HOUSE or REFUGE STANDING com-- Messrs. McArthur, Gordon and the W ardeu. WARDEN’S COMMITTEEâ€" Messrs. Mc- Kinnou. Allan and Gordon J umplAL AUDIT COMMITTEE â€". Messrs Doyle.‘ McArtbur and the Judicial Auditor. House: 01“ REFUGE mu. Measrs. Gordon, Garvie, Allan, Shute, Brown. M‘ McArthur, Mr. Gordon, Messrs. Gordon, Garvie, McKInnon. Allan, Shute, Brown. McUOlman and McArthur, Mr. Gordon, chaitmau. There being no further reports of committees of any business before the council it was stated by Mr. Gor- don that the whole council should make a visit of inSpeCtion to the house of refuge at Markdale. Then- Was a great deal of business to he looked after in connection with the l. htJilang, and before the councnl could ltrunsaet their business'lntelllgentl) l the members should have a personal ‘ mspection He did not belteve the 'eouncil could complete its dunes tnls week, whtch was now so far advanc led. As chairman of the commuter he desired that the councll should have full knowledge how the con- tract was advanced and there “as much to be seen to with reference [0 the u. ater supply. Making provision ' for the manager’s instructions. the purchase of a team and other neces- 'lsary equipments, and many other de- tails. He moved that the councxl " adjourn until Friday morning. and in the interval visits the house of ’1 refuge on Thursday. r, MI. Shum approved of giving the fullest atti-ntiod to the house of refuge business, which promised to be among the most. important to come before the council at this session. Mr. Brown thought. the council was fully jumified in cousin iing its session him another week if the bus- Dbs‘usvuu .--.-v w-- _ ineee of the county demanded it. Only one special meeting had been held on account of the house of ref- uge, and the people of the county enoulu conetuer that. the cuuncxl had been quite economical in this connec tion. A motion was then introduced by Measzs. Aim!) and Preston that. the council man as a. committee: of the The time to treat consump- V 8U wvv I-v Don’t wait Ju-ntil you can’t Begin With the first - thought to take Scott’s Emulsion. If it isn’t really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can’t expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be ;rig1d1y regular in your treat- ; ment you will win. Scatt’s Emulsion, fresh air,‘ rest all you can, eat all you can, that’s the treatment and that’s the best treatment. toward preventive measures. The leATIONS AN? MEMORIALS ' heat thought of the world is being 30Fd00. Garvne, BVLWIM M0“ given to the subject. It is easier and McKiunou‘ A1180. Shaw and better to prevent than a cure. It Ian. Mr. McColemau, Chair- has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia. one of the most danger- or REFUGE STANDING COM.-- ous diseases that medical men have d the to contend with, can be prevented by McArthur, Gordon an . the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Re- ,EN98 COMMITTEEâ€"Messrs. Mc medy. Pneumonia. always results Allan and Gordon from a cold or from an attack of in- [AL AUDIT COMMITTEE -- Messrs fluenza (grip) and it has been observed McArthur and the Judicial Amt remedy counteracts any tend ency of these diseases towards pneu- (‘AIlfl “fin"nn REFUGE BUImeG CUM. ~ '8. DUUUIID, -wv‘a- mpson, McAItbur, and McLean, Mr. :1. AND MEMORIALS 'rarvie. Buwu. Mc- 3m: 61' Emu ion): day morning. Mr. McColmon argued that the council had no power to arrange for meeting as a committee of the whole without first going into committee, and then it could rise. to meet again at any place it chose within the count . After some quibbling on this point matter was satisfactorily arrang- ed at length that the members should visit Markdale as a committee of the cil on Thursday and meet again ’ng. Mr. Patterson suggested that the police should be retained to wake the members so as to catch the 6:00 a; m. train. Ar- rangements were made for holding committee meetings on Wedne day afternoon and evening, after which council adjourned. the ‘Ju"J v- '_v monia. This has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which Ibis remedy has been used during the great prevalence‘of colds and grip in recent years, and can be re- siight cold when no danger is appre- hended until it is suddenly discovered Pea} that their is fever and difliculty in t breathing and pains in the chest. ”33‘ then it is announced that the patient g T has pneumonia. Be on the safe side life and take Chamberlain’s.cough remedy l {111 as soon as the cold is contracted. It . always cures. For sale by H. Parker an; HIRED MAN KILLS FATHER AND SON One of Most Brutal Murders in Annals of Crime. Ottawa. Jan. 25. -â€" The coroner’s jury on the Colligan murder at Alfted returned a. verdict to-night of minder against Clement Coyette. He was then given a preliminary hearing, committed for trial, and taken to the county jail at L'Orignal. The murder was one of the most brutal on record in this district. onette and Colligan quarrelled over the manner in which the chores were being done. Coyette knocked his employer down. and a fourteen~year- old son, picking up a stick, struck the assailant. who was under the in fluence of liquor. This infuriated the man, who picked up a broad ax and cleft Colligan’s head asunder .He hacked the boy to death and started for the house to wipe out the zest of the family. He struck at Mrs. Colligan with an ax. but the head flew 03. He beat the helpless woman with the handle. The frigh. tent"! children scurried to shelter and one alarmed the neighbors, who overpowered the brute. Coyette had only been in the neighborhood two weeks, and is supposed to have tramped from Montreal ' 1c is a matter of some Speculation whether the amendment to the County Council Act passed at last session will be taken advantage of in the county next year. This cation of the county council system. If in any year preceding the election t of county councillors a majority of I local municipalities at Special meet- t iugs called for that purpose pass re solutions in favor of the townships and villages being represented by their reeves and the towns not sepa- rated from the county by their mayors, and such resolutions are de- posited with the county clerk before . Oct. lat. and inserted in one news- ‘ paper published in the county then it shall not be necessary to hold an election for county councillors, but the county council shall be composed : as aforesaid. The year 1905 is the year for the election of the county ’ councillors. and to put the change in force it would be necessary for a majority of the local councils to pass resolutions and deposit them with the county clerk before the 1st of October and publish them before the 15th of October 1904. In case of this change any question ‘aEecting‘ the expenditure of any sum in excess ' of 81000 other than current expenses 1 would be determined by adding to. gather the equalized assessment of the municipalities whose representa- tives vote for and against it. Such a change would add nine members to Bruce County Council.-Chesley En- ” terprise. l l i i i l l Tendency of the Times. A Durham gentleman who was." suddenly called to Toronto the other day, reached Mount Forest just in time to catch the 8.04 morning train on the C. P. R. for the city. He had been discouraged by the reports in the Toronto papers, of the poor ser- vice ou the branch lines of the G. '1‘. B. At the same time it was general- ly reported that the C. P. B. trains ' were always on time.‘ Quite a num. her ‘ of» commercial trayellara. and EXCHANGE ECHOES. 9-40.”. . Ho" H - v The Hospital for Sick Childre is not a local institutionâ€"it is The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, hYour money means mercy W . . . . . . . . c ild. Your money can cheer son child from heart by saving some mother’s an . t of Health and wealth. You gi y M ‘° the Hospital, and the Ho: tenance of every child, whether from MASSAGE FOB BHEUMATISM. . City or country. and the same privileges as child born within sight of its walls. The citizens of This is the reason that the Trustees ap- Toronto com rihutc peal to the fathers and mothers of On- about $7,000 a tarioâ€"for as their money goes out to help year. towards the m a 1 n t e “111100 of the Hospital so the Hospital’s mercy can go out to help the children. every patient in the This is the 28th your of the Hospital’s Hospital, whether 7 life. The story of the years is a wonder. fromcityUl'comm‘y "“7 ”'3‘” ful oneâ€"for in that period 10,000 children Toronto doe-r its shut-u in 1] how been treated, and over 5,000 cured and the Trust-rs ask you in 1 The vaspupcr l’:'»id‘lvlm and 3,000 improved. - nnn L.‘-.n “ml nirle ! have kindly lullu-d tlu: Hm}: and 0,UW lelUVcw Last year there were 868 boys and girls in its beds and cots, and of these 493 were cured and 247 improved. ‘ ‘ ' A! -|--k Cna+_hp- “I.“ â€" ' Look at thése fiictures of (ore and after. ‘ Antiseptic Tablets D‘g loau Ul mIWIJ Vuv v. ~V-â€"- __ The X Ray department; gives wonderful results. A girl came in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thumbâ€"a peyfegt bend ‘L-a ------ . Ame LEEMING, never think of deserting Conductor" Lavelle 0f the G. T. R. at Mount Foreat. {pr Mr. Lavelle’s train is de.’ servedly popular with the travelling: public, and never stops at anything; short of an earthquake, or a. ten foot snow bank. Our friend waedelight- ed. The Condactor assured him that he would reach Toronto at 11 30 a . m. for the C. P. R. was always on time They had all the latest im-‘ provements. vestibuled trains steam-' heated cars, magul engihes. steel BEFORE M1 Money kept from the Hospita kept from the children. time They had all the latest im- provements, vestibuled trains steam- heated cars, mOgul engines. steel ‘ bridges. solid road-bed. and all other l up to date railway appliances. When the poor service on the Grand Trunk was mentioned, the conductor just smiled and passed on. It was entire- } 1y unworthy of his notice. But alas! ialas! something happened. The 0 IP. B. did not reach Toronto at 11.30 Gamma“ i4 3 long established an gll _ Eve tendency. or suflerern from ch. mlmf from coughs or inflamed conditions 0 cures hemuae the air mum-red 31 ron of the bronchial t mes \s 1th every Those of a. consumpl -"I'w' -â€" Mr. Alva Stockton of the Eighth of Minto, near the Howick Boundary. had an exciting experience last Sun- ‘ day morning Mr. Stockton’e little six-year-old boy went out to teed the geese and found two of them killed by the wild cat. the animal being still in the corner of the goosehouee. lte‘ glaring eyes and fierce mien frighten- ed the little fellow so he ran for his father. He thought at first to de- molish the critter with a pitchfork, but he soon found that dangerous, if not impossible. and ran to the house i or the double barrelled shot- gun. When he returned the wild cat was making of over the field Hr. Stockton followed. . the beast. which ”UV“- V'- -'.â€"v halted u agon vuiit «w _l_xim coming Cresole g; 3 dissolved in the month are efl'ective sud ufo (or cough: and irritation of the thrott. “‘ MILES .1: (X).. I“! Non-e IDs-c 8L, GREAT CHARITY- club feetâ€"be- For Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Group Bronchitis, Cough, Grip. Asthma, Diphtheria AFT ER is mercv ________._..â€"- I In Ontario‘Who Cannot. Alford to P” Treatment. does The Corporation roam gives $7.500 a year to the Ilospi - ml for the mam. tenance of every The citizens at Toronto contribute about $7,000 a year towards the m a i nte nance at every patient in the Hospital. whether from city or country 7 Toronto doe-1 its share In tne goo and the Trustees ask you to do you The Newapapcr l’rowietors of have kindly helped the Hospital l); ing our appeals. There are two ncwqmper cots, a and girls from the country are pl the cots founded by the 08Wspa|url Look at the pictures of “ bcf after.” They tell their own story you will help us in this good “'Ul‘k If your dollar could 'smaighien of a little boy or girl with club-l would gladly give it, and your d« help to do that M It BEFORE Ar 1 nu Take off the handicap of detamxi give all children a fair start in the r: life. 'g here:â€" 1v. It is large and glossy Stockton intends to have These animals aye rare m If you know of a, sick (him- foob boy or irlâ€"sc nd his patent the Hospim. no.“_:.‘r‘ l.‘ 0110 1.]. U0 t pppppp Plum send your contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas Davidson. Sou-T115“. of the Hospiml for Sick Chl‘adrcn. Cohege Street, Toronto. Toned Up and Hula Healthy and Strong by the G rout Tonic Ferrozone. Initial. W“. 180. u “For ten years I euflered acutely from etomsch trouble.” writes \lr. Moxwell Thompson. of Toledo, “I :1- woys bod ohendecbe and dull feel- in; after meals. My eppetite wu poor, end I did'nt relish my food. It was ell due to a week. defective otomcb. I reed obojat Ferrozone, __ j___ PVV‘ ’ --- â€" w-.. .â€" It wee ell due to a weak. defective etomecb. I read ebout Fen-ozone, end ordered elx boxes from my drug- gist. Irv-uric time et ell before I glue. LII "wu- -v --...- felt much better, end when ell the Ferrozone wee used I really took e newleeee of life. I em stronger, brighter end feel more like work then before trying Ferrozone. It in e Splendid tonic, the best I ever used." “Between bed kidneys end e week etomech.” writes Douzles Whitte- more of Belmont, ”l wee reduced to e “skeleton thin spring. A friend {strongly recommended Ferrozone. eo 'Icommenced to try it. Ferrozone noon cured my etomech trouble. end mede my kidneye perfectly heetlhy. Iheve einoe geined twenty pound. in weight. end enjoy the beat of heelth. I believe Ferrozone eeved my life, end I gretetully recommend it.” money means mercy to somebody’l Why any sick when Ten-oxen. uncut-o you? Don’t be foolish my . Get tome Forr‘szone to-du' and at. it “subtly. Forrozodo u- ntil-almanac!!!“ Nt_600. for BEFORE is large nnd glossy and Mr. .n intends to have it. stufled. unimnla nre rare now around Arthur Enterprise. “In... v wwwww some mother’s child. ntry mt ENJOYII m: 5 its share in the goo 8% ask you to do you per Proprietors of lpcd the Hospital h; ”Yakive wealth to the 11059in given AFTER {dicap of detormitv - fair start in the race 0! AFTER I: childâ€"the chb - mreut’s name to hten the feet inl’rfeot you r dollar will p your 5. of Ontario 31 by insert» .apcr men good work 3t cures last. more in the A“! KG -. and surelV in with foot umbtnu Oflioe hour 0:: Drs. Jan nFl’ICE hours 8 p. m. h‘ of wome nosite P mm 11 Mom ”Fat Cauchsubfl WIN! MRS . . [13:11.00 tttended trv Oflice Bloc! ARRI Ufiim Store. Luv of 0'“!!le property. Town, Du A. G. MA to loan kinds. bought Colle; Lam .t for the “Ended d H Order: In U 9 DH ! Guy. h Dimion. [pa pro madame )HYSIC l. G. FPICE‘ AMEE ARR! ARRI VOK'I OBE OTAI 600 UGH short Dr. H Melt Auc‘ Irnf lain DI 3°?

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