Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1898, p. 4

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Hon. N. Clark Wallace and Dr. Sproule, representatives of the Grand Lodge of British North America. are attending the Supreme Grand Orange Association of the United States in Chicago this week. “ Remember the Maine ” 18 the American battle cry in their great humanitarian war. “ To hell with Bpain” was added by the Yankee war poet to complete the couplet, and in- spire the forces as they advanced up- on Manila. However righteous the Americans may claim their cause to be. their action from the beginning shows a revengeful spirit. wholly in- consistent with their humanitarian yretenuons. Mr. George Lambert, of Thornbnry is pressing a total disability claim of 8700 against the Massachusett’s Ben- efit Life Association. now in liquida- tion. though the evidence showed him to be capable of running a bun- di-od yards quickly and of having split 15 cords of wood during the past month. A‘ Sir Adolphe Chaplean, the well known Canadian Steteomnn, and Ex- Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, died on Monday ofternoon last nt the Windsor Hotel. Montreal. He was "professor of Internetional Law in La- velle University at the time of his death. Born in 1840, he was in his The size of American victories de- pends considerably on the source from which the report. comes. Few hves have been lost during the whole ~-onflict. and insurance companies will soon place war on the non-haz- ardous class of risks. Lord Wolseley is spoken of as the probable successor to Lord Aberdeen y. .. .m, _ in the Governor-Generdship of the Dominion. During the past week the progress of the Spanish-American war is more marked than formerly. In Cuba, a number of troops have been landed and skirmishes engaged in to the advantage of the Yankee forces Owing however to the difficulties in getting the war news, and the con- flicting reports that are still coming in some deapatches seem to lack confir- mation. In any event the Americans have the best of it, and Spanish power in America is fast nearing its end. A report from Guantanamo speaks of an engagement between nine hundred marines in a hand to hand encounter with three times their number of Spanish regulars and guerillas, and the defeat of the latter after thirteen hour’s fighting. In the east, Manila, pressed by hunger and hemmed in by Dewey and the insurgent land forces, is said to have surrendered to the Americans. THE Hanover Post says :-“License Commissioner Poehlman was at Dur- ham on Tuesday, and with his col- leagues formally passed over the li- cense to the new proprietor of the British Hotel. There seems to have been quite a pull between the friends of the Central and those of the Brit ish as to which should have the license. It strikes us. the Durham- ites, who attempted to dictate to the commissioners as to what was their duty, were just a little impertineut. But then it is well known that Dur. ham is the ‘hub’ of the Riding any- way ?” It may be that the people of Durham are “just a little imperti- uent” but in the face of the opinion 0! four-fifths of the citizens. inde- pendent of their political or other leanings. it seems that the Post shows considerable gall in dictating to us on the running of our local in- mitutions. Moreover the Commis- sioners themselves were not a unit on the license question. It is grati-‘ lying, however, to know that Mr. Puelman and the Post have such a deep interest in our well-ire and the civil authorities here would do well to get them to run the business for us. Such high handed, star chamber proceeding isn’t going to work long and the end is yet to be seen. The only commissioner interested in Dur- ham and the only one who knew a émnt.or cared for, our interests stood out against the granting of a license to the British Hotel in preference to the other, yet the Post criticises us for offering advice. You may be a useful man at hpme Bro. Mitchell, but kindly allow us to attend to our own business. DURHAM, June 16th, 1898. THE CHRONICLE. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church here joined the Endeavorers in the sister charge at Eugenia iua picnic on Friday af- ternoon last. In the evening the church was filled with an ap preciative audience and a pleasing program was rendered free by the joint societies. In the afternoon a return match was played between the Flesherton and Eugenia foot-ball teams resulting in a tieâ€"one goal each. The Quarterly Communion Service was well attended in the Presby- terian church on Sabbath morning last. Mr. A. J. Dan-och assisted the pastor by preaching at the pre- paratory service on Friday. ‘ Mr. H. D. Irwin preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath morn. ing, Dr. Christoe supplied for Rev. Legate at Maxwell and M. Richard- son for Rev. Simpson at Markdale. J. Bolan'l, J. Buchannan, F. Curry, Enphrasia tp.; Wm. Hendrv. J. Cor- bett, Proton tp.; F. Spofiard, D. W. Clinton, Osprey. Regular meetings will be held at Markdale and Thorn. bury and supplemantary meetings a: Rocklyn, Eugenia, Feversham and Dundalk, all of which timely notice will le given. Flesherton was again chosen far the next annual meeting. ll. Davis, Euphrasia tp.; Sec.- Treasurer, J. I. Graham, Artemesia 1p.; Direcmrs, B. Buchannun, H. Douglas, Artemeaia tp.; J. M. Davis, “I" On Tuesday night of last week a spark from the smokestack of Phil- lip’s portable saw-mill in the mill yard here set fire to a pile of slabs destroying over 25 cords and a small circular saw used for crosscutting the same. w-v â€"â€" 50, Feversham 37, Kimberley 21, Priceville 21. Oficers were eiected ”follows: Presldent. John Irwin, Colliugwood tp_. , V' we President, J. The annual meeting of the Centre Grey Farmers’ Institute was held in the town hall on Tuesday of last week. The neports presented show ship of 192 as follows: Walters Falls 21, Fleaherton 43: :I‘hornhury The contrac‘ for straightening the road and cutting down the horse- shoe hill 11 little east of the village was let on Friday last, Mr. F. T. Carr of Eugenia. securing the same at $550. Mr. A. J. Darroch, B. A. and the following members of his churchâ€" Mr. Wm. Lockhart; Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Thompson, Mrs. Mc- Gillivray, Miss Flora. Moore, Miss Parsons and Miss Quinn are attend- ing the meeting of the Owen Sound Association of the Baptist church at. Paisley this week. Mr. J. L. Wood, teacher at Port Law, 8. S. No. 8, is under the doctor's care and Mrs. A... T. Heron of this place has been engaged to take his school until holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell spent a couple of days with friends in the city. Warden Richardson is “tending county council at Meaford this week. Editor Thurston holidayed part of last week fishing at the Mad river. Mr. Charlie Richardson is home for holidays from Woodstock college. Mr. Fred Graham is nursing a. lame knee received by a blow from one of the ’bus horses at the post- oflice door on Monday. Mr. A. Karatedt and daughtér, Mrs. Ickler of Elmwood, are visitihg the farmer’s son and daughter, Mr. F. G. Karstedt and Mrs. F. Defoe. Mr. N. Campbell, of Thornbury, was in town on Monday and paid the Chronicle scribe a short. visit. Master Willie Southgate is visit- ing his uncla, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Poscmaster Thompson and wife, of Dobbington. are paying Mr and Mrs. Barnhouse a visit this week. One of the large chimneys on Mrs. Armstrong’s dwelling caught fire on Friday night last 3nd caused con- siderable excitement while the burn out lasted. The illumination was seen at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Rushton, from Allen- ford, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. Yon St. Fire Hall. urouto. March 16th. 1897. Gentlemen,--I have used Dr. Chase’s Kid~ neyLiver Pills for Billionsness and Con- Itipation. and have raved them the best that I have ever as --will use nothing else as long as the? are obtainable.-â€"Remaming yours respect ally, E. C. SWEETMAN. An exchange says: Gossip has made manv a home unhappy. Gossip has parted husbands from wives. Gossip has blackened and sullled the character of many poor girls. One little mia-step or indiscretiou will cause gossip to rise up in full strength and go on, her mission. Her, did we say? “'3 have our male gossipers. and flu :imes as .venomous as a fe- male as a rule. ' A gooi healthy male gossiper is about. the meanest. thing on earth. M "Sparlingâ€"Hnnterâ€"That Jno. P. Telford be appointed engineer to fill r eQuirements of By-Law No. 337. Carried. McKechnieâ€"Mooreâ€"That the engineer’s report be adopted re the petition of Con Knapp and others for granolithic sidewalk. Carried. Hnnterâ€"McKechnieâ€"That the Mayor, Reeve, Robt. Bull, Lock Blvidge, H. Parker. be a Court of Revision to act under ByoLaw No. 337. Carried. The Finance Committee considered the following acct. and recommended payment. Ed. Barnett, w’k on streets, $1.25 Geo. Russell, month’s salary, 817.50. R’d Ward, w’k on sidewalks. 5.00. Geo. Russell,Tags and Exp.Co. 3.25. D. McDonald, 1; yrs. Salary, -AA Health Inspector, 5.00 N., G. d: J. McKechnie, Flour for Mrs. Becker, 2.50. McKechnieâ€"Mooreâ€"That the re- quest of the Pin. Com. be adopted and cheques issued for the several amounts. Carried. NOTICE OF MOTION. Minutes of last regular and an quennt meeting read and adopted. McKechnieâ€"Mooreâ€"That the re- port of the Court of Revision be adopted, and the roll finally revised according to the same. Carried. Spitfigggvâ€"VJ-iâ€"uvntaâ€"That the re- quest of the Fire Brigade, re two electric lights for Fre Hall be grant- Afl- Carried. Members ptesent: Mayor, W. Calder; Reeve. G. Sparling; Conn- cillors. Bull, Elvidge, Hunter, Mc- Kechnie, and Moore. _ ‘ _“‘__‘ That I will, at the next regular meeting of the Council. introduce a By-Law to consolidate and amend previous By-Laws, for the better preservation of the order and morals of the town. Regular 00:11:51 meeting held Hon- 313 evening J une 6th, 1898. m Council adjourned. COURT OF REVISION. Second sitting of the Court of Re- vision met pursuant to adJournmeut 2nd June 1898. Appeal No. 6 taken up for consider- ation. Parkerâ€"Bullâ€"That a reduction of five hundred dollars be made to Robt. McGowan in the assessment on the property known south of Block C. Edge’s survey, also that the assess- ment of six hundred dollars on per- sonal property of Hewson Bros. be Struck ofi. Carried. Members present; Wm. Calder, R. Bull. 6. Sparling, B, Parker. Appeal No. 7 taken up for consid‘ eratinn. Sparlingâ€"Bullâ€"That a reduction of fifty dollars be made in the assess~ ment on Lot. Best part. of 27 Queen street East. Carried. Sparlingâ€"Parkerâ€"That the name of Robt. S. McGowan be plzoed on the Assessment Roll as joint owner. Carried Sparlingâ€"Bullâ€"That the follow- ing names be placed on the Assess- ment Roll, Walter Everett for Lot 8 Bruce St. E., and E. Fairtnan for lot A, Garafraxa St. E., and that the name of Daniel McDonald be struck ofl. Carried. Parkerâ€"Bullâ€"T'nat the Court of Revision be now closed and the as- sessment roll finally revised as adopted. Carried. 4.0 S. S. N0. 1, Normanby, Redford’s School. near Varney‘ will hold a pic- nic in the bush opposite McNaugh- ton’s residence on Saturday next . Sloan’s Indian Tonic is the first medicine to combine the tonic with the reconStruction treatment in the cure of disease. The blood is purified, new llood is made. the nerves, mus- cles and tissues of the heart, stomach, liver and kidneys are toned and strengthened, and then nature is en- abled to throw ofi the disease which has been ravishing the body. For constipation, catarrh and chronic rheumatism, Sloan’s Tonic is a posi- tive cure. Sold by all dealers. DURHAM June 8th, 18%. Fall Wheat.......,..... ...... 8] Butter ....................... 11 to 12 Eggs per (102 ......... 8 to 8 Apples. . . .per bag ........... 50 to l (I) Potatoes....perbag .......... . go to m Flour per cwt... ............. 200 to 2 75 Oatmeal per sack ............ 2 (D to 2 25' Chopper cwt ................ 100m 15. Dressed Hogs per cwt .......... 5 75 to 5 85: Hides....per lb ............ ., 7 to 7‘ Sheepskins .................. 65 to 1 (0, Turkeysperlb............,... W 9 to 10‘ Geese per lb ................ .. ' 5 to 6, Ducks per pair ..... . ......... 40 to 50 Quic‘kompor pain: ............ 99 “m to {I} Hay ......... Market Report. 00000-00060. 000000-0900. The First in the World. (Signed) Wu. CALDER, uAYOR . " I‘he people of Toronto ride bicycles. the wagons are pulled by mules, the street cars are run by electricity, and the city council is run by jackasses. so there is no demand for horses here.’ A man in Muskoka who had some horses to sell. wrote to a friend in To- ronto, asking if they could be sold in that city. The friend replied: PAINTS! RECRU'ITS WANTED FOR No. 4 00., to be on hand Saturday Night next. June 18th, 18%. The Co. will have: grand Band Parade on Monday evening. commencing at 6:3) p. m. The whole Co. require to be in full uniform. A. D. GALBRAITH_._ GIVEN THAT PURSUANT TO THE , Law on that behalf, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham. pur- poses to proceed with the Construction of GRANOLITHIC SIDE WALK PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY v On the East side of Garafraxa Street. be- ginning at Lambton Street extending north to Mill Street a width ofe feet then tocross Mill Street feet in width and opposite front of lot 1 on the East side of Garafraxa Street 8 feet, the total length of said walk is 311 feet. The total estimated cost of said improve- ments as appears by the report of the Over- seer or Engineer, dated June 6th. 18%, and now on tile in the Clerk’s oflice. is $232165 of which the Town’s share is mos payable in twenty equal instalments sufficient to cover interest at the rate of 4‘70 per annum, and a sinking fund for the talent of the said princi lsum, and the nds proposed to be equal y assessed therefor consists of: Cox; KNAPPj part 9Qo_tl3 East Garafran DI. CHAS“ mum-um PILLS RENDERED IT ”NECESSARY. Toomsnydooton mtoo mdyto no the knito. May 3 on in tut-{hood on the db: at arm‘s smhition to opu- sto who can! be and by the an 0! Dr. Chuc‘s K.-L. Pills. Tho one of [88. W. B. AIKEN, of Zephyr. Ont. is one in int. Her husband up thnt she had a doctoring with sever-.1 doctor: for Inflammation of tho Bladder for over 3 ' “ The lost bottle I got from the doctor he said if the: did her no good she would be compelled to hove on Opel-“ion per- formed. I luckily picked up 3 ample of Dr. Chue’e 1-1;. Pills in It. Defoe?- THE SURGEON FOILED. store. end my wife took one ill that night end one in the morning, en ehe hne never felt the lent sign of pain since. I will elmye keep Dr. Chue’e Pills in my bone. for ell on: lunily eoxnplnlnu." PUBLIC NOTICE ‘ Street. 96' feet. 878.72. WILLIAM LAIDLAW, part of lot 14 East Garafrnxa Street, 33 ft. 3 in.. $19.07. ROBERT MCFARLANE. part of lot 14 East Garafraxa. Street, 44 ft. 6 in., $36.49. WILLIAH CALDER, rt of lot 15 E. Gara- fran Street, 37 eet. “.24. Town SHARE, 6 ft. on Lambton Street. 66 feet across Mill Street. 37 ft. 9 in. oppo- site Town Hull, ”9.03. Will be held 3n [the TOWN HALL. DUB- HAM. ON Ffidgy t-he 24th dgy _of Jung,_1898, at 8 o’c10ck P. M. to take into consideration any am eals against the said pm sad as- sessmentorapportionmeuts uf sax walk. Dated at Durham. 9th day of J une, 1898. GEORGE RgSSBlip, _ BECfifii‘l‘é' ‘VKSTEDI Wanted to Perform an Operation. local Improvement, Durham. ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT A Court of Revision PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. 1. U3“: 1“.“ IL I]. Oflicer Commanding. prn Clérk. ‘Have You am so Our Show Room is ape” all times for you to call and see our new ALSO Plows, 2-furr0w single: Turnip Sowers. Barrows, Buggies ‘ Waggons etc. etc. DON’T FORGET that we sell 1h! Pm W311 _Fencing_ and 81m JOHN LIVINGSTON. Am‘ Lower Town, FIRE INSURANCE Co's Of Blankets, Holland T‘ Yun. Randygmade (310023;; We wanna hear from W 1th, Bandy-mace Llww'wwd my be had in exchange ‘0’ 6800381138 1x (31mm VARIET" 81“: mm“. 21de can ixzsirei you in the CHEAPEST aniBEbT “Farmer-8' Grey 8: Bruce"anl other good Companies Show Room open every day. NURSERY STOCK ? host Wood and perhapt- hund reds'? \\ hen I,” and to pay 5'0" 7 fake answen‘. 1" ticula rs about ,w know it is U. k. munications are Cochrane’s 01d Foundry. 00L ANTED. st'fict! ' wfi \ (I I, § .0 ‘Kbfll Binder m Mower hi Steel Bah Durhll Ind we still bad roads. '1 all kind tint “break up.' "lit “breaks up” is like :1] tint breaks up, a poor Whalfom building is rig M In this country. to» Baht: will no more think {Ef'ltlletl’reak up in the thy will think of const “It bruit up in the spring bulk up in the spring. 01“ break up in the spring. { The rotd builders of t h" not given sufficient. to the effect at building 1:! tttqr year work 0 DO we ”tally want 80‘ mm preferabie‘ ted Wodhtely the [all r ridges for a considerable met. A row which d .w mud. The money an a it, is largely forced d mud, in plowed under w ad wasted. A good rou ml road. nlly- teaches us the I’M. that are E which will withsta the Inbor and mu m be a Infill}! in" ‘3 "tymastor 4000 In front wil: be of din

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