Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1897, p. 3

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THE TEXT OF THE TREATY â€"Madc to Settle basins of the Agreement Arbitrators are fill Disputesâ€"[low the to be Chosen. The preamble expresses the desire 0! Great Britain and the United States to consolidate the relations of amity happ‘aiy existing between them. and tc consecrate by treaty the prmcipie 01 inwrnational arbitration. w BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN. and adjust themselves by mpwmauw .. 1 gotiations. . Article II.-â€"-All pecuniazry clams or- lowing articles. Article [ILâ€"Each party shall nom- inate one arbitrator, who shall be a jurist of repute, and the two arbitra- tors so nominated shall, within tWO months of their nominatio n. select an umpire. In the event of their failing umpire shall be appointed. by agree-1 ment between the members of the S11? preme Court of the United States and the members of the J udicial Committee of the Privy Council]. of Great Britain. Each nominating body shall act by a. maioritv. In case they fail to agree manner provided for in Article X: The person so selected shall be presxdoent of the tribunal. The award of a: major-Q ity of tbs members shall be fmal. ‘ PECUNIARY CLAIMS. Article IV.-â€"All pecuniary claim: 0; groups of claims exceeding £100,000. am all 0t her mat ters in respect whereofi either of the parties shall have rxghta _ _ 3 - ._1_ LL- ‘4».an ainflor thn ‘2].th or has beén a. member of the tribunal whose award is to be reviewed. and who shall be selected thus. namely.‘ two by each party, one to act: as umpire. bY these four and to be chosen} wrth- 111. three months from nommatlgn. in. three months .from nomination. be selected asinArticle X.. the perso so selected to be president. The award of a. majority shall be final. Article VLâ€"Any controversy invol- ving the determination of territorial claims shall be submitted to a tribun~ al of six members. three of whom. sub- ject to the judgment of Article VIII.. shall be judges of the. Superior Court. or justice of circuit courts, to be nom- inated by the President of the United States. The other three members shall bejudges of the British Supreme Court. or members of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, to be nominated by the Queen. Their awards by a ma- jority of not less than five to one shall! he final. If there is less than the pre-‘ scribed majority the award shall also be. final. unless either party within. three months rotests that the award is erroneous. ,f the award is protest~ ed. or if the members of the tribuinall. are equally divided, there shall be no recourse to 'Losti‘le measures of any description until the meditation of one or more friendly powers shall have been invited by__orr_1e or the. other party. “A 1110 L'LC-u. u. V...v _. -7- Article VII.-â€"Objections shall not be made to the jurisdiction of the tribunal except thus: If before the oioee of the hearing of the claim the tribunal shall decide, upon the motion ofeither party. that the determination of the clean of. necessity involves a. decision ofa disput-o ed question of principle of grave gen- eral importance affecting the national réuhts of sun'h party as distinct from: its private righte.o£ which it is merely‘ an international representative. the jurisdiction of the tribunal over the claim shall cease . be dealt with by arbitration under Article VI. Article VIII.-â€"-Wherethe question in- volved concerns a particular State or territory of the United States the Pre- - _'--.I:A:.sl nff‘nnn sLlié-Et' "inlay appoint a expresses the desire of ad the United States the relations of Emit? between them. and. t0 reaty the Prmd‘pie 0f” , '-.‘flw‘-W' ‘ DON'T BELIEVE DO YOU KNOW um you can out” "- pin heauh. “not“! “(1'er to Settle Efiaiéial officer ., cm .«W‘ of such State babe 03° tOI‘S. tors. nmary 'to can embers territory. . Article X_.-â€"IfA the noxgmatmg DEEP/1' (51311111.: w'UL'u-O . - . servitude, righ. of navxgatlorq. access to fisheries and all rights aqd Interests necessary to control the either’ territory. . . . Article X.â€"â€"If the nommatmg bodles; of difference it is the right of either party to receive disavoxvals or a ologlze for acts of the other not res ting 'Lp substantial pecuniary injury, the tn- !bunaal fisnally disposing of tlge1mattfe1 --_--,‘...,. ‘1' nor u Article XII. prondes for each party weed and arbitrators. f mntisall matters of difference it is the right of: either party to receive disavowals or a ologize for acts of the other not res ting ini substantial pecuniary injury, the tri- bunal finally disposing of. the matter direct Whether the unsuccessful party Female Complaints Combined Kidney Troubles are Fatal. uluuVJ With "this example in Wiew. wny Carryâ€""Jack thinks I'm fickle." Lena ---“That's probably the reason he does- n‘t propose a. second time." KEEN COMPETITION. “Olilmxh up ?Mgher to get away from mpetizuon." has been the motto of}, the Central! Bmsimess College of Toronâ€" to. The result is that .LC 18 now. the complete e nipmen.t., and the services of a. twirl staf of seven experienced teach!- ers are some of the advantages enjoyed by the many young people who atpend Unis pop-trier and progressive 'busmess _ .. 1| ,1--___...,.n +‘1A fnf'nmnflh WOMEN’S WEAKNESS. DRE ADF ULLY NERVOUS. Gents:-â€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. [1: quieted my nerves and ford. Conn. A London correspondent relates the following remarkable incident. The story is that while walking ina park at Tzarkoe the Czar summoned to his sidea gardener ‘he saw working about the grounds. The man obeyed with alaority, when an over-zealous sentry. mistaking the gardener's approach for peror stood. Whether the story be3 true or not, the. occurrence is unfortu- nately not too improbable, considering- the high nervous tenswn of every of- ever-present thought of assassination which if the face 1.3 any index to the team within, was neverabsent -from the mind of the Czar' himself. r z' ' MORTAR MIXED \VITH MUSK. The Mosque of St. Sophia. at Con. stantinople, was built with mortar per- fumed with musk. It was erected 1,000 years ago. yet the musk smell is still noticeable. AN OVER ZEALOUS SENTRY. u‘--v- Sold by all druggists of the arbitra- Britten With Georgevfile, is known to all th lagge. He has F trying illness f feared he could once more happ} Great Th0 Trouble Can be Cured. 1' Bullock, or Georsevllle. I“ Road to Renewed Health. to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles. looomdtor ataxia,soiatioa, rheumatism. erysipelas. sorofulous troublw, etc.. these pills are superior to all other treatment. They] are also a specific for the troubles whi . make the lives of so mamy wo- men a. burden. and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Mew broken down by over- work, worry or excesses. will find in Pimk Pills a. certain cure. Sold by all dealers, or semt by mail postpaid, at 2500- a. box. or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. \Villiams' Medicine 00.. Brockville, 01113., or Schenectady. NY. Beware of imitations and subâ€" stitutes alleged to ‘be “just as good.” Be Not Deceived. A ( ough, Hearse- ness or Group, are not; L0 be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh’s Cure will save. you much trouble. Sold by Fimgb arpistâ€"‘W‘Vhere did Scratcfimvecl-l get 1118 artistic ‘education ‘6" - Second art- ust. savagehy,-â€"7“A-t some schnol for me- ohanicall drawmg .” _ L kuwwâ€" 'â€" -_‘ Karl's Clover Root Tea is a. pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri- fies the~ blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Sheâ€"“The Misses Brown usually sing duets, do they not ‘3" Heyâ€"“Yes; bhey dwide the responsibility." Cure the Cough with Shiloh’a Cure. The best Cough .Cure. Relieves Group promptly. One mlllion bottles sold last year. 40‘ doses for 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. HEART PABLURE. E The Old hackle. Ill has achieved its great row- tatlon. It ' GUN OF THE EVENING. gar Involved Heart Action. RE "I“ Vim-"v- “ __ HERBjS only Q‘anway by which ““-‘4‘ tun-A (“If ‘ brighh STATE or Omo. CITY or TOLEDO. } as LUCAS COUNTY. FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that. he is the Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th dsy of December, A.D. 1886. A A. W. GLEASON. {BELL } Notary Public. ‘5" note directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Send for testimonial! tree. FIJ. CHEN mY . 00., Toiedo. o. i WSdld b! Druzxiiu. 760. Q for the growth of the germs of that disease. ’ 506. and $1.00 at all dmggtstl. OWWWMi :00 "Yes; but r men's wives Load Packets Only All Grocers Black and mixes!“ 251'... 411m. 500.. Aâ€" II. “ SALADA ” Of (Gd-liver on o o o o a with Hypopbospbites Prevents Consumpjio _ __. .__‘A_Lâ€"‘Jâ€"L‘_ PROTEGTION Life Insurance THE MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION, Pays Promptly. W L ‘UVUU. â€"""‘0â€" over thirty-four hundred thousand dollars. It has paid policy-holders over Twenty-seven Millions of dollars. Agents wanted in all unrepresented districts. Circulars sent; if requested. A. R. McNICHOL. Manager for Meniboho. British Columbia and North-West Territories, McIntyre Block. Wlnni 93, Man. ; D. Z. BESSETTE. Manager for Quo- beo. 2 Place d’Armes. Montreal, ue. ; W. J. MURRAY. Manager for Nova Scotla, Ha. ifex. N.B. W. J. McMURTRY, Manager for Ontario. Freehold Loan Buildmg,Toronto. Ono. It is the largest natural premium lite associa- tion in the world. It has a. Reserve or_ Emgrgency‘qug oi foothill !or Nervous Beatleuneu. Wm g, or other Game. The raw It of more than twenty um "patience TRADE man an wan 'ro can Is what the Family N 9013 when the “bread-winner in 80!”: Provides Cash When Gash ta most needed. E. B. HARPER. Founder. F. A. BURNHAM. Presidenh. -e v - a. real flexible. strong. light and durable 100'. Mosque“. lilo Tacks, No Nails. The Patent. Sleeper Insole m W.P.C 852 “5W CREELMAN 830$.- Georgetown, Ont. It. is not the coming boot; it 13 here alto within our teat-h. Ma £1 with t o SLEEPER IN- S OLE and fitted with Cork tb roughoutv this means dry [feet and solid comfort. i' ORONTO OUTTIpIG SCHOOL. Y1 men leun to out no bctmr trade. 1 for circuiar his full informggon «agents for; Mo ewe 's Luna Garmentbl ing Machme. 113 Yonce Sb. Watson’s Dough Drona ___._ ’- ottho tap. It. has more teachers. mom 5t ants, and assists many marl young m women into good ponitipna. than an . Canadian Business School. Get 931’ Enter on time. Write W. H. SHAW. y Pringipfl favorablz Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Wm -â€"havc placed the- Uf v Cllcc1quicktnr6 var. rapid increase of cheese factories and terms makes a. great) demand for boxee‘1 at payin price.“ lace you}; Order only end S'd pure or next season. Nearly ever!r wood' 18 suitable. Write us today. WATEROUS. Brantford. can I. a 'l'. W. Bumped on «on 3;”, cow ammo um MILLING oo..-un>. Fully Paid-up Shares. only 25¢. each. I. r not less than one hundred Inn-a This is a dove 10pm! claim. with shaft 110 {0‘ deep. and all in p tying ore, mill tom 5min r magnificent results. Report of M Mines very favorable. Send to no. MAURER. Sec’y. 34 Victoria. Strut. tor Pnoamwms. *7 â€"-â€"â€"â€"o...â€"â€"s-â€"“ POWDER FHECO‘OKSBEST F RIENI TAEWN Touosroâ€"Gerpard and Yongghu? [or “Emmi.“ write Ill OLD AND RELIABLE TRY Establish“ 181!

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