Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1898, p. 9

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wu men Iiviug in St. Helena '5 8 301'!) rvfigvertivel‘y in 1798 ‘. . ’ 1UP not the onLy persons now “I. whn have seen Napoleon the G". as Dr» Moleyns,~u who W” it: By years County Court Jndl‘ “TONY. whn was canted '0 “10 It“: In 1.831.. and appointed a nap! m 185599rved in his 031,3 iln the rqyalAmvy. M1194 . raid that a good many a fees invalided from Her Ilry corps. amend Milburn's Heart 3nd Nam m Inyoue Brn'fcrmg from nervomm Ila u" tranbia. They no I upland)! chino for such complfiintu. ForOa L0 1 wan arthcted with nonma- n in my heart, which m upodllly are at ngut. often destroying my I'll no [1.1 s vured me and invigorated ll! mu! UL U‘J‘q‘_\). ftfsk' «If t1“; inmatw h‘VQ '39“ ‘t 11‘s P’ace Farm, as the heapital “ the "at“. rust-r’s pony to the proud. 0““. 1w.) ..r many a thrilling fight- :3» hm. of the stable is a: vow?" Tel-t '~I\'eizir named “3030*” "o. iwn in the stable three ’93 oo serious a condition a. neglect. Guelph harness maker “Ill how he was cured. spoken 'ons swiern Wizir'h is now votrong ”a thy '1 hr _v restored restful limp” mung the (lxstressing heart pins 'hl‘ xerly gave me so much unioty M «- “flu gag. "Vuxfiuiaéé‘h'éa""31 this 00“ .onger useful, have t0 1’” bag. rate of “32.50 per week. 1"“ thaw .1 cases are admitted at 105’ i. some 60 cents per “103- d it .ost of them am cab how ‘13.. PAIN IN THE HEART. and was 2- Liver Pills euro Constipation. r. Wm. Dyson. the w: harness maker of Ga following statement: «(eeeeeeeeeeeeaead AFLOAT WITH NAPOLEON. E((((((((((((((. re th 1! x all. You can u litetime of suffering. It isn't the child’s fin kidneys need siren. that’s all. You can't Mr. John Carson, W" M. S. Bradt Co.’s store, Hag. Donu's‘ Kgouzv PILL: Him 05 luxurious case (01’ “V" lo‘nts at“. managed with on!” “Liness, and their feed i8 50 m. rm: some of them must a“?! V8 on Mv -- i be has come down. O N D us all. and he don’t lib “- a: Z'vu in a hurry." x‘ furence was nothing if N‘ Strengthen the Kldnoyg III Bladder, then all "on". ‘3 Heart and Non. Pill! 50 0.. r $1.25. Sold by druggists or an. 1‘. Milburn J (30., Toronto. 03'. e the comfort of your ION. ( To be Continued.) r httle buy seven year. of n. :en troubled with his “due” birth and could not hold hh , We spent hundreds of del- octm'ing and tried many (1“. remedies. but they were “I. ”71.. imx of [Man‘s Kid”, oxnpletely cured him.” "INN!“ “nut “loss This "Irv.â€" IN" lmly. us institution at Acton. i! 11 >11 urbs of London. is the “.41 tuunded and mums“ Om., says 'r‘ OSPITAL IN LONDON. under the reached at last ' in the the child’s faul .m 1' 888 cbo well known 1 melph, Om,, Blown This Item!" “ I hm‘il’ n. Any person desirous of pur- chasing a Bicycle should inspect our stock. NEW Wheels from 840 up. Made by the best manufacturers in Canada. The Farmer’s The Farmers for 25 miles ST! A Sting Hardware. There has been such a rush for our goods that it was necessary to get in a fresh supply by spec’l train last 'l‘hursduy mornino‘. cn each side of Durham are fact finding out the Bargains we are giving in Shelf and Heavy HARD- WARE, Forks, Spades, Shovels, Curry Combs, Brushes. Whips, Eta, and are coming to purchase Goods from un. are finding out the Bar gains we are giving in Silx erwaro, gGranite. SteelEuamel Tinware, Brushes of exer) description, Stove Polish, B11c111u" £113., and are buy mg so much that we find it necessary to 1) I â€"vvv â€"u Business was never as cheerful as it is this spring and five have disposed 'of more goods within the last four weeks than any foul“ weeks last year. k: nip ,owers, Scufliers and arm Implements. L~~A large stock of Mc~ '.\'_"s famous Model Cook- thVBS. pant“? Dn‘J’“ UPPER TOWN vanous k m (13 Stock of Mc- I Model Cook- FaUCY Parlor Stoves, Coal tt prices that Every \Véek. Ready- 801118- FRESH GROCERIES Always in Stock. STILLLEFT. A few Ready-Made Suits, extra quality for the money A Large Quantity of TWEEDS, PAN TIN GS, FLAN N E LS, F LAN N ELETTES, kFOR 30 DAYS, TO CLEAR OUT FOR NEW STUCK. Selling at Cost‘V Lower Town, PRINTS, COTTONS, COTTONA DES, etc. JUHN LIVINGSTUH, Agent, Fire Insurance attended to Promptly in the Farm- ers’ Grey Bruce and in other good companies. ‘1": I'MWWWW awmzs‘g __...--ou. “l VLLV that any person or persons found fish- ing, hunting or otherwnse tres‘ ssing on Lots No. 20and 21, con, 4, N. . R., Ben- tinck, without my consent will be prosecuted according to Law. ROBT. TRAFFORD, Allan Park. lfarnl. 01m 1000 n Carriages of all kinds, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Bicyles, Etc., Etc. Silvester Seed Drills, Frost Wood Binders and Mowers, Rakes, Disk Harrows Woodstock Wagons, - . SGOTT. March 218t, Ijhave received one Gross of Brooches the like of which has never before been seen in Dur- ham for the moneyâ€"- Brooches. 25 cts. Worth doublelthe price Be sure and get one. Cochrane’s Old Foundry. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS NEXT T0 BANK W. A. MacFAHLANE. also Durham . Four years ago Jacob Dewitta, of my]; Island, was dragged to the verge of“ death by dreadful heart disease. He was i iven up to die. From vigorous manhood {e had gone to a broken despondent wreck. . % He procured Dr. Agnew's Cure for the! ; Heart, used it faithfully, and 10413,” weighs 218 pounds. and lives to bless the, day the rest remedy was recommendedii to him. t relieves in 30 minutOLâ€"24, For Sale by McFarlane Co. Messrs C. Bailey and W. Pearson, jr., have leased the McGrade farm on shares. We would not like to say which of them is the most likely to get the bird as they are both think- ing the matter over earnestly. Mr. Robert Brigham is building a fine new house and barn and is bound to charm the heart of some young lady. He says that he can not live batch. Bob is a clever fellow and will make a good neigbor among those on the second line. Quite a number of little ones have been under the doctor’s care around here with inflammation. We are pleased to announce that all are now doing well. Miss Maggie Armstrong visited at Mr. Geoge Purvis’ lately. Mr. John Adlam Sr.. has hired with Mr. Henry Brigham for a. term. .\’r. Moses Donley has hired with Mr. R. Trafiord for one year. While Mrs. Barber was driving: to the Park the other day her horse took fright and ran away upsetting the buggy and throwing her out, causing some very bad wounds and cuts on her face. The horse was caught in time to save the buggy from going to pieces. Save. Thousands of Liven. Mr Richard Hopkins is oil the sick list, but. we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Mr. Joseph Collet left last week for B. C. to take charge of his ranch~ ing business. A young daughter arrived at the home of Mr. Mrs. John Pust lately. Nearly evcrv one complains of cold, la. grippe or something. Mall. McCasslon stepped on a sharp nail and ran it into his foot, which will lay him 03 work for a. while. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Wyoming is visiting his brather-inolaw, Rev. Mr. Malian this week. Mrs. Jos. LeGard has from a three months’ visit son in Chicago. from a lengthy vimt with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rexd of Shelburne. , 7---..- -5“... Mics Edith Richardson, who has been confined to her room for seVernl months is on the mend, and her many friends hope soon to see her about in her wonted strength. Mr. R. Pedler has been confined to the house for a couple of weeks with a. severe cold. Mr. R. McGirr of Meaford was the guest of Mr. Geo. Mitchell the begin- ning of the week. Ploughing’s begun. } A meeting of the creditors Messrs. Beecroit Talbot was . in Miinshaw’s hotel on Monday. M. Richardson was called upon preside, while Mr. R. N. Handel of this place was elected assigl Messrs M. Richardson and W. Talbot inspectors, and W. H. Wri solicitor. A full statement of as: and liabilities is not yet available ‘I " _‘ v - -â€" - "up I ting lecture in the h on Tuesday evening the close of which a taken up in behalf 0 mission fund. ALLAN PARK CHRONICLE, March 3lst. 1598 ' Crews Rave an H. had a soveye _tussle with the Methoéist collection was I, the Klondyk. returned with her interes. church Silks and Blouses. Master Chas. very sick of late. V -W .. Shewoll Reg. 10c. 1b., special 35c. 10 Boxes Boneless Fish 5c. lb. 1 bbl. delicious Sugar Cured Hams 10 to 12 lb. each, 140. 1b. 50 lbs. Finest Breakfast Cofl'ee, Reg. 35c. lb. at â€"- 19c. 50 lbs. Fine Cut Smoking Tobacco in 5 lb. Tin Boxes, each 25c. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirsh baunm moved their belongings out west sometime last week. Their exact destination is to most of their neighbors un- known. Wood bees and raising of stones is what is engrossing the attention of the brawn and muscle, at present- Not much ploughing is done as yet. I ‘Jh..- fl- 10 Boxes Dye?) (a repe_at order) Grocery Dep’t. This Popular Store with its every convenience, its abundance of floor space and light, together with the immense range of Goods to choose from is doing a Bigger Business every day. Some people said we were foolish to leave the old shop, but our customers are all satisfied with the splendid change and they are the people we aim to please. i We have the Finest Store; The Largest? Stock; The Best Assortment of Goods.l l and all we want is a continuation of business equal‘ to What we have enjoyed in the past and as much more as you care to give us. Last Saturday was our heaviest day since we moved, and shows clear- ly that our trade is going ahead in leaps and bounds. If the goods you buy "don’t suit you. return them to us and get your money back. Jovial and jolly Mat. Aikens. of Berkeley, whiled away part. of last week in the vicinity. Mrs. Robert Hay is at present a visitor amongst relatives in the vi- cinity of Bell’s Corners. She is ex- pected home this week. J. A. HUNTER, Rev. Mr. Little visited in the vicin- ity last Thursday Mr. Little is even more popular in his pastoral visits than in the pulpit which is say- ing a good deal. Mr. Benjamin Woods, of Norman- bv. moved up to his lately leased premises last Thursday and is now sungly domiciled thereon. The prop- rietor, Mr. E. Walsh, is retiring from farming. \Ve welcome Mr. and Mrs. Woods to \Velbeck. ww-v I‘.‘l'uu uuulc from Toroutb last week to spend her Easter holidays around here. M Miss Katie Stewart arrived MODERN DEPARTMENTAL STORE. DRINK - KOLONA - CEYLON - TEA. WELBECK. Lower To «11, Durham. zewoll has been Dr. Smith is in home Special at -- â€" llc. hair: 160 yards extra. wide Towelling Fine Linen, special 120. yd 10 Ladieu’ Waterproofs, to clear this week at -- 77c. 48 pgira Ladies’ bl’k Cotton Gloves Dry Goods. 35 doz. Pure Satin Neck Ties, sat- in lined, regular price 35¢ each, special {or Saturday next. at -- -â€"- 15c. 60 Men’s Neat Suits (Sanford’s Make) Reg. 37.00, special this week at â€" â€" $5.50 24 Men’s Extra Fedora Hats, reg- ular $1.35, this week 81.11. 60 pair Men’s Wool Sax, regular 25¢. a pair, this week 17c. 100 pairs Men’s Heavy Striped Cottonade Overalls, regular 90c., This week 57c. pair 1 Gents’ Fumishings. Sold by all Dealers. Complete withBiower at 23 cents. Mr. J. W. Jonnison. Gilford. Ont. writ“ as follows: “I a at between two and throo hundrod do lot-I. tried oll kinda of trootments. but got no bone“. Ono box of Dr. Chm’a Cotorrh Onto did no mo" good than all other remedies. In fact I consider myself cured. ad with a. 25 cont box at that." 5 A newspapcr man can go seven y times a day and ask diEerent persons for the news and each time be told there is absolutely nothing going on in the town. When the publication day comes these people will say “Well there is not much news this week.” and then recall an item or two that did not appear and wonder why they were omitted. \Vhen you know of anything that has transpired, tell the printer every time. That’s what he’s in town for. Fever Hawklni ind-3' Ear Ire-{l Bmtfi. Loss of Testamendgkmeu and the many disagreeable and autumn: eons uences attendant upon these shou d lose no tune in procuring r. cnm's Cattfl'h Cure. g'o'v'e'é; EEG: Catarrh sufferers and than if- gggtgq ytthfiold in tho Read. an . “-H‘Ul a Miss C. Livinguone. of Crawford. visited her cousins, the Stewart fam- ily, for a few days last week. attendance and we hope Charlie out of danger. In. A â€"â€" BETWEEN $2Mfl$§ifl cum. STILL HIS OMARRH REIMIEB. A 25 can BOX or an. ms cums can: Dons Enacuvn wonx. I00!)

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