Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1899, p. 3

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mt, auntie, t 7 things a 3i fins table 1 {polishera and landâ€"0h! do: WOULD NOT TELL A Ll] e was once a little baby: i) Persia who was called C1 andfather. who was a H t that when the boy grei uld want to be a King hm en 1)) the “ 11d beasts. j a kind-hearted “oman was let her sheep that day the little babv. which she be} cc scissors THE TIDY W a); 1mg WED! 10 rim how Young F be. muste aw nothi id Jawn inIO Inf arm. 1u£0 rana day by one [e 5H1 RT pass ends YIOS who W At last Cyrus 8?] whether he knew anat in some w mm pum US whc n he W pan longing at man: grew into boy . me way different (to round him; and 80, xyed at soldiers, it w who was General.‘ And \V I 'o be boys we r but each_ The? that no thread appl'e-steuling ex: Ld of apples. the? They went into nee-95$ her niece e 811183111“, on 4 W 30m 01 than 21111 comb “db: 3.8 W811 as that stIaV ii. 5 31'“ ine 5“ laying I on W“ 3310b! for S“ {highest price ever asked for land ans'as at. the rate of thirteen Mpoand.» ab‘rlflg per aare. The Baspoz was in Barrmondsey, where Emma ago a smuil piece of pro- !!a'as offend to the Southeastern it} Company for £1,250,000. No mt. n-r" .,.~. gn Our views to 0.7:)? maucomenu to Emulate our industries Whi wwwmhd by any siznhar company. Our busineu is conducted than $013.33 mm . imfimsrdina'. our :espomibility, w. refor you to I? 1119me agency. é . 'mm' mgr: Fame and send us your address. 0 ml! award you the Bracelet ”d send ’1‘: m 35 music packages of Lime Fruit Powgler. Distribute them according toinngz; IS! old Shell Ring and Pm. Could any Waco be mm». m" Ann 1-":ng You 315”" a” 3.3m - 7'12! gm; offer wbhe you haw. tho Opportunity, 0: someone 0180 out out the Picture Plinth, $3363.18!” W99” 333:3. Mention ”“31”?"- -‘ - __ _ Whack to the r hit our gnod‘a ”wegwh W30” 3"“ ‘E u on return: 3‘?!”qu 'y Ltiou t unfundon. fingfiaml. Fraud by a m! Pale :0 be “ox-2!: 'S‘helr “Wight mtigazing; I an been in l fulfil every pt enterprise, ca; fibyw of experience I EDALL SUPPLY CO. .ae m, wane sometm 0t was paid for 2' between King \V :5 square, EC. would be to W0 ouccb, 111 no), out) square was sold for building sites hich amuunts £0 13 108 a m not 'auw wealthier than the most ground heart bayou «a: m: W’a may not MI into the hands at redative lo ’ . 7 a W. m s m. mu mm «am we. mcma' “(a W; re: 5...; 33 the money. We yin then give you for “9'3 it; 135-. to the Bracelet, whzoh we: ewerded on in the first aid .8th Ring. begumfully engraved. and to all w 0 return this \‘ “.33., wiihu‘. tnree days from when seen first, we will send With the\ fa; ago from 3. apigndid Simulating Ruby. Emerald or 5.,.\ 31-3; phére Gen'flnc jiyany Stile Stick Pin. To mu thk oflerâ€"f m? seem impractl'fwle. 10 all Inch we say Rhee ' yworth in- ¢ ' vaiigazing; menu is momma u we ask none of your money. We I 33:99:“ in Luwncas in Toron for ten yarn, and he." never failed to m5: c‘V'Z‘T'J' gr-‘zxaiso religiouely. Our buliness is I. legltmto pa wary-€29. «cm-Sud on upon trhebroedeat principle. 0! cooperation ’13 3g “perfume and businose abzhty. We “afar-9001133 “on b to know Euccmcnb we :41; the-quicker our goods wxll become po er, end we n our views to offer Inducemente o etimulate our in ustries which have never ”5.4 bv arv similar company. Our business in marinated mung.-.“ -_ A- u“; ,1 service, uy company declined as proved. conclusive-j when the {reehold of! AN ACRE SS cxz‘y again, we about Lombard uaz‘a foot, for J 10 acre. U“U.)mes some- l sufficiently 1mg sites in ized £18 183 a U 111 acre. In 14” Leaps and ' £85squaxe 1d. ['01 £37,000, é’a arved in Johan- {oat PUZZLE an £2,000.- lzke £40 a for piece of .dm statue st ways of dreams of. 1 few acres ity of Lon- cre would I1 LLCI‘B O’KE E:- E’S ’fi§‘i.‘3p MALT SOLID RUBBER W'HEELS. A new whee! Sor motor cars and sim- ilar heavy vehicles is called a flexible Wheel. The box is formed of a block of solid rubber that bears the whole weight of the conveyance and acts as a spring. ' “I knowa young girl who isso punc- tilious, it is a pleasure to invite her anywhere," said a lady not long since, "She always keeps her appointments to the minute, never forgets her en- gagements, and is always to be deâ€" pended upon. She is very popular With young and old, and there is lit- tie doubt that she owes much to this praiseworthy attribute. In the mat- cer of invitations the least one can do to Show their appreciation of the courtesy extended them is to he prompt." F .A wholesome. nourishing preparaq tion which takes the place of tea and coffee cures indigestion, and all com- plaincs caused by tea and coffee which fire poisonous. “ Rocko Health Drink" is absolutely pure and. is used at your meals instead of coffee. A: 10c. pack- age will make 75 cups. Rokco also makes a delicious summer iced drink. For sale by grocers. Ask for it. f'l'h in rhe Duke of Redford owns chiefly ; 1h;- L‘ovcnc Gaxden district and Blooms- ‘bury; Lord Poeran and.l the. Duke of Portland \Vest and East Marylebone disu'icts respectively; Lord Cadogan .3 large part of Chelsea; while the Mar- quis of Northampton reigns; in! Clerk- enwell. the Duke of Norfolk in the south of the Strand, the Marquis of Camden in Camden Town, .Lord South- ampton in 'l‘ottenham Court road; and Kentish Town, and Captain Benton in .the district of Pentonville. .. I LABOR-SAVIN G SHEARS. A Germ-sin who believes in labor-sav- ing devices has patented a pair of shears with a spring attachment. When a out has been made and the shears are closed, the spring Opens the blades slightly, When they are wide open, ready for cutting, the arrange- ment; acts in the reverse way and as- sists in biosing them. Both actions lighten the work of the cutter. “ Pharaoh 100. lurigoraus ‘nd Sax-«u chem. W. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. GEJERAL AGENT. Have convinced peOpIe that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor should be given the preference. Get rid of your corns; get rid of them without pain; use Putnam's Extractor and no other. LU BY’S ES , Gives new life as ch: U B Hnir. It mukuit on I sud restores the 00 or. Sold by all dru‘gists. 50¢. a bottle. DISCOVERED AT LAST. INVITATION ETIQUETTE Int-menus ind Srci'f ggchenq. Fact, Fancy and Fable 9% Adelaide St,'1'oronto. Ont. make tel I, Phyno. tifaranby. ng' ,7 7 91135 gandmpur. We can give good mechanics steady work, good wages, cool,well lighted,well-heated shop, best modern conveniences. B‘rantford is a healthy, progressive city. Living cheap. Boiler Makers ! to mercury will surely destroy the sen» of smell and completely dorenge the whole sys- tem when entering it through the mucous eur- tace. Such articles should nchr be lined ox- oept on pre scrzptions from renntahle ph afici- ane. as the damage they will do is ten to d to the? 0d you can DOSBIbl)’ derive {room them. Hal ’3 Catarrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney 8; 00., Toledo 0.. emu!" no mercury. and is taken internally. noting directly upon the blood a. d mucous surfaces of the eystom. In buying all’l Catarrh Cure he sure you get. the zenulne. It is taken internally, and algae in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Cheney 5: Co. Tu moniele free. Sold by Drug; tn, price 750. per bottle. Hall's Family 1113 are me but. What animal, asked Edith, always has a comb, but never combs its hair? A bee, guessed Davie. Noâ€"oâ€"oâ€"o; a. rooster. The total cost to imperial family is year. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury This material being fire, frost and vermin proof is now being very 181‘8015’ used as a. non-conductor of heat, cold {and sound in cold storarre, public build- WATERDUS, Brantford, Canada. y , _ Vâ€"v vvgvv luu|‘7‘ ,| No. Sold by 8“ dm 2315:: auto Md ask {or “ Mrs. Win 7_--v 'v u uvv; u; used by tnâ€"oâ€"thcrs for their chll-zi the ohtid, softens the 311 a. all C930. tnd in tho best. rem y for 1:. Q .IA 1... ‘n n . . RELIANCE CIGAR la Tosoana, we. “mom’monmw A. whole family suffering. A. «mu or the acuter pang-s of neuralgia“ toothache, or lugbago makes life a mlsery. But pain cureâ€"will re- lieve all these. Nervil'me is powerful, penetrating, and; effectual. ' Mercy, ask slender arms for the Hospital. They harbor kinda of diseases, and have no res to religion. BERLINS PAUPER CEMZETFRlE Fitters I Lathe Hands ! American Tire 60., 164-168 King St. West, TORONTO. â€"Headquarters for â€"â€"(:oodr!oh Single Tubes, -- G. a J. Detachable, ' â€"Morgan Wright, â€"licyclo sundries. Sad- dies, Tubes, (w. - For Over Filtv Yea wm smws ksporyma 8 _.UP I math--. c‘_ . -_., $5 Fires A STUDY IN NATURE Double Tubes. give good aerVioe â€"8¢ndln wlyâ€"woxn last long. Dealer: prices on application. VERY CON FIDIN G. MINERAL WOOL aman: BOASTS. ROYAL FAMILY. nan of r Barber. 'chll'u'en teethl'wg. It 900th” a. alla. '5 all pain. we. wind 3y for iarrhoss. 250. a. bot» ts throughout the war . Be 'imiow’s Soothing Syiup. :0 Russia of the is 820,000,000 per ' "'0 {I 8 dgy u Goo. Gullah: Co., E W P C 981 Europea- Plan. Room! “03.1.31. " d” an Onn, rop's. Furiou- Ia: NIMMO 8: HARRISON, IlfllfllIl MID CHOITHAND OOLLEGE, LQOJ’. Building. Oar. Yam ad 001ti St... Toronto. new) ad practical instruction in nil sub ecu - tuning a n thorough Business or Shorthand e nest on. Thorough prawn: on for Inland Revenue and Civil Ser- zioo _cnmina_ciogn. 920- engiro your. day and evening. Bond ”‘81 to? tron SUMMER SESSION Wili keep your shoos soft as velvet MADE IN ALL COLORS. SOLD EVERYWHERE. - wvuv‘ v-u-uw v- Dr. Ana“. Berlin who til! convince you ho cm cur. you Stammerers Ideal Leather Poiish {togâ€"m; _ _ ' bi'a'o'. r'één'ofil. LUGICLD IUIIU lUK UK C0" Montreal. CUTTING SCHOOL-4 HARRIS Eyery town can havé a band. Loqu prices ever qu otod. Fine catal ozue. 508 Illu- tntions muiled free. Write us for anything in usic or Munical Instruments. mum ROYCE co., - Toronto, Gun. LAW OATARRH of the Throat, Nose, Stomach and Blad- der permanently cured. Indian Catarrh Cure 00.. 146 St. J amen St. Monchsl. NW FARMS AGENT â€"Elthor sex. to hsndlo u: up Crayon an Water Color Portraits. hues, and Electric Print: supplied to with an: All good: “ whgloule prices. tionl in c: â€""I... r- I I II" ' V Trade Herb registeredfbcpyrizhu‘. Caveat: procured. Wrife torini’ormetiun EGERTON R. ‘ASE, Registered Solicitor at Extent. Noun i’ublic, Temple Bgflgg. Toppw. Ont. CarbeIic Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Teeth Powders, etc.. here been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use pre rent infect)- ous diseases. Ask your deazcr to chum a supply. Lists mailed free on application. Marriage is so often a failure, said Miss Caustique, that I don‘t blame wo- men a bit for being old maids. Blame them? said the crusty bache- lor. Of course not. It isn‘t their fault. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc PAIFNTS rlu uawson uommlssion 00. limited, cor. Wast- Market Oolbomo St, Toronto 11 get you best prices for your Apples. Butter. £333. Poultry. and other produce. if you ihip it to them. Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone 1720. gangs PHOSPHO scfi Lead Packages. I I -I‘ I v Tradg Caveats procured. hmA‘- -_ . Some Great 8‘ STEWART. Drawer 16. F. 0. CALVERT 00., MANCHESTER, - - ENGLAND. WILLIAM 81., TORONTO. YOU CAN always rely CALVERT" OF COURSE NOT. FOR SALE â€"- WANTED olesale 'riou. " YCWE t ORTH. Toronto. Prompts! in all countries. Buy- Scrap. LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. mun. Mills a Halo. 381‘?th rs,obc.. removed to Wesley 1639., Rich- mond St. .. Teronto. ' 'vvâ€"v‘ vv‘ an. ‘ '90 hue no troubx :0 1:1. ' 08!" Ewadonilbytum. . “sunfish at «K: as In. Intention: {0, $363511 HE!!- ‘223 ° R) “he. nun. our p‘ued .. u “90 ad coat. to w. - _ _ I I I- h A" 1‘ TH! IVEY PATENT iXTINSIOI '8'!“ 0‘ _N‘OIOOQI’O thobgld devoql - gun and round , neu consist: in qua limb as am: film t e othcr. (Adj m 9! 61m ploymont to every mm main 0 will an t a mu. to 90! to m a steak. Got one o fihc Satanic n: cryourult u: Ibo wul. sf 3 weak have no trouble to osnvlgoo others of Rh Value. Th‘s Extension is by (u tho 0: in unit. on: faced a no 13ng £20 rug-r, so fun naught. to “it '19! an --1 --‘-â€"- A -- BRUCE COUNTY sine. Applv to J AMES incardine P. 0., put. Tailors and Dress. makers, send for cat- ' Corn (hare. Ask your drunk forfl.Pdc010¢ aspects”) men who hue bind to be cured oileâ€" {I'horg write ‘0 CEYLON TEA. upon the purity and uniformity or v V_'.‘ -V -o gonna-‘3 C"“,. 13 Jul} ..’;;L...;.'.'.'.T.~.1.\'1:x.’.'7 ..... .....27 .mzy. ” Juiy ............ PARISIAN ............ 3 Aug, 27 July .......... LAURIJNI‘IAN ......... 10 321513 3 Anna: ........ CALIFUKNLKNW . . . .. 1'2 Au The new Twin Sal-ow S. S. Bavarian. {0,000 tons. vi) sat! from Liverpool A . 24, and from Kama-31809:. . Cabin Pmce- . go. upwards. Second Ctbln- 1%) " situate-Liverpool. Fr om Liverpool. Frvm M “6‘ gal}... ...... CAEIFORNIAN ........ 2’3 ALLiE‘aN Léé‘éE 5 do; Dofliu In but a: prudent Man. The, all a light. Watts and we tend them nonoyuidsen “mtgmx we prom or you: nub tr”: £7,144 dog?! *â€"-“A .1 AAâ€"4 u on: tdlIIiH'fifu Doylicutlao. gob; p93: .L -_11_ _nn EREETb um. ill£2117: card or ”blasters. £93333“;- A. -__ THE PETERBOROUGH 0” ACRES 0000 FARMING LARDS~ AREN ’ Iowa. Ogemaw dOn ordCounuea.1‘itlo On Michigan enml. otrolz Mutiny) ect. $00!! Lake Rtilroads. at prices niacin; fro. $2 .3 er 5cm. These Lands no Close 003 data arising owns. Churches. Schools, etc. and vi Who 5014 on and reuonable terms. Apply to em‘w‘mm 7 £311 ‘rrdéarâ€"effirvuâ€"g Ed Géncralvbtorea. '3‘”. .sefl' it. 1‘: their best. Oil . Bella ck cap as the other. .mllllfl mwmmawe MAQHINEA OIL Dou Its Work Won ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS That Oils I HOT OR 00!. WIATHII ' ‘â€"' MAKES 8 DIFFERENOII Rates of pamgo zâ€"Firut Cabin. upvudn; Cabin, $35; Steam”. 822.50 and 823 For further informs; ion amply to 309.! ung Montreal and Qucbec to Liverpool. Lar e and fast Steamers Vancouvu, ominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. ‘1/0 surplus ever this regular divm quarterly. .181 ammnt {tom ”9 upwudcgflo I investment. xi; Company. plea mar, ments of thousands who are seekin; I» able investment, and is creating a w as; )r :4 amongig vesto u 311 park of the .0 FREE lgiving 3:11x particul “en-ehows 7m: )5 come { in ten yeti-r8 by allowing an: compoua in at. end conservative spoons men be. The Dommion Investment Compgxot fl’c Gamma Permanent Chambers. relic Hobbs Hardware 00.. THOMAS FL YNN L. COFFEE 00., 77.. .. â€".-.â€" . -yv‘t b' D?“ w d hardwoud bush. cedar and flame he’po u bail hugs, and 200 waple trees boriofin on .'_‘ g z and soft water at. house; ban: a? cd wlt 891'. wach-byh'draultcr m; power whaie «a burn; the 50 acres 0 wheat. 5 meadow. lunacy uni} crap for n can be bought with r 'ith at on m Muir“: ISRAEL ORESSiAgS. N’sw D‘a«. gut. uoxmoua Pi Suns, Statuary, Educational o_rks_. 151511 Qrch “an; gathqllc Prayer :fii‘s.“°s?a2‘ail" . 198 ACRE SHEA! 1:: Waterloo 00.. Wilmot Tp., gm. ‘ U36 nzflh New Dundee and 5 mizea aout g. qfignbu G.T.R. ; the land stapes gout}, towa 0613:) mi «6.: '5 a rich clay bum. in I. good state of whinflon ; t8 we? songs of 9513th aqé gamcg, thou! 2 wrap â€" " "" " U" W, m“ Religious Pigsures, Stutuuy, and Church Qta t‘...g-gl-_‘_l \. (I The “ Bafmoé'éif" Fro: Bus Am. n m. n; FARM FOR SALE. LOWEST TWI H E- PRICES. Rope, Lath Yarn, and iloyoloo. Dosieu. Auk For Quouuom. Ontario Canoe Co. Michigan {and for Sale. gâ€"ocâ€"w. 0/ For ”hath §§l§_I:â€"fllmy out!!!" “ PEERLESS " DAVID 10334301: x. (:0. Rooms 409-12 Board 0! Trad. mam. TORONTO. ONT. Buntitulus 1,11; cle r. “a “yum :1 tan. one oqfli Bent. tree on ‘ppllcatlon. THE TALIBMAN o: 17 momma 81.,Toaom GRAIN ANI COMMISSION fiiRCHANTS, M. P RCE. Agnt. West 333 Cit , Mich. Or . W. CUR I8. Whitcemon. iiich. Uklfl'bb?2’r'o’6.. om, ‘ 2; my}; om. \lallprdr rs receiux B.” 8A0” II I 00.,11 LONDON. v. s vv. til 3‘0 )7 8t. Saar-uncut." L. Mam 25, MOSTREAI- TORONTO, «nun, 3°. 40, so and 60c. GT. LAWRENCE 0H)- mvho m W ”W mu hull. soars, mom'muu. TO LIVERPOOL. gm plexloi aptlyaflng 10ml L. Con! Iy «mtg living 3‘ d Ipwndc 09; f in": ; Mug . 1:: ”paid rig 0:33;; :5 aur fimz spam-.13"..- Rem. am, anmsmn P11011351 GRAD”. Bismuth“. M f 1 Emma?“ fit}; Juiy.

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