nk In In 8011229. For this they were regaled with yule cakes. mum which was stamp- ed an image of theinf'tnt Jesus. After church servive the grmt families had lumptuous feasts for themselves and Triends. whirh consisted of salmon, .‘geese, the indi‘spensable hour’s head, ,pies‘ salads. the immense plum puddingr ‘twreathed in blue flames, and numer- pue other Christmas dishes. Various ‘Iports were indulged in by the entire assembly around the Yule fire of which longs; ghost stories md. the cheering howl. often passed eround, formed the hportant part. * in. it we. when†Peru-nu son. duringthe reign of" Queen . .42wa and her successors, the " ‘zristmus festivities had become ex- tremely wild and were but vaguely connected with holy associations. They lasted for twelve days; All manner of amusement was enjoyed by both high and law. Cards, chess, gambling, hunting, drinking, and many. wild and boiqtprons games were indulged; in. The great landlords and genl'ry were expected to feast and entertain all their tenantry. There were (greatâ€" tables loaded with good things, plenty‘ of beer, speeches and merry-making; The great Christmas 103' was brought in by a number‘of youths and maid- ens amid much mirth, after which they all set upon it and sang their Xmas kings. who loved pomp and splendor, l-ntrodur-ed elaborate feasts and dishes strange to us. Much drinking of wine was indulged in, but the Saxon pre- ferred his rider and ale still. 0f eon rse everything was rough and crude. There was but little comfort, as even forks were unknown, and the floors were strewn with rushes. A " King of Misrule †was chosen, and while his brief authority lasted he was indeed a very great person- Later in the'Amzlo-Norman times pore revelry was introduced; and the which we are acquainted in song and poetry. This festival ended in; a wild dance, in which all partook. \Vhen later the Christian religion was gaining a foothold it was deemed necessary to keep much of the old-time merry-malt- ing, but it was purified and adapted to the church rites. Heathen temples were called churches and the idols were given the names of saints. In this way St. Augustine, who was sent by .Greg- ory the Great to convert the Saxons in 596 estahlished Christianity among. them. They were taught to eat, instead of sacrifice, their sheep and ox- en. The practice of decorating their homes and temples with houghs and ev- ergreens was authorized and connect- ed with the Saviour’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when boughs of trees were used as symbols of rejoicing. The mistletoe, which was held red by the Saxons, was associated ith the Gothic god, Balder: whose mother, Friga. having extracted a promise from all things not to hurt her son, neglected to ask a pledge from thein- significa t mistletoe, which, when hurled n enemy, killed him by its touch. is was accepted as a sym- bol of the Trinity, as the berries gen- erally grow in clusters of three. Such a policy did, much to reconcile the Saxons to Christianity, and so it came about that instead: of feasting and drinking to their’ gods at yule- tide, they substituted the‘ saints and the Virgin Mary. mense cavities were dug in the hillsides and lined with hot stones. Here were mated great oxen whole; and various other animals fatted for the feast. Their loving cub was the skull ofan enemyâ€"a grewsome customâ€"and from it each arm in turn drank the other’s health, to the detriment of his own, it would appear. .After the feasting the whole company gathered about the Yule log to listen to the Scalds, who related all manner of tales of bravery, mperstition or otherwise. They repre- sented literature to this ancient people, and were to the Norsemen what the old minstrels were later and with Of all our holidays none is more pio- turesque than Christmas, and‘ none is marked by more peculiar features. In man times the Norseman celebrated their festival of 101 or Yule at that sea- son, and though not exactly a prede- cessor of Christmas, many of the cus- toms that later have become particular- ly associated with this season were de- rived from it. These burly: old Norse- men erected for this occasion a tempo- rary banquet hallâ€"a rudel shed in the forestâ€"and covered the walls and ceil- ing with fir boughs, ivy and mistletoe. There were great rude tables and a! seat of honor, over, which was a huge, canOpy of holly boughs and ivy. Imo‘ mam, woman and child. seems imbued with a desire tq please. to their adopted country all the old forms and pleasantries, we have in Christmas one of the haypiest occasions of the year. At no time does the Spirit of good will prevail as now. There is a gladness in the very air, and every Ever since that holy night when "the angels sang for joy†Christmas has been held by the Christian‘ Church as the greatest and most joyous of its festivals. Unlike Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims cannot be credited, with mak- ing Christmas what it is in America. They tried to banish its festivities al- together, and even forbade :the singing of carols either in church or out of it, which at that time was the custom. It does seem that in their cold and desolate lives something of the sweet- ness and warmth of the innocent songs thus banished was indeed a necessity. ThanlEs to those who could not wholly forget their old home’ Christmas cele- brations, but who brought with them A HOLY FESTIVAL by local applications as they cannot. reach the (I sensed pm'f‘on or the ear. There 1“! only one way to cum d -. (nose, and thet is b; con-titu- tlonal remedies. Deafneee le eenee normal condition, been-i=1 will be destroyed forever; nineoeees out be: ere «need by Cater-tn which I. not bub e- 111an eon: (mien of tbe'mucou ear seen. We will give One garland Dollars for Ill, one of Deetneee (oeu by eeterrb) that een not be cured by Hell’s Cohrrb Cure. Send tot ;, J. OH NEY 00., Toledo, 0. Bold b lo. nur- Pllleue the but It is when the man and woman in a: novel get married, of course." Willie I don't want to have to talk to you any more; it makes me‘ tired. Interval of ten minutes. Maw main 'r £he socialâ€" hour club meet- in'a awful hard on you? Anxious questioners ask. “Is‘ there no sure cure for corns ?" We are glad to be able to tell these sufferers that Putnam’s PaJi'ndms Corn Extrac- tor will reliex'e them in a day, and ex- tract cows without pain. It never fails. Yes. \Ve met at Mrs. \Vizggles's yester- day. Miss Matilda Robinson read a most. delightful paper on the ‘Influence of Rosalind on Dress Reform! Has your Shakespeare Society started in y.et Miss Jones ?†I’m mighty glad to see this, said; M r. Shutin to his wife, once known as Miss Gadahout. â€What's that? she asked. This card you are sending out. Mrs. Sh'uthn at home, Saturday, November the Steenth, he returned. I'll put one in my pocket as a reminder that you have been at home once this year. â€"â€"nerve-pain cureâ€"relieves- neuralgia and rheumatism. Nerviline is a speci- fic for all nerve pains and should be kept on. hand by every family. ~-“ A RED-LETTER DAY. We ~have,, replied Galdsborougvh, The landlady's daughter is a very slï¬lful china painrten Every one is surprised at the rapi‘ dity and efficacy with which Nerviiine I am told that you have many dainty dishes at your boarding house, said Ki‘l'qm‘f to Goldsborough. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Pale People, and refuse all substitutes and nostrums alleged to be just as The above statement was sworn be-' fore me at Maplewoodl, York 00., N. B... this 14th day 0’ May. I897. Timobhy \V. Smith, J. P. To ensure getting the genuine asld glways for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for me. If my statement will be†7 thé means of helping some other discour- aged sufferer you are at perfect liberty to publish it.†hired. My appetite returned, the roaring in my head ceased. I be- gan to gain flesh and color, and before I had used a, half dozen box- es I was as healthy as I had ever beam in my life. My friends did not, expect me to recover and are now rejo‘ring at the wonderful change Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have wrought in In: Amino Kelly tell. or let Illness and Subsequent Cure â€" A Statement That Should be lead by Every Girl In; Canada. Mists Amine Kelly, a well-known and much esteemed young lady living at Maplewood, N. B., writes:â€"--“I con- sider it my duty to let you know what your wonderful medicine has done for Fme. In April, 1896, I began to lose flesh and color; my appetiteI failed and on going up stairs I would the so tired I would have to rest. I continued in this condition for three months, when I was taken sudden.ly' ill and not able to go about. Our familyl doctor was called in and he pronounced my illness chlorisis, poverty of the blood. At first his treatment appeared to do me good, but only for a time. and I then legal] to grow worse. I continued tak- ing his medicine for three months, when l was so discouraged at not re- gaining my health that I declined taking it any longer. I then tried a liquid me'licine advertised to cure cases like mine. but did not obtain the slightest benefit. I had become terri-' bly emaciated and weak. There was a constant terrible roaring noise in my head; my feet and ankles werei swollen and I was as pale as a corpse: One day while in this condition any! father brought home a box of Dr. Wil- l Iiams' ’Pink Pills and asked me to try; them. In Lass than a week I could sit; up, and in a couple of weeks I couldi walk quite a klietanoe without being, tried to abolish the Christmas festiv- ities. But they were unsuccessful, both in their old home and in the new. Gradually, little by little of the Christ. mas cheer crept back, again, as the stern rules relaxed. The .settlers of r New Amsterdam kept all the different ‘festlvals with rest spirit, and this, no doubt, had ts influence upon the no doubt, had its influence on the Puritans. Christmas is toâ€"deyl just as joyous an occasion foz‘ the Christian world, although observed more quiet- ly. It is the time to be happy, and bet- ter still, to make others so. It is then when the true meaning of the words, “It is better to give than to receive,†comes home to us, and never do we appreciate that so much as when some of the needy ones at our doors have. benefited by our benevolence. ' ‘ THE TIE THAT BINDS. SHE ANSWERED NOT THIN-GS OF BEAUTY. A Query Answered. A N E\-V P’H-ASE. Topics of the Day. A HAPPY GIRL- Loan and Savlngs Company. ' Ixoonponn'nn 1865. Oubooribod capital ..... . .......... 8 5,000,000 Fold-Up 0:.pr .......... . ....... 2.600.000 llooorvo Fund .. ........... 1.4ao,ooo You! Moot. ......... . ........... t2,ooo,ooo Olin-compony'o lultdlnn, Toronto It. Toronto. 13:12:11! roooivoa at utront rate- of inflor- t. «com oun salt-your); D llumm «no in arr-03y or Sterling. with interact 00 can stack . payable in Omdo or“: In ad. .Fxoouton and Troo- hog..." out]: nod by ow to invent in tho Do “am of t in (Jo-spotty. Hall! An'unonn on Rod Boga foo!!!†9t oil-rout rote. ado. tovoroblo one on 20th century watch ; American movement; warranted ï¬ve years ; Equol as timekeeper, to any $25.00 watch; nickel case, stem wind. pendant set. ï¬nely tiniéhed dial, sunk second hand; receiVed highest gold ‘ medal awards at American and European International Exposition; patented the world over; just a watch which sells ony- ._ .where (or 84 to ‘5; agents make big money by selling it; one sgent sold 22 in a single day; will send sample to any hildreas on receipt of Erica: 6 f r 87, 12 for 812; 6 or more cent ‘. O. D. I? 81 is sent with order; for $2 I will send watch and handsome. rolled plate chain warranted to wear ï¬ve. years. and ell money will be returned it you are not‘ satisï¬ed with your bar ain. Fred H. Meson. box 123. Hodison squore, New ork city. a Belt watch on earth, $1.25; our celebrated .z are a. true boon to every lady who suffers in tin perform- once of nature's efl'oz‘t. They at once ease the pain and restore natural and healthy action of the ovarian voo- peie. For young and developing womanhood they excel any remedy which can be used. They are comyoundcd solely from the active principles of vegetable sui stances. and are perfectly safe and reliable. Ask your druggist for them. and if he does not keep them in stock he can procure them for you. Price $1.00 per Bottle. or ï¬lm 85.00. Wholesale Agents: The Toronto Pharmaoal 00.. Limited, Toronto. Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be an plied with genteel and very PROF‘I'I‘AHL emplo ment. .Induatry is: the emnntial NEC- ESSA Y» to secure GOOD‘ REMUNERA- G‘ION. Pan give ’he address of representative who haSjlli-lt cleared .118 in 21 DAYS, 35 can be made right AT your own HOME. I. L. NICHOLS 8c 00.. 33 Richmond “West, Toronto. A Spepiï¬c‘ for I'_em_ale_00mplainta CANADA PERMANENT Llyylvu, I UuItLJ , 14°60, do'nigad. The Dawson Gommlssion 00.,“Wt†Oar. of West Market and Oolborno 8t, - TORONTO, “WE WANT YOU QUICK.†Apples, Poultry, Eggs, “ï¬g; AUSAGE 0A8lN68.â€"wa Importations. ï¬nest) English sheep and American hop: casings. Reliable goods at. right prices. Park, Blackwell 00., lelted, Toronto. "3359 ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE Moat widely Attended in America. For Illuutratod (? ataloguo (30th year) ADDRESSâ€"â€" OQWW‘s†M“. J. naunmsou, M. 0., No.5 college-st. O TORONTO out. A ___ m.-- 9 "NIGHT: ROBINSON JOHNSON, F.c.A.. BELLEVILLE. - - - ONT. Take a thin flour paste for a dozen pears of moderate size and make them into a roll about the circumference of a dollar, cover half the surface of the p aste with marmalade and cut the frit- ters into convenient sizes. Serve with: the yolks of eggs, after cooking them before a hot fire and pom-'dering them with sugar. Put into a. saucepan a. dozen years out into quarters and the cores taken out, with enough water to cover thema Let them 5-!" ~ till they are quite ten- der, when water will have evapor- ated. Put. them into a colander and crush them with 9. wooden spoon. Add half their weight of sugar, a. little lemon and O pinch" of powdered cin- n'amon. Put the saucepan on the fire for eight or ten minutes and then let it cool. Take two handfuls of raisins seed them and put them on the fire with enough water to soften them. then add them to the above, with a little glass of rum or kirsch. in every townthip to «120m 000d M9" "auto 0 H URN. Irma: noun. Sampie 83.50. or stamped envelo o for pnticu-nrs. T. MQJNCEL 10 Kxilng St. W†Torunto. LAW But between the Opening goose and the closing patisserie is introduced the really national Christmas dish called the Geneva. fritters. These fritters are merge. after the following recipe; a wide variety of German. Italian and French cooking to select from. But on Christmas day, although all these styles may be united on one table. is an invariable although unwritten law that roast goose shall be the chief dish. The dessert is a marvelous mix- ture of Swiss confectioneries, com- prehending everything from little co- ooanut cakes to elaborate structures of flour and sugar interspersed with all sorts of nuts and small fruits. SWISS C‘H’R‘IS'I‘MIA':~ DIN N ERL In‘this beautiful country. where the luvs md. the customs vary in every canton. the mistress of the kitchen has II THE BEST. 25. 30. ’40. 60 and 60 cents pot pound. m Monsoon Tea 00., 1 Vlommon-at. VI» T0" PAHLESS PBNNHWYAL PMLS cams WANTED.â€"~BOSTON PERFECTION PIE , RIM Cow 130 King St. W., Toronto. Ilia-ind fluidâ€! Dobenturol pur- J. IIIIII‘I' W. W om. Patent Attomcy .Oan‘du Life Bldg. . Tomato 'rito lot free book on not“ do MONSOON is Clean MONSOON is Fragrant MONSOON in Delicious MONSOON is Economical HONSOON [ado-Ceylon T DR. GOODE‘S Mills. Mills Halos Bi'tl‘liit018, em. .romoved W’odey Elders. Rich mond St. \V.. Toronto. WP089C PROCU‘ED in (hm (h and Forci n can trig: )3] 91H. _ICH _. $33; JOB OOOK MANUFACTURING 00., LONDON ONT. 193. _________ ____ mm: to maka from Ten to Twont ï¬ve dol- In. th month. writ. no quick. 0 bob". 3 band now 25c. snide am mutt“ boys gpd Ad- h- ‘A__‘-‘_ __â€"__‘_ _ Boysï¬ï¬‚irls leec Back Original Luster. Prevints Breaking and Falling Out. 93000023 new HAIR. nnrnnyuon:â€"1MPERIAL BANK. possible. GBNTLEMEN,â€"I have personally examined the heads of ten respon- sible citizens of London, Ont., who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of “ Amberine Hair Producer" they have succeeded in growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state- ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results were Ion Coox MANUFACTURING Co. WILSON PUB. CO., Limited, 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto By a Practical Mining Eaglneer ONTAINING truthful information of Alaska and its Hoardeo ( : Treasures, How to get to the Klondike. Outllt. Clothes. Food. Expenses. How the Gold Got There. How to (let tilo Gold. Siberian Methods of Mining. Laws of Canada and the United States. and Colored Maps of Alaska. making in all a. oomplete compendium of necessary instruction for these who are ° going to Klondike. and valuable information for those at home. This book will teach you to ro- sgect. and how to locate a Mining Claim. on s ould study and become acquainted with the Mining Laws of both Canada and the Lnited States. Further. you can study the diflerent methods of Mining. and how to et the gold out of the gravel. You should stu y the methods they use in Siberia. where they have mined for years in frozen ground. Articles on all these subjects are written by experienced Minin Enmrieers. KLONDIKE AND ALLAIOUTl ' contains everything known. both eographically . and geologically. 0 Alaska and t o North-Welt ‘ fl. , Territories. If you want to be up-to-date. be well ' informed and well read. You should know tho general facts concerning one of the greateatindua- tries of both ancient and modern times. Get osted on what thousands who are gushing 'londike will have to undergo. Ben the thril . ing account of the trip or rlan . from Dye through the ChllkoetPaasto lo e.b one wh made it. Adventure. hardshi and sufferings are so graphically described t at one'a interest is intense. You shouh be informed as to the geography and geology of the Yukon countr . One map shows all the routes to Klondike. and location of the mining camps. Klondi e is bound to he one of the great topics of conversation and of mutual interest. not only this winter but the coming Spring. when the excitement is bound to be unparallelled caused by the stampede of thousands for the Gold Fields. Learn what to believe and who not to believe. Get sted. be up to date. know what you are talking about. KLOIDIK All! ALL ‘80†IT is worth its weight in gold to all. and is issued to meet the demand for a reliable guide to the Klondike and Gold Fields of Alaska. The book comprises 1“ beautifully printed pages. strongly bound. Price only 25m, paetpald. Address. “ LUD'ELLA†complete comp: U nltcc Food , Gold , Trail ‘ VA‘ I an: N E W THI N G I PERHAPO YOUR DRUOGIST DON'T KSIP IT! Preparation, with full diroctlono, mailed on receipt of 81.00. A CLERGYMAN’S LETTER. the more woréï¬-W/Wéï¬e bri hrzrfi Busy wives who use SAP LJ 0 n‘gxgy seem ro grow old.Try a cake A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted hog badly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles which Beanied light as air. But by these things a man often judges of hi wife’s devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect when he ï¬nds her careless in these particulars. [any a home own a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to SAPOLIO. 32‘ Grocers often Inbsutute cheaper goods for CANE"). to mt. I better prom. Send bad; Ivan articles; and In"?! on hiring Just who' [an ordered. William Street. Toronto. '0" COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. Ceylon Tea. frog [our ggogor}; you insiut on having it. 'S’O‘me Iivz§3 ‘6 I remain, yours truly, You can not the delicious . Jun: IUU'I u ’vus "flu-toes 5 , 40, so and one. mberine†“I. I. POI VOID- CREELMAN “£08., Georgetown, Ont. KNITTING \\\\‘Wï¬ Inn-rm Cloth your bully tron had to too! with our cunss DANDRQFFJN one WEEK. Price. only 315, 820, 830. LONDON; 01"., October 20th, 1897. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST EQILI IN CANADA. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. DUNN’S BAKENC POWDER "I mmunu mm IO. AND ALL AIQ'WT IT. REV. MARTIN LOVVRY. MACHINES. OLD AND RELIABLE MON EV MAKER