Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1904, p. 3

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I Durban. - Ii ‘00" MW acres first-ch“ fl last_spr_ing. A ' y. Afiply'io the Junior. Dori... Vice. In: nvmssar lot 3 {e weigh sea and. . This pro fly in mas throu mm | farms. rom flu! in be sold in m‘ Iviuble. Tor-ob Mold at a ho 11;;pr - -.. Id! ERthunt. and L03 Egremnnt. Theo. Ihough on diflount rated and in a good dance good bush. flared with a tin; dose to the f two um. Good hen, 1612:. finial“ m 62:73 IL, vi “'1‘ STA LLION n Durham all no :lmilou fro-‘30]; AND :. OF 10 [.3an 8m le IRTY SITUAT- ED OFFERS 0 2| Lara-math Glenelg L0. crw cleared. '0“ row tit to run I:- bl'ick how-o I“ 5 mile from no“ ale. "din 'm of 212 le or Rent. III) C! III“ 0|" )r to on Shares. Sale. Sale. for Sale. H It .I. Will U rther pct“- ale Numanby. Lot 3, Con. | about “0 s of mild ’ barn, well {.4 and "II? mitivation, machine , and mil . Im I" I {only ‘ or the andOlI LOTS qmq BE AND Will Irate rick at O! If )I 0 I)! Yo H0 Xmas. Darling’s . . They are the best we have ever shown at the price. Smokers’ Requisites. VIOLINS. BOVVS, STRINGS, MOUTH ORGANS. our Xmas stock if prices will do it. JNO. A. DARLING Stewart’s Confections THE BEST MADE. We are bound to clear out THE undersigned having pur- chased the stock and business of Mr. J. A. Glass, begs-to an- nounce to the general public that be is prepared to furnish ordered tailoring in first class style of workmanship at reasonable prices. of imported Worsteds, Serge: Cheviots, and Scotch and Cu: adian Tweeds always on hand Bread --v .vvâ€" -- likes to have good Bread, and the best Bread is to he bed at Stinson’s. The whitest. sweetest and most heslthful made. No husband will ever find fault with Stinson’s Bread We turn out a first-class sfticle We turn out a first-class uncle whether it’s Bread, Pies or Cakes. end give epeciel ettention to our customers. FIRST-CLASS LINE of Bakery Goods always on hand at Rowe’s. Give us a call one! somple our goods and don’t forget to have the driver atop a: your door. Our wogon belts tho town doily. J. L. FLARITY A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. going like 3 SHOT and “6 always hit the mark. FOR Merchant Tailoring. Chemist and Druggist PERFUMES, Nick Nacka. Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes. Military Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Leather Noveltives, Pocket Books. Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books. Music Rollsâ€" dainty and nice. PIPES from 5c to $10.00. Cigars, Tobaccos. 'lobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases and Gig: r Holders. MERCHANT TAILOR. FULL LINE DRUG STORE 'P'Acirsucis Wear Best! Hardware a Ad’ A TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM. Sir Thomas Seaughnessy. in his interesting address to the Canadian Club in Toronto. On Monday, made some remarks on one aspect 'of the transportation question which. it seems to us, require a little modifica. tion. Speaking of the frequent com- plaints made by the public as to poor railroad service, inefliciency of rolling stock, and so forth, he stated what of course no one will dispute. that in order to make due prepara- tion fora time of great prosperity and growth of traffic, immense sums of money have to be provided, and that if in the meantime the expected development of trade does n t take place, asetback is delivered to the finances of tee company and inciden- trlly to the credit of the country. This of course 13 true. and points out the natural disinclina~ion of a trans- portation company to go too far ahead of actual necessities. Conser- vatlsm is well. and optimism which is afterwards proved to have been illplaced is a danger. But this point is precisely where the call lor managerial judgment comes into play. When a railroad or any o3her company believes that all the signs are in favor of a coming era of great activity. when it prepares for this beforehand, even at an im- mense outlay, and when in the course of time its belief proves to have been wararnted by actual circumstances, the public willingly gives the man- agement credit for great astuteness. Surely, then, the converse apples also. When the era of great prosper ity has arrived, and we find that a railway has made insufficient ar- rangements to take advantage there- of, it is hardly convincing to be told that supposing trade had not devel- Oped to such an extent, the com- pany’s credit would have suffered. The country at large has only to judge of results in each case. If. on the other hand. the well formed judgment be deemed worthy of praise. then equally so is the judg- ment which proves ill-founded «6- serving of blame. Try Carr’s Little Liver Pulls, two boxes for 25¢. at. Macfarlanes’.â€"-3 THE PAGE WIRE FENCE 00. LIMITED, thkcfllllo. 013. neutral, QIG- “o ’0“. lol- GREATLY IMPRESSED WITH WORK BEING DONE. Personally Raises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lassen the Load of Debt. ' There can he little doubt that the National Sanitarium Association is handicappml in its great work for Consumptives in the fact that its two institutions in Muskoka are far away from any large centre of population. Few people have an opportunity to see for themselves the magnificent work that is being done. '1 hese hospitals are away fxom the public eye. Any, however, who do \ isit them, are united in their commendation of the splendid appointments of the place, and, best of all, of the real joy and hope that is being brought to many sufl‘ering ones. \\"e are glad to have the opportunity of publishing the following letter from Mr. \Vm. Thomson, of Orillia, one of Canada’s best known lumbermen, which tells what he has seen himself. It reads : \V. J. GAGES, ESQ, Chairman Executive Committee National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, Ont. My Dear Mr. Gage,â€" I have much pleasure in enclosing herewith cheque for One finndred Dollars ($100.00) from the Tudhope Carriage Company of Orillia, a donation to the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenhurst. Please acknowledge this to the Tudhope Carriage Company in the usual way. I have written to a number of my friends, to try and get them interested in this good work. I hope to be able to send you further donations. I have written my friends a personal letter, something similar to the following : “ Last week I paid a visit to the Free Hospital for Consump- tives at Gravenhurst. I met some of the.management there, and promised to try and interest some of my friends in this work. “ I might say there were 49 patients there°last week, all poor ple, most of them without a dollar in the world, and suffering rom the dreadful disease, Consumption. There are many sad stories, and I know I have thought a great deal about the work of the institution ever since my visit there. I do believe "it is worth of assistance, and we who have health and the necessaries of ' 0 should encourage this work along. . Thomson, Esq., of Grillia, Vice-President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. (Monetary Times) “I understand the expenses lately have been double the income, and unless the mana ment meet with more encourage- ment, I am afraid the work wfiehave to be curtailed. I know you have many calls. but I do wish Iyou would give this matter a. thought, and, if possible, assist. have written to two or three confidentially,_ and hope to be able to collect some more for this “ I might mention, to show that I have confidence in the work, I have already given a donation of 8100.00 and two row boats to the Free Hospltal this year, and intend to give another 8100.00 before the end of the year.” Qédrk. Should you not feel like contributing a donation, remem- ber this request, and your reply is just between you and me, and strictly confidential. A BUSINESS MAN’S LETTER. D. CAMPBELL, Agent, - - - DURHAM, ONTARIO. Ibisthofonoothathaastoodtho tested timoâ€"otnndstho buried: stainâ€"nevu- aagsâ€"tho standard the world over. Order through our lood agent or direct from us. Sincerely yours, A number from around here attend- ed a party at A. Lindsay’s last. week. They report. a good time. Miss Annie Greenwood spent the greater part of last week in Durham. On Sunday, 17th inst.. boy No.3 was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie. Mother and son are doing Miss Lily Jopp is visiting her aunt Mrs. Wm. Scarf at Aberdeen at pres- ent. After a. three weeks’ visit with friends in this part Miss Alice Mofiat returned to her home in Toronto. Her genial, winning ways made her a favorite in our midst. Mrsr 'Wm. Morrison. Sr.. is serious- ill at. present. \Ve hope soon to hear of her recovery. well Sam Scott. who has been engaged for the last three years on John Ritchie’s farm. Giascott, visited at. Wm. Ritchie’s on Saturday last. He and family leave in about three weeks for Alberta. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey. Macfarlane’ 3 Grip Tablets check la grippe, 250. a box -â€"3 The song service held at Ebenezer on Sunday the 17th inst. was not very largely attended on account of the roads being a little disagreeable. The home choir aSsisted by two or three members of the Dromore choir rendered some very fine anthems under the leadership of William Ramage A number of old familiar hymns were sung. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Roach made very appropriate remarks about each. Miss Mary Halfpenny was the guest of her friend. Miss L. Laughton, one day last week. It is rumored that Mrs. Bothwell is back from Riverview and is visit- ing friends in the neighboring village. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per will be dispensed in Ebenezer church on Sunday the 31st mst. the Service commencing at 10:30 a. m. ORILLIA, Ont, November 2, Edge Hill. Glenmont. . -‘ 0.0 0â€"74 1903. A meeting will be held in Russell Hall. Dromore, on Thursday. Febru- ary. 4th, commencing at 2 p. m The Holstein meeting will be held the day previous in Robert’s Hall, com- mencin'g at the same hour. All ladies are cordially invited. After Piles have existed for a long time and passed through difierent stages. the sufiering is intenseâ€"pain. aching. throbbing, tumors form. filled to bursting with black blood. Symptomsindicatingcther troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile-sick person. This is when HemRoid. the only internal. the only absolute Pile cure, brings the results that has made its fame. It will cure the most stubborn case in the existence and a bonded guar- antee to that. effect goes with each package. It. is to be had at Darling’s drug store. A singular case of what might Le called telepathy happened last week in connection with the recent accid- ent that happened to Mrs. Whitelvp of Princess Street. on Tuesday before News Years. Mrs. Armor who re- sides with the above ladv, was any at that time visiting at Stratiord. and that evening dreamed that Mrs Whitely had suffered an accident and the picture remained so vividly on her mind that she sat down and wrote her to ask her if it was true andwas more than suprised to re- ceive word that it was so.â€"-â€"Arthur Enterpries. There is no other remedy which will so quiekly restore you to health and strength and animation as Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, and there is no other you can buy which is accompanied by a positive Guar- antee of Cure or your money refunded. If you purchase 6 boxes of Dr. Harte’l Celery-Iron I’ills for $2.50, take 3 how of the Pills, and find you are deriving no benefit from their use, you can return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 boxes you have not opened, and get your money hack..,_ No fairer. squarer proposition has ever been offered, and we wouldn’ think of making it unless we were confide t the remedy will do all that is claimed for it. By the single box the Pill: In 50c. To cure Anaemia, Pale and Sallow Com. plexion, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Im- paired Memory, Depression of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Impure Blood, Pimples and Eruptions, Poor Circulation, lleart Palpitation, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath, Female Weakness, Nervous Head- aches, Coldness of the Hands and Feet, Loss of Vital Power, General Weakness amidlebility, and all diseases and disord- ers arising from a run-down condition of the nervous system or weak and watery CHEMIST â€"fAND ._ DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONTARIO. bluod. We Positively Guarantee The trustees, secretary, and ; other officers of the Free Hospital for Consump. tives at Muskoka. are daily in receipt of many piteoue letters. A few days since Mr. W. J. Gage, of Toronto, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Sanitarium Association, received a letter from a resident of Quebec. pleading for the ad- mission of a victim of the dread white plague, livin about a hundred miles south-east of ontreal and asking if it yere not posgible__ to admit her into the u "IL- vvvov â€"v- vâ€"â€"â€"' Free Hospital. The writer says: “ The applicant is a Mrs. Wm. Paterson, the mother of four children and the wife of a farmer in a lace called Goshen, in the township of incisor. The doctor says that her left lung only is troubled. She is able to 310 about, but her ap tite is very bad. believe if she coul be ad- mitted into the Free Hospital for Con- sumptives she might be cured. She could not pay much, if anything. Kindly let me know if you could receive her. ” ”v â€"â€"v We e§eÂ¥ovld _ Mr. Gage thet epplice- tions for edmieslon to the Free Hoepitul reach the secretary from 311 points in the Dominion, and patients have been re- ceived from Prince Edngd Island on_ east to Alberta on the yen. Two hundred and twenty-five pntiente hnve been ndmitted in eighteen month, end not a. sin le putient bu been refused because of is or her arty. We an hardly think of my ability thus appegig In?!» pgthedecpy for the M01323 0? 3003 6311.338”. fl WRITTEN GURHRNTEE. Women’s Institute Meeting. J NO. A. DARLING The Worst Kind. DR. HARTE’S CELERY-IRON PILLS KATE DIXON. Secretary. 3 Strings of 30 Bella. were now .................... 10 Strings of 40 Bells, were now ..................... 3 Strings of 60 Bella. were Now the holidays are over, and we have a few lines left overwhich we are ofl‘ermg at great- ly reduced prices such as Carvers; Silverware, Skates, Sleigh Bells, Axes. 151- Out - Saws. now ...................... u 00 Daisy Axe. was 850. now ........ 60c Diamond Edge Ann. was $1. 00, no_w Vanquiaber X~Cut.Saws. were 60c per foot, now ............... 50c Remember our 'I‘in and Graniteware department. is filled with nothing but first- class goods. Hawthorne Axe. was 81.00 now. . .75c W. D. CONNOR- Fred Siegner Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. ' SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. All over Town NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, Ric-CURB, PRESSQURB WELLS. All orders'uken nt the old stan- near MoGowan’u Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL Wonx Gmmnmnn at “Live und let live” PRICES. Pumps. YOUR EYES. Wetchmeker. Jeweller. Opticien. HARD“ ARE AND TINW'ARE We make ail our own Tinware. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUB! ‘I‘OMERS 3nd the public in geneml that I am prepared to furnish Here Are a Few lines: Don’t neglect any little trouble about your EYES. In any be a. greet. big trouble hetero lone. Eire-{titan 2y“ tested here. If there is nothing wrong, we’ll tell you so. Pumps fmm $2 upwatd. A. GORDON Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" GEORGE WHITMORE. GORDON’S :word can safely beztaken on Watch Cases as well as on Works. When we say a Case is gold it is gold; if gold- filled it is, gold-filled. W. I}. CONNOR 81.40. . $1. 10 81.90. . 81.35 .8150 5 w. J. ELLIOTT, PIIICIPAL 3 a~sm~~m~u ommm LIST OF LANDS 100 ACRES in Bentinck. near Dar- hamâ€"QO cleared. 10 hardwood. Good buildings. spring crook, orchard. etc. $3200..00 100 ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"68 cleared. 20 hardwood and 18 swamp. $2100 00. 150 ACRES near Lamlaahâ€"Stono dwelling. good out buildingl. Fine farm. Under “000 00. 105 ACRES near Allan Parkâ€"Ex- cellent farm. fair huildiaga. Cheap. 1 ACRE more or leasâ€"Garalraxa street, Durham. near Cement Worksâ€"Fine lots. OKered very cheap. Besides above I have a large list. at other lands of all kinds. ' If You “Always Prompt â€"Never Negligen. ." The Hanover Con veynnoer. HANOVER. --- â€" ONTARIO. Photographs Io Unsatisfactnn work will be allowed to leave the STUDIO. The Courses of Study IN THE flinging 8. main; I The Hanover Convey-acct. \rou WISH TO BU! OB ‘ sell propeyty, borrow money, insure a property. hsvo writings drawn or 001100: a debt call on me. . H. H. MILLER. AVING pnrchuod the Studio of Mr. J. L. Brown. we are propcrod to continue the busineu in his “and and [in first clan IO!- vioo to the consul public. . H. MILLER. Then in nothing thnt will give your friend non plos- onro than n niooly finished PHOTO. 'W0 «0 propnud to- Inrninh in» win» you Want. Give nuctrinludhooan- vinood. Don't dds]. OFFERS :

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