Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1902, p. 5

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rried in stock, npion Seed .3 a farmer prd Sowing Everybody by Bum“ i We luv. : National it. t 80-0 led a new leaning machin- tion from rolls. or steaming the d are now pro- furnish a. fine flour. Give as d be convinced. '. however, mining out See them. tchinery so at Wood mpleto stock rciaIOIy 0! this re is advant. ople’s an OW'AN . autity 0! Chop- Wbeat, etc. on ivo our Broth- ul. It’s good- cy for the xtensively ry to 88' L'IFI’FFFFHV 'ket. MAN GIST. Castor H *fiufififififinfififiawufififififififikafifi «A kw > They Were Easy. L'ollinson Sheppard \V .\I .\l Shortly after four the referee, Mr. Kwul‘ns 0f Orange-ville. blew hi8 thistle and the ball Was feced. It A“ a short tassel; there wasn’t “mu '4 "scrimmage” for the ball, ' ix? .tipOllt four combinations and the ..;‘. landed in the net. as nicely as .x!:‘."hil)g that was ever seen on the :n l'USfit‘ held; amid deafening cheers {tum the large crowd present. A'- um: instantly the two sides were at .' again, and during the balance Of "m quarter the playing “'83 denser- »st near the Mount Forest goal \x‘th the exception of once or twice “sh-n series of combinations brought " m the other end of the field to be returned on the Mount Forest flags H three or four we“ aimed 81“)“- Ho whistle blew. hO‘K'OVOrv be‘ore mother game was scored. albeck inkler Cracken JDYO lntyre BUYS PUT IT ALL OVER THE MOUNT FOREST LACROSSE TEAM. nent .u'tee [0800 dith v\.\l )1di11g to the schedule of mnship games to be played in 1L1 late Discrict No. 4, the s of Mount Forest crossed with the swift Durham ag- ion on Monday last, and were e11 by a score of 3to 1, being 155ml at every point. From we heard of the Lornes and suvvesses elsewhere, we ex- 11orl1'111g but a “hitewash for is 11618 when pitted against a that was thought invincible. ”ti/.ens we believe were of the opinion. or the sporting cap- skins HHS IRE Outside Home 3rd Defence. Inside Home. 2nd Defence. lst Defence Cover Point ...........Lambert 3rd Home 2m] Home lat. Home. Centre. Point. Goal. ..Kennedy MT. FOREST. . . Pickering ...... Jones .. Atcheson .. . . Martin ......Fair Pickering . . . Weber .. ..Crane ..Sinclair Hamilton The last quarter was played in a drenching rain. neither .side getting a. goal though the home team had the best of it, straight to the last. boys, who had an easy task in play- ing around the visitors. It was a good clean game from first to last. and only once was a man sent oi? the field, and strange as it may appear, the dishonored player was a former referee in a match here. Owen Sound. Durham. . . . . Mount Foresr Hanover .. .. Following is the standing of teams in District No. 4, Intermediate : Won. Lost. To play. Owen Sound... ‘2 U 4 Three to one. How does it look? Mount Forest’s first defeat. Durham has a strong bunch of players now. Watch them. Dayment played in goal and found in quite comfortable. It is estimated that seventy or eighty visitors from Mount Forest were present at the game. It took the Durham boys just 15 seconds to break up the Mount For- est defence to score their firsn goal. Referee Kearns gave good satis- faction. and discharged his duty without partiality. Mount Foresm’s home found our stone-wall defence rather warm. Dr. Mahan and Editor Lambert were the time~keepers, and hadn’t long to wait to record the first game. Will the Mount Forest papers say that the Lorne; did some “ rotten ” playing. 9 How many men did it take to check Harry Pickering? Weber was the only man who had to go to the fence, and enjoyed a well-earned rest for five minutes. The photographic pugilist is going to give it to us when we go down to Mount Forest. We don’t brag about fighting. but our boys can, play lacrosse jusr. the same. They were the “ Lornes” when chey came, but the “ Forlorns" when the game was over. The Mount Forest Juniors were defeated the same day by the Dur- ham Juniors. Score 5 to 0. ”Weber thinks it’s one thing to be referee and another thing to be ref- ereed off the ground. Victory mustn’t make our boys cocky enough to be careless. They have other games to win before they get the pennant. Durham plays in Hanover on the 25th of July. Rowe. the Markdale sport. went home disappointed. He expected to see the Lornes win. but concluded before the game was over that the home team won on its own merits. Crooks and Sheppard, the latest addition to our team. are all right. Mount. Forest rooters blame their new ringers for losing the game. They should put the bleme in the right place an team straight. BLACKâ€"0n Thursday, July 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs, John A. Black. a son. A )IDERSUNâ€"mwHITMORE-«At Portage La Prairie. Monday. June :33, 1902. l) ' Rev. Mr, (‘narrim-k. of Kawemle. Mam. to L 138 Harriet E. Wlntumre, formerly of Durham. MEREDITHâ€"ROODEâ€"At Christ Church. To- ronto. on J nly 3rd. by the Rev. '1‘ W Paterson, Harcourt Thomas Atkins Meredith (Harry), non of the late Thom“ Meredith, of Durham, to Ids Ceceli- Roodo. both of Toronto, ACKâ€"On Thnmda . July 3, infant son f M . and Mrs. John A. Slack. 0 r aha charge the Durham MARRIED. NOTES BORN. DIED. i) The Glorious Twelfthâ€"beautiful weatherâ€"big turnout and successful celebration. The Orangemen of Ar- temesia Districtâ€"seven lodgesâ€"and the Y. M. P. A. lodge of this place commemorated the battle of the Boyne here on Saturday last. and are to be congratulated upon the splendid success and pleasure attending their annual celebration. Flesherton spoke a hearty welcome to the hundreds of visitors, who came. by the reception dress she wore. Flags. Union Jacks, bunting and evergreen decorations were everywhere in evidence and eight stately arches spanned the principal streets. One erected by J. H. Heard Son was admired by all. It was decorated with handsome pro- traits of the King and Queen and mottoes “ No Surrender " and “ God Save the King.” From another arch was suspended “Welcome” by the Y. M. P. B. A. At ‘2 o’clock the pro- cession formed, and led by the Mark- , dale Citizens’ Band marched to 1 Flesher’a Park where the speaking took place under the presidency of District Master. H. D. McLaughery. The first called upon was Mr. M. K. Richardson. M. P., who. in a pleasing manner. welcomed the visitors to this place. Addresses were then given by Rev. Cooke, Wilson and Thom. of this place; Messrs. T. Kells and J. Lyons, Markdale; Mr. F. T. Carr and Rev. T. R. White, of Eugenia. Music l \ was interspersed by the Markdale Band. The procession reformed and marched back to the village square where, after a round of music and the usual cheers. separation took place. Mr. R. Purvis, of Eugenia, marshalled on a gray charger and was kept quite busy. There was a genuine crossing of the Boyne water to and from the park. The ideal place chosen for the Speaking as well as the seating accomodation was greatly praised by the crowd. The Methodist Ladies’ Aid and Mrs Thompson served meals, and each, \1\ The Foresters here turnel out 4‘.) strong to the Methodist church on Sabbath morning: last, when the pastor, Rev. J S. 1, Wilson, preached the annual sermon drawing useful lessons from his texts. which em bod~ ied the mottor of the ()rder--” Liber- ty, Benovelence and Concord.” The Fleshertou and Orange Valley football teams played at the latter place on Tuesday evening of last week. resulting in favor of the Valley boys 1â€"0. we understand, took in over $70. 00. Host Vlnnshaw had a. busy day and good receipts. Mrs. Morrow has removed to the brick cottage on Elizabeth St. recent- ly purchased by Miss Cole from Mrs. Bradbury. Messrs. F H. W. Hickling, A. S. VauDuseu and M. K. Richardson 316 attending Masonic Grand Lodge at \Vindsor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wickens, of To- ronto. are visiting the farmer’s par- ents here. Mrs. Wes. Armstrong. of Port Arthur. visited her mother-in-law. Mrs. J. \V. Armstrong. last week. Mr. Reg. \Vard, formerly of this place. who has been for some time at. the 800. but is now going on Govern- ment survey work near Calgary. was the guest of Mr. Chas. Richardson last week. Mr. Jared Baker, of Stayner. was a visitor at. the home of Mrs. Joy for a couple of days last week. " '\ W Mrsr. Bradsh'aw, of Crystal. N. D., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Boyd. A (a ‘ Miss Ila Crane, of Owen Sound, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Trimble. Mr. R. Martin, of Arthur, was in town Monday in the interests of the “vafsiFred Hickling left on Tuesday to visit friends at Toronto and Belle- ville. VMiss Osborn, milliner in Boyd, Hickling Uo.’s. left Monday to holiday at her home in Guelph. -_ Mr .R. J. Sproule left. on Tuesday to visit his son and daughter at Winnipeg and Brandon. Council met, regular meeting. Members present. N. McIntyre, Esq., Mayor; Councillors, Sharp, Hunter, Smith. McKechnie, Brown, McLach- Ian. Report of Finance Committee on the following accounts :â€" Hugh McKay 3 months’ salary as Health Inspector. . .. ..1 Hugh McKay commission for collecting taxes. Thos. Reid cleaning fire 11311:: S. P. Saunders fixing hose” Wm. B. Vollet salary for month June, etc. 20 EU S. P. Satin-lens rent polling booth........ 400 James Davndson, 860., quarter salary and ac. . .. .. .. 15 00 Colin MCDOUgall glass, putty work ................. . l 70 N. Kelsey tent. polling boonhu 4 00 Alex. McDonald wages as eu- gineer to July 15L... .. .. 8 75 A. 8. Hunter attending court re McKinnon.... Chas.B1'0\\n work.... .. .. .. .. 376 10 And of which is respectfully sub- mittvd. ‘- Joux MCKECHNIE, Chairman. Sharpâ€"Smith-Jl‘bat. the report of Finance Committee be accepted and cheques be issued for the several amounss.â€"Carried. On motion Council adjourned. N. McIn'rrnE. W. B. Vonun'r, Mayor. Clerk. Council Chamber, July 7th, 1902. FLESHERTON TOWN COUNCIL. .. .. ... 20 3O polling (S 7 70 (is) 200 75 f) 00 Wool Wanted. CUSTOM A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE TO CREDI- TORS. In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander Scott, Late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, -â€"vâ€"â€" LV pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. R. S. 0.. 1897. (and amending acts) that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said Alexander Scott. de- ceased. who died on or about the 3lst day of May. A. D.. 1902. are required to send by post (prenaid) or deliver to Eliza Ann Scott the executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased, or to the undersigned. G. Lefro McCaul. Durham. her solicitor. on or be ore the 18th day of July. A. D.. 1902. their Christian names. surnames. and addresses. with full particulars in writing of their claims. and statement of their ac- Counts and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them duly verified by Statu- tory Declaration. I ‘ A A 7 And take notice that after such last men- tioned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice: and the said execntrix will not be liable for the said assets or MN 0 part thereof, to any person or persons or whose claim notice shall not have been re ceived'by her or her solicitor at the time of slicli distribution. Dated this 16th (lav ot'June, A. 1)., 19023. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 38 of chapter 129. ,__ _ n ‘0 _A_\AL_L-|' IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of Thomas Willoughby. late of the Town of Durham, Deceased. m_‘ll“ Nutrive is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of RSI). 1897, Chapter 129. that all crediturs and others having claims against. the estate of the late Thomas Wil- hmghhy. deceasmi, Wlln died on or about the 22nd day at April, “302. are required to send by post, prermred. ur to deliver. to the undersigned, the Administrator of said deceased. on or before the 21st of July. 1902. their Christian and surhames and addresses with full particulars m wri‘tingg of their 1‘ A -._A-....‘ u ‘VIIII .III. lv-‘-.v‘-~V--__ '__ claims, and statements ot their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, duly verified. And take notice that after the said '2lst day of July. 1902, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the narties entitled thereto. havini.r regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and the said Administtator will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof. to any er- son or persons of whose claim notice 8 tall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated :.t Durham this fist day ofJune. “02. flarling 8.. Eaten Alive By Bed=bugs . . . . Imperial Bed-hug Exterminater JNO. A. DARLING DURHAM. Administiatm’s Notice. ure insect Powder, Blue U. LEFROY MCCAUL, Solicitor for above named Executrix Wouldn’t be a very pleasant death for anyone. Just the idea “I a. bug in the bed of a refinmi person would keep him awake all night, There is no excuse for it when the \Vill absoiutely clear your beds and furniture of the pests. We also have the best am] sun-23' Exterminater for all kinds of Vermin. 8mm, Paris Green, Etc, Etc. at law prices. The People’s Druggist. WE KEEP AS USUAL a large assortment Tweeds, Worsteds and Flannels. Ready-B on hand. Suits to order on shortest notice. WM. \VILLOUGHBY, Lamlasln P. 0., Administrator, Highest Price in any quantity of wool. DRUG STORE CARDXNG and Spinning promptly large assortment of Blankets, Yarns. annals. ReadyoMade SUITS always J AS. IRELAND cash or Trade for REMEMBER THE PLACE 1 piece only . regular 100 (or. . . .. ... .7c \ard. F 8 pieces only, regular 150 for .. .9c yud. 5 pieces only. regular 20c and 200 for ..... 12in: ynrd. attended to. Hardware. Bicycles. LAIDLAW’S' OLD STAND.

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