Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1902, p. 9

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DAN’ ordan's 'ant . . rash yours." by h :00! drink [1-9. h n which hoh h;; zht in tho “- at night. m alga in g digh Gold Filled, unnu- “ear 2;) yooaoh. In} d Bow- $12. :1? e [armors who firsc 150 hail! r more anti OI lymomb Bind't early and d”" 9d. \V. 30.!- 8!. twin. ‘0‘ he prices M ty-Huris Show- ORDON F111“ and C1 rustantly on j seq-Harri: la indera. The, '{ E E . . “Mp-Q and second Repairing at low Bam- Walthun Hannah. y Talks ,RBIS : DP UNHHIB Away Durham. Ont. "v-7 don. Bucx’s pry Thought W it The Big Store no the but undo. lac. towelling for be. gt Th. 3;. Store.â€"-â€"-J. A. Hunter. 5c. line snaps for 20. “The Big Store Hardwu'o Dapt. Susmxa sale 0! woman’s summa- skirts and clothing It Tho Big Stan. BUY your childron m Peel's. amp dip at Samoan Coconut .1011 P md Quick Tapiooo ot’Gnnty’n. 0"“ ems/aw puma m: pm ”I m: cHnomth BEAM”, ‘ " - Fog great sum Peel’s. mar Ibo“ all u TENDERS wanted to «ma Ink Fox SALEâ€"Put. bud Jam! «1!, registered pedigree, chap. Apply to F. Peel.--tf. A LARGE qâ€"tznntity of McComiikJ Binding Twine to ho 'dllpoud of the Durham Foundry. BUY Rogou’ awhile oil at '1‘! Big Score Hudwaro Dom. It’s t) best. THE Durban bud bog. to mknov lodge with chunks : contribution five dollar: recoivod from the Hoth- dist. church "candy. E. D. H CLOCKLIN, Socretary. . Local News Items"? {Bunessam put a new ball on s! School house this week. '1‘th is I other right stop, “'3 ball in wt all proper school equipment. THE residence of It. Luhlul I Dougall about 3 mil. out 0! Fri ville was struck by lighming Saturday, July 19511, and null, « strayed together with most of I contents. man of twenty-four yours. About. four years ago be contracted u unto cold which uflecmd his lungs, Ind de- veloped into consumption from which he lingered on until Thuuduy of lease. ()1) Sunduy ultornoon his re- mains were interred in Durhum Com- etex'y whither they were followed by a large concourse of relatives sud friew'm'. We extend our cymputbiu to :‘m- bereaved mother and family. \J“ ’\\E‘A vuv A 7 VJ ______ b:‘t).i,»_;ht the meeting to 1 close. Rev. Mr. Ryan pccupiod the Mr.“ wkas .iecided that Grey‘lllonld luv. Cmc HOLIDAY, August 8th. a very accebublo W- 3- l'lJr house. i A cominitteo I” O9- {minted to look into the matter, and re; it as to location and othar ‘ 'aila. Durham put in a claim and wcor‘lingly a deputation vlaitod ’V Commissioner! Gordon; 0‘ 0.... a .,1nd Shute. of Holland W 0“ Derh r. Agnew, 0! Inform. lw‘h‘“ 0f Priceville, Allan 0' “03“" McLean of Bontinck, “$31.00.“ “ arden), of Durham, and hm °f ”Spray. Prior to “do; on all-Q3- pedition to apy out it. hid “It I aidlaw had arranged to “I. ‘m ens out to tho L“. “I film 0V or the Cement Worth. Th '51“ ms were apparoltly WM "My astonished at tho .9 the concern and will” ”impact“. hon“ 'h‘ Of what a mall. .' :1 ,, sists of A I“ it the Hound ,i . ; aminod a“ I“ ' ;; 1. loft with SIC ., Inhatanthl ' Ititutlo“ *1 hat in. NM fit “I . ScuooL Samoa No. l. in VOL. M. 1847. Friday, August 8th, has been Proclaimed a Civic Holiday for Durham. the Lflm were 70. livo weight Wodnu- $1000 worm of brand new boots md :hoql just opened up u The Big Tan mungomont of St. Columba Church, Prioovillo. navel-tine: for Tender: in this issue. Mn. Knun, Jeweller. hu pur- chased the ruidonoo of Mr. Archie. Little, out of the town. Store, in: phood a. véry :ttiicti‘}; sign in the «or. which rad: “Hurd- wu'o Dopf.” Ir in reported. though not definite- ly tho: Mr. Loitoh hu purchased the property and grocery stock of Mrs. Burnett, up town. Smear. Life Buoy, Monkey Broad, Grout, Surprise, Comfort, Gold. Complexion and Cold Croum Sup: for Tn Big Store bu just opened a new stock of Blue!- chaos for men. Price: 83.50 to 06.00. You can’t beat them. We no ‘11 sole agents hora. cm do as much woi‘k" and he won work on our Orcherdville correspond- ent need to give him credit. for there wont be much need of other black- smith: after John gets in full swing. DB. Honsmr M. P.. of Owen Sound. met with a sad misfortune in the Sun Portland Cement mill last week which resulted in his death at the Marine Hospital a few hours later. The mill was just being put in oper- ation and the difierent parts were be- ing tested when a rapidly revolving balance wheel happened to burst in the power house. A piece of the u heel struck the doctor and from the first no hopes were entertained of his recovery. The deceased was the chief promoter of the concern and have received quite a shock on Wed- nesday night last when the spire of the Presbyterian Church of that vil- lage was struck by lightning and badly damaged. . Our correspondent I out there must have left the place, as we have heard nothing from him of any account for several months, and it is only through the kindness of others we are in a position to men- tion the disaster. From what we ' learn. the slate was all peeled 03. the spire and the braces supporting the main mast badly shattered. The damage is estimated at 8400 to 8500, but a move is being made in the di- rection of having it repaired. ”HIV. rovâ€"â€"'-_ wee anxiously watching develop- ments in the initial stage of Opera.- tion when the accident occurred. Tag Unign :Buq ha} chmged hgnds 08. Bill. S. BURT. u Gum’s. “CLUSIVILY. Hunt-n ,, of The Big Throat and Non Bmms in hum-aware Hunter’s. ‘ Exuunmox to Mount. Forest afternoon. Fifty cents return. ren 25 cents. TRINITY Church 8. S. (Lawrence’s Hell) will hold their annual picnic in Ector’a grove, Fridey afternoon, Aug. lot, 1902, All are welcome. Tun gerden party of the eeneon under the enepicee of the young peo- ple of the Preebyterien Church will he held Angnec 8th on the grounds of Mr. Alex, MoLnohlnn. Good pro- gramme. Bend in attendance. Tam Glenelg Voters’ List wu post ed in the Clerk’s -,ofioe J uly 29th - vâ€"vâ€" éee notic; In this idsue I'r’s well worth something to trust a. smnll amount to those who ere like- ly not to pay, and while they owe you. which is likely to be forever, they’re not likely to bother you again, and if they do you know how to handle them. Cement Works had a narrow escape from death on Monday but. _V_V_}§ile Mr. Robert Agnew. of Meaford. who is now a member of the County Council. We had an idea that he considered the modest scribe a had “ young ’un ” as he wielded the birch over us in the early 70’s. Such, it seems, is not the case, and the opin- ion he gives would be good enough to put in a Sunday School book. An-3 other teacher heard from. and still no reason why we should not he al- lowed to live. Mr. John A. Munro doesn’t give us a very bad record, and should a few others like Mr. Agnew and Mr. Munro come on the scene and talk similarly. the chances are we’ll think ourself too good for this sphere, and seek something bet- ter than the mundane joys that lie so thickly in our pathway. We were real pleased to meet Mr. Agnew, and hope his kindly feeling will be ex- tended to supporting our claim for the Poor House. OFF TO SCOTLAND.â€"â€"On Monday af- ternoon last Mr. R. McFarlane, Sr., his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Hunter, his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Jackson, and Mr. J. H. Hunter, of the Corner Store, 'eet out for bonnie Scotland where they will remain for a couple of months’ visit. The Saturday previous Mr. \Valter Nichol, Sr.. went as far as Toronto and will. in all probability, join the others there on their trip to “ The Land of the Heather.” Half a century ago a trip to the Old Land would appear like an eternal separa- tion. but such are the changes of that half century that time and distance, are now so nearly annihilated, that a' ' trip across the ocean has come to be regarded as a brief outing to those who have the time and money at their disposal. And after all what better way could any one devise for a good profitable and invigorating summer holiday. We wish them one and all a pleasant voyage and a safe return. CHARCOAL in bulk n J. A. Hunter’s Two of the iron workers a» the July Brides Can be supplied ith every menu of 1““ PVNGOOSBOL 5"- nfwwn u "y (I loan from his advertisement thll adornment fro ‘oar rich, verie . . . . and elegent mortment of jewelry. week. mtende 80ml ‘0 ylnnO‘POhl. Everything here in ”exactly “9.“. where he wull engege 1n whet we date am it mam an yeer apd hype my pro" to hm t more lacu- oeuon in clmly he the ell-nee. “"5“"!!“3- come: that purchases mode from no no diomond vdnos in gold piio‘olot- tings. No trouble to ohow goods. of ‘ Silver'ware in ‘1 DURHAI, out, THURSDAY, JULY 31,1902. .g' the scafiolding gt Fridnq Child- Millinery Bargains PORTLAND Cemant. 0.1: J. A. Hunter’s. Illa “Vvu-w" the whole stafi was as busy as nailers tnssling through the Glenelg Voters’ List. Another week’s holiday would indeed be necessary to enable us to even up with our work. We do not refer to this little rush in a faultofind- ing spirit, nor do we wish our pat- rons to think we are too independent to take their orders and their work. one dollar :1 , fie Iollowinl 41â€"AA- u_-_A’ Two weeks ago we referred to the fact that a monument had been pur- chased for the Gregson brothers. who were recently drowned in the river here, and that the monument would be in place on the 28th of July. True to what we then said, it was placed in position on Monday last by the manufacturers, Messrs. Robinson do Corbett, of Mt. Forest, and reflects great credit on them as skilled artis- ans. as svell as great credit for the kindness of the contributors who con- ceived the idea of giving the unfor- tunate young men a good Christian burial, WE have to inform our many read- ers this week of a change of business. For three generations a business has been carried on here by the Hunter families, and all readers are familiar with the name of Mr. J. A. Hunter. whose spicy advertising has formed a special feature of the local papers. A... -2 --_a‘ wrvvâ€"wâ€" __, Mr. Hunter was a young man of con- siderable enterprise, and so far as our personal knowledge of him is con- cerned we always found him honor- able in his dealings, and further we are of the opinion that the general public found him just as we found him. But be has sold out his busi- ness. and after the first of September the business at Phe Big Store will be controlled by other bands. The new purchaser, Mr, Russell. of Elora, is a gentleman highly .rscommended to _ L9‘9A__ -__J end hope thet the same friendly huei- neee relations. hitherto carried on between Mr. Hunter end no. mey he trenelerred to the new men. Mr. Rneeell. end thet time will inepire ne with ee (all e confidence ee we bed in hie predeoeeeoi‘. lit. Easter, ee we â€"7â€"A LL2- on chums RATES. We are still very ‘husy in Millinery depsrtment, and s the hot westher. orders rapidly rushing in from sides. Ssturdsy morning will show in the window 1 35 plain shspes at 12“. TL shspes are fashionsbls and trim up prettily. Also 15 t med hats at 750 each. They very stylish and nest, reg 82.00 and $2.25. Don’t fsi call and see these excel bsrgsins for yourself. of Tall 0mm who my 3 your in advance an at 133 pupa" at the clubbing n the window over pas at 12§c.'1‘hese uhionsblo and will tily. Also 15 trun- 750 each. They no and neat, rogolu L25. Don’t fail to LAMB'I‘ON ST R E E '1‘ excellent or 1 the since I are 0.11 REMNANTS - of all classes of Summer f ._ 4', Goods now going, including: ‘ ; 1': i f" LADIES’ WHITE WEAR _ 3;; LADIES’ VESTS y 1.‘ LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR TOP SKIRTS ;, -â€"---- - u...,...., - â€" v~ ~ , ,I L.‘ ‘ :.. ‘ . LOTHING \R CLOTHING AA .â€" A.__~A ‘ A r. - - - C 8' o o -u. - fl“. " ‘ . ll- - _ .A v -. ‘ - I - O- 1 - u. n -w- O. - - - - - ‘O -776" a... Reductions in the prices of Ladies’ Whitewear, Underskirts, Chemises, Corset Covers and Night Gowns. Now is your chance to secure bargains. Men's Working Shoes 0.1; 81.25, 01.36, 81.40. 81.50, 82.50 and 82.75 pnir. Men’s Fine Shoes, McCrody' u make, a 01.60, 01.75, ”$0,013.60. 83. 75 nod 84. 00 pnir. In all the difiorenc flnvoriugnâ€"Stnwhorry, Raspberry, Orun' Cherry. Piltuchio, Calfsfom. Pine A9910. LOIIIOII and Vault. 10¢ a puckm or 3 for 26¢. Lorimor' I Concongruted Lomooodo Cryotolo, moo bottle. Try a bottle. it' a good. Try Blue Ribbon Tu, Alto Black. Mind ad Coy!“ Gnu. M'CLAREN’S JELLIES. LEMONADE CRYSTA L8. MEN'S FOOTWEAR. BLUE RIBBON TEA.

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