Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1898, p. 6

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plot To Ilo Dl’ II 3 iterating Items About Our Ianitobu farmers are shipping large quantities of stock to the Yukon. Welland now has naturzu 3a.: boating. lighting and manufacturing purposes. Mr. George Counsell, Clerk of the ’uunty of ’Wmtwort , ' :L the family residence, H Scturdsy. - . r“ "I amilton. on .. WW ‘7. - __ An agent of the Dominion Govern- ment in at Copenhagen securing Lapâ€" landers and reindeer for the Yukon. The Marquis of Lorne has accepted the position of Honorary Colonel of the 15th Battalion, Argyle Light Infantry. rmm lbnnrtmant of Inland Revenue -T" v --_- Her Majesty’s spr Phaeton, and top podo destroyer Sparrowhawk are at quuimalt. 8.0. There are now seven warships in that harbor. ‘1 “ u‘ ‘ A A A“ .100 by uun um 4.V.. - - of the recent am, cident is being repair ad but there is an agitation in the: â€"-~--0 hal' for- city for the fiber north. v- â€"vâ€" â€"_ l’Ul. Duau. nu The investigating governors of thei . . Royal Canadian Humane lAssociation : or Insane, " have award-ed the silver medal to Al- '1 “91116.“; .tur bert J. Cummer of Hamilton» for savmg Th” ‘bm. .13 1 Kiss Amelia Hall from drowning. Rm he‘lf‘r‘mn‘ The (lm'ernuwpl will place some 97,-; e mama 0 000.000 Whitefish in Lakes Ontario," > Erik‘. Huron. and St. Clair next sum- Yellow {en mar. The eggs are mm being hatched 1 Jamaica. in the Sandwich hatchery. 3 Dr. Sohwe-J A - n -’.1v,n (-1an Smuggling in a large w: suspected by the Custom: 10 be carried on over th Niagara Falls. but, the e Iminess am able tor nonl Cara . A fortnightly mail service, between Aux-.klumid, New Zealand, and San Fran- cisco :vnd Vancouver will he inaugur- ated on April 1. The Oceanic and Cana- diwnrAustralian lines will sail ieve-ry fourteem days alternately. â€"â€" Since the beginning of the year thir- ty-nine families from the United States have taken up their abode in Toronto. being of the opinion that the future (if that city is brighter than the out- look in the United States cities. G BEAT BRITAIN. The Cit y ‘xreat Britain has again declined to reopen the sealing question in answer to a request of the United States. It is said in London that the Govern- ment will ask Parliament to sanction an increase of the 81'me by 15.000 men. Alarming rumors regarding Mr. Giadstone’s health are again current in London, but remrts from Cannes state that there is little foundation for them. The very Rev. Henry George Lid- «mu. the former dean of Christ church. Oxford. is dead. He was born in 1811, and wan 3?. (mp time chaplain t0 the Prince Consort Events in the far east are forcing again into prominence the Pacific cable question. The influential journals all point out the urgent need of an all- British cable. The suit against Lady Sykes in Lon- dm. by Jay,a moneyâ€"lender, has fail- ed, the jury finding that the signatures to the notes were forged. This puts her Ladyship in a rather worse pasi- tiozn than before. Henry “wing has been selected as the Bede loz‘i urer at. Cambridge University for 1898. The lecturesbisp was establish- ed in Henry \‘Ill.’s time to he devoted to “ Humanity. LOgic, and Philosoxmy forever." Mr. Dunbar Plunkett, Barton. Q.C..] member of Parlfiamen-t for the Middle Division of Armagh, has been returned to the House of Commons without 0p- ;Ioaition on his appointment as Solici- tor-General for Ireland. It is rumoured in London that Em- peror Francis Joseph of Austria will shortly announce the betrothal of the Archduchess Elizabeth. daughter of the late Crown Prince Rudolph. to the King of Spain. England has taken a step toward the nbandonment of her unsuccessful free negro colony of Sierra Leone. now shut. in by French territory. The Queen has evoked the lettem patent of 1852 con- stituting the bishopric of Sierra Leone. The Executive Committee of the Amlmmated Society of Engineers has recommended the atrikera to accept their anployers’ terms, practicnlly giv- ing the latter sole control of their flop. If this advice is acceptod work xiii probably be reamed on January l‘ho Ind O’Neill m lost on Wed- Hall at Lopdqn,‘ the erect ion of CANADA. in a large way is strongly the Customs Department. I on over the frontier at s. but, the experts atthe able tor nonulus the offiâ€" has natural gas for z and manufacturing mt Our Own Country. e United States. and (Rain. Condo-25cc! and a neâ€"“’ hall f8!" ’. Dr.S-uhwe1ni111ger says Prince Dis- :1) 311u1rck’s 1011111111011 is not serious. mi: The Russian anmy has 31.11111; :1mstl3 at (Word as a preeemt to Kimg Menelik of “19 Abytsimfia. nadty night off Limerick. and the crew were rescued by the British steemer Kincora. from Liverpool. The rush was so great in getting away from the sinking ship that the crew lost everything. i cards. All were colored. ‘ There is a big strike among the cot | {Utah Operations at New Bediord. Mass.,§ 5and. other New England towns. over! i the Deduction in wages. i i The nomination of Attorneyâ€"(J‘vcneral : McKenna as aJustipe of the Supreme ; ' Court has been ratified by the United i 2 States Senate. i The annual commemoration of the death of Prince Henry of Battenberg took [Race on Wednesday at Whipping- ham church. where his remains are rest- I ing. The ceremony was attended by; Queen Victoria. Princess Henry of‘ Battenbe'tg, Princess Christian. and the ; Marchioneee of Lorne. ‘ UNITED STATES. 1 The city clerk’s office and post-office‘ at Black. Vermrxnvt, have been destroyâ€" ed by fire. A wheel company in Buffalo has re- ceived by cable an order for 3.000 biâ€" cycles to be. shipped to Hamburg, Ger- ma-u‘y. At the annual. meeting of the Boston Chamber of Commerce the resolutions favoring reciprocity with Canada were unanimously adopted. The Cleveland Music Hall, which was built in 1885, at, a cost of $60,000. was destroyed by fire on Saturday night. It had a seating capacity of seven thou- R_evT. Dewitt Tatmage the noted «likim1 of OW zwdlinqtu-n and Mrs. Elmora. McCuu hmm (‘ullier nf Alleghem (.‘ityi V-vera marriei at Pittsburg, on Satut-i day. i “Gray Gables." the summer home of ex-President Cleveland, at Buzzard’s Bay, has bee-n visited by burglars, who ransacked the house from attic to cellar and made good their escaxw without leaving the. siighbest clue to their 3¢len~ tity. The propositiun mm befure the New York SLaw Legislature to legalizv Sum day Lheatrioals in New York vity has evoked a storm of protests from the theatrical professiun, who dislike the idea. of losing Llneir one day of rest. They will ask tlw clergy to assist them in a crusade against the proposal. In the United States Senate on 'l‘hnmday. Senator (‘affrey, of Lou- isiana. speaking on the immigration ‘rill. said: “No immigrant not: a pauper or insane. or diseased or criminal. .hould he turned away from our shores. This bill is the cry of pnwrastin‘ation and selfishness. It is another fnrmnf the mania of protection.” (i ENERA L. Duke Alfred of Saxe~C«_»hurg-Gotha has. been ordered to Egypt by the doc- 1401‘s. Successful observations of the soYar w-l'ipse were made in India and other parts; of (the globe. The Australian gold yield for the month of November was; Queensland. 780.24 ounces: \Vest Australia, 75,040; Victoria, 70,177. Disastrous floods are reported from. Pvrplginan. on the Spanish i'runtier of France. (Jne Catholic 1 three wounded Catholic church, Corfu, Greece. A Cannes deslnatvh. speaking of Mr. Gladstone’s health. sayszâ€"“He is ex- tremely weak and so dejected as are- sult of neuralgia pains that he has expressed a desire that all were over.” Messrs. Hiekie and Prunty, who es- caped the massacre of the Britishsur- vey party which was attacked by na- tives at Mekran, on January 12, have reached Urmara, on the Arabian Sea. There was a severe earthquake shock on Monday at Argenm, ltaly,eighteen miles south-east of Ferrara. A church and several buildings were wrecked, and some persons were injured. Bucharest has been imitating Paris by having a duel between journalists. Being less ekilful than their French originals, however, one combatant un- fortunately killed the other. During the past week the deaths from the bubonic plague at Bombay numbered 851. From all (2111363 there were 1,540 deaths. The exodus is increasing, and business is stag- nant. ~ ‘ '"Iihe Vatican statistician announces that last year the Congregation of Car- dinals received 490 applications for the annulment of marriage, took about half of them into consideration. and out the bonds in only six cases. Considerable surprise has been mus- ed at Berlin. by a (lespatch, from St. Pot/Prshurg. to the Cologne Gazette announcing that Russia has formed a new army corps on the German and Austrian frontiers at Vilna and Kieff. It is reported that Japan has pur- chased the Brazilian cruiser. Abreu. now building on the Tyne, for £370,000. and has also bought the Brazilian iron-e clads Deodora and Floriano. which are mustructing in France. |J\_I Vt“ Eunpress Augusta Victoria’s lategt is pro birthday present from her husbangs to 1101 a bracelet made of the seven nyma- On . tums of her children painted on lovory her t] and set in jewels. From the mlddlpi closet picture hangs the portrait of the Km- which oer in a heart-shaped madalhon. gm. ,1. A swordfish weighing 2070 pounds was lately brought to the market at Taiping, in the Straits Settlements. It was 30 feet lo‘ng. the flesh and bones weig‘héd 900 catties. or 1200 pounds; the fat 230 cuties, tbs entrails 400, and the word so cattiean Aowrding to o. glacial despobch ro- ceivod from Berlin. it is semi-official- er has disappeared from nriest was shot and during vosyers in a 41L '(‘orfui lsiand of on Friday..-the Premier. Marquis d1: gâ€" Rudin-i. explained that the recent dis-g orders in the Italialn .provmoes were! ice -. which reports that the insurgents have 3 )y- attacked and defeated a \detaohment? . of the Congo State troops north of the . iLake. killing their commander. Baron‘ _r1- ’ 'Hanzis personally undertook punitive ‘y'fi operations. from Izakanriu in the Many-‘- 1y announced in many will not object. meat of Prince Goon Governor of the islnm vided the other pow mneeflt!’ ehia district. Lord 4‘ Imrles Item-Mord sounds 11 Warning Nam Against the d‘orru pt ll :19. of Diane”- Lord Charles Beresford, a gallant sailor of the British navy, recently startled a London audience by maklng an earnest [rotest against the sordid tendem 1es of so: ial life. He declared that rich men were able to buy their way into the highest soci :11 and. politi- cal Dositions, and that the money pow- er was eating away like a canker the virtues of English character. Wherever there are great masses of wealth, there will be those to make a vicious use 01? it, whether in» England, or America, or anywhere. The power of money will always be misused by many rich men in any country; justl as there are invariably millionaires , who have a proper sense of their re-t Sbonsihilities as the possessors of great. . fortunes, and. make. good use of their, wealth by founding colleges and artg galleries and endowing hospitals and. public charities. " 1 I g \Vhat Lord Charles I-ieresford’s audi- ’ ence could not understand was the mo- ; tive which had insuired so eminent and z public-spirited a man in his sudden 3 outbreak against the sordid and demor- i alizing influences of money. If the speech had been made two years ago, when the South African millionaires organized their raid against the Trans- vaal, they would not have needed any explanation. The abuses of money pow- er were then a public scandal. But there seemed to he nothing in recent affairs to justify his solemn warning against the corrupting influences of ; money. ' Lord (‘harles Beresford, is, however, i a man of rank and social prestige, who i knows what is going on in the world of English fashion. He. was not firing a gun aimlessly in the air. « L‘- i (bpwullus lu Dubxcvy Juu; nuns. ‘, There are rich peOple who desire ad-l Not an Authorityâ€"Customer, in re- i mission into these “smart” circles, and? staJurantâ€"“This l-eefsteak must he at 1 are eager to buy the privileges at high” least three weeks old, isn’t it?" \Vait- 7 cost by entertaining extravagantly and . erâ€"“Don’t know, sad); I’se only teen 3 lending money to spendthrifts. There. heal) two weeks. sah.” lam company-promoters. and StOCk'Q Wickwireâ€"“I like Timmins’s stories. i speculators who arewuhng to put the; He has such a light touch." Simmins . leaders Of 8001} sets In the way 9‘ makq â€"-“Yes, that’s one thing in Timmins’s 1 lng money 688115’. and “1911‘ SBI‘VICBS are; favor. He rarely strikes one for more accepted only too often 13 payment {01' than two or three dollars.” l social introductions which could notbe ! otherwise obtained. There is a word which is constantly used by ambitious people in England, whether they have much or little money. That word is “smart.” There IS no magnet so strong in London 80‘ cioty, as what is known as “a smart 86‘4” who know the right peOple, dress handsomely, and set the fashions of the day, and whose names are constantly appearing in f‘society journals”. ' Lord Charles Beresford probably had the follies, lax morality and selfish- ness, of this fast, “smart” society mind when he sounded his warning against the corrupt use of money in the fashionable world, The moral, however, is good for ev. ery age and country. It is not a high ambition to aspire to belong to“sfnart” sets, which make a great show in the world, and by the very conditions un- der which they live are led daily to be supremely considerate of themselves and wholly indifferent to the needs of humanity about them. Railway llosplml (‘ur to (‘arry Wounded to the Nearest City. In Belgium they have what is known as the hospital car, and when a. serious railway accident occurs the car may be run to the Spot, where the wounded may be picked up and carried to the nearest large city for treatment. in- stead of waiting hours for the arrival of surgeons. Again. the car ca.‘n' be used to trans- port large companies of invalids from place to place at certain seasons of the year. The interior of the car is divid- ed into a main compartment. 9. corri- dor on one side and two small rooms at the end. The hospital proxier is in the larger compartment; it contains twenty-four isolated beds of steel tubes hung; from powerful springs. Each patient lies in front of two little windows which may be opened or closed at will. Each bed is provided with a little movable table to hold all obj_ects_required.~ On the outaiae of thé hospital cham-l her the corridor leads us to the linen: closet and the doctor’s department, in which there is a huge cupboard used for drugs, surgical instruments and a folding bed. Various tram doors in the floor open into receptacles for ice, a provision cellar. etc. Arrangements are made for an Operating chamber and there is even a small chapel for relig- ious worship. ‘ The car will be used principdly to entry involid: from Belgium to the miraculous cure et Lourdes. Funce. AN IDEA FROM BELGIUM. “ SMARTN ESS. ' , object to the appoint” ,5 George of Greece as re island of Crete. "91’0" ,1. powers unanimously ”R film-r l’afllrllurl! Lt woke me up the first morning I was there. You could hear it a long distance fo. the steady churn of the wheels broken at regular intervals by the chug of this bucket. After that first morning I never set my alarm clock: the stteamlnat was running on râ€"‘- -_ #:mn l ; Hatching a Consyiracy.â€"Uncle Ned ‘ â€"-"How do you like your new. steam imagine? Johnny~ “Isn’t it a dan- :dy? I wonder if we could burst tl.e boiler? Instruction.â€"-Johnnyâ€"â€"“And does tie -gas-meter measure the quantity of gas you use?” Papaâ€"“No, my son; he {quantity you have to pay for." l Real Grief.-â€"-“Dreadful al‘out Mrs. Bixl:y’s sudden death.” "\Vilflt! Is she idead? I was just going over to sell [her a. ticket to our charity lmzaar.” Financial Methods.â€" "\Viuat would 'you do if you had only ten cents in . the world, Kitty?” “1 would l:uy cara- mels with it, to raise my spirits." m- malm ‘1 Wu, up”... morning I was up. And at that hour I heard the steaminat go by just the same, only now she churned past as slick and smooth and soothin' as you please. They hadn't taken her off. but they’d put a. new bucket in her wheel.” Miss 'l‘rillâ€"â€"-“I love to hear the. birds Sing.” Jack Downright, warmly-"So do 1. They :19er gttempt as piece he, Ilaâ€"”That is Mrs. Pandennis, Presâ€" idént of the Astronomical Society, and she's exasyemtingly ciever.” She -â€" "Yes. hut how (-onsolingly ugly.” 340ml theil: ability Baconâ€"“And he’s kind-hearted. i= he?" Egbertâ€"“Kind-hearted! Why. a' don’t believe he ever said an unkind word, even to an alarm-cloak." “Men’s promises," the young wife said between sobs,” “are like pie-crustâ€"” " That’s tough,” said the young hus- band, and then she got angry enough to cry)! Bag1e5'-â€"â€""Bent is a very generous ‘3 man.” Braceâ€""In what resmct?" Bag-t Icyâ€"“He never passes a. beggar thatfi he doesn’t lnrrow a dime from me to mve to him." ‘ A clever man can hide the fact 1.11:“. :he isn’t wise; but it wise man aiways iexposes his lack of cleverness. faith can remove mountains, ‘h'utI civil engineers prefer to tunnel right. hrough them. i Indu'lgent mothers tell a. boy to get up im a. bone which encourages him to stay in bed. A A girl’s ideaof happiness is to dance with one man and leave two or three' others walking the hall floor in jeal- ous rage. Succéss which makes a man humble is success of the finest perfectnon. .When a man finds fault; with his 00(- fee his wife safely infers that. the bat- teg c_akes am all right._ It is bad form to Eoniide financial prosperity to your family doctor. It affects his bills. ChariEy ditch covet-Bra Hnuititude of sins which ought not to be covered. STOGGLEBY'S ALA RI CLOCKS. Every other generation knows how to_l_)ring up__children properly.__ U NDERTAKIN Gr J. SHEW E LL Undertaking and Emhalming FlRS’fCLASS HRARSE IN CONNECTION :flr-Iurly About One. "at Ile- DIMI I» ”Om! if» Himself. FURNITURE BURIMM, - 0N'l‘. JAG OB KRESS. \Y IN'I'ER \V KIN KLES Furniture Price- Out; Embalming a. apociulty, Denier In all kind: of ()DD NOTIONS A "scum Sever * GMSTING AND UHBPPIN'} ééééé FLOUR, OATMEAL and FEE”) THE SAWMILL ("IBER. SHINGLES AND LI: TH THE nuts? TEA IN THE WORLD “M0“ ” Tab put “P b." the ‘zn’hw'l‘nurt‘ growers as; up“ of the best qu‘mhm,‘ t. In!“ TM” they use the gram! 9.“ .. sctection of the Ta and it! b.1cnd. that u .\~ "’qu Put it up then-elves tad sell 3t only In W ‘ . $1: . I mfin‘ its purity and C‘Xs‘k‘iiC‘" at oping ll. l lb. an! 5 lb. We”. and m." sold in ALL 0000 GROCERS KEEP H. u your grocer does not keep it, tell him h" STEEL, HAY'I'ER a co.- \Ve are now prepared to dn all k of custom work. Westéi n mnmrio. 2Thc «cm-«mew is "I" “ I -l’ ago Local Sta-“Sim?” In Consequence of the total w 0‘ the “HI. WhiCh is on 'schadul the. 2294 Of January. the Kill-[361' .Chlna, Who is very smx’rstitmm '3 already said to he in :1 pcrfcvt over the l'vPI’I‘OOChing‘. event, has 0 ed that the. ceremonies of .congra ”all! ’ W110 I3 (91".uln5u.-- I! already sand to he in I perfmt 3W over the approachin event, has order ed that the. ceremogies of congmt ‘ tion habitually paid to him on w" the Chinese New \car, shall It all! in npenItential hall instead 0“” TOOK MONEY “'1'”! ”1:“ Plummetâ€"I am‘ looking for 8 ”mod Smu‘th. who came here 1 our notice some yws ago. Wantâ€"Look dong among ' pawn! on New street. Be my I my nude 3 fortune by this turn Entomrâ€"Eo hid money “119’ throne room. [Z Anyone sending a sketvh and ‘ quickly zucemm, free, whouwr humanly patentabte. (‘ommum mnfidenflfl. ()ldast tummy i. ;r : tn Amen-2c; _ “'0‘ have ‘a 3'!» I'V‘:;Y.:rakea vthrb'u'gh Mun“ A l .. A k :ipt ciul nutice in the SBIENTIFIG AffiERiCEN. «suntan Illustratod. 1km.w mwwent 0c ournau we: : Lao six mm: hs. ~4pm-t n Boo: on PATENTS sum ink on aborted: notice 3nd catfish (unmanned. TMILLS fl and 13 Front Street East IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. DR. WOOD’S NORWAY PINE FROM THE TEA PLANT SUPERSTITIOU S E M PIC 11' SYRUP Is Sure DUuflAJ COUGH’S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures tllc â€" common everyâ€"day ills of humanity. A PERFECT TEE-3. 361 Brondwxu~ COLDS. Price 25 Cents. MUNN 00.. To Cure AND no of the total 80" Lich is on schedule .mperof New York. ’0 THE in the Toronto. 'tion (0V TEA CL" timo- DUE physicians {ice and Resi,‘ Officegâ€" F“ 3mm Hum Pout Office ’hy amount. or farm me aria. I ' L. (hunt Agejcv prom] M the Rexi‘m m LUCBS. Woe hour, Will be M 1 first, um th‘m i I 5001' M) {minty of G u and notes! ' I A ucum 143d \‘tlm (but. SMCI attended to 5 required. ’ V resume 0‘ ‘0 logo “ate. 0] moatlibenm mossefiecq Id- lowest; Urchu'd vil H 1 Aggmm‘g In Eng? ‘0 «peril ‘9'” m l MARINE NU 'IAI UR \\ M} tolom ABIuSTIq AMEN. AMES Olerk Di women, custom UG H Lowpr [3 Q“ allow" bpor '1‘

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