Fur Jackets. 010th Jacks“. Caporines. hay Lamb Capos. ‘ md Boys’ Fur Caps. O. L. “A"?- TOD No. 1762. ryor. also com. D8 mill. 3. P. {a usythin. ’r is going 'ting one, oubsclip I an equul growth of Ti. unb- - Apply which, cattle j fluid Bijou Comedy Co. " thin week in town. They - . y night. with “Kerry ay they gave “ Woman Oman,†Wednesday they the town for "The Exile -; The attendance so far is .7 we'think the public is sat- fllo bill of fare each night. ny consists of twelve 1 in all, some of whom are " actors and perform their I. The small admission of _ ought. to bring a crowded ‘ ' ' 0â€!) night. Mr. Rowland is "idol“, not a “dead beat†as he “that In to make every travelling troop. "put up†for work before thy got it done. We have no use m Worryâ€"Tm them and go “out your business-tho] do their work WM you undoing yours. Dr. Agnew’s Liv. Pills no system mentors, blood I'll-1 sod builders; out, gland ind ho in the whole anatomy is beneï¬ted and “lumbar! in the nachhem. 40 dam in u via). :0 emuâ€"ax Norton’s congh powder for horses. can: in almost every case. At Parker’s. lacrAnLaxs’s Drug q guahers for Santa Clan Wm cotton table cloth left at an Pout Oï¬ce. Owner call and get it. Till Tax Sale of Town Lands takes place to-morrow, Friday, at ‘2 p m. Go to Peel, the Shoe Man, for warm {oat wear. , A 1001008113 dry shod seldom needs 0 doctor.-â€"Peel the Shoe Man. . P03 SALEâ€"200cc“!!! dry wood. 'I‘. Btown. 4 . I to Unclarlane’s Drug Store for ‘ _ '0“ and best- They have an line of Christmas goods. Vblilecc ordeons, meerchaum and hï¬pu, dressing cases. etc†at [30!" drug store. B. :W. 3078108. 6f Toronto. open~ who! shop last week in the new . 10 Block. g‘. A. MACl-‘ARLANE moved in- ‘IOIpromisesin the McIntyre Sold by “Fatigue R. Co ltory of “The \Vidow "III our Christmas number, ‘cuh-iu-advance subscrib- WACKSON, Notary Public, h, Insurance Agent, thud, farms bought and Winn a. Specialtyâ€"has I oï¬co in the late \V. L. i’lold sand. Dec , 1â€"-l m. h of Mr. Clifl, at one time tUflhu‘hmn, and so far \lr. â€upland with the mu \ It is only a. ten light 3' t in moreiy as an exper- will be replaced by a M utisfactory. â€Sunday Sch0ul Enter- flChristmas Tree will be Frown Hall on Thursday, Summencing at 8 p 111. program of Recitations. In, Club- swing, Vocal Beau! Music etc. are be- H, and all who come may I‘I'IR SMITH has installed I. 838 generator to illum- Vnndry. The machine is mston Tribune has pub- mtiful Christmas number “which our thanks are h brushes and purses at In Drug Store, 5 less than Ionâ€"only one of each kind floice. pâ€"On nesday, Dec. 5, flcVain iss Nancy “to Rev. Mr. \ftï¬â€˜uegor. pting parties both live 1n and have the best wishes my acquaintances. O'troat. Admission only ants. Eve'ybody wel- Lâ€"Pure Bred Jersey Bull lured Pedigree Apply . tf ‘Iuys of paying on sub- Mu. DAVID SUGGET’I‘ writing from Orangeville says;â€"â€I see in your valuable paper, “Tim CHRONICLE,†that Mr. Carson was hurt, and was very sorry to hear of it, but glad to hear that he is around again,†I -found him a straight forward gentle- man in all the dealings Ihad with him.†He then refers to no report having been given of certain persons in the vicinity having gone to Orange- ville on the Micks’ estate aï¬air, which was settled without being tried, the defendants paying their own expenses and $125. We over- looked referring to the matter at the time, but had no intention of con- cealing the facts, if we had them. As we do not know that Mr. Snggett intended his letter for publication we omit giving this part in his own words. We are pleased to have Mr. Suggett’s kind words for the CHRON- ICLE. and glad to learn that he intends to have it continued». Lines written on the death of Christina Steele, Wife of Mr. Charles Moffnt, of Glenelg, by Mia; Helen Winter. of Edinburgh, sister of the deceased, and published in one of the city Magazines, from which we clip it. Edinburgh, 1900. Mr. John A. Black is spending a few days in town after doing the country round Chatsworth in the interests of a Chatam Fanning Mill Co. Next week he goes to Pontiac. Quebec, to continue in the same work with the people there, most of whom are French-Canadians. We would like to have a literal translation of some of John’s early edema in trying to talk a Frenchman into buy- ing'a mill. We have a very distinct rememberance of some funny little things in our own experience, a literal translation of which would hardly do for publication. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Mt. Forest, spent a few hours in town last Thursday, Though he hustled round and met a number of his old friends, he regretted the time was so short that he could not see them all. Mr. J. H. Docksteader, of Ann- strong. B. C., will aeeept thanks for his remittance of one dollar In pay- ment of next years subscription. In his letter he reports ï¬ne weather, with a snowfall of about twelve inches on the 17th of November. Mr. D. is aregular pay-in-advance inan. Rev. Prof, Ballantyne. of Knox College, Toronto, will be present on Sunday. Dec. ‘23. to conduct the re- opening services in the Presbyterian church. ’ Mr. Irving, traveller for McLauch- Ian’s Biscuit and Confectionery Works at Owen Sound, spent Sunday and Monday in town. He is satisï¬ed now that we have lots of marl. Rev. D Smith, of Hanan, China, but latterly of India conducted the services Sunday last in the Presby- terian church. Mr. Geo. Porteous. of Galt, has secured a position in the Furniture Factory as carver. Mr. Bert Muir is with the Bow- land Bijou Comedy 00.. which is {laying in town this week. Mr. George Hull, tea agent. of London, was in town this week. Mr. James Carson is attending the Assizes in Owen Sound this week. Mr. Thos. Brown attended the Winter Show in Guelph this week. Mrs. C. Culbertson, of Meaford, are visiting friends in town. 2dr. Chas. Leavens was in Guelph at the Winter Show. Mr. Ed. Leavens returned to town last week. Rest in peace the conflict's over, Ended all the toil and pain; \Veory night or troubled morning Never can he thine sgain. All tll‘) work on earth’s completed All ife’s countless cares are stilled, But a record thou hast left us 01 high purposes fnltllled.‘ Long and sorely shall we miss thee, And our hearts are sad and sore. Visions of thy clear lost presence Haunting us for ever more. Oh for once again the pressure 01' that dear loved hand to feel. And the old time jo and gladness (for our sudden spirits steal! Never moreâ€"these tears impassioned Heart-sick yearnings all are vain; Nothing now, alas! can ever Bring thee hack to us again. “But we'll keep in fond remembrance All that thou to us hast been, And thy work and simple goodness Long shall keep thy memory green. Oh ! ’tis well with thee thus sleeping Safely with the honoured dead; Peaceful be thy silent chamber, Hallowed be thy grassy bed. Fare thee well for Time's forever, Till the shadows flee away, 'l‘ill we meet thee in the morning Of the bright eternal day. PERSONAL MENTION. Durham, Ont, Thursday, December 13th, 1900. IN MEMORIAM. Hun Wmn. ‘ Mrs. H; Wills, Chesley, Ont.. sayszâ€"“My boy was all crippled u with rheumatism. Although we doctored. e was in this way for about one year, and the pain was terrible. Reading of man cases where Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver ’ills bad cured rheumatism, we got a box. Before they were half gone he began to im rove. and is now quite well. I am very 3 ad to recom- mend them to others.†One pill a dose, ‘25 cents a box. GOODS delivered twice a. day insid e the corporation during Xmas. week to any one buying a dollar’s worth at S. Scott’s. CAPS and hats for men. boys or girlé away down cheap at S. Scott’ 8. Hurt rellef in halfah hour.â€" A lady in New York State. writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart says: " I feel like one brought back from the dead.» great was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this power- ful trestmeut. I owe my life to it."â€"-rg To Starve lo a. Fallacyâ€"The dictum to stop eating because you have indi- gestion has long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era in the treatment of stomach troubles. It has proved that one may eat his ï¬ll Of anything and everything he relishes, and one tablet taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its work. 60m a box. 35 centsâ€"24 The Hols‘tein man is surprised at the oversight in the vote of' thanks at our S. .8. Entertainment. » It is easy enough eXplained. ‘ The mover and seconder are two of our bashful bachelors and the one overlookeda handsome young lady who rendered such excellent music that it beguiled them out of (some) of their wits, hence the error. Corner Concerns had also been smitten. The mistake will not detract the least from her fame and it is a Bible truth that the stone that is neglected may make a head for the Corners. THE CHRONICLE’S Xmas number is ID hand. It. is declared by all who see it to be an excellent. premium, and great reward for all cash in ad vance subscribers. Thanks. Mr. Geo. Lawrence has his new plate glass front in, and will soon be ready for business. Commissionerships are causing about as much interest as the late elections. The peeple to the south of us in our own township are for Allan, while the Glenelgers on the good opinion of Egremonters since he became a citizen of this part and we would have liked to have given him a helping hand, but will have to patiently wait until he is in the ï¬eld for M. P. a position which many be.- lieve he will yet ï¬ll after he spends another term or two at the County seat. Mr. R. N, Wilder is moving into the school residence and is now mak- ing repairs about the place. Misses A. and S. Nichol have been spending the past few weeks pleas- antly around the old home, but are thinking of Spending Xmas with their sister in Uncle Sam’s Domain. Mr. Wm. Nichol is recovering from a severe attack of throat trouble which has kept him in doors for some time. We were in error last week in re- porting the sale of Mr. Jae. McLach- Ian’s farm. He has not sold yet, and we hope he won’t as he is a. good citizen and we would not like to see him go. Mr. John Vessie has built a new shingle mill and is going to do cusâ€" tom work, ABSOLUTELY F REE. The Canadian Annual RHEUMATIC WARPED LIMBS. CORNER CON CERNS . which we intend to give as a premium to Cash in advance sub. scribers who Kay up to the end of 1901. We ope there will be no mistake about this offer which can only be iven to cash sub- scribers on t above conditions, and as the magazine will be ready for distribution in the early art of December, all orders wil be ï¬lled in the order in which pay- ments are made. The magazine this year is a m niï¬cent work of art. the cash va ue of which is 25c. To speak .deservmgly of it would apppearjike boasting. and as we do not Wish to enter into any laudatory commendations, we trust our readers Will have full faith in our ofl‘er and renew their subset: tiona early. . Sub- scribers at a ietance washing the reminm will be expected to add : to cover tage. ’l‘heChron- icle tor the lance of this year free to new subscribers. Our readers this year will be lad to learn that we are pub- ishing a limited number of Sold by MacFarlane Co. Sold by MacFarlane an Co. Your 10-day ! This signature 39 on evcrynbo§ (a! the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine mm. brandythucuru .00“!- mm Will visit Priceville Tuesday and Friday of each week from 9 p. m to 4 p. m. FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. ' Putrefying food in the intestines produces eï¬ects like those of arsenic. but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head- ache. Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 250 at all druggists. 1m ' Ofï¬ce hours: 9m 12 a. m. 2 an 9. m. Resulence and ofï¬ce, Old Bank buildings. Upper Town, Durham. If more than the necessary number of candidates are proposed tor the said oï¬ices a poll will be opened on Mc-nday. the 7th day of January. A. D., 1900, commencing at 9 o’clock in the f4')renoen, and closing atla') o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. L‘ the Municipal Electors of the Third County Council Division for the County of Gran comprising the Townships of Ben- tinc and Glenelg. the Town of Durham and the Village of Hanover, that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of said Division will be held in the Town llall in the Town of Durham. on Monday, the h day of December, 1900, at. l O'clock, p. I .. for the purpose of nominating candidates ' , ofï¬ce of County Councillors, pursuant, to tho Co_n_nty Counmls’ _Act of 1896. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.\' TO the Municipal Electors of the Third Given under m hand in the Town of Durham, thns 5th ay of December. 1900. W. A. ANDERSON, Nominating Ofï¬cer. Rainfall, simply a slight shower on the 4th, inst. Snowfall for the week, twd inches. Sunshine for the week, nil. General direction of the wind, south-west. to north-west, and moderate. 00""! or lunacy sgemcd the only alternative for a well-known and highly respected lady of Wingham. Ont., who had traVCHCd over two continents in a vain search for a cure for nervous dcbility and dyspepsia. A friend recom. mended South American Nervine. One bottle helped. six bottles cured, and her own written testimony closes with these words: â€It has saved my life. "2:20 Vapa-Cres'wlene is m‘d by rirugg’stc r‘verwho A Vapo-Cresolune outï¬t, including the Vapm m-x a Law which sh'mH last a life-time. and :: lmu‘o Cresgiene. completm “.5“; ex'ra snpplirs «,f (‘1. < lenezscemsand genome. Musn‘ated booklvtcovvr lngnhysicians’ tes:’ a» .1 '15 fwc upon 1' nest. V.» Cums-cums Co.. w.) Fuhon St., New ork, 1': Recommended and sold by Macfarlanc a: (.‘o. Dragging, Durham. Perhaps it’s dipl)! lleria, or scarlet fever. limp )our own home free lrom the germs of thuse diseases. Prevent your Children {tom having them. You can do -- it with our Vapc-Cz'c-seglene. Put some Cresolenc in our Vaporizer. light the lamp beneath, and let th! vapor ï¬ll the Sltft ping mom. Have the children sleep in the room every night, for it-‘s perfectly safe, yet no: a single disease germ can live in this vapor. Ask your doctor about it. 4 Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. -mmm~n1 Danger Next Door. 69M, Election Notice. J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C. M WEATHER BULLETIN. For week ending Nov. 30, 1900. TEflPERATURE. 2 Max. 36 Min 3 40 †‘ .s 41 u 5 u 35 H 6 u 33 u 7 u 31 .. Sold by Macb‘arlnna (‘0. 'â€"Qd.o- 31 Muwflï¬uï¬w 0v. //9% - at. .zgchxagozzaozzaéfeézuzk:xeéxéaséaséréwwwu. Good value 9R $6, going for . . Also the balance of last years’ stock at half pyicq‘ Christmas is coming, and our stock, which was never larger, must be / reduced before we move. The Balance of Our Ladies’ Jackets Must gol If not at 0111 price why then we must sell them at yoms. We havea beautiful ~rang‘e of new, up- -to date tailox made jackets that must be sold bef01e we move. J. J. HUNTER; One Special Line of Jackets. The Store on the Street $1.00 Per Year rm WWM AT GRANTS Lsdies’ Shoulder Shnwlu in Blacks, Greya‘ Cardingls. etc. Grey Flannels and Grey and Whit: Flannel Sheeting. All Wool and Grey Flannel- ette Blankets. C. L. GRANT. M kindadr Jawâ€"dc. '4