{ems ago OF A OR THE HIEF, OR / / rse cape rs. l DUE 6:23. IRFUMEBS MIR EALEBS. 0rd C a h LL 3 ï¬ll orders for Mic Pills Female Hus. WATER Wer St'tw Cut. .pgceS, Slï¬ngla ower J: Crestiug rlumus, Church eners, Fencing, plies, Schoo! {ill Castings Builders’ Sup. 3d Pointfl for n use. Casting 521W Mills. Ea. Ws, their f. T -L C 9 AN’S a. continuous â€a «ma t" Toronto. On. YMAN SECURITY ESHING RANT Ayer’s P1113 LSD MITH, )LLL FOUNDRY lR-- 3011 conferre chrome ALL Powen, Id be Emery DU Middzmg,‘ mini'sltel‘. in W V11. ‘o 3‘ I: E‘ 95mâ€?- ‘5 March {3011191 -â€"â€"In Normanb Noxon s binders Mowers, Drillsfl Spring: 100th Harrmmxs best in the rum ket. Ga ‘z’LlCiS. Sections, etc. ,i for all kinds of machines. Pianos. Organs and Sewingl Machines Money to loan on farm property at lowest: rates. ULGUUH‘v â€"' - Opti al believes. C311 ea 1v 31m avail } ourself of his valuab‘nc set 'ices, as this is arare Opportun wt" to hax e your eyes prOper- ly tested, free of Charo-e. No guess work but c. smentiï¬c certainty. Difï¬- cult cases accur rately ï¬tted. ALL \VORK GUARAN BED. _ 33? I never cull at private houses. Graduate New ‘3 L} E EQXRL‘E- Conveyancing, Leases.. wms, mou- gages, etc... drawn up on short .notice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. S. T. ORCHARD, Upper Town, Durham. A. _ -3 ‘ \V in}. mug-g digit“ Cr“? "LL-Dd March 17th, 1897. t Pric'exide m: Tne's‘dax Mar. Dc»: -:1 d )K Leud Presbyterian :.- RES and 512' 11.1 N T«I Bi†. 5'5! DEATHS. mm, SGiESTIFlG EYE SPEGlAUST n. a": v r ‘v ‘ " ‘ O i 0 3e“ 3 m n. Pndm‘wlrxhla, and Toronto sell our 3 001: of {will be at Sharp’s 01d Stand. â€"â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for ', on ‘7 brief glidnesday vears. 855, Mt: 21 Saturday morn- Mz'. Gunn, father of the Mlddaugh. easeshm’ills, Mort- drawn up on short H v e, on Sunday as.ndolph Henry '4. Qmonths. a! aims, Durham. t0450 The World Over. A VAST ASSORTMENT A stack of delicate Dresden Silk Effect Prints decidedly New and Chic. waste of time \Vords weary. Crum’s 10c; Prints for 70. Ashton’s 1'50 Prints for 933-0. Double fold Skirt; Lining, reg 100 y deuce in this store. CAR HEADS of HEW 60038. Gc Factory Cotton. Tuesday 40 yd. Men’s Really Heavy Tweed Suits, reg $5.60, Tuesday $3.99 each. Fresh stock of Figs, 6 lbs for 25c. Lemons, (very large and select,) reg 25c at 15c a doz. Circle Brand Tea worth 40c, Tuesday 25c lb package. I 'Handkerchie'fs, 1000’s of new ones from 3c each up. See them. The results of a, week of extensive cash buying, by M1. Hunte1, 13613011- ally, are daily in evi- The Wheels we’re selling} this year are vastly superior to those we sold last. Better‘ in Style and makeup andit cheaper by far in Price. The‘ best we could do then was a respectable cycle for $55.00- .It was ahead of anything in the market at that price but not half so good as the New Crescent this year at $45.00. They are fully guaranteed by the makers. of this season’s Hand- somest Foreign Wash Fabrics, For 3 Weeks we make this standing Offer. 1 Ladies, Cleveland new swell special, all nickel plated, no black enamel, a perfect sparkling; Gem of a Wheel. Last year’s iprice of it was $115.00. The :wheel is here, come and see 1, it. The price to all alike. \ $85.00. LABIES’ ELEVELANB. Don’t delay this is not an offer good for a year but for 21 days only. pper Town, Prices interesting. Departmental Store, THE DURHABI CHRONICLE, March 18th, 1697. Durham. Quarterly meeting of the Patrons Mr. 'Wallace and tamuy are 311‘] of Industry met in accordance with down with sicknest this last weeki‘ notice at Hutton’s Hill. Five lodges it is to be hoped they will soon be gl reSponded to the Roll Call with rather better. " lg asmall attendance as the weather Mrs. Wm. Grant, Jr., has had al and roads were unfavorable for those severe attack of La Grippe andf: coming froma distance. Keverghe- Bronchitis but under the skillful less we had a good lively meeting. treatment of Dr. Jamieson is im». Topics ran high in favor of the Pat- proving nicely. ii ron movements in Parliament. A Mr. Wm. Moore, of Flesherton,l motion was made to this effect:-â€"- came down to attend the funeral of: That the patrons of the township of his uncle last Friday. \Vill has got‘2 Bentinck in Association assembled. a dandy driver that doesn’t have to: heartily endorse the actions of Br0- take anybody’s dust or snow. 1 ther Haycock and other Patrons in Space will not allow us to report, = the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, ‘ all the sickness. Nearly everybody is: and wish them all success in theirlsick with the exception of the‘ endeavors to obtain Legislation bene- correspondent himself. Hope to ï¬cial and necessary for the welfare of hear of them all being better before the people of the province. (carried). another week. Also were in full sympathy With re~ That was a terrible feat performed ports by other associations given in by the Orchardville smithys last the Sun newspaper of the high rates week. It is rumored that the Orch- charged by the railways on farm ardville correspondent must have produce, also Tariff reform was dis- been asleep and dreamt it or else he cussed, it being high time that we doesn’t care what he says. saw some improvements for the bene- Mr. Alex. McCalmon was visiting ï¬t of the farmers who have been the at his father’s, Mr. John McCalmon’s back-bone of this province. Can it one day last week. be right that corn for distillers be Mr,T. McNiece wasvisiting friends free of duty, and when the farmers in Hanover last Saturday. require seed corn a duty is imposed. Mr. Edwin Reilev and family, who The Governmentâ€"House was dwelt on have lived in Normanby this last 1 at some length and the extravagances twenty-ï¬ve years are going to move therewith might be dismissed. In to a farm out in Egremont. They this section of country we have sufâ€" will be greatly missed by all their fered severely from the grasshoppers neighbors and acquaintances for the) as for two years they have swept .wereakind and obliging family sc away our pastures as well as grain. Normanby’s loss will be Egremont’: Provender was shipped to us, but at gain and we wish them the best 0 the same time has left us in debt success in their new home. which ought to have some sympathy It is our sad lot to chronicle th from those who are spending their death of Mr. \Vm. Moore, which too? time and our money in the gayeties place on Wednesday last. The de of life. May the halls of our parlia- ceased had not been sick only a fer ment buildings ring loud with voices days prior to his death. He hat on every side in behalf of breaking always been a healthy, robust an down the debts of our nation, as very industrious man and was abou money is slowly made, and so much eighty years of age and a member c distress felt by the working class of the Presbyterian church. His r< . this province. Do you know it gen- mains were interred in Maplewoo tlemen? If so, kindly govern accord-- cemetery last Friday and in spite < ingly by not squandering our money the Storm there was a very larg in railway bonuses which means an funeral. His .brother and relative dalequivalent for your free pass, we have the sympathy of the who: having provided you with your rail- community. at . way fare without such decepticns Mrs. ’Wm. Caldwell has had a ha) lheretofore carried on. This country attack of inflammation but wit looks from the government for some- attentive nursing and skillful me thing better; whereas we send you as ical aid is doing nicely. our servants, you make yourselves Mr. J. Thompson’s little daught. what you are by taking what does has been very low with bronchiti not belong to you and we feel a lack but under the skilled treatment of conï¬dence in you. This is plain Dr. Park is doing nicely. egi talk but nevertheless true, much to .._.__.--.... .9, H______ iyOUI' shame be it said. FILESIiERTON. l Mav we now have reform and .1 Y 3. :s, May we now have retorm auu sympathy felt in behalf of the rising generation and much good done for the welfare and prosperity of our dear Canadian home Shall ever be the prayer of this associationâ€"Rob- ert Hay Pres. R. Gr. W ebber Sec. “The Railrbad Kidney.†Railroad employes, . bicyclists, teamsters and other men who are€ subjected to much jolting, are often troubled with pain across the small of the back. This indicates the “Railroad Kidney,†an insidious precursor of serious illness. On the slightest symptons of backache take one Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pillâ€"one is a doseâ€"and thus obtain instant relief. For all kidney troubles they have no equal. 25c. per box. Kind Words from__the Fred Victor Mission Bible Class. On behalf of the Fred Victor Missi- on Bible Class I wish to express our gratitude to you for the box. of Chase’s Ointment which you supplied in aid of our charitable work to fhe infant child of Mrs. Brownrig, 162 River street. Ten days ago the child was awfully afflicted with scald head, the face being literally one scab from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a complete cure has been effected. Surely your gift was worth more than its weight in gold. EDMUND YEIGH, 264 Sherburne St., Toronto. PATRON MEETING . t . lue of DR. CHASE'S OlNT- came to know the va . HENT, ‘I have a little girl two years; when she was one year old the same disease began to show upon her face. It wasn’t long before her face became literally covered with it. In order to keep her from scratching it We had to band- age her hands up, I tried several doctors, but got no relief. Seeing DR. CHASE’S OINTMEHT so highly advertised I made Up my mind to pur- Chase a box, which I did from one of our leading druggists. The ï¬rst application I noticed a change. It was then I began to think about myself. With four or ï¬ve applica- tions, to my surprise, I am completely cured. no sign of the disease, and my little girl's face to-day is clear of all the scabs. I am only too glad to inform any person What a blessing DR. GHASE’S OINTMENT has proved itself. “ HIRAM FREY. ‘ “ Wheel Maker, “ Norwood. Ont.†Both afflicted with Eczema of a very troublesome type and cured in a remarkably short while by Dr. Chase’s Ointment. A___ Mr. Wallace and family are all down with sicknest this last week Uva- Mrs. Wm. Grant, Jr., has had al Mr. \Vm. Allan received an invit- severe attack of La Grippe andlation to attenda Temperance meet- Bronchitis but under the skillful‘ing at WoodlandlastThursday night. treatment of Dr. Jamieson is im-ifleisa consistent Temperance man proving nicely. 'who has the conï¬dence of everyone Mr. Wm. Moore, of Fleshe1~ton,lwho knows him. Temperance is the came down to attend the funeral of great question with him and he is not his uncle last Fridav. W’ill has got 3 one of those men who distinguishes a dandy driver that doesn’t have toihimself with platform talk only to take anybody’s dust or snow. extinguish himself on the question Space will not allow us to report I with his vote on election day. He all the sickness. Nearly everybody islnaturally expects more favorable sick with the exception of the legislation strictly enforced from correspondent himself. Hope to men who have the cause at heart ' hear of them all being better before than from those who have no desire another week. for that sort of thing and he will a1- That was aterrible feat performed ways stay with honest temperance kw H19. nrnl‘mrc‘lville smithvs last men. Mr. Edwin Reilev and family, whol have lived in Normanhy this last twenty-ï¬ve years are going to move to a farm out» in Egremont. They will be greatly missed by all their neighbors and acquaintances for they ~we1‘e a kind and obliging family so Normanhy’s loss will be Egremont’s gain and we wish them the best of success in their new home. It is our sad lot to chronicle thel death of Mr. \Vm. Moore, which took‘ place on Wednesday last. The de- ceased had not been sick only a few days prior to his death. He had always been a healthy, robust and very industrious man and was about eighty years of age and a member of the Presbyterian church. His re- mains were interred in Maplewood cemetery last Friday and in spite of the Storm there was a very large funeral. His .brother and relatives have the sympathy of the whole community. VV‘LJ‘JA“--‘ ._ - Mrs. ‘Wm. Caldwell has had a hard attack of inflammation but with attentive nursing and skillful med- ical aid is doing nicely. Mr. J. Thompson’s little daughter has been very low with bronchitis, but under the skilled treatment of Dr. Park is doing nicely. A special meeting of the Presby- tery will be held here on Tuesday b afternoon next for the induction of 3 of Rev. L. \V. Thom. Rev. E. A E Harrison, of Dundalk, to preside ;;C Rev. F. Davey, of Singhamptcn, to preach ; Rev. Dr. McRobbie, of Shel- burne, to address the minister and Rev. Mr. Morrison the peeple. A memorial service for the late. Miss Martha Snell was held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Thom improv- ing the occasion with an excellent sermon from John 14:3, “And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto ‘ myself.†Notwithstanding the storm a goodly number were present. i l pelled to return. Rev. Mr. Simpso. , of Markdale, was to supply Rev. Mr. Mahan’s pulpit but failed to get here. The members of the I. O. F. with1 their wives held a pleasant social renunion on Wednesday evening last week' The menu was choice, games were indulged in and a pleasing pros gramme rendered. Mr. R. McKnight, of Owen Sound, D. D. G. M., in the Georgian District paid Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. A. M., . an ofï¬cial visit on Friday evening last. â€"_ “ - . .L. --_ â€"“A. Mr. end Mrs. F. Defoe are Vlsmng the latter’s parents near Hanover this week. Mrs. Brethwaite, of Gore’s Land- ing, paid Dr. and Mrs. Christoe a. short Visit last week. “ ‘ UNIV v The elders in the Plesbyterian chumh hele and a numbe1 of others to whom the late Bev. D. McLeod often mlmstex ed attended his Mr. Jas. Eden is at present enuag- ed in taking out barn timber for Mr. ‘ John \Vatson of Artemesia. In corn-i yany with him is. Mr. Jno. Carson who usually assists him in his contracts. Mr. Thos. Grasby left last Friday morning for vicinity of Toronto where he has been engaged for milk- drawing purposes. Ina position of care and trust he is the. right man in the right place. lohn \Vatson ot At'temesia. .Lu Wmâ€" w. W“ 'any with him is, Mr. Jno. Carson great success, realizing (weal prices, slitvp $20 vho usually assists him in his cows going as high as $737 :OIltl‘acts. pair, young pigs 53:} :t piece. an boys rented all tltél land. per Mr. Thos. Grasby left last Friday The Lothi vicinity of: Toronto Mrs. Moore of Greenside us very d for milk- unwell'at present. She drawing purposes. In a position of attack of La Grippe w. _ ‘ __ care and trust he is the. right man in with an old person of 78 year-z of age. the right place. Mr K.‘ Ainsley who has been en- The young daughter of Mr. Jas. gaged for tho, past St): mmnhs as Hopkins accidently fell on the stove :clerk in .. - . ‘ "' g , ‘ ' a week or so ago and received severe l now leaving for .\It. Forest where he burns on the face from which she ' . , - ' ‘ - lhioher wag “ His genial ways and suffering severely. ‘ rmm hnme of Mr. Geo. Lawrence presence wi rnorning for where he has been engage The Home of Mr. VARNEY. Mrs. F. Defoe are visiting ’8 parents near Hanover was made more gloc my than usual last: week. The babe, which has ar- rived at the age of real attractiveness was laid low with inflammation of the lungs. Under the care of Dr. Jamie- son it is progi‘essing favorably. Mr. Robt. . Gray, G. '1‘. Station Agent at Hamilton came up on a visit last ‘Vednesday accompanied by his Wife and family. Fifteen min- utes after arriving he discovered a coon on the stable-top which he soon brought down, and what is consid- ered a rather Strange co-incidence is that his last two or three visits home have been marked by similar pleas- ure. The last visit found a partridge about the same spot and other game the time before. Mr. Chas. Gray has again assumed possession of his farm and Mr. Frank Grasby will ‘till the Vollett. farm vacated by Mr. J. Russell there- fore the vacancies are all ï¬lled and every one waiting anxiously for spring to look for money where their predecessOr lost it. A sleigh load of light hearts of the neighborhood drove back to Mr. Wm. Chapman’s last Saturday night to spend another jolly night with them before their removal to Mt. Forest and also to. Wish them the best of success. They are favorably known throughout this part and were once of this line. Miss Minnie Murdick was the guest of Mrs. John Murdick, Mon- day. _ - . .g.‘ “vv Mr. John Parks met with an accident the other day While edging lumber by breaking one of his ï¬ng- ers. V‘U Mr. J. Tomkins has been suffering for the past three weeks with a se- vere attack of inflamation of the lungs and we hope his recovery will be Speedy. _ A- .‘ 1 ._ ."_‘ UV llrlvvv‘ Mr. Chas. Bailey was united in the bonds of wedlock on the 31d inst. to Miss Laidiaw, both of Bentinck. He and his sweet. cherub will reside on the Earl’s property of Lamlash. M r. Jessie Tomkins of Bunessan is Visiting at: Mr. Tomkins’ at present. Mr. Robt. Muir secured a position in a blacksmith simp at Ready, Derby UK? Err. \Vright of \Via burg a visit last week. UuLb ‘V in†We must- State rig, ht here that it is the ï¬rst time we ever had the pleasure of meeting THE CHRONICLE staff. \Ve ï¬nd them to be a genial and ï¬ne lot of fellows. Dr. Smeath is a. busy man just now, if we may judge, by the number of patient-Sunder his care. Mrs. John McDonald who has been on the sick list. is recovering. Mrs. John Baird of the Corners was visiting at. Mrs. Smail’s one day last week. She also gave Mrs. Bruce a call. Miss Brady of Markdale spent a. __-A few davs with lately. Inbclj a Mr. A. Jones left; last Saturday to reside near Donegal with the same party he was with last year. Another son arrived at Mr. J. Eocles one day last week to help him with the spring work. John Garson is moving his things to Osprey twp. as he has leased his rnnm ham to a Mr. Halfpenny of John Garson is to Osprey twp. as ALLAN PARK. DROMORE. of \Viarton paid the friends around here