Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1902, p. 8

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5% «H q a $93"- 2fifififi#fifififiifififififi$$fi¥fitfit¢§ H 3 We 3 Qfiéfi-‘fi' ust placed 1000 Butter Boxes and 100 4? Tubs in our cellor to commence the season *3 with. (32111 and get one. We refund the fi money when you return the Box or Tub. *2? 'I‘hev save us all a lot of trouble. ! MFARLANE a: C0. Dragging md Booksellon. ' All Paper Ttimmed Free of Cont. OUR PRICE for this magnificent Range (complete) as shown in our front window is $40.00_ There’s no better made. Come in and talk stove to us for a few moments We can sup- ply you with any style of a stove. The Happy Thought Range is the very host range that money can buy in this muntry, but we think there is nothing too good for our customers. Our Latest . . . . Addition is Stoves Men's Heavy Mule Mitts with one finger for 25¢ pair. Men’s Blue Os‘eehlls with Bib for 500 pair. Men’s Heavy Working Shirts (cotton) for 256 each. Fine Cashmere Socks for 250 pnir. Lacros-w Shues in high laced and low laced. Slater Shoesâ€"the only reliable shoe for men-83.50 nod 85.00 pr. ”I he Big Store “'e are \Ve are all ready for the wool season. Stacks of Yarn, Piles of Blankets. So many wise housekeepers secure thelr supply of these needs in exchange for their wool. V.» We carry the largest stock of Wall Paper in town. Examine our stock and buy your Paper here. are again entering upon the wool season. Make sure that your wool is well washed and dry, and free from cotts and burs. We will give you the top price in Cash or Trade for it. and take it off your waggon at our door. Compare the size of the stock we give you to choose from with that of some small woollen mill man. We have now Seventeen different departments, and all are well stocked. O O aseseeeeeee‘ . A. HUNTER. Butter Boxes and Tubs Free ..... Miscellaneous List for Men The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmere' Institute will be held in Mr. Alex. McLachlan’l Orchu’d. DURHAM, on Thursday, June 5th, I902. The usual business will be trenected, when MR. ALEX. McNm, ot Walkers- ville. will address the meeting upon “Modern Methods of Fruit Growing." Farmers’ Institute will be served on the grounds, and members are invited to bring their Indy friends along and nlno n basket of provisions. The Women’s Inetitmd will also hold their Annual Meeting in the Town. Hell on the «me, date. Hts Sun's. of Bunilton, will address the Institute. Ledioc em all invited. JAB. W _ GEO. 39mm, WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. SOUTH GREY LUNCH All nature is in smiles this week, but a herd of polniciuns and party followers will be out of harmony. M. J. Davis sold a splendid two- year-old Ulydesdule colt to Stewart Bros., of Artemesia. for 890. It. was a genuine social aflnir. was the ouncert in Zion on 1". iday evening. The pmgrnm was united and the eat- ables No. l in quality, and slashiugs of ’em. Mise Jennie McGirr. of Michigan, spent. Sunday with her cousins, the Davis family. Dick wheeled over from Hopeville on Friday evening. and had a trifle of mud on his trous- 81'8- Pat. Ryan is out with Dr Jamieson these nights. winning fame as a local cartoonist. (Rem) Mrs. \V. R. Smith was out visiting among the young people of the neighborhood during the week. Completely Pegged Out. The world is full of sickly, de- Spondeut, tired, enervated people, all h0ping to be well some day. The surest road to health is along the way of taking Ferrozone after meals. Ferrozone is a great appetizer and enables one to eat. plenty of whole- some food without fear of indigestion or dySpepsia. This results in the rapid lormation of an abundance of red vitalizing blood. which will re- srore [lIP nerves. increase flesh and vigor. and nourish and feed every Ol'gall of the body. Ferrozone is an ideal restorative and invigorant. It is a tonic of unequalled merit that anyone can use with lienelit. Price hOc. per box, or (i hoxes for $2.50, at Druggists. or N. C. Polson (.30., Kingston, Ont. Mr. Will Rose, representative of Goldie McCullocb, of Galt. spent. a few days of the p: st. week'wuh his bretber, the geniu! miller, here. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Greenwood took a pieasure trip over to see Coll- ingwood relatives last. week. l‘hey enjoy life. Quite a number of aur young peo- ple spent- Victoria. Day in Markdale. She is a lively. bright clever girl. is Miss Evaleua Spencer, of 'l‘aronto. who was with us from Friday till Monday. Eyerybody seems well pleased with the frequent. rains after the hard 110813. Mrs. Henry Beckeuhauer is very sick at. present. We would be pleas- ed to hear of her speedy recovery. Victoria Day was Spent. in all man- ner of form in this vicinity. dome went fishing, some took in the sports at Markdale, while Others stayed at home and attended their own busi- 11083. We are pleafaed to say that the little girl of ex-Councillor John Brown. is able to be arc und again after 1)! r sickness. Mr. J. Adlam was fishing one day and had the luck to get. a. hold of one that caused him to break his rod be- fore he got. him landed. The trout. weighed two pounds. Mr. Jas. Hopkins had the masons at. work last week huildinga snme foundation under his barn. The Conn. Br08.. in company with Mr. Jim Beaks, did the work and did it well. The Allen Park Picnic will be held on the 4th of July. Fuller particul- are later on. Mr. John Weatman, after spending the pass 3931' on the McKeclune lunch, left. recently for his home in Uncle Sam’s land One evening last week some sneak thieves visited the barn of Mr. John Redford on the 5th con.. and helped themselves to 50 bushels of oats and 7 bags of wheat, also the summer pork which Mr. Redford had prepar- ed for his own use. It will he too bad if they are not found out and given the full extent of the law. Mr. Redford found where they loaded them on their wagon and drove away. Mr. Thomas Brigham has the con- tract of shingling R, Trafl’ords barn. Mr. Jim Ritchie is this week rush- ing up the basement walls of Mr. Abraham Crutchley'h new burn. Few men can beat Jim as a workman. A party of pleasure seekers from Dundalk picniced at. the Lake on Vic- toria Day, and reported having a high old time. Messrs. A. Lawrence and Wm. Wright. spent Victoria. Day with Pro- ton friends, and did no: fail to cap- ture n few of Proton’s speckled beauties. Mr. A. Watson, of Holstem, spent Sunday at the parental home. Don’t you think. Mr. Editor, it would be a good scheme to transport a. contingent of those rum characters that go prowling around the streets of your town over to South Africa to assist in downing the Boers. If they showed half as much what they think fearleesneee and activity on the bat- tlefield there as they do on the streets of Durham. they would surely be able to dodge every bullet that came their way. TOCUBEAOOLDIIONEDAY. ht. mum Bruno Quinino Ttblou A11 Wrohndtlnnouyifit kiln tocnro. £7.0nvo'odwuuumhbu. 26o. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE TRAVERSTON ALLAN PARK SPRING BANK. . THURSDAY. MAY 29‘ On Friday morning last Mr. John McGee. who had been ailing for some time. passed away to that land from which no traveller returns. Mr. Mc- Gee has been a resident of this neigh- borhood for over 30 years past. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCallum, of Stratiord. who have been visiting with Mrs. McCalium’s parents, Mr. and Mrs T. Kells. returned to their home last week. Fine growing weather of late. The late rains have caused the growing grain to have a beautiful appearance. The heavy thunderstorm‘of the 22nd of this month made considerable dam- age south of this place by way of un- roofiug a number of buildings. We hmen ’c much of anything to note this time but such as it is we give. The electors here were greatly sur- prised on Nomination day when they learned that Mr. Lucas was elected by ucclamation, which was caused by the non-arrival of Mr. Davis on time at the husiings to cause himself to be nominated. In this matter John forcibly reminds us of the foolish virgins of old “ho had no oil in their lamps. Inasmuch as John had failed to secure a ratepayer to make his tU atvu-v “ â€"-â€" vr--v nomination, and while he tarried the Returning Olficer declared Mr Lucas elected by acclamation. Mrs: Chas. McDonald had a sheep killed on that day. Victoria day passed off quietly. Some went fishing. some otherq dif- ferent directions. while the wise stayed at home to mini their own business. There is no use of us saying much about election matters for the cam- paign is drawing nigh to a close now and next Thursday will give the final Jeaniou. It is needless for us to say who is goingio win. but it, is neediul for us to know who we are going to support all the same. Victoria Day brought; a good many friends to their old homes {or a day or two. Misses Kate and Minnie Mc- Intyre, of 'l‘oronto. spent a few days at their old home here. Mrs. Rose, and family. of Bruce. also visited her number, Mrs. McIntyre, of this place. Mr. Robert Conkey, of Priceville, is away to Bomanville this week for treatment of cancer on the neck. Miss Minnie McDLnald, of Toronto. paid friends at Priceville and else: where a short visit this week. Mr.Jnhn MvInnis. Durham Road. intends to go to Calgary. N. W. '1‘., the first week in June with a load of cattle and horses for his brother-in- law of that. place. In your Hits and Misses. Mr. Ed. you claim to have Colin McFadden into the ranks of the Conservative party, but, Sir. we can hardlv relish ihe GXpression given. for Colin is rooted and grounded in the faith too long to deviate from it. now in his de- clining years. Miss Inch, professional nurso. of Toronto, enlivened the home of G. Calder by her presence for a few days lately. Mrs. Geo. Freeman «enjoyed the Victoria Day excursion by spending Saturday and Sunday in Owen Sound The Rev. J. 'l‘ruax returned Mon- day after an absence. of a week with friends M. Glamis. Misses M. Smith and E. Pettigrew visited at '1‘. McAnulty’s for a few days lately. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roberts took advantage of the Cht'ap rules and Spent. ,tt Iew days in the QUBnu City. Miss Mabel Cameron is Spending a law (1438 with old trieuds and ac- quaintauce here. Victoria Day was observed here in the usual quiet way. A few of the small boys spent the foreman: in An vii Uannonading and discharges oi smaller “X't‘.\\'ul'l\!§. The day assumed a rather threatening appearance un- lll about noon \\ hen old Sol made his appearance and dispelled all doullts as to the state of the weather for the remainder of tho day. The chief at- traction was the football match that was to take place at Pike Lake be- tWe-en the Holstein and Moorefield football teams. The match was looked forward to with a considerable degree of anxiety, as it was under stood that the Moorefield boys were able to compete successfully with all opponents during last season. A the teams lined up for the struggle to commence. No sooner had the referee given the signal to commence than Holstein secured the ball and rushed it down on Moorefieltl’s goal. It was quickly returned to centre to be as quickly sent back. For thirty minutes the contest continued when. after a series of combination plays, Bob HcEwen scored the first goal for Holstein just as half time was called. A few minutes rest was given when play was again resumed. In this half the Moorefield boys besieged the Holstein goal but’ goalkeeper Greaves was invincible, and after thirty-five minutes play time was called, and the game was won by our boys. the score standing 1 to 0 in {aver of Holstein. VANDELE UR. .ors here were greatly sur- TOP CLIFF. HOLSTEIN . â€"q‘, 00. *“ fig 011 time mself to be .ner John be foolish oil in their had failed I s F; i“ The New PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DRILL, CURB, RE-Cuuu, PRESSCURB ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let. live” PRICES. Mar. 23. Pumps. _ SHOP open every afternoon. W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. GENTLIMEN I Fine High-Class Althot and Teacher at the Noam.“ syn... Lndlcs' Tailoring 1 Such“, The First Chance to Buy: The Malcolm Cameron 100 acres above Durham on Garafraxa Road. THE Hanover Conveyancer 'â€" â€" â€"‘â€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"--_n___-vn\ The George Rica Farm, best 150 acre farm in Beutiuck. Extra good shape. The‘l‘indlay MgRae Farm, Glengl‘g. Money to Loan at very low rates. Debts Collected, no charge if no money made. ALL KINDS of business deals negoti- ated quietly and carefully. '22 years experlenco. “ Always prnmpt. never neglngent." Lock Drawer 28. HANOVER. ONT. (oral iii my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. TAILORING Three nus: 25c., {or a all”! cold; 50c" jut m¢%:mm. harlo- nun. £0: chro hud colds. «c4 [1. no» mm at: cues and to k on had. J. C. A123 00%“. It“. nétjerMoGowan’s Mill will be promptly u» tended to. ‘- ‘7 .“uâ€"vâ€"v v- am prepared tbvfurnis'h :Lchling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. WELLS. Allorders taken at the old Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CUS- I‘OMERS am] the: ygublic in general that I 2C0 acres A composim' owns this and will almost give it auuv. Manv other good properties for rule or exchange. seas-on. My reputation for Stylish. Perfect fittin g end well tailored clothing stands second to none (no reason to get clothes out o.‘ town). 1 am prepared to Show you the choicest selections of fine Imported Cloths, as to pricesâ€"ho higher than anywhere else. as to fit and make we are bound to be ahead. OFFERS FOR NOTHING Pumps tram $2 upwatd. H. H. MILLER Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"â€" GEORGE WHITMORE. DURHAM .Milier . . . W. D. CONNOR. -AMA JORDAN’ Ice Cream Ice Cream Sodas Soft Drinks Bananas Oranges and Strawberries We also carry in Stock a full assortment of all kinds of Flowers, Tomato and (lab. bage Plants. Stat Grocety and Restaurant. Money Talks GENT’S: CASH ONLY. The Jeweller LADY’S: The Best of Everything. GudrunStreet, â€"â€" Durhflna OUR B are u [.36le AN and our‘‘ It for cusl D “ ‘(fl Plicaa are a‘uw 1‘ M l“ u. “I h and see on r goods before W" Wilkinson Plow 00-95 and Steel Rollers. Snowball, Cha'ham ‘H Walkm- “ruggtmfi 10“ See them. MCQ‘gry's and Buc De'erlng Harvpswr ('03 Pools and Hurvestiln; Ma Bell find Berlin Pianos Buns to please uli. Raymond Dawswen’s Chums. "‘8 Machines and ‘s'x‘;1!gex'i. United Sta {es Cream el'ululd always on hand- quick] acorn": our opium" xrcc wuewcr .- Invent u probnhiy pnwnumle. (‘nmmunlcy “on. Met! confidential. Hand tn wk on Pm not (no. Ides! agency for semmug patents. Patantl taken throuch Munu Cu. race!” track! Mace. without. charge. in the ‘ ‘- _ _ _o 4“- - , ‘A‘A A handsomely Illustrated weekly. 1mm! dr- caution of my Mentllc oumal. Tammfls your: tour moth. 81. 80 d by all-pewsdflaleq filfl: four months. {L 50100 Dy an n W N] ”new NH Co. 361°~w~v~ New York W 0508. 325 F St... Washington.“ you! - - d'hi taken}; nâ€"nd deacri Ion my .33ny again: 991' (minim: free w lather a ‘A-A‘L‘- I\.,â€"1mnhl.‘. Mfifltic Emerican, T. J. JORDAN, ’almerston and .‘H‘Kj'é'; Buggivfi cash in curloud lots. lymond and New beaming Machines. uni! Ruffian: A. GORDON Elgin and Waltham Movements In Nickle Case. C5 00; in lO-kt. Gold Filled Cue-e, warranteed to wear 20 years, $10 00. In l4-kt. Gold Filled. warran- and to wear ‘2?) yams. with Solid 601d Bow, $12.00. Now in stock. and an other Fruxts 1n season. C. IcKINNON “ IiEEP COOL.” Carl‘iau Durham. Ont. )0. ’9‘ Timl‘ : M Rollin“. w alum" and 0“ Wad" PloI‘l “unto DURING THE PAS CHRONICLE RUDE IcLAnx’s jelly l" .‘ a. \V. Mocklcr’s Memvuion Is now C“ “I. new Baptist parso Local News am “18.34 in. an ac. per rd- S MAI!“ in milliuex‘y fl ”“on’s. F. MOTIOCk. l i” OAK curtain poles winnings only we â€".\' J A 10080 son urn-ed a 0‘ WI. Sharp on 'l‘hursdx I“ the “me day. In. J. )1. Emma sold way to Miss Gun. ”.0 time, been a Mutant You Ind better More the 7th am an privilege of colleen: . ”new story Rewl “0.. " will commence OI! rattler: may txpect In this uriul. I“ MILDREUHINI». am 0‘ If. Geo. Hind. was Tomato the 31a of NM“, Btplion Field. of Toronto .0. on their wedding {um If" bud to say an} “It the progress a! 1 “Nil without making w uflfltion of former is work .11 along the liuv is 0‘ .50“! as {not as possnb Boo: LOSTâ€"In Durha‘ m the words “Hoflel mm." no use tn any ¢ mar. A receipt fur doll." will be found in b A -REI'ORT reat‘hed w Funk Livingsxon was. ml My to t lady in You] me we huve not lemma ‘0! our congratulat ions. Tllulmlvmc SERVH‘E. cud will attend a ’1‘ ”via. in St. Paul’s C 8.04.1,June8th. The} 8‘! Joseph 0. Dimsda .O-hrl of the comma or." in Stute. hy Icsving n this PREPARATION is how he ‘1'. Wm. Slurp to pm l and» hi! implement Wan hick veneer Hue same. I Inch needed inn-rux'vfl congratulate Coum-xliur Culling into line. TIICourt of Revimm “I owning. (July 11 m boford the Board. 1 tell to: usessor Clxfl B ,‘l. The applicants “ a“. IOtchnnt, 0f [pm ’0. Stuart. and the Du TI. New Ontano I‘lli Mm Dnily Star is 0111 ‘NI‘I 0‘ the kind (WH' I Own!) paper. It pl l“ 050 typoxruphical ma “0 the resources. and ’ “' going on. in what ‘ . “Hod New Ontarlo‘ $50 Toronto Star undu “through in the \‘r‘ “thin lut evidence 1 "h “ another proof of “‘15 of that Lip-10°11 utui- the flux mo. '1‘ M our for consideratz my ovening. ‘ VERY pretty “'(‘xixjfi m in Trinity Chm L. a, .0f0i0“ iu Hnt‘ := “'3. “Id deeply intone: Th 0001.110ng pa: tn h’. Th“. H Farr: 15 u the officiating clcr “m Wu men We fl‘ “Gets {or nine 0c hr presided at u '1 he be” ldUg1 M u the “run ml :anhoeburg. 'OOK their Carma: door. The brxdc “on: ofulag‘ue 'ook their of happy h'rg, and Miss ‘ duughter L-f__' new 8 .. wool wanted L. Hunter better pay 5" 7th uud save t we of payim 36-»NO. I The Board fuctoryq . 1". Mar powder {e an

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