Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Aug 1899, p. 4

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woodjs visiting her barents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dusen, this week. Mr. Chas. Pedlar, of Uriliia. was in town last week visiting old friends. Mr. ’ill Stewart, of Fort William, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart, ‘of the West back line. Mr. Stewart is employed on the Mrs. \V. J. wood. is visiting Mrs. Van Dusen M1. \Vm Strain of this place re- ceived a telegxam on Friday last in- forming him that the Montana reg- 1.ne11t\\l11<,h has been in service in the Philippines and to 11 Inch his son bel longs will leme Manila for San Francisco this week. The voyage,- will last about thirty day 3. Mr. H. Chard. of Toronto, is ing his brmher in this 1” ° ’ MrsJ. “LB Batesof Brockville, was1 in town on Friday lass calling on old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Falls, who are x ing in t! 18 Masul York this week Mrs.\V. \V. Trimble and little daughter Ruby left on Tuesday to visit. the formers sister Mrs. (Rev) Edmunds at- Monkton and mother at Detroit. Mr. M. Richardson spent Sunday withhis son. Dr. Richardson, and daughters in Toronto, an-i will take, in the Masonic excursion to Ner' York before rotor. ing. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mc'l‘avish. Mr. ‘T. Sheppard and the Misses Joy Sun- dayed with friends at Durham and Mt. Forest. Mr. O. Neil of Fer ersham and Mr. M. Karstedt of Eluiwood Spent Sun- day in town. the former with his daughter and the latter with his brother and sister. to. was in last week Mr. Ross Snowdon, of Guelph, is visiting at. his uncle’s, Mr. Alex. Stewart's, back line. ‘Mr. Wes. Latimer, druggist, Toron- ‘. - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. B been Spending a few friends at Singhampton. have presented her with a beauti- iully bound copy of the Methodist hymn book as a. token of esteem for their aged sister. Mr. W. Trimble’s driving mare, afioâ€"sctedwith infiamnration died on éb'dturdav. Mrs. Fawcett, Sr. who recently left here to resideat Heathcote, was \Voman’s Missionary Auxiliary here and the members of that society have presented her with a. beauti- fully bound copy of the Methodist Mrs. McKee, Sr. a. respected old lady here has given up house keep- ing and is, we understand, going to make her home with members of her family hereabout. Mrs A. M. Lindsay. of Shelburne, Pformerly a rssident of this place, was Criere «visiting friends and on Saturday afternoon last received a terrible shock when her little son, three months old, died suddenly with con- vulsions. Mr. Lindsay arrived here ”that night and the little corpse was taken home on Sunday. The Union Sabbath School at the Station held their annual pic-nic in the adjoining woods on Thursday Afternoon last. There was a good turnout and the event passed 0E with a marked degree of pleasure and success. Sacramental services were held in lthe Baptist and Methodist churches «m Sabbath morning lass, their res- ypective pastors, Revs. Darroch and “'ard officiating. and Mrs. Herb Strain.of Great who are visiting here, are tak- the Masmic excursion to New ‘.â€"â€" 213. BMW, M. C. P. S. U. ARRISTER. NOTARY, COX- VEYAXCER. Etc. Etc. Money to Loan :1: reasonable ram and on Reruns to suit borrower. ‘OPFXCEâ€"Mclntyre Block. (Over the Bank) DURHAM, Aug. 10th, 1899. SuccmortoDr. PARK, Mun Smear, â€"- -- DURHAM. OWEXSOUXD, MARKDALE 4!: DURHAM. NOTEâ€"At Durhamâ€"Monday's. 10 a. m to '4 p. m" and Court Days, and at Priceville son Mondays, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. (Commercial 80:31.) BARRIS‘I‘ERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES {COSVKYAKCERS Em. Etc. to Lonaâ€"Company and Prints Funds ’-Low fies-Easy Terms. I O LUCAS THE CHRONICLE. lUCAS, WRIGHT BATSON, fin- “VA Ull- to“ n calling on old friends FLESBERT ON . '. S DAVIDSON, w. n. wmou? c. A. ”flan. :n spent Thursday iness at Ventry. ‘Y. Bellamy have : Of Collin"- CIVIC” I dayé with Some of our boys have a hah't of . going; south very frequently. They i‘xnuy getcaught. . Van-hey is still to the front. An ' other new building. I is erecting a new shop. Wilfrid Lau. : y the cor- lnei stone The sprlng crOps are lookxnrr well after the hard times. Mr. ‘Vm. Eden, of Arthur, Mr. Rudd, of Lather, visited at Mr.i R. J. Eden’s a few days last week. l Guelph, is thel l Mrs Hutton, of guest of Mrs. Win. Grant. The lecture in the Church last Thursday night was a grand success Mr. John Morice is engaged with Mr. Clark for the iS Mr. Zenas Clark has with his new threshing doing first class work. The Quarterly services of the stein circuit were held lass Sab The services were well azte throughout. The business me Monday afternoon, was entirely isfactory. Mrs. W. J. Sharp is still unable to {Speak above a whisper. The women say "It is a terrible calamity.” Mr. H. Ham, G. T. R. for the past six years h notice that he will Milverton in the near future. Mr. H. is a good citizen and wi 1y missed not only as a. public official. but as a member of the Methodist Church here ; however he will be fol- lowed by the best Wishes of the com- munity. ‘ Mr. James Dan book, of Newbridge, spent Sunday at the residence of Mr. A. Doupe. Some of the boys are wondering why he comes so far so Mrs. 8. Logan retm Queen City after a short friends here. Mrs. J. Robertson, of Toronto has been visiting her parents and Mrs. D. Allan returned to home on Monday. Mrs Stofiman of \Vaterloo and Mrs. Vance of Mosboro’ are visiting friends here now. Dr. Smith, a member of the “Stud- ent. Volunteer Movement” was in Holstein last week and gave two ex- cellent addresses in missions. The doctor is well posted in Mission Work and seems to be anxious to go to the foreign fields. Mr. \Vm. Boyd is representing Dnfierin Lodge here at the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge in Toronto this week. Mr. Mills of Toronto Spent Sunday in town a guest at Mr. James Sull- ivan’s. Mrs. \V. A. Armstrong has return- ed from an extended visit with her sisters at Rapid River, Mich. Mr. Bert Davis, of Toronto "Junc- tion, is the guest of Mr Geo. \Vick- ens. Mr. Herb White of Toronto and Miss Glassford of Caledou are guests at Mr. Richard Smith’s. Miss Emma Armstrong of Toronto is visiting her cousin Miss Lon Arm- strong this week. Master Geo Jones of Owen Sound is visiting his cousin, Edgar Bel- Iamy. Misses Maud and Rita. Irwin of Durham have been spending a few days with their young friends here. Miss Asselstine, Student in Alma Ladies College, Sn. Thomas, is the guest of Miss Sarah Strain. Mr. Thos Leitch returned home 133: week after eight months visit with members of his family at Springiord, Coliinawood and Manito- waning. [0. P. R. and has had some ex- 'perience with the Donkhobor and Gallician immigrants. The former he thinks are not a bad class of peo- ple. but he has no use for the Iatteri tribe who are pouring into our West- ern country. "h“ C.. .__. VARNEY. threshing: outfit Logan Ijeturned to smug her parents Mr. Allan returned to her HOLSTEIN. visit . and is I‘HE DURHAM“ HRONIOLE, Aug. 10th, 1899. wi t Turkeys p61: lb ............ . 40 to Geese per lb ......... " Ducks per pair... .... a tc (1'? ‘ Wool . . The worst. cases rc- Pnce 25 cts., 50 cts. and The Hunt Bros. are with one of their well move the stone and Whitmore of Durham tract. party day. __--°'v ~va‘IU 12 has. to the acre. Mr. Ben, Coutts who has been un- der medical treatment in Toronto for some time is, we are glad to here, improving. The Johnston Bros. made first threshing of the season he) week. Fall wheat, averages 12 bus. to the acre- Mr. John Coutts has been some- what under the weather of late with a stomach trouble. Mrs. Jos. Corbett left last week on: avisit to her daughter Mrs. Arm-ii strong of Gravenhurst. ° Mr. Robt. Smith can now be called Pa, since the new arrival. Mrs. Fraser returned from Ham- ilton on Friday accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Thos. Turnbull who is in very poor health at present. REMARKABLE RESCUE, Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield. 111-. makes, the statement. that she cought 001d which settled on her lungs ; she was treated fora month by her family physicmn. but grew worse. He told her she was a. hope- less victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggxst suggested Dr. King’s-New Discovery for Consum tion; she bought a bottle and to her delight ound herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after talc-I mg six bottles. found herself sound and well ; now does her own houswork. and is as well as every she was.â€"-Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at local Drug Stores. Only 50 cents and $1.00, every bot- tle Guaranteed. Market Report. Mr. T. Petty’s" house is almost completed and is quite creditable to the contractors. It is almost frost and fire proof. " I had a dream the other ni ht When everything was stil and bright; It scoured to_rne }_ saw friend Pete 22% ’ ? p is the terror of thousands of young mot-h- "’4 auao its outbreak in so agonizing and fro % y am Shiloh“: Cough and Consum hon $9. :ts like magic in cases of Group. It has 4? men known to fail. The “orst. «mes re % immediately. Price :5 cts, 50 cts and Vb 911$ 8 Market Report 2'2 \ -~---- 2 DURHAM, August 9th, 1899. ? Vheat ............ . ...... " to 66 #3: r Wheat ............... . 65 to 06 o ...................... .. ‘27 to 28 ’4 ...... ............ 60 to (0 $2 ........................ 40 to 45 Si: ........................ 5 00 t0 6 rap ....................... 10 to 12 $2; )61' doz.1.) .............. . 11 to 12 g per mg .......... . 50 to 75 is....per bag .......... . 6:3 to 7:3 “(5‘ per out ............... 180 to 9-3 7§ I per Caok 2:") w‘v‘.‘ ' w". The truth of which I cannot vow. J ust then the rooster ve a crow. The rooster. perch upon a. beam. It woke your scribe who scratched ms head And found the whole thing was a dream. Mrs; John Aldred is improving after the operation she underwent a. cogple 9f w_eeks ago. - â€"--Vu“ D“' And Ion Jim Muck with faces. sweet Both stun ing on the Varney H111) And looking with a right ood mu Across the spacious plain low. Discussing the best way to go To see their dear ones fair and gay And linger till the break of day. Pete towards the south was bound to 8° While Jim to Durham turned his toe To ° see a man” shout} cow. ML- A._._A1 -p Little Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. Blyth is recovering from a fracture of the leg she received some time ago. DURHAM Young Mothers. Bros. are this week busy their wells having to re- :one and curb it. Mr. f Durham has the con- VICKERS. *â€" 'nv-- ' : of the season here last 1 Wheat, averages about! , August 9th, 1899. .......... 65 to congratulated pupils at the 40 to 50 13 u. 15 These Prk a short time BEG LEAVE TO INFO]? TCMERS and the public in 1 am prepared to furnish N raw PUMPS AND REPAIRS. I Cmn. RE-CURB. PE \S’ICLLS. Allordm‘s taken at nmr Mc(.}ov.':m’s Mill or at- Sir Smith's Foundry. ALL WORK GUARAMEED at LOWER Towx :31; AV;- 3W; l S144: < M Shaw Hat's I PARKER’S Drug 99/, ’4? Lu. .uU W uy a: seven led. Stem-VVind Waltham in Watch 111 anickle screw Morton’s. Eyewash Linen Hats W Big Reducti e X'sâ€"ill sell them at the followino‘ OHS: __...â€",â€"=-""\ :I‘p Clear out the balance EPAIRS. DIG, DRIIL . §c PRESSCURB 9 Q o ' av Ladxes’ baxlors, were 00 to Boys’ Straws Men’s Straws that were $1.00 for 75 INFO]! M MY (3.173. blicin general that l an at the. 01d stand at- Shop at Charter For Sore DURHAM H 65 H 6‘ H $£ “Live and 6‘ DURHAM 3.38. H. FIRTH BROq Painters and 311, Paper Hangers. . V OUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINT- ~ ING. GRAINING. FRESCO- ING. LETTERING and PAPER HANGING DONE IN FIRST- CLASS STYLE at Reasonable Rates. ORDERS left at Parker’s Drug SW0 promptly attended to. 1m 3 Eyes in Cattle, -â€"()NLY AT ..- ”S Drug StOre .l announce to the Farmers and Horse- bqeeders of Durham and vicinity that he \yxlltfavel his 'I‘horoughbred Clydesdale btallxon, “Clydesdale 1503'," as per an- nouncement on bills. V GEO. LAWRENCE. 51:. H ‘6 HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO announce to the Farmers and Horse- ‘ (C 6c (t . L. GRANT. April 26. 1899. “Clydesdale Bay.” 60 40 3O 50 35 of our Straw and 'm‘ \‘V/ '15? \W; n 5‘ s" ’4 \‘ "m" V S; \‘V/ ’5‘ ’m‘ "A? \W; ’m‘ Nb ’0? m " Viwv \",‘ _ n 1R. «$7. ‘Twu Shatfmd Ladies 7 Banking business transact- issued apd oollgctions made points. D8p081t8 received and in- Offioaâ€"Flrst door w» u; m. mm Pharmacy.“ Calder's Block. Residence.-â€"F1rst door west ; ABRISTER. Solicitor. etc. fiB Gordon's new jewellery : ‘o wn. Any amount. of money to loan : on farm property'- ,, _ Block. Lower Town. ColleCLion cum; 8030’ promptly attended to. Sea-rent! ma de pAfiR 18'} I! R. Solicitor. etc . Mela? yrea a the Registry Oflioo. UGH MschAY, Durham, Land Valu- ator and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. I '1 d: I l Auctioneer for the County of Grey (1 Valuator, Bailifl of the 2nd Divisxon Court. Sales and all other matters promptly “tended toâ€"higheat references turuished if required. iInAMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, mas resumed his old business. and is prepar odtoloan any amount of money on real estate Old mortgages paid at! on :‘ne mootliberalterms. Fire and Life Insur- mcoaefi'eobod in the best Stock Comps-Ilia: It lowest rates. Correspondence to Orchardvillo, P. 0., or a call solicited SEE 83E of Banada fall How Hflhm'n's Heart and Ham Pills lake Weak People Strong. MRS- Euuam Bun-ox, Brittania St... “’3: “I speak a good word tor Mil- bum'. Heart and Nerve Pills with pleasu re. Th” Proved to me a most excellent my for nervousness, nervous debility “14 exhaustion, and I can heartily recom- md them... “ MR8- POLAND. Brunswick Street, says: My husband suffered greatly with ner- mws: complicated b heart troubles. ude.‘ Heart and ervc Pills have Six-ed #101. and be now is well and LAM-LIVER rake W3 _â€"- - fore retiring. V'Twzil PILLS. w9rk while you siecp , . . thhout a grip or £52333 BSIOuStIess, Sick Hcadache. 9‘12“! Dyspepsia and make vou “better In the morning. ' ' leg?“ here is a book! excl-Jun» "- Y Qan, as he dashed int-b Liv .3_p§l"ate office. I a tune to read book‘. walâ€" fn sure you will like firms Don't . _ne.ed to call the. janifor; I'll The “Chronicle" is the only 2-Paze Local Newspar‘" In Western ontario. 'AMES BROWN, Issuer Licenm.Durham Ont. ‘78 3- Your pocketbook. I foam! ii i hall. Thenl he vanished. Medical Directox 'V. .1 egal Dzreczo'ry. LEFROY McCAUL. Want no books’. g: 112:?” Miscellaneous . bENTIST. VALUABLE BOOK '. TELFORD- HOLT, L . wv-rv- 5' Manitoba; U nited Tomato. ot the Durâ€" ot Muriage . Otfico over .‘Ol‘e. Lower at. 5 per cent. no Ou- of d the bank- I'll

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