Mr, David Goodwin. In, of Owen Sound, is visiting J. W. Leitch th s It. Thom†Brigham spent a few ‘1 isys u Hem-y L'ross’. of Louum. 133' = 5“,, o: m. l '"k' f Buwun .' Mr. Juno. Little and D. Campbell, of Dusbnm, swaped horses last. week 9 ï¬nd had: were well phased. ' Mr. B Sharp, 0! Durham. has 1|» contact. 0! building Mr. G. Schonkk barn which is to be erected next uum nor. He was taking out. the timbeu lat week. In, Wm. Porter returned home to Hopwonh on Friday after Spend- ing a few Weeks visiting Iniends in this part. The Xmas tree held here on FM clay evening was a gu’nd sucmss: everybody wen: home well pleasul. The collection taken up amounted IO nine dollars. \Vo wish you, Mr. Editor). the Chronicle Mai! and the readers at your valuable payer a merry Xmas 8011 happy New Your. We think, like many other, that your system of printing your paper n grand aflnir and that you «to en- titled to much credit for the pains you take ii: trying touive the promo good wine [or their money. There was a public examination at Sowerby’s school on Friday, the 20: h. The parents didn’t turn out as well as they might have. but a good tinw is reported. At the close of the pro- gram Miss Simpson (I he teacher) Was presumed with a handsome letnonadv set, as at token of the estvmn in which she is held by the Srction Miss Simpson has onlv been one year in the section, and has gained a vood reputwion. She is succewlell by Mia. Luckie. of ()t'augvvllle, who comes well reconnnenclml. The school entertainmmn at Town- Iend’s Lake school on Friday evening was a tie-aided success, and rrflwcm much credit. on the tPflChPf. Miss Foztis. 'l‘hv outside tab-m «'ousistvd 01 the Johnston family, nf Durham; ï¬r. and Miss Paths. of Yenvil; Mr. “'ilsm. and two mher gumlemen, o.’ Markdnle; and several others. As we wew Hut present we cannot give ‘ull detaih. Mr. .lulnmy English. of Hull’s more. MarkslaPe. is again under the wea'her. Juhuuy is havinga hard time of it, but. is improving nicely again. Mr. Richatd Eng‘ish has ï¬nished drawing brick for the veneering cf his house next summer. Mr Charles Bm la has also ï¬nished drawing brick for his house. “fell. 1 cumss I will close my epistle this time. wishing the Editor and the whole Chronicle managerie a happy and prosperous New Year. There will be servim in Townsvnd's Lake claurvh next Sabbath; it being the last Sdbbilth in the old year. Our teacher. Miss McCannel, do serves credit. for the wav in which she has her pupils trained. On Fri- day last. she held a Public Schooll Examination. which showed to thet trustees and parents the careful‘ manner in which she has taken to: increase iheir knowledge. l Mr. T. Gadd intends returning to the West next Thursday morning. accompanied by his sister, Lonsia, as far M Guelph. where she intends spending the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. John Morice came home from the stt last week. Glad to have them to oxr neighbor- hood again Mr. and Tulrs. Ed. Fee had a family reunion last week on the return home of their daughter. Mrs. Morice. Mr. and Mrs. )lcCalmon. of Varnny, Mr. and Mrs. Morice and Mr. Samuel Caldwell. Miss M of Mrs. week. Mr. A McDonald and Mliss Byer were the guests of Mrs. 3|. Donnelly of Bentinck. on Sunday last. L Mics..\lcC:mnel is gone to snpnd '91:; holidays at her home near Price- 1 e. Mr. D. McCormack, Baden, 0nt.. is spending his holidays at his home here. Miss Ogden, of Ottawa, visited Mr. Neil McLean and family last week. Miss C. Peterbougln is holidaying at her home here. Miss B. McLean visited Dornoch friends recently. Miss Jessie C. McDonald succeeded in obtaining the Diploma from the General Assembly of the Presbyter- ‘an church, also a beautiful Bible from her pastor, Rev. Mr. Graham, for repeating the 107 questions in the Jatechism without making one mis- :alte. She deserves great credit he- am only 11 years 0! age. . NO RTE-EAST NORMAN BY. The children. who took part in the Xmas tree entertainment, did ex- ceedingly well under the careful training of their teacher, Miss McLean. Mr. D. McLean, councillor, took part in the entertainment at the Rocky church Thursday evening. A 11 ° at“. appy New Yen- Mr. Edntor and A LLAN PAR K Marv MULL CORNERS. GLASCOTT. Will Wallave wan the guest 1 Grant. one day last THE ofFICIAL 7mm: NOT EAGER an A CHANGE IN com- NIAL COURT OF APPEAL. A White Paper issued yesterday (Cd. 846. Price 35d.) contains the correspondence relating to the pro- posed OStablishment of a Final Court of Colonial Appeal, with the recommendations of the Conference of Colonial delegates who met in London in June and July last, and the ï¬nal decision of His Majesty’s Government. it will be rememberâ€" ed, says The London Daily sews, that a proposal to strengthen the representation oi the self-govering colonies on the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council was made known by Mr. Chamberlain during the debate on the Australian Coin- monwealth Bill. The project was dropped at the time of the represen- tation of the Australian delegates, and it was decided to take an early opportunity of consulting the Co- lonies on the subject. On February 14, therefore. Mr. Chamberlain tele- graphed to the Governor-General and Governors of Canada, Australia,l\"ew Zealand and Natal that “it is earn- estly desired to deal with the matter this session, and His Ma- jesty's Government desire assistance of Colonial legal experts to discuss matters with Lord Chancellor, law ofï¬cers, and myself," and asking in each case that the name of the dele- gate proposed by the Colony should be telegraphed as early as possible. -‘|...... There is an interesting despatch {from the Earl of Hopctoun, written ?in reply to Mr. Chamberlain's first despatch. and suggesting the mu- |tinus attitude of the Government of 1 the (r‘ommonwcalth. 'I‘clogmphing ion February 26, Lord Ilopctcz‘n in Newfoundland is: equally anxious for independent rep:emulation, and the Crown Column-3 who appear to have been altugvther omitted from the scheme, haw also a. word to the scheme, hzu'n also 11. word to say. 01) A1111! 31d Sir F. A. S“ cttonham, (.m 111 1101‘ of the Straits Settlmnonts, tolegmphs: [erislative (‘fnumil and Ch amber of Commerce uzge that one member Final Court Luluniul Appeals he se- lected from Crown Colony J udges or retired judges. On behalf of Ceylon. Sir J. West Ridgewuy forwards on March 29 a memorandum from the Attorney- (leneral of the Colony and reso- lutions from the bar of Ceylon and the Chamber of Commerce in the same sense, at the same time ex- pressing his own opinion in favor of the adoption of the proposal. As a result of these suggestions Mr. Chamberlain ï¬nally appointed Sir W. J. Smith, Chief Justice of (:ui- ana, to represent the Crown colonies at the conference. says leferrf :g to your telegram of 14th Felsrlmry Commonwealth Min- isters desire to be furnished with some mat‘ine of the proposals of His ‘Jajesty' 3 Government as to supâ€" gested stxengthening of colonial re~ presentation on the Judicial (Jum- mittee 0f the Privy Council. in 01'- mittee of the Privy Council. in or- c‘vr that they may he the [utter alt-lo m eunsuler what insn'm'timxs (llv- 1,? ates from the (.‘mmn )nwc-nltlx should. r=-"vive in embodiment of their views of the proposal, unless indeed, it should he fnund preferable to leave the 111;.ttez' entirely in the hands; of His flnjcsty’s Government will)- out any special representation of the (‘nmnzomvealtlL" liep'yizg on March 4, Mr. Chum- berlain states that: "No proposals yet formulated be- yond decision to nrovide four 2.21:1:- ry of the failure a! the Negotiation. Botwoon Representaflvu of the (num- ionâ€"â€mung of Iho Colonial Experh in London at the Begun: of the High} Hon. Joseph Chalnbvrfainu- ;.uu. u. )1 MW Part. 3% All serious lung} 1;; troubles begin with a; gtickling in the throat. : You can stop this at ï¬rst i. in a single night with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. l Use it also for bronchitis, 33 ? consumption, ha (1 colds, :4. 3 and forcoughs of all lunds é Bronchitis “ I have kept Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds.†Three 31:03:23“: In for tn ordinary P’)1d;.)n8‘ “31“.“: toncbitil, tonne no“. turd colds. etc. .. ll, moot economical ."or chrome canes and to kc on land. J. C. AYEB 00.. "11.11:â€. J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. tio’nal Law Lords to secure per Lent and udeuuate representation great colonies and lndin. Questi of tenure of oilice, preservation existing courts and procedure be for discussion by confere Enrnestly hope your Government send delegate." On June 4 Lord Minto transmit minute of the Privy Council of Dominion. The Council observe: Your Excellency’s Government not dissatisï¬ed with the manner which the Board of the Judi (‘ommittee of the PriVy ("oum'il at present constituted, and as n advised they do not see any advai age to he gained by the creation 1 four additional Law Lords. to i chocen from the seii-govez'n‘ng 1 Ionics, with seats in the House Lords as well as on the Judie (.‘onunittee. ' ‘I.,... l UULIIJAJ vvvvvv Of late years and since it has come almost the settled p‘msticc summon to the sittings of the lion the most distinguished jurists at U centre of the Empire whose scrvic were available, the people of (,‘unzz: have been generally satisfied wi mic ronndition of things. this condition of things. 3. The cmnmittee is desirous thl your Excellenry's delegate shod thoroughly discuss with the Lot (‘lmncellor. the Law Ofï¬cers of ti Crown. and the other delegates, ti many problems which would necq snrily follow any attempt to chant Hm. existing Amw‘l (‘onrts of ti " vnd tl...v will be prevail carefully to consider any recommd dations which may he made as tl outcome of the proposed conferenc They repeat, however, their opinit that with the information they . present possess, the creation of ti four Colonial Law Lords suamest would not inspire any additio :11 confidence in the Judicial Cot mit tee. . - - " " ~L “1.; The conference held its ï¬rst met ing on June 26. g On .lulv 4 M David Mills, who had been elecd chairman, forwards to 'Mr. (Thar berlain the following recommend- tions: ' 1. Appeals should cont'nue to 3 from the colonies and from India ) His Majesty in Council. -. It is desirable that appoir 17101115 to the Judicial (L‘ommitb should be from time to time mat: in such numbers as may be con- dered necessary from one or 111G: of the folio“ ing: - -1 ‘ ‘ tralia. (c) New Zealand. ((1) South Africa. (0) The Crown Colonies. (f) India. 3. A member so appointed shod! vacate any judicial ()ilicc which i: may be holding at the time of Is appointment to the Judicial (in;- mittoe. Q 4. The selection of such memms should not be restricted to judgs and cx-judges. 5. Every such member should DC appointed for life or for a term )f years. In the event of it being e- cided that such appointments to to Judicial Committee should be male for a term of years, suitable ps1- sions should he provided for ll members who complete such terms! ofï¬ce, and the term which may we decided upon should he suflicienly long to be an inducement to propr- ly qualiï¬ed men to accept appoizt- ments to the Judicial Committee.“ is considered that such a compan- tively short term as seven yers would not be sufï¬cient for that pr- pose. It is recommended that he 6. Although the question of al- ary is not apparently one of he matters for the consideration of which the conference has been :3â€" sembled, it is suggested that. he salary to be paid should be sull- ciently anmle to induce men Ins- sessed of suitable qualiï¬cations to accept appointments to the Judicul Committee. l I 9 l . 1 1 a l x In a despatch to the clovernorV Generals and Governors, dated Au- gust 10, the Colonial Secretary says that as “the result of the conference has been to show that no farâ€" reaching alteration in the present tribunal is desired, or would be con- sidered satisfactory by the colonies l, .__-..- .A generally, and so long as the colon-‘ ies are of that opinion, His Majes- ty’s Government do not propose to make any material changes for the establishment of an Imperial Court H 'I‘HE DURHAM cnmwrvm of Appeal . †"I'RQDAY. DECEMBER 26. XMAS PHILOSOPhER "Jenkins,†said the city editor, “here's ï¬ve dollars a lady sent us to give a poor old chap up on Tenth street. You see, she wants to know it reached him and doesn’t want to register a letter. for he must not know who sends it. So run up with it and get a receipt for it that we may send,her.†l was soon on Tenth street. The number sought was a tumble down old rookery. and the children snowballing each other in the street stopped long enough to tell me that old Mr. Jones lived on the top floor. “Come in!" piped a cheery. shrill voice as I knocked on his door. 1 did. Seated by the window. nightcap on‘ head and spectacles on nose. sat a bright eyed. gray haired. much wrin- kled old fellow. clean shaveu and very tall and stooped. “Merry Christmas!†he piped as soon as he saw me and grinned ai'fably. displaying a few large teeth that were still white. I stamntered forth the conventional ! answer. I could do no more than i stannner it. for such a salutation in i such a place quite staggered me. The ; rickety bed. the unlighted stove. the broken loaf of bread on the bare little 3 table. the absence of carpet. the two ‘9 chairs, told the story of deepest pov- l erty at a glance. I hastily gave him the money and took his receipt. “The birds.†said be. pointing out the window to where a few sparrows on the ï¬re escape were pecking at a piece of his loaf. ‘ 7 __ ‘_--A“- I" “It is this that has made you happy today in spite of"- m. ‘ ,__ “It is 02w of the things. That was my C112: sum g';i\in.:. It was all I could giw until 3011 cmxw hut mm I am under the necessity of seeking human objects for my bounty. "lhe alms slm birds." self? †I Inquirod. â€VJ. I â€" -_- “Yes. even in the palaces,†he said solemnly. Rising and leaning on the long stick which he had kept beside him, he thus went on: A An- “I began my celebration of Christ- mas yesterday afternoon by going to the free library and reading Dickens’ ‘Christmas Carol.’ For years i have read it on Christmas eveâ€"that is. to ï¬ll myself with the true Christmas spirit of charity, love, peace and good will. It always succeeds. Has any millionaire in this great city begun more wisely? “Having ï¬nished my reading, I walk- ed through the crisp. frosty air to the boulevard to enjoy the sleighiug. It was very ï¬ne. Time was when I used to sit in one of those vehicles and go skimming over the snow. I lost half the sport. I could not see the cutters skim by, the rosy cheeks of the riders, and I ran risk of a spill. I could hear no hells but those on my own team. but. ah. standing on the roadsideâ€"how different! “The skating on the lake next inter- ested me, and I enjoyed It greatly. Home to tea next, with a keen appe- tite. Had I a full larder and that appe« tite I would eat enough to be sluggish. and then I shouhl not go out agahL But a slice of bread. an onion and a cup of black teaâ€"no gluttony in that, yet enough. “I went out to do my Christmas shopping. Oh. I saw everythingâ€"{1‘11 the riches of the earth displayed in windows. Remember that the great delight in most of them Is in looking at them. and that if they are personal ornaments you cannot very well see them after you put them on. I feasted my eyes fully from the outside of the windows. it was the best Christmas shopping I ever did. and l have done muchshopping in my time. I can tell you. - “Midnight mass- grand. celestial! No. slr: not a Catholic. but I do not let that fact stand between me and Cpl. curean enjoyment. “I slept the sleep of the contented man. sir. dreaming of the beautiful. bright skies and green ï¬elds and pleas- ant waters or summer that are all mine. sir. as much as a king’s. “599 my YUIG '03:!†He pointed to a piece of cannel coal beside the stove. “I will light that by and by, 1 Will roast a little joint of meat owr It and make me a little \vasszxil-bowl of cider with a roast apple In it-and when my pipe is lit and the street lamp shines on the ceiling I will recite for myself some of the old miracle plays of Christmas or sing an olden carol"â€"- . “Pardon me,†said 1, starting up. 1 must go. You tempt me to share your feast and lose my position. I must go. I wish I knew how to be as happy as you.†>ffl_3e content," said the strange old you ï¬nd any poorer than your- an: of this is too big for the 1901.. " “ ZOO waamommeemez § Winter Term ! 8 .Opens Monday. Jan. 6th. oWfl Next Door to Chronicle Ofï¬ce. IR}. ‘ “$231 M acl'nine Oil, Harness Oil', Axle Grease and Hoot Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS, Harl APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. lV Thatapplication Will he made luthe Legislntive Assembly fur lhe I’m-since of Ontario at the next eusuiug session thereof. for an Act to incorporate the Durham Switch Line Railway Companv. to build and operate a line of Railway from a point on the Grand Trunk Railway in the 1mm- ship of Bentinok, thence through a partial: of the said Township of Ilentinck. lhence through a portion of the Town 01' Durham. thence through rtiuns Ol the Townships of Gleuel‘z and grenmut m a [mint at or near Wilder’s Lake. all within the Gunny of Grev. iu the said Province of Untar'm. ‘ TUTICE J. 'l‘hata Dated at Toronto this Ninth day bar. A. 1).. I901. \\"m. McCalmon. Swedish, Scotch Canadian G A RAFRAXA Sr. Monuments Rowlil'mi. WM. WHITMORE. 1mm Durham, June 25th. 1901. Readers of Tm: Uuuoxmm who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at the clnbhmg rates named: Other papers at equally low rates of subscription. We must have cash in advance at above prices. Addxess all correspondence to Nov. 19th. GRANITE MARBLE WORKS. "ounce that he has now rommm "kctï¬mithing business to ('uchru‘ Old 5 ““1. Where he “ill be [dvustï¬â€˜ 1!.de to all the requireumnh wt. old customers und others. Sans tion gun unwed. Mallund Empire. weekly ...... Family Herald and Wvokly St. Toronto Daily World .......... Toronto Dally News ............ Toronto Dally Stu ............. Montreal Witness. weekly ...... OUR CLUBBING RATES. IXPOBTIB OF AND DEALER IN Inscriptions Cut on Sh Notice. \VM . \VHITM ()8 li. PINKERTON 8; COOK E. Solicitors for the Applicants IS HEREBY cn'gx THE CHRONICLE. DURHAM. ONTo DURHAM car to NBS! (I 311045350 DURING THE CMRONICLE m Tm; Cumsrum 'l‘w w“ ugnmd success. Local New{ New YEARS DAY quietly. HIGHEST cash pric (or: u Peel’s.â€"â€"tf. Fox SALEâ€"A qua Geese and Ducks’ fc to Mrs. Jumes Atkim Hummus Americ: pondeutly rich. wan huobnud. Ad‘lressE Chimgo. Ill. Wnn'sn. “Good {‘4 by the yeur or for l uencing immediately ‘0. will be paid. A1 ton, Grunton. Ont.â€" A NUIBER of Miss! were entertained at her parents, Mr and don, on Monday nigh plenum time was 6;] ll ll v cu illustrations. quite a pennv. ed b\' “I". Cal" .1 patrontgedl In disposing o 20c. The prf game of the h but there are the part of the HI chronicle the dent Staples, duughte John Staples. c about nine momt puents lost a bri about seventeen . m. and very slu the E veloj VOL. 36m" was thirty-one ye mas Day. the d‘ and a woman, of .110 was living i‘ sister's illness h '36 thought on! lit. and Mrs. Su the neighbors WI ed “'e exton' this sad bout of use. cons Wish sister an and IUQf SMU‘ \K‘ (3V1 ll' ll