Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1898, p. 3

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Mn mH'i ltfidii “‘ Vim-'9' ~r mualcies incurnd‘ \re ; I) prsetsâ€"Llents. W n .1 put 8.1!: men “can“ wrmllli t‘ ‘ ThlrtY‘GlXth Sikh- 11"0. 'V‘NID {Q‘L in flank and mr. .rmgmpmms from their on manning c u ‘ of, sewn. the roll “rum {5an NHL Lhflt. wuhn n wvm kiflml. Limit. Tm «1m m :1 wounded. and [I lyoars rhere will not be gpo‘.‘ 31- a gallon of venom left I. ”.9 pa rth. ”cording to th “‘0- MMQ 'ny [,nrd Kalvill b01010 th- natn-al and Physical Section d itiflh -\;~sm~.imion St “I m.‘ r 3n Tux-onto. Lord Kflvin. wit] rimmed power of ”plying lgb Mriva! k ouwledge t0 thO solution pfing qnpsfionS. MS mm ti.- Dr Fahfiaflalion V0?! cu'ofully. ,- 3';on 0! t1” growth 0' 0“] “my. Lora! Knlvin‘ aid. was two r “319}! smut? metro in atho‘- Ira Dividing the figures ul- ymt (pd “011M give the 380 0' rh sinva ;‘an* “f9 began. as 2’.- flwurs 'Turnimr to Great Bri- m! Knivin sai-l that there was mum. So that country 146 thon- L'lmn '0n4 ~f «ml. or about six- u~f a tnn 101‘ square metre 01 Laura: from Hm present ruto of [W’nn ‘3 Eek ulmwly mightjast 100 5354 hp hill) we“ thtt ’0. M ,ht- mm“, honorable me. O“ M " Ofiizhhum that. l 07" M hr m n» to I can find I“ W (on! thrn- I'umlrfll I!“ 'Myi" Iran From Now. ’03 rd 19).] hear that. you “'0 Preminz me. said his loll D K ELVIN'S PREDICTION. were: ween a IS!” .U "I“ \R I [Y A XS\VERBD- 0 . burg fl Pnnmxu Hm 0! s.) :}‘(L[ 'h?” "m" \ ~-».-:.r~h party (031.1 ext 'Q 13' in the ranno l NPUVFR. ix 5%.; RSI-d a; :fi;â€"b0.. ord ~|\.< that, when the t' mm! is exhausted at «IN. mankind will only '1' I’m-l. Megnwhilo. be r of all the power 0‘ .his‘h he calculfloa at Met. “'hila this DOW' rihmed by electricity “)0 milmx at a pressufl tuth a. loss of only % KPH?" thinks that O" .:.-}. “ant to take I!" rn‘a'a‘ vowor should .1. 1 1 radius of for" flinw-H. who “‘9 "I! 1 2h» Pleventh United fixes the coal prodno- mt States for 1898 d "1H and aids that lb! uf I’ennsylvanit u. 4'ka out. Lhivh “'i" make these «Yo'rshxrl. ODD million uH form ooubo am In feet. high. or they \ u»! of cool one mil. mr thiok. The cool Trflain in 1881 would :rwnidfi. or would to- all ,,f China. with one 'I'ho British outqu >qu 1 form a pillor one fo-P? anare. . {a'nwuw Englinh geo- z'o-i W at the 01mm“ Hrlmtin. which exists 4. ‘ van he mined is \.\’H MILLION TONS. Ins. rva‘xoning from nu’a'eni that. the Brit- 'mzl‘l he P\b8ll§t0d in pH)“, rvas‘nnhlg from figure». w' down the "nu Int, pound for 1990. Mr. H t n a 8118‘ 1s r'i know the diner- vyvie and a trioyclc' m tornA iH‘M'trn might im- 13 from North Am- (1‘ forfy tjma as “-x’ nmlom. after its wxwd. figured out 2 '00 wteaumhim. n 'riLs a. your. and mm of coal u cargo 1's defii'iency. m in a cgrofully " u :mting coal. O" .{ Ianvashiro and His}: like a. draw. 1 m'prywhoro giVO 1n»! pasturo. and I VP. where 10.“ the great stool P some 0810!)!» thisâ€" ' mdsido. 'p 989941” she. answered, looking“ at I With -a 80” 0f despente defiance, d dramng the gold ring {ran hr Mlute the‘ Sign! When she next looked up; noth- Lug except the overhanging rocks of. the Glen. the brook shimmering in the av- anng light, and the white birch trees away my Mu-trally against the sky. ”Hr Lris come from his grave.” She giuu-ing fearfully around. “I dare n; tiara m do it. 0! forgivd m. Jamie. that I Ever thought 0' it." .She drew usilken cord fihich Oll- clrcled her throat from her bosom u Rho nu L ‘ ‘ ‘ the spoke Militias-(i of silvgr which damn nev Whatever she had “he had seen. there Sight when she next ins except the oval-hm ”It's his ghaist, it's his ghaist," she cried, ”and 0, how nix he looked at “team. when suddenly shle uttered 3 Itifled cry and staggered to a. 111.08!- grown boulder, sat down, and put the Pitcher hastily on the ground, pressing her hand on her heart and trembling all over. 3U you a. share 0' my last. Cl’lllt." “But dearest graudnzaâ€"” "Now, looxee here, my lane,” inter- rupted the old woman, lifting her bony (Lager and glowering fiercely upon Bal- Iie. "if ye’re fuJe enou' to refuse this good fortiu’, that ends it. ’twixt In two. you pack out. o' my house, and ne'er cross the threshold again." Bessie was silent. The great world beyond the Highland peaks seemed so dun and far army, and the old home I‘enes werw so familiar. The autumn days drifted on and in Elle sprzugt'uue she was going to kirk with squire Reufrew and be made hi8 difference in rank. The herds st the Red Pass were the {finest snd breast in the neighborhood; the barn nnd storehouses were always well filled. He was a bachelor, something over two score years old. And he wanted "Bon- ne Essie" for his wife. “11' the lussle thinks she can fency me." he Said. addressing Bessie's grand- mother, as he stood under the low, brown rafters of the little Black Lynn cottage. a. hot flush mounting to the Ihlulug crown of his bald head, “if the 1 Lassie thinks she can fancy me, the bar- guh’s ma 16. I'm ready and willing to lead her to the kirk toâ€"morrow; end it a goosl, true husband and some cold and slecr will make her happy. IhG'll be as happy as a queen at the Red Pass.” Bronx listened, with wide, startled eyes, burmug cheeks, and quivering lips, She held her pm standing, tall and sum. in a sort of stunned silence, until her gray-haired lover had taken he leave. Then she burst forth into Vuigt‘hu‘ut, pass.onale protest. i The olll grmuuholher suffered her to storm unm her passion was spent. "Well. 'tls o'er now. and ye'll simmer down and keep quiet, mebbe. I've let ye have your say, and now I’ll have ulzne. M'e're poor folk. me and you. I found it hard to get bread when Ihnd but my U\\u mouth to feed, and since I've been burdened wl' you I've gone to lel many a night fit to cry wi’ hun- ger. But I've borne it all a.n' done my host. en' always been willing to 01' he “~’Jul‘3tion 8b the fa “Bonnie Bessie" every one filled her, end rfgrhtly enough for of all the High- land lassies who gathered at the-little kirk Sm bath mornings not one was half no pretty and winning 88 885816. figure Renfrew of the Red Pam was d¢.5;..»mti-Iy in love with Bessie, 3nd “mm. to make her his wife in spite of Red Pass were a! in the neighborhoo 810W or she had seen, or fancied seen. there was nothing in and 01 the warm ingleeido lit She approached the near- Messed her Std, tired, yet against the glass. and she tapped lightly mass. The squire turned 3. Chamois. rem-bed the Red Pugs 0f the wanm inflict-uh vâ€"vâ€"v want Kooks as ahefifiishea m and went speeding away fawng darkness with the «1 kissml tho slender hoop «h depended from it. "I'll L‘‘ if I marry the SQUil'G,” r! I ought no to ha' it; I u a traitor. And, 0! Jamie. ml. 1 love no one him you. ,,,v____.‘.v v- , - mm: broom. rose 30W. What’s the cried, rushing th§0W§nc up the with resolution what’s the 81an or 01110. Orr! or 101190,}... Luau Count 11, FRANK J. Fantasy maker oath that he to the Ienlor partner of the am of l'. J. CHIN" 00.. doing bustneee in the City of Toledo. County and State store-old. and thet aid arm will pay the mun of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARs (or «oh our! every one of Crux” that cannot be cnrod by the lie of any. 0 mews. "‘ 1mm J. o mum Sworn to before mound-n ribedhm presence. mum deyot Decemberal. D. -_ A- - A 13A" wB'uvtehfierâ€"I dovn’t see as; you have any call to talk. When you sell Swiss cheese, don’t you weigh the holes and charge cheese prices for them? elas, etc. They are also aspecific for troubles peculiar to females, such‘ as suppressions. irregularities, and all forms of weakness. The'y build up the blood; and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or. excesses of whatever nature. An analysis elbows that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain in acondensed form 8J1 the elements necessary» to give new life and richness to the blood, and re- store shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as lmomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica. neuralgia, rheu- ma’ism ,nervaus headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration. all diseases depending! upon vitiated humors in the blood, such? as scrofula, chronic erysip- .liveryone living In and around the 5 village of Wheatley knows Mr. Peter I Simewhb has been aresident of the 1 place for upwards of twenty years, and whlo during the whole of that period up to last year was a constant 3 sufferer from acute rheumatism com- - plicated by other troubles until he was , warn almost to a shadow. At the age ) Olf twenty he joined the 21st New Yon-k Volunteers, and after beings member of that. organization fdr three years, he joined the New York Cavalry , belulipn. He took part in hbb his- toric kettles cl Bull’s Run, Freder~ icksburg, Cul’pepper. etc, and at I one time rold'e eighty miles at a _ stretch. carrying dispatches through , the enemy’s limes. On another occasion, he was on horseback for four days and five nights and it is little wonder 1 . that such hardships left him, as they . did thousands of others, w'uth a wreck- ed constitution. .Wahile in the my as a result of poor food, and often. worse water, he was attacked with diarrhoea. which assumed a chronic form. This of course greatly weakened him, and he fell an easy prey to the palms and terrors of rheumatism. .To acoa'respondem't of tlheBanner hesaid: ”I never expected to be any better in this world. as I had tried scores of medicines which brought me no relief at all. Sometimes for weeks at a time ’I could not line down, or sleep, eznd icomld eat but little. I was mot {only troubled with rheumatism, but at times was subject to faiinat- ing spells. and. at other times everything appeared to turn black be- ,fore my eyes. I would often feel sick at my stomach, at which times food would prove loathsome to me. My ;k'ielmeys also trmrblexl megreatly and my nervous system seemed completely shattered. Tongue can scarcely tell how much I endured during those long and weary years. About a year ago I wasva to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and it was a grand day for me that I began their use. After I had. used afew‘ boxes my pains had de- creased and I was considerably ’better. La ter, through a continued use of the pills, I could eat, sleep and felt usable to work as I had dome twenty years ago. I now .feel well and strong and if any of my old comrades see this and are afflicted I would urge them to try Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills." Strong Man Made Holpieso InvalMo - The Story of One Who Suffered Day and lllxht for Twenty You". From the Chatham Banner. Only Veterans Can Realize the Sufl‘erinas of Army Life- A fe days after there was a marriage .at. the kirk, Squire Re humself gnvmg away the bride, “Ran n is Ranch: 0 am going away." “Bessie, my darling," i ' as his strong arm clasped her. The next moment she was on the breast of her lover, who had come back alive and safe. ' [THE BUTOIIER’S RETORT. _ V _.__--..vs 5vylc'556u 800, "and he was lost at sea, I tried tot orget him, but I cannot: I can't keep ' Bonnie SOLDIER’S LIFE. A. w. auusox. -~â€"V\- UV VII, 3 I tried to forget. him, . - Invnal‘ ONE CENT :m.. t What Hagan?" . °‘° M ONSQONLO L U D E L L A little silver ring 1' neck, a great ""I\' 1" ,, §quire Ranfrew E5321 Klondike Supplies... 9 happy LAW YOUNG MEN. Learn to Cat? No better trad. or profusion. Write for particulars, ¢.- 17-....- Q; m__ , Chart book {Fee on application to the S. S. Ryckman Medical Co., (Limited), Hamilton, Ont. “ I told Mr. Ryckman if I felt no Pains for one year after taking his medicine, that I would give him a testimonial, and as the time expires this week Icome to him without solicitation to give this sworn declaration. I consider Kootenay Cure one of the greatest and best remedies for back or kidney troubles ever used by mankind, and wish my case to become generally known, as I doctored with five different medical men, and was told they could do nothing {or me." .. Z‘ or about ten years he could not stand straight for a longer criod than about fifteen minutes, when 0 would be com- pelled to stoop forward in order to relieve himself.‘He took nine bottles of Root- enay Cure and they have cured him to stay cured. He says :â€"â€"â€"_ He made a swom declaration to the effect that for over 20 years he was afflicted with Lumbago, and at times was so sm‘erely afflicted he could not walk. ' Such was the exéerie'nce of Mr. James Muir. Night Baggage Master, G.T.R., residence 243 Emerald Street, Hamilton, Ont. worth‘ money. Little Girlâ€"Papa, Dick found a horse- shoe, and I found a four-leaved clov- er: Which I'f us is the luckiest. It is a long time to look back over twenty years of life, but when the mile posts have been marked by the pains and aches of Lumbago, it renders the retro- spect far from being a_ pleasant one. It is not generally known that teas grown in one district rarely drink well alone. It is only by the scientific blending of several different growths made up of: many varieties, some. for flavor and some for strength, that per- fect tea is produced. Ludella, the well known (‘eylon Tea, is proportionately blended by an. expert, who thoroughly understands the demand of the Cana- dian trade. This 'llea has built] up its reputation by persistently supplying the highest quality. obtainable, and by giving the consumer the direct advan- tage of experience and. Capital. Being put up in sealed lead packages, its de- licious flavor is wholly retained. v ”9-... G.DUTH|E g; soNs Slate. SheebML tel Tile Gravel Roofer. B tMe lCeil nga Terra obba'rile, Red, 31212:. and teen 1Room: ’81:: Met 1 00r- oee. Felt, Tar, Roofing tob. fim wnplpee. c.. supplied t e trade. Telephone 1930 Adelaide e: Wldmer It... TORONTO. u Lt.“ OW‘W“MWO J. I. “nausea, 51.0., No. a college-ct. Q T0R0NT0.0:_11. THROAT . EYE, EAR! HOSE specums'r .WWW YET KODTENRY CURE CONQUERS. Toronto Cutting ”School. TWENTY YERRS ...._._or lUMBABU. OBJECTIONABLE METHOD. ’ The author of a. book entitled, “How to Get Rich,” has just been imprisonâ€" edr for debt, indicating that one of his ways' was not to pay what he owed. Nerviline is a joy also. No remedy in the world equals it. Neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in- stantly and minor aches and pains are cured by a. single application. Nerviline is sure to cure. 'Iihere was no infallible remedy for seesiokness, he said. It could be re- lieved, and even prevented, in persons who were not of a squeamish diSpOSi- tion. Persons of different tempera.- ment required different treatment. What was good for a. bilious patient might not be good for one who was not bilious. Acid and effervesoent drinks were remedial. and a bandage on the abdomen also helped. But the surgeon finally said, the time was near when there would he no seasick- noes, when the BOO-foot ship, with lots of beam and deep bilge keels, would make voyaging in the most tumultm ous weather almost as comfortable up staying on shore in your parlor. Pljgctical Pew-Dick is. Horseshoesjare lessen to a large degree. their ten- dency to roll and pitch. A passenger on a. short, Blowogoing ship of fifteen years ago, the surgeon said, needed a. pretty good stomach to stand the mighty shaking up he was sure to get m_a. winter storm. Mantle trade. said the other day that the modern big ship has decreased sea.- of the cabin passengers on a first- class twin screw are ill during even the roughest winter voyage. Bilge keel and the great length of the new liners IA--- _. A bantic trade, shid the modern biz sh mum-yo", ., 0C". Tun," 0"me by always laugh at his own jokes. m. ”It. p.“ 7w,.,§cnw nu". He doesn t. He laughs at you follow: 1 who am fool enough to listen to them. The surgeon of 1 great liner, who hflébeen ten years in the North At- A Rare chance “ A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy.” And you will be a. steady cannula. All Grocers. Black 3nd Mixed. Lou Psckota only. LESS SEASICKNESS NOW. no“: u: yuuuw uuuu . 112 Yongo St. Toronto. Barristers. etc..rémovod to Wesley Bld ., Rich mom! 8!: W.. fironto 'IJIYCK. yum, um. _ a Hal WPC904 ere a true boon to every ledy who suflere In tSe perform- ance o! neture's eflort. They at once ease the sin end restore natural end health notion of the over en vee- Iele. For young and dove oplu wmuenhood they chad eny remedy whxoh can be used. The are oempoun ed 001er from the ective principles of v eteble eubetenoee. end ere perfect! “to end reliable. Ask your druuiet (or them, end he does not keep them in stock he can recure them {or on. Price 81.00 per Bottle. or 6 for ‘IOO. Wheleeele Lents: The Terente Plummet 00.. Limited, Terente. A Spepifio for female Complaints, ”you. VIII mu w lwuuumu vvnul zuu Moat widely Attended in America. For mustratod Catalogue (30th year), ADDRESS- ROBINSON JOHNSON, RCA. muvxm 1 our. DB. GOODE '8 PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PILLS --â€"â€"-â€"-. -..._â€".-‘ Price $1 per Dottie, mulled to any address "18 JOB 600K MflNllfflGIllRlNG 60.. LONDON, ONT. Bluto. 81199ch tal T110 Gra.vol Roofer- Bhoot M081 Cemggg Terra. obba'rllo. Rod, Black and rqon 00611 .813 Mot l 00;. cu. Felt, Tar. Roofing bob. £560. mum wnpipoa. c.. supplied t. o trado. Telephone 1930 Adelaide a: Wldmor 3t... TORONTO. Removes Dandruff in a few days. Stops hair from falling out in a few weeks. Will start a new growth of hair in almost every case. Our average is 90 out of every 100, in which hair is grown. Pros: fumished of the above facts on applica- on. THE NEW ‘Ambcrinc’ Self-Possession.â€"Bingham -- “Bonner is so aggravatingly self-gossassed.” Rawlinsâ€"“Yes. He could wear a check- ed golf. suit at a. wedding and carry himself as though the groom was s fro cultivate a. calm. ho; JefuI spirit lies m the use of 1 ut’nems Painless Corn Extractor. It never fails. It makes no sore Spots on the flesh and is therefore painless. It nelieves promptly. more caddy.” HTS HILARITY. I’d like Brown better if he didn't ’11 us what price you senor-.12); 3!. ad it blush or liked. a can «go mgney for you. ,__ OLOQAmLQg Lend packu ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE DESGWERY. vo money fox-“yon. 25 10.30 and we; Leia "Quiz“ VG ' LU" Leading 21-39039. A. 'P. RCKARI‘ 00.. 0mm. Whole-do Ace-u. | I' " " ‘ â€" By a Practical Iinla' Engine"- ON TAININ G truthful informatio of Alaska and its i‘oardoa ( : Trmurca. flow to get to tho londike. Outfit Cloth . Food. Expenses. flow tina Gold Go! There. flow ‘0 (is: (ioid. Siberian Moth“: oi Mining. Lava of Canada and tho United sum. aad Coiond Maps oi Alaska. making in all a complete compendium of necessary instruction for thou who an {fins to Kioadiiu. and vainabla information for oaoathomc. This book will touch on to ro- agoct. and how to locata a Mining aim. on I onid study and boom. ocqumntod with in Mining Laws of both Canada and tho nit Stat-cog Forthgr. yon_c_nn study the di _gren_t CREELMAN BROS., Georgetown, Ont. TI". I. FOR VOID- Clotho your fumny from hand. to foot with on ”’ MONEY MAKER Prices only «a, 820 830. mfi'm‘m‘ ° £2: 2:; fat“ ., Pay-Inn I" In mnhlnf‘llr 1...th FOR TYPMITEIB WII'IE III. Wilson Pubiishing 80., limited Sturtevant Panm “m“ HEATER 75 h. p.--FOR SALE CHEAP. TORONTO, ONT. ”my a ASK YOUR DEALER FOR BURNING OIL. The Best CANADIAN OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ; Apples, Foamy, Eggs, ,5 -- . vvâ€"vâ€" 61103 in“ 7' .5 ma? yous. ad .11 IOIIC! v! be at d 1! ed with your bu m. Ind I. «1min oddly. ' mud. to my ono'wbo w I don. Indeltrueuble Lam «firmmlnxrmon trinndontwctmuc 33‘” we will nu! you t go Wicks. __Yon «1‘ “‘--A ‘â€" 'uuu van gwo no mull-(mu2 nrrap re a who has inst 010 ll‘Gd .113 1.2 D ‘kaB bomudori ht AT '81:“) n UMI. .L. N1 110 a; CO. 1 Boned Gold Me O w rated. to my one who win! I I I don. Indeotrueflble 1.3111ng OMmmlnx ”non tr!ndantlUctt.uc Wfl gamma; {a ruglvoonohup-roun 1 All] ALL ABOUT IT. MACHINES. fubular Boiler -lrSo.Wmnâ€" A W. G. HARRI8.-u311m. 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. u. u. uni-luv "IONA-T. William St. - - - OROITO. 0!“. to: our“ Royal Safety VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Royal Oil Co. "" CHEAP FOR CASH. mum OFFICE, Toronto. nun! OFFIOI, Toronto. OLD AND RELIABLE bi ionâ€"lâ€" ' IEBE' "37:05â€"83- du; wil I.“ “mph to my! “1831.7". . Inmntions Exposition; a world our; in n I.“ I. to] when {or :uuh nth. w “Hutch on“. 35° our 00ch «am: wad}; «- movement; muted u your; lqusl a “mum a 7:” “3.003 '“drhnzl; Inlll ‘ n . n n at. not gonad land; "and hi ‘3 used“ “2"“? ._t_ Angry..- and m '_,A__ {or 78 11.9. Boiler ~I 1(‘1 0L3 00:.â€" Rohmond Wat. Tot-om 'Et'l'clof; '61:le :{héii CEYLON TEA.

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