Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1900, p. 8

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râ€"v-v‘~, 4 '- The people of Flesherton and vicin- appointed t. ,i'y gave unmistakeubie evidence of Ass-nihly at their loyalty and patriotism in the exceedingly libetal patronage and fsttphOt‘t gtVen the Patriotic Uonmet't held In the Town Hall hate on Wed- nesday extening ohlast week. The ed from San halt, which was a. picture with flags. friends at (.20 bunting, etc, “as ltterally packed MissM E. with .3“ enthusiastic audience, whose Co. is n w tokens of appt-ecmtton of the exvel unwind“, \\ lent pt'Ogram rendered, 9,9113 of the ' ML“ lieu}; l most inspiring chgrttcter. 0n aerount l of the lengthy program encores were I not to b-- allowed. but at the conclu- ;s:on of a few numbers the pent. up {feelings of the audience gave way. {and oly a return would satisfy. F; Earl) owners, to secure seats, Were lenient-titted wuh fine Selections l‘-_v J ‘ i the I. O. k Band, who also gave two i taking numbers on the moment Dr. ' Christoe gave a short nppl‘Opl‘laie ad- dress, and inside-d throughout in a very saiiSf‘chOl‘y and pleasing mun-f , ner. ExCellent gd'tlt'esSr-s {ye-re given ' NO RIG lhy Rev. Humphreys. of Priceville. The woman Revs. Ward. Thom, Darroctt and Mr. form and ten ,‘tl. Richardson, of this place. Mr. friends, buto Richardson brought a ringing cheer tive must he. from the audience. when, in the \veak,sit‘.kly course of his address. he stated that will he net'vo :he doubted nor. but that day the has consripat ,streets'of Bloemfontein had resonnd- her impure bl ’ed to the U‘Pad of General French’s hlotches, skin :Cav-«lrv which, true enough. had ed complexin ttztkett place. and was that evening the best :1th =b»-ing celebtated in Cape Town and regulate srmu iOld LendOn. The Patl‘iotig Glee and to puns" lUluhâ€"Messrs. Sheppard. Burnhouse. strong nerven thtchie, Bovd, Hickling, 'l‘ipp and velvety sk‘n. Wickens. Mrs Sheppard. Mrs Black- will make a I burn. Miss Christoe. Miss Joy. Miss woman of a. l' Trimble Miss Annie Richardson and 50 cents a! an Miss Florrie Richardson â€"gnve. {0‘ open with. the National Anthem’ which tOUt'th the heart of the aurli- Rohert R'e’ ence, and their second number Mor- Reahttrn 0‘ i gun’s "Queen. Flag and Country ” l" a 5’1"“ 0 was ratpturonsly applauded. Miss NPWH ““0 “' Uht‘istne sang "The Maple Leaf For- ““1""‘33 ”1*” ever” and Mrs. Sheppard "Rule received. Britannia,” each nf'COllopolHetl in the Hon John chorus by the audir-nc with runs n: South Hut-on. efl'ect. Mr. Baruhouse sang “Sul- ball providing. diets of the Queen ” accompanied in Weight. ”I" the chorus by a company of "red dozen to be m foamy. and Mrs. Bhtcklurn sang Mrs. John , leaning on the Old Camp Gtound " 64 years, an ; (camp scene represented on the Stgge) failure. while iaccqtnpanted 1n the chorus by the 3...}th morni ggleeClub. Mr. Sheppard sang“Cstt- name was Ms gadtan Jack;”lE. W..Ritchie, :‘Men of Ireland, a of the North ;” Mrs Shepgtpd, “ l‘he Markdale. Englishman ;” W. Smith, “ When - .. Johnnie Cannuek comes begin” Dr. . 51 Murray. “Jolly Jac- ;” M!‘ -'o.\. Snmechildreu “Thistle, Base and Shémruck" mm fqom birth. "the. the last those reopended with pleas- dfhwé‘ie'nrat? 2": i119: encores.‘.\l'iss Joy giving. with gingivad? 1 Sl’lendid etiect. “God save our Vol~ ative for pale. ts unteers ” " 'l‘ennyson’s poem :"l‘he “ml "haw“- 1‘ Venue” “as W!“ l‘eCltHl by Miss MW" ‘! """w t‘ an act: ted And 1 pldaGIetdrnm. as was also “The Air.of‘wetbmhl. inspector ( et'tutt public Friday last Mr. and Mt Saturday to : Richardson 4 went. Mrs, Jug the gut-est of Wm. S't'aitt. Mr, Tharp ttnction. is . has much to about his mi Um le Sam's FLESHL 'RTON. Â¥H£ DURHAM GHBOIHOLE. o O... .uâ€"o~ Sickly Children. Snme childreuare pale. week and puny from birth. ”them becumo so as" 9' re gult n! diseare. all are f-xllv'feftored tu nqu and vignr by a treatu’leut 'wi‘h Dr. Chase's , Nerve Fun-d. It i~' :aature‘s'ieremest rev tur- - ative for pale. wank. nan-Runs men. women am! cthhe-u. it xiv s Hummuss tu me turn: a d t'ulur t.» the Mike: uf the page and emaciated and new ‘igor to every maxim Of It“. My. ' failure while preparing for church Sundgy morning, week. Her maiden name was Margaret Brett, a naive of Ireland, and formerly resided at Markdale. Hon John McMillan. \I. R. fqr South Hmon, has giwn nom-nga b: 11 modding r that egg. s 5» ~13:in “weight thee smmloud “might of a dozen :9 be one and one-half pounola. Mrs. John Fuxmd of Arman, age 64 warg, dropped dead from no-arr NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. Th6- woman who is luvvly in face. form and remier will alwaxs have friends, but 0219 who would in» attrac- tive must kevp lit-'1’ health. If she is \VPRL‘, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has consripation or kidney trouhle, her im pure blood \\ ill cause pimples, liloruhes, skin eruptions' and a. wretch- ed complexion Elwctric Bitmrs is the bwst medicine in the world to regulate srmum'h, liver and kill:lf‘.\" and to purify the blood It gives Strong nerve“, bright Pyei, smooth. velvety Sk‘n. rich complexion. It will make- a y0m1lnnkin2. charming woman of a. tun-down invalid. Only 50 cents a! any Drug Store Robert Reabmn, sun of Charles Reahurn of Shelburnv, was caught in a. shaft of a saw- mill at lelra NOVa. and “hirled round with such viulI-IIce that he died {10m iIIquies receIIed. Mr, 'l‘hurp Wright. of Toronto Junction. is in romn this “69k. and hag much to I'r'lnttt tn hm old friends about his mu month-3 tour through Um I:- Sam's domains. Mn» Rankin, cf Barrie, returned Saturday to am”: take charge of M. Rncimrdsou Co’s. millmery depart uwnt. Mrs, Jns Bvll. of LnuriSton, was the guest, of her. sister-in law Mrs. W m. S'Iaiu.1a8t \\ wek. Miss M E. Johnston. of th Viava. Co. is a guest at. the Fle~hemou Haw}. {his \\ (Wk. Mr. and “1'3. 1‘. J. Shepm'ud visit- ed from Sn uIday IIll Monday with flicIIds at Coiling“ md. lnspemor Campbell paid the Fle,h; el‘tou public acllOul an ufiicsal V1533; Friday last “The wearing of the green” was in evnueuce amouw om cmzmu on Satmdm, and an 8,Ememld 1316 flag float d hum the Lowerou A]. Rwhard- son’s block. m honor of the brave .lrmh soldiers who are fighting Bur. anu’s baulcs in Soutu Amen. Mr. bled Bunt hae apetlnd a gro- Cery State in \VriynL’s uld smud recently purchased by him. AL the Omngeville Presbymry ' 1‘; E‘s-‘3".Xif‘sfxftitg'gazafldy. Meeting ["5" week, ‘ Rev, 14- W. And now igs sa't'ely [mused up, Thom and Mr A, M. Graham], 9" [but Along wathmrmerJack. plaCe. wese among the COInmiswonm-g' Mr. and MI“. .1. McAuliE are the appointed to attend the aflmm; proud possmsurs ofn4th dulghcer. Ass-~111blyat Halifax. in June maxt. I'm": hula one arrued on the 14th County Commissioners Richardson. of this place, and Watson, of Proton, were engaged a day last. weak view- mg the ground and prvparnug specifi- outmus fur a bl'ldge on the (omalme between ArlemeSm and Proton. Cl1a1'l1e Stewart, 3011119335 3011 of “19 Were not mistake!) about the M1. Alex 65-. Wcut. back hue, rr-ceiv- \alentiues for they wera sent, and ed a bad cut 111 the foxeuead whlle “e’ll pr'ove i! to loc- Co anv even coasting at W right’ 3 school during! 1115: they wish to mean. 118 011 the lull. 1111: 1.0011 hou1.onc day last. week. 1T0 be sure, Joe. we rvceived a valen Dr. Uurtex dlessed the wound putting Itine. and we did not ru h to town 111 seveml sutuhes. and country spreading the news by County Commissioners Richardson, trymg to refute It. Our valeulme IS OfUHSplcue,a11d W 11150“ of Protou, still in our possession hale and wen: WW... ed a da) last. week view- hearty, and about as dead gone on Illa: the ground and nl‘vltarlnn smmfi. 0'N‘- woman "8 J08 '8. was warmly recewed by a nauge turn- out 01 the Illelflbrl‘a, 'lhc dlsuuguish- ed utfice: mugcssed one unnatmn, and the conferring of the subhme de me in the work of which he con granulated the otficem and also congratulated the lodge upon its marked plosperily. At the conclu- snou of we evening’s labor a.“ repailed to the r‘eheshmeun zoom, “new the ladies had a beamifu: spread in. waiting, and the fourth dicglee was pleasantly pmlicipated in b) all concludaug at 2 a. m. 1510 W. H. WrnghL. W. AL, of one of the Owen Sound Lodges. and Bro. A. Smith, of 'l‘horubury, were welcome visitors, Puuce A: Lhur Lodge A. F. A M. xcceived an ot'ficml \isn on b‘nduy eveumgjnst, hum U. U.G.1\1.R \\. Bro. Ur. Kenn, of 'l‘horubury, who Seunfljuded Beggar” by Master El“ Qua Genoa. Mass Amm- Richard- son, elocutiouisz. {moaned the audio cues With two Excellemly remand numbers “ [he Charge of the Light. Brigage” was» given with good efiect. and ‘° 1116 Song of the Camp" with piano accompaulmeut, elicited a heart) encore, wmcu was acknow- ledged by Miss Rnchardsou. A patrlonc gramOphone number by Mr. Rxchardsou was [scantily applauded. The program Was brought to a. close by an eflective tableau “The Dying Soldier ” Surrouuued by his countades and attended by the Red Cross nurses. The ushers looked well m Unilorm, We‘re Very attentive, but unable to find even standing room Iur all who Suught. admutancu. The proceeds were $111.80, and as expen- ses were light. there will ba 3106 55 for the: National Pan'nouc Fund “1'. JuhuBuyd kindly leaned lllS piano for the occnmuu. and Artemesm Lhuucxl gave the hall free. my.“ I,.\, - , - Mm: ~53: . . .13.}. Watchmaker and Jeweller. .quer l‘owu, â€"- --- UUUAm. A. GORDON To mumeract bad breath and to eradi- cate: catax th from the s stem no treatment i» more successtul than r. Chase’s Catarrh Cure, the only remedy that can be raked upon to entirely cure chronic 9‘!!th Dr. Chase‘s Catarrh Gun is sent direct to the diseased parts by tho improved blower which accompanies each box. heals the ulcers. cleats the air pm relieves the prgssutc th'ch causes 11 0. stops the dvcay (which causes foul breath. and ab~olutcly cum catarrh and prevents con- sumption. 25¢. a box. blower free. It 2:1 dealers. or Edmunson. Bates 60.. No symptom of catarrh causes more annoyance than foul breath. This cfi'ensive odor comes from the ulceration of the membranes and is an indication of the decay which is taking place in the linings of the nose and throat. To the victim oi catarrh as well as to his associates this (wines: of the breath is disgusting. l'uronto. Tens of the Decay of the “neon: Lining of the Nose and Throat... Prof ssor M. McLeod. Scottish Herbal S' , who has been Staying with a frarnd an] countryman; of his own. Mr 3!, Campbell. recen'ly gave a leo- ture in his native tongue in the Presbyterian church. Priceville. The subject, if we remember alright. be- ing "The Dmninion of Providence over lhe passnou of men.” As we did not hear the lwcrure nOr coulr' we undels'mld it. if did we refrain from iucroaching‘ further on a broth- er correspoudvm's territory. The Professor will. in all pnolmlity give a sr‘nmlur lecture or some other emer- tninmeut here before his depart“. for another field. FOUL BREATH FRon CATARRH Messs. George and Frank Black and R McDonald were limlwrmu fol Llharl 6 Ryan out at Caylou lasz week. Masrer Charlie Tucker. 5 n of Geo. Tucker of the 7th con, ante-n s '0 rppremice hilllSt‘lf to tho- leul ry trade with his uncle, D. B. Arrow- suuch, of Georgetown. He gu-s dowp this; work, Charlie is a. bright- tempermeyomh of about lb’ years of age, and we pledict for bun a bright. fumre. Miss Nvllie Neil. bra: muse: in St Michael HuSpntnl Toronto. anu'cd 80,: a \' sit 1:131. week gust. Stick to your fiddle and bow (bean). and you’ll soon be abla to maSler Lit- tle Annie Ruouey and the Highland Lav! lie. and don’ t. stand drinks or small potatoes for any assistance in giving us such goo! adds for “Naiive Herbs ” for we feel quite able to u ritp our own and pay for the same in the Cunomcus‘s air-any and pei'usabla columns. â€"- In last week’s CHRONICLE Joe and his cheap awsistun from the-3r coyje fired, no doubt, what they considered a. dum-dum butch that. \VOUId silence us until the bootjack had paSSed int. oblivion for was Attempted to an- finer us in a pet lam ill natured ind zefut an intended halmless joke we made we of about. a couple of valentines which were sent to two young men respectivdy who we al- ways considered were fast friends of ours, for many a joke we have had tagmher. Were we mismkvn about the friendship, and was it only like clwap winitewas inbended only to last for a time and then turn black. “e Were not misraken about the valentines for they werr sent, and we’ll prove it to Joe Co. any evvn . . ‘3‘“ “U U l0 ‘ '- Was the result of Ins splendid health. Il_1- a“ dnmimblf will and treme'udultdxs enmity?" are not fuum where Stomach. iver. 'i..ueys. ‘ . . and Bowel- are out. of order. If you wan-t ' Logs “7'“ .be chased according these qualitie-t and the suwem thev bring. ‘0 qual-ty and 8129.. and to be cut as "5" D" “"95"“ New Life "in-”- The? de" much as possible, 12 ft. long. allow- velup esery power of bran: and body. mg three inches Only 25 cents at any Drug Stun. g , ‘ - â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"___ I had a dream the other night, Who-n everything was am], I dreamt I saw a. bowtjack A stalklng dawn the; hill. It'n step was short but stately. A hump was on it's back. And now its safely banned up, Along with farmerJack. Mr. and MI". J. McAuliE are tho. Market Reports BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE. POMONA. Saw-logs Wanted We have a full line of Spriu Shoes of all kinds for Men, Women an Children. at usual low Big 4 prices. Come and see us ! Will pay the following prices for Saw Logs delivered at. J. W. . ngwfurd’s Mill, Durham. t ‘ - W’.‘ ' MAPLE $10.00 $8 00‘ $6.00 " BIRCH 10.00 3.00 600 “ SOF'l‘ ELM 10.00 800 .500 u BASSWOOD 10.00 8. 00 6. 00 :9 . BEECH 8 00 6. 00 5.00 “ BLACK ASH 12.00 9 006.00 “ PINE cm. 14ft. 12 00 9. 00 6. 00 “ CEDAR 7.00 6.00 l": 00 “ SPRUCE 8 00 cut 14ft. “ HEMLOCK $5 to $7 accond’g to leng. TAMARAC 5 to 7 “ “ W. H. BEAN. v 7 , v â€" â€" ‘~â€"_ va â€"â€"â€"., ‘â€":-v each. Colgxzm‘!“ Linpn Table Covers. 2 1-2 yards long. $1.40 each. White Bed 8 m'ads. large size. $1.00 each. English Linn‘eum. 2 yards wide, 500 a square yd. FloorUil Cloth. 1 yard. 11-4. 1 1.2 and 2 yards wide. at. 250 a square yard. Our Spring Prints and 40¢ a yard. Table linen. 52-in wide, 25c 11 yard. Table Linen. (IA-in wide. 50¢ a yard. A snap, White Linen Table Covers, 2 1-2 yards long. $140 __ -1. Lace Curtains. 2 1-2 yards long. 25¢ a pair. Lace Curtains. 3 yards long. 650 and 75¢ a pair. Lace Curtains. 3 1-2 yards lung. $1.25 a )air. Rufitflflubbiuet. glue new Curtain g a, 25m: THOROUG H 8 RED 8 HORTHORN Bull. 23 months old. fur sale- Annlu m March 7. 191). DURHAM FURNITURE C0. Dec. 28 1899. Limited. Big 4, Calder's Block, -- DURHAM. â€"- Hc Sells Cheap! ’MWMWWM SPRING (MUS: W. Black, = Durham. The Durham Furniture 80. The Hardware Store ~ _â€"v-v" Bull 23 months old fur éale. Apply to THOS PETTY. Varney. ch 7, 150). lm Are all in. 1 get. )OUr pick: ‘ Halt ! Halt! .mmm mmmm~a For we are the largest dealers in Coal Oil in this northern country, consequently you will be able to get the best quality in either Canadian or Ameri- can Coal 011 from 5: ‘18. __..___-n If you require 00211011 do not pass Come early and §Spring Paper D Mulligan Prnpe rty on George Sheet sma acre of mud land in good lmation. a desuable re gidenoe will be sold uu easy terms. Apply to En. MILLIGAN. Palmersto". or w W CALDER Durham. Jan. 17; 1900.1: MacFARLANE ($00. See flur New Remember RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"-"‘HE We have some beautifui ggsjgns at prices that will astonish you, and, we want you to see ’ems Drugglsts and Bookseller-g. we keep a complete stock of Window Shades! ! ! ! f For Sale.

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