Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Nov 1900, p. 6

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"French reached Bethe! OctObel’ 20. He was opposed during the greater put of his march from Carolina. "811““ has I“ hel Bu 'felshoek, and Oéottle has reached Boopatad. “Methnen'n convoy was attacked near Zoom-t on October so, and Bar- ton was attacked at Priedotickltad. Puget has captured 11 noon and . unbu- ol cattle and My.” Theme": take shelter in farm- houses which are crowded with women and children (Lord. Roberts is distributing afresh circuhr, to the effect that Boers vol- untarily surrendering who have never taken the oath of neutrality, will not be exiled, but will be permitted to re- turn to their farms at the conclusion of hostilitien. :After the arrival of Lord Methuen at Zeerust there wasnreconnaissance northward, which resulted on Satur- day in the discovery of large numbers of Boers, who were only dislodged att- er artillery and rifle fire lasting four hours. The British had {our killed and ten wounded. crai. or the soldiers have been fatally Injured. It is feared that the rioton will not Inlet-'4 Can-alum 30â€"ch Continuous 0v:- ponluon on March to Bald-lobe". In.“ flrcnlar I. Inning. A dospa-tch from Cape Town, says:â€" Guerillu attacks by the Boers are still giving great trouble. General French encountered, continuous opposition in Belgian Government Doee Not Want film to lemaln ln Brussell. A deemtoh tram Brussels, eays;-. The Belgian Government has informed the Tranevaal agency that a long so- journ for Kruger in Brussels would he unwelcome and calculated to oc- casion anti-British demonstrationl, which the Government cannot allow. Thaw-lure, the agency publishes no- tics in the newempere announcing Kruger'a refusal to accept the hon- pears to have infuriated the strike", and a big mob of them gathered out- side the mills and etarted in to smash the windows. The Royal Scots, under wmmaod of Colonel lbbotson, charged the strikers with the bayonet. The mob retaliated, and in the melee several of the soldiers and a number of the riot- ers were injured. It '3 feared that aev- crab of the soldiers have been fatally his march from Carolina to Bethe], his wsual'tiea number-1133'”. t WITH FIXED BAYONETS. The situation at Valleytield is very aeriona to-nigh‘t. The town seems to be ln the hands of the mob, and,the nit- natlon became so threatening that a message was sent to Montreal asking for the deepatch of more soldiers. The nrrival of the first detachment a! mill- tia from Montreal this afternoon ap~ DOSTLY REGUNNAISSANBE. FOUR KILLED AND TEN WOUNDED IN DISLODGING GUERILLAS. pimlity offered him by Ander Locht, a rimh. Dutchman, in his Villa in a The request was doiy oigned by the Mayor of Volleylield and two justices of the peace, in accordance with the requirements 0! the Militia Act. Lt.- Col. Boy, on the receipt of the letter put Min-o]! in communication with LionL-Ool. lhbotson, commanding the Rent Scots, whose turn for duty it was. One hundred men were called out. : lumen and Barton Also Attacked by the Boers. It is also quite certain Qmon Wil- helmina will award simply a private audience, demid 01 all official chm!b actor, to the ex-Pruidant. A despatch from London say.â€" Loni Roberts telegraph: from Pre- torl: under date of Oct. 22, as follows; a hostel- !r. lontreal. says:â€" l'wo companies of th 5th Royal Seota were called out (or active service 'at Valleyfleld toâ€"day, and left by special tram about two o’clock. The call to arms came in the nonal way. The layer: of Valleytield wrote to Limit.- 0014 Roy, D.0.0., at Montreal, stating that the strike in the Montreal Ootton Company’s mills had assumed such proportions and the actions of the Itrikers were such as to warrant mili- tary intervention. He stated that the strikers interfered with these work- ing, and refused to allow coal to be taken to the boilers, and that the police of the town could not cape with the rioters. He therefore asked for two companies of militia, with full power to quell the disturbance by arrest or otherwise. Militia and Strikers in Collision at Valleyfield and Several Injured. WITH FIXED BAYONETS. KRUGER NOT WELCOME HARASSIN G FRENCH. “After careful enquiry, we are sat- isfied that each mine employe'will ac-; tually receive an advance of 10 per; cent. on the wages formerly paid. In) tho Schuylkill and Iehigh regions} the largest compynies have agreed; that the sliding scale should be 8113-? pended; and that wages should re- main stationary at 10 p..c advance until April 1,1901. You have estab- lished a powerful organization, which, it maintained and conducted on busi- ness principles, will enable you' to re- gulate many of your local grievances, and make your employment less haz’ ardous.” After calling the miners’ attention to the State law ptroviding for semi’ monthly payment of wages and (the benefits derived from organization, the statement continues;â€" Ole-Ml Notice Issuedâ€"Ten Per Cent. Adl- vncc aml Almlnlon of Sliding Scale (‘onsldo 'ecl smiufacmry. A despatch from Hazeltorn, Pa., says;â€"The following signed notice was issued today by President Mit- ch)” and offiears of the United Mine “Eula: m ;â€" n "After carefully, canvassing the en- tire stribe situation, we, your offi- cmrs, district and national? have con- cluded tint your victory is so nearly complete that no good end can be served by continuing the strike lofig- er. The contest has been in pro- gzreus for 39 days, and the companies employing you have, with few excep- tions, signified their willingness to convention of Oct 12 n 0 DON’T WANT WORK. The Town Council of V alleyfield made an offer to employ the strikers on the drainage works which are now in progress there, but the men declin- ed to accept employment from the Council. .A meeting was ‘held last night, at which the strikers still in- sisted upon being employed by the company at a dollar and aquaiter a day, and they repeated their previous declaration that they would prevent the mill running until their demands were cornplied with. It was then de- cided to call] out the militia. MEN TO GO BACK TO WORK OCTO- BER 29TH. "Ae there are some few companies who have not posted, notified, nor signified in any other manner, their willingness to pay the 10 per cent. ad- vance in wages and suspend. the slid- ing scale, we would advise [Chet unless the men employed by such companies receive notice ’before ‘Monday that the advance will be paid they remain away from the mines, and continue on strike until the companies em- ploying them accept the conditions offered by the other companies, and the employee of the companies who have offered the advance of 10 per cent, and abolished the sliding scale are here-by authorized to resume work Monday morning, Oct. 29,‘ and to he prepared, it called upon, to contri- bute e reasonable amount of your 'eeruince tor the maintenance of than who my 'be compiled to continue on etfibe.” Last night the supply of coal for the working or the min was nearly 9x- haneted, and during the nightflan en- deavour was made to get in more coal. The strikers, howeveg succeed-1 ed in preventing this. There are some 250 men around the mill this morning preventing anything going in or out. The resudt is, that being unable: to get the coal in, the portion of the works known as the bleachery has been entirely closed, and the employee are consequently thrown out. MINERS' STRIKE IS OVER. The Montreal Cotton Company is building a new mill there,and the la- bourers employed in the preparation work for its construction anked‘fitor an increase of wages from a dollar to a dollar and a quarter per day. The company refused to accede to the de- mand because the men accompanied i with threats of violence. They have succeeded in preventing any further work going on outside, and they are now attempting to prevent the run- ning of the mills where there are some 8,000 employee who are not on strike. the mills on fire, and grave trouble is ,anticipated. Count Von Waldorseo in an filter- view at Pekim said he bolioved that actual Militia in Grim had cased. Exâ€"Presidnnt Kruger has sailed (tom Lot-.010 Ultimo: for Holland. Morin SOLDIERS DESPATCHED. 11 o’clock an urgent requisition was sent out, and arrangements have been made- to deepatch several hundred men by special about midnight to the scene of the trouble. Barley. . 9 . . 0' 3’ 0 43 P033! . . . a . .0 79. 000 ’ Rye. o a o o ’0. o 000 imwneat. .0 . O 000; ’diay, pu‘ ton. .13."? 1;!00 Stu‘aw, per ton. . . . . Q1390 lButter. per 111, rolls. 0,10 5 Eggs, new lzfid. . . . 000 game-mus, pew" p509. . 035 i Turklgyzs, per 1b. 9 ' . . B 10 ‘ Gamma, par lb. .6. ' 3 ,. ~006 Ducks, par pair. -. . 050 Potatoes, per (bag. . 030 Ap lea, par bbl. . . . 040 B i. hindquarters. . 700 Fiaxl pxwmgu‘oe, etc.â€"'1‘urmips, out of store, 300 pér bag; onions, 600 per bag; carrots, 400 per bag; apples, per bbl, 50c to 81; sweet potatoes, par bbi, $2.50. Ramaâ€"Ordinary w‘pxite beans bring $1.20 00 $1.25; ctmifice 'hawmdépicked beans are qumad at $1.40 to 81.45. Haneyâ€"Dealers qwote from 9 to 9 1-20 per 1b! for 5, 10 or 60-lb tins; ao- Pmmuesâ€"Easuier, an pressure to sell by outside holders. Oar lots, on tnackOhem, Sbld t-o-day at 27c. Sales. out of §tore, are made at 35c. CHEESE MARKETS. Kimgw-mogl, Out, Oct, 30.â€"At the meeting at the Frontenac Cheese Bundle-day there were 820 boxes of White gum 1,631 boxes of coloured cheese boarded. The following fac- bonfires sow at 10 l-Zcâ€"Gixlt Edge. forth Road, Sunbury, St. Lawrence and S1Lvar Springs. ‘15) -> PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"Unohungedg ngotatiions are ad’fo-LJcnvs;â€"New laid, 190; fresh, 17 to 18c; held, 1501-20; li'me'd, 15 Me; and omits, 9 to 100. l’uruLLryâ€"Remd'pts ligvh't, owing to the mid wwmlher. Primes mnchanged. Quutatlwm are as follows wâ€"Ohickens, per p1. \r, 35 tqu;50c; ducks, per pair, 40 Lo 60c; turkeys, par lb, 9 to 11c; geese, per lb, 6 no 70. Driad eritscâ€"Drbed apples sell at 3 to 3 l-éé; and evaporated at 4 1-4 to BOER OFFICERS CAPTURED. A despatch from London saysâ€" Lord Robelts telegraph: the War Office that he expects to leave for England on Nov. 15. {Le also says that General French is expected to reach Hcilelberg to-morrow, and that Colonel Ayton has captured Fleld Cornete Dolmen and DeBeer. Refugees Diseontented Through Delay in Being Al- lowed to Return to the Transvaal." REFUGEES DISCONTENTED. A despatch from cape Town says â€"The Refugee Committee to-day cab- led a statement“ to éolonial Secrrstary Chamberlain regarding the continucd degay‘fl. in granting permission to re- fugeee to gsturn to the Tranevaal. Upon @the receipt of a reply it mane meaing'will be held by the refugees, who are daily becoming man discon- tented beeauee of the yontinued re- fusal or die authorities to Kermit them to return 'to their homes. Cb-Jeseâ€"F‘ull cream, July and Ang- ust ankle. sells at 111-2 to 120. Brcckvnifle, Out, Oct. 30.â€"-'1\o-day 2,820 white and 1,890 o-otl'ou'red cheue Were altered on the Brockv-ifle Board. The High-est bid was 10 5-80, which Balers declimed b0 accept. ' DAIRY «MARKETS. Scarcity fitz’rchoics dairy 1115 cam- ed demand. to run more on creameries. There is a good enquiry for cream- ery boxes at 20 to (210. Choice dairy, inwpi‘illtd, pails, or cranks, is wanted. It“ will sell quickly. Commission houses sell to the trade as follows;â€" Dairy, tub]; and pails, olhoioe, 18 to 19c; medium 16 to 161-220; and poor, 13 to 15c; dairy, prints, choice, 19 to 20c; cteamery, boxes. 20 be 210; and pounde, 2.2 to ’30. mumâ€"9 Out... oct. 30. â€"â€"'1‘.here were 3,950‘Jbtoxus gt cheese boarded to-day; 10 5-8c bad; no whiny. Board adjourned for one week. 7 Tweed, Owt., Oat. 30.â€"T-o-d-ay 2,100 boxes of white cheese were boarded; 6131 October; 100 soil-d to Br‘mtnell at 10 3-4c; Mhamvce uvnsctld. fiRKETs [IF THE Mm Beef, forequartem Beef, unease. ." . Mutton. J. . Lamb taming? per lb. Veil. catcta . ,, Dressed hugs. . Wheat, Toff. .. . :' . U Wheat, spring . . 0 W1Eat,goose. . . . Q) mtui o o > o o 0., 0° C I Barley. . . . , .4' ,3’ 0 P8131. . . a . .C’ “9. 0 Rye. . . ' o of} o 0 Binomwheat. .5 . (-30 0 A despatch from Pretoria, Sunday, saysâ€"Van Poet, tn influential.- burgh- er belonging to Pretoria. has obtain- ed permission to proceed to ' the {.15 THE 31pm mmm‘l'. Toronto. Oct. w.r0n tho street toâ€" day 2600 bugh white wheataaold at 681-2 to 69¢, $800 [lunged WW at 6812 to 690 600 bush 30080» at 67c, 3,000 bush Pgbau‘ley atfiatto 460 and 800 bush oats at 28 to 29 f-2c Fifteen loads of my gold atmu to 315754 and ttwo 10mg of straw at 813 ate; 81Z5¢ Dressed hogs were unchanggd. 0 W'geat: w ht. ., straight. #068 1-2 3%“ W mt red. . . . 0681-9 W hum spring. . . . 000. 07(9) V trices o' Cattle. Chongefirian. In the Leading Mirna. T0 PERSUADE DE WET. rolls. 0 ’0 . g . 000 MY. . 035 i; ‘. . 010 . E ‘ ,. 006 .r. .. . 050 Lg... . 030 . . 040 Bra. 0 700 gets. . 400 1‘“ o o 550 . 500 '1‘ lb. 008 .y o a 650 . . . 7-5 0 68 1-2-369 O 000 , 00 70 boo 07 <1? 0 28 o 29 1-2 0 43 0 32 o 00 o ., 000 053 ’ 000., 047 1-2 L4 00 14 so 00 1-2 15 0.10 021 009 75! 730 075 8 50 5 51) 7 55) 3 U. S. M‘A‘RKETS. Chicago, Oct. 30.â€"Wheat was firm ,toâ€"day} on the big cash. Bales here gyesterday, Decunlburclusing 7-8 m 10 " higher. Corn 010,501 1-80, and oats 1-: o to a 1-40 up. l’ruvisioms at the close 'wera 12 1-2 to 2200 improved. Wheat 'startedz this day active and nervous,< December! __ at 72 5-8 to 72 7-80,. 1-40 {over the previous day’a close. Ever- 3 pool showed a decline, as had beeh‘ ex- pected; .receipts were liberal, and the ;weather was still engaged in helping the‘tar-mer get his grain {0 market. The North- West was principally on the Only a slow trade was done in stock- ers, at unchanged prices. The! supply of milch cows continues of poor quality. A few, choice cows are wanted. ’ " Sheep are steady and unchanged. Lambs [were in too ample sufiply, and prices gave way I: um 2:0 to 300 per cwt. Hugs to fetch the top price must be of; prime quality, anal scale not beLow 160 nor above 200 lbs. good stuff sold readily enough, but? we had only a littla of it. Prices fox; medium and common cattle are weak, and not much of it changed hands this morning. There is an enqwiry for good feeders, but for inferior stuff the trade is quiet. 7 Bugs are'still quoted at the prices of last: Tuesday, but the Lendvncy is ca:- cidedly downWard and another drag» in prices may be looked for at an early date. A despatch from Durban says-gThe German missionary, Prozesky, hasC been found guilty at Newcastle 90 the“ charges of {treason brought against him. The judge, remaqcing that the accused, having ‘taken the oath of allegiance, was as much liable‘to all the penalties for treason a3 a natue-bofi: eubjecto of her Majesty, sentenced hurt to twelve munths'gn- prieonment and a fine of £500, and failing the payfient of the fine it further period of nine. months' im-: prieonment. 1 We have no changes to report in the value of export bulls; there was a fair enquiry to-day. The! trade in butcher cattle is dull” the continued mild weather being one alleged cause; toâ€"day, as usual, the The best price tour prime hogs is 53-40 per. 1b., and light and heavy, 51-20 per l'b. ' ooh-ding to.tho sis; of the order. Comb honey sell: at: 82.25 to 82.75; 961' donon aectidga. Bomb 13%” is in good <3;- mm, and is about 250 dearer. Good; veal calves are wanted; all here found a ready sale. it; case lots 10‘111-4 td, $133? Short‘ cud; pork, "$19.50 '59 8Q); geavy .m, 8171:“) to as. 4” -. 7 I i Toronto, Oct. 30.-â€"There “(are all tdld close on sixty carlbadé' of live stock received at the Western cattle yards this morning, including 2,000 sheep and lambs. 1,000 hogs, 900 cat- tle, a couple of dozen calves, "and; r_a. few milch cows. 4 Orange River, Colony tor the purpose of seegng De Wet and of representing to huh the absurdity» of eqntiuuiug the struggle. " M despstch from Pretoria 3953- Arrangemonta have been made to‘ despatch 27g Boer women from Pre- term and we (listrict to the Boer lines. These women are practically ted by the British while their hus- btnds no maranding and sniping. 1m. delivered, .011 st 010.25 to $10.50. 841% firawâ€"Car lot; 8! "good straw “g quoted at $5 to 355:: on track; and tdfi lots deI;vared aft 86 to 86.60 Hunâ€"Continua; (NH New crop in quo*ed here at 13 to 15%.an year- Inga at B to 10¢. * ofimgsEfi HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dressed hogs are unchangeé at 87. 25 to $7.50 .I’rovisions continue firm all along the Rite. imemnd is fair, and stock; are fight. “ A few deals were made in shipping cattle, but there was practically nélh- ing doing, and quotations are nomi- nal. For cattle the market was a dull one, buyers would ndt pay the prices asked, and sellers preferred to hold their stuff and see what the Friday market may bring forth. I # Baled hayâ€"Steady. Choice timothy, on track here, $9.50 to $9.;75 two-tgn Smoked meetsâ€"Hams, heavy 120;' purchasing side. December, without medium, 12 1-2 to 130; light 1 1-20: anv material reaction, despite some breakfaad: bacon, 18 to 13 1 31; picnic profit taking, advanced to 73 8-8c, at home, 100; roll bacon, 11c; O’smoked which the market closed, 7-8 to lo over backs,13o. 'AJl meats out of pickle IQeasterday. New York reported22 loads 10 less than prices quoted for smok- taken for export. Clearances at the 5311. ed meats. board were 913.111 <3in “111111 and flour Lardâ€"Times, lOc;' tube, 10 to to 46,2“) bush. Pr1m1ry receipts for 1-43, pails, 10 1-4: to 10 1-2c. tlw day aggregged 941,m0bueh11s, LIVE STOCK MAMET 0 compared with 163,000 bushels last Toronto, Oct. 30.-â€"There were all' year Minneapolis and Duluth re- tdld close on sixty 0911011118 of live :ported 511 cars, agamst 539 last week, stock received at the Western cattlei am: 42323 went; 380 1400111 receipts yards this morning, inoluding 2,000 we 0 ' care, 4 0‘ W_h‘°h were con- sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, 900 cat- tact. Estnnatea receipts t”'m9”0“}' tle, a couple of dozen calves, and: a. “’heat. 150 cars; corn, 310 cars; 0am, fetw milch cows. I 17”, cars 9 hogs, 26, OOJ head There W1” For cattle the market was a dull be no eesuon Of the Board 0‘ Trade 1 Sat tuiflay. nnn hnvnrn mnnlfl nM n... \r tho nrin an. Quotations’ for pr5visigns are as fol- loWs :â€"Dry flayed shoulders, 80; long cfear boom, loose in? car lgts 10; and Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, heavy 12c , medium, 12 1-2 to I30, light,11-2c , breakfast bacon, 13 to 13 1- 451:; picnic hams, 100; roll bacon, llc; smoked WIVES 0F MBA UDERS. A GUILTY MISSIONARY. 3“?» KRUGER. WILL NOT VISIT U. S. A deapatch from The Hague, gays:â€" wfiltt‘le credence is attached here to the Eutterances of St. «Johns: Gaffney, at g New York, to the effect that President Kruger‘a mission to Eumpe is to in’um the powers not to reoagnize Ba iti-h .«o .r- ereignty in Scuth Africa, and that the (ax-President of the Transvaal would {probably visit the United States, Mr. *Gaflney is absolutely unknown in Lemma. ,even to the Boer partisans. 2 corn, 4:81-2c. Oats,â€"~Steady-â€"No. 2 the, 261-20; No. 8 white, 251-413; No. 2 mixed, 24c. Barley â€"- Choice W'egtern, c.1’.f., 58 to’ 60c; fair to good, 54am 67?; State, 57 to 600, on track. Ryeâ€"No. 1, on track, 570. Flourâ€" JQuiet. ' lxmeced Thu Trader“ ‘l‘hls Fr.“ Slay be Developedb A deepatoh tram Ottawa, says;â€" A oablagram has been received by the Department of Agriculture from their agent at Manchester, saying that t 6 trial shipment of grapea‘ made b the Dominion Government has been delivered in good condition at Manchester. The grapes were sold. by" public asction, and while the prices unlined were not large. it is “Pmtoria, Sunday, Oct. 2. â€" Refer- ring to yaur telegram of Oct, 9th. no ordergmawe been placed by 001. Gir- auard im America. I believe Wermher, Bait and Company, acting for various mining firms, have, owing to the in- Has Placed no Orders in the United States Adm-patch from Lon-don. says;- Losrd Roberts has sent the fonowbng despatc‘h to the War Office;â€" WIPED‘ OUT A COMMANDO Toledo, Oct. 30â€"Wheatâ€"Cash and October, 75 3-40; November, 75 7-8c; December, 771-80; May, 813-80. Corn -â€"42 l-%:; October, 300; December, 351-20. Oatsâ€"22 1-1c; December, 23c; May, 241-2c. Ryeâ€"53. Clover seed 0-1893 prime, $6.05; October, $3.69; De- cember, 5665; March, $6.60. A dental! from Hoopeted. Ornnge River Colony. any: Gen. Settle’e col- umn is doing 9. great deal towards pacifyinc the disturbed district in that wigh‘bourhood. The calumn halted at night recently, and the rear-guard wee pttacked by the Boers, who pour- ed in a heavy rifle tire. The Boers crept up over the sand, and were not heard until they poured in several volleys. gfl‘hO British had twenty wadided. Subsequently, when re- turning to Hoopetad, the column was eniped at bw nine Boers who were Impede that the good condition, in which the grapes were landed will head to’ the opening up of a trade With Great Britain in Canadian grape. of fine quality. Buffalo, Oct. Iiiâ€"Spring wheat.â€"-No. 1 Northern, old, spot, carloads, 815-8c; do. new, 801-80; Winter wheatâ€"No. 2 red, 76:3; mxmd, 751-2c; No. 1 white, 741620 bid. on track. Cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, ‘4 1-40; No. 3 yellow, 440; No. D St. Louis, Oct. 3).â€"\Vheat clusgdâ€" Octobor, 713; November, 70 3-4; May, 71 fi-Sc. nudity afoEnglisb houses to complete orders on time. placed a portion of their orders im Amm'c-a." 0 Detroit, Oct. aft-When} closedâ€"No. 2 red, cash, 35 3-40; October, 75 3-40; December, 771-40; No. 1 white, 73 3-1. Duluth, Oct. 8').â€"Wheatâ€"No. lhard, ‘cash, 741-40; to arrive, 77 5-80; Octo- bm, 771-40; December, 775-80 , Mxy, 80; No.1 Northexn, cash, 751-30; to arrive, 775â€"80; October, 751-40; De.- cefi1b8r,755-80;M1y, 790; N0. )Nouh- em. °71 1-40; No. 3 spring, 66 1-40. Corn -â€"Not quoted. Oatsâ€"23 1-1 to 23 3-4.-. aneapolis, Oct. allâ€"Wheat â€" 0n track, No. 1 hard, 771-80; No. 1 Northern, 751-40; cash, 75 l-4c; De- cegber, 74 1-2 to 74 5-80 ;' May, 7? 1â€"20. Flourâ€"(gutet. B;‘an-â€"St<=a'iy ; inbulk, $11.75 to $12; middling, $13 to $13.75. 0 Milwaukee,‘ Ost. wâ€" Wheat-48! taiy; No. 1 Norfimrn. 75 to 763; No. 2 do 731-2 to 741-243. Ryeâ€"Lower; No. l, 500. Barleyâ€"Steady; No. 2, 57c; sam- ple, 40 to 57c. {GIROUARD EXONERATED. CANADIAN Git‘At’g) id BRITAIN Yesterday the Queen prorogued Parliament until December. concealed behindtho bush on the river bank. A well-aim shrapnel shell was neat into the bush. Eight of the Boers were killed. and tho ninth; who was wounded, lurreuderod. General Hunter‘s column has burn- ed the village at Bothavillo. 83 miles from Commando‘a drift, to the ground. The reason for this was that the Boers in that vicinity had been onip'mc at the 13mm: continuously. His declaration“ as so totally opposed to those made by President Kruger and, the Dutch Consul at [pronto Marques that it is believed here that he has either been misquoted or has been‘ misinformed u to the ex-Preli- dent’s intentions. There in a big street railway utrike at Kingtlton. Junnica. A new so: Iorpent bu tumd up an the cont 0! Juptn. The (amino outlo0k in India is gen. orally improving. HIGH PRICES IAIJ FOR SEATS TO VIEW PKOCESSION. WInclld for the Ila-Que! Includes .00 Quart: o! (thanipnnc. A despatch from London oaynâ€"Tho sale of seats for vantage points whore the procession of the City of London Imperial Volunteers can be witness- ed is progressing. High prices are being paid. It costs from five shil- lings to halt a guinea for a seat along Edgeware road, five to ten guinea: for a seat in Piccadilly, a guinea on the Strand, and from two 10 three gumeas along-Fleet street. Remarkable Seen es thnessed In Johannesburg. A despatc'h (mm Johanneahlrg, uys;â€"A remarkahde some was wit- nessed here during the morning mar- ket. The ear-Xy market was largely attended by Boer farmens from the ne‘ghbo-urhood. About seven o’clock, when business was in full swing, the market square became suddenly alive with soldiers, whet having formed a complete cordon. closed in upon the farmers and others attending the sales. Eauh mam was ordered to ex- hibit the permit which is indispens- able to all burg-hers, etc., under the ,pruviedonrs of martial law, which Still I prevalfls here. It was diswvered that 'over fifty man were Wi-‘uht mt permit-s. English ironmaslem protest against giving contracts to American: South African railways and bf ‘ _' The departure from Cape Tow; the American Consul. Mr. Stowe. val celebrated by the Masonic (amt, there. {11. _ The Henderson: will build the new Shamrock, which is to compete for the America’s cup next summer. Every branch of the t“ army will be represented in “' Duke of Yorka body guard when In toe! to Australia. It in proposed to construct a ship canal from Southampton to London. This would enable transatlantic ships to land pass and height in London many ‘ r0 earlier than by any other to It is «(unarmed that Great j Britain and Germ, have agreed to} maintain the tertitotial integrity of Ghana and to keep the Chinese ports. Trafalgar 1):] was observw‘ in Lon- don in the and manner, namely, the decoratmg d the Nelson column. A new (08% was the introduction of French afl Spnish flags in honor at the union who taught on the hostile Gen. Linus-3489:1115 new Mini:- ter of Wnr. The Boer Gunmndant dc Villiera has died at Bloemfontein of wounds received in a recent battle. The wine list for the banquet to returning troops includes 900 quarts of champagne, 400 bottles of sherry. and 310 bottles of claret. This is a peculiar commentary on the request recently issued by Lord “'olseloy to the peeple not to give drinks to the returnlng soldiers. and they were abate-upon arrested and taken under guard to the fart. Some who were able to givve satis- factory accounts of themay‘yes were subset-[neatly reloasod, but Uhe major)- ty are still detained in custody. Tobe movement; which was directed by the miditax‘y mom, was clever- ly carried out. It: object was to cap- ture Boer spies Inspected 01 min; buxghere’ permts to enable than to enter the town and obtam informa- tion for the enemy in the field. and rivers cm hr trade. an [at as that extent. VOLUNTEERS’ RETURN. ROUNDIN G UP SPIES. Pool in inflamed on account 3 When Major Pom dbl of a :low fever at Havtnn, hi. wit. ‘ i herself dead. 3 The disabled Britiah - itilius has been found at. ‘St. Thomas. W5 Angel {uncut gan ltdhi.h ”treat. charm i“ M. I “he Presidgnt y: w Jacob. Smith, the murdered I: (oba farmer. we: 1 native of Gull near Kingston. MADL A Canadian Club bu haen and at Galt. A winter carnival in prop“ Ott a w n. The carpet-w eavera' atrike at Gd has ended. Compromiud. A Fruer' a inlay ut Vim I was damtzed by (in. J. Killeon was killed by ntrdl Ottawa. Ho wu thrown 70 m A male infant. with skull tutti was found inn pond at liellevillu. J. H. Simincton. a Home Jaw I chant. wu shot and killed whik‘fi hunting. SPARKS [ROM [Hf W Hugh yet. no truce of Jon d man and his IOl! flownrd. fisher- ot Bronte. ‘3 News: Items About Ourselves I Our Neighborsâ€"Something ‘ ‘ Interest From Every Qan- ter of the Globe. ‘: Fre uch a nd Germ! clubs will race from Path' , next year. ' Rev. Goo. Extonoo of Immanuel 01 gregational church. Hamilton. h“ I“ en notice of his resignation. (d James Busmon droppod dead W at work on a lowmouvo in the road house at St. ”I mas. i A (fiber. mother and (our childn ware blown to atoms by in m of dynamite at Sell, near Hot brim Capt. George W. Strode: and mi other squatters on [BM-in [uh £00 at Chicago have boon deem (unity of "mmwiraoy to commit Burginrs tied the-watg. gun to ransack the Cambra. Pa. The W; p e} the cords and opened “1‘. ' " burglar and woundia‘ h Twenty-three settlers {on the udinn Northwest, math June on. " stock, have left Detrmt, Mich. W. A. Marshall, aged 16 years. killed at Ottawa by the calving h . the side of in “caution when V was working: - ‘ ‘ Twenty thousand dollars in dust was “also Iran the Alt-h mercial Ozmpany'l warehou- Nome September 14. like Marion Wilson Ila. wu dead from illuminating cu any turned on in her room at No. 1 Madison avenue, New York. Wm. Camp ell, C.P.B. tOCtIOJ _ committed suacide by shooting I self at Wolford Croum‘. Brockwfle. Several nundud Chmue no htii “ruilroaded' into the United M by British Columbia Camdim 4 8,5 to .29 per head, accordmz to M en’caiz officers. 1 Chicago policemen and firemen “'0 50011 to receive medal: for merited“. work. i Bimmrp Fallows wrote to the Amman Phelps Stoke. suggeuin‘ he devote part 0443.! Morin fund for warn out Major Peterson, chief cumin“: of Cuba. bu died of yellow lover: Havann. since the passing of thoU U. S. (in “"1 cial bill. 496 Nnional bulb. I’m -3.505.0(l) capital. hum boon mun-r. Wm. Buck. sectionmun on 17 Kingston £2 Pembroke Bailwty. U struck by a train and killed I] Bazrowsmxth. UNITED STA PISS. Yellow [over 18 increasing nt tuna. Charles Dudley Warner die'l sudd 1y at Hartford. Former U. S. l’ostmunter-Uen-s Wilson :3 dead at Lexington, Vt. Jewellery worth 840,000 in _ hm Charles Pfizen's home LI 'l nurdaviuo. N. J. 50 is the Incl-g. ’ Wilson 13 dead 3L John B. Wright orhill Gazette, is fins. Railway telegrapheu have on”! ad their convention at St. Lot“; 1 San Francisco next year. Governor Sayers, of "fexu. ha- (fl ceived O700,000 no far for 6:11qu Micron. Charios C. Evexelt. uenu 0! Eu- vard Divinity School, is dud It .4 bridge, Mass. .? T he cvndition of Senator Shermfi ill at \Vaahinan. in “Behind. is very low. .. Friday's lynching m at Elk“ Ky. Mob touk Lhe negro from t jail as usual. ” Two persons were killed and aim injured by jumping to escape (in. in a Detroit factory. Post m u lte r-G en '3 Lexington, Vt. , editor of the El dead at Haverhill;

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