Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Feb 1900, p. 5

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_______ , vvuo U, L‘o U or better known as the east end 0: ‘ Scotchtown. Being a native of the Highlands of Scotland she was pos- sessed of an excellent constitution and the nece~sary stamina. to endure I the many hardships incidental to pioneer life., She was led to tlw ,- hymeneal alter in thegold country by VT her husband who tire-deceased hei i after coming to this country or about the year 1856. Mr. McPherson was the first to be buried in what was at if those early times the firm burial plot in this vicinity. which is on the farm now owned by Mr. M. McGrath. of _0 4th con. Mrs. McPherson was 0 last one of her father’s family to ; called away. She had and has f ill many relatives in this neiglio "_orhood. The late Joseph Black was 3 er brorher and J. S. BlaCK her _ phew. Her own union was blessed - th nine ofispring, three sons and _ daughters, all of whom grew to men and women's eState except one i .. vd were all born in the Highlands. ”For over 4 years previous to her dc- 5cease she was deprived of her sigh: but bore her afiiction with Christian patience. The funeral took place on Saturday last She being a life 1011;; Catholic her remains was interred in the new R. C. cemetery hard by the Church. Service in the meantime twith what â€" “av v- 7 years. The exact date of her birth was not. procurable, but. We give the age as was given on the breutplate. She died at the home of her son Ronald, con. 3, N. D R... Mr. Wilson, stock buyer, was rough this Way on his cart lam . turday. showing that the roads are rain nearly snowless. St. John’s new cemetery now con- ;!ains ten inmates. but part of those‘ {were re-interred from the old one. One of Glenelg’s earliest settlers } fund nearing the century mark was -,Catharine Black, relic: of the late Angus McPherson who departed this life on Tuesday night of last week. the 6th inst., at the advanced age of on ..... 7- ‘ m1 Mr. Neil Campbell and two chil- dren, of Hanover, paid a flying visit ‘0 his parents one day last week. Hr. John Morrison lost a. good 3 font-old heifer through get-ting «angled in the Stable one night. [on week, The Caldwell Bros. are packing hay which will be shipped from Holstein. of {our years in :he Wee! . He has a nituation near Crovy’s Nest in the Mind gold locality. While build- ing the railroad he was engaged there .33 a blacksmith and thinks there was more talk of hard treatment than there was any necessity for. The new blacksmith has taken pos- session and is doing some good work. Mr. H. F. Caldwell has; disposed of his store and goods to a. gentleman (tom a distance, who will take pos- oosion in the early sprimr when Mr. Ctld‘well leaves {or the West. Mr. J. Garvey has been busily en- gtged taking out. timber for anew The Methodists are holding Reviv- 31 Services in their Church here and lave large gatherings every night. Messrs. Frank and Samuel Calvert, eons of John Calvert, Sr., of the North-weat, are visiting in the neighborhood. Frank has been East in Montreal, Hamilton. Toronto and other places buying goods for their clathing department. Sam’l bought tour-load of furniture at the Mount Forest Factory, and had it shipped West to supply part of the demand‘ out there. I CAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. BUN CONVEYANCER. , . ' 1303151133on312 in H. c J. Collections' And now ever prumptly attended ta. there is to be 8.1 M15, Quad 6 per cent. in sums ind upon terms to suxt borrowers. A General Financial Busoiness Transacted. .WOOd was to pay Onion-1 door North of S. Scott’s Store. John SI cCosker Dillonâ€"McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on “ms to suit borrower. v hat appears to be scarlaniua. 1, 3'. 3836;, and tell us the o -v‘«“ I .H. Collegeg'l‘oronto' :flMâ€"exâ€"nbgr of the Col- 0 of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; Member of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. Six years haspital eXperience. REIDMCEâ€"Old Bank Building, opposite C. “man’- Imp’t Shop, Upper Town. BUM. Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 85 S. O, Successor to Dr. PARK, MILL 8mm, -â€" -â€" DURHAM. 'ARRIST'ER. NOTARY ’ VEYANCER. Etc" Etc. 'ONOR (impugn of TRINITY E. J. FREEl, M. D.,.C. M. . L. MacKENZXE February 1 5th, 1 POMONA. ’. s. DAVIDSON, ORCHARD. alldruggim. sohmdhao. '1' ' i Q mpaowuam an... ' CON . It’s this nourishing, sustain- lng and strengthening power of $0173 EMULSlON that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting 1 "VJ of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- i8“ phites at once. It will heal the .' PO“ inflamed membranes and greatly 3-0“ strengthen them _as well. The 2”“ digestion becomes stronger, the we appetite better and the weight “E increases. The whole body be- If” comes well fortified and the ’ anc‘ germs of consumption cannot 'die: gain a foothold. land "uuy‘ I litlll I Mr. John Milligan has purchased the farm of Mr. b. Gtodeve lateiy “- °°c°pi°d by M" T“ “m“ M wish you succeas John. Did you ever try to dodge the , M" Th”??? .Armm" °f 0““ _rain-drops? Did not succeed Iiioa‘iiélétziitlifw“ 8‘ 3‘1" WWW“ signing}: y:::sc;lt)es fig: Mr Donald Milligan has returned; th f ry t' Yo. .to British Columbia. alter a shot-[,3 {gm-m? o consump 10!). I! Visit to friends in this Vicinity. can t do It. They are about us on every hand and we are con- Mr. hamuel V'xckers has moved to . his new home. which he urch ~ A lstantly taking them into out from Mr. J. Liviugswn. p a” ungs. g , Mr. Andrew Derby, of Normanby, th'ighed‘: th?dons;:mv;'ey a!“ h::: was through this way lately, and , b u rht u lot of h0g3. for whi h h these germs cannot gain a foot- 0 b p a c e . paid the farmers a god pxice. Mr. hold In a, strong throat and Derby is the right man to deal with. Call again Andiew. _ â€" â€"--v body is thin. If yon-1r 6on1: does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day. Take vâ€" Mrs, Armstrong, who resides near Angus, in bimcoe county, was 108 years of age on Tuesdav and is in tair health an able to go around. She was born ' ' ' If you would only get a steam press next, Mr Editor, we think TH CHRONICLE would leav ' can leave the Gander in gab wit and family. Mr. T. McComb has purchased the 50 acre farm now occupied by Mr J. Edwards, paying in the neighbor- hood of $600 for it As there is a house on it we suppose Mr. McComb wants to be ready for the time when his son Grant will need greater ac- commodation. It may be soon. We have not heard what. Mr. Edwards’ pl_a.us are. ‘ After a few months agreeably and profitably Spent in Toronto Mr. Grant McComb has returned home probably for good, Grant has enlarged his ideas and experience, and will be all the better a farmer for it. Miss Kate Ector, from Collingwood is visiting her sister, "Mrs. A. Firth, for a few weeks. John SicCoskery and family have returned to their home in Stewar- town whence, we understand, he will go to take a situation in Toronto. And nové every farmer wonders if there is to be any more snow, and what he’ll do with the logs and wood that need hauling, and how he’ll pay that debt. that these same logs and “’AAA .h-A- A A or price refundéd. BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Mar: sville. Tex . has found a more valuable dis- covery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suEered untold agony from consumption. ac- companiei by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs: and Cold. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvellous cure; would have it. even if it cosc one hundred dollars a battle Asthma. Bronchitis and all throat and lung efiections are positively cured bv Dr. King’s New Discovery for CenSumption. Sold at any Drug Store. Regular SiZe 50 cents and $1.00, Guaranteed to cure igns of the times as the robins red breast is seen most every day now, something unprecedented at this season of the year. u now occupied by Mr J paying in the neighbor- O for it As thele iSa we suppose Mr. McComb BUNESSAN. in Simcoe 6 years $00 by Lhe‘ county [or communion work. " ' “' ' " " for a man when he is allmun down, and don’t. care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me Strength and good appetite than anything I could take. 1 can now eat. auythmg auc. have a. lease on hfe.” Only 50 cents, as any Drug Store. Every bonnie guaranteed. . Victims to Stomach, liver and kid- ney troubles as well as women. and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood. backache uerv- ,ousuess, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W Gardner. Idaulle, Ind. He says: ‘° Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is allrun down, an.) A‘_,- _ __ , I . ‘ n _ wards the rlgnt owner appeared on the scene, and brought the hailifi along, sexzed the cow and took her home. The query is, did they bring the coat. along or has it. returned yet, " We “ere informed that. a certain man bought a. cow for whxch be 31% a fur coat in part pa. menu, After- wards the right. owner appeared on the scene. and bronuhr. the 5mm Mr. Andrew Derby, of Normanby, was through this way lately, and bought up a lot of h0g8. for which he paid the farmers a god mice. Mr. Derby is the right man to deal with. Call again Audtew. Mr. Samuel Vickers has moved to his new home. which he purchased from Mr. J. Livingszon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mighton were visiting at Mr. John Hopkin’s on Sunday. Mgakdgle schogl'haS been {named V A sluggish liver fails to filter the bile from the blood, and when the polaOuuus wallet goes thruugu the body in the cucu- latiuu. the wuuLe syatem is minced and 06. ranged. Tins is “adieu biliuusuesu and can be Completely c it! by Dr. A. W. uuaae’a kidney-Liver 1’ ', wmcu act directly on the bust. making it. ueauhy and active” Uue pih a dose. 25 cents a. bux. the cheap»; as; medicine m we world. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Carson were the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘nus. \x alluce one day last. week. Mr. Adam Laue is gomg to rem his way and 18kt: a. trap to the W est, thinking it wdl unprove his health. Good idea. Adam ' Mrs. '1‘. Allan and some of the fami- ly have been confined to bed, but. are: on the way to recovery. Mr. R. Barber was offered a. good price for hm matched zeam last. Week but. dxd not. feel inclined to take it... R. knows when he has u-good thing you bet. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hall, of theN. \V. T., who wens visnting at. Mr. Clark’ 3 for the last. couple of weeks, left. Wed Mr. Ed. Fee and Alex. Smith were visiting Doruoch friends one day last week. Miss Lizzie Allan spout part of last week visiting at her uncle’s, Mr. Will Carson. Mr. John McCalmon has been'un. der the weather this last. week but is on the mend again. Ezekiel Sir-rs leaves for Minnasota on Thursday morning He has a brather and sister there. We wish him safe journey and success. Jake Yandt purchased a fine mare the other day. and also bought. Wm Bryans Jersey colt. He thinks in an- oxher year he will make Bob Scott husxla. } Rev. Mr. Humphrey will preach a!” broke out m that town. ‘superannuation sermon in the Church ' here on Snindav, Feb. -25th. Agood Advance, in now domiciled in his turnouc ‘5 desu'ed. comfortable. commodinus and conve. Hunt Bros also sold their horse nient oflice recntly purchased We last week which shows it pays teenager-amine our friend of the Ad- advertiee in the CHRONICLE. lvance in his advance upward whicr to us is an evident sign of advancing prosperity. Editor Thurston. of the Flesherton '9 A 1“th Mr. H» m. Grierson intends to make] an addition to hie barn next summer. ' Mr. Ben Sharp has the contract. Mrs. Fraser has sold her horse to Mr. Leggatte at asatisfactory figure. Mr. and Mn W. D. “3 Sunday- ed with the Hunt family. Mr. H. W. Hunt left lasz week for Indianagolas, combining business with pleasure. Mr. Robt. Lindsav visited his mother in Glenelg on Sunday. Mr. Joe Vickers spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McRouald, Moore-sburg, visited friends here last week < HOW ONE GETS BILIOUB. BRAVE MEN FALL ALLAN PARK. VARN EY . VICKERS. ICQU' '1\‘I\J!\UUUV “IIU' IIIVQD tic. IIIQIIUII'I So called cures coma and co and trporxrnént' for 'Camrx'h. Hav Fexer, hagdly a week passw but, sdme' new-Cold in the Head. Sore Throat. lnflu. ciaxmgnt as a cure for catarrh prev enza, Qatar's-hat Deafness, Headache wuswseif, only to fail in itsqmis. and T‘ousilit‘isgw'f'héf. it has proved .3011, add mother disappointment tolits work thousands of tignea, out, Ac»; Dr. AgneW’S catarrhal POWderIWGSt' north and south, over the]??? continent. is allowed by the thous- (5”1.‘ 8‘]‘ ' lands of unsol‘cited tesximonials that has proved Itself a WODdBI‘fUllhave been received by those who :12“. ‘ ° I 0 ' have sufi'ered from the Catarr‘l Mu. ’ power In hftlng the burder""a!ludy in all its forms.‘ and for tnel aperiods of sufiering. whether the ”’m“ ° ‘ imi o a ew a's o '1, uenza or Ibo}; clove of Peace 1n the battle for Eoldcinfthefmag fouéiuiormb. PW healthy born and deep-seated Catarrh of the ' me {i Coun. McIntyre reported in Regis- try ofice re Treasurer’s sureties and found them unchanged. Coat 'of search 75 cents. Acting on the foregoing advice it was resolved that the Reeve en- deavor to affect a settlement with ,Mr. Hoeflin, taking into considera- ftion the state of the bridge and col- vert broker; by his engine-Carried. McQueen â€"--McIntyre---That the petition of John Swanston and thirty two others re Mrs. Barclay be re- ceived and that we grant her $10 to be expended for wood by J. Swan- Stanâ€"Carried. 6‘ Hastie~Robbâ€"â€"That the report of committee appointed to consult solicitor re legal matters in 1899 be adopted â€"-Carried. HaSLieâ€" M cQueenu-That the Reeve consult. our township solicitor in re- gard to the award of the arbitrators aforesaid to see if the township is liable as a whole for the expenses of the arbitrators, or only the ratepay- ers uflected by the award.â€"-Carried. The report of committee on legal matters obtained from townships solicitor was given in detail and aml tered in Minute Book Council met Feb 9th Coun. Mc- Queen subscribed to the required de- clarations. Minutesconfirmed. The Reeve certified to H)? copy of Award made by the arbitrators re Union Schools Egr: mom. and Norman by, as entered in By law Book. Mr. George Budden. Pntuamville. Out.. says : " I feel it. mv duty to recommend Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. as I had the Asthma very bad: could get nothing to do me any m‘bod. A friend of mine persuaded me to try this remedy. as he had tried it, and ‘t proved srccessful. I tried it and it cured me. I am thankful to- day to say 1 am a well woman through the use pf this remedy. 95 cents a bottle Family 5126 60 cents. Robbâ€" M cQueen â€" That _- :wvw-Wf "I'WW'U WW0" 25¢. a box at all dealers. or Immature, to us is an ewdent sxgn of advancing MTES C0-. Torontc. prosperity. Croup, bronchitis, asthmfi'nnd an coughs ' and colds yieid rompt! to -. Chaso'l Syru The. Markdale Standard thinks the “Lima! and menu?“ It; 00- Council has erer '1) dpciding toi W ~â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~________________ . . report be adopted and order granted lth“ any fault )s to be found W'Eh for cos: of search ' also $1.00 be paid Durham, but that the county town us ’ \ 3 _.‘ . sessions Inswad of endeavoring to' ' Stanlp out. the evil it. is added :â€"I McIntyreâ€"~Hastinâ€"That Thomas ‘- Since they have gone to the north, fQueen be refunded $3 50 for two trees - , and have decided to go to sold to him by this Council. as said: the outh we may confidently ex..trees are now in dispute.--Carried. ‘ pe a session in the centre of the! Hastieâ€"McQueenâ€"That we pay county ere long.” [1,. gm“... .LA M.“ -. .mn I The Toronto Junction Schools have ibeen closed as a preventive asminst .the Spread of small-pox which recent- !ly broke out In that town. Edito'r Thurston. of the Flesherton Advance, in now domiciled in his comfortable. commodinus and conve- nient oflice recntly purchased We congaratulate our friend of the Ad- Mr. James Heslip. of Thornbury. had his barn desrroyed by fire lasr week. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Mrs. Thomas Gilmv. wife of 'the ex.Reeveof Euphrasia. died at her home near Epping on the 28th ult At a meeting in Thornburylast week 3100 was subscribed to the Pa triotic Fund. The W iarton Woollen Mills Co. have made an assignment, after run-‘ ning for nearly three years. *H ... H“ EG RE MONT CO UNCIL. DURHAM CHRONIC I. """'K’ given in detail and en- ASTHMA. " Dr.-_ Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder has n 10 to 60 been for many years before the .p'uh- " 130 as the surest. Safest. '.m'0‘8t harm- Hess. quickest; and, most permanem coma and co and _ 'trearmént' for 'Catnrrh. Hav Fewer. District Dots. at very 030: could get any m‘bod. A friend of to try this remedy. as ‘r. prayed svgcegsful. I foregoing ihe long list of disappointments in the line of permanent. cures for thiq most universal and distressing dis- Nomination. 33; Geo Witters. tim- ber for culvert in 1899, 75 cents; Jas. Eccles. gravel in 1899. $3. McIntyre-Hastie-That we now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, March 24th. to appoint pathmasters and other business. â€"Carried. C. Ramage. pathmasters’ rolls, 8150; Municipal World, assessor’s supplies. $7 09; William Kingston. legal advice. 83; J. A Mitchell, ex press charges. 50 cents; Wm. Irwin. Financial Statement. $6; J. A. Lam- bert, ad. forlnmber. 80 cents; Clerks registration of 84 births. 17 mar- riages and 45 deaths amounting: to $29.20; W. T. Petrie, use of Hall.‘ Nomination. 33; Geo Witters. tim- ber for culvert in 1899, 75 cents; Jas. Eccles. gravel in 1899. $3. Resolved that, following be paid : - Hastie-â€"Rohbâ€"That the Reeve’s expenses amounting' to 88.00 for at- }tending Good Roads Convention at Owen Sound on invitation of the County Council be paidâ€"Carried. Hastieâ€"-McQueen-â€"That the And- itors’ Rerort as presented by the Auditors and examined by the Coun- cil be accepted as correct. and 200 coniee printed at Representative office and the Auditors be paid the sum of 88.00 each and $1 00 each for extra services.â€"Carried. A lengthy discussion tool: place [regarding translation of G. A. con. 9 ‘from S S. No. 4 to 8.3 No 6 After examining the old records it was found that said lot had been legally translated to No. 4 after which the contending parties withdrew theirl application and all expressed theiri satisfaction they had eXperienced in conference with the Tp. Fathers and with one another. By-law No. 126 for appointing an assessor passed the usual readings; the name of Jae Swanston was en- tered therein as assessor, was signed, etc. Hastieâ€"McQueenâ€"Jl’hat William Ramsbottom be refunded $1.00 com- mutation tax.-â€"-Carried Hastie~McQueenâ€"-That we pay Jan. Brown the sum of 320 payment in full for attendance and board to Maud Reid an indigent.-Carried. report be adopted and order granted for cos: of search ; also $1.00 be paid Conn. McIntyre for expenses.-â€"Car- ried. Dr. Chase‘s Kidney-Liver Pills If. u perfed and idul remedy for all kidney eilmenu. The} 3c! naturally and directly on the kidn I and romptly and positively cure Bright's isease. ‘iabetes, dropsy. rheumatism. and the mom oer-ion: complications of kidneys. liver and bowels. One pill: dose. Bright’s disuse in 3 main, any of the tissues of the kidneys, endin u Inter sages Cannot possibly be cured. So long, however. a the kidneys are not in an actual state of deny. Dr. Chue's Kidney-Liver Pills will revitalise age diseased pans and positively euro Bright's A dreadfully Mal diam: which I. prevent“ and panel by Dr. Chase's Kidney-UV" Pith GREAT LOSS OF LIFE from Bright’s Disease D ALLAN. Clerk, accounts ' Apart. from the splendid evidence of the curative powers of Dr. Aguew’s Catari‘hal Powder renewed from people of all ranks and ccnditicus of men. from the laborer in the Strert to the judge on the bench. .l‘he most emineua nose and throat, Spec- tafis's ouncede it the greatest. owe. give it their‘utnquahfie'l ezxdorsat oh and Show their praetxcal faith m it' by‘ _usiu‘g it in their dgiiy pragllce. Iwest. north and south, over the continent. is allowed by the thous- Iands of unsolicited testimonials that have been received by those who ‘have sufl‘ered from the Catarr‘i .Mu- -lady in all its forms.‘ and for ’periods of sufiering, whether the ‘limit of a few days of Influenza or Cold in the Head to the cure of stub- born and deep-seated Catarrh of the Head or Nose, covering the almost increditable period of fifty years. 1 . i U3 9:: _.Agn'ew"s Caturhal Powderlills: SHOW Rooms .ovmz scorr‘s STORE. Millinery! I beg to intimate that 5 I am still in Business, y and prepared to supply '. the public with any- 9 thing in the Millioery , Line. S.CULBEBISDN, DURHAM. Powder. Aufew ammcations gave ,me great comfort and relief, I con- tinued using it. and now every rescage of the trouble has gone. and words fail me to exm'ess the graci- tude I feel at being freed [rum this loathsome diséaee,” . Dr. Agnpw’s Cure for the Heart. steps palpitafion,'smmhériug. short.- ness of breath, pains nbOUL the heart, gfveé' relief if) 30' n'nuu't‘es. Dr. Amww's Ointmpntâ€"When the \skin seems fau'iy on fire from itching skin film-mes- mm unnlinosinn itching Skin ,dlSt'Jgpefi' {my application will give quick-and pvrmaueut cure. Dr Ag: ew’s Live: P1158 Cure Liver ills : 20 cents for 40 doses. Mrs M, Greenwood, of 204 Adelaide Street west, Toronto. says. in substantiation of the claims of Dr. Agnew’s Catart‘lnal Powder: ”I am so [well plvased with Dr, Agnew’s Ca- itarrllal Powder and the good results derived from it, that I hardly know how to express myself. For years I was a great sufferer from Caturrh in the Head and “moan I tried many z'mnedies without. getting relief until I began using Dr. Agnew’s Catarrbal Powder. A few applications gave goes right to the. Seat of the trouble. It attacks the disease. removes the ‘cause, cleanses and heals the parts, quickly and permanently. The jtl‘eatmmzt is simple. the applications [are easily made, perfec‘ly painless, and in ten to simy minutes after ap- plying. relief follows. It’s so wond- erfully searching. and yet so sooth- ing. comfurc comes like magic. Shop will be open and Saturday. Ail REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly atteudc-d to. \w. 0. CONNOR. Pumps ”fall Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip»- ing‘; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumps frcm $2 upward. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"â€" every Wednesday

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