Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Feb 1898, p. 12

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It I) Eat the} 81: gm; life. plea To ulo In 01' (rs ha w W. ROOXSL "'- U BEER TOWN; -â€"â€"-â€" UPPER TO “’3: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ WHMENI WAHERBUMS Ilii‘. . . Winter Goods 5 busis‘ti‘ng of a large stock of U And are" n em] to the public with confidante t?! at the instruction is thomugh IN! the boat to be obtained in this country. Individual instruction . Students can enter at any time. Circulars Free. Talk About Ready Made Clothing We never had better value for the money than What we are new offering. We have on hand A few pieces of Dress Goods which it would be to Your benefit to call and price as they must be sold before Stock Taking next month. And Say! Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'l‘ooth Barrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds «of machines. Pianos, Owans and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on tarm property at Spper Town, lowest. rates. “Sonveyancing, Leases. Wills, Mort,- gaghs, etc.. drawn up on short natice. Horses bonght and sold. Waterloo Thrashers for sale at. ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. 3rders~for Sales may be left. at THE Clmomcw OFFICE. Have you seen our Linnen. Towels. They are nice ones. About a. Dozen Ladies Jack- ets left. You know what that means ? smn FORD, on. UK cuuusas ARE mummy STOVES-â€"A large stock of Mc- Claryflq famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancv Parlor Stoves, 150x Stoves. Coal Stoves, etc... at prices that .will surprise you. NEW “'illiams SewingMacbines BELL PIANOS and Organs. BERLIN ORGANS‘â€"â€" A Large ' chk on hand to pick from u prices lower than ever. BOOT CUTTERS and all S, T. ORCHARD, CUTTERS‘ of’fhe Latest Designs and Best. Makes. ROBES of an kinds at Prices 3- . way down. WAGONS, Buggies, Plows, Har- rows audn full line of Cash Store, lower Tawn. S. T. 0 RC 11 A R l), P1. ‘14-; cultural Imglemengg to be fiound m Sharp’s 0h] Stand. Durham. mont. 1; miles north 0‘; th‘tain 611.333, gbOpQ 70 acues pleméd and in w‘-_ v... â€"â€"v- ;me '0.- cum 5 53,17" fix; is; gamed “3:33 phatared. {range barn. frame stable. ' “'6“ ’ wanton} by sprung creek. Wilt self on' easy L‘___ -_ ‘ N the Town of Durham. Cnunty of , Grey, inclining a valuable water mar, brzek dwelling and ”navy elegitle’ uildiug lots will be sold» in mm or mare- lutn‘. Also lot No. 60. com. 2. -W. (i. lx'. - Township of Beautiuek, 1(1) acres, adjuining qun plot, Duruam V ‘HE UN DER-SIGNED OFFERS for Sale Lot Nu 8, Con. 4 Glenelg. Six- ty acres cleared. mustly under grass. fro-.6 frum ~tuue, and we“ fenced; plenty of ce- dar timber. balmu‘e Imulxwmd. Fm particalars apply to JAMES CARSON Esq. or .lA MES RYAN DURHAM. MARKUALE l’. 0. mortgages taken for part purchase money. A ply w ” J 3 EDGE. \ Oct. 2nd,, '_ , eHill P C I ing used as an Orange Hall in the town of Durham.â€"-App1y to I)EING LOT No 19, Con. ‘2, GLEN- ) EU}, mntnimng 10") acre“. about 70 news (neared, 9 acres fall wheat sown: sevennniles fmm Umlmm: convenient to (‘lnn'cn and School; Frame House; Frame Stable; Log Burn; Well Watered: Small ()rchnrd. Will rent or sell on any terms to tlneriglnt man. For farther particulars, apply on the premiszgs 3.0 II‘HA'I‘ WELL KNOWN .BUILD the Hanover Cnnveyancer, offers for saie1m farms. and other proper- tie: for sale or exdmnge at rock bottom price“. among them: The “ TeasJale ” Farmâ€"Lot 30, Con. '2, W. G.l{., l-ientinck. 1(1) acres The " Hull” Farmâ€"lat and 2nd Divisions Lot l. \V.G.R.. Ben‘t'lnqk. Imacres. sin". DEEDS MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepaled ALL BUSINESS promptly attended to in the quietest and most confidential manner. address CHOOSE A CANDIDATE la‘aL I H'. \l .u... UUI nun/n. nun u Vlvu . Lots 2 and" «J. Con 13 ulenelg, 21.0 acres. 1 application for loans on gond farm properties at 5,9; interest, payable half yearly or yearly as deuircd. {amenable terms of repayment to suit. borrowers. Ap- ply to 1‘- ‘ “n.“ACOQD ~A'.’ '- J' . PROPERTIES of all kinds sold 01' exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- Wanted. GENTS “ THE BEST LIFE ()1? 1 HER MAJESTY I HAVE SEEN.” write< Lard Lm'ne abnut ” Queen Victux'izt.” Agents make five (lullars dailv. ' BRADLEY-GARRE [X5051 (WHIPA \TY. l‘; EN AND VVOXl EN \V HO CAN I ’ wmzx HARD. TALKING AND \Vriting six lumrs daily for six (lays a week. and will be mutant with ten dullm's weekly, address NE W IDEA 00., TORUNI‘ b. Oct. 4th, A Cnnsenatine Convention ‘ / John Morriéml. Lot 313. Cm]. 3, N. D. R. (Henvlg. on nr about. the 20th nf August hut, ()ue Ewe. The uwuer may have her by proving property and paying ex kmex'. JUHN MUhlri‘ISUN.~ Jan. let. 1898. , Buuessan 1?. O. GEURhE, registered pedigree, bred by \V. J. She plmr lmn, “alters F alas, Ont. Second owner, A. and J. \euley, dunessau, Out. Terms, twu fm $1.00 '4 FIELDS. A large cheap valuable book. srlhng hkea whirlwiml. Beautiful pmuipm'tuut'A'exAntfy-tim«jex:t°._ Peakmm time. A 'x‘ ‘--- . n-_ ___ f" BOAR at [mt 15, Con. 2. Egremont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCHARD. UN SE FN. ’ Fas'I iIIatiILI 1' bOHk. Sweeps t] e antiIe field uf bowler and sub- jec ts. I ver lmdy order» Mar \elluus illustlati uh“. 1’ Im )P( tus $1. BR \Um Y- G U: it) PM»): COMPANY Luau-31), "lonox I0. Jan. 27th. BRADLEY (JARRL1-')\'(0V1PA\Y 1113111‘ 131,) Tom»: 1‘0. [“13 W (“JOU M EN FOR CAN. VASSINH UN YEARLY SA [ARI ES THE LINCU’I‘T COMPANY, 'l’t)l£_.(_)Nl‘U NAME TO THE PREMISES OF He is Lending Money. it 5pm cent., easy terms, costs light. Or HAVE been instructed to receive F_I_N.G LO'D No 19, Con. ‘2 ERKSHIRE BOAR.- ROYAL 'or Sale or To Rent. UEN'I‘S T’Râ€"LONIWWE (1min GENTS “GLIMPSES OF THE Money to Loan. l‘HB E DG E P HOPERTY. PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE but it is already decided that G. LEFROY McCAUL, Barrister, Upper Town, Durham. ‘ For Service will be called to CARDS. . MILLER, Strayed- tf 3m H. H. MILLER |O c l" gale CHAS. GRAY. Jr., Luti), can. 2, Egremont. \\. N. “(DUN \LD, Rocky .‘ .‘lU' Jean P. O. Lock Box '28. Hanover JAMES 81x. PLES, WM. ANmsnwm. HUGH Mix-UKAY. Amman. I H Helsfsir. L513 mt: Tum; Alexa!” Jr. had a wood be on Fridav. His brothel-'8. W’IU an Joe were down from Mp‘laucthox hence iber had a merry; “139.6 down at night, _ . .. , Miss L Cook,, of Paiuley; avian inngrs Will Edwards at ”3341111 A. W. says' 8159 ‘is' just... avsplondi Mr. and Mrs. W'. D. Greenwood (33k a pleasure, jumb over to the Blue Mountains near Culliugwood an d Spent sevet 41 jolly days with friends mete. Will Etlrwardsihas l‘mtvivwl a Gag-.11 ..Ffer for his Frown farm of «nearly $900 and goes OYcl‘ thus week to make the trztllsfrl’. ' ' Airs. Delnnev lost a $40 cow last week (rm 1) an OVerduse of nuts, the result of_ a bov’s cueleasness Mr. M. J. Davis doesn’t care much whether the marcury falls below zero or not fur the I. 0. F. annual supper. Miss Sue Greenwood is awav on a fish to her sister, Mrs. Gen. Robert- son,'at Listowel. the past two weeks. as he has late!) purchased a Splendid fur over coat. Grahmu Timmuns Sr. is very ill at present. O‘nenightafew weeks ago while Mr. W. 'I‘iimble’s ’bus was standmg at. the Station, the harness was out. in several places, and on Saturday: last, Jonn O’Melia Jr. of Fleshorton Station was summoned befo1e Magis- trate VanDusen, charged with the deed. U’Melia was found guilty and fi11ed$s); also 3forropairi11gharness and court. costs. in 211131835. Al Luge numbm of Spectators were fill the com 1; and severai witnesses weie examined on bOLh sides. J. W. Pics for plaintifl, W. H. Wrighti ’for defendant. I (Received too 1;.te for last. Issue.) The “boys” made the timber fly at Alice Flynn’s Wood b.:e last, week. A Vitascupe entertainment was given here on Thursday evening un- der the ensuices of the Band, which was fairly well patro-mzed. In response to ace?! last week from! the Sick Children’s Hospital for aid,i Mr. W Barnhouse, Superintendentl of the Methodist Sunday School, sent l his little daughter Ella and Miss l Flossie Thurston out with a subscripo tion list, on which they collected about $7, and on Sunday the Metho- dist Sunday School gave a collection, making the sum up to $10. Special Evangelistic services were begun in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath. the pastor, Rev. Mr. Thom being assisted by Evangelist. Lowes of Toronto. Misees Margaret; and Rebecca Queen attended the Baptist Young PeOplc’s fifth annual Rally in Paisley last Friday. They report enthusias- tic meetings and an enjoyable time. Your Comer correspondent. has tailed so far to keep his promise about the likes and dislikes of the young ladies of his Corners. Mr. D. Oswald, who has been manager of M. Richarason Co’s hardware for the past four and a half year: has resigned his position, and left on Monday to spend a month with his parents at Janetville, after which he pm poses going; to Montreal. Mr. Oswald has made many friends here and will be much missml. The .\ isses Richardscu entertained number of )ouug friends at a. Lib- rary Party on Saturday evening last. Your Varney Scribe seems to he in great trouble about Peter. We would like to inform him that; Peter bvlougs to our burg yea and we know how to take care of him. Mr. Wm Brbwu is visiting inâ€"To- Ionto at present. Misses Maud and Annie Richard- son are pending this week in Owen Sound. The latter realms at an eutertainmeutthera on Wedmsday evening. Miss Boyd of Conn is visiting her brother, Mr. J. A. Boyd. Mr. John Bradley of Orchardville spent Sunday with 0H friends here. Our School was closwl fora few days last week on account of Miss Meredith the teacher being: sick, but we are glad to say she is able to resume her duties Llus week. Miss Martha Hopkims gave a party last 'l‘hurmiay evening. All report a. good time. A couple of sleigh loads went. up to Mr. Z. Clurx’s, Varuey, on Men- day evening of the 24th. They spent a pleasant. evening and return- Gll in the small hours of [le morning all having enjoyed themselves. Messrs John Culwrb and John Queen are on Lhe sick list at present. MISS Emma Brown has returned home after spending a few weeks with Miss Martha Hopkins. Miss Tilly Brown is visiting in M :3. Forest. at present. M‘hâ€" TRAVEL? STON . FLESHERTON . ORCHARDVILLE. _‘ Cu! ’4 Painley. isdfisit- ? In 11:110ka 9M)?! and The council elected fur the Tp.of Nor- man‘by for the year 1898 met pursuau to statute on January 10m, when the fullnwing named gentlemen made and subecribed their declarations of qualifications and of nfiice as as members of said council. viz.~â€"Rubert Morrice reeve: Charles Fur_bes. lst deputv vThe hamlet was lively last week as Messrs. Jim and John Allan. Jo's. were up from Egremont visiting the Hastie family. ‘ The following officers were appointed:â€" Thomas Duig‘uan and Charles Heise. Audit- ors: Mich. Murra ', assessor; G. Heipel, Wm. Umbnch. . J. \Veinert. M .H. Mearns, 'l‘homas Stephenson. and D. Ho!- liday. collectors; James Ed'warcls, sani- taryinspcctor: J. \Veiuert, sr. member of local board of health; M. O McGregor,TD. Solicitor; Mrs. Welsh. caretaker of town hall. Auditors to receive each $9 as salary and no extras: Assessor 862(1) said amount toinclade attendance at court of revision- collectors each 321; caretaker of town Mali 813. Sam Edwards, accompanied by his aâ€"ister Mrs. Thomas Gréeuwood left for Gueiph on Saturday mowing last. Sam stray-s further south to Gralt, so we expect to have to do his chores for a week. ree e; Wm. J. O’Reilly 2nddep utv réeve; and JohuDreier and James? .Blaék. conm cillnrs. The following accounts were ordered to be paidr-LFlick for three cmd- of wood fur town hall use $2.0001mk to dc fr: Iy expen- $05 of late ImmiIi pal electinn 356 .J.’ . fine 'IIIIicipIII World electiun blank .v. and sta- timIerVSI264 Mrs. Welsh, sala') ' in ad Vance a~ cmetaknr of mm n hall *1: (‘0 I: - cillm s fur hBl‘Vk as at meeting at date $12: " \iaI v \\ iley, an indigent, receimd 36 as charity. This neigb-bmhood heartify con- gratulz tes MI. Asa Robson in having passed the Nonnnl College at Hamil- ton. He has now what is more com- monly known as a prufessional First. Miss Polly Edge of Toronto in nt the old home since last "‘uenday. Commissioners appuinted as fulan': Mr. Drnier far muth-west.divi~ion including 4. 5 6. 7.‘ 8, 9 am} 10 ounce-«inns from luts l to 20 iriudve; Mr. U’Reillv for nurth- west dixisinu including ll, 12. 13, 1-1. 15, 16.17. and 18th concessiuns from lots 1 to 10 inch! ivo; Hr. Fumes fur northead. divi- SiOll includiug H. [2, 13. H, 15, Hi. I7. and 18:1. ouncesdum fmm lots 21 m lnth incu- siveaud l, 2, 3 mmcesdmm frum Beutinrk tuwnline to Beanie Saugomn Rim-r; Mr. Black. im'ludiug 4. 5. (i 7, 8. 9mm lOih con- cefiimxs fmm huts 2| m 31' both iaclwive and I. 2, and 3rd (fiUnCGn'SiHHS t' 0m named river to Artmr and Him.” towniine. river to Al'thl‘ and Him.” townliue. Peter Y0 ~t \\ ho beliex ed that he pnld too much taxes laxt year, showvd the vollectnr’s receipts for SI?) tit-i to council. amount. uf 3H- sus‘meut $475.00. general rate< 8 7-10 miLI< uu the «War, tr'mees schml rate (p «Mic, S. S. N415, ) l 9 IO mills: the amn mt. uf tax e< {laced nu collectors roll viz. :31563 fuuml 1.0 (u orrec t m be notified and clerk tn furnish veqaisite inf .rmaiinu tn each nfature~=aif Offices P. hkelly to have the me of town hall lots under same cmulirinus as in former 3mm. Council will mew again on February 10th, in the town hall, at 10- 023100!" a. m. GEO. HUPF.‘ Clerk. to be (Mrrect 'l‘eIIders tn be solicited for the to‘vnslIiI I priming fur tlm cur IeIIt year the olhce 4 in AymII.1).Ir|I;IIII \lt. Furest. and ( htfm. Your Chance for Rare, “aims is still befme 11.: -. This week besides Wi11te1 Goods. 1011 11.11 11111 :1 lot of odd stock at s111p1isi11u p1 ices. It 1111 1.1 1. 1. a. cheap Overcoat (1011’ is 11.111 too 10110 R1 11111 1:1 bel our F1 leze Ulsters me 1111 11*.1te11p101f UlSTERS Dawnto flvemoats $4.75. (abou 1* 150 ' yards) FAN CY FLANELE'I‘TE regular 10c Spots and Stripes, NORMAN BY COUNCIL Pieces in u IJDIiEi'x‘v '1’? . ‘cop oâ€"o Clear mg 53 a I“" . u .3 Read last week’s ad. again 1213a, lrs Misses’ Donna Oxford 15 yds. double width Frieze inflark grey. Regulur $2.00 a yard; Goes at â€"- 81.25. 40 yds. 54 in. Cloakings, m Men’s Cashmere Mufflers at Eh)“ I: 75 200 yds. sin 0‘ 13‘ width Dress - 10 pairs Crompton Coraline Shoes pointed me, patent. tip Regular $1.00 pair, -- 75c Maker’s pz-icps. About. thirty: assorted. The prices 3 art M.’ each â€" -â€". â€"-â€" r5c.. light col’s, down to half price. 500 Corsets, 4 hook claim. regular price 31. Slightly soiled. pr. 500. Goods. Regular price 1?} cts. a yard, light colors. per yard 56. OF RIOCKLER’S 4 ‘ whiff-“Ti 3501‘) Q; 'Bflell-Dickflonâ€"Thlt the Mam be divided in the fuflowiug mamm- i member of the Board t» supervim : :Allan, allthu portiun of the UM i from Gle‘nelg towuliue Suutin. m m stou'a sideline. To Mr. “ie'kwm. *portiouof the old survey 8mm. fr Swaustou’s sidearm! m the bnuml. g; ,cludmp; Sligo ruad mud Int (‘3; -- Uauhiehl’s. (Jon’s 4. 5. (3. 7. 8. ‘J‘ an Mr. Reuwick, 0011’s“. 12. m. H, To Mr. Sue“. Gum’s 17d“, 19, 2;, ' ‘-. CIHlflald-'Dk.kSOIlâ€"Tllll HIM .‘(-(‘,¢ “g'y draft the sever“ sections uf Hm ;' Mic Health Act relating m ommgiuuu (li~.-,i m and got“ least 5) cupies printed 3...: ‘t .1: ward a copy to each teacher and sci... .9 fr“ :1) the T'p. said cupy to teacher L: h» ,. , fed up permanently in the scuuul fur lufi :u ' 4| benefit. and xuulaawe-O‘Y bum tmcnm' and 7;; pils in order m prevent. as muvh :n ; 23.19 the spread “(any mmmuiou. and m a“, _ ".z‘d gcopyfor the approval of the 5w“... m} spectur before being minted. :«ml ..6 3a to reupmmpud all School wells to be (‘10:,L‘ed once a years: ygfrigl. Mun-hrs mat Jan 24th. according t.) .1 ate. all the mmnbers present. Allan-5nelt-â€"'l‘hat Mr. R6va; Chairman. ‘ ‘ mtg. SnelFâ€"Caulfield- That. Sectinu 1'; amaudmeuts to 1’. H. Act he gamma} the Secret“ ' get a sufficient Humhvr .4 cards print tudistribuue “mum: 1m ! iciau§ rrrctisiug in in this In Lie-i. ,. Carma ifia-Lit‘i‘f-ioldâ€"Dicksonâ€"That we :uijn z till called to meet by the: cuairnm n. ). A?! ‘-. ' 39939:?) of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, and “you still have a tonic: in thc hypophosphitcs of lime and soda, to act with the fcod. For thin and delicate chi! men are is no remedy supericr it in thc world. It mc‘. ns rowth, strength, piumpnzss nd comfort to them. Be sure on get SCOTT’S Emulsion. 8% 0“! 9999939335933 1» .4 $5 PunyJ 8 §ehildr6fl 22; Scott’s [13213333 t '50:. and $00, all druggists. :\ SCOTT 81 DOWNS Chemiszs, Tomato. ¢€€Q€€€G€€€€CGGQ 63?? $36 EGREMON’I‘ BUARD or 'lE.-\l.fl‘~{ -Who would prescribe only tonics and hitters for a weak, puny child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly 5:: hausted that they cannot be 'l wfit’pped into activity. 311:: child needs {006:1 bio cl- mak' mg“, nerve-strengthenin- g and muscle-building £006. '3899m9999933393$$w3$ at: “W W; Hts? hm.“ ‘b~‘ihb 5H“ .m “it . 5-D: j FANCY SATE ENS, ‘Just the thin ’ f . or Comforznm, “.Regular 15.: 1 ya. (orifigc. Boy’s 200 vds. wide American PRINTS 50. a yard FR: EZE ULSIERS {‘56. Uisters $4.25. $3.50 G Pim ng ll ”ltyl llfl m :at 01 SKATING this 'l‘hul‘b“ â€"-â€"Uarr's I gnurameed For sale on! IO L 03.. Pair at Parker’s Durham will meet 1 A parlor I church will Varney, o Sleighs wiH who wish a prom am. SOFT MW“ Election iulsuLella of the lowc Fcl! full p Borlaml. S Rev. 3 Crawford of the pre OljniOlL dun of u gazed in before. m the 18 Spring. stand. is building, bricked. enterprisi The 001 this part has left. us of this v On Saturd henvy that was, two here. Mrs. J Town wa night last she reumi dition un Cameron summone symptom hvorable oovery wi 'l‘uoslay. 1 some tin. Forest w} cut b) {a his ribs. eighty ye Sion for h time. W It 18 beil :fl‘é l,()(; 0110! (In Q .\1 M

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