Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1898, p. 12

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Also, a. fine lme of MENS’ FANCY SHIRTS, which are much admired. Well, perhaps not, but under Our Roof we have received and opened up NEW PRINTS, HEW SHIRTiHGS, NEW FLANNELEUES- Niche}; to Loan at 5 and 5} PM cent. on Good .Sccm'ity. [ySURANCE Promptly Attended to. Issnor of Marriage Licenses. {saver Tam Impzement \‘v arerooms. C E NTRA L MW FAR Ms Many Canadiansmerloommecountryover have settled in Central Michigan. where they have bought first-class {arming lands at $5 to $10 per acre, on long time Ind easy payments. Do 'on vault to own n home 1 You can surefy do it. We offer you 10.000 acres to choose rom. Come and look lands over, We assure satisfaction Full artic- glars agile}! trig. Write: S_. BtBOBL N D WINTER lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, \Vills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short n0tice. Horses bought and sold. “'aterloo Thrashers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. Upper Town, up ’.â€"‘-â€"v â€"-â€"--w A 1'. 'Vllm B. 1-. ”URBAN u, Hunger Lanci ‘fiept , Wells, Stone Co , Saginaw, Mich 'la Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm pmpcrty at IT WILL PAY YOU to see these goods. flothing Haw Spring Term begins Ap. Ath. g QWW A- S. T. OF? HARD, Cash Store, lawer Tm. I carry the Largest. Stock of SEWING MACHINES and OR- GANS in Town and all away down in price. A Full Supply of CUTTERS and SLEIGHS at Prices that will Stoves. ROBES of all descri Hptions ROOT PULPERS, c. c. surprise you. Variety of STOVESâ€"Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves and Coal S. T. ORCHARD, Sharp's 01d Stand. -â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for Undet the Sun.” Durham. ' N the Town of Durham, Cu - Urey, inclufing a valxzab puwer. buck dueilmg and manv building lots will be said in 0118 luts. Also lot No. (:0. com. 2. W 'i‘«,»\v1whip of Bantincx, 100 aczos, a Town plot, Durham. Mortgages. mken for part money. Apply w ' Oct. 211d. _._. --\Juuu, DJLILDL'J'J, li.\Iil)lllN l and Urchaul recently \‘ucatml by Mrs. H. J. Middaugh; Beautifully situated on Lambton 5t“ wiil be offemd cheap or Rent- ed very reamuably to good tenant. For further articulars apply to BEN. Human, or to Durham. MRS. T. JACKSON Farm For Sale. RING LOT N0. 47, LTUNCESSION ‘2. \‘3. G. ll. BEN"lNUl\'. 1(1) acres, one of the best. farms in the township. \Vellfenced. well watered, convenient to Church and School, 2.5 mxles from Durham. Slacres, cleared, :50 acres lmrelwoud bush, '7 acre; fall wheat, 2 frame dwelling houses, frmne barn and stables, and young orchard. Immediate DOSSOL<aiUll will be given. Free from all iucumbz‘ance. Will be sold uneasy terms of payment, For full par- ticulars apply on the pcemises t0 sion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BUSINESS promptly attended to‘fin the qmetest and must confidential manner. address 'leE. 3 USE STABLE prices. among them: The “ Teasdale” Farmâ€"Lot 30, Con. '2, \V. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acres. The “Hall” Farmâ€"lst and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, \V.U.R.. Bentmck, 100 acres. Lots 2 and 3, Con 13, Ulenelg. 200 acres. PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- the Hanover Canve ancer ’ effexs for sale 100 fmms, and other proper- ties for sale or exchange at rock bottom 1 application for loans on good farm properties at 58;, interest, pa able half yearly or yearly as desired. {easonable teirms of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap~ p y to I-u '“““A---- A...â€" m Oct. 4th, fl BOAR at Lot 1;”), Con. 2. Egrcmont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCHARD. CHOOSE A CANDIDATE NI EN AN D \VOMEN WHO CAN \VORK HARD. TALKING AND \Vriting six hours daily for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars \s'eckly, address NEW IDEA 00., TORONT ,, ‘VANTEDâ€"Lady apprentice to learn tailoring. Apply J. C. Nichol, over The Chron’icle office, Durham. GENTS “ THE BEST LIFE OF , HER MAJESI‘Y I HAVE SEEN.” writes Lord Lorne about “ Queen Victoria.” Agents make five dullars dallv. BRADLEY-GARREI‘SUN COMPANY. 1f" FIELDS A large cheap valuable book selling liken v l111lxx1ml Bountiful p111sx1pct11stne11tyfive gents. Banks on time. GENTS “CLIMPSES OF THE UNSEEN.” Faqcinating bouk. Sveeps the entire field of boxdoxland sub imts. Im on Imdy «)1(lez's.l\l:lrvelluus ill_ lstxdtmns 1": gjpog-‘fi'jas SI. MCMILLANâ€"In Glenelg, on Saturday, 19th March, Annie Mcarthur, reiict of the late Wm. McMillan, aged 82 years. BROWNâ€"At Neustadt on Sunday, March 20th, Regina Henrietta. beloved wife of W. M. Brown, aged 37 years. (\j John “or “$011 [wt 1'" "rm. :3 \. D. R. “191101;: on or about the 20th 0 of Augnstlast, Une E\\6. The owner may haw her by prm iug propertvu " ml pan ing ex _.-)e uses Jam: \gu' m1 (SN, 1'“ __ .11”; gnnn A Cnnsnwa’nve Convention 1“ 3 Ab SIN-GUN ‘1EA1RLY “AI ARI IEb‘. THE LINb‘CUT' ‘ (303'- 1’A\Y '1 ()l<0\1‘0 BRAULE y-umi:m~m§ coimAxY, ' LIMITED, Tole-ro March 5th. ------------ VI BRADLEYou GARREI‘SUN C(MII’ANY Lnumn,T01:0Nr(.) Jam. 2151;, 1898. NAME TO THE PRE He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent., easy terms, costs light. HAVE been instructed to receive â€". __.._-â€".-_-_â€" GENTS “KLONDYKE GOLD . H. MILLER, Money to Loan. PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE rm: EDGE P1109 but it is already decided that G. LEFROY McCAUL, Barrister, Lower '1‘own Du: 1mm EW GOOD MEN FOR For Service will be called to CARDS. Wanted. Strayed- 5m H. H. MILLER DIED. Lock Box 28, Hanover THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, March 24th said in 0153 or JA! (1" VV '5‘ A‘A‘L‘ LIMITED TOROVTO rhnm, Cnunty of L. ROHSUN. Aberdeen P. O. .. T. JACKSON ”WWII. Out .. 2. W. '6'. .It.. .0403, adynnmg part purchase B u uessan 71M 1838‘ G .\ R DEN eEe gible 5/) OF A Running Sore Pronounced Incur- able by Eight Doctors-Cured bv Dr. Chase. Mr. R. D. Robbins, 148 Cowan Ave. To- ronm. rays :â€"“I had a leg which was simply un.=ip;htly. Frnm below the knee to the ankle was one great sore. Eight doctors treated me without benefit. I was induced to try pr." Chase’s Ointment which cured CHORUS: he followxng poetical item was sent us for publication by a young lady of Normanby, who is evidently interesmd in the election of Dr. Jamicson. As nothing offensive to the defeated candidates is contained in it we give it place for her gratifi- cation, and the amusement of those who appreciate original productions. At the same time we feel that Dr. Jamieson doesn’t care to have the feeling continued now, since the election is over: Jamieson is the name we mile. We'll sing ins praises to the skies, With voice of triumph shout his name, Record it on the book of Fame. Hurrah for Jaunteson! I might here state that these cases were put back from time to time which caused delay as well as great expense until finally they were dis- missed in Owen Sound in November last. \Vishing to be brief. I give a summary account of receipts and dis- bursements instead at an itamised account of the whole. RECEIPTS . From Henry Byers. treas. of Norman- bV Unmxmttee 3 78 10 From '1‘. Milligan. (collection) as- sisted bv W. Martin, Bent’k, 1‘10 10 From Thus. Terry’s collection 68 50 From John Armour “ 17 4O Paid to Elliott Elliott, Durham, conducting cases 2‘25 00 Sundry expenses " 4 58 Total 5229 58 Leaving a balance of 44 52 We, the undersigned, have examined Treasurer’s account and find the same to be EDITOR OF THE CHRONICLE: DEAR Sunâ€"Kindly allow me space in ycur paper as I wish to make a statement in regard to the “Page Fence” suits that were engaging the attention at some of the farmers in the townships of Bentinck and Nor- manby last summer. Moved by G. Collinson, seconded by John Clark that the remuneration be ten per cent on their collections. â€"-Carried I think most of the readers of your paper in said townships are aware that actions in the court were insti- tuted by one Elijah Page, of Owen Sound, against Messrs. O’Neil. Fl‘l‘ ton and Brown, of the township of Bentinck, for having built straight rail fences on their farmsâ€"said fenc- es Mr. Page claimed as an infringe- ment on a pattnt right he claims to hold; namely, the Crabb-patent fence. Those suits were defended by the united action of a large number of people, for whom I had the honor of being placed in the position of secre- tary and treasurer for that purpose. Total receipts correct. John Clark Jr. Auditors iThos. Torry. At a committee meeting held at Aberdeen, March 22nd the following resolution was put; and unanimouly carried:-â€"~ We the committee find a balance on hand of $44.52 and according to a motion carried unanimously at the first; meeting held in Bentinck, a fair remuneration was to be paid to those collecting for the time spent in such. Moved by John Clark Jr., seconded by John Armour that G. Collinson receive for his services and time spent in connection with suits $15.-Car’d. To be retprned to_1{._ Byers, Norman-_ by IO."o 0t collection Thos. YSIiIIiOgun $9 Wm. Mania 1 John Armour Thus. 'l‘orry Secy-'I‘rers.. as per motion Mlscella;;eous items :1. 6 Moved by T1103, Milligan, seconded by John A1 mour that the treasur’er s and auditm’s W1epo1t be received and adapted. Cz111ied. Committee for Tp. of Bentinck: JOHN CLARK, J 21., J OHN ARMOUR, I‘. 1108. Tommy T1103. MILLIGAN‘ GIBSON COLLINSON, Sec-Treas. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the valued space in your much esteemed paper. w-uv v-v-v. Hurrah fu’r Jamieson! \Vhat hope is left for Hardy now, That he may run his big pow-wow. He views his proapects with dismav, Whiie Whimey seen his role will play. Hurrah for Jamieson! . v__ â€"â€"-v ““J ' llurrhh for Jamieson ! Our grand law maker we’ll adore, A4 years roll on we‘ll love him more. His acts will always win our praise: For Doc. this cheerful shout we’ll raise- Hurrah for Jamieson! On ’lection day how Grits did weep As Tory votes came with a sweep, And caused the Doc. to head the poll, And le_f't the ‘uthers in the hole. We fell in line, and joined five fray; Our leader’s orders did obey. And rifle by‘sif‘le ‘39 wpn thq day. I am yours respectfully, GIBSON UOLLINSON. STATEMENT. DISBURSEMENTS. 38 8274 10 3781 11 01 1 74 ll For Sale by Mo Farlane- Co. t It is reported that an unsuccessful i attempt was made to burglarize Mr. ‘A. A. Park’s store in Williamsford .one night last week. The report is ito the effect that Mrs. Park was laroused by the barking of their dog and aroused Mr. Park, who went to Ithe back of the house ofer the store, .end heard what he supposed was a fman trying to quiet the dog. Mr. .Park then fired a shot from his re- gvolver and the burglar ran away. {He then aroused Mr. Ledingham, his mum, and together they examined ithe premises and found one of the :wiudow shutters pried open. They gfollowed the footsteps for some dis- ‘tance through the snow. but lost them in the mud.â€"â€"Chatsworth News. Plies, whcther Itching, blind or bleeding, are rclioved by on. application of Dr. Agnew’s Ointment 35 CENTS. SINCE our last issue we have had a profitable interview with Mr. George Ferguson, br0ther of Rev. Mr. Fer- guson here. He left Durham County England in 1882, and since the fol- lowing year he has been in British Columbia, engaged during the whole period of 34 years in gold mining, with which he has a complete know- ledge. Singular enough he saw his brother. the minister, when only a boy in Durham, England. and never again did he see him until last week in our own town, Durham. About a year ago he left British Columbia for his health and has been travelling in the United States and in the VVeitern THE April numberbf the Delineator is called the Spring Number, and it confirms andisupplements the Spring Styles given in March. The lfterary matter for this month ranges over a very interesting field, Dr. Murray’s articles on headaches, treated in a popular way. but with a physician! knowledge, should be much apprecia- ted. Mrs. Meynell’s description of how children regard their toys will be a useful lesson to parents. There is an article on Renovating the Farm House, which will apply equallyr to any country house. For the House- keeper there is an excellent paper on House Cleaning, while the second part of Almonds in the Kitchen“gives many original and desirable receipts. “'13 are pleased to learn that the Gramophonic Concert given by Mr. G. W. Jones in S. S. No. 9 Glenelg, on Friday night last, notwithstand- ing the exceedingly unfavorable con- dition of the weather, was a marvel- lous success. The ban so was comfort- ablv filled and everyone enjoyed the concert, though the selections were all rendered by the gramophone which, during the winter, at many other places. has rendered delightful services to good and appreciative audiences. The entertainment, we understand, was wholly for the benefit of the section. whose testhetic tastes are becoming so cultivated that not only the homes, but the school also, must be supplied with all the necessary attractions that go to give a charm and spice to life. \Ve again congratulate the people and teacher, {or the sterling enterprise shown of late. Another entertainment next summer is now contemplated. Or INTEREST 'ro TEACHERS.â€"-Fl°0m a circular just issued from the Educa- tion Department we take the follow- ing items which may be of interest to teachers: The High School En- trance and Public School Leaving examinations for 1898 will begin on Tuesday June 28, at 8:45 a. tn. The course of study prescribed for the examinations is that given in the res vised regulations excepting that physiology and temperance take the place of botany at the public school leaving examinations. Any misun- derstanding on the part of the candi- dates regarding the requirements is to be dealt with by the local boards in settling results. The revised reg- ulations do not, as formerly, call for the presentation of book work in writing, drawing, etc., at either the High School Leaving exams. For the latter examination, boolnvork, if presented by candidates. is to be taken into account, as last year, in view of the Special provisions ar- nounced for 1898. ,l898. Our third big szvst-‘i ¢ Trunks f0" (111 H; hit”. 3 to hand. [1 3011;. a .. 1.‘ to travel, just 1x: ..... 13+ that we kee; )the UN: .s-H' of Trunks [[1 Tu '-' :1. Ti: 911008 are from S) m >5 see the neW' CililVllS CUVU ed Trunks at $1 (Hun. Telewpe Valiscs in a Sizes. ma man .0 H W. H ILufikSé part of the Dominion brief interview we] things about the mm which to us were mg”. which to us were quite quartz hearing region, rich in gold, but heat-s. live machinery is llBCPsia . mining where best results are ob 0d. The tendency 0f gold is to I. to the hard surface beneath the “M only the finer portions being in ”i case found near the surface, In '2“! case. nuggets weighing three Miami ounces have been found from 8 d9 2; of twenty-five to a hundred “it Prospector: in bygone days Secu'reé only the surface gold, whzle the cm, untold wealth of the country is 8,4. beneath the ground. In Speaking}; the climate he said he Was astonishe; at the letters and reports from that country. For seventeen yearsimhC Rocky Mountains, owing to the drt‘ brecing and exhilarating chat‘amefii the atmosphere, he never needed t wear on overcoat, yet at. Victoria where flowers bloom the year round; he had to use one owing to the L3. midity of the air. The difficulty in getting a sufiiciency of fruit in mes» northern regions is in his opinion a prolific came of mortality. 11;, that. fruit an essential, and with most fruit better health and greater long. evity would be assured. In a in day. Mr. Ferguson will. in all mi. ability be heading :1 prosg'eeoting W’? for Northern Brit. Columbia 0‘: 19:“ itin. Klondike. tint are not very robust need a warming, building and fat-forming foodâ€"something to be user} for two or three months in the {311-153 (11:7 may not suffcr from cold. of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophov phites of Lime and Soda supolias exactl what they want. They will t rive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid {nod tonic. Nearly all of them bosom: new food of it. For aduits who are not very strong, a course of treatment um ; the Emulsion for a £0qu ’ of months in the {311 will put them through the winter in first-class 00!!- f dition. Ask your doctor ' about this. 0mm ear: °°°° In an on get SCOTT‘S Emulsion. Sui“! n and m on the wrappa. All druggim; soc. and 81.00. OCOTT ‘ BOWNE. Chemists, Twain Of New F111;}. just in. We mm Extra \ 11‘ °i11t1 useful goods, ' Fancy Flunollvz 50. [301‘ \‘f‘d‘d t0 ' yard. A150 Main Blue, Pink, ._..:-‘:11'1< and Grex' at It». $363??? Efifiifi 955.?! W653 ill mm 0th VOL Tomooos - V old V irBin Store. In North bu been a; Iioner insu who died s MISS CUU her numerd to her Milli Saturday, 1 misc usin‘ Room our! Town. stock of th‘ Tun J uni entertainnm in the Tom in aid to b1 Mn. Bram chased the which be it ting it 0| front of th‘ F03 SAL young Jer- l Gurusey A100 Red T: CALDWELL 1 INSPEcm himself U which he i for amuse: graphing I torato. 3'0“

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