Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1900, p. 4

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'The phrase. ‘ absenbmindesl beggarfl cannot be applied to th? Canadian " soldiers at any rate to lhnSo who sailéd to South Africa, leaving sore hearts behind them am! taking lovm: memories with ”Him. The hem exm‘wsinn of the Svlrtitnenf, and perhaps the must powerful appeal yer presumed {or Subscriptiuns for the Natiunul Patriotic Fund is con- tained in the following verses from a Toronto Emlynâ€"Globe. Chen “ thp girls h» na‘ked uith' ’~â€"-“Izv, they say the letters t? Are Quite the hulK 85' he daIPs t0 swnd And the Staten‘. \\ i\ ea and mmhess W ho \\ ere 19f? kehiud at. home - - -;vu-u|c\~ t‘ll llI Find they haw to 1'. ad an hear to reach the end, ,Tommy’s sv eerhemt kveps her letter it: a s Fly-guarded spot, Pct it mm' b» lb. 185: Ixxewaze sho- win get ~â€" NOt Decauav he’s aineut-munlec’. but the battle fire is hot, 4" And the list of dead is :10: completed yet. We love you. Mr. Kipling. for your eleven: vers And we know you unly mwmt it. as a joke, But the name is bound to mick. sir. as th» poem’s bound to take, ‘A And vu’re thinking you’ll be sorry that you Spoke. But as DOPI Shakespeare savs. a rose by any other name - Would be as sweet - of course. you understand. I tbvm absent-minded beggar-P, they are: soldie And the flower agd nape apd glory of our land. es’sake, rs just the samq, Weuoticp in the first placp, that on the simuldvrs of the farmrr l'es'? :tbe feeding anal rlol lung hf Eli" larger portion 0! Iln- \\ Ol'lll lie has there- fore, a very he wy bull to «5 try. His *1)“; is of the highest Importance, and he 18 entitled to Ills: lliglleSC lion- 'br among his friluw men. and his foccuuation from llzgv to any is ’such that it bruins lsiuj. if) cons'ant 'goucl) with uni me. am; by me Nation and reflegtlon is tle-llguwl (0 lwul lllm 11p to Karina’s God The lanlmnd- man’s calling is an ancient. and ham brahle one, it was Needful even in 'Parkdise. Nature evvu in its pruni tive sxnte left room for iuwruvmxzents for mt and imlusu'y. hence the olivme command to Adam \\ as " L) lice!) and irons the gardvn.” This Was cou- aucive to mum’s peace and lmppi. ‘ness. and it has always been. and alvmys will be. a sense of plea-are in m “*‘v'gm The word Agriculture is derived from two Latin words. ‘.Agrl'.” a field. and culim'a. ”‘ cultivation. the meaning being H e cult: union of the mil, so as to pluduce the large-s. crops at. the IO\\8~SI p. :~.~ibie cusr and in": 19am injuly to NW 80:1 It «15.) includes ”no reusing and feeng of ltock, and Whuwver pr‘x‘inins tu me farm buildumag, 3nd duu:e.~.:ic econ - {only Take xlg‘ész- few. 8»Zl. crops, bounds and blliltlnlgs Trmy Ira. br 'di\'idé'd and sabduidc‘d lulu \‘u‘mus 'heads, a}! of uimrh sol‘v inwrrrshng hud important in 1113' in; a. cumplc (v 'pnalyazs of xbe ambit-ct and cut I-x‘v fully into its wauox dermis. 15m. binned time prevents an exh-«us‘tivc treat men t ,yben we recall that pat-ting day ~the earnpst look of those ' \Vho tOsst-d us back g¢.~0(l-ln3~p from twmblmg lips-- He’s not my Tommy Aitkins, cries: Our Lady of the Snows. ' And he didn’t mm! in any of my ships. Perhaps he went {rum England. bur we’re) rather thinking not, ' For the, payers tail when \ou" trOOps (191mm, fThe send-05 'hat you gave them Sia58 with 30:1. a tender thoughtâ€"- ' Got-8 with then: a memory twining round the heart. The Absent=Minded Beggar Wondering soinwcnnes, Ia Slu- hupp Should he he too ahSz'nt-miuded m we ‘ We should ne’er forge: hxhs loved or We invitv an elocurinnist to read vour little \‘r-I‘RQ, ’ And the z-uhlie'itte-get Wild and want, to "‘ pay." For the absent-mun}: d beggar Hm: the story’s all about-â€" ’ 'llne chap who left lyzs memory bvhxnul him, And wen: away to Aztha--â€"\Vtâ€"’le vvx'y muvh in doubt ’ Jusz where we ought to search :o-guy to liml lmn. .“Let us manag’ so that later"--ah.' you struck the note that time. 3 That’s the prose m at: this euwrlaininf; vrrse; If vu- f» i! in the ixzjnm'tinn bud upnu us in the rhyme, - “We’re the absemâ€"mmdvd beggars~ yes, and wore-- Not. the SOLhel‘ wixix the ride who is serving in {1.9 rankfl_ The first part of my subject. treats of Agriculture or Fa wing. the ~ec. '0nd part of the Uzcassm'y qualifica 'tiOIls of the: pm‘s'ms m:,;uged in the occupation in order to make the bus:- ‘ness 3 sneer-35. When we’ve getting up our concerts, to enrich the war fund’s purse with a pw‘Omanzme xcmwrhin: extra in its way, This 9szth should engruss the ar- tPntiou ofr-vetyunu. engaged In the business and 1 want an “xterm-ms flew-reds crrtxcmvd so Hut we may be ‘mutualiy improved therrby. and m- Ipired to persev‘vre ”I the Hides: of 'tho Arts and tho lDUaL neceuc of the Sciences hper lead by II. '2. Allan, at the ‘ Farm-3n; Inmate, Eoiste'm, on ’ February 13:, 1900. THE CHRONICLE; Cook’s son. (lake’s son. son of a milloxmira, . Plain .Iuhu Smith’s son -s' udv them as they come, Go thnmgh she whnie orificinl list, you'il fiml h» isn’t thereâ€"- Maybe the doctors x-ejacted him on account of the vacum. Cook's son. Auke’s sun, the trooprrs of whom we sing. You’ve often dressed up juumly In your fantastic rhyme, Your “1‘0”qu Ark ns’ :an. he’H forgive )ou anything, I" But. he’d like a. better 191.;qu for has manly buds» no)“. time, rams 1'0 THE F333: . W. Irwin, A CANADIAN VERSIONâ€"*BY MISS Editor and Prop.- hater. munied to repay us with his thanks :hxs loxed ones when he’s dead beggars~ \es, and “01 eâ€" : w-i o is sen ing in the ranks. Slw luppy, Are thev fwd ? 1900. ’-â€"wlz_v, they say the letters that haw ngracuitum “as hvld in sud greamr nonur than aluOng the Ul'eekn‘. The proudesL panhcinn and the "lost iiiuaxnous ci nZeui lived on their farms. and worked thvm with their uwu hands. Uancumatus was a great pwnciau. He bum in \‘r‘l‘Y trouble- Suture tmws. War had broken out. He: was Callvd upon to lead the army. A «'lespwratc fight ensued, it lasted a low; time but :n 1110» end the Avquzaus found they ' ere». Out‘oVItLt‘d by the uzslitary genius of the rustic farmer. Having surlcuudvd them they i111- plorefix his mrrcy. the commanders WM'e pa? in chums. and the. aoldmrs laid doxxn xhezr arms (ml 'passei un def!“ th» yoke which meant everlasting slm'wry. Cs: cimmtus returned tn Rome in :rmmph, headinga gwat hum of cap‘x'us. for wave}: he «a- rr-wux'dc‘ni by a golden crown, and offers of great promotion for has 10} ahy and heroism. But LffiCPS of State ha! no charm for him; he knew somcthmg of the sweets uf retire- meur. knew SUXXM'NHU}: of the happi- new. in cultivating: his fields and Wan-him; his flocks and iwrds alum; 1h» hanks of the loveiy Tiber. HP spurnsuli offers of px'omotmn. and humbly rrque>ts liberty to retire tu his rumic home. In anciwnt Greece, agriculture was the theme of the great poets. and the \‘a'zou improveuwnts in husbandry, ~u«:‘n as the intrmlucuou of nutritive grams. and ti)? invcenzion of llstul unpiemencs for idling the soil were ascribed to the immediate beauties of the gods. Later the land Was the char-f article of property, and the fxe~'meu who Cuftjvated it “err nouured above uxalufactumrs. me- chanics nr traders. Anna): the anviwnt Romans in the. (183$ of purity We vimt England and find that dowxs through the‘ axons the nobnhty‘ shrank {zom man factures and trade: L It has been WPH said, that “the ’fixflat farmer was the first man,” and p’ve 13nd in Genesis va 8. that the [angel whey-he descended to converse luith men~ " broke bread with the i'httsbandman benPath the tree.” The Patriarch» of old tilled tho soil, .-; braham was a funm-r. rich in stock. '50 rich that the laud was not ablv :0 pasture the united herds and flocks of ban and his nephew. The o-let'eu tribe-n of Israel ‘lufieze all farm- ers. for the laud of (3802th Wu; divi- ded among t'bum by losf each tribe receiving tts OWL: tract of land; but the tribe of Levi wan not to be farm- ers. hence shay received no part of the land of Canaan. Gideon tco. visas a. farmer. for he was busy titre-flung “heat “hen the angwl appeau'eti unto him Moses and Dan id were also an- gaged in agriculture. and Job farmed an a large 30319. having: 7000 shesp. £5000 camels. 500 yoke of oven, and 500 asses. the business God calls us to and 9111- ~ and even stand aloof from the ph - plovs us in. lfessions of law and mvdicine. but It has been W91! said, that “the’_Earls. Dukes and even Pxinces culti first farmer was the first man,’ and; ‘8"‘3 1311“, DIGSIde at agricult-uxal We and in Genesis va 8. that the fvstiWI-S. W'li e txeutises on the c111 .. S E. I. F OBSTER. [come (lst) This emplox ment wan the {513: assigned to man. and apglcaches muze (10891) to the u 011m «1 the Di- Vme 15. iug, who givrs to the earth its frl'tiL-‘y. and (zlothrs it “ill: beauty. In cullivmiug the fluuezs around the home. “8 should thor re- nwmber “hat. is said about them "' 'I hat Suh'unon, even in M1 his glory, was Hut NI'SK} ed like. one of (In-SO.” (23m) This tnvplnymcnt is Ur 3 Rs. GEO. $111235, aged 70 years. 1 month and 14 da_\>. «lied a. bur home in Jmumn'm on Wed“: sday. the 7th inst. Sim had lure-v uilmg for a con- siderabia :ime, so lwr (lrwh Was no: unexpevted Deweasml was' born in Gurumny and came to this country when quize young. Her husband sci“ survives her. In thEs pr'rt of my subjcvt I have tried to show the importance of Agziculruze an! the (IthirztbliitV uf a huge prupottmn even of the nubdit)‘ tu enter upon it. I shall adduee a few reasons wh\ this busiueSs is of such van-x importance. Cl‘Ossiny‘ the Atlantic. we find that the same (ruth prevails. that the mosr illustz ions m. n in Auwrim have been farmers. \‘Je then-fore pardon our polnicians, in aspiring to the dignzty of farmers on the eve of an elcnzixou. twa: ion of crops. cuhure of rows. taking of stock. and even nowpc-te for priZHS at .4413 icult and exhibitions. Geo. III is known as farmer Genrge. on account of his great interest and practical knnwluedge of farmznu. In fact he had no taste for anything Plse. the choire st viamis of both arm-s and luxnzns fur lhv umltuuutty. Our man-rials thing are derive-d f‘om the mum I 1% 001, fldx, leather. (30':- isik, are ail 1m:- prudqmiuus (Ccntinucd Next Week.) Lh'tl'h Was no: I “'34 born in this country Her husband THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Otu Atmighty DclIar! carat-know- letlued govm'ttor. prvservm' and hen- etut'tut, w.- dwstt‘e to appt'0m2h thee. on this and on every Other occastutt. :with the IBVt’t'attt'e \‘t hztth ts duo: thy supplier ext-eltrnce, and that. negaut v; that) should at“ a} h be chet'tsho-d for ‘eXaltett greatness Almighty Dollar! without xtwe in the Wut'id we can du ttothmt', but with thee we can do all things When sickness lays its pat, syittg hand ttpun Us, thou (tattSt plo- vide for us the tenderem ot' nurmâ€"s. [and m» most skilful phymciaus. and “hen the last. struggle of mortality as over. and we are bring hornn to 5 the resting-place u! the dead thou imutst provide a hand of mustcattd an ', escort. to accompany us thz'her. and I l t t '. . fl-.._t--¢ â€"-A-v t I t hut, but not ten-t, new a magnificent ltltrnhnt' n' uwr our graves. \HIh :: lying «pttuph to pctpctuate our .meutot‘y. Amt while hue in t'n? midst of llltsiotttlltcs amt twtttptnttut-s of this ltftw, “e. prt‘hzuvs are accused of ct‘ittw, H1)". htoztght before magmnaws; thou Almighty Dollar, "tum? swuw tn us 31 {red lawyer, a bribe! jlltigP, ,a. packed jury. and no go scut he». V ~--â€"-â€"-.v .- And now, Almighty Doflar. in 610411;; HHS invmmtion we l't‘alSZP and acknowledge that thou wen the god of our grandfathers. the two-(uh! god of their chxldren and the three- fold god of HIGH‘ grand children Per mi: us to possess thee in abundance. and in all thy varied excale ces. i> our coustauCuud uuu averting prayer Amen. Almighty Unliur. thou art the au‘akener of Our allergic-.8. the guide 0! our I'OOISteps, and the goal of cu:- being Oh. Almiglny Dollar. in the ac~ qniwmem and drfence of human Lberty thou has! placed mmiws m tlw livid and uavws on thé over”: At the uplihmg of thy poumful lmmk their llauudurs Wuuhl break and thew lightning! flush. Thou hast bonnd couténmrts tom'tizer 1:} (hr telegmph- Ic onlylos and made the vatied pro. ducts of our country hvmlaMe to all by a pmfect nut-work uf x‘adromls. The forest. has been prosnared and the do-sert made to hluum as 8. roam. “’e ('outinute YO l‘eguld ”we as the handmmd of religlou and the twin sister of (sin 'zty. ' 0h. Almighty Dnnar. be with us, we beseech Hue. attwded by an in- expressxble numbvr of thy ll‘liuisfvr- iug angels, made in Lhine own image. even 1f Hwyyhe but silver quarnvrs. whose glnddening light shall 11 nun» the "'4‘“- of p bury and want with a heavenly radiant-9, Which shall causv {he awakening Soul to break forth in acclanmtious of joy Almighty Dollar, thou art “or. shipped the uorld ovm' 'l‘imu lmsa no h} pouriles in thy iemples 01' false hearts :1: thy altars. Kings. and com-rims hon before ”We and all ma [ions adnre thve. Thou art ioved by tlrv civikizeii and by the snvugB 'alzkc- “ith Unfeigned and unfaltermg (1.6- \‘Oth. Thou an the joy of our 3pm}? and the solace of aid agv. Thou art ‘1 q- favoute of Llw piniosophwr and m. idol pf the bunk lumd. \Vlml‘e an election is to be carried. 0h. Al- nghty Dollar. thou art the most potent argument of the poluicimw uml dulln‘gugues and the umpn'v that dvcides the. cnuteSt. have decided in favgr of wthe abolition of Statute labor. Ab; error was made when the new post ofiic.‘ m Glendg was heavy: ar- ranged for a; d the name cmne out as" Wardhy ” inwiead uf " Waudby.” The latter is the Correct m y to spvil it, and the Correction has Leen made w the slam; accordingly.«btaudard. We feel thaws is no true comli'ian of life uhvre H15 patent, and a]! powerful charms are not. felt. Ii: thy absence: how gloomy is the household, and how desolate the hmrthswnv; but “hen thou, 0h, Al- mighty Dollar, arr w.t.h us. no“ gleeful the beefsieak sings on (In- grdiron; how genial the wanmh {has amlnacite emu or hickm'y \x‘uml diffusw thronghout the awnmmxw; and “hut joy cglxliuuts to swell in [every buswn. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr J. u. L111) , a prmmneut citiZen of Haumbal, 2110., 18(81) had a. nou- Uetlul mineruuce from a. h‘xghuul citâ€"am. 111 mm; of n he Smsz “ 1 was when watt: 1‘) pbuxd Fever, m L :3» “no Eueuzuuum My lungs be- cause hardened. l was so weak '1 couuieu'l even sit Up In ued. 1m“- ”1311051de we. L expectrd to Soon Duo 91 buusuulpnon, “hm: 1 hand L)! Dr. fi'xllg’n hcw DISCOVVI‘)’. One [mule gave, great relief. 1 continued to use It. and uuw mu well and strong, 1 can’L say too much in :La‘ plume” 'l‘ma luunruuus memo-me :5 the sweat and quwxest CLUB 1n the “9110 lul‘ all 'I'tnOut and Lung 'ltuuhlc. 00 cents and ail (A). at a“) U: m; Dune; evar.) but Lie gumantecd. The fullnwmg “as originally prim- ed 1n Rev. Hugh Pomwow’a '1 wru. zie'. h Century: Be with us, we pray thee, in all thy decimal parts, fer we few! than thuu art :11» one "nltogerlrr 30\"el,\‘. and the cniefest among ten thou- sand.” THIRTY-THREE townships in On r uric j giaemeoomx mwfiikm. My Almighty Dollar, thy shining: face be>peuk> thy \VOhdI'HUS pxmer ; My puckfit. make thy renting-place, 1 new thee every hour. THE NATIONAL PRAYER. .0 NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. DIG. DRILL. (Tum; Ry: Cmus.- PRESS URI: \VELLS. Allnrd'ws taken at the old stand m-ar McGuwzm’s Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith’s Foundry. g swam: 6:122 fair/7 A LL WORK GUARANTEED at- “Live and let live” PRICES. GOOD FA REES nmi Sph-mifl Hunnvm Pmpm’t ies Fm: SALE or I‘lxcxleurz Propertivs Sinnght and Sub! :m (-ummi.~'.~iuu. Debts (Julie-NHL (Nd Nata-s Bought. Pumyps. He has rI-I'I-IIIIy ll'llt IIIIIIII- 3' III hul'l'lHVl'TS iII \\' IIIk- Q‘I'NHI. in Durham. in IIIIIL-IIIII. III‘HI' .‘IiiiI'IIIny. HPH!‘ SIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII. :I aim” Ilir‘HHH I‘ II'mII U‘wvu SIIIIIIIL and \\ HY Ilu [H‘MPII‘ “II III him II'IIIII hill'h gs'IuI IlismIIII :4 .’ IEII'II USP IIII 3 II: :th‘ IIIIIIII 3 lI3 IIIIiII; so. iI IlII 3 IIMII 1 tin 3' \IIIIIIIIII I gm III him. 'i “(‘5' I": L CfihihPL LL Ib‘n‘ “1‘ 'd} 03. ("‘d B:J- i ‘L'j. Alb-$.11 ‘3, '- H. H. Ml’.LER-' ”3131MN‘D at Ihe lIIIs'IIII'xa fur III-:II'I3 .0 3I are and knoms 11w ins IIIIII IIIII. II. i1. and .I1\::I3 s hXINHI'N 10 givv his I llr‘lmr‘ “1‘s :1 gnml Inzrfimn Running that in Eh? PHI! it ‘ I3~I him :Is “I II In ”3““! “MI. :11 {LII . is the roamm 33 |I3 h!‘ III II: I3 ILH Hm DIM buauwsa II! 11w kiIIII III M csII: ru I)III.IIIII (kw-an Tickets for «do. Don-ch. Mnflgngvs. Imam ~,.~' \‘. ins and other ‘v'rit- mg:- can-mily chzm 1). Fire. Lifv. Avi'i'ivm. Marin - and Plate Glass l\'- Sl RABL'LS plan-ml m; lawn-5L rau's, m (Emmi "on-uamm. usim ma DEAN nlzios arrange-d (7 r «liturs 9« “MI with. Am and (‘W n kind 01 iv gitim: m- iillsi in as am in: [ml 1n and «W ISHIHI" 1w} 1 5'1 RIC-TL \ PP I\'.\'1'E. ALWAYS PmmPl‘. Never negligent. CHARGES 4.\.()DEI{A'I‘E. .\l APLE $9.00 BI RUH S.) 00 SOF'I‘ ELM 9.00 BASS WOOD 9 CO BEEUH. 7 (30 BLACK ASH 11 ()0 PINE cut 14ft. 1110 CEDAR G (20 SPKUWE. 7.00 H EMLOUK $4 to >3-’3,accor«l’g to 'I‘AMARAAI $4 to 556 Q' V‘- o‘ai) CU ' f) 00 5') (.0 '7» (30 4 00 5 00 5) C90 4.00 Q. 1 1‘!) LOQS will be classed awarding: :0 qmzin) and 83:49. MM 10 he. (-1.! as muvh as powihle. 13 fl. ioug, allow- ing lhrte inches. ‘. -‘ Ex‘m‘yhmlv 4-an than-mt M! )\EY. and [T15 SURI’HLSINU iniw ' m: m\ [Ouplc gm fur 15. ii. R5131KJ11§ R, TEE HAN’T-VBR LON VEYARC . R. | Snow Romm oszn rum‘r‘s :«rmm 5'!an mmh- fur n” I: n‘ dvfl'n‘aind new. A ('AH f 01" ' I V'“\ I I .' t‘ I 0 \ - IA ( " \ s!‘ :1“ . “ )U'Idpf Iv“ n” 1 Mar 23. 99. 5' T. MGI‘SE’AN, RE} LEAVE TO INFORM MY (311% 'ICN‘III {Sum} 1hr public. in general that I am prepared to Iurnish Genera! Blacksmith. I be}: m i1 *imute film: I am still in I} hi! 0»; and ‘n (1;): H (11': m 94H; 1 h‘ the {)1231111 uifh :m \- thingi “the [$13 xiii" 1'36? 3; Line. ,__d_.,\ as. A. w. CHASES cATAnAH was” .250 Smahacks ; 55:83 i H H N] I L L E‘. R, ’1‘ ae Hanover Convey cancer Imam "‘ 'ww is sent direct to the diseased parts by the. Improved blower. D Beats :11» News Clears the air passages, Stops droppings in xhc thruat and permanamiy cures Catarrh and H 21y Fever. Blower "we. All dealers or Dr. A. W; ( 9456 GEORGE WHITMORE, DCRH. \ M In ROHY “('(‘81114‘1‘ J. W. (IRA WFULLD HAT YOU LIKE “'6 l' SP‘ " H I.-\ L'I‘Y .du uf. .‘iimnsed SnLh‘H‘Ll) 2.3% r ’33? Durham 42" 1. 4‘ ‘ 'm"m - '- W .. ~ - W .II \\...I.- : V {MW 4 05,35" 4%. \maomxafi - 37:} tifi'W‘V‘QV’V» \ w A 5913...... l {AI/n.9, .9995... 9 xyAW] >19 3353/ 9 .9... \ 4?...fo rev {QZCV \/§a\6\€ . .Vélflvfiax. 10V .fimwipm. .va a? c . t... l I-‘o Y ’15“ L “7!, ~37” ~- o'ak‘ If? ’4" N5. 92/. A P oi.‘\ '4' b "x \‘V/ '34? 3‘ '2 9. . .0 ‘5’: S, ,- ’ . ‘17 V 1 “V \\ . \\'t \\ V“ e here qu e \ 01 a fwv of the many iaauruhs \\Ph."1\P{Ol' \all just 20 lo: )ou kmm that we “:11 not be linden-Old. C.L.GEAN?, an IUA'U {UH \V (fhEMLPH A. firs: (' wows alway-e on hand Ll‘ia‘n" HO‘\‘ {O ”23sz all kinds of b: -\.\D [.igh‘ LIX-3‘ ‘ .m‘m "' "MW ' ' .J 3.2.365 March 22, 1900.

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