Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1900, p. 8

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If you baye ckai‘he am! there are brivkl dust deposits ‘ 00nd ih-tfie urine aftér'it' Mantis for 24 hours 3'03: .03?“ be sure tlie‘ Md- 3. y are deranged. To efiéct a prompt and p. i in care and prevent Bright‘s dxsease. 5m eving and death. me Dr. A. \\". Clan-0’s K' {11¢} a iver Pius. the world's greatest W cam. TEST THE URINE. 5.3 321233; 333:“ ‘ 2 5c, I: sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved blower. D Heals 81* views Clears the air passages. sxops droppin s'in the ' 11:02: and man y cures Catarrh and ay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Uodicine Co. Tm and Main. Artemesia townslup council at. its last meeting: v0!ed ceu dullal's to the National Pan-imic Fund, and further diSplayed their pa’riozimn by in- structmg Councillor Boyd to.erecn 3 fl .g-pole at the 10wa Hall and pur- chase aflm- for use on public occa- sions. Commendable acts for the township Fathers. TheC E. Society of the 13:8va- teriau Church held at parlor social at Mr. Jacob Thompson’s. on Friday evening last. Between fixze a'ud six dollars were realized. Mrs. James Cornfield, back line east, passed away in peace on Friday last. nut-a 69 years. A number from here attended her {um-m! on Satur- day to the Mt. Z§0n Cemetery adjoin- ing: her home. Rev. J. V Pluukett. pastor at. Mt. Zion. preached an ap- prOpriale sermon from Psalm 116:1." and Mr. 'l‘hos. Hutchinson. who had known the ducemed lady over fonty years, paid afitting tribme to hour long and exemplary Chris-Lian life. The remains of Mr. James Hales, who died a: his home in Pmtou on Sabbath morning last. were interred in the Public Cemetery, her . on Monday afternoon. Mr. W Gaudin who has been assisting Rev. Mr. Thom a? Proxon, officiated. Deceas- ed was in his 59L!) year and was un- married. The probated wills of the late John Osborne, of this place, and James Allen, of the east backlme. show the estate of the formev to be valued at over $4,000 and the latter at $25,000. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath lasn. Rev. James Buchanan, of Dundalk. preached a highly appro- priate Sermon at. the prepmuptory Service on Friday. Thea Rev. GeuLlu mun gave'TUE CHRONICLE scribe a. very pleasant hour or two that evening. Mr. R. N. Henderson went, to To. mum on Saturday morning last to attend the marriage of his brother, Dr. Emmersou H. Henderson L. D. S. who was that. exeuing joinedin wedlock to Miss Louise Huagmd, eldesc daughtel of Joseph Haggard Esq, of Toronto. Rav. A. J. Darroch spent. the past three weeks at Collingwood assisting the Baptist Minimer of that. mum in special services. Owing ”to Mr. Dal roch’s absence Communion in. the Baptist Church. was deferred from the regular' date until last Sabbath. Rev. L.‘ ‘W. Thom attended the regular mpetim: of Presbytery at Orangeville on Tuesdaju , Mr. J. M Thurston and daughter, of Kimberley. and 'Mr. Black. 0! Epping attended Mr. Gufi’s meetings in the .‘uiethodia'b Church Sunday lasf. Mr and Mrs. George \iitchell of Bufialo, were In town on Friday lust. rene“ in: 016 acquaintances Mr Mitchell was fm sevmaf sears with Mr. Fetch in the butcher business in this place. Mrs. Malcolm Fergueon is spend- ing a mouth among old friends in Caledon . FLESHL’RTOQE. «T H 4: Miss Com McKee. of Coliiugwood. is visiting at. her uncle’s. Mr. Jere miah Thompson. fourth .lipe. DJU R H A M C H‘RO'N16’L£ . -.\-.Ir and Mrs. W ill Clark were \is- itin" Egremont {fiends lust u eek. Mr. Robt. \Vgtsog is renewmg old acquaintances in this vicinity ‘Bob looks as if that coqmry agreed with him. “ -Qu.---â€" 4â€"-- prepariné t-onvgbv to the North West about the 20th of March. That young man from Egremont who frequents Normnnby and [ms his horse stand tied to the fence: in all kinds of weather had better find shelter for the poor beast or he will have a bill lo pay for cruvlty to dumb beasts ‘39, young man, be «are !‘ There was a little girl arrived as Bob Pettigrew’slast'l‘hursday It in going to stay to take Bob’s place while he goes Wear. Mother and chiLl are doing well. LQOIJ. VI DIV III 50"! touts-v v. --.--â€"-- I o . " ' o 0 Mr. Joha’ny Miof‘me ‘13'hr'i'fkt';'ig‘:f potatoes put. such “nouSeuse m hm . ' . . ‘ gomg 01" 93:7 ‘1‘.”“n “Dme’t b 'éé'i'j. head? It cvrtnmly must have been turn 0““ tosult mu. on e b ' a relief to have it published. ward Johuu '. , . . ‘1 J ‘ 3, . turned have on' We would wnh our friend to un- ‘ r. 0 m ‘- "'3 re "“ dersmnd that we haven’t. summed to . ‘ . Saturday mght from BIL “be” if: peddtc bum-Jack 50:. but would ad- “RS 099" for a numbw O 5 eats “ 0' \im‘ Inn; :0 ge' a. few and give them “”5 “t "'3 trade. blacksxuutlung.‘ [:16 as a pnemium with every box of his “"3 "“m’d Adm“ L'Ul" s .~hop 0,1 a. lamous mauve native herbs romedv. ”'1‘!“ 0f years “Ed fa": ,p°b§":"s‘°" It might entice customers to invest “gm “WE‘Y- “'9 “L“ um 3““"88'. to a. greater extent. in that great Will Bryans is going to move m'o tonic. the house lately Vacated by 31 1’8. HUL! Wishing you every success, I re. Mr. John Boual is moving into the ' main You 355-310, Woodiand property which he pur- chased lately. Pomona. March 12. Mr “'11:. Mountain has been on the sick list this last week but. is re- covering nicely. Messrs. Ed. Fee, B. Morice, Jas. Keri “ere all up at the Couutv Cap- ital serving as quOIS but say there “as hurdlv any cases, but beef teai galore. l‘imt shows good [or the Can my Mr. and Mrs. Domwlly wele visit- ing the latter’s pawms. Mr. and Mrs. Jets. Ferguson one day last. week. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Wnuld quickly leave you, it you used Dr . King's New Lite t'ihs. 'l‘lmm‘uuds uf suf- ferers have pruved their matuinlesa mum for Sick and Kerwin meache<. They make pure biuml and strung .wrx'cs' am! build up your heahh. Ea~y 10 take Try “ ‘ " ‘ fl - “A. I --_- L J- :4 ‘5.“ \1 the II UNIV 1.. LeIIts. ' MIIIIey back it not cured. Sold b) all DI ngghts 2 Adam Little is hustling‘tbeseggys Saw logging to L~leux04deu mill IS the Only; {of ,tli'z‘: (lay . Mr. '1‘. McKinney is preparing to build a new barn next. bummer. Walter Muldleton has secured the contract. As \Valter is an excellent uonkman the wmk will without doubt, pioxe saiisiactoxy M15. John Leith “em; to Toronto when; she wiil make an extendwd visit “1111 her (Louwh: ex‘s. M15113]- christ and \lrs. .‘Jc K11.) Mr. Henry Clank is moviuo this week to his new home 116 11‘ Markdale Our popular pasmr gcv. Mr. Camp- bell. eutertainad a number of the young; peOplu :rom here ON Friday night last an the manse in B ‘miuck. 1‘50}:in the number was not so large as might. haw: been. yet there was a very interesting time. Masur Lochie Molievhnie has b an on thv sick list for some time, but he is now improving slowly. Mrs. Hughes an} her daughter Miss Eliza. both of London. visited friends and relatives has a short time ago. Mr. John Camp, of Maikdnle vis- itei frienda in this vicinity on Sun- day, last. The Baptists here will hoidtiieir' Annual 'l‘ea .\ieeting bu ii’iiursday evening. the ‘22ud of March. All aré! cordially invited. A good program is prepared. Admission 15 and 25') cents. Don’t fail to attend and bring your Sunday girl along. \Villofteucamea hurrible B'trn. Scald. Cut m' Bruise. Buckleu’s Aruicn Salsa. the beat, in the world, will kill the pain and prmuptlv heal it. Curm Old S'H'b". Fe-er Safes. 'Ulcers, Bails. Palm“. Com-n all Skin Eruptiom. Best. Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Uruggisls. 2 . (Received too late for last issue.) Mr. David Graham and famziy left hem last. week for Southern Mum- toba where they intend taking ‘p land and making their future home. {he\ car 1 v with them the beet wishes of theil acquamtauces here. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson had the mis- fortum- while cutting saw-lugs last. week to get one of his legs broken. U:. E; o. of Marl-:«lale, xeduced the fructme. Thisxs a bad misfortune for Geqrgu especially at. this season of the y 6hr. Mr. Edgar Hutchinson left here last week tou‘y his fortune in the Prairie province Mr. John Teeter has the contract- of hauling Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith’s square timber; to Markdale. Mr. James Brown happened with a bad loss on the 20th of Febxuary Mr. G. Graham. of Kimberles is now a rvsidem of this part, hming, wnh his family, moved On to tha farm lately vacated by his brother, David. A FRIG HTFUL BLUNDER WATESVILLE. VARNEY . VAN DELEUR. 94.0,.-. v~-<. s.§ - -. 0.0 «:1 . ”h." Emma Caaoxxcu: :-â€"Scanning the columns of your worthy paper last‘ l 1 0' a1 came HCI‘OSB an item from the pen :of the kesu observer from Pomona in :which he lost his head trying to 'discuss matters about events that ; nvver happened. He stuns Out with "a. diaIOgue supposed to have taken 5 place between Joe and thunie ahqu ' a valentine which we never recmved (Perhaps he means the ones he got' himself) Then he was on with fatlwr getting a boot junk from the; .bush and wrapping it up fur me to . carry. Who In the name of small % putntoes put. such 'uouswse in his. head? It cvrtnufly must have been 2 iv. relief to have it published. { Mr. John Douglass had a new visitor arrive lust. \Vvek. It’s a boy. The xww merchant has arrived and taken Up his abode in the premises lately vacated by Merchant Caldwell He comes \Vc-ll recommended and we wiQh him success. The roads are very bad. especially thos». running north and south. The fields have to be made use of in many places, the snow drifts on the remix being as high as the fencws. II would be well to jark up a. few of the pa'lllnaSlera‘ who are delinquent in tlw matter, and in some casvs lave absolutely refused to do their duty, which their obligation-z compel them to do. until the appointment. of their successms in otfine. We would like to sve a {mv of them up before a Justice of the Prace. Our new blacksmith is well {leased with the businuss 3: recently pur- chased here. He’s busy ever since he suu ted. 'lhe revival meetings. Which have bzwn going on with much succws for the past. two weeks. are now closed. 39v. Mr. McGregor held service in the fiaptisr church here on xhe 81h insr, the first service held for some mo iha It is the peculiar mission of the kidneys to filter she biood. 10 Somme the poisonous im;~urities from the pure blood. allowing the blood to go on its‘way. _while Qhe poison The impwrtance of this work is empha- sit?) by the my: 9m all the most pain'ul _ _ fi_:_.l_-o.. â€";1ric {Letaâ€"3‘s sent throixgh the urefets to the bladder and bane? out of the body. all-5 e U] euv luvs ---------------- rw." _- a 1.1 'nnst fatal diseasesâ€"such gs Bright’s disuse. diabetes. drapsv. rheumatism and lurnham â€"--arise from ki iney disorders and me presence of potsuns in the blood. Three of the m 2st distinct symptoms 0! kidney disease are: Backache, or lame b$3k2 deposits in the nine. seen after it sun I; for twenty-four hours; and dificnlty or t )0 great frequency in urinating. T113;Pm.zrkabâ€"le efficiency of Dr. Chase'- Kidaey-Liver Pulls as 3 prompt cure for kxdney auqmts is well known. Thr-y act natura‘ll‘yt gnté quipk relief 934 pcrmam-mly â€"â€"-‘ L:An-.. IDu‘UOL... uvv â€"-v-â€" ___ cur: baickacheg. lame backs. 'and kidney aches and dnsnrders. One in a dose. 25¢. a. b Hi. 34 9.1} dcdgrs. or mason. Bate: Co.. 'loronto. “ Ctedit Augtion Sale! -09.. Valuable - F arm - Stock. instruoctinuié in sell by' Public 'Auctim mum-hm valflable far stock. implenu etc... 0:] m'mwtemr’a farm. lot 56. con. 2' G. R . Gleuelg. on Evervbody is coughing cxce t u": Dr. Chas~'s Syrup of ' Turowetinue. 25¢. a boule. AT 1001.ch P. M.. SHARP. l mare. 9 ears old. I Heifer. rising 3 I Home. IO years old I Calf 2mouths old. 1 Cult. ri-siug 2 yrs. 1 Farrow (30w, ll Chuice Dairy 2 Steers rising 2 yr. Cows in calf. 4 Heifers rising :3 Cows in calf. 1 Heifer 13 mos old. 2 Octuher Calves._ l Calf 2 mos old. 1 Well bred Ram ( Leices te r.‘ ) 1 Set. llbl Harlmss. 1 \et Single " 100 Bush "luruips DUIC-U.‘ now u . 1 k - ..-.- --__- 1 Set. llbl Harlmss. ' (\Vith Pedigrhej 1 Set Single " 1 Pi L’t Bobsleighs, 100 Bush 'l‘uruips. (nearly new.) we Buahpls, Seed Oats. Good and (Jean. TERfl5:- A11 sums of Five Donara and under. (3331:. Over that amount 11 months‘ credit will ba given on furnishing approved jnim flows. 6 per cam pert-«hum discount for (yeah in litid‘Of notes. 554651 on» (it'd 'Tur- mp3, Cash; ' 7“" ' - ‘ ' NO RESERVEâ€"«s the proprietur has remnd in“. Farm and is going West: Huaa MACKA}. JAB. A'rxxxsopr. Auctwnoer, \ . Propnetor, It Your Kidneys Are M an! tin ' System P61562104 by Uric Acid. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21. The undersigdeci} I.“ t ructinus to se How to Find Out ORCH ARD . Q Av'qtgnneer has recaived l by Public Auctinu the ' far stock. implements}. 4 Spring Calves. 1 Heife rising3 yrs. 2'2 well bred Ewes. 3 Pigs. 2 inns Md. 1 B¢g_kslniru_ _Buar. JOE. Fa" Wheat. ...... . ..... . ...... 60 tn 62 \‘nrinr Wheat ...... .......... 00 m 621 Oats ..................... . . . . . 24 . t0 2:) : Peas .......... ............ 53 to 5i“ Barley ........................ 35 ca .15 Hay .......... . ............... 7 00 to 7 00 Butter . . . . . .. ............... l9 :0 19 Eggs per doz ............... . l7 .0 17 Apples....per bag ...... 50 to 75 Potatoes. . . . per bag: .......... . :32) to 45 Flour per cwt ............... 1 72') to 2 2.”) ”anneal per sank ............ 2 00 to 2 (I Chop per cwt ................ O 99 to 1 L9 Bari Butter. .. .................. 19 u- 19? Eggs per doz ............... . l7 .0 ‘7 Apples....per bag ...... 50 to 75 Potatoes” .per bag ........... 3.? to 45 Flour per cut ............... 1 72') to 2 2.") ‘ iatmeal per smk ............ 2 00 to 2 (I Chop percwt ................ OSOtolLO Dressed Hog :5 per cwt .......... 5 (I) IO!) 25 Hides” per lb ............ . 7; to 3% “300)Nkins ............. . 50 to 7.» Turkeys per 11) ................ 8 to 9 69058 per lb ........... . . . . 5 to 5 Ducks per pair ............... 40 to :"0 W001 ........... . ......... . N A. 15 Sl’. 1V clam.- Putherbnugh Jr. IV _cla Clark Sr. Smith Jr Dalgli ngglidl. hail McLean. Sr. 11 classâ€"Bug}: McCormick, Rubbie “ thou. Maggie Smith J". 11 classâ€"Lizzie Griersou, “'illie Mc~ Nally. Beauty McNally. Part II. class~Manha Wilson. Julia Clark, Kane Clark, Hardware ! We Hank ANOTHER consigunwnt of Granite- ware and Tina are to band. Be sure and see our Galvanized Iron Pans Among this week's shipments was a bane] of Lasrs and Stands. Don’t fail to se- cure some of these. We have some special offers to make in .. .W. Black. Ill Bella . 111 cl. [ Alex. Just received a large shipment of Silverware which is worthy of iusnecnou. Our “ W. Black ” Spoons and Forks are some- thing exu‘a. SC 3001.: If you extend building this 31111111161 b1ing' in $0111 bill for H111"'d11111e and secure \0111' goods befom the [311083 ad- vance anv fu1the1' We haxe now in stock a full line Buildmg Matexial. Do not forget that we received unorher earload or' LOAL OIL last Week Bring in your Demijohns and get Ihvm filled with the best Canadian or Am- ericm. Oil. b .......... . .. . 5 to 3') put .. ........ 40 to -’ 14 .4. 15 381001.. REPORTS 3 5 S. No. 10, Baxrncx. ‘ assâ€"Elle}: Pmlxerbough, Bertha gh, Besue Smith. charâ€"Archie McLean, Walter la Ewen. clash-Jessie lit-Donald, Annie ex. Ualglhlx. ('1ng -â€"::'amh .‘Jchmick. John hell McLean. classâ€"Hugh MltCOI‘IIIiCk, Rubbie We are 8180 introducing De Laval Cream Seperators. See this_ ' Sepm'mor wm'k and you won’r buy any other. Also the SINGER SEWING MACHINES, in fact you will find our Machines and Implements just what’s nveded FIRE INSURANCE: done in the Farmer’s Grey and Bruce Insurance Ucmpany. No Other companv as cheap or safer to ens' re farm propeny in. Also Other Stcck Companies Give us a callâ€"Middzmgh Hmei B'd'g, Drills, MOWER, Rakes and Binders Which we Pxpect to have shipped in carioad quantines so as to save f1't‘it‘er’" and be “"19 t0 give our customvrs the full benefit 01' bu)" ing right and getting thvm shippvd at Ihe lea/st expense; JOHN LIVINGSTON, - - Lambton street. Sleigh-Bells, Lamps. Whips, Robes, Rugs, Horse Blankets, Circingles. â€"â€"J_essie l;;lx~lx. â€"-:5arah M. E. CLARK. Teacher. SAMPLES OF OUR FLOWS, Harmf'f’s. FARMERS, Our earload of Cutters are all sold. Our «axiom! of Buggies and Carriages will b» Iwre in a few days. Al~o one curload of Waggous cmmug. See Our New Saw logs Wanted r l3 1L Will MAPLE $10.00 38 00 $6.00 " . BIRCH 10.00 8.00 6.00 “ SOFT ELM 10.00 25 00 6.00 “ BASSWOOD 10.00 $4.00 0.0-0 “ BEECH. 8 00 6.00 5.00 " BLACK ASH 12.00 9 00 6.00 " PINE (tut 14ft. 12 CO 9.00 6.03 ‘7’ CEDAR 7.00 6.00 E. 00 “' SpuUCE 8 00 cut14nt. “ HEMLOCK $3 to $7 accoxd’g to Ieng. TAM AR AC 5 to 7 “ J an. 37, 1900. Logs will be classed according to quahty and size. and to be cut as much as possible, 12 ft. long, allow- ing three inches. 3' D Melligau Pmperty on George Stregt; one arm: 0? gund Land .1" good lcxtntmnh'a definable. r0. adeuue. Will be acid on easy terms. A pply to El) MILLIGAN, I’alzgfirsm“, or to W. CALDER. Durham. HOROLG H HRH! ) SHOE. rHORD Bli”,‘..)l)1m11115¢titl. for sum. Applyt 31;} re]! 7‘ lfm. DURHAM FURNITURE Dec. 98. 18.99. Limited. emem’ner The Durham Furnitute 89. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE We have same beautiful designs at prices that will astonish you, am! we wan‘: you to gee ’etn. Druggists a nd Booksellers. pay the following prices for Saw Logs delivu'ed at J. W. C1 awfurd’s 31111, Durham. we keep a complete stock of Window Shades ! I ! ! ! Bull for Sale. 233110”le «ml. for saie. Appl; TUOS I’E'I‘TY. Varuey. 1900. lm For Sale. Limited Pa I 2139mm" . \P’. C ALDER. Durham. 1

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