Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1900, p. 8

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as New Carpets, New Prints, ' * New Ginghams, New Boots, '* "‘ New Dress Goods, gs New Fringe and Dr ess Drimmings- imam» %¢%%9%9%0%k%%bw%6“<%Â¥2<%6%b% éié Busy Stock=Taking This Month $2;- Dunk Um J A [MEYER 258 Black Tea Bv'y ' Otton Enough Now to do You all Summpr All Roads Have Advanced 3% The Big Stole ! We carry a very large Stock of W12 z’te C often Underway. Spot Cdgfi for Butter and Eggs, Etc. and have nothing much to say abont prices until we get through. It’s no small matter going over our e x0rmons Stockâ€"measuring am; councmg evetv 3am! and every a tiole in it. We expect to be near!) finishei next week an] “ill often an assortment of Rem- nants and slow Heller's at. unheard of prices to cle:~.r them out, for “e newer allow old goods to accumulate and in this way our Stock is always flesh and up- to date Timid buyers “ill put off boxing um?! it is too lateâ€"but shrexxd bmers mu tale time by the foxelbck and lay in: their summer googj s gight away befme “e axe obliged to advance our prices. Wrappers an‘75c each are very cheap. White Aprons at 20c each. BUY smmmes AND PRINTS NOW. From 10 per cenz‘. 2‘0 193 par cent, of our Cote (30’)? Water Pmof Boots. They are the Best on ealth ! The Big Store ! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. POUNDKEEPERS. John McCaHum. A-lpx. Leflingham, G99. Skene. Andrew Livingsmn, T3 Hutton.'Hnuvl Tyrmnan. Jag. Park. John Dedsworth, John Leeson, H‘ Geisel. PATEIIVIASTPTRS. GarafI'I-IXII Rondrâ€"Jamee Watt. T. Bail. EJW’J Simpson.Alex Stewart. Hugh McKPchnie, John McKinnon. Robert \Vm'soanamps Burt ' Con- cessione ‘2' 3 W G R.: John Cor - iert. John Stewart. DunCI‘n \chr- thur. Hugh Ridden. Duncan Camp- hell. Jae McDonald. Samuel Puther- houeh, Robert GrieI-snn. John D. Ciark. John Collinson. Fred Lunney, Wm. Cufl'. 'l‘hos. GyHIIIIon. David Donnely. Robert Wehher. John Rit- chie. 'I‘howas Stinson. Durham R.:ond John F Hillgartner. B J. Switzer, \Vm MuIdoch MospsDonneiy. Thou. Bailas Rrbr-N’ Lindeav. Conceeeions 23 S. D R:-~Va‘.entine Rainer. Robe”. Leshe EIIIaim FuIsman. Edwatd Pnrvis. Ferdinand BIic '~,khn12 John Muir ArchihaH Park. Edmund Johnston. ConcessioCIQ-"Q 3 N D.R â€"Joseph Whiteman. Henry Metcalfe. Henry Lipperr, Edward Anton. John Peakinhauer David Adinm. Fteri Reav. Concessions 4 5" .-}§’m Monk Edwin Disney. John Schmidt Henry Weidendarf John Redford. Gemge G. Redfmd. Wm Brown. Concessions 6 7: -â€"Geo. Henderson Thos. RedfOId. Wm. Omens Chas. BIIiley.George Brown. Wm Fulton, D. McDongall. Concessions 8 9:â€" James Boulden. James Janflt. Louis Long. Walt Burgess. FIed Stimpfle Dngald \1cDonald, Nels’ n Snpernauif, Duncan McKinnon, Donald McKech- nie Concensions 10 11: -- Iohn Lake. Don McGilvray. Geo Pfefl’et Robert Laidiaw. Andrew Hasrie, .W-m. Honniso. Joseph 'I‘eaCdale. F. ShPerllr Concemions 12 , 13: ~- W m. PI nper. John Rnbrrlson. Thos. 05:.Hk Alex Green A Miinejr. Thos "W C} nIent Thns. Flanniuqn. r‘Ion onsgsions 14 'I 15: James Coleman. John \V. Kelloohet. '13 'Cnmman. \\ m. Henetson Rohmt \lilleI. Gino Tol- cha: d Alex. Crszmd John Aitche- Son, Jacob Litr, John Schiliing. -' The Reeve and Councillors Brown and Adlam were appointed acmnmin- tee to meet at Hanover on‘ Friday next, the 161i: inst. with a committee from the Brunt Councii re Crispin's Bridge and the Hanover committee re settlement of finances By-Iaws Nos. Qand3 appointing assessors. pathmastprs ponmlkeppers and fencevivars, having- been duly read were ordered to be passed sign- ed and spilled. The account of Muniéipa] \Vorld $2 65 for Assessor’s stationery paid Fred Ripchan was refnndvd $2 9:3 pr- ror in his assesmient. Tho .Treasurpr was paid his Salary of $100 for the pasrypar. Indignnts Smith. Pike. Fitmerty and Fossit werp orderpd to be paid rhoir second quarterly allow- ance of $8 each. Council adjunrnod to meet at. Allan Park on the 28th of May next for genpral husiuessand as 3 Dam: of Raxision. ' - Neil McLean. Robert. Ledinghnm DJIRHAM. Rob: .21. 1,900. John Smith. Matslne“ Vampbell. W ..... 60 to 52 Hum. James Park. George vais. ......... 60 to 62 John Patterson, Thomas H Francis ............... g4 :13? “55 William Irvine, Robert Luidlaw 8r, ...... . ...... a .4; m 5T 1cmasark. Mr and Mrs. George Smith, of St. Hiliare, Minn'.. old residents of Era- mosa, Ontario, Canada, celebrated their golden wedding at their rosy’ little home on the evening of Jan., 30th. The couple are natives of, Englan‘a', Mr. Smith from Northamp-i tonshire. and Mrs. Smith of Cam-g bridgushire. They were mar: ied iug St. Giorge"s church. Guelph, by; Archbishop Palmer. Jan. 30th. 1850.! They moved to the United SlatPS: twenty-one years ago. They are the parents of eleven child.eu, who are as follows Mrs Alfred Porter, ofi Minneapolis, Mrs. 'l‘. Morton. Dar-l ham. Mrs Luther Greeley. Wynn- dou. Mich, Mrs. Jos. Brvdges. Guelph. Mrs. Edwarl Sawyer. Cale-i donia, N. 1)... Mrs Frank Redinond.§ Los Angles. California. Mrs. Jolm’ Hawkes. 'l‘hii-friver Falls, and the! only living,r son, George E. Smith. of i Thiefriver Falls. They buried two sons some years ago grown to man-é hood and an infant daughter. 1 O ‘I...“6V k'lll DIV) I I u“ ‘ICO‘Q UL tl|ll l‘2‘11‘. h[)exlr’ a H the evening of the wedding l week or two at Mr. Alex. Beatou’s recenrlv. many of the neighbors made their 3 RG‘. Mr. McGregor also vi~ired His way to Mr. Smith's home, the object friends for a few days around here. being to give Mr. and Mrs. Smith a: Mr..Alex. .Bell. who‘xyasa few weeks at surpl ise. Among: the many presemsi Mr. Dixon’s, ls homengmn. was a beautiful rocking chair Fxom. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Matheaon, of Prxce- . ;ville. vi‘xted at “1'. Shot-weed" one (1: those of the famnly who could not he knew. a ‘ a {y present, was 53”" a. purse containing; Miss S. McKinnnn spentapleasant week a large sum of money m gold. A or twoa: her uncles’ here. bounwous supper WnSSuppllevl. After â€"- .â€" all had done justice to this addresses NERVOUSNESS were given. their only regret being that. may had not. more llnm one' “_ golden wedding in fifty years, which , Th. ”5““ ofthis Fasf Age ““3“ new” shows tlwy pm a grand tim.-.. | Beauty, Health and "applaus- « DEAR PARENTS -'I‘hose of us Whn cam of. bee prpseut upon the hazlowed exenim: to help celebrate. the 50m amnvmsas'y of your married Me we send you a grpetiug cheer and gold- en wishe~ from our hearts. To croun you: guhlpn \ears, Ihwse of the {am 1\ pzescnt and those of us “ho gather hexe to night “hoqe learts to had a record dear of kindly acts and words of ciwer, which you both have given. we came to show how Strong and der the meuxorv of kind:- .cts we keep as \ou have sown so you must reap. ‘ From your grand-children :â€" Ynu have lived to prove God’s promise. In which you safely re~‘t.. And rejuice \hell child reu‘s children, Rise up and callyuu bleat. The Chroniglgz, $3 Per Vear.’ From memberg of the family not present:â€" IF YOU are flesirious of hav- ing thn best kept. Hurse. call and secure :1 Curry Comb, a Brush and package of Her fiardware bageum. K C in the history of N“VLR our store has it been better smoked than it is at present. Call and see for yourself. ' Just tq hand an im- mense assortment of Claus’ Razors Sczssors second to none! ! ! ! ! ! Golden Wedding. FEXCEVIEWERS. 0â€"1. 0.0 All dnctors tuld Renick Hamilton. nf “'es Jefl’ermu, 0.. after sufl‘elim' 1" mout 15 from Rectal Fistula. he would 61 unless a costly uperation was perfnnm. ; but be cured himself with five bums uf Buckieu’s Aruica Salve. the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best. Salve in the world. 25centsa box. Sold by all Drug- nigh: Mr. Thom McComb has purchased Mini John Graham’s farm, we believe. fur $850 nut. 560‘ as your Buzzessau correspondent; stated last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jackson moved to their homein Beutiuck on Monday. We wish them happiugfs and prosperity in their new pathway m hfe. . Miss Ector is a feset stater. Mrs. Alex ‘xrth. Miss H. McGreg'or. of Town. was the guest of M rs. Thos. McComb, on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Gen. Binnie will to-dav (Thursday) visit her pa rents‘ hume. Dmmm‘e. (Mr. and Mrs. Snell) and remained with her many fneuds over Sunday. A swart gemleman with a fur coat passed through Bnuessan one day last. munth 21. iv- ing two horses in a cutter. who was seen by several permits taking a black cutie dug be~ longing to Mr Rubt. Shortreed near here. The man passed on through J’ricmill, but the (10215 nut heme yet. A M r. Rubt. McFarlane, Sn, and Mr. Allan McKilmou ammed here On Friday to pay frieddly an business visits in Prutuu'mm Balsam Valley. " " ' ' “ ' I Miss Sidney Hughes. of Durham. spent. a 1 week or two at M r. Alex. Beawn’s recently. Rev. Mr. McGregor also visited his friends for a few days around here. Mrs. Juhu McArthur is visiting friends in Toyon‘to at preset} t. v A To PATENT Rood wags may be secured by ’ our 83d. Address. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. '5 Nothing so hastens old aze as nervous- ness. B aaty taucs. wrinkles and Care lines disfigure the once b:autilul face. the sunny hunger becom s soured an-lirritable; nigkus m S.¢vplcssncss are {0 Iowa! by days of worry an .1 iaugue. The reminine organs become weak and irrrgular. Everything 0:5 wrong to the wetim of nervousness. or the whole sysmem is under the control of the nerves. M .\PLE $10. 00 $8 00 $6. 00 " BIRCH.- 1,0 00 8. 00 6 (:0 “ SOFT ELM 10. 00 8 00 6. 00 “ BASS WOOD 10. 00 8. 00 6. 00 " BEECH 8 00 6.00 5.00 “’ BLACK ASH 12.00 .9 00 6.00 “ PINE'cut'fl‘ift. 1:? 00 9.00 6.00 “ CEDAR 7.00 6.00 5,00 “ SPRUCE 8 00 cut14ft “ HEMLOCK $5 to $7 accor d’g to 1e.ng TAMARAC 5 to 7 “ The usual result of nervousness is par- alysis or nervous prosuation. whxie to Others it brings iasanuy or epzicpsy. Tho Waste of nerve: fore: increases at a. ternble rate, until we is clouded by gloom and despondmcy. As a. rectorative for nervous men. women and chxldwn. Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food is un- rivauled and unapprt-ached. It is a new wonder of medical science which builds up and rcvimIich the nan-es and puts new life and energy i: to every movement of the ba-Jy. It positivciy euros nervousness in call its f6! ms in the courae of a few months' Laatmcut. Saw=logs Wanted Logs will be classed according to qualaty and size. and to be cut a< much as possible, 12 it. long, allow- ing three inches. DURHAM FURNITURE CO. Dec. 28. 1899. Limited. Dr. Chatc's Nerve Food. the great restor- ative, in pill form 50 cents a bnx. at all dealers. or Eimanson, Bates 8:. Co.. Toronto. Beak flee. :3 ill BE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. The Durham Furniture Co. Limited pay the following prices for Saw Logs delivered at J. \V. Crawford’s Mill, Durham. ROB ROY. {fefient the guest of her February 22nd, l 900, 6. 00 5. 00 6.00 6. 00 5.00 pet-11 SJ] ri "2 Pa 9 er See Our New For full particuhru and copy 0! “Settles-3' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific Acct. orto . A. H. NOTHAN. Amt. Gen. Pan. Amt. 1 King St. But, -‘ -- Tweak. traiix. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the tnin leaving Tommie st 2 p. a: Paascngors trave’ling with Live 5th sham take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p. In. ”Colonist Sloop» till be attached to etch To Manitoba and Canadian North - West will' have Toronto every TUESDAY dating March and April. I. At lot 5. can. 9. known as the Glencross bridge on 'l‘a:e.~day. March 6th. at 2 o'clock p: m. for the purpose of letting the contract of building a new bridge. :1!) feet long and :22 feet high. Also a till ut stone and gravel 150 feet long the same height as the bridge. COMtracts v ill be let separate or both to- gether. Plans and >pa-1fication can be seen at the residence of the undersigned. Con- tractors required to give bonds for full amount of cuntract in both cases for Gong,- pietiuu of work. ' HE UNDERQIGNED WILL BE At 10! 5. can. 9. known as the Glencmss Settlers’ Ones-Way Excursions JAMES STAPLES Reeve. Edge Hill Feby. 21 1900.2 Remember aaaFARLANE (E00. Notice to Contractors. We have some beautiful desigr s at prices that will astonish you, and we want you to see ’em. Druggists and Booksellers. we keep a complete stock of Window Shades! I ! ! _!

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