Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Aug 1899, p. 1

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iheei Tiger Rake $803? For tw rith it in vain, 5 Chase S Oinm 155, and thn‘dogto. :ovmry Dr Chase‘s SOD MIN t1 put ii ‘1 as gooa. you are not the comparison you ta equal to the advertise plain vii IIP’S sqqgfj: Winn LSOO‘CR and Zb(3f)§;i Tm" n01 lvin qn ant)" 0I TILLSON 'S H can at the Foundry. (f which and u I'll} Di 98811 all nus VIC-1? one mac! the verv I 510%! NEW - [1 man." u ill 194 food 02 011 t Of {mo zheS 10 land {mi rim :2. SON I310 11 {UN}? 18 $111 1:113an it"~ JT LEICDIUO xiv best; A. 31in . and I‘M 0111' THE C. P. R. is running a harvest to Manitoba 22nd inst for excursion $10. See R. Macf‘arlane Jr. for par- . y a mum». Tug Glenelg Voters’ Lists are now can: and open for iDSpection at the Cierk’s office and. other places provi- ded bylaw. REV MR. MCGREGOR and Mr. Mc- L;mh1an, theological student, of Cheslev, will exchange pulpits on MR. S. Arrowsmith, is an expert fruit grower judging from the excel- lent variety of gooseberries he pres- ented us with last week. CONTRACTOR Orchard is getting on well at the excavation for the furni- ture Factory. It will be ready for the masons to begin shortly. Orr: pushing marble Dealers, Messrs. McCalmon and Watson, are getting so much work than they have to increase their working staff. T123 Town rates were struck on \Ionday nigm at twenty mills on the THE Methodist Sunday School Pic- nic will be held in the Beaver Mea- dow on Thursday Aug 17th, next, week. Should the day be wet it THE Bunessan S. S. Garden Party, heldlasc week at Mr. A. C. Beaton’s grounds was largely attended, much enjoyed and profitable to the school. About fifty Durhamites were present. Proceeds S40. “ii‘ be held on Fliday following in~ Stand. LOS’P.â€"â€"On Saturday evening July 28:11., between Gray's Corner and Lower Town, a. Baby’s Red Cloak, Plaid Linc}. Finder will oblige by lCCfl'lI’lg LE m. J. J.Hunters’ Corner Swre, or a: the CHRONICLE Office. _ :e 521 little out of date, 0" sitting 0'. the cold, cold sand. Better perch on the post, and wait for the ghost. or be singing of the Coon TOWD Band. iwant my Lulu. 3:ive me OI bet A o:../ I'\RI‘ERLY Meeti ng services w~i1 eld in the Methodisr. Church on 1} Loxe Feast, at 10, sermon ‘u P 1 s t. f m, aster at 1 cramen 0 {Ports Supper administered im- sedglteiv after the sermon. The _ (p .1 w ' ’- pt 0 r' ”.4 O '4 J d “/1 '» . . ,4 ." > . 'v ' a \ Town Band. W001. Movrxaâ€"On Tuesday 135:. r. A. S. Hunter shipped a. car and mg,- of wool to Toronto. 11:21“ $111133th [0 L‘l‘. R. J. 0011‘ ‘ ' “ : 2‘1olisfor a. 3e1111ti£111,i1- 111e111' Song Book and a1111ne of the fourth ID-' Convention of the Ep- :;.,1 11;» held 111 Indianapolis 33, inclusive. The work is " ‘l’ltifu 1" gotten up and contains lalf tone portraits of tne leading C"!‘ St an Endeavorers of Canada and the I nited States, as well as a. num- 1391‘ of illustrations of the city and 348 surrounding. O“): (vii? D Puma )Lurxmxzm delivered an in- rssxing lecture on Phrenology on .mrday night last. The Prof. is my unassmning but withal seems undersmud his bu‘smess and have izh in what. he is talking about. W 1 {es T To Hunâ€"One car load of lath. Apply to T. C. McGirr, 1‘ now: congratulate, Mr. Mal- Lima. B. A. on his recent ap- rnen: to the Principalship of Me Joni Model School. The :11 5:11.11“) is $600, but will go or in a very short. time, as Mr. k‘s ability will prove him worthy LOCAL NE\VS. 1-: Firemen’s Pic-mic. to-day, “3131'. August 101.11. Games and 58111111115 galore. Admission to 1‘15 including. refreshments, 111 230., Ladies andChi 1dre11, 1115.111111111 to the grands and o .110 supper. Persons crawl: V 'x‘. \. Aliâ€"1.x . L \‘V ‘ 91115 Fir ay . 5*. Sunday School Picnic my in tin; Bean er Meadow p10: sant outing’ much he 1m rents and childaen med in the amusements {:5 Of the afternoon. The Lulu of the Coon e fence are not entitled. Mr. J. Lavelle is home from To- ronto. Mr. 1‘4. McIntyre went to Toronto Tuesday. Mr. Waler Elvidge and family re- turned Monday to Belwood. Mr. Geo. \Voodiand spent a. day or .two in town since last: issue. Mr; J. H. Vivian, of Toronto was in town Monday on business, Miss Tillie White is visiting friends in Priceville. ' ' Mrs. Sparling, of Minnedosa isa guest at. Mr. Carson’s. Mr. C. C. James and his daughter Fannie were in town Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Ryan returned last week from a visit to Brussels. Miss Grace Gilmore is Spending; a week with her friends at Hampden. Mrs. Black of, Oswego, N. Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. R. Whe- Ian. Mr. Albert Keliy Spent Sunday and Monday with his br’othel, Banker Kelly. Miss Gertie Meredith left Tuesday to visit friends in the vicinity of Guelph. ' Miss Maggie Wallace, left. Satur- day to spend a month at. her home in Earriston. Miss Sadie Carson returned last week from a visit in Toronto and Waterloo. Mr. and. Mrs. Kippen are visiting Mrs. K’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiggins, here Messrs. Wm. Eden and Wm. Rudd, of Arthur village, visited at A. Mc- Farlane’s Sunday. Miss Bella McDougall returned last week from a. few week’s visit at O. S. and Williamsford. Mr. K. Greenwood, of Sutton, for- merly grain merchant here, is visit- ing old friends in town. Miss Arrowsmith is home from Saginaw visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Arrowsmith. \1r.a.nd Mrs. \Vm. Woodland, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. C! awfmd and other friends. Mrs. Arras, of 'loronto, formerly of Hanover and Minnedosa. is the guest of Sir. and Mrs. James Carson. Mr. Thos. Smrrey of the Chats- worth News spent Sunday with his parents and friends, here. Mr. John McDonald and his sister- in-law, Miss McLean, from Priceville gave us a brief call on Tuesday. Miss Reinee Richards returned to her home in Markdale this week after spending a fortnight: with friends in town. , Rev. C. S. G. Boone, Wife and three children, of London. are visitinw Mrs. Boone’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mc- Telford. Dougall. Miss Maggie Corbett, of New York and Miss Ethel Comets, of Guelph, are visiting their sister, Mrs J. P. Miss Row who has been yisiting in town during the past few weeks 1e‘ turned on Monday to her home in Listowel. Misses Maude and Rita Irwin left last Friday to Spend a. couple of weeks visiting friends in Fleshertou and lleathcote. Miss Tilley McCoskery, oi Roches- ter. is a. guest. at the home of Mr. W. .1. Young, and is visiting a host of Glenelg friends. Messrs Oscar Forsdick and John Dine, of Detroit spent. a day or two at Mr. C. L. Grant’s last: week, while on a wheeling tour. Miss Lizzie Supernault, of Toronto arrived in. town Dhursday last, {or a. two week’s visit with friends in Dur- ham and Bantinck. Mrs. We W. Trimble, and little daughter, Ruby, of Flesherton, took the train here Tuesday morning to. visit friends in Detroit. 511°. Owen Gaynor, V. 3., who has been seriously ill at the Middaugh Houselefz Tues-clay for Toronto to live with his sons. and daughters. I.Irs.13rown and her little dauglh ter ret trued t~o Guelph Tuesday morning after visiting; a coupie of week with Mrs, Meredith and family. - Messrs. Thompson Allen. J. C. ‘Vilkes, \V. H..Thornton.. Archie Mc- Lean, Wm. Trout, Hugh Dmxling, “7111. Evans, Wm. Lewis .and Wm. Cannifi, of Mt. Forest, drove over on Monday. evening to visit their brethq (pf-the A10. U. W. $901233: here... PERSONAL . DURHAM, ON T0: AUGUST 10,1899. Mrs. R. Mitchell, of Toronto, is visiting her father Mr. C. Firth, Glenelg for a few weeks. She is accompanied by her infant daughter. Mr. Donald McCoskery, cfâ€" the Massey-Harris 00,. Toronto, spent from Saturday till Monday with \V. J. Young and Grant McComb, of Glenelg. Mr J. D. Milne, of Langdon North Dakota Cashier of the Citizens State Bank, after an absence of five years is payinga visit: to his parents at Louise. Mr. Chas. Robson, of Traverston, visited frends in town this week. About the first of September he leaves for Concord, N. H. to fill a. lucative position in a Commercial College. Miss Ella Robertson returned on Wednesday from Guelph where she has been taking a course at the Bu- sinessCollege. She is accompanied by her cousin,- Miss Bessie Robert- son. .who will spend a few weeks visiting friends. Misses Florie and Josie Richardson of Flesherton, spent a day this week with‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family. Miss Florie has been at- tending Moulton' College, Toronto, and judging from appearances her physical requirements, at least, have been well cared for. We are always glad to meet our old pupils. Mr. John Irwin, drove over from Heathcote,Saturday to visit his son, ye Editor. Though crippled by rheu- matism, and the efiects of a broken leg which necessitate the use of- crut- ches, he is hale and hearty though nearly eighty years of age. He couldn’t possibly remain longer than Monday morning as he had to get home to help “the boys” with the harvest. He claims to be a young man just in the prime of life and from present appearances there seems no visible reason why he shouldn‘t live to be a. thousand. He was ac- companied by his daughter, Miss Irwin. who will remain over for a few weeks. Lucas Wright . Batsen. -- At Dur- ham Mondays, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Court Days, and. at Pricevilie on Mondays, G p.111. to 8 p. m. (Com- mercial Hotel.) APPRENI‘ICE VVAmeâ€"At once, to learn the tinsmithing business in all its departmepts. Apply at ParrotL’s Durham. 213d Mn. BRADLEY, of Toronto, organ-' izer of the Ancient Order of United Workmen Spent a week in town, and in company with Principal Allan did some healthy canvassing for the 10- cal society here. The result was the addition of nine new members initia- ted on Monday night last. rl‘hough Mr. Bradley intended to leave” for \Viarton on Tuesday he remained over on the solicitation of the breth- ren and is conducting a vigorous can- vas this week with a View to getting another batch through on Monday night next. The A O. U. is one of the strongest and soundest benefit- and fraternal societies on the Con- tinent of America to-day, and thro’ the charitable distribution of millions of dollars many widows and orphans have been relieved from distress when the cold hand of death had en- tered the household and carried ofi the chief bread winner. - been more than a m firmb believed by “jib; be {c an}; tugge. TO-DAY, Thursday, Civic Holiday. dto .‘Uuu '- are than a mere yarn, It is belwved by some that silver M%‘~"%‘~4 5 You can have your pick of any Summer Suit '31 the Shop at a Big Discount. DU RING AUGU ST ONLY. J. HJ. HUHEE E.HS’ J J J smmswmg I900 w. H. SHAW, WE KNOW IT’S A LITTLE EARLY. but none too early; to think of pre- pari for the busiest. brightest, business year 'anada has seen. How sfrong you will feel to enter u n tpat year If you can say thh cheery .11 ac- nty, “ Yes, sir ! I can fill that positwn.” For thev will be going, those good po- sitions, the~kind we prepare Young people for. Send us your name an?! let us tell you how we can make you one of the for- tunate ones. Start any time. No vacations. The Busy Store at The Busy Corner. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'ronoxro, -â€" â€" ox'r..\mo, Principal. SPECIAL PRICES; While they Last ‘2 Clevelands $45. ., regular $55; 1 40, “ 50. I Crescent, C) H 1 Antelope, ALSO several Second-hand; $3. ‘0 We offer the follow- insr New Wheels at GENUINE Bargains; all fitted with DUN- LO? TIRES, and? Guaranteed; h Wheels, CHEAP. 30, NO 1692* 8‘ t‘ ‘t ‘6 50". 45‘.

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