Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1898, p. 1

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fpper La all points Valuss in these. Lg ne very highly recom' [lfilfifil In all who have (I it Tn a package. H15) keep Miller’s [tic s and bri gg’s Y “ )) LlLJi") 1.13, RLANE ' IS GRE old favorites Vim :11:th sheep raise“) (mac’s , Oce 3 Pure Better ones at 153. :. Boys‘ 31th . Heavy. For m as. 0" “A, 9:90. a pair. an at is still good, Prices Are [U .A‘ICe Cream Social will be hold I: the S ch00! House S. S. No.12, aremom‘ known as Wilder’s Tuesday evening, 3000 D. m. Admission 100. 00d. pmgl‘am Provider] In. OLA x.“ .y Agricultural So- . ' old their annual exhibition A" Durnam on Tuesday and Wednes- ‘0‘) ”If 27m and 28th of September. ~her bocieties will bear this in mind W {hen in the?rtr}'e£pect;blo “bud; . . 'm .. except}: t mmd.‘ "' I... “id tn -_-_ up 0‘ Mt. We ~-. 1116”!» 138‘ a row 00" {Ween a couple of Junk men ¢ four citizens. who is alleg- Mo have . Aumox SALE of Farm Stock, Im- Dlemeuts and Household Furniture on June fist, at Lot 70, con. 2 Ben- [inck the property of Mr. E. Aldred. bee bills. Jas. Carson, Auctioneer. I DOyou want to know where you can buy the neatest, strongest. and best buggy in Durham. ’hy, at W- Calder’s Ware-rooms and at jUSt 3 little above cost price. and decided {J ‘ km for the 12: h ’ DIRHAM District. L. O. L. met bare on Tuesday. received reports of previously appointed committees, Ifit’s genuine amusement you’re after on Dominion Day, Durham is the only place on earth to . - at. ' real Stuff. 3 the 3 The Turf Club offers 3350 for mass on the first. The track is in better condition than ever before and a good time is expected. The Town Uouncil gives notice in this issue re construction of Grano. litnic sidewalks. See it. Ixsrnz your buildings in the old reliable London Mutual Ins. CO. W. Calder, Agent, Durham. “mm-A girl capable of taking charge of housework, Apply to Mrs. E. W. Limin, Considerable improvement has been mm: m the race course during the past week. FOR some unknown cause two whistles blew the same time on TuesJaY- -Closing out a line of Factory flannels and Yarns below cost. at. Mockler’s The volunteers go to camp at Nia- gm on Tuesday next. The Ameri- mama,» look out for a raid of Red- coats 011 Buffalo. FOR 3 good scuflier at a very reason. able price go to W. Calder’s warg. THE boys say Tom Whelan did his work like a little man on Saturday night. EPWORTH League missionary even- ing Monday next. All are invited. RECRL’ITS wanted for Co. No. 4. See Adv’t. , __.-._â€"_ VOLUME 31. Y night last a row 1m Social will be held >’. House S. S. No. 12, known as Wilder’s .‘uesday evening, Jane D. m. Admission 10c. 1m provided for the ._---v via-um IMF fi’ push arrangements Mn. A. C. MaoFarlane, teller in the Standarnganj at Canniugton has been promoted to a. similar posi- tion in Piot-on, one of the ”guide; all drug snares. Sloan’s Indian Tonic has cured more cases of blood and skin diseases such as eczema, scrofula, pimples and syphilitic sores, than all other reme- dies combined. Besides bemg a most powerful blood punifier it. is an ex- cellent tonic and cures by" assisting nature to throw 03 the disease. A. {1.09 bottle lasts six weeks. .. Sold at A MEETING of the Public Library Directors was held in the Reading Room on Friday evening last for the general transaction of business, pass- ing of accounts, etc At the close of the meeting a pleasant announce- ment was made by Dr. Gun, the Pres- ident, who intimated the kindness of Rev. Mr. Stewartin presenting to the Library an excellent volume. The Dr., not to be outdOne in generosity, presented also to the Institute two, very fine scientific works nicely ,bound and of considerable value. lBut the presentation of the evening, for which every member of the insti- tute should feel grateful, was that made by Professor Browne. our artis- tic photographer, whose donation consisted of a large framed picture of all who took part in the “Temple of Fame” entertainment, held here over a year ago. This real 'work of art is to be hung up in the Reading Room. where we trust it will serve the double purpose of giving pleasure to all who may see it as well as adver- _. tise the business of the liberal donor whose unsurpassed skill as an artist. has won for him a wide reputation. Hearty votes of thanks were tender- ed to all who had made such material contributions to the Library and Reading Room.. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Petty. Normanby. on Wednesday. June 8th when their second daughter. Annie, was united in marriage to Mr. Albert C. Mar-.hall also of Normanby. A few minutes after five o’clock p. m. in the presence of a goodly number of friends Mr. Geo. Petty, brother of the bride support- Iing the groom and Miss Mary Marshall of Durham, attending the bride, the ceremony was solemnized by Rev. J. W. Kitching. This part of the proceedings having been complete all heartily enjoyed a tea which was very tastefully and beautifully pre-i pared. The evening was very en- joyably spent in outdoor as well as indoor amusements. The best wishes of the community go with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and the hope is cherished that they may long en- joy life together and that prosperity may attend all the labors of their hands. ON Friday afternoon last, a very successful test of a road grading ma- chine was made in town in the pres- ence of a goodlv number cf witnesses who were all satisfied with the char- acter of the work done. About ; thirty or forty rods of road on Bruce ESt. were boulevarded and rounded up gin the centre in a few hour’s time 'and it now presents a good appear- lance. The machine is made by Saw- lyer Massey of Hamilton and the I price is $250. idents of this town, to Messrs. Mack Joseph Manley, and Thos. Francis Stockton respectively. The ladies are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLellan well known here. which will be given sold at the lowest cash price; First door west of the Middaugh House. 3 Eczema Easily Cured. Any person 0., of Toronto ,t 0f binders [MSG popular Calder their .A circular has been sent out by the Minister of Education to the Inspec- tors- and High School Principals throughout the Province. 'A few modifications are made" for the academic year 1898.9 In the Public School Leaving physiology and tem- perance are substituted as in 1898' for botany. No examination will be held in part II of form II and no '*certificatQ.that give mere primary standing will be issued after 1898. Unsuccessful candidates at the junior and senior leaving will be allowed to write in 1899 on their respective examinations by selecting the same Options as were allowed in 1898. Candidates for junior and senior leaving standing will be required to make 50per cent. of the aggregate ,marks allowed in the subjects pre- scribed inâ€" each of the forms or parts 'of forms; as well as one-third in each paper ; 67 per cent. of the aggregate of each form examination will be re- quired for honors in that form. The final eXamination in May of any year without attendance at the Normal College. and may 000508 themselves to the same subjects as taken previously: Teachers of" ten year-8’ successful experience Who hold' some School. certificates granted 'holqu. 1898 and whé have ‘- - _-j-_:.. Abulzn- No 'l‘umns AFTER ’98-CIRCULAR Smxr Um BY THE MINISTER or EDUCATION. Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie and her daughter, Mrs. Colin McLaughlin, of Port Huron arrived Tuesday on their way to Glenroaden. Mrs. McKenzie is returning after spending the win- ter at Port Huron. Rev. Mr. Charlton, of Hanover, under the auspices of the Epworth League preached here and at Zion on Sunday last, the Rev. Mr. Ferguson taking his place in Hanover. Mr. Alex. Hunter, of 'deaukie, onlv son of the late Alex. Hunter, at- tended the burial on Wednesday of the remains of his sister, Mrs. Robb. Cochrane. Mrs. L. Ludlow, of PortiHuron re turned home Tuesday via Durham after paying a visit to her father, Mr Sinclair and other friends near Flesh erton. tions are delighted that he is to con- tinue his labors amongso them. Mr. an! Mrs. Wm. Kitching. of Nassagaweya were guests of their nephew Rev. Mr. Kitching, here, on Friday and Saturday last. Mrs. Robert Gray, of Hamilton, has been home to attend the death- bed and burial of her mother, Mrs. Robert Cochrane. Mr. Benjamin D. Firth, son of Mr. Christopher Firth left for Cleveland, Ohio. where he has secured a. lucra- tive situation. Barrister Batson is attending the County Court sittings at Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davidson, of Wiarton attended the funeral of Mrs, Boulden, the farmer’s grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Routledge and chil- dren. of Mexico are visiting the lat- ter’s relatives, the Anderson family here. Mr. and Mrs. Heron, of Flasher- con visited friends in to‘Wn on Satur- day last. Mr. John Moire! prince of Price ville urday. Mrs. Dr. Wolfe Cecil are visiting EDUCATION REGULATIONS. at the vu UV“U“1 ' in town thisâ€"veeek. Mrs. James Boulden, of were in town Monday. ..Wolfe and her little son. UV“, iting at Mount H0139. McArcnur, the merchant icademic standing. : was in town Sat- _ Cash and One Price. 3 Oman’ BLOCK. ........ Lm â€"v----U' V““‘cu. Williems _ McMillan â€" That the Reeve and Dep-Reeve be a committee to investigate a ditch at lots 42 and 43, con. 3 E.G.R.â€"â€"Carried. Firthâ€"Williamsâ€"That the Reeve and commissioner for ward 2 be a committee to investigate the estate of the late Ann McMillan and report at next meeting of council.â€"Carried. ' McMillanâ€"Firt'll-V-‘illlet e121; Colu- missioner be allowed to spend $50 in his ward for repairing of roads for 1898. ~Carried. McMillanâ€"-McFadJen - That the Municipal World be paid $7 55 for collectors’ rolls, pathmasters’ lists aniogher forms. ~Carr'ied. McFaddenâ€"-Firth-That the Assess- ment roll as finally revised by the Court of Revision be received and adopted, and that the Clerk certify to the same, and that the Assessor be ..... ___ vn-vvnvu "U tenant for l'ots 45 and 46, con. 1, N. D. R. The Roll as so amended was paeeed and the court rose. -v- 'v. vvtto U, L‘o U. L».; '1n080 ween. ah entered for lot 58, con. 3 E. G. R.; Allan Cameron ent ered for lot 8. con. 2, N. D. R._; »F.-_Shields entered as 3 of .8, con. 1 E. G. R- Arch. McGil- 7 vray and Hugh McKechnie entered ucxuu wr 10: w. 16, con. 4, N. D. R.; Thos. Davis and W. H. Arrowsmith entered for lot 19. con. 5, as owner and tenant respectively ; John Nichol jr. entered for lot 47, con. 1 S. D. R.: 0°11- 2: N. D. R.: Arch. McPhee en: t_e_1'ed for 10: W. 16, con. 4. N- D- R . , v "â€"7â€"- vs tllc LUVVIISIUD 0t Glenelg met as a Court. of Revision on May 28th. All the members pres- ent. Mr. Staples was voted to the chair. Appeals were heard and the R011 amended as follows : |'I he- Coutmil of THIRTY DAYS NEXT GLEN ELG COUNCIL THE FOR the To_wn_ship of ',’ med and Untrimmed l’ Hats, Within the next i-Thirty Days. We, are going to let the Low Prices do the Work. The Reason of this sale is to make room for a Large Shipment of Ready-made Clothing, which we expect shortly. We have tully decided to clear out every dol- lar’s worth of our Trim- N. McGillvray, J. Newell, Katie; Young. Iut’d l.--Eiias Edge, R Dunsmore. Jr,-Smity Eu en, Andy Vessie, Archie Watson. C. Fletchur, 'I‘eachev. | U. S. S. No. 2, Bentinck and Glen- elg, for April and May. Class 4.â€" Malcolm McKechnie. 3rd.â€"Peter McGillvray, May Young. Sr. 2nd.-â€". Agnes Vessie, Annie McGillvray, Rose Ewen, James Vessie. Jr. 2nd. -â€"Alfred McKechnie, Tenn. Nowell,~ Addie Ewen. Pt. 2 -â€"Ella. Edge, F. Collinson, Minnie Vessie. Sr. 1â€"~ A. Twamley. Sr. 3rd.-â€"Vida Burns” Lizzie McDougal. Jr. 3rd.â€"Lizzie Forster. Lizzie Nuhn. Sr. 2nd.-â€" Dan McDougall, C C McDougall, and: Andy McDougall, aeq., Maggie Mc- Kechuie. Sr. Pt. 2nd.â€"-Lizzie Mc- Callum, Arthur Adlam, Tommy- Hopkins, Johnny Clark and Mary Mcl’xechuie aeq. Jr. Pt. 2nd.â€"Cyrit, Burns, Johnny Long. lst.â€"â€"Johnny McKechnie, Katie Nuhn. A. H. Clark. Teacher. ______ v!- ll huul‘ Council adjourned to meet July 4th. at 10 a. m. J. S. BLACK, Clerk. Firmâ€"Méfifiiinl‘ffiié 5:133:31: be paid $2.08 for postage.â€"Cart:ieq.l_1 “AI-fin:' ‘ ’:‘-_--_A vvâ€"v v “ovoL'. val. McFAdtâ€"iéri-ZMcMillan â€" That Guy- Wiliiams be paid 81 for repairing:- rond a_t_ lot 1, _cpn. 4 N.D.R.-Carried. SCHOOL REPORTS; S. S. No. 6, Bentinck. Class 4.- Willie Currie, ”Adf‘liq Cg_r_r_ie,_ Mary WilliamséMcFaddenâ€"Thgt c3;;r< for ward 3 be paid $1 for committee may}: 1:6 Anderson bridge.â€"Carried. colm McCormick be paid the sum of 67?), part pay on deviation on lot 27, con. 2, E. G. R.â€"-â€"Carried. Williamsâ€"McFaddenâ€"That Robt. Bartley be paid 350. for removing timber, lot 21, con. 3 E.G.R.â€"Car. vâ€"v‘ v Statin name, address inac‘her, school and‘ which lamination, ail information about competition will bencheerfuilg furnished- \V. H. SHAW. ovv- .u Mention this paper _ â€"~--'“ v UV“- LEGE is worth ginning. ENTRAS ‘3. an . LEAVING Candidates for the next ex- anunation have the chance this you. By' wr‘f:t\n On “‘ A A FREE Q cmmu BUSINESS cmmii 1. 811A W. â€"- â€" PRINCIPAL. Kongo Gerard Stan, Toronto. LOWER Town. SCHOLARSHIP _---v' OF TORONTO. M44 is; Iv

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