Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1902, p. 8

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; J. A. HUNTER 3: 5; THE BIG STORE. â€"â€"â€"â€"- DURHAM, ONTARIO. fig . ”4% Mr. “'ill Dunsmore, of Hsmilton, ' ., is "in“ '0 recruit his “’9‘" Pin!" homo from Durhsm sitar writing st “3 “‘3' ‘0' M" J‘s' Heshp. the oxsmiustiou. No doubt she will Mr. Wm. Edge hss purchsscd s "nuke s good showing ss she is s fine young msrs from Mr. Wm. Piu- [right young lsdy. By the wsy sho ? dsr, of Orchsrdrillc. for s hsudsolns took first prize st Suudsy School for l? sun. Will 5” 5003 30ml! quite I oomnittingsll the estschism to mom- strssk ol horse dssliug this your. 0'7- Wo hsdso beef killed in our ring Hr. Dougsld McKochuis is sgsiu last week us our hu:cher, Mr. Thus. iwfllgd u the mill. Dougsld is sll Torsion, wss seriously ill with sp. 1 right. , pdifitis. Wshopshcmysooubc'; - - . . ails to resume his duties. We 0..-: a". M Mk3 '5 110“” 100*"! dun-a )lr. Robt. Ector is going m“ “I“ “4 Wt! In em- kill out be! this week. 2 I}. Jsslss Bouts, who ha hum 3:. Jim Putherbough. of Bontinck, ”out Sunday at Mr Wm. Ritchio' s. 0! course he calls to see somebody Clo. before going home. While cagagod in laying flooring in Mr. Thou. Bra-woof: low house It. Chaa. lolat slipped and {all hastily acro- a joist. At fim i: “a W! ao-c rilla wen hokcn, ht it aaa-a such was not the can, hailmuilho-tbdm Miss June Ritchie is home after spa-ding six weeks with friends in Paisley am! Greeuock. Messrs. Guy and Bury Williams were up to Berkely on the 19th. wnuluuy if”!!! 3 V13" [0 "leads "I, Messrs. Win. and John Kingston Bruce Co. {have the contact for gravelling a Mr. Wm. Morrison has] some sheep‘ piece of rod opposite Mr. Richard worried by dosslast week. iBsnks'. Well i: is not before it Who was doing the fast. drivingfnefidfid it- nesr hero on Saturday night. last ? f Mrs. Thos. Bell was visitinz Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D“; Greenwood p‘idIGiUen Boyd and other friemis one decrmn lriends a visit Inst Sitar-i 6‘! lost '00]!- ‘. Miss hate McFayden returned last Seturdey .‘rom a visit to friends in Bruce Co. Miss Allie Davis spent a few dnys hat. week with her siscer, Mrs. Joe. Firth. EDGE HILL Preserving Kettlesâ€"New stockâ€"all sizes. See them. We have a large stock of Jars in Pint, Quart and Half-gallon { sizes. New shapes with rubbers on ready for use. Buy be- { fore the rush as there is sometimes a scarcity. g, Red ath’sâ€"the very best that money will purchase. 100 l . for 84.00, or 300 lbs. for $11.70. Always ask for Redpath’s. Don’t take any other especially for preserving. ___--- v-1, .' 36 inches wide. BARGAINS in \Vire Nails, 7 lbs. for 25¢. Special price in keg lots. BEST CANADIAN CEMENT in bags or barrels. MILK CANS with or without stoppers. SCREEN DOORS from $1.00 up to $1.50 complete, including Hinges . -, **'â€"-â€""--â€"â€"a â€"-I--h\uk" Screws. Pull end Heap. - SCREEN.WINDOWS 25¢ each. Screen “fire Cloth 18 inches up to Miss Allie Banks is home from her ; school for her holidays. THE BIB STORE make a good showing as aha is a [right young lady. By the way aha took first prize at Sunday School for committing all the catechism to mom- it. James Banks, who has been working a: the Consent Works in Mrs. Hobkirk. from Bentinck, near Crawford. was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hugh McDonald. of this place. Miss Mary McCormack is not im- proving any, and slight hopes are entertained of her recovery. Miss Kate McDonald has returned home from Durham after writing at the examination. No doubt she will: \Vedding balls are ringing More £300. Mr. \Vm. Quinn called hero on his brother. John, and traded horses with him. Jack has a little dandy now if he only takes care of it. but he likes to go fast. to jot down a few of the happenings. JEM JARS. SUGAR. It, 0. E Firth returned to N iag- mh‘ Manny. from which place I. will go to Orillia in a. few days to Owing to the wet weather the pic. fled the Centre S. S. last Wednes. 6.1 cu act the success it otherwise would hove been. A gloomy day and neuter only in the afternoon kept my from attending. Many who a get. (here enjoyed themselves how-vet. Several proud papas. and lo “proud memmu toot had their mean on exhibition. Each baby, dunno, was the nicest there. Pi- ” 3.0.1:: eniivened the day with People of this township are asking why should Gleueig’s rivers be made the dumping ground of Durham’s re- fuse? Our council have no right to have to spend our money to bury Inch ntufi as was the case last week. . 1m imagine what would happen if; on of us were to dump such a barrel- 2 In] over one of the Durham bridges. Q A white dress and a dark coat sleeve are two very give-away artic- lu utter night. ”in Jean Brown, of Durham , vis- itod aday at C. Firth’s. The GreenSIde Orange Lodge went to Ormgeville to celebrate the 12m. Farmers galore took in this excursion and some had their sweet-hearts out for the first time. The haymakers are not making very good progress on account of the Econtinued wet weather. It would :be more convenient for both Visitors and baymakers if the weather were more settled. Say. who were the logers? Mr. W. H. Hargrave left on Mon- day to fill an engagement down the country. Miss Wilson was the guest of Mrs. A. Tucker a few days last week. Mrs. 8 Tucker is on the sick list.l‘ Hope to hear of her recovery soon. BUNESSAN. This week‘s budget GLENMONT. J. A. HUNTER. §season, and just outside the limit ;mentioned, two more {runs Mr. J. Allan left lat his team for the vicinity where he will engage in The Chronicle is to be many dear epistles ‘he ‘ down there. *' There are no Chronic week ” said our neighbor on morning. as the paper was a d All who heard the Rev. Mr. Moore- house lecture here two years ago are delighted to know he is coming again f on the 3V( ning of the 23rd to deliver i a lecture on “ Character,” He is ? considered the best that ever favored f this place with an address. ; .All who attended the Orange cele. § bration in Hanover were much pleas- jed with the treatment they received 5 by the Hanoverians. As the Gregson brothers were fav. orahly known to many in this part much sorrow was expressed over their untimely death, and Mr. Allan mane many kind references to them in his preaching Sunday night. 0 The Barbour Bros. are adding an. other improvement to their well kept {armâ€"a wire fence across the front. If the saying be true that evil thinkers are evil doers. those weigh scale agents travelling the country must be notorious scoundrels as they blame all weigh men for not doing justice to farmers. and they are mak- ing numerous sales around here. For the past two weeks Mr. Wm. Grasby has been trying to master the inanimate, untamed steed the bicycle and had it so well under control by Saturday that he was able to ride it under the orange colors to Hanover. Mr. J. Vessie Spent last week in Bentinck putting a threshing outfit in readiness for the season’s run. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ellison. of Glascott, spent last Thursday with their friends, the Tucker family. The former took in the scenery at the Cement Lake. Mr. Wm. McMeekin celebrated in Berkeley on the 12th. Miss Maggie Allan accompanied her pa to Owen Sound last week and spent pleasantly the days that he was laboring on the County audit. Mr. J. E. Burrows, of Paisley. paid a flying visit to this part last week. He leaves on Tuesday for a trip through Manitoba and the North- west. .‘slr. Thos. Turnbuil, butcher for our beef association, was on the sick list last week. Dr. Hutton has him under his care and will soon have him ready for the ring again. A private pic-nic from Varney pass- ed through here no the Lake on Fri- day. A social evening was held at the Sirrs homestead a week ago by friends from Norman by, Bentinck and Egre- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hillis, of Shal- low Lake. are visiting friends in this part at. time of writing. Miss Milinda Grasby, of Scar- borough, is spending a fortnight here. Does Your Baby Cry at Night? If so. it is well to know the great value of Polson’s Nerviline, a house- hold remedy for stomach pains, cramps, toothache, sick headache. and the manifold ills peculiar to children. Afew drops of Nerviline in sweetened water makesa pleas- ant drink and never fails to quickly relieve. Nerviline is as good as the doctor in emergencies and costs only 25c. a bottle. Get Nerviline from your druggist to-day. The garden party in Mr. 8. Mc- Comb’s orchard will be held Tuesday, July 22nd. The Durham band is ex. pected to be in attendance. Every efiort will be put. forth to make the party the beat of the season. and those coming may be sure of a good time. There was no small excntement the other day when Jack Marshall, of Springbank ran away with the Rob Roy baby. There was hitching up in hot haste and chase given and in a half-hour the lost one was recovered. That. baby will be closer watched in future. There was a barn raising at W. J. McFadden’ 8 Tuesday week. There was the usual raceâ€" Sandy Alexand- er and Noble being captains; the former won. Ben Sharpe was the framer, consequently a neat, strong frame is the result. take charge of the work of complat. ing the water-works there. A number from here celebrated the 12th in Hanover. CORN ER CON CERNS. PRICEVILLE Allan left la tweek with for the vicinity of Preston will engage in railroading. o 0 I N‘AIA -‘- “ have been erected this just outsidp the limit Chronicles this Friday June l, 1%; .I. Dromore. being Lot. 1" Lot. 15. Con. 20. On both {a good buildings. Very rea. Apply on the premises to ALL KlNDS of business deals ated quietly and carefully. 22 years experience. “ Always never negligent.” The Gegrge_ Ries I The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham uu Garafraxa Road. July 10, 1902. OFFERS FOR NOTHING The First Chance to Buy: n“- , ‘- ‘ Our crops are good, tho’ somewhat 5 late. Haying will not commence! ’till about the 20111 inst. Grain crops! are likely to be a full average. Fruit, is going to be a moderate crap. Un-j less spray i11g is done immediately,‘ . apple trees will be seriously injuredI by a new pest. causing the leaves to: owl and turn black 111 color. I be-; lieve the fruit tree insecticides wouldi be applicable in this case. i Our town is not gomg ahead by leaps and bounds. but is making steady progre-‘S. Mr. McLeod will have additional mill power. Mr. Aus- sam has added to the size of his dwel- ling. and made large improvements on the front. The Crown Hotel has been thoroughly renovated, uphol- staring. papering, painting etc., so that it can vie with the best hostelry in the County; besides. the geniality and courteous attention to the com- fort of guests by Mr. and Mrs. Bolger Justly entitles them to the high place they now enjoy in the esteem of the travelling public. Many mi- nor improvements are being made, and a boom in Cement for the benefit of Priceville may not be a chimera in the no distaht future. There are im- mense beds of the “ precious ” in our vicinity, and the outlying deposits can be more readily brought here by cheap tramways, than to any other point, owing to the natural gorges and declivities in the earth’s surface. gress by the iniquitous injustice of the Custom’s Tarifis raised for bribery and other immoral purposes.-â€"-but our farming toilets have to pay the piper while Johnny Crapeau enjoys the dance at their expense. The se- questration of our timber and Miner- al Lands is a topic that is only now beginning th creep through the wool of some of our maple. and earnest and serious deliberations are the re- sult, with an occasional anathema agaimt the periodical'they took as a guide, but which skilfully withheld the truth. I should have mentioned in proper connection that many imposing farm houses of brick and stone are being elected in this vicinity during this season; others who have the inten- tion to build areawaiting the advent of the buildingblocks at your Cement Works. If your drug in cannot aufiply you, send us one do at and we wi express you 1 bottle. Be sure and in the nuno of your nearest ex press 0 so. Adggeu, [V ‘ ‘Y”‘\ [‘1‘ This is wh "we sa that Ayer’s Hair {ligor a ways restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. am a bottle. Aim-gun. Hungry hau'needs food, neegls hair vigorâ€"Ayer' s. There’s another hunger than that of the stomach. H 911' hunger, for instance. “ About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Aycr’s Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and nude my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length.”â€"Mn. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Axle Grease and H001 Ointment, go to Farms for Sale Long Hair money made. , -_.. .. uuulpally and Will almost give 1t. aw other good prupertics t} exvhange. acre fafiu infilâ€"ianiuck shape. m- was ‘1" 'I on VII-ICU. AUQFUI, J. C. AYER CO., 14017811, Mm. . Miller . W M. us! give it. away. Many properties tor sale or t very low rates. no Chargfl if no ____.-,vn\‘ IKIFQ Ltunpauv 0“ IS this HANOVER, ox'r BELL. Dromore. H Alwa 3'8 Drum pt, 1!}. Con. 19. and h tarms there are reasonable terms. Yours truly, GLEANER negoti- JOHN LIVINGSTON Fire Insurance at low Rates. BICYCLESâ€"new and second 1.;md “W‘Y. on hand. Repairing «We Promptly and well. MASSEY-H ARR IS : "3 ¢\ ‘fi" ‘CASH ONLY. 150 MAPS 0F flNMHiU The Jeweiler LAD'Y’S: Money Talks Star Grocery and Reslaurant. Grooeries, Fruit and Confec- tionery constantly on hand, JORDAN’ J ust_ at this time of the Go to Jordan’s Restaurant . . Cream Seperators. Organ "Id sillcer Sewing Machines always kept in stock. Gannonâ€""~â€" 13 3577366355 " "mu”: fifiiifi'i zen: (on: Man. 81. d by all pewadglerg A handsomely mum-wed weekly. Latest da- cnlnflop of my gdopfllg jonmsl. Terms. 33 s see our Maury-Harris M‘ Rakes and Binders. 'l‘tm interest you. At the Massey-Harris Sin \\ rooms to the Iaruwra \Hn purchase the first 150 km.“- of 50 lbs. or more each u? the humus Plymouth Bimio! Twine. Call early and don't. be disnppoiutpd. \Ve guar- tnteo the best twine madv or sold for the prices asked. T. J. JORDAN. A. GORDON sion. But we know som‘ that can clunze your tune and refresh yourself b 1 nice cool drink from his Sod; Fountsin which he has running from eight in the morning till twelve st night. Besides you csn indulge in a dish of Velvet Ice Cresm. y 118"ng Whew! 35$! In 14- kt. Gold Filled warran teed to wear 2;" y'eazs wuh Solid Gold Bow $12. 00. Elgin and Waltham Movements. In Nickle Cnse. $5 00: in lO-kt. Gold Filled Case, warranteed to wear 20 years, 310 00. nuts! 0033“. Durham. Ont. \\' t \\ HO . Slam sale of wom akin. cud clothing at 'J" "mm nunma THE PAS CHRONICLE READE Local News W wanted to in town. See ad. 100. towelling {0: I Storm-5- A. Hunter. Fo. grout summcx Pool'fl- â€"_._.- l 50. line "taps for ‘- storo fltrdwure Dept. M's Hsppy Though “I. Big Store are the bee Bu; your children strafi‘ _â€".â€"-â€"-â€" W0 Coconnut sud Quick Tapioca at F08 BALEâ€"Pure bred mutated pedigree. ch to F0 P”l."tf. A LAME quantity «:1 Binding Twine to be «ii the Durban Foundry. BUY Roget-5’ machine BigScoro Hardware De (Banana) put a new School house this week. 0“»! right. step, as a be: .11 preper uchool e‘iuipu 'l‘lllrelidence of Mr. Dougsll thout a mild villa was struck by Scturdsy, July I‘mh. a1 stroyod together with contents. 4 CIVIC HOLIDAY, AM: mm of twenty-four ye tour you" ago he contrt cold which tfiectcd his I «land into consumpna ho lingered on mm; Int week when death In». On Sunday nfu mtinu were interred .z‘ 1 Query Whither they Wvu ‘ large concom‘.~ (floods. “'8 ext: to the bereaved x BB". “K Mufl‘ clergy mm. add! on Friday nix:ht “ Success in Lif tlly presented {1 enumeration of present pass 0" course, is a bro: I. very varied nection with th very brief pro principal PM: (307.) Newton. or, Miss Mere Hunter. A u Opesker and em Cunpbou and 3 followed by ‘ 9mm“ the AT the late mm“ .M; 00000“ by It \‘n'v .-.‘ ‘ VII decided that? (“.1 3 poor house. A mu painted to look into ; "port ‘8 t0 Iowa-’3‘» “us. Durham iciz‘ mrdingly a 3mm town on Tuesday mm? ‘0 Commissioners “1 Sound. Shute. of Hull; N51.Agnew,uf 31.4 0‘ Prioeville. Aliza. “BLOOD. of Bentim‘k. Wudgn), of Durham “Olprey. Prior tw ition to spy out lQ' had (“range ”demon and a nun] “coat to tlm Lake our the Cement \\'m on were Ipparpntlv , ”I, utonishod at tl :“unoorn and WW {j‘rwotive homes wi' ”I m a genuine C 30v. Mr. Bya t very accept 80:00:. Swnox No tints of A lmmhvr the House of Refum mined tnd the «19pm Wt with the idoa 'hs “humid claim {01 Pure bred fill able NO. I u Gr

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