Tofonto. This, “rethink, is pretty qufck work Judgingâ€"from the time ,it takes some of those city chaps to ‘. QQIIA imanl‘lufu'l’ †a .1.“ An‘1A-n “Send immediately.†aim-.11 dollar starimery order or a. small stock of â€PO 80118, Ox Mondav afternomx of last week, as we annou‘uced last issue, a large plate -:lass m from of the new Mc- Kechnie store was badly smashed, and on Saturday afzeruoon it, “as leplaced by a brand new one from Rev. MR. McNAm. a former Pres- byterian Clergyman of this town, but more recently residing in Glas- gow. Seetland. writes to IDSprCIOI' Campbell from London, England. to say that he is jJSt about to embark {or Cairo. Egypt, where he will remain till May, below continuing his trip to AnStralia where we sup- pose he will work in the interests of the Independent Order of Foresters. and was made the recipient of a num- ber of short complimmnal‘y addresae~ exp’essing thé goodwnl! and good wishes of his associates nud many rieuds in Durham. 08 the eve of his departure for Chatham \\ hence be has been trans- fern-d» b3 the Standard B uk, Ml. Elliot \\ as banqueted at the Middaugh House b\ a number of his frieudp'. AT the next regular meeting of the Durban: Lodge of A. O. U. W , which wilt be ha-id on the 2nd Mozz- day of March. the delegate who at.- tended the Grand Lodge “ill give his report on the success of the Order. All members we therefore requested to be present. ical man. Dr. Jamiesou himself comes home regularly every Friday night. and remains um.l Monday afternoon. ALEX. Mch-zxzm is going round this week with his head tied up in a ashawl and not a thing the mauer with bun only that. be got ï¬fteen teeth yanked out a few days ago. Some peOple do wilt under tnfles any w ay . Dr. Jamiesnn is at present in Toron- to acteudmg to his duties at. the Local Legislature. and during. his absence his practice and 0mm: will be amended to as usua! by another med- CREDIT avcnox Sam. --A number of choice dairy cows and other ycuug stock will be sold at 10:. 56. con 1 E. G IL. Glens-lg, near Durham. on \Veduesday, March 21?â€. Just. At kinson. proprietor, Hugh MacKay Auctioneer. See Bills. NOTICE.â€"'l'hOSe wishing to become memoetsof the Horticultural Society for 1900 should call on Secretary Gorsline at once. as the returns must be made to the O. T'. G. Association ‘by the 15th inst. PATRIOTIC A [muss -â€" In the Baptist Chanel), Durham, on Sunday evening next. 1111: March. at 7 p. m the Rev. \V. McGregovr will deliver a. Natmnal Patriotic address on ihe whole 50ml) Afr-can question: The public are invited. WV. BLACK, the Hardware man ad- vertises this week, a shipment of brushes, an immense shipment. of all kinds of baskczs and a car load of coal oil jusn received, Read lus ad. THE heavy blow on Monday night drifted the roads running easn and Went. and hmdered trafï¬c for a day or two. The Flesheztou Stage failed to get through Tuesday. Tm: BUSY STORE on the Busy Cor- ner evndemly (1063 not. believe in frightening customers into In. rricd buymg. Read their advertisement this week. ' A FREE lecture in the interests of the Dark: 111 .Horcicunural Society will begn'en in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening uexr. the 13th iuss. MR. J. H. HUSTER sold to Mr. Geo. M. Webb. of Philadelphm, Pa. , on Monday last. his big“ class trotting mare “ Cunta.†Pnce $300. A Box SOCIAL wm be held in the School house. 5. b No, l. Normauby, on Friday evening the 16m iznsc. THE old sensible 8!.) 1e svems to be 300d enough for J. J Hunter read their advn‘tiscluent tms week. YOU can buy a 50c. carpet for 40¢. a yard at. Grant’s while: they last. BIG CARXIVAL in the Rink to-nightv ThurSUay, March. 8th. See Bills. READ Grant’s ad. and proï¬t by it by bu3ing from him. - Vbl. 33--â€"N0. 1722. LOCAL NEWS. SYQS'MQMMQ mu uxug we sup- rests of testers. Editor Ramage mad with "ï¬ling ,Pffect in his native tongue the Doc- {tors lasn Ride. throwingr into his rendering the necessary feeling to describe the sad and of a useful life. tweek, Miss Biackbnrn read “The Sermon a. larges'l‘aster.†and an Mr. Farqnharscn A-.. ‘1. - NOBpE‘j-In Glenolg 9n Tlgegqa_‘:. Feb gave a br M address on The Rélilgiosl of Drumrochty. TheN ational Anthem and Benedic- tion closed a. very interesting and inernmtixe meeting abort-15' before eleven o ’clock. " Domsie,†and his wide expexience with the teaching profession showed the msdom of the committee in Leelecting Mr. C. to nontrast the char- actPr of teachers of the old and new schools. ‘So much for the musical part. and now we’ll rwfer briefly to the Liter- ary. lnspecmr 'Campbell pictured SS Mamie Vum’o sang in pleas- t3 l9 \Ve’ «I better Bide. a Wee.†Mrs. Buclmn and Miss: Macfarlane Sang a very Oppn-Opriarc Scot! ish duet which the audience appreciated very highly, .l OP all those who rezeivetl medals r' for setvir‘c againsr the Fenian invas- i ion of 1866 there is no one who feels proudcr of his trophy than our own venerable Juhn Jack The old gen- ,tleman delights to tell of the ntaaniï¬' Scent company 5911: from here to .0“an Sound. and his heart fairly l burns with enthusiasm as he describes gthe military precision with which {the well drills-d Company could re-i ‘snrnd to the command of the captain. -We have heard him tell the story. and have no hesitation in belieying ithat. forty years 320 John would be 'no craven in fighting his country’s lbattles. Miss Ro-nton. of Burlington. was present. and delzghted the audience with two very ï¬ne soius. one of which was rendered in me Scottish dialvct. The program consiSIed of a number of vow! celpctions. and sketches of some of the lpadin; characters. so gl'aphic"ll\' picmred in the Bonnie Brier Bush by " Ian McLG‘en †The second of n sories of Literary meetings u as lwld in the Presbyter- ian church on Monday evening last by the Young PeoMe’s Society of Chrisriav Emwavor After the preiiminary sprvices w- re concluded. Barrister Davidson took the chair and ï¬lled it honorably and with much satisSacï¬on. There was a bit of fence Opposite a drug store in Chatswm‘th. and as it proved convenient to Ioungers, it was broken down more than once The second time after putting it in order the owner fastened a. bur-bed wire on the rep. There was fun far the clerks for a while, watching thone who, when jus: about} to sit do“ n conclud- ed tlwt business called $th else- where. One day a farmer in from the (-onntry lonnged up to the fence and without noticing: the barbed wire dmw hims 'lf up and sat down sqnarely. He didn’t jump. he didn’t swear ; he merely gm up and remark- ed. Cecily, “I think I’ve dwelt on that point long enough.†THE annual missionary meeting will be hvld D. V. in Trinity Church next'l'uesday evening at 7:30. whpn addrvssvs on missionan work wili be delivered by the Rev. J. R. Newell. of Mnrkdalc. and the Rev. R. Hor- bent. or Walter’s Falls. All are m» vited. FOR SALEâ€"Saw and Shingle Mill. Pietuy of timber Miil in good run- ning: order. Goodpnyiug business. Will be sold cheap Intending pur- chasws can get terms by applbing to E0, Sums, Lad] Bank. Lucas, Wright Batson â€" Will close their Durham Ofï¬ce until the 9nd of the Parliamentary Session at Toron- to. afte-r which time Mr. Batson will be at. their Durham Oï¬ica every Mon- day as usual. Postmaster-General Muloch has arrangwl with the authorities of Great Britain and Cape Colony that letters from the Canadian troops in South Africa shall be forwarded and delivered whether paid or not. 3LE-ln Glenolg nn Tneï¬dav. Feb 27th. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Noble, :1. son, AS the Parrnotic subscription list;I is not CIOSed. all tho~e wishing to contribute caï¬ do so by calling: on Mr. Kelly. at the Smndard Bank. i A BIG reduction in drv goods. clmhing. boom and shoes, hats and caps during this month at Grant’s. OWING to the storm the Curlers’ concert, which should have come 03 Tuesday night, was pOSIpoued. Sauna Carnival this (Thursday) Cement or no Cement-That is the evening. 1 Question ? Christain Endeavor Literary. BORN The editor of the Bobcagecn Inde- ' pendent commenting on the neces- isity of increasing our population igays: “Why not raise more peonle lat home? Why not encourage home producnon? 'l‘he- birth-rate in On- tario is notoriously low. It is less - than that of France which is the low- est in Europe. Then. if it is desir- able to obtain a more numerous pop. ulation. and if the birth-rate in Can- ?ada is low, why no: grant a bonus ’for the propagation Of children and embezdize families of a certain size. Bonus~s are commonly given to fac- tories, subsidies are commonly grant- ed to corporations, then why not give bonuses and subidies to encour- age the production of babies? If it i is desirable to increase penulation,l increase it by natural means. Thei editor then goes on tu sta'e that the cast of rearing and mainiaining a child to the age of sixteen is about a. thouSand dollars, which sum is too high and has the efleCt of discourag- ing matrimony. He then proceeds to ï¬x the amounts of the bonus ii. each case. $100 for one baby, 8300 for twins, and $50 per year for each I child in a family of more than three. In his concluding remarks he says-:â€" 9‘By all inrans has us develop our natural resources before we import nasty foreign stuE †'l‘he Indepen- dent is true to name and says what it thinks independent of anyone. i The cement fndusrry in'Durham . about which there were high hnpes a few months ago. sepms to have flat- tened and from outside indications their development is as far 03 as over. Mr. Neil .‘lCKt-‘Cllllle. we know ,Went to great pilins in bringing: the l matter before the mind of the public ,Tlm result of several analyses of the § marl deposits from diï¬ereut parts . showed the material to be all right iClay was found in abundance. and {evidently the only thing needed was la little push and the investment of a .little capital. Who then is to blame that the de- velopment cf this money making in- dustry is not bs-iugdeveloped ? This we think is n pertinent queStion. and an answer to is may remove all obstacles and get the thing under way. Let utllers be heard from, but, let. us have the cumem induStry Started right away. There’s money 1:) 1t. The demand for a ï¬rst-class article of cement is yearly on the in- crease. the various uses to which it can be applied me only now being learned.and there. is not a shadow of a. doubt. but that factoriesin oper- ation qaa'ly are going to reap the beneï¬ts, PATRIOTIC CONTRIBUTIONS. A. Gordon . .. . .. .. Robert Cochrane.. J. L. Browne ..... J.. J. Hunter... 'l‘hos. Allan; ..... R. J. S. Dewar... "V H. Bean ...... Rev F. Ryan ..... J. W. Crawford . . . Chas. McKinuon.. Dr. Jamieson . . . . . J. Kelly .......... N. McIntyre ...... Chas. Ramage ..... Con. Knapp ....... N. W. C:uupbell.. J. P Telford ..... G. Spatlau. . ... Miss L. McKenzie. W. (ladder. . . . . .. . Samuei Scott ..... W. L. Maclienzie. Gibsun Collinson. . Dr. Burd...... ..\. Jas. Redford ...... Alex. McDonald . . J. R S.mpson . . . . Wm. MCC slmon . . . G. L. Hughes . . . . . R. McCracken . . . . . \V. A. Macfariane. W, .3 Smrrey.... \V Swallow..... T. SWaHOW ...... E. T. McClocklin Geo. A. Moore... J. D. Clarke.... E. Limm.... . E. Rowe ...... J. R Gun. .. Jake Kressuu Hardy Dean... W Guthrie... G. L McCaul, . .. .. Charter Smith . . . -. Rev J. Ferguson H. Parker ....... J, \Vebber. .. J. J. Smith ....... J. A. Hunter ..... Dr. Gun ......... W. Laidlaw ...... R, Tclacfarlane. Sr. R. Macfarlaue, Jr. W. Irwin ........ Chas McArthur.. C. L. G ant ....... Durham, Ont, Thursdair, March 8, 1900. Total 394 Sure $300 1000 1000 1000 100 ION)»: GOO GOO 100 200 25 25 50 50 25') We have no doubt that. especially amongst. the school children. the ï¬rst weeds of genui .e loyalty were plant ed on the occasion of the relief of Ladysmith. The want, of a Hall sufï¬ciently large to accommodate the crowd and the coldness of the day prevented a number of patriotic addresses what would otherwise have been g‘xen. A big procession was formed con~ sisting of the Band, the Volunteers, the teachers and pupils of Durham School. and the pugils of S. S No. 9. Glenelg. and Huttons’ Hill school, Bentinck. who were invited to be present on the occasion. ' 'l‘hqre seemed to be nearly a. thousand chil- dren present, and the waving of the hundreds of flags they carried pre- sputvd a magniï¬cent sight. and no doubt they will never forget that memorable ï¬rst of March. For a time the large crowd marched the streets to the patriotic strains of music from the Band. until between three and {our o‘clock the demonStra- tion ended after ashort address from the Mayor. -vvâ€" ithe streets on- Thursditr last, h’henl There were °“1Y 3 003919 “f hours 1 the intelligence arrived that Lady-j to do the work'} but no time $13102“ smith was relieved. About half-pastf‘md “boa" h? past six 5v" ‘9 td 6 eight the bulletin announcement on;band 3‘â€. "0 nnteers 8‘00 OM" 6’ the window of the telegraph otï¬ce ' Ml“ Ledimzham was presmtefi by was almost. immediately followed by i “35'0“ "l the Knapp. House “m" a. the ringing of bells, blowing of ' purse of ï¬fty dollars m gold. accom- whistles and all Other conceivable 7 panied by a shont address, expresswe means by which a full exPression of , of our arprecxatlon .of the service? of madness could be shown. â€â€59 Who voluntarily u k vhexrhves . ags t; exe n: lgreat amen {°r.a:Jamieson, M P. P . Inszpector Camp- time am we 0 exe we mesa emib‘.“ and County Commissioner Mo» Saying that hundreds were purchased - b fore n or and (1 fl at'na .n.Kiunon were also called upon â€d: P 0 l 1 e o l _ ' . . ‘ 'm a a few brtef remarks alon the the breeze TO Show the heartfelt. ad g loyalty of the citizens; At one'same lines. . o'clock in accordance with Mavorl The next move was to the. statinn Laidlaw’s proclamation. ,the “41018318 the tram ths nearly due. The town had put on its holiday attire,fPlatf0rm was literally Dadmd With and flags and bunting were every .really loving admirers. who were where to be seen lanximis to «zrasn his hand. sav cont]. Never in the history of Durham was there seen on short notice Su en- thusiastic a gathering as crswded‘ the streets on Thursday last, wheng the intelligence arrived that Lady-j smith was relieved. About half-pastf eight the bulletin announcement oni the window of'the telegraph otï¬ce; was almost. immediately followed byi the ringing of bells, blowing of‘ whisdes and all orher conceivabluj means by which a full eXpression of. gladness could be shown. l A Great Demonstration in Durham T'ne greateSt even: in astronomy in the year 1900 will be the tO'al eclipse of the sun on the 28th of May. All the noted astronomers of tnis country, as well as those in all the universities of the Old \Vorld. are making arrangements to observe the dazzling event. The governments of Great Britain, Germany. France and Anetria. have notiï¬ed the Unit- ed States that they will send obser- vat‘on parties to note the phenomena of the total eclipse. Mr. Hugh McDonald went to To- ro.nto Monday morning last. His brother George is also in the city where he will get medical advice regarding his aiiment resulting- from an attack of appendicitis and a sub- sequent operation from which he never fully recovered his Strength. Mr. Chas. Bigger. formerly of Markdale, was in town Tuesday, the guest of County Commissoner Mc- Kiunon. He now lives in Toronto. and is engaged in the Piano Business. He called on us Wednesday morning. Mr. H. A. Hunter left for Minne- appolis InSt night after a. short Stay at the Rossin with his mother and Sister, Mrs Hunter and Miss Blanche Hunter, of Durham. Ont. who are in town for the winter season.â€" Mail and Empire. of March 3rd. Mr. L .Fead of Cannington, is now ï¬lling the position in the Bank here recently vacmed by the txausfer to Chatham of Mr Elliot. \‘Iiss Maggie VVhiteford, of Hamp den “as the guest of friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Monkman. of Mt. Hope, are in town visitnu: the zatter’s snswr, Mrs. A. C. Wolfe. Mr. Jas. Beattie spent from Satur. day till Monday in Brussels, his' old home. Miss Frankie Hughes returned last week from a couple or three weeks’ visit with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. George Hamilton and Mr. Porter. of the vicinity of Atwood. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Holt. Mrs. Crowther. of Chatsworth, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R AIjoe. Barrister Batson of Markdale, was in town on Monday. Miss \larv Hutton is now attend- ing the London Normal School. M One Night Only. PERSON AL. ‘Vas the remit of his splendid health. In‘ domitable will and tremendom energy are not. found whale Stumach. Liver. Kidneys and Hnweh are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success tbev bring. use Dr. King’s New Life P‘st. They do- velopcvery HOW'UI' of brain and body. Only 25c. at any Drug Store. ‘ . The parting: scene was a. touching one. as morher, sismrs and brothers took an affectionate farewell, of a son and brother whom thPy may never see again. \‘. ho can read the hearts of the loved ones in those try- ing moments. and who can picture their anxieties during the whole period‘of the war. All we can now do is to wish him a safe return, and during his absence render what non- solntion and comfort we can to those he left behind. On receiving the purse. and later at the station Mr Ledingham in a few brief sentences; but more partic- u‘arly in the feeling way in which he gave them utterance. thanked his Durham friends for the kind feelings they had shown. The next move was to the statinn as the train was nearly due. The platform was literally packed with really loving admirm‘s. who were anxious to grasp his hand. sav good- bye and wish him a safe return. It was rumored here that he was to take the evening train for Ottawa, and as 8000 as it was deï¬nitely known by the presence in town of the young man ! imself, preparations were at once made to give him a decent semi-OE. , MayorLaidiaw was one of the leaders in superintending the movement. and be arranged to have the band and the soldier-e in readiness, and at the same time open- ed a. subscription list, and went to work. On Monday afternoon and evening last we had another manifesta'ion of this ï¬lial aï¬emion. Mr. George Ledingham, son of the iate Wm. Lediugham of Dornoch, who has been in the Northwest and British Columbia for the past few years. cook aflying trip home on Saturday to see his mother. br0thers, sisters and friends preparatory to going to. South Africa, as a. member of the Strathoona Contingent. These are truly patrioï¬c times and never before in the history of the Empire has there been such a ï¬rm band of union hecween the Motherland and her various colonies. ..--_v v- s-wvuyyv-Al s‘uVlv. To sea girt. lands of west, May peace and plenty ever-more Our gn-at Dominion bless, Our homes. our cmmtry and our Queen On them such blessings pour. ’ith loyal hearts we'll sing this theme, l‘.‘- l..“-.‘_.- ....,.____A fl _, V, . ___. .v. .. V -- "..'b will†U'IIUUI‘V, Our country evermnre ; It's a star in the crown deny it who can. ’Tis the home of a. true Cumdian v-‘v 'w-wuuv “Iâ€. By this heirxot' the land ;v 'Tis a rich. rough gom deny it who can The heart of a true Canadian. From rugged _mcl_{s of eastern shore. _ -_---- Vt..." vv gnu luvuvub ll'luc "Fix the pinneer of the land. I ' Through flarest's shade where dark streams glide, He nubly led tha van, Let the puny scorner stand aghast, Go measure. if you can Th? tafgqaqre in the balance cast V Hf, --.--.. "u .\.n un. lArL‘llUI'I It’s hmmr and right to defend. For right not might. and British laws In harmony shall blend. No hostile foe shall trvad our land, \V hen loyalty prevails Our mutto’s peace ggldwillto man _ v--- _ -VV"Ԥ n a.- UV Illa!“ Rome on the swelling gates. 'Tis a rlorious flag deny it. who can W'hen me by a true Canadian. There’s a Int-art that beats with ixoncst pride‘ "P‘s: fhn h;.nhlnnn n43 .1... in--. There’s a flag that waves inf fryedom‘s cause 'f’u “III-1‘“ ..-.-‘ n! .l,; A There's a land that bears a world renown. Go tell me where’s the spot. ’Tis the brightest gem in England's crown, And “'1‘“ nun (In-.1“-.. :. s _ -A ».. An adaptation from Eliza Cook’s song “ The Englishman †by J as. Watson. Normanbv. , -_ _ _ - -_ - ‘ F""" - ‘uvuvtfl are employed. and over 300 studvnts in attendauce.â€"This is a bi school and 8. Popular school to which Easiness ï¬rms K on); for skilled help. * * * Elc-van young K people went dirmzt from College to situ- _ atious during 0110 week. ending Feb. 16th. h EGHEAY..,WORI<! ‘W 1 Central Business College -_-~â€"â€" | BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE. of Toronto, where 12 regular Teachers An.-- _.-__J ' ‘ A Soldier of the Queen. is being done this term in the THE CANADIAN. No VACATIONS. Warm FOR PROSPECTUS. L. \Vatsbnfforiha'ï¬vï¬; PRINCIPAL. Try the Busy Store for Goods at Old Prices Fine Canadian Flannelettcs from. . The Busy Store at The Busy Corner. Notwithstanding â€â€™e \V e Notice TH? Goocglé Offered: --v .u‘ “a “IIJML IMU rise in prices we havrnot added a single cent to the cost of any xabric on our shelves. As soon as the cold days are passed we will open our case after case of nice, new, houesr goods ; and we czm promise you that. rhvse will go any time during the summer at OLD PRICES ~~Q~~a 4'.) . i J. H UNTER, summer at OLD PRICES $1.00 Per Year“ the amount of talk we hear about the ...... 40 to 10¢ yard. ngbum, Ont.