Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jul 1902, p. 2

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.U County Council. Mr. Preston presented report of Finance, recommending that no grant be made to the County of Grey Poul- try Association ; that no grant be Dado to the Elmwood public library ; that free pedlars’ licensee be granted ”Ruins Oliver, Meaford. David Wil. ‘Iiama. Aeaford, and N. A. Flynn, Borkeley; that account of John Flynn {or use of school house as polling ~hoot]: at 1901 election he refer-ted hot ’to be certified; than report of ”RIP s Aid Society be filed and a “t d 8100 be mzdo to auistin “flying on the watt; tlnt “know- Rev. .133. Lediard, Agent. of the Children’s Aid Society. presented his report of the society’s work in the County. Mr. Gordon presented report of County Property. recommending pay. ment of accounts from Parker Co.. Christie Bros. Co.. Owen Sound Gas Light Co.. John Miller. E. W. Cross, Wingham. T. 1. Thompson and R. L. Adolph. amounting in :11 to 7 82 The report was ndoptvd. Hr. Allen presénted report Tof‘jnd- icinl Audit Commi'tco. which was 3100 adopted. titer which council ad- journed until 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. At this session all the members were pres-ant. Following is the oddrou of War- den Ch“. McKinnon, delivered at tho .oponing of June session of the coun- Gmuxm or nu: Conan COUNCIL: The clerk read the following com- munications:-â€".-\pplication from the County of Grey Poultry Assocmtion {or a grant; application from the North Grey Women’s Farmers’ In- stitute {or a grant; letter from N. L Currie, clerk of Euphrasia with reference to difficulty between Hol- land and Euplirasia councils; applic- ntion from Rufu‘ Oliver and David Williams for free pedlar’s license; letters from citizens of Elmwood for grant towards a public library; memorial from ratepayers of Holland “king for free pedlar’s license for Alex. Flynn; also accounts from Ryan Broe.. J. M. Davie, Jan. Ken- nry, Andrew Schenk, Jud Allen. Thos. VVyvill, Dugald Ferguson. Mr. Preston presented report of Finance, recommending that the statement of Merchant’s Bank show- ing amount to the credit of county at the bank to be 816,205.51. be filed ; that account of R. Breckenridge. 08, for burial of David Connor be paid; that Edward Fitzgerald be granted a pedlar’s license for one year free: that no grant be made to Ontario Lile Association; that presentment of Grand Jury at General Session be filed; that the different amounts contained in the Treasurer's estim- ates for 1903 be provided. the tatal amount being 831.107, as follows :â€" Education, $8.785; administration of justice, $1,163; fuel and light, 81305; county council sessions and election expenses, $1700; county grants, 82,000; printing, stationery, law costs. etc... 8625; registry ofices, books, luel. etc., 3250; salaries and sundry expenses,$:. ,500; general re- pairs, say 8900; bridges and ap- proaches. say St, 000: less probable revenue from licenses, tines. registry oflices, etc. 81. 6'23; interest on by. law 4h3 $800; sinking fund. $707; in all, 81,507. The report was adep- ted. 1 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR THE COUNTY OF 835 Y. I welcome you back to your duties. You all appear to be in the best of health and spirits ready to perform the work which may be brought te- fore you. Some changes have occur- red since we met here in January. I am sure you are all pleased that the war in South Africa is ended, after nearly three years of fighting. and during which time many brave lives were sacrificed and much treasure wasted. The sacrifice of human life cannot be contemplated without the profoundest feelings of regret. The British death list and those invalided home. number many thousands, and amongst them were many of our own brave Canadian boys. who have fall- en in the front ranks with credit to themselves and their country. I may say that there has been nothing ot any great importance touching coun- ty matters brought to my notice since the January session, except perhaps the appeal of the town of Owen Sound from the equalized assessment made in January last. This matter will be laid before you, and I trust you will give it your serious consideration. Another matter which will doubtless engage your attention will be the House of Refuge. The report of the special committee appointed at last session upon this quesion will, I doubt not, be laid before you. and will re- ceive your earnest and careful con- sideration, Thursday, the 96th inst. as you are aware, has been officially proclaimed as the Coronation Day of our beloved and esteemed sovereign,’ King Edward \'ll., and will be ob- served throughout the British Em- pire. and we will all heartily join in the prayer. Long Live the King. I would urge upon you to expedite the business of the session as much as possible. that all the matters coming belt 1 9 us mav lw duly considered and not hurried input the end of the week for things done hurridly are seldom well done. TUESDAY A PTERXOON. Council met at? .éO o ’clock with all the members presentâ€"the \Varden in the chair. WEDNESDA Y A FTERNOON (Owen Sound Athenian.) On morion of Messrs. McArthur and Watson Messrs. McKinucn and Brown were empowered to build a bridge on the townline of Euphrasia and Artemesia, and the Warden and Mr. McArthur to build a bridge on the townline of Artemesia and Glen- elg. The report of Mr. A. Grier, School Inspector {or East Grey. was ordered to be printed in the minutes. On motion of Messrs. Agnew and Doyle a special committee was ap- pointed. consisting of Messrs. Gordon Harness. Preston. McLean, Allen, Shute, McArthur. the \Varden and the mover, to select suite for the House of Refuge. have plans and specifications prepared in accordance with the adopted report of the spec- ial committee. end report to the coun- cil st November eeeeion. On motion of Messrs. McDonald and Shute. it was decided to draw the attention of the county Auditors On motion of Messrs. McDonald and Preston the Road and Bridge committee was authorized to get legal advice as to the liability of the county to remedy the washout and deviation from its course of Mitchell’s creek on the townline between the townships of Collingwood and Euph- rasia, and report to council at this session, after which adjournment was made until 8 o’clock. FRIDAY EVENING . After roll call. all the members be- ing present, leave was granted Mr. \Vatson to introduce by-law621 to levy a rate to meet the turrent ex- penses and liabilities of the county for the year 1903. The by-law was finally passed. It was moved in amendment by Messrs. Allen and Schenk. that the report be laid over till November session for more definite information. This amendmett was lost, and the motion for adoption of the report was carried on the following division: Yeasâ€"Agnew, Brown, Doyle, Gor- don. Harness, McColeman. McLean, Preston and the Wardenâ€"9. Nays â€"Allan. McArthur. McDonald, Prin- gle, Schenk. Shute and Watsonâ€"7. Mr. James McLauchlan, President of the Owen Sound General and Mar- ine Hospital Board. and Dr. Lang, addressed the council. urging that a liberal grant be made to that institu- tion, and pointing out the excellent work that was being done. Dr. Lang stated that no hospital in Can- ada has a greater percentage of cures than this one. Council went into committee on the report with Mr. Pringle'in the chair, and a lengthy discussron en- sued, occupying most of the after- noon sitting. Messrs. McLean, Pres- ton and the Warden were found to be in favor of the report, and Mr. Mc- Donald Opposed it. After committee rose Messrs. Agnew and McLean moved the adoption of the report. FRIDAY AFTERNOON . Report of Special committee re House of Refuge was presented by Mr. Agnew. 1t recommended that a House of Refuge be built, cost not to exceed $16,000. This amount to in- clude cost of 50 acres of land and the Government grant of $4,000. The committee reported having received a number of offers for site convenient to Markdale, Meaford and Owen Sound. Mr. McDonald introduced hy-law 617 for the appointment of nominat- ing oflicers, which was put through the various stages and passed. The following are the officers appointed {or the various county council divis- ions zâ€"No. 1, Thomas Gordon, Owen Sound ; No. 2, W Beaton, Kilsyth ; No. 3, \V. B. Vollet, Durham; No. 4, David Allan, Holstein; No. 5', W. J. Bellamv, Flesherton; No. 6, W. G. Allister. Meaford; No. 8, J03. M. Rodgers, Woodiord. Council adjourned until 10 a. m. Thursday. In committee of the whole on this report. with Mr. Watson in the chair, this clause was discussed at consid- erable length and amended by a mo- tion of Mr. McDonald. by appointing Mr. Shute to confer with the town- ship council of Holland with refer- ence to the disputed accounts. and reportito this council at next session. The last clause of the report author- ized the clerk to notify the township clerks of Artemesia and Osprey to repair the town line between said townships near lot 80, as per petition of Archie Shew all and others. and if not attended to that Mr. Preston have the work done. The report was then adopted, : Mr. Agnew presented report of Roads and Bridges, which recommen- ed payment of accounts, etc.. which were passed. With reference to claim of $32.72 made by township of Euphrasia on the township of Hol~ land and laid before council in a letter from N. L. Curry, clerk of Holland to pay over to Euphrasia’s treasurer the said amount. In committe of the whole, with Mr. Harness in the chair, the report was amended by granting 850 to the Owen Sound Poultry Aesocxation on motion of Messrs. McDonald and Shute. after which the aeport was adopted. ledgement by Sick Children’s Hospit- al of grant from the county be filed; that communication from President Mills of the Ontario Agricultural College be filed. and when there is a vacancy that Thos. Binnie, of Glen- elg, be appointed county student at said college ; that a grant of 825 each be made to the North. South and Centre Grey Farmers’ Institutes, and a grant of $10 each be made to the North and South Grey Women’s In- stitute, these grants in no case to be paid unless a report has been received from said Association. Mr. Agnew stated that he had re~ fer-red the difficulty regarding Mit. chell’s CIEEk on the townline between Enphrasiu and Collingwood to the county solicitor, Mr. A. G. Mackay. He read the solicitor’s Opinion on the matter which stated that the county had the power and right. to and child, run down-there are hundreds-â€"1ucky if you-are not one. And what <6 you think they want? They want rest and a change, and can’t get either. Pity to speak of it! Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oi is almost rest in itself ! .II. m net can"; All NV 37. new . Octal, ‘ cucmgn. to On motion of Messrs. Preston and McDonald. Master Vincent Gordon. messenger of council was voted one dollar per day for his services during the session. Report of County Preperty was presented by the chairman, Mr. Gor- don. It stated that the committee had visited and inspected the gaol and found everything in a satisfact- ory condition under Mr. Miller’s guardianship. There were nine in- mates, and it was ”a cause for satis- faction that there were none of these confined for serious crimes, although the county included so many ship- ping points within its limits. They recommended that the walls and ceil- ings of the halls be painted. to finish the work partly done; that platform for jurors be removed so that persons going to and from the barrister’s room would not pass between the judge and the jury; also that ten dollars be expended on the purchase of flowers for the court house grounds The report was adopted, Mr. Allan remarking sarcastically that perhaps they should erect new county build- ings. Mr. Brown said it was a mistake to leave the selection of a site and other business with reference to a house of refuge over until November session. Arraingments should be made now so that materials could be got in readiness for commencing the work early in the spring. Brick could not be got early in the season. Some discussions took] place. Mr. Agnew, chairman of the poor house committee. stated that he believed they should wait further ofiers of sites and perhaps deal with the mat.- ter at a Special meeting of the coun- cil After several members had ex- pressed themselves. it was decided to leave the matter with the committee at present. and the Warden will call a Special meeting, if necessary, when the committee are prepared to report definitely as to a site. The opinion was expressed by members that there was no fear of brick being scarce. The following accounts for services in connection with the House of Ref- uge were passed zâ€"Chas. Gordon, 33; 'l‘hos. Harness, $4.50; D. K. Preston $13.70; B. Agnew, 815,15. Mr Preston said he did not. wish to charge for looking after cites, but an- other member advised him to charge for his time, as they got no thanks for working for the county for noth- 111g. The concluding :session of the council met at 9.20 o’clock Saturday morning. Very little business was transacted and adjournment was reached at 11. Some discussion took place on a motion by Messrs: Mc- Donald and Watson to grant $500 to the General and Marine Hospital. It was moved in amendment by Messrs. Doyle and Gordon that. the grant be 81,000, and each county commissioner have the privilege of sending one patient from his devision to the hos- pital for 21 days free. Mr. Gordon said this would place the county on the same loating towards the hospit- alas the municipalities which con- tributed towards its support. Mr. Preston 881d that he would be in favor of the county issuing debent- ures for 310,000 for the purpose of assisting the hospital. Mr. McDon- ald was opposed to increasing the grant to 81,000, as it would not go far to providing the additions which were said to be necessary, and there would be nothing to show for the ex- penditure. In view of what Dr. Lang had said as to the success in treating cases an increased grant was not necessary in order to make the hospital successful. A grant of $500 annually he considered was a good allowance. Mr. Gordon said that he fancied that surgical insuruments were badly needed and could be ob- tained if the grant were increased. Mr. Watson said he had been inform- ed by a medical practitioner in To- ronto hospital that it was better for the doctors to own the surgical in- struments. In Toronto hOSpital this was found to be the case. Mr. Brown said he understood thehospital board had other funds and with $1,000 from the county would be able to build a wingandoperatingroom. Hehighly approved of the work which the hos- pital was doing and believed the county could not do too much in the way of giving assistance. Messrs. Allan and McColman were also 0p- posed. Mr. Gordon withdrew his amendment and Mr. McDonald’s mo- tion granting $500 was passed. to the necessity of furnishing their reports to the council in a neatly bond-written or type-written manner ready to go to the printer without revision as to spelling, punctuation or general make-up. Council adjourned until Saturday at. 9. a. m. 33:13 81-00: SATURDAY MORNING . $0.0m --..v ‘Ivll‘ D‘IU lâ€"lth to the 8th Concession, to be ex- pended by the Reeve, providmg Pro- ton grants an equivalent.~Curried. M ickleboro’â€"M cFadden-That Com- missioner McIntyre expend $50.00 on 5th sideroad between the 20th Cou- cession and the towuliue.-â€"Carried. McFaddenâ€"Mickleboro’Jl‘hat Com- missioners McIntyre and Durant be appointed a. committee to examine Baxter’s Bridge. Con. 22. and the bridge on the 15th nidorond u Lots 15‘160 con. 18' u to thfl “Iii-unlu- McIntyreâ€"McFaddenâ€"That tlou of George Snell and 21 askim- agraut to put a raili hill at Lot. 22, Con. 12â€"Resolv1 the matter be left. with the Cc that. Division.-â€"Carried. McFaddenâ€"Durautâ€"â€"That this Council grant $20 to imp rove Egre- Durantâ€"Mickleboro’-Tbat McIntyre construct a ditch o side-road. Con. 21, cost not to filteen dollarsâ€"Canned McIntyreâ€"Durantâ€"That rep proposed deviations be adopted each CommiSa-ioner receive $4.0( mission Reeâ€"Carried. The committee appointed to inves- tigate proposed deviations to avoid building bridges and cutting down hill reported as followszâ€"At Lot 14, Con. 3 ‘that no change be made. Af- ter examining Base Line Con. 18-19 recommended that it be surveyed and timber removed and made fit for travel as soon as practicable. At Gore "A” Con. 15 that original road- way be followed and bridge built and hill graded and filled to bridge. At Lot 18. Con. 6. recommended the proportion of present deviation along flats be changed and run along the brow of the hill as it is impossible to keep said ioad-bed in repair by reas- on of the spring iresliet overflowing it, and it would do away with a cat- tle-pass and a large culvert, there- fore the change should be made. Coun. Mickleboro’ reported that A. Hamilton had put a new railing on Davidson’s bridge, Base Line. Cost $5. Councillor McIntyre reported on road contract zâ€"H. Haw, Gravelling 452- 5ds. Lot 25 :26 Con. 17 at 54cts. 5) feet wide 8 ins. deep. Total $24.70. D. McCannell, taking love but of crossway. Lot. 25 26, Con. 17, $2.. 00. John Weir, Gravelling 4O rods, Loc 19, Con. 17- 18, 5“. wide, Oins deep, at. 430ts. Total 317 20. A. McDon- ald, removing tree off road, 25cm. and 85 loads of Gravel taken from (5r. Haw’ 8 pic. ‘. Mickleboro’ â€"-Durant-â€"Tbat forego- ing report be adopted and Com’ r Mc- Intyre receive $3. 50 commission fees. â€"Curried. ,McIntyreâ€"Durantâ€"That forego- ing report. be adopted and Councillor Mickleboro’ be paid one dollar com- mission fees.â€"Uarried. Durantâ€"McFaddenâ€"That forego- ing report be adopted and Commis- sioner be paid $3 commission fees. â€"Curried. Councillor Mickleboro’ reported that. bridge at. P. Mutch’s is complet- ed, covered with rock elm, cost $60. Repairing and filling abutments $8. Payment recommended to Shiels and Neilsou, $68. Councillor McIntyre reported that road grader had been used in Division No. 2. for 14% days. He had spent 2 days in warning out Pr thmasters in said Division, and James Smith had operated grader 142,: days at $1.75 per day; total $25.37 and 95c. repairs. Councillor McFaddsn reported that grader had been used in his Division 3% days Operated by Jas. Smith, and that he had warned Pathmasteers in said Division. Mickldboro’â€"-Durantâ€"That {ore- going report be adopted and Council- lor McFadden be paid .52 for his ser- vices.â€"Carried. McFaddenâ€"McIntyreâ€"That E. North, London, he paid $66.15 for culvert tiles;freight to Mt.Foreat 818. John Wilson, unloading same, $1.00.-â€"Carried. Mickleboroâ€"McFaddenâ€"Thet pe- tition presented by J. F. McKinnon and twenty-nine others soliclting grant for 15th side-road Con’s 14 15. That 320 be granted for gravelling. â€"Carrled bandage. This will cure the worst cases in a short time. Try Nerviline for Rheumatism, N euralgia, Sciatica or Lumbagoâ€"it’s all right and only costs a quarter. Durantâ€"Mickle‘boro’â€"That. fore- going report be aeopted and Council- lor McIntyre be paid $4.00 for his services.-â€"Carried. The Agonizing Pain: of Rheumatism. Swollen, aching joints, muscles are stiff and sore, every movement ac- companied by pain. The most potent remedy is Polson’s Nerviline, which has five times the pain-snbduing power of any other preparation. Apply the Nerviline copiously,nrub it rv -â€"~ in g sang the national anthem take any action to prevent the wash- ing away of bridge approaches, but that. the solicitor could)?» from lack bus-v tuv 'v----vvâ€" _ - of information advise definitely in the premises. On motion of Mr. Mc- Donald Messrs. McColman and Ag- new were appointed to look after the matter and take action to restore the creek to its original channel. Couhcil adjourned to meet. again on Wednesday the 10th November. at 'L o. m. The members before dispers- Council met June 24th. Minutes approved. EGREMONT COUNCIL. 188 to ladenâ€"That peti- ell and 21 others put a railing on 12â€"Resolved that with the Com’r of Th_at report on MacFARLANE co.- m All Paper Wall Paper UNDERTAKING PRICES CUT. . - LAMBTON' MISS Dle,~ STREEJT $5.00 Hats for $3.75. $4.00 Hats for $3.00. $3.00 Hats for $2.25. $2.00 Hats for 81.25. GREAT CUTS in Trimmed Millin- . ery. Trimmed Hats that please from 75c up. NICELY TRIMMED Ready-to-wear and Ladies’ English Walking Hats, former prices $3.00, $2.75, $2.25. 362,00 and $1.25. to be cleared at 50¢ each. Secure one. Furniture . SAILORS that sold for $1 750, new going at 25c. Mickleboro’-â€" Durantâ€"â€"That we now adjourn to meet in Holstein on Friday, August 16th.â€"Carried. of building new bridges. and report. at the next meetingâ€"Carried. Dnrantâ€"Mclntyre-â€"That Com’r Miokleboro’ be appointed to inspect the pile driving for Holstein bridge. and see that the old bridge is remov- ed and disposed of.â€"Carried. Resolved that the following acc’ts be paid:â€" Chas. Ramage. advertising Court of Revision. 81.50, Reeve. dis- tributing path roll., 2 days, 84 00; Clerk, ditto, 1 day 82 ; E. Mapletoft, Gravel, 85; G. Haw, Gravel, $1.33; Geo. Haw, ditto, $2.83; Clerk’s sal- ary, for Quarter 835.00 ; do, postage and stationery, 6 mos. $4.50; John McDonald, Gravel, $2.50 ; Mrs. Tay- lor, use of Hall, 500; Councillor’s pay, $10.00. EVERYIMNG in the Millinery line reduced to almost half its original price. .W' “.6 ---â€"', â€"â€"'- 'â€"*""' â€""Jv-Iu - ' DWtfll ‘3‘ Lack Of Energy and St 33372} ‘13-‘14 fled-mat will build you up mentally, ph 52?. end sexually. Cm. Guaranteed or no Pay. 2' van m Demon. “at “out". H'No Din-u Used With-t Writte- “out. (I. "ICEâ€"A HAPPY ur . ‘t ““133. Int-not linen-now Escape. I r “ on turns. At echool I learned nn enrly habit, w , $34 no hyoicnlly mlly and mentally. thllyDo said has to? Into “decline” Consumption). Finally, u Golden Monitor, ’ editedb Dre. ennedy a Kergan fell int. hands. I learned the In! and can“. Self Abuse had sappe. hula»! and was cured. My friends think I ““12”; .1. Igiaq?.€mtyggynnt them mnv ontlonts. all of whom were n m' .4. ”an, wmlummufiny onpttoa t at 1' M Colt sbue 3nd “$353022? gm Dinne- lnn ruined and wrecked the life of my a mum! a)“, “I“. Have tons: lama uld but i M - . m my 01th. follow ggpnully taunted Eula la and irritablqnnvggmg. gzgimn;$?l)mnia and Drain In high; Restless; Hag ard Lookilx: owner lore Throat' Hair Loou' Pain: in the ; 8 flow mine-n: Dlstru’ltfnl 93d Lula: of Energy “4 ystr:::tehn , Our m Halted Deanna: val build you up mentally, physical; ma nanny. Cm. Quantum or no Pay. manned aid [was vitauty. I took the New Hdfi ‘1‘. “I live on a “th1 2:? " into Golden Manual;q earned the ma and can“. Bolt than had sapped my “Trauma! and mound. Hy friends think 1“,“ J ””vvvâ€" P. Int-530771301 narrow map}. â€" At ochool I learned an cu} habit, which 32 usually and malty amu ~ - D ocune” Consumption). Final?” 9915:: v edited!) Du. ennedy a Kcrgan fell into my cured of Coungptlon. 1 Ian out than mn‘fuluu. 1!! of whom were cum 0‘! Treatment “99“.. VI‘OI, tint, “d ”upload.” Also a First Class Hearse always in connection. balming u speciaity. Em- That is sure to please can always be purchased here. We carry the largest stock of, W all Paper in town. Examine our stock and .buy your Paper here. Trimmed Free of Cost. is the time to buy hats D. ALLAN. Clerk. :25, $1.00 («a (ednr 2 0IclIards '1 herein a bank [III 70:46 a brick \IIIII propertv and mm roar. Well fauoed. m apply to ALEX. 1.1 gayment, Lots'Z-iaml 1:; w" anon. Mutick. Grey County, halt a 3! from school. n mile and a quurtvl' ff Church ‘nd DO“ office and a mile 111;!“ 5‘ null. l“ acres cleared. 100 xm‘vs HI I: am. of cultivation: remainder [iasllue la. ”Mfumad hardwood bush and .3 an cedar. 3 «chords. trees in fall heart Thanh {hank burn on Home found“ M llmek vweered hum-e. 1 ’0” M Q“ one never-{aging "wig: April 14th. D Durham Road. Township ‘1' '1‘? 50 m under flood ('ulthatlun. l l. mt brick house. l'osl barn :am’. .' Well nnd pump, small orchard. ('wl" ‘0 ,lchOOl. church and pus! “(New I)?“ and further particulars anny 3 MRS. MARY Mr.“ or to D. MoComucx. JOHN MCARTIH'K. OUR YOUNG 1:1‘1‘15 12 to ‘20 months old. 12 to '20 months dd two roan: choiccly bred. Or at this office. July 1, 1(0). 013. containing 1(1) achsâ€"SO acres rod end in first class Maw uf "“1.” Vauon, well lenced. “ell watered. with good frame dwelling and good um blllld' 1038. Frame barn 54x64 on Hune found- etnoq, another frame barn Sufi). 500d baring orchurd at nearly 100 ll'm-s. “ill ‘be Iddjeuonable and on easy terms. 1'07 perucuhrs apply to the mmer, GEORGE LAMB. A BEING LOT 9, CON. 1-1. GLEN- c , Diseased Men. Jan. 20th. JOHN KERR. Societary. Jun 28th. 1902 2pd. \‘Anxm' l' 1“. cations will be received by 11w under- Smod up to Friday. July 18 m .~. 5. x0. 1.. Enrollment and Normauby. Applicant '3" ““9 e‘perience. name salary and fur- msh copies of testimonials. Duiiw to cum- mense on Monday. Aug. 18. J uue 18th, 1902. A chase desirable budding his \‘ullld do well to take a look at Juhn A. \\ un‘eu's Inn of sub-division 01 Park Lu! number our, north of Chester street, in the Gov- ernment Survey, of the Tm”: “1' Durham. Plan an be seen at the ofiice u: .I. 1'. Tel- fgrd. Durham, or at the office m' the under. signed. For turther particulars apply to April 1. Section No. 13, liemiuck, m the re» mainder of the year. Dunes m cummenoe after summer holidays. Applicmium will be received up to July mm by the under- signed trustees. HUGH R. RIDDELL. Stem! Dornoch 1‘. U. \ a. ““N, .lWOOVâ€"OIâ€"lâ€"Buildiilm} lots â€"uâ€"u tI-Ive “9.x Side of Albert street. being part, at” Luis 10 11. Also buildingjots on the past “do ..f (jam. fun street. being part of Lut~ 1n \\ 11, NOW is your tigne to securv lmildmg 10%" For further paruculars apply 1.. April 30th.- -tf. 5 ACRES, LOT EIGHT. x. 1), 11.. Gleuelg. Well fenced and watered and in good state of cultivation. Buy terms. Applyto N THE__T_OWN OI“ DURHAM Short Hum Bulls For Sale. EING LOT 53. (TON NY PERSON WISHIM; 'I‘u l’L'R- BARGAIN ON EASY TERM." Teacher \Vantvcl. ALE OR FEMALE 'â€" APPLI. ALE OR FEMALE FUR SCHOOL Teacher Wanted. Building lots For Saie. Building lots For Sale. HOUSE AND LOT OX QUEEN Streak the property ”f Mrs. .1- 1. Farm For Sal“- Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. ARCHIBALD DAVIDEUN, Clerk Diusiuu Court. For Sale. For Sale. lyrâ€"pd. DURHAM. um DONALD MCCOSKERY. tf ll Pewr 5L, Torc H. PA RKER, Durham tf m 9‘!!!" firm. TAYLOR. Cflwfl' ROBERT Conwn, DAMEL CAMPBELL. H CG“ 1:. RIDDLLL. “rum 1: Pricevine l’ '0 Din-u u. 905 in {all héari‘ NI Home tumult" Bd 11011.9,1 wk mr fail For f tf "'3 H L'STEI wo red Durham. 'oronto, "0059' fro” SOUT Pd: Iced ewes But ram two shears Stealing ram . . . . . blunt... Pdr med ewes. . ..‘ P“? shading CRT: Pd! ewe lambs . . ... Review. maling ram. . Bun ltmb. lst spec a i 1’“! need ewes ...... . Pair Chou-ling ewes. . Puil’ ewe hmbs. 211d we “Ingram... Emmdewes ........ Bou- wy age ...... . “flog now. ..... P“! Opting pigs. any “in: now: Put: Opting pigs. an} PIE: Ihouling evu-s . . Pukowelnmbs.... .. Flt cheep of any Lin- (two milkcans; . . _ Exhibi‘ors of sluw; But. milk cow, let Specil But two-yur-old heifer Boot one-year-old heifel 300$ heifer calf. valved But psi: two-yearn .id 51 But pd: one-year-old s' Fnt ox, steer, cow or hei P“! “lending eWcs Put owe lambs . . . . hm two Cheats 30“ rum 2 shears a Bull my age . Podigroo or certifioat In produced. spacial by John Dar But «If fed on Bibby] id by A. S. Hunter Bun two shears “I Iprmg pigs all \ s ‘ 3' toquou of the s\ m ”known: â€"â€" ham hens in ti \P Bull my we ...... . Bull guy tee . . .. 3011 any age, llt special burrow ............ Boll my age . . Bull my tire. lst spec borrow” . _ Bout 2-yw-old heifer . . But law-old heifer .. “It heifer calf, 2nd 3 (ha.mp).... .. .. .. .. M more 16 hands or r...y.u-old mm. . f .' .' “gm-.014 filly. . . . . . CLASS 23.â€"TH¢ w 3 Lou'WIull and up grist-old gelding. (ho-yonr-old gelding.. ”you-old filly ..... Ono-yar-old filly ...... 1 CLASS 2J4 M me with (out w fonl_..‘....‘.‘:... CLASS 35,â€"3W1X1: to cuts: or no race. Inflow Cumberla Iltnml Sucicly. \' ht two cub p: w CLASS 37,â€"TA CLASS 3;.-- CLASS :51 an CLAJ 5e:

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