Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1902, p. 2

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" .’ W. H. BEAN. Big 4, I Once a Month for we. . Yearly Subscription, $1. 1" Penn AND Bunnies. 1mm.“ Con. Ru-Cuun. (1 PRESS [753 mm a Lac-tau. Philadelghia, Pa. In one year you got nrmlv 400 pages 0‘ Music, comprisiux 120 Complete Pieces for the- Pialm. If bought in any nus-it- morn m (mp-In." 03 would mg .30 00. If you will and us the name nnd address of Five performers on the Piano or Organ. we "I“ and gun a snuplv copy Pr... Pumps. (M ”d all Okla. ) Ink and hath”. finishes lonthly to all lovers of Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. DURHAM - AND - MT. FOREST. .I. Won: Qua-Influx!» at "Live and m live" Plum». All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs. Barclay and Noble. Direct importers (tom European, American and Canadian quarries. "“150 O ‘ .‘o ‘ .. “to. I 1'0an and the public in “1:31;.“- “Va: . mod to but! I .36 1.3;!” T0 INFORM I'O)HER§ and than nnhl'n- in a.“ DURHAM MA RBLE c2 GRANITE I. W. PEPPER. Publisher, Sold by All KCWSdcal BALADA CEYLON TEA. black 0' mixed, at 25c. 30c and 40¢ a pound SHOES: Our New Prints are now in for Inspection 32 Pages of Piano Music U'" """‘ ‘â€"-' ' pér yard. Table Linen, 54-inch wide. 211: per yard. Table Linen. 68-inch wide. 50¢: per yard. Women’s Straw Railors. 36c up to 75¢ on per pair. Idler Window Shula at 35c ouch. navy Twilgod Shooting, 2-yards wide, lace Curtgino at 25c. 66c, 75c. 90c and 01.25 He Sells Cheap 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, -- PRINCIPAL do. of the school are in a strong demand as teachers in business col- lagen in Canada and the United States. This is the school for you and your friends. “'rite for catalog. lnsbles young men and women to more employment at good wages .medistely on leaving college This is the school that enjoys the "putstion of doing the best work In business education. The grsdn- we“ Design In Makers. If Nothing Turns Up, With Interesting M apical ' Literature. 5 Songs. 5 Instrumental. ROBINSON COBBETT, I‘ROPRIETORS. wonxs. CALDEBS BLOCK. (EAST) "'9' “ Big 4 ” when in need of a new pair of Shoes for the spring. We have ’em. GEORGE WHITXORB. puma A coune of training in the STRATFORD. ONTARIO. DON’T FORGET THE Turn Someihing Up! CMDER'S - - BlUCK p L 1'8 ‘l-oflooflh .hcfiolgol {3:00 1-38 8 9â€"30 3039â€". 0581.0 .233»: .3233.â€" 70 b9 put in. the “0|":de N0 satis'arlors «xp‘nmvi. of onus-0 ol ext-to-irn. T m upo- was the oldiluuw o-unslniou. Mr. Geo. E. Pavon. of lnutioge, mat with a vary peculiar and painful accident on Tut-«day of last week. On that dnv h» inadmtwk to spray hm apple trees with a [m'em zinc sprayer, \\ lno'h ho- eart‘ied strapped tn hm prrmn. Hu had spvagwd three tv‘pes when. without warning. th? appara'u Hen up \hth a turnfic ex- phvflioil. Mr. Puhm W--S knocked senseless. and remanwd m’thau con- divion fur about. thre» hOIus. He was badly cut cm chin and fore-[war]. and hisc-lothiug was torn. The arms' and [1 In up b) the vXplofion several {pet «hand. and lemnunts of the tank moron. hmnd bmwm-u twenty and thirty feet hum where Mr. Patvn 3“ 0d F'v.’ N'l'rh.“ WEI“! I'DnniIAt‘ {holy city of “Zion.” located forty Imilea north of Chicago. on the shore '0! Lake Michigan. and more recently there was a severe outbreak of small- pox in the Divine Healing College which he has established in Michigan avenue Whatever the outcome of the present crisis. it is certain that Dowie and the Strange and fanatic following he has built up in ten years are worthv of the serious etudy of‘ socioloxists. men spent the whole day in prayers about her bedside. At nightfall the [young woman was suffering terrible . agony, and at. last paternal love over- come the scruples of her father. and he sent for one of the desnised phy- sicians. The physician who respond- ed says that from the first there could have been no hope for Miss Dowie’s recovery She died during the evening And now the thousands who actually look upon the gray-; bearded Old Scotch-Australian as more than human, and who have listened to his terrible denunciations of medical men as words inspired. are asking what they shall think of his own act of heresy in the hour of lpersonal distress. Dowie himself slipped 03 to his summer home, leaving behind him his apostles and a. number of phenom-aphic records of his own ” in~pired speech,” to which 5.000 followers. gathered in the Chi- cago Auditorium on Sunday after- noon. listened midway between awe and incredulitr. Within recent months Dowie and his great religious business enterprises he has built up have received Several other severe shocks By a court decision he was forced to pay more than 8100.000 to v r-va-v o! himself and of his apostles. By preaching this doctrine and by de- nouncing physicians and all drugs as allies of the devil, he has brought 'about him hundreds of invalids, some 'of them bringing with them consider- able sums of money. Two weeks ago his only daughter. Esther, was terribly burned by flames resulting from the overturning of an alcohol lamp Her wounds were dressed by‘ one of Dowie’s elders, after which the General Overseer and his chief Harper’s Weekly. " Dr ” John Alexander Dowie. self- acclaimed reincarnation of the PrOp- het Elijah. banker and publisher, divine healer and absolute owner of a town with more than 4,000 resi- dents, General Overseer of the Catho- lic Church in Zion, lace manufacturer, and founder and head of the Theo- cratic party, former Presbyterian preacher and present millionaire, who is said to draw regularly every: week one-tenth of the total income of more than thirty thousand families in the United States and other parts of the world. has apparently reached a crisis in his career, which has so far been a remarkable demonstration of the power possible to a man who combines shrewd business methods with the audacity and fierce earnest- ness of a religious fanatic. The car- dinal doctrine of Dowie’s creed is divine healing through the prayers Strike back ; don’t go to frettin’. Screw up your nerve an’ hold your grip An’ keep a frozen up r lip, Fur anythin’ on ear: can whip The man that cite to frettin’. Go round in tears' i-fiettid’; No matter what your cares an’ woes. Don’t humor ’om by frettiu’; If hard luck aims her heavy ktqw.s, Stop- the Cough and Works of the Cold. That isn’t wuth the lrettin’. Au’ if he don’t return you’d ought To thank the Lord you wun’t caught Innsich a tyifler’s trap 911’ not So don’t you 30 to frottii’.’ I! Chawley quits you in a half. Dear girl. don’t you go frottin’; Itzg.melgbe__iest a_ cqanky Mug? Can't be restored by frottin’. There’s jest as good fish in the sea As ever struck the not. an’ she Ai‘p’tyu‘th a sigh o’ gniseyy; uuâ€"‘rv ‘ w.- â€"v â€" â€"-â€"â€" -â€"- Can’igquare yourseff by froztin’. Young feller. if you get thejilt, Theta ain’t no use 0’ frotun’: Romoxplger that tho fail; tbgtis spilt Ain’ t skeered away by frettin’. If debt )3 crowdin’. rent is due. No cash m hand an’ you are blue, Brhacqup an’ be a man_._fur you _ The heavy load on have to bear Ain’t lighten up by frottxn’; Tha sorrow vultures in the air The Sprayer Blew up. Can’t chase ’m of by frettin’. Your tears jest irrigate your woe An’ freshen up an’ help it grow- Don’t wash it out 0’ sight, an’ so There ain’t no use in frettin’. When things don't cane along your way. Can’t hurry 'em bv fmttin'; If clouds _o’ axe obsgqro yourflgy. (Flashermu Advance. DOWIE’S CRISIS. Stop Your Frettin’. m where Mr. Pate-n ”Mum were reunited \\ onmh-d man’s c'h-n o-xp‘mmtiun is gives Odo-n. Tho pnlntlon umdiuars blue-stom- â€"Denver Post. Just try a box or two of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets. \Vhat a change you’ll find coming over you! You’ll be able to spring from your bed in the morning as lively as a cricket, and feel refreshed and fit for your daily duties. TOUGHED 'I'IIE SPOT. Joseph Weeks, Beckwith Street, Smith’s Falls, says: “ yback was in a badway. I was desperately lame, and there was a dull grindin pom over my kidneys. At times I headaches, and often I was dirty, particularly if I had been stooping. I tnod first one thing, then another, but then-ens no permanent benefit till Ibezmn using Pitcher’s Kidney Tablets. The y. go righttothe spotnnd I found promntre- N ' before ever did me as nmch tonn onesnfi'e ' In thnt my to m” y "as Dr. WI Macho Kidm 1534.4- Can’t do much of a day’s work starting ofi with a back as bad as thatâ€"not fit for p1e:x-=ure either. Well, all this backache and pain, this stiflness and soreness comes because the kidneys are clogged up, can’t do their work properly, and your back has to suffer for it. There are "a.” many people who find it a difficult tas k getting up in the morning, on account of a terrible pain -- . and soreness ”f, acrossthesmall ll' 7/ of the backthat -’; ' makes rising a I ’ painful and ‘ l l I discom f or ti n g operation. Ever know what it was to have your back so bad that when you’d try to get out of bed. you’d almost scream with the pain? TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggista refund the money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove‘a signature on each box. 250. (Flesherton Advance.) Mr. W. Trimble and familv had an ' exciting few moments one night re- cently. The whole family were ' awakened during the night by a pe- culiar noise in the woodshed as of some one trying to enter the house. Mr. Trimble armed himself with a lamp and a revolver. while his son, Percy. carried the family butcher knife, and a cautious approach was made to the back kitchen door, be- yond which the noise was still kept up. After rehearsing the manoeuv- res about to be made. Mr. Trimble unbolted and threw open the door, while the muzzle of his revolver poked forward to slay the piratical intruder. The people upstairs await- ed with quaking knees the explosion ‘ which was momentarily expected. but it failed to materialize. When the door was opened one of Mr. Wilson’s big dogs wagged his tail and scratch- ed at the shed door as much as to say. “Please may 1 go out?” The animal had entered the shed to take a snooze and was locked in when the family retired. Oh. vou may laugh “hen you read this, but I ad you been in the same place your hair would have turned as grey as the next fel- low's. ' Lame Back In the Morning. Besides a wife and two children, there are left to mourn a father and mother, and two sisters, Mrs. James Fawcett, who resides on the 10th, and Miss Sarah Campbell. who resides with her parents. To the bereaved ones we extend the heartfelt sympa- thy of the whole community. A telegram was received by Mr. Archibald Campbell on Monday tell- ing the sad news, and shortly after- wards Mr. Campbell left for French River, he had the body embalmed and brought over to Collingwood by boat on Monday. Mr. Whately drove to Collingwood late last evening and returned this morning with the re- mains. The funeral takes place to. day at 2:30 p. m. A terrible accident occurred last Saturday afternoon causing the death of two young men. It is particularly sad to the people about here happen- ing, as it does. to one who was born and brought up a short distance from Clarksburg, and whose parents are citizens of Thornbury. A large boil- er eXploded in the Ontario Lumber Company’s mill at French River, and while sitting talking, Hugh Agustus Campbell, fireman, and Geo. Webster, sawyer. were sent into eternity in an instant. So terrific was the explos- ion. it blew the wnole end out of the building. The mill was n0t running at the time, and the men were sitting talking when the accident occurred. Mr. Hugh Campbell was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Campbell. Thornbury, and was in the 33rd year of his age. He was born on the 10th line of Collingwood, on December the 29th. 1869, where he spent his early years. In June. of 1894. Mr. Campy bell married Miss Ida May Morrell,1 of Kirkville. who with two children survives him. For a number of years he has resided in Parry Sound, where he was in the employ of the Parry Sound Lumber Company. Only about a week or two ago he went to French River, and engaged with the Ontario Lumber Co. Hugh Campbell Killed. *‘..O.-â€"‘ (Clarksburg Reflector.) Poor Fido. than twenty-{our m .ou‘ The Cnturrhozm made of hard ruhher. vest pocket can be uswd church. in the street. place-at. may time ‘ Pulson Co Thousm ds of testimonials conclus- ivr-ly prove that Asthma can but pvr malwnll} cured by influx-lag 7A‘Tfiflltfl- ”7.0M?" u \‘kge'ubfe u-nnsepnc I‘hat Janey“ at unve tin: germs caminw 'he diwease's'. merrhnzvnjn mves .Imlw-iiate ro'livf to the «I ' vuuagh and stafiocnting mans makes breathing easy and regular and .nsureu undisturbed sleep. ‘ .ou. 'l‘hP Cnlarrhozona made of hard r‘uhber, q ..... O ---‘ Contributions may be sent to HON Sm \\u R _ \Imumu'm. Kn, Chief Justin'e. 4 Lamport. Ave . 'l‘orom'»; W, .l. GAGE. Esq. 52 From St. Wast, Toronto. or the NATIONAL Tuusr Co LIMITED. Treasurer, 22 King St. East. Torcnto. My lot was tolerable before, even when more or less shunned. but now that y presence is looked upon as a menace to the general health of the household, I cannot be content. I possess no " real resources ” he} and the understanding of a Christian conscience. One has Said, “ Knock and it shall be 0 ‘vened unto you ” and I trust this appeal may be consxstent ' with His message. Most faithfully 3 ours, The Free Hospital for Consump- tives. erect-ed under the auspices (f the National Sanitarium Association. commenced to receive patients on April 23rd. Accommodation will be provided for 100 patients at a rose of over 330.000 yearly, covering medical attendance, nursing, hoard, launury. etc. There is no endowment. The buildings are the gift of two 'l‘osomo citizens. l‘ho» trustees rest solely on the g, n nos-ivy of the public for the $30000 for maintenance. \Vill you help? “w“. VVUO I would be welcome there. but it would mean three people in a room (with but one window) if my younger br0ther is at home. which he fre- quentlv is. My sister. who is none too robust. does all the farmwork of the household. as regards my éenerhl worthiness. but few know my poverty. of can give some information ; also of â€"â€"-. Mr. 01 the Globe. or M! . â€"â€" of the Star, know of me to some extent. I enclose herewith a clipping from the Globe of January 22nd, 1901. P. O. in town- ship, is my father’s home address. â€"-Hospital, but none were avail- able. My brother, unfortunately, did not inquire at any other city institution, so I came here yesterday to my mother-in law’s home. My wife is a graduate nurse, and under her care but little fear was entertain- ed, as my case had developed no, virulent symptoms. I have improved greatly. but the fact that I have been away and in possible ccntact with the “ true ” danger, I found the door almost closed against me. My wife did succeed in getting permission to :fix my cot in the back kitchen. This was no hardship, because for years I have had no floor-rugs or window- curtains in my sleeping-room. I am not a graduate in medicine, but my knowledge of sanitary law is thor- oughly professional. I am a journa- list, and the trouble has been that I have had to burn the candle at both ends to make ends meet. Systematic starvation has produced the present collapse. I can give you references W. J. GAGE, Esq., Toronto. My dear Mr. Gage.â€"No doubt your noble eflort to relieve the consump- tive situation has brought you many piteous inquiries re the " free ” addi- tion that is being fitted up. In my l case the crisis has come in a peculiar- rmanner. About a month ago my people were induced. under the stress of what they were led to consider as an emergency, to pay $30.00 in ad- vance to Dr. â€"â€" for one months’ trial treatment at his place in . I went there. and although be pro- mised. in writing, to accept any rea- ; sonable terms after the month, his plan was the same rateâ€"hall cash and balance secured by good paper. Neither the man nor the place under present conditions is fit to be associ- ated with the idea or purpose of a sanatorium. I tried to get soot in [Comment on the following letter is hardly necessary. It tells its own sorrowful tale. This may be said, that, at the time every door seemed closed, one of the trustees of the Na- tional Sanitarium Association secur- ed, at his own expense, temporary accommodation. with medical attend- ance and nursing, for the sick man. The wife is a graduate nurse and a position was made open for her, br at this point the friends interesting, themselves on her behalf learned that she was the mother of a young babe, and consequently could not enter up- on the position oflered. Surely the need for the work undertaken by the National Sanitarium Association for the sufierers from consumption is great. For obvious reasons names are omitted from letter :] One of Many Letters Received by the Trustees Free Hospltal for Consumptives. Ina street. in bedâ€"mu uy time Two mon' hs' uuatanteed). price ‘1.00; vc. Druggist‘s. or N. C ., Kingston. Unt. PATHETIC APPEAL. ".‘.o .m. ”89d at work Jan. 10, 1902. MacFARLANE co. Next Door to Chronicle 0mm. All REPAIRING promptly and pr0p. erly attended to. SHOP Pumps of all Kinds. W. D. CONNOR Going JUNE 3rd, and returning until AUGUST 4th (all rail or S. 8. Alberta). Going JUNE 24.. returning until AUGUST 25th [all rail or S. S. Alberta-h Going JULY 15th. returnin until SEPTE BER 16th [all rail or S S. A hem. Tickets are not good on “Imperinl Limited. ' For tickets and pamphlet giving full particulars. apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to Elgin. Aroola ....... Moosomin . . . . Wunnm . . . Binscarth . . . . Minion. ..... Grand View. Swan River .. All Pa per Tlimmed Free of Cult. Home Seekers’ UNDERTAKING PRICES CUT. Also a First Class Hearse always in connection. Em- balming a apecinity. Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass. Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Furniture . . . Machine ()il. Harness Uil, Axle Grease and H001 Ointment, go to Pumps from $2 upward. We carry the largest Stut‘k ul' Wall Paper in mm: Examine our stuck and buy your Paper ltt-re. . H. NOTMAN. Asst. Gen. Pass. Azt. 1 King Street East. Toronto. open «vary afternoon. uaa auu 91641, 6081' y [CHIIIIN ‘U $uc "WI. auu Lu: ”0““ PHIIICII and sex I . uâ€" ‘ _ V teas are invigorated; all drains cease-no more vital waste from the system?“ :rvl: The various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afllicted m cgfi and consult us confidentially and tree of charge. Cure. Guaranteed or m, Pay. We treat and cure: Varicoeele, Blood Dioceses. Stu-leg“... Gleet. Emlellonl. Urinary Drains, Ogrmntonhoen, Una-tn: rel [Mutant-gee. Kidney agd‘Blndder tune... _ _vâ€"â€" ‘V| I!“ lt' cu‘ I The DRAINS, either by nightly losses, or OgCretly thronch the urine, mm stoppedâ€"the NERVES must be built np and invigorated, the blood must be pufi the SEXUAL ORGANS must be vualized and developed, the .BRAIN mus nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. yr its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pim. blotches and ulcers disa pear; the nerve. become strong as steel, so that mm" ness, bashfnlness and espondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the 1 {all and clear, energy returns to the WI. and the 1110111. physical and SCXua) , terns are invigorated; all drains cease-no more vital waste from the system, The varions or‘ang _beeoxn_e natqral and. manly. We invite _all the amictod m I n. mum Omiulittt el Anon-m. 23 You: in oomu. Bank Security. Nine out of every ten men have been guilty of transgression against lat - their youth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young. thoughtlese or a "re In he may be. The puniehment and sudering corresponds with the crime. Tim” escape from its ruinous results is proper selentiflc treatment to counteract it. :fl‘mly The BRAINS, either by nightly losses, or eecretly through the urine n em" stoppedâ€"the NERVES must be built up and invigorated, the blood must be'v) ”'3 7b? the SEXUAL ORGANS must be vitallzed and developed, the BRAIN * “fined. nn-rilhntl n... N." Mothn‘ ’I‘marmpnt nrn'ldpn all “a“. rm..:_n-_- mu" he That is sure to please can always be purchased here. PMKENN £013. KERGAN [Diochnr cm Kidney and Buddor Dim-cc. '“’ "“" 60. LTATION FREE. BOOK. FIIE If unable to can, write for a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" DRS. KENNEDY KERGAN -â€"_- â€"- -_ _â€"-â€"‘_.â€" WILL RUN JACOB KRESS W. D. CONNOR. 148 SHELBY ST” DETROIT. KICK. Begin. ...... . Moosejaw. . . . . Yorkmn ....... Pr. Albert ..... Macleod ....... [Calgary ....... . DAY Excursions Rondo-rs of Tun: CHRONICLE u ho M" one dollar a year in advance can ge‘ the following papers u. the clubbing rues named: lulu-i I- u ............ 3. high '3 5' M 0000000000000000 o April Mill. r 12 to 20â€" .353}; "Id“ Tm. reds and two roan; chuicely bred OUR YOUNG BULLS PRO.“ 12 to 20 mnnthn “Id- 'I'wn reds and A will be kept for service in Durham. ”a! corner of George and Queen sn'ee‘ Terms 3' Wfi'flble on or bflrw the hr“, 0‘ F“~"'§'Y~ "a". CM! dihpofied Hf "PM” “but time will be charged fur whether m calf or nut. A mil ‘5'“ . June 1, 190.2. ‘- Dromore. being Lot, 15. Cu“. 1H. and 140‘: 15. (ion. 20. On both farms there are (food buildings. Very reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to HE BELL PROPER'IY SEAR _ qumore. being Lot, 15. Cull. w. and Jan. [I chase desirable building lu'» “Mild do well to take a look at John A. Warren‘s glut of sub-division at Park Lot number our. north of Chester street, in the Gov- ernmeut Survey, of the Town of Durham. Plan can be seen at the office of J. 1’. Tel- fqrd. Durham. or at the oflice of the under- signed. For turther particulars apply ‘0 June 18th. 1902. HUGH R. RIDDELL. Secretary. Dornoch P. O. 1']: Section No. 13. Bentinck. fur the re- matador of the your. Dumas to cnmmenge after summer holidavs. Apglicatiuns “'1“ b9 received up to July 15m y the under- signed trustees. .I. for the sale of the old WPIehâ€"uaerfu-l; Church. Dornoch. up to July 1st. The building to be removed OK the ground. Tenders should be sent to DB. J. L. SMITH. Dornoch. HUGH R. RIDDELL, Secretary. May 30._ ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED for the tale of the old Prmlmmim Shun Hm Mus For Sale. Now is our time to not building lot: 1nd dwelling games. For further pnrticulars apply to J. M. Human. April mu).- -tf. Durham. Also seven buildipm lots on the west side of Albert street. beam: put of Lots 10 11. Also building lot- on the east side of Gua- fran street. being part of Lots 10 ll. N THE TOWN OF DURHAM, situated on Lot 24. west side of Gm. {ran street. Upper Town. The buildingi. n double dwelling. unstable for two familiu, Good cellnr. Good spring well on lot. House 6: Lots for Sale. Browne. The house contains covoniontly attuned. and quite new. wuj make an excollont bonding house. [90, puticuhrn apply to July 10th. 1901. tf. Photographer, April 1. 5O ACRES, LOT EIGHT. 3: 01611013. Well fenced and and in good state of cultivatiu, terms. Applyto 'l HUROUGHBRED AYRSHIRB Bull for Service. OUR. CLUBBIN G RATES. NY PERSON WISHING 'I‘O PIR- ALE OR FEMALE FOR SCHOOL Teacher Wanted. Building lots for Sale. Farms for Sale. Church for Sale. HOUSE AND LOI‘ ON QUEEN bitma. the property 9f Mrs. J. L. ARCHIBALD DAVIDMLV ROBT. SMITH. l’mprieh lyf-Dd. DURHAM. UXT‘ H. PARKER. Durln tf For Sale. DONALD MCCOSKERY, tf 11 Peter St" Toronto, WM BELL. DRUMURE. l mo.-â€"c ROBERT Commr, DAMEL CAMPBELL. HUGH R. RmuuL. Clerk Divwion Court, "on held in Wednesd' Abutilon or F1}; x~ {n “all“. 4 van iv! ms Hydrangea. . . . “Godwin”... Tainan-ohmrfl A ntw building has h it. “til clnls. " Asters . u Dnhlus 1 “ Uiuuthue .. :. Gladimus.. . Larksyura‘. .. “ Ntrignlds. .J “ Phlox Drumq u Phlox Per. nn “ PIOBiPe. tuel " Prtunias. Ml“ Pvtunuu. olnu °° St wks. 10 we h Snap Dragond Val-Len». ... Zumnas. ..... . lug. vase}, any do; mod. any flowed Hand, house flow Cookocomb. HA 0 Hanging basket ”art COltc-ctlon of M digpluy open air I} “0‘ wild flower-a M Double Single “ W‘IOONOD of Can 't Colloction of l“ Poltrgonium Um- (”00er ........ Ivy .......... . Hibiucuc” COIIection of Bt « Double Geranium. white . Doublo Geranium. any uth 8‘0ng Geranium. “ h n v e. ” KIH‘ UH” “noction of house plants i1 Collection scented (Sarah 1'! Geranium. piaiu Ina! “ \‘M‘egatmi Collection double G single “ tricolor ‘l‘wo latvoa home made brc Ipocial by Dr. Jamies< TWO laurel brown bread. 1 Imith” . .. . Two louves baker s buad. 1 0|. dozon home made bun OI. dozen turns, any Lind. Applo pio.. .. .. Pumpkin pie” “phony wine. . .. Bl: bottle. owned ”h. m , Th1". bottles of mixed pic] “'0 pounds maple sugar. at“ 3.1101: maple syrup . T“! “n. honey in comb. 131 MoCcul” Five “)0. booe' wax PiVOVHN. honey. at named, Reaper lower Self Binder Iron Plough Single Buggy Wood Plough Collection Stoves Threshing Mavhino Double Mould I’loul Double Covered Bu; Geog Plough Iron Harrow Single Cutter Pee Harvester Roller, any kind At the request of the e evaded this year. A mp1 Pencil drawing. Â¥ illC.I{a1)121;«-. Crayon drawing . . .. Noting in oi} (an; Painting in Oil (‘0th Pninting in Water h Painting in water (' Punting. in water (- hinting on satin. . Pnintinx on velvm . Painting on Plaquv . Pinning on glass . . . Boat oollectnon of 3.21 llt lpecial I m. five 0 .040 h cosy and m. But made bu ' cotton ..... a.“ dozen hem Bat htnd ma". goods ..... .ICbl' rug. Is". 5 My Pin cushiun 0.. put pillow w; ‘0 [I “in clus a first priz 1” “Id hen of the {0. |' Bruhmn cock .. .. |¢ Brulmn hen i‘rihmu 000k Pithmuhon “”300th Rock. cock . , than]: Bock hon mouocuou OI pxlwxogrl throughout of the at Exhibitors can com; SOUTH [ontfle piulns CLASS 9. â€"â€"AG ('1) \'l H‘Ur Colo-us ntthsm II n r08?! Geraniu CLASS CLASS POUL‘ ll] CLA CL

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