Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1898, p. 12

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Oct. 2nd. v _- “u, Ul'Jli‘u lJUl§ 1‘ 8 cos 21EGREMUNT,A.\‘I)30N toneewion 4, S. D. R. Glenelg. Lot 8 (”twists of NI) mares. JO acres cleared, well watered wull {8110.11, free from stone, w u-res fit to run machinery over. Good large brick house. hank barn, small orchard. com. \mvient to whorl. 7 mile” from: Durham Ln 3 Glnnelg cousinta nf 5! acres. 30 cleared “lam-e hardvumd hush. Clear title. “ill .4,» mid an; any terms. For further particu- hn apply nu the premiws to Juux WHIT- umu-z. Dnmmu. P. U. Apr. 981:. ".8 'Zm. IN the Town of Durham 00 (’1'er nit-.lu. mg a valualp rm 3r bnck dwelling and man; ruilding lots will hemld in one hts. Also lnt No.‘1).con., 2. W Township of Bentinck, 1(1) acrea, I 'ovyn _,plot Durham. â€" “v I" Fve rooms on Garafraxa. St. Half an acre of grom . 200d stable, opposite the eld (Imtlwy. rd llotel. Also a good oom- Smable cottage on Countess Street West. five. rowan. stome cellar, first class water, Mable. half an acre hf land, small orchard. etc. Will rent or sellou easy terms. For lurtlner particulars apply to vvmuy I BRICK RESIDENCE on Bruce street I; ntmeys high. Haiti and soft water, good cellar and every convenience. Quarter of an new 03' land, good garden. bearing fruit new. etc. Rent reawnnble or will sell at a bargain an easy terms of ayment. Posses- z-iun given July lst. Fir nrtlmr particulars aplply to GEO. HINU, Durham. .... l‘. m A, 7' ‘HAT’ _._SPLEN DI D 8 ROOM ED h-.-â€"‘ â€"vâ€" _ N0. 1]. Bentinck, 2nd or 3rd class mrtificate. male or female. Applicatioms Mating salary will be received by the recretary up to the afternoon of Saturday. June 25.1)uties to commence on Aug. 15. THUS MILLIGAN. Sec’y June 7, 18%. Durham P O, Ont. I CAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. J CONVEYANCEB. COMMISSIONER in H. C J. Collections prum ptly attended t0. LOANS and Insurance. effected without deâ€" lay. ()muxvanyaml Private Funds to Loan It .3, bfi and 6 per rout. in sums and upon ____. wrv- terms to suit borrowefl. A General Financial Business Transacted UI-‘l-‘lCE-l door North 0! 8. Scott’s Store. April 13th. TEASDALE FARM: Lot 30, can. 2. W'. G. 8.. Bentinck, will be sold for little more than Mr. Teasdale paid for it, and since then a 31W brick dwelling has been built and other improvements made. HASBACH Rum at Lamlash. T . of Ben- tinck, 100 acres, less probab y 3 acres sold off ; close to Lamb-sh village; well improved; will sell at a great bargain 01' trade. Ala) ACRE FAR)! in good settlement in Beutiuck for, any 83.30. Should bting far more. “nu-4E, frame stable and good lot. at Allan Park. Must give this away If I can't sell or trade it off. $0318 CHOICE Haxovzn PROPERTIES for Sale or to exchange fur firm property. 3.10an AT :3 mm can. FIRE. Marine. Life and Accident Insurance. Notes and Accounts Collected. Ocean Tickets for sale. ALWAYS PROMPT. Never negligent. H. H. MILLER, And other strains and produce following Laud M CST nucreaae in price. so that NowhtheTimetoBuy! Mossy-W L MacKenzie has company Sud private funds to loan on farm property a! 5 gm} 5-; per cent, in sums and upon terms I» wit b-n'réwers. you BALANQQOI: '38 FOR_ 8 éjlerit Wins Success. WITH WHEAT A332 nine 6. '98. tf N SADDDER STREET EAST DA... -t “1:33:03 §ALE, BEING 'Or Sale or To Rent. GOOD ROUGH CAST HOUSE If you want to buy either a farm or til 1888 Drmpfirt)’ 68110" H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Canveyancer. He has the following places which for speci- al rennin» must be sold at once at any reasonable price that may be offered : l‘HE EDGE PROPERTY House to Rent. Teacber Wanted . L. MaCKENZXE, I machinery over. Good large auk barn, small orchard. cun' hOUL. 4 miles frum Durham (ohsptxfl 5! acres. 30 clear“! The Hanover Conveyancer CARDS. 60. mm. 2. W. OUR: Ick, “Dacron, adjoining '1 for part purchase GEO. MIGHTON Durham. P O Sale JAMES EDGE. Educ mu, P. o a ‘valualvle A water : 091m t y of Priée, urn-5'" VI lvauwu INSURANCE ukongétly attended to ISSUER of Marriage Linceses. OFFICE WAREfiOOMS. The RAY norm SEWING MACHINE _ .I...-.---- 2-, . u . . MO BUGGIES.-~I carry full lines of the Tudnope and McLau Min Buggies, Democrats, Carts c. {these are bought in large c nan’ities, freight saved, and can be said cheap. IF you are in need ofa Plow. Harrow. (r'ang Plow or anvthiug else in this line he euro andcall. ' MY Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of MASSEY. . 11.313313 IMPLEMENTS -.v-.. “ML'IUL‘ ~-7-_~., lIJ Including Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, bpring 'l‘ootli Barrows. 820. These are the best machines yml can buy and are made by a reliable Firm. WAGO‘NS. -â€"A car load nf Aaamn. MCINTYRE’S BLOCK MONUMENTS, BEA DSTONES, MANTELS, Etc. DURHAM MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS. I AS THE LARGEST STOCK IN ONTARIO TO SELECT FROM, cum prising Scotch, American and Canadian (iranite and Marble. 20/: discount on Mar- ble. N0 Agents commission. All work warranted. Railway fare anowed purchas- ers who call at the Shop. MARBLE and GRANITE DEALER, OF M OUNT FOREST. COCHI:AXE.-In Durham on Monday June l3rh, Janet Hunter, beloved wife oer. Rubt Cochrane, aged 63 years. MCCOBMACKâ€"At Gienroden, Gluene} , on Fnday, June 10th, Miss Anme L cCor- mack, aged abmt 40 years. BOULDBxâ€"At the residence of her son near Elmwmxl. on Saturday, June the 11th, Susanna Lyons relict of the late Thomas Boulden, In her 83rd Year. S’r()NEâ€"GL'XN.â€"At the Middangh House, Durham, on 'J'hnrsday, June 9th. by Rev. W. McGregor. Mr. Wakefield Stone of Bond Head to Miss Frankie Gunn of Rosemont. MARSHALLâ€"PmYâ€"At the residence of the bride’s parems near Varney, Wed- Pe‘d‘.‘}'° 311199 8th,_by Rev. J. W. Kitch- SPAR! IXG. â€"In Durham on Tuesday June 7th to Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sparling a daughter. A Running Sore Pronounced Incur- able by Eight Doctorsâ€"Cured by Dr. Chase. Mr. R. D. Rabbins. 148 Cowan Ava. To- ronto, saysrâ€"“I had a had leg which was simply unsightly. From below the knee to the ankle was one great sore. Eight doctors treated me without benefit. I was induced to try Dr. Chase’s Ointment which cured me. and all that remains to be seen is the â€"For good second hand cooking stov,e a parlor stove, a table, lock- ing chair, glass case, glass cupboard apply to Mrs Ed. Lauder, neur the Durham Creamery. For Sale by McFarlane Co. mu). "IUL LOAN at 5 and terest on your own terms 5;% in~ -v“u Ul nuulll a Wagons arrive this week. For an easy running, well finished “'agon nothing can excel them waguns. Asthm'l'ondlms. and are but me as stone: to more rations mgfiafions if :1 ed. DB. AGNEW'S TABBHA POWDER Bpomrfiprdnmharmlasandquick-acdmgnd will can all such (mutantâ€"relieves in :0 minutes “Imbut ' Dr.A.gnew’sCatzrrhalPow- dd 3 won medicine. Hannah-(lg for singers and. public rt"; 14 and vi were both subjects of onsilitis an Catarrh. and never found mything to equal this grunt remedy for quick action and curative qualitiaâ€"it is a wonder works. I finally recommend it to my brotherprobsiomh' Al. Emmet: Postal. Actor. New York Cityâ€"31 Furnished on the Shortest Notice and at Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. Actors, Singers, Speakcrs colds. mambo“ ticklmginthe (krona: lug. dropping in the th pain over the eyes. throat, etc”; all these forerunners of Cat. ---'v-. i112. B'. A.. Mr. Ailxa'rtnfivlé‘rhia'l'l'to Miss Annie Petty, both of Normauby. DIED. \V M. MCCALMO N, . W. GARDINER, MARRIED. BORN. 57W mu:- m mines. Thesedefiwo organs being avenged be- me susceptible to bend coldginfluenzahoaneoes. lag, dropping in the throat. pain over the eyes. dry throat, em; all these are forerunners of Catan’h. entertainers. fingers. at- ‘ze best makes of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, June 16th. l898. years ago. Six daughters and two Binmrth {sons are still living, most. of them 60 Day ‘an v g'uuwnuno . ‘ "1“. conmsted of nine children in all, one ! Home l RESTON for spraymg‘ pl]! llUbtv [of whom (Mrs. Fleming) died a few seekers’ vBSTEVAN MW. â€" - :1“ Ontario and the others in Mani- Vm'm’u ' ° x- lslii. itobn. Having been reared undenEXCflfSIflflS REGINA C. P. R., 0008.11 suffix a]. ichurch of England influences she‘ Upper Lake llCl\L[- after her marriage became amemhar ‘ ,f lmvesl iof the Methodist church which Prince mm } $35 to all PM!“b “‘ ‘. {1 rates. Come to “5 U {relation uncil her death she faitli- canad'an fully held. The funeral took place! A a RED DEER } , . on Wednesday, June 8th and a,_{,"0nh WBOIJ “0 any lDfOl‘lllathlL , ' Go' June2833turmng° until Ang.2 34 large number of friends was! mg (AllRail or S. emulate.) 7 -â€".â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€",â€"_â€"â€"â€"-~r_ present. to pay their last tribut - ' 9 ‘0 Go' .J 13 .clie departed and also to express, (A mull.) , . v1 I their sympathy and regard for. the Goingluly 14}Retmgt11180pt 12' M’FARLANL 60- sor-rowing family- An impressive 8.8.3;th ' service was held in the Methbdist.flmng° J- 19 BM‘ “1130 t. 17. ‘ohurch Varney and n short sermon “I, . P m interred in the Maple Hill Pum- Amt. 1 Kill: 8t. Eat. Toronto. . V . . (1811.910. cam-tor: then. to await a... 1m B... Ianurhne,’ Jr”5 Agnt. Bum LOWER TOWN D ‘ Whose maiden name was Mary Sirrs was born at Enniskiilen, Ireland, in the year 18:24, and in 1829 emmigrated with her parents day, June 10th, at her home near Glenroaden, in the Tp. of Glenelg. About the let of March last the de- ceased had an attack of pleurisy and heart trouble but under Dr. Park’s attendance was doing well and was thought to be out of danger, but a few days ago the same trouble re- turned and on Friday last death en- sued. Her remains were laid to rest in the Rocky Saugeen Cemetery on Monday, June 13th. A large con- ii.th, conducted the services. taking for his text the 15th chapter I Cor. and 57th verse, and gave an excellent address from the words: "But thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The deceased requested before her death to sing at her funeral the hymn en- titled, “0 happy day that fixed my choice," etc. She died in the full assurance of a glorious resurrection. The bereaved family have the sympa- thy of the entire community. The dark shadow of death has again crossed the threshold and another is called away to join the great and silent majority in the person of Miss Annie McCormick, who died on Fri- day, June 10th, at her home near Glenroaden, in the Tp. ol Glenelg. AI. ..... L‘- “" HRS. rues. BOULDER. And still another pioneer of Dar- ham has passed be) and that bourne from which no traveller returns. This week we have to chronicle the ,death, in her eighty-third year, of ngs. Thomas Boulden whose death ltook place on Saturday last at the i home of her son James, of Elmwood, .whom she went to visit just three [weeks before her mortal remains I were laid to rat in the Durham Cem- ietery on Monday last. The deceased {was born Sept. 30th in the County of ‘ Kent, England. In 1836 in her native county she was married to Mr. Thos. Boulden who died twenty years ago. In 1858, she with her husband and six children, three sons and three daughters. emigrated to this country and settled in Durham where she has since resided. The surviving children i are James, of Elmwood, Wm. J., of North Dakota. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Kenzie, of Durham. The deceased old lady was always Strong and healthy, never knowing sickness un- til a few weeks before her death. She frequently went out for a walk and felt pleased to know that she was able to get around so well. Her mental faculties remained with her to the last and her stories of inci- frequently told with marvellous clearness and accuracy. The bereav- ed famaliea have the sympathy of the Cunostcw in their trouble. Mrs. Robert Cochrane only daugh- ter of the late Alexander Hunter and beloved wife of Mr. Robert Cochrane, of Durham, died on Monday morning last at the age of sixty-three years. {Though ailing from heart trouble for some time it was not thought that death was so near, but since the 3 sudden death of her daughter a few lmonths ago, she has teen failing1 rapidly. The greater portion of the? life of the deceased lady was spent ' in Durham and its immediate vicin- ity. She leaves two sons, both rec siding in Manitoba, and three daugho ters: Mrs. Robt. Gray, of Hamilton, Mrs. Morlock and Miss Kate both of whom live in town. Mrs. Cochrane was a strict member of the Presby. terian Church, and was highly re- 8Pected by all who knew her. The funeral took place on \Vednesday afternoon. We join in the general Sympathy for those who have been called upon to mourn the departure of SO many loved ones during a few short years. OBITUARIES. axxw M'OORMICK. . E . ALDRED and leading systems in cutting, is now prepared to turn out all work entrusted to him in the very latest style, and on the shortest notice Now that the holiday season is at hand. and perhaps you will be thinking of going 03 on a trip. don’t forget to leave your order for a suit of clothes with gs. ALLAN, It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to anormal condition the infant, the child and the? adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita- tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of 633550 Be sure you get SCOTT'S Ennis“ 50c. and 81.00. all druggists. SQOTL 30"}! E. Chemists, Tomato. It is a strcngthcnfng food and tonic, remarkablc in its flash-fem ing properties. It contains Cod- Livcr Oil cmulsificd or partially digestcd, combincd with thc well- known and highly prized Hypo- phosphitcs of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is matuiallv “ The Walkerton Council is wrest- ling with the question of laying the stone pavements outside the shade trees. To the Council of Walkerton we say by all means put them out. The Guelph Council had the same question before them years ago, and it is safe to say that the bitterest op- ponent to have them put out, will acknowledge to-day that he was wrong. Guelph has close on twenty. five miles of stone pavement and they are all out on the streets with the exception of the main streets or in a few cases where the streets are nar- row. lf Walkerton wants to have well kept lawns and a tidy looking town by all means, put out the side- walks.” What is Scott’s Emulsion ? What Will It Do? The Guelph Mercury gives advice to Walker-con on the building of side- walks. It says: resurrection We sorrow not as those without hape for her dying testimony was. “I’m Going Home." The fullest sympathy of the com. munity is extended to her surviving partner and to the family at home and abroad. The Put Them Outside. Artistic Taxi Al‘tiSth Ta 1' JAS. ALLAN. iii Strictly Pure '. P ' R", Ocean Steamship L'Ppel‘ Lake Tickets to all paints at lowest rates. Come to us fUl' any information. COOper’s Sheep Our Assortmentis still good. and The Prices Are Tempting. Straw Sailor A few nice Blouse Le still left. They are Spl Value at 300. a yard Laces and Embroideries Black Heavy Cotton Hose. 2 pm for 250. Better ones at 15, 20 25c. pair. Boys' Ribbedfln' Extra Heavy. For and PARIS GREEN, HELEBORE, COPPER SULI’HATE. and other Insecticides for spraying purposes. You will be phased with our stock of these. Val. edges, from 1; to 15¢. 3 yard. Insertions to match, Outline of Embroideries at 7c. . yud will surprise you. Is very higth recom- mended by all who have used it. Try a package. We also keep Millel‘ ’8 Little’ S and Brigg 8 (all old fax mites “1th prominent sheep l'aisel‘s.) HATS; 'I :3?!” that company 1:118 “a W‘lthtm. have secured ! Lyman“ of these watt! b.1390!!! has now moved I Dom Ilr. Gordon’s new jawell e. mimisunt. Mr. McKimm him-elf will be found there at l nfron9 t. m. to 9 p. :11. ea wheat :11 clients. ConvontioKBf the South Gm lath School Association will . in the Presbyterian ch u re km. on Tuesday June 28th. '. HUGE FIRTH is busily en gap; in: up fences. He is agent f lam Peace of Windsor, and i In! tint he has enough work him going all summer. n8uudny. Rev. Mr. Charis mover will occupy the pulpit. llotllodlot church, preaohil unmou- to the voang peup re welcome. Gre Co ° Infoulyon )[ondsy men for t] when of business. ’1'"; two on Wedneslsy mornin thousands of dollar king well, but needq the request of a numoea m the County Promotion nion will be postponed 5th and 17th of June to the Pith. 'mkutnnteed not to .Ron‘. BARBOUR. of Egremoq dogging one day last week 114 lidortnne to have his leg Mom '0 plan. He is doing: well u* betratment of Dr. Jamiesom mMnite has yet been d lunatic exact nature of ti finial!” celebrations. but t‘; Iittaillosing no time in collec Ina-ill for 3 first class dag re[Mir 1n; ‘quIOUOll over of it. cominissionerss .ir'emllnrity or ille of u number y Promotion '. postponed fl :- qu!

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