Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1898, p. 1

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;‘ in: Me FM den was \V‘ 70mmfislom \\.i\rd '0 '4 . McMillan John Wifli . township ;RLER. . Hunt "ed M VCI ('3 l ki Manors were I I. Thea. MCI" iHHH, Ward 3. Jose .'i!!i:uus. and the hip. , n:-~-"':I¢'tml to ‘SI {of King fur 3813. Limited) were mi. Impress charges gud* , I! was paid ’I for Durham Road. xwas revâ€"appointed wad of Health, I“. Pithh «finish'r and u t. . u“ .u’xtnrs, and} Will“ .‘ s.-IBSSOI‘Hhi]). I! and 37°: WJQ "I invilltfltnllts. paLd DUB fur Lantern .urued to Feb. 72h gt atrnctad u: for lg invited) Dress ch: ntrtry meeting 01th,, mew-s Institute wilt ~tUin ’Jll \vadn\.d.,’- I‘l!(.""d t0 I'mi'e .1 nd keep of Mn 31¢ 13' paid $2.7 ofor I“). AL K, Cl.“ 1’0ch a - ocu‘ ....'H.r.0ni l knot. At l..\,'A ,l ’ll“ (09:0..f‘rlonxo. ttie t‘stlal ,vlzvrv‘. : _ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . l . r“ “ “41‘ lullcm ml after wlncn l’.tlif“\.’|l’!:“ ‘ sel'ved.’and cheer- '- , indulged in. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will remain in * a few days before taking th ..P""m”‘e for Clinton, where ”milkarry 'Ith them the be" “Dd. our all their friends. We ‘exf (68¢ play it A fc v new honm um ie cutters '0'!" No3 (, on b» seen at the old cuttings WOI‘kShnp R ”V. L‘ TH'IRHH, Sf. 1 bl m Tuesday Ml 01183 THE 1 ston U THE Annual uweuu In h L"? m I A. Huntmn' Inn-9 some Special aims in his moving Sale at]. .. \TIS 110 n V H up - R “at”: Durham Carl )1! 'l‘sesday. no game aft: Marketa ave higher. LOCAL NE‘WS. MOW Il'tm film-loam were in flat. _. Q‘.S':;t:'.. (I. [-19 85’8 he Luna: afterseeing hCW ti) HAVE! ”It an \V H HMS 2y pHOI' '0 sp: ndingi 1 .‘SZ :1 ascurs in 03d ‘ 'h Ls‘ unquulliied “‘53th I . sides of the Adam [e )r engagements for § fi Y" pr )zramme. ‘1” mm. 8| arch lst. ll” moxm «n. .with a quiet. at Mapie Grove, biic. what) Mr. “:11.th Tailor of was united-in 15min .‘Ji'tdaugh. H. J.‘ MiddaUAh. LS8 Annie lug. e10 ! Succe J. was Lu mHLn 919518- Banister But- 0|) 0f mnmzi Swallow .\h:.F‘ml(len will an} Implements W9! ;- «day next :2 Eutemout. \uwtionecr. ‘” m, 331'. F. \V. ?us one of the 3.»; New \IcIn- v3.1 be found by 9 hell :1 pleas- M‘ary meeting the Methodisq «awning last. )2 of readings? instrumental am‘lwrpd. Mr. g of the South was held here is said to be fewler of the .1 address the in the town- w next. Feb. Ill :II‘. â€"â€" Vx'oolner ~; on deck. I 'mrImHH are “atrium, and .u‘d. Lianeâ€"30%! runs on. the keeps up the m ur spmimen “is" hard. 'anfiHSb 58 m her UH‘. 00k in silt} on trt JI M; m 5H3 ICU- ')!l on an in i The Sun’ 9 market reports ’are ad {mitted bv all hands to be the b at Eand most accumte publishad in On- ftario. The Sun’s selections for tam. :in readingare also unsurpassed :and the weekly contributions 0'! ‘Bxstander give the paper a value peculiarly its own. You can get. The Sun and tibia ptper for on. your‘ f9’,l. 25"“ .. :L'. .. ._L. “R. P. DAYMAN, of Indian Head. :‘vqnu N. W T., 313 mileS west of \‘x‘innipeg. accompanied by his wife :unl live children, have been spending the WIHLPI‘ in Ontario, and are at present the guests of Chief Constable Carson, uncle of Mrs. Dayinan. Mr. Daylnztn thinks the [Quality in which he lives is the ganden of the W101 l. The soil is deep and allmial. and earth re'nived from a distance of live feet below the surface Contains all the elements necessary for the g: on Lh of fir-st class cereals. The ciim m: is “94m and this winter so far has been remarkably mild. He is enjoying his‘visit immensely lmv- ingx spent some time with his brotht 1' Mr. W, Asbayman of Walters Falls. and a few «lays with friends in Owen Sound. .We were pleesed with the brief genial interview, and trust his? Visit here may give him incremed' vigor when he returns to the West. Mi. Diyinen isa piclnre of health enjms a laugh, and ,takesa pride in blowing up. the Territories. A 3 Iv this isqne we give a portion of a ‘letter from Mr. J. W. Johnson, Lay. §or of Belleville on the Financial humition of Ontario, and an exposure of the methols of the Government; } Mmzm‘; .V. lI.’1‘hurstouand M. Wil- eson. of Fleshvrton. have a norice in {1.19: wmak's A41 vance offering $30 for liufm‘nmrion leading to the conviction iof (10;; poih‘OIlm'S. Mr. Wilson. (he's in butcher; lm’s all right) but. where :did E-htm' 'I‘imrson get so much Mummy? If he has fallen heir to a degucv he shu .111 l<e"--p mum, mention {his lures fel'liugly Pulist' sympathy, 3gcr :t n-rxv dog: an 1 let the pup fim '13 g'). With such an enormous Klon- dike in his poswssion he’ll never gm. a sub. while at. the same time he’ll incur *he jealousy of his St rugglintz brethren who. according to the latest Statistics NHVGF have more than eight -Hâ€" - I... v-‘AW-- to (ll-cuive' the electors, regarding 'thesurplus. This lettm' should be rural hy everyone. iln'l should carry with it a great deal of weight, not, hasn‘iuse ho is Mayor cf one of our (iiiies but l.) amine of hi4. acku-J vie 1:- el stuuding asa'finunciei‘. Beinga Chur'm‘ed accountant and having hell the». position of Plincinal for over twenty years. of the Ontario Hueines< College, it is leasonahle to assume that he would not; stake his renutatiou on a question ruinous: to his business. if his arguments on the question should prove to be unsound. 'I‘hemlmctors. in our. opinion should he guided by such men. rather than allow themselvestzo be carried away livi some of the tin whistle filmucieisl whoaretrying to stufi them with! l figmescut. and driei for party pur- poses. cmnlsin cold cash at any one time Yum. conceited mam, you’ve made. a Llundcr! -- A I Iâ€" â€".1 _. day last :whlessrs J‘ Beatnn, F Graham. Arch. Brown. E. Kiuuee, Rev. “7. McGregor, Misses N. Brown, J. Benton, H. McGregor E. Patterson and .\l. C‘lewell. Mr. John Jack. Jr. and the two Misses Queen, of Orch- ard. also drove over. The Baptist (l-Jrgy of tlm district and Others took pavt in the proceedings and an inter- erring and profitable time is report- 61. â€"â€"â€"_ \Ve hear that: a. Mr. Downey, of Mass‘ie. drove his daughter all the way to Dornoch last, week to have a chronic disease treated by Dr. Mc- Intosh. Mani). ha? previous know- Eelge of the Dr’s. skill as a surgeon. The following from town attended the Baptist Young People’s Rally for the O. :5. District at. Paisley on Fri- 1 I - " ‘ --For Saleâ€"A Pomnd Cutter; good as new. . Chas. «McArthur. Met. chant, Upper Town. - 3 ORGAN FOR SALE classcomlltiou‘ App] Durham. L()ST.-â€"â€"A bunch 6f ke" McIntyre’s Block and Finder will confer a fav â€"-The big: Department soon be in Lower 'I‘uwn WHITNEY in Durham, Feb Sums-Second hand. in first . Apply tu Jas. H. Carson, 5) Departmental Store .IOth. will 'Rev. Ch ski-511. \Iethodist \Ii11iste1, 193 Dunn Ana, '1‘0101310,Cmed ' of Eczama. About ten vear a ago i felt the begi: mines of what is c mmonly known a Eczema. l‘ue ; d1~ei1 m 0111111116 wed in 1111’ ears and spread , o Iti ety 01 or both sides of mv head and a; dexel med on my hands. Du_1i11 tinge to 1 ‘ years 1 was agreat éatferor. S iahds 0:1 skin diseases t1oated111o.A*.l\-uite thi~ 1! 11m just. commencing cm the fifth box of U1. Ctmrle’ s Ointment ting, fudgiug from; he ram 1111p rovem 111 o octud am wrisi 1 that béforo filo‘ 131x is 11de I833“ 11' 1'11- pionoly cureflf ' " _ ‘ ”-0848. FISH; New“ fiifi’isford J' 2'" :3! 31- ~31'ImumA'G-gi0o0oi“. 1.11: two Durham Editors, formerly tenchws, 15.11%: credit; to the touch- e1, ..\1 3: 11111159. and the children for the oxcclleuc entertainment. The purriouc songs were stirring, and mug 011- with 11 spirit of loyalty. The audience too deserwis a sp1-ci.1l 11131111011 {01 the excellent, attention given. “rumor 31w better or_der auuvhcre. and this says a great 116111 111 tho face. of the {11131 that many had to stand during tho whole three hours of 00111111110115 entertainment. The. proceeds were about $10., and 11 ill 01: cchuded 111 the purchase of a clock. M1.1‘hom1s McFadden ' wasi chai1',ma11 and discharged his duties “91.1,but the order Was sogood that ho h’adu 1. much to do. - It wasn’t an ordinary School enter- tainment, the one given in S. S. No. 9, last Friday evening. No indeed. lit was an ideal concert; one that |\\'Oulll give credit to teachers and [scholars in many of our towns. The ,progreun'was lengthy and consisted :0? songs. recitations, ohoruses,calis~ thenie exercises. and drills, The children were not afraid to Speak out. as too many are Every word could he distinctly heard at the back end of the room. The calisthenio exer- ClSt‘S and “and drills were perfect. The closing tableau representing the. niultituilinous duties of the house- holil was exceedingly well done for children, but a little too fast if we may presume to. make anv critic-Isms. Piol'. Peel’s eornet solos and select- ions on the piano were exceedingly" fine. anal pleas‘etl everybody. Those who know the Prof. (lo-not need to be told this, as he is one of the best, if not the bes: musician in the County, and. his pupils everywhere give evi- dunce of careful training. The short addresses by Inspector Campbell and l l g Hunter also wnzlered a songin goo'l style. but the tmorité‘of thceveuing appeared [0 b6 Mr. Galbraith who was repeatedly encored. Misses Black and Vuhett played the accum- paniments in a satisfactory manner. Altogether a plensxnt. evening \VAS spent, and the C. O. F. maysafely arrange for another concert. THE CONCERT under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters. held in the Town Hall here on Fring evening last was very successful in point- of attendance and receipts. but owing to the ahsence of some who. were to take part, substitutes had to he found on short xlotice :0 till out the number. Mayor Calder occupied the chair. and briefly refer- red to the t}. 0. F. in Durham. 'lhe place of the Durham Orchesnra, was tilled by Messrs Jones, Sutherland, Gibson and t}.albr:titl1. who rendered it couple of insn'uinentnl selections. The Phouo'grnph pnt‘t Was Up to the usual sum tunl of selecrious by that and similar instruments, and one or two numbers were really good. capecinlly, “Trinity Chimes.” The place of the (wartette, who were un- able-e to appear, was taken by Mr Rowe. of Paisley, wh o furnished the audience. with considerable amuse- menu. Mr. Collect, of Allan Park. ;_;:t.v(§ a couple of character selections and received an encore. Mr. Jas A. he “Canadian Elecirical News and Steam Engineering” for January contains : n interesting account of the complimentarv Banquet tendered in Toronto to Mr. H.‘P. Dwight. Pres. ident. of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co., upon the completion of his fiftieth year of service in connection with the telegraph business in Canada: al- so descriptions of lighting plants. the moonlight schedule for electric lighting stations. and the first, of a series of articles by Mr. William Thompson, of Montreal \Vest. on "Corrosive and Scale-Forming Agents in Boiler Feerl “Nuns.” C. H. Mor- timer; publisher, Toronto. Come and see the great colored drama and hear a'genuina Edison Phonograph at Allan park School. Friday, Feb. 4th. Admission 150 100. 50,000 cedar ties wanted by David Kinnee, Lower Town. The If MIGU'I‘HN»HOPKINSmln Durham on Wednesday Jun. 28, by. Rev. J. W. Kit.- chiug. Ii. A., M r. Gen. Mightmn to Miss Mary Hopkins, both Uf Bentinck. JACKSONâ€"MIDDAUh‘r lâ€"'n Durham at “Maple Grove.” by Rev. ’1“ Ryan, on \\'mlnn~duy Jan. 213th, Mr. ’l‘hm. Jack- sm» M “N. Melinda Middaugh, relic: of the l-Lte H. J. Middaug‘ll. PRYLEâ€"Near Dornoch on Friday Jan. 28th {filler 'l‘ouhey, beloved wnfe of Air. 1“. Dr). 6. F’â€" “'0 Bought a Line for Sprh 1g and they have just come to hand. T be P: we is Mr. Samuel Robb. postmaster of Robb. and Messrs. Samuel J. Robb. Joseph Robb and John Isles 0! South Egrc-mont were in town on Tuesday at the Couutv L. O. L. meeting. DURHAM Conservative Association will meet this, Thursday, evmling in tn» ()ddfeHuw’S Hall. A full attend- am'e is rfiqnpsted. Mr. Geo. A. Clare. of the Clare Manufacturing Co. 'of Presmn, was in town Friday last and gave usa short- call. \Ir. J. McLaughIan, biscuit manu- facfurer of Owen Sound, was in town on Munday last. Miss Any B1',own of 0. Sound. is visiting he1 uncle, Mr. Chas. B1011n in '01111:his week. Miss May of “'alkerton has been the guest of Miss Eividge for the past couple of weeks. Rir. Norman McIntyre Jr was visiting frivnds in Allis'on and vicinity on \\ ednesday of iast week. BORN. BLACKâ€"On Tuesday. Feb. 1, *0 Mr. and Mr». John A. Black. a danglgter. Dr. HU'ton, of Priceville, was one of our callers on Monday. Mr. McDougall, of Laxnlash. was a caller at ‘our otfice on Mnnday last. Mr. S. '1. Rowe. of Paisley, is the guesn of Mr. and Mrs. S. Orchard at Mr. S. guesn of present. Mr. and Mrs. Peel and child are visit’ng in Drayton. AYSUNâ€"At Vickers on Wednesday Jan 20th. John Vayaun aged 77 years. Our Friends tell us that for F it, Style and Gen- eral Getâ€"up it beats anything that was ever offered in Durham for the money. This is Cash and One Price. CALDBR’S BLOCK, -. - '- Lo' PURELY PERSON A L. Ramsay é Euriock. lur Clothing is- é But we have them at all prices from $3.30 up. MARRIED. DIED Six Dollars. DURHAM; ' ‘ur Special, Only gsFarlane’s DRUG STGRE. Days LOWER To WN'. OF THE 11, OF

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