Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1902, p. 2

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The Epiecvpal Methodist chapel fluids on rising ground. at east. side of the town. A frame (plastered) building. Rev. W. B. Rowe, mini- Clef, The Baptist chapel stands near the new foundry of Hartley, Ashley CO. Very similar in appearance to the E. M. chapel, being a frame, plastered. Rev. Wm. Muir. minister The Methodist New Connexion chapel is near the N. and of the vil- lage. It is a new and commodious brick edifice. Rev‘. J. B. Kershaw, and Rev. W. H. Moss. St. Andrew’s church (Kirk). a con- veniem though plain edifice. of wood. Rev. John Hay, minister. On Queen St., near Main St.. is the Canada Presbyterian church, a. fram- ed building, plaswred. (Mick). It. was opened for Divine worship in January 1865. A neat. ind commodious building. Rev. S. C. Philip, Jr., Supt. ‘ Hall. Streets, etc.-â€"The (iaralraxa Road, in its passage through the town. takes the name of the “Main St.” Main St. is about a mile long. and contains all the merchant shops and chief places ot business. The major- ity of the buildings are of wood; though manv neat brick buildings are now seen. Excellent bricks are made at the t0p of the Main St. Main St. needs grading and gravelling; an improyement which the new village corporation will doubtless immediate- ly take in hand. Following this will come the making of sidewalksâ€"as yet imperfect. East of Main St. (on the Egremont side of the town) are Fergus and Egremont Ste. parallel with the principal street; and on the west or Normanby side are Elgin and Normanby St., likewise parallel with Hain St. The cross streets are short, and as yet unimportant, with the exception of Queen St., which forms the county line, and eXtends out into the country in both directions. The bridge over the Saugeen on Main BL. is the only bridge 0! importance in the municipality. It was carried away by the bursting of the dam three or {our years ago. and. alter a long delay, re-built. The " Anderson House ” Hiram Anderson. proprietor. A good house; near the centre of the \illage. Hewiu’s Hotel. William Hewitt proprietor. On the opposite corner of Queen once: (at corner of Fergus street) is the new Weslo-yan Metboqist (iburch Coyne’s “ American Hotel.” A pOpnlar and well known house. form- erly kept by W. Mason. Isaac Coy ne, proprietor. Hewitt’s Hall is convenient, As- sembly Room attached to the hotel of Mr. Hewitt, and used for various pn blic pu rpOSes. The Bank of Montreal is a hand Dome brick budding, centrally sicuat ed on Main St.. east side. Coulson’s (lute Wilson’s) “ British American Hotel.” The stage oflice for Coulson’s Owen Sound and Ferg- us stages. R. I). Coulson, proprietor. Int-orporation, c.-Al,ont a gear ago steps \vere taken to have the place incorporated as a village. Ly' ing as it does in two counties. there was. ae might be eXpo-cted. a differ- ence of opinion as to w hich county it was most expedient to he attached. A vote taken by the direcrion of the Co. L‘ouneil of tirev. in the latter part of 1‘64. resulted in a majority of 30 in favor of connection with Grey; but. it “as t‘laimed that the. result of the municrpal elections in January, 1865. neutralized that vote. as three ccunmllors out of five were rttnrned favorable, to Wellington. Mean- while, first the Wellington County Council, and then that of Grey, nev- erally. by by-law, attached Mount Forest to their respective counties. The question was therefore left to‘ the Governoroin-Conncil to decide. and by proclamation to give legal betice of the deciaion. A. thou abuta are pasting through the prom, the proclamation in daily looked for; aid if soaalhla will be loud in the M. trail.” 10.5mm“. p. Guelph, thm'i For... at The Roman Catholic church (St. Isry’s) stands: little further north on somewhat higher ground, and is distinctly visible from all portions of the town. It. is an imposing brick edifice. the finest of the kind in the county. Erected last year, at a cost. of 84,000. The- outside is finished, but work is still going on inside. It will cost, when finished, 86,000. Rev. P. S. 3 about. priest. The common school is situated on Fergus SL; a roomy brick building, but, as it would seem, not yet large enough for the requirements of the pluce,â€"-a " branch ” being daily kept under another teacher in the Orange Hotels.-â€"-Bateman’s Hotel. A Inge frame lmildmg near the Metho- dist. N. C. chapel, at N. and of the ‘own. Public Buildings -â€"Beginniug or. S and o! the town we first come to the Episcopal church (St. Paul’s) It plas- ured building. considerably enlarged lest. year. I: Is near the Market Square. on high ground, overlooking the river. (uovsr 1'01:st com-Isuzu FORTY YEARS AGO. montinued From Last Week.) Anderson, Hiram prOprietor And- erson House. Bissell, Amos Sr. Bissell, Amos Jr., dealer in stoves, scales, tinware, c. Balfour. William, Town Clerk. Black, George, miller. Mt. Forest mills Blakely, Robt., boot and shoemaker. Brown, Robert F' . teamster. Bishop, John, mason. Bish0p, Wm., proprietor “Royal Anderson House, Hiram Anderson, proprietor. Anglo-American Hotel and general stage otlice. R I). Coulson, proprietor. Ashley, John (of Hartley, Ashley Co.) Exchange ” Hotel. Brown. Misses. milliners. Beaver Mutual Insurance 00., H. H. Stove], agent. Bennett, Daniel, sawyer, Bentley’s steam mills. Stores, etaâ€"Mount. Forest is far- nished with the usual number of merchants’ stores, and mechanics’ shops of all kinds. Stages run daily north and south, carrying the mails. Ainley, Thos , proprietor tannery American Hazel, Isaac Coyne, pro- prietor. Black, James, cabinet maker, Bent- ley’s steam mills. Bentley, William. proprietor Mt. Forest steam sawmill and cabinet factory. Bennett. Hiram, fireman, Bentley’s steam mills. Bank of Montreal, James Hagg, agent. Burns, Geo., boot and shoemaker. Begg, George, manufacturer and dealer in chairs and furniture, whole- sale and retail.Bentley’s steam works. British Hotel, T. Bateman, pro- prietor. ‘ Bell, John, labourer. - Burrell, Thomas, labourer. Bell, Crawford, boot. and shoemak- er. at W. Edward’s. - Campbell, John, lessee Mt. Forest. woollen factory. .Elora. and Arthur. Such an exteno sion would place Mount Forest in a very favoured position. as the centre of a new and rich agricultural coun- try. But times are at present unfavourable for such enterprises. Municipal officersâ€"Reeve. David Yeomans; councillors, Johu Nai- smith. Thomas G. Smith. John Jebb. Dr. Dunbar. Clerk, Win. Balfour Magistrates. - 'l‘hos. Grade, James Reid. John Kiigour. Henry B. Stovel. David Yeomans, John Naismith, Jas. C. Wilkes, Alexander Reddick. Rifle Companyâ€"Organized in 1861. Capt.. A. Godfrey ; Lieut., T. Wilson; Ensign, J. Rogers. Begg, Martin, cabinet maker, as G Begg’s factory. Bowie. Thomas W., clerk, J. No- Mullen’s. Boselly, Ed. (of F. E. Boaelly). Boselly, Fruncgs (of F. E. Buselly) Boselly, F. E., proprietors Mt. Forest pail and tub foctory. Brown, James, farmer, Brown, Mrs., milliner. Boos, J.. tailor. Bateman. 'l‘.. proprietor British IIotel. Colcleugh, William, clerk. Medical Hall. Coyue. Isaac, prOprietor American Hotel. Coukliu. Jonathan. Coulaon. R. D., proprietor Anglo- American Hotel. Doriand. Stephen. cabinet maker. Doddingtou, Jesse, carpenter. Duffy. James, moulder, Mt. Forest foundry. Doley. Charles. at J. G. Sadler’s. brew, Isaiah, dlerk. '1‘. G. Smith’s. Dickson. Peter, baker and confec- tioner. Dickson. Peter Jr.,_ teamster. Dale. R. J., wuchmaker and Jeweller. Dunbar, Dr. 8. . Dork: Juno's, cooper. Doyle, Biehud. blacksmith. Dav“, In. DIV-Run. John, tun-m. Bennett. Rev. George, Episcopal Methodist. Campbell, Nathaniel, at Mt. Foresm woollen factory. Chambers, James. limeburner. Crawford; George. labourer. Canada Life Assurance 00., H. H. Stove], agent. Colcleugh. George, clerk, Medical Hall. Campbell, Colin P., at. Mt. woollen factory. Colcleugh, James, Medical Hall importer and general dealer 10 drugs chemicals. books and stationery. Campbell, J. M., books and station- ery. ofiice. Uooil, Thus.. clerk. J. Robinson’s Clark. Robert, aaddler, at. John Rodger’s. Cravvfo'rd, J. M., stoves and tin ware. Cowe, Willi'am, wagon maker, T. Swan’s carriage factory. City Hotel. Sam Smith, proprietor. Crane, Robert, Bentleyfs steam mills. Canham, Harry, cabinet maker. Bentley’s steam factory. Code, William, blacksmith, at T. Swan’s carriage factory. Cricfuon, William. shoemaker (at W. Jamieson’s. riclnon, George, in H. H. Stovel's Forest i Hartley, Richard (of Hartley, Ash- 'ley Co. ) {H Hall, Robert. boot and shoemaker. Humphrey, Mr. ,carpenter. 1 Honev, James blacksmith (at Juo. 'l hompson’ s). ' Hogg, James, Agent Bank of Mon- i itreal. Godfrey. Joseph, carpenter. Gregory, A. T.. nurseryman. Honeycomb. John, plaSterer. ' Henderson, William, lessee Mount Forest flour mills. Hartley, Ashley Co., preprietors Vulcan foundry. Mount Forest Hotel. John Ross, ‘pmprietog _â€" C ‘\ C--. Gt uer, Wm., carpenter and builder. Graffe, Thomas J., proprietor Mt. Forest Examiner, associate coroner for counties Grey and Wellington. conveyancer, land agent c. 81' (u‘rouiulock. Robert, house and Sign painter. Gribbin, John, tailor. Gooch. R. (30., family groceries. Gooch, Richard (of R. Gooch Co.) Gilles, C. J., painter, G. Begg’s factory. Grier. James, pumpmaker, at I. Ireland’s. (3n uer, Wm., carpenter and builder. Graffe, Thomas J., proprietor Mt. Hampton, Jos iah, uncxal 66319 in groceries and produce. Eaton. George, tinsmilh. at A BlSSt‘ll’t. Fairbairn. Thomas. teamster. Flair, Mr . carpenter. Fleming, John. builder. Foley McCarry, barrimers and attornms at-Iaw. Fields, Mr.. carpenter. French. Mrs, dressmaker. Farrier, James.- blacksmith (at I. Irelanu’s). Free-laud, John, labourer Forayth. James, labourer. Gee, William, moulder, Mt. Forest foundry. Hewitt, William, proprietor Hew- itt’s Hotel. Dunbar. Samuel, boot and shoe- maker. Dilly. Francis. Vulcan foundry. Dickson. William. carpenter. Duncan. George. turner. G. Begg’s facn ry Dickenson. Gvorge. cooper Ecroyd. Dr Alfred E.. M. R. C. S. Evans, Wm . livery Mable keeper. Elgin, J. H.. blacksmith Ed“ ards. William, boat and shoe- mukt-r. . Mount Forest. Foundry, R. Kilgour proprietor. Mason. Wm. Mason. John. McDonald. Robert. proprietor W31. lington Hotel.. Hewitt’s Hotel, W. Hewitt. pro- prietor. Mount Forest Steam Sawmill and furniture factory, W. .Bentlgv. Mount I-‘orest' Mills, 1). .Yeomans, proprietor: Kilgour, Joseph Jr., travelling agent, Mt. Forest foundry. Mount Forest “Examiner;” pub- lished every Thursday; '1‘. J. Grafle, proprietor Johnston, James um maker at : p 2 I. Ireland’s. Jebb, John, cabinet warehouse. ' Kerr, James, tiusmith. Kilgour, Robert, proprietor Mt. Forest foundry. Ken-5y. John, plough builder, Mt Forest foundry. Ke'rslwmw, 'Rev. J. B., Methodist New Connexion. Knowles, John, tombstone agent. Kerr. James, tinsmithnat J. M. Crawford's Morris, Wm., pattern maker. Mevill, Mark, blacksmith. Marshall 85 Tasker. sadlers and harness makers Medical Hall. Jas. Colcleugh. prcp. Marshall. J. J.. baker and g1 ocer. Moodie, Robert, blacksmith. Moore, John, carriage maker. Miller. Thomas R. Miller. Dr. A. H. Muir. R. v. Wm.. Baptis'. Martin, Juhn. proprietor Martin’s mills. - 'Kilfgour, John, moulder. Mt. For foundry. Kinnou, J. A., general dealers in dry goods,groce1:ies_. c.__ Lewis, Wm., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes. Lund, R., prOprietor “Prince of Wales' ” Hotel. Little, Moses, teamster. Langdon, Charles, cupola-man, Mt. Forest foundry. Little, Robert, butcher. Lilly, Wm., tailor. Langton, T., plasterer. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance 00., James C. Wilkes, agent. Division Court office. Lackay, Wm.. road contractor. Lamprey, Brooke, proprietor pot- ash and soap factory. Lee, Wm., carpenter. Matkin, F. B. (of R. Gooch Co.) Markham. Martin, boot and shoe- maker. . lic Kennedy, John, attorney-at-law “ Mammoth House.” Murphy, Franuis. provincial land surveyor. Maheut, Rev. P. 8.. Roman Catho- Godfrey, Alex., boot and shoemak- DURHAM CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, Tbé‘ is the reason no one is clamor- ing {or a few more wartsâ€"make them fashionable and a remedy to grow warts would quickly be made a financial success. Yes, Putnam's Corn and Wart Exnactor removes chem. works quickly and without painâ€"any druggist will tell you more about this remedy. A-cAt'thur. Angus. groceries and l‘quors McMullen, Jas. general merchant. McLaren, Daniel, groceries and liquora. McDonald. Gilbert. blacksmith. .‘vicLe-nnan. James. labourer. McMillan, Neil. general merchant. McMillan. Archibald. McDonald. Donald, labourer. Alt-Larch, John. general dealer in hardware. McUutcheon. War, cabinet maker. McGill. Thomas, carpenter. McKay. John. blacksmith. McElvenny. James. wagon maker. Maismith. John. general dealer in dry goods. groceries, c. Norris. John, carpenter. Orr. Robert. boot and shoemaker. O’Dea. Peter, labourer. Orr, Robert. shoemaker. Orange Hall. Peterson. John, cabinet maker. Philip.’ Rev. S. 0., Jr., Wesleyan Methodist. Wilkes, James 0., Division Court. Clerk. Notary, Public. Commissioner in Queen’s Bench. Conveyancer and Insurance Agent. Wilson. William. Wilson, George. “:vlie, William Wilson, Samuel. Weight, Joseph. Carpenter. Yeomans. David, proprietor Mt. Foresr mills. reeve of village. J. P, Yarlett, Henry. carpenter. Young, Wm.. labourer. Yeouians. L. H.. chemist. and druggist. Petrie. John E.. bricklayer and plasterer. Pearce, James. Porter. francis. finisher. Patterson, James W., fancy bazaar. Porter. F. tailor. Perkins. A. R., book-keeper. Poole, Eli, wagon maker. Provincial Insurance Co. of Canada, J. C. Wilkes, agenL, Div. Court oflice Peters, John, cabinet. maker. Prince of Wales’ Hotel, R. Lund. proprietor. Queen Insurance 00.. H. H. Stovel agent. makers, and general blacksmiths. Ryan. 'l‘hos. (of Ryan Brothers). Ryan. James (of Ryan Brothers). Ryan, Robert (of Ryan Brothers). Robinson, John, general dealer in dry goods. groceries, e. ‘ Ross, James, carpenter. Reddick, Alex., J. P. ROgers, JOhn, saddler and harness maker Robinson. W., butcher. Reynolds, John, cooper. Royal Exchange Hotel, W. BishOp. St. Paul’s church. St. Mary’s church. Sutton, Thompson, labourer. Sheppard, John, bailiff of Division CourL Spence, Wm., carpenter. Stephenson, Duke. farmer. Shave, Wrn., carpenter. Stovel, Henry H , Notary Public, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, In- surance and general agent, issuer of marriage licenses. Sutton, Edward, iron finisher. Sadler, J. G., manufacturing jewel- ler, watchmaker and tobacconisr. Somerville, Samuel, shoemaker. Smith, Thomas G., postmas‘ter and general m rchant. Smith, Robt ,assistant posrmaster. Seed, George. watch and clock- maker. Reid, Thomas. builder, township treasurer for Egremout. Redmond. John, teacher. Rowe. Rev. W. 3., Episcopal Methodist. Ross. John, proprietor “ Mt Forest Hotel.” Wilton, Wm. P., Edge tool and axe factory. Ward, Miles. Watson, A lex., plasterers. Wright, Jonathan, carpenter. Wood. John, teamster. Walker, Simon, moulder. Walters. Wm., carpenter. Wilson, “’03., painter Wright, James, wheelwright and grain cradle maker. n. . . h Stgilh, 'Samuel, proprietor “City IIotelJ’ Swan, Thomas, wagon and carriage factory, and general blacksmithing. Spence. David, general merchant and dealer in produce. Smith, Isaac. sawyer. Stovell, Samuel. general dealer in dry goods, groceries, c. Stovel, Ebenezer, at S. Stovel’s. Smith. John. labourer. Scott, J. Ra, general dealers in dry goods, groceries, country pro- duce, c. movel, Joseph, merchant tailor dry goods, groceries, c.> .q..- Stovel, Thomas, pumpmaker and bricklayer. Twohey, John, teamster. Thompson, John, general black- smith. Trout. Thomas, bricklayer. Thorp,Mr., near Gregory’s nursery. Uusworth, Miss, milliner and bon- net maker. W'helbley, Elijah, lessee Mount Forest sawmill. Wellington Hotel, Robert McDon- ald. proprietorLM _ McNaught. Wm.. labourer. McKenzi». Mn. tailor. Mche. John, wagon maker. Warts are Unsightly :.ur, Angus. groceries and )‘___ Hananmmrmxmxflfimlxxua u: Ia X A large shipment of Boots and Shoes just arrived. Something extra good in Boys’ School Boots. Some very nice Goods for Ladies. A tsortingr up in Children’s Wear, and Snaps in Men’s Shoes. Any Remnants and Odd Articles left over, we will sell remarkably cheap. This applies to all kinds of Smallwares and Notions, sold as Xmas presents. And we have had to resplenish our stock to fill up the gaps made during the last couple of weeks. H. W. MOCKLER. Xmas Trade flver -â€"â€" FRESH -â€" WHILE -â€"- YOU TRY OUR BlENDS 0F COFFEE BOOTS SHOES. . MOCKLER. GROCE RIE S. REMNANTS. snâ€"the very finest brand of \nchor ” brand, try it. Most resh Canned Vegetables Ht aautitul Light Syrup at the aned Currants, 3 lbs. fur 23¢. cuqum mt aunt :epor fried Uronm Lon-1w INN “Hum; udicens a “he “action be paid $4 . ”did (ur [balling plam‘ nomination. and $3 mphenl fur «listrihm m d cheque-s issued. ()4 Lvsliv Cronin 'I‘ha' I .ul‘lcl be puJ a?" ‘0 fol loan} . and mat ch: :.c liars; «ho music :1 to the dvclau'uiou of q ' 0mm. and lauk uaear' ncol bind. and revue 4 Minutes of December 11 ‘ 11 approved. {By-law N... l fnt‘ 1902. :- (ulluu'uog Uififc‘l" “'01! Elm W. Vuckers and 'I “at t' ANQII Park on 1 all January. according Bseut: Samuel kal Dbert Inn-lie and Pram l‘u tlw m Jen-she - C Mn '0! NIH! of hi; B BENTINCK COU 'l V6! people \\ tor richne-u. The wet in. The paper is speed in the war a! King Edward “any worth .lm DA A copy of this received from 1 preciation of i1 eeen by His M The Tor The Sta (SEN The Dur M HI DWAR I). H '1‘ s‘ ll send your I“ the Tom All ver O! Tor “-310! HOS arow ll 5.“ 101’ tha In ll ll! (i ll: w 1U

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