Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1900, p. 5

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' Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder Has Had ‘ an Aimee: Universal! Endorsation as the Greatest Healer of Most lnfidious! and Common Disease of the Century. Catarrh is a. Menace to the FaceimWWWl an}? potent pm. “gainst ".29 almost constant climatic changes to which this northern world is subject. ‘ r Dr AgneW’s Catarrhal Powder is fering and the Forerunner of the permanent el'atlicaror and perper. ual exrerminnmr of this mos: insidi- 'Ous and yet. common foe of humanity Incurable Throat and Lunp‘ generally. If you are a suffen 1' take - ‘ O 'ceuusvl of the thoumnde to whom it. ‘ TTOUbleS. WINS beenâ€" g‘ sovereign b:ulnn_-â€"§lwef i....-.--_, o But this Great Remedy flutes . and Prevents Colds, Drives Out Catatrh Betms and trees the Whole System from the Foumess Incident , to satanh. 11;, D Ferguwu. of Durham. pass- Ad through here one (luv this Week with an 038 to business as usual. Mrs. G. Sackett is indisposed at present. not henng ab‘e to. attend her Quties as usual for some Wueks. Mr Grorge Haw. of this place. is fit prPSvm sufl'vrang from La Grippe Dr. Begle, of Pnce \‘nlle. is in attend- ”08 W09 are sorry to lawn that Mrs. Dvlltld \h-Canne! R sufio‘at'iug from 3n and: of influxmtmn and La Grippt'. b"! under ”:9 Pure (of Ur 809mb, o Dromme. and Dr. Jamre-un cf Durham. “c trust to “war of her recovery. otbtr‘day at the home of Mr. .108 Bilton. Mpssm. James and Olévvr tune rented the Caldxxe'! Blhs’. mm and are to take posh. 53.01: about Aphl ist. A Sacred Conn-rt will be given in the Methodist Church, of this wave, on Mt "day ewning, Man-h ZGth. under the atmgnces of tiw Epa orth League. A good prugrum isexpccird cons sting of lnusir, rr-CHNHOHS and teadihgs. Refleslnm-nts wnli :slsn be served A [many melt-ome is ex- tended to all. Admisszon 10 cents. 330 remedy yet compounded for A fox came down the alleyway and touk a look at me. An owl came. thm‘ the branches for a peep, And a bug crawled thro' the mosses; to see what he euuhl hr» ; I made a big pretense I was aslcrp. I'm boiling sap for motherâ€"Ila sugar-making tube; The maple's pulse is throbbing with the thaw; I cut ghnr litm- auntiesâ€"mm. Isn‘t that a cnme! To bring a load of syrup home to mnw. 'l‘uh Kan, in The Star; I am fittin' in the shantx all alone It. s tun o clock this morning 1» tbs “watch There 86 pancake in the 831103 and another on - tbea (HOOP. And the kettle‘ s boiling nicely on the crutch. 1 DAN AND INSURANCE AGENT _, CUAVEYANCER. WMMISSIOXER in H. C J. Collections pr mmly attended t6. LOANS and Insurance effected withrmt de lay. Chi-umuyand Private Funds tn Luau 8t iiifiaud 6 Der cent. in sums an}! upon terms to suit barrowers. ' A General Financial Business Transacted OFFICE-l door Norm of S. \‘cmt’s Store. ygggcaeâ€"liglnt3're Block, (Over the Bank) I I Vblaabnn. Luz. Ltc. lwi” ' Money to. 1mm: at reasunabje rates and on , prise, ”ms to smt ,bnrmwel. i A young dauflfler arrived 'tbw MERGEâ€"Old Bank Building. opposite C. “mum’s Imp’t Shop. Upper Town,DURHAH. â€"- v- ‘ --â€"--’ I'VI â€"" v- I". If Mr W. Phcken his sister, Miss 0\ORGR :11)L7."-\FE "P I‘P7\ITY Pink”), and \Ir Rnxchip of Durham. Codegfl Torontu; Membtr . f the Col visith a numbc-r of Han0\er friends leave-f Phw iciau» and Na mum. ! M'nrih; Member nfth? 1mm. Med'u..x... d mmmv ’8“ SWt'W‘ay \lr Berke-11M: Mon Association. b‘ix )ear.~l.o~1italexperieuce may for Regina. N. X} . P.-â€"Post. Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 83 S. O. W. L. MacKENZXE, Successor to'Dr.PARK, MILL STREET. â€" -â€" DURHAM. SA KETT’S CQRNERS. ARRIS'I‘BR. NOTARY. CON- VEYANCER. Etc" Etc. E. J. PREEL M. D., B. M. W. S. DAVIDSON, “0‘. -â€"-. §.o *1 ORCHARD. Boiling Sap. v-o‘ 0.9-. Ithp healing of catrrrh has received Ethv unbounds-d maIOgy from pt'ople in hiuh positions, sociaIEy, publicly or professionally, as Dr. Aguew’s Ca- tarrhal Powder. Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder is a. SpG-cific for catarrh. It. gives almost insrga; rplief. not only in the acute forms. but chronic cases of many years’ st: uding vanish under its per- Sisten' Lose. It wi“ break up a. cold in the hpad in almost Qilicknr tixre than it cakes to tell it. It is a pleas- Mr. l‘am McConkry brought in'o Mr. Truax’a mill lust meek a Suit. maple tree Ihat ben‘s the r'rcmd. Soft maplvs as a Mile do not "raw Largo: but this one \\ 9% an PXpr. «:m to the rule. ’Hw but log was 29 inc-hes in diamrter, and an the the there u'ure four tueh'e {Out luvs. Altogether tlw me: :1. safe 1 «Lab feet, and the timber “as as white as has.» wand. .‘Jr lelzifls says that it was the largest soft may!» ever law-ugh: .0 this unli. We understand that the [1‘89 was taken from Sandy Mc- Donald’s S“ ampnoâ€"Telcscogm Huuse Last Thursday and after a («w i h” (in)s around his UH haunts in Sea-5;:1 forth tn“ _;0 to Bug! and r0 vuj n his; F windfall amid the memes 0! his 2' \‘(2Ix||:gr-l and ha; p e: \eal'b UlmI Inn 5 ’h Nv w~ -R.ecmd. 3 ‘ WÂ¥~en Geo. Butlerworth entered lhe HouSe of Remge {rum Seul'm'th some ”1129 mm, pruob My \Vlth the. mtmnnon uf spending ”It: I'Izrma. den of hh days mere. kuuuue. hum- evet. has bran kinder to him than vars QXchto'd and through lllt‘ ‘iI' cvnse "(a “Jaime in Bum-And he has h_een quvum had 540“) He lwft. the An unfortunate accident harsppnpd ant-finer IMV 5"“ to Mr. J. E. Booth of :he Grant} Cwn- issued «:11 'h" Ira! Hotel. (”angPViHP. One uf the {Mir}. Ch. of “98" Hithusiafitic Ivyalists, who was: ho-Ip due “n the Cum ill'.’ tO- Ct'lebratp the» rplief of Lady- (‘OHN'aOL 1' 3F Smith. was dtsc-haruing a iIOI‘SP bis'bl cmxid UPVPI' [(301 that had in it 2H! extra hi2. “hark“ 0f “’3th CUHY'ng‘h: powder. Mr, 800;], happened ,0 be Which he (-Izaizzwf Star-ding near, and he: l'ereiVQd tlw' ”WC“ as "W '0“ charge in Hue right 192. whivh “a“, Cuzminglmm fit pr-ervly Invented. The wmmd is a """‘)""r t‘ the B "'0‘13 willful mze an". Mr Booth Was { "OW ”PWWPNIV for sonw time in a (-ririual comlitinn. § mvmmt ”Mme" but he :s nuw, we are happy to My. 3 in some $1400 "" on a fair way ‘0 I'Pcovex'y â€"â€"A1‘thnl‘ f that all that is ‘ ‘ Enterprise . I [afforts have has ~a.--..-..._..â€"-.â€"â€".â€"-_ .--. ms ueam m mmmamp on. tie\ \as a good maxing man and is qm it Iikelv m w wearing his . rown glow": whirh must b}: a great 0'»me . to his wife. and daughterw-McTuE in the Hanover Past. 8 ol‘ I intpndrd wrixing up “1‘. Samnwl Npi‘ly’s lif» at the rimp of his death, if I hurl been well. Hecmm» to Brant wi'h his parpnts when he was a cth He ”ugh-t Schuol first at Map»! Hill, thwn Hmzmer, fiwn a {pw mile east of Dm ham. and from that timo until his death in Somhamwon. He was D I Miss Whirpforr‘i. whose bnme‘is {war Hampdwn, is now in a may pro». various state “Meed. duo tn Inckj..w. The family had just ti fished Hwir drmwr last Thurs-«lav wlmn tho- young: [adv above mew-inner}. complained of pain in hM' hand. and shwrtly after was found out with hcrror that. Shé was mmbh’ to open her jaws It. ('22-. nvh' be imagined what a critical State 5118 is now in. - Past. ‘ 3 it A company is being organized in rangvville to manufacture peat fuel out pf East Lulbo r lands The pro- posed Company has churpd a lease on some of the Gaviller prepprty and a- sown as it is organizvd Onera'imm h‘xchange EChOCS. Mr. Val. Kirchnnr, of Hanover. re Robert Young, of Brant ____ cen. Ix purchasvd the standard bred owner of a. prolific eue. . ; \Ir 1 A Hunter. of Durham, has' horse Pavnnia,No 1503), from Harry ago she gave birth to a la bomrht a mo w,” old brother ofiCargiI! \l. P. Paxonia is one of the then about a week ago on Baron Belt. 2.1â€"9} from Cliffordâ€"MP;- dou’ s farm, Moilotr. Park, Indiana. -â€"Bruce Herald. he commenced â€"Arthvr Enter- Exchange Echoes. i Dr Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder is thp permanent erallicaror and pwrpef- nal exrerminnmx' of this‘ musr insidi- 'Ous and yet. commnn foe of humanity generally. If you are a sufl'er; 1' take ‘ceuusvl of the thoumnd< to whom it. ‘hus been a sovereign balm -â€" the beacon to show the. way to health ‘and the haven of health. t Mrs. J. H, Harri». of 223 Church strpef. Toronto in ~41ng of her faith in and cur» by .this wonderful rvmed v. sayc: " I cannot speak ‘00 highly 0f 'DI' Agnew’s Catarrhal Puxder. For ;ye.~n's I suffered internaly and con- Stamly from catarrh in its worwt form“ I took everything I could purchase that promised me a. cura wnhnut any pprmaneuc results until I tried Dr Agnew’s Catarybnl Pow- ~d»r. The first. applivarim: of it â€"~ an“ it’s so simply to apply «save me Igrecn. relief. 1 persevered in Mm nan ant. powerful and potent protection Mga nst the almost constant climatic changes to w lgich this northet u w 011d is suijcr. ? O I 1 60 Ara. s uf age who nskul to be m:- (emunmdntwl with a night's lodging HP \\ as a pecuhur 1m king (Hunk-3;. .nliun of dzrt rugs and hamlnna ham]- 9 kerchwls The kind Iu-arled mm ab.“ {gumd thruugh ° he unwasln d OlHlH‘ves of the man’s (.‘OIHHPHaHCu and :h. Ugh! 1:» saw something familiar thvrw. ” Is’ this .xou. GMH‘:0 '9" ask- ed the Cnnsmhlu. “ Yours truly, Mr COnpel‘, an' I’ve mums um I»! in me stulnntth. ans“ ervd tln- aged limbo On Mun-my luurnzu-g Grunge Hnrlflng- Hm value before “axis-Irate Speucur. Every ccnzicc, (195k and book In the court room \\ a< familiar to him. Every winter for \‘ears past George has turmul up about Now'mber for a. six mentlm’ term. NM 5” Ih-s year. Hv “as more- (tuusicivram in his: de mamis [wen the- county tins time and a>ked far only mm mondu an jail H.» W’as 113,25de his com icxron and walk- »d unattvxulefl 'o the castle on Bay snaeu- Oueu Seund Sun. f “r. P.'l‘nlton, nf Erin. 10¢, a pig: on ' Th» Ad atancw has jnSt. come into 'the 9nd of .\'¢.)\-'emher, 0.:9 of a lot of Im-‘N‘N-‘EVN 0‘ 3 “"M' D; 5* nmvspapvr HM), and. afrur Suarvhin: the 'ne3u'h- Pm'ii-‘hHl at Pricm iliv i“ ”‘0 3'9“" Hmrhoed, gave if Uh as lost. Judge 1568~ 'H‘“ P“P"" was ””hl‘i‘hed by 'of h“. 9“ erSe Hum “4,9,, on We 3,], Lomimn IX: 00.. and :in- copy before. of Fvbruary Hw 1.,"2 1.,“ pig: "m4, us L:~ Nu. 4 of vcrmne 1. It is quite its am'mu‘aw-Ointhe Human hm: 'le " l'“"“”‘3”"3 "““"}}“I‘er “f [0"1' bit: Was trave'l tn its new (lmntors in WWW-‘3 “'i‘h 28 00"”‘H'5 (’5 rc-adiug a haystnck, whvre it. had heo-n for "la”"i‘ and ndvmtis. men's TM‘PW threw months smd six days. 'l'hprp per u asvallud the "Pl‘iveviHe Coumer “as no (-ham‘u of its lu-V‘ng worked and »Fl"-‘h"“°“~ C”"“a"“9 EWI' nia. its w)“. out during: that time fnr MaXHs-eli am] Durham Advocate.” It they-p wan npvpr a gig" of it The “WIS WP” pfltl'OHiZt'd by advertisers pig weighed about 1:30 pOHIIdQ when i“ Mt- Fo'eSr, Durham. Flwshvrton, it disappeared and 75 Dom-«ls “bun E‘uf'ni“? 9W - “1”) th“ Subscription it calm. nut.--.‘\1t. Fmes: Rt‘present- PM“? “as 51.50 P” "MIN“- 1" I’m-"e ative. " (11138 ‘1’) I0 “‘PI'P L'O'Ni grain ILQILHYC 60 _\r i“ “OIHP $1400. While the town (-Inimx‘ Hm! all that is «hm is abom 36(0 230"“! have bum made on differwn-t «mutations to come to terms, but all to no purpose. and now it w?” havp to be fouuht out in the courts No matter. u lm wins, it. \\ 3” menu rather vxpvnsive xiflewalks -. TvL-Suope. On Saturday night ron Was arcome-l b} anmherluw Suit. A writ has been issued an the Maym-hv rhv Rath- lnn'x. Co. of Doswonm for the hur‘avwe due on the Cunningham granulithic vontmct. It appc-ars tha' HIP town crmid m-vwr 'con'ye to a satlvment “it“ Cunningham, as the amount which he I'Iaizzwd as about lnice as much as tho' town was willing to pay. Cunningham fin-«ll: nesismvd the autumn h the Rathhm'n C0,, and is now nppm‘vmlv our of it ’ The murmur Human! by thr Rathhnrn CO. \Irs. Jas Crow,» of Mount HOOP, reCwi\Pd word last wppk from lwr Gum Tacksun, in Montana. that his bImhpr John had bppn swiondy in- jnrpd and had IIe‘II ta‘: cm In a hosnir- 3'. 'l‘lm two bluthms had been hnme Hfis winter on a visit, I'vmrning to Manhunt ahont three weeks ago and Jab". who is a railway hridgv hu‘mrr, had jug: re nmpd \\ mk u hen he susta‘ned the injm'v h\ falling {Iom abridge.â€"- Bruc rIeIa' Ii. On Mondav night «intective Hefier- ! hause man landed one Bran Gianspr. of; right. Elmwont' . in the coop The «huge! tegis'ervd 82.05an him is that of? Thp bteakin r inm a store «ith the- intent up a” t“, steal thetvft'.om He will he tried in {h bvfme a migiett wte on Sat urday afier- ‘ .permx: noon. -â€"Te!esc pe. It ~eemq that WalLerron is in for ,s' to apply -- gave me 1 persevered in the gig - I Constablv Hvr-’ a man possii‘fiy " THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Dr. Agnew’ s CtIre for the Heart gives relief from the most violent Sim-“ma in he at diswases in 30 min- utes It saws life Dr. Agnew’s Ointment puts 011* fire from distreasiug skin troubles. such as Eczmna. Salt. Rheum. gealol Head. Tet-tar. and will cure Piles in from 3 to 5 nights Have you a cough? Is the voice husky? Is the brwath fOUI? Are you loeing flesh? I.)n .\0u ache all OVH'? Do you take cold easily? Is the nose stogjied up? Does your nose dim-barge? Do crusts form in the nose? Du yOJ cough SulllPtlllleS‘ until you gag? IS tlwre pain in the back of the head? Is there a pain across the vyvfi? Is there tic 'ling in the throw? Is your 591150 of smell having you? Are ,\ou. losing the sense of last»? Is there a. dropping in the throat? Is Ilwre a burning pain in threat? Anyund all of 'hESP symptoms indicate the presvnce of éamrrln, an l while Some of them may seem like trivial. you (391mm afi'orll1 to treat. them lightly. for. remember-.1 dire couss-quencvs may rpsnlt from‘ neglect. for all victims of throat and‘ lung troubles have bepn subjoct to catarrh. ' am fuiiv I'PSIOI'Pd not the slightest Ssmgtom of the malady tema. ninu. and I am thankful to be alle to give this t-os immn fut so month; 3 rpm»- dy aftet tuing so mam so- ~calL-d cutarth cums. on!) to add disappoint meat to disappointment ” of it for eight, movths. and to day . Are grand. but. Skin Ex'lmtinn“ rub life of joy. Rncelden'x Arnivn Sulvu cures thum: :tlm 0M Rmmiuarzmd Fever Sums, Ulvms, “nib, Felons. (Torus, Warts. Cats. Brake“. Hurzn‘ N21! is, Cimmwd Hands. (,hilb'ainfi. Be~t Pile c.1remxe rth. Drive»; nut Pains and .-\l'!le". 0an 239m 3 lmx. Curenuar- unwed. b‘nld by all Uruggiats. given than in politicians fmm the has at of Innhvt s that will “ml; am mi >1}:in which may be wrouvm. ~â€" F 1r She: ton Advance. fanned and ham. passessna our soul }ill pariah ce n er Sillf'e Wuat is the ‘USB uf ;_n iIIg iIIm hvsterics. If a few i‘nglish and Pivmh fools down in MHIIHenl choose to make asses of 'IIPHXSHIVQS, why In Ilwm ' When thew ichIIIe mo oiistivpexous we wiil in a mmherly wav, knack their heads cogeIlIer «III! Cal II Ihemduwn. Con- frde-I'ariim is mm in any danget rom the an 10.5 of Ilwsfi flesh \OuII:_,r men, and the nmwpapevsof the» country siIcmH igIIIIIe such (X \(hibitions as OCUU i'l'i‘d Inf-ii \K'Q' 8k If “0 attention is paid Io Ihem the-x “ii! fail IIIIeI Ix flat. It is the continued attentionj Dr. Agnew’g Liver Pills. Sume have takmn the trouble to spud us maka‘l ('Ojric:S of Montreal papers: containing msyouuts of the stuulvms rims at :‘J :nzresd hut week. We suppc‘Sv these payers WPI‘B Sent.- with a wow u. thinking us rear and tear our hair in dispair over the aw- ful fact that these hax'um sew-um Iaxal studvuts [are down the Union .Im'k and trampled it. it. the; mud. We rear! ail the, facts when the); oc- a prmrulmus m-“spnper pages. with :28 columns 0 mm In and :uithiw mems i 'l‘ho Chosiex Enterprise is sbcwing up the Dov ieites to the light of day, in the :ublicam n of letters from 'persoxm who’ve bven in Dowie Insti- Etute and know bowie to be a fraud :and a swindler. A n‘inistvr who has iuvvrtigated writes to the Rev. C. J Dnheou, of (31199191 , as follows: “ I will Say that Dowie is a cunning; \\ hulesale liar. He can tr]! a. lie so nicely that it paves for golden truth amowr hi ' (redulous dmws I would hme wsyect for hm; if he mould onlvj 01113». and sueur and pose as a blat- :mr infidnl. Si nae I haw) disonvad his Irm- shm'actw'. his pious and an- urlvc talk only M uses mv indignation against, him.”~~ \V fiat-ton Cunmlxan. owner of a prolific ewe. A month ago she gave birth to a lamb, and then about alveek ago on going to VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS 25¢. a bottle at all dealers. or Edmuson. Bates 00.. Toronto. 8.3 This dreadful destroyer of young men and young women has its beginning in a neglected cold, and can always be prevented by using Dr Chase’ 3 Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. which promptly and positively cures bronchitis. coughs. colds, c'tonp and nsthma. For the man of the E11151 or the man of 1119, W 31 With a. smile and 11 face all aglow Is !!1-1 111.111 w I11 11:13 had. by the ad Of an “ ad.” A t1'111l1‘ 1l1a: has brought in the dough. There’s the mzm “5th the h-t, and th . m m \xi' H the shop And the man \\ ith the» automobile, But \\ huw’ M'. East on “ test, in an “ ad ” wil! invest, Is the man a; the 10p of the deal. There’s the man “4:31 the frown, and the man with due sigh. And Hze man of pe‘l‘pt‘lllnl grief, But just make up your mind, that no man of‘ that kin-4, In an “ ad ” ha.» the 'slighgest belief. There’s the man wuh the pick and the man with the hon, And the man with the horny spade. But- the man with the “ad,” is :he man 8“)? ulnd, F0; 11“. collars his share of the trade. m; max :a.‘ ti ‘4. (. d1 90?": o SEC: The Man vflth an Ad. POSIiIVRLY: thpy are 5- u amid wish to 593, Mm! gléi’Sl‘ll'P to s .. 30m, ‘« 1- we kno J 21.2; no i-=:_\ at this Idlh‘ tell others of Mm: and r3». \ will call as The Big Stone ! Dress; @0965 '9 ' wâ€"â€" v- w \ob’l (II V Vile hi1 L l(1';'.lU-'.\) :3 tin: \vr) twvnâ€"st shade. U'em i3, {dsiuullitlfle this season. This is among UH")! you “1“ find a large :1Sf‘0rtlllelll of 4 and 53:. at Ends. \0 {\u; alike-â€"f10m 25c gard to $1.‘ 25 y'.a.1d Are well worth 1( among (.lwm you than mm; 'kirt E~o; th ‘u wv 1:53 o, uf Tl'.il]1u 1.;4'5 for v 11.3.! a?!» ‘- "i-l 1" lefidf‘flik 7.. ‘3‘ .1' on In looking over g, Goods S smxn' to v ‘Uil' f,\ou do lillh‘ _\'Ull may vim: ‘3‘-.u saw, ‘11 WW 00k a: “"1030 a full H *th fur, each are the nicest Swedish, Scotch (hmadian Granite and Ma {hie Work OF ALL KIID. Monumgnts Repaired and Holman: BLOCK, -â€".-.- DURHAM. Wm. McCalmon, Sewing Machines Vi inter Gear‘s CHAS. Fri" aim E ’S STOVESâ€"-A large Stock of Mc Clary’s famous Model Coule- ing Stoves. Faucv Parlor Stoves. box Stoves. Coal Stoves. etc... at prices that will surprise you. BELL PIANOS and 0r;ans. NEW WILLIAMS and RAY- l‘IONU. a Very Large $106k of the laws! impnned Cabi- nm and Drop To“ Stands. a: The Very ngesb Prices ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters. c CUTTEBS La l‘ge ROBES_fâ€"La1-g(e Variety, from Inscrippiopg Cut. on Shortest Notice. It, is Importer of and Beater in SEE THE M 1 Is. a good article to buv now befor e the ex; uâ€" cwd rise takes place. Some peoph think $4 00 up 'TERS Large Stock. Best Makes, Cheaper than ever. UPPER TOWN Hate you seen our new Bright Sugar Syrup. 4c 11). 21b. Solm'h-d Raisins for 2.‘ Figsâ€"in 25 ll». MM {31’ 4 1-2‘ Kiucmu Black Tea. 2.30 lb. shade. It is a reuniar du~ v This is the col :2 {318 British sat-1 Checks me very {ash our govez'mnvxrt wili impose a further duty. We bnmghc :wo tons of one “he of Japan -~ “ Kigi ” it is Cailm -â€"-at the Old erC-B. :on‘l van recommund it highiy. It is the same tea we have handled for the pass year or 80, T1); 4 pounds of it fora SLCO. a my Eazh fm 3L: fur 2.50. 4 l-Zc 1b. Shop will he 0pm) every Wednesday and Sat urday. . Ail REPAIRING promptly and prop.- erly attended to. 9533:2338 of all Kinds. 31.13 C3? $N3R (hm:'rv~â€"-\vmlm~b. 306 £102. LvmuuS. -01: dnz. I‘ (“g C. wen, 25¢ each. Raisin Biscuit. 100 lb. Galvanized and Iron Pip-g mg; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. “its! anj Eggs. Pamps from $2 upward. kw. D. CONNOR. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" H _o \‘C wear. The Big Store ! W“?

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