Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1897, p. 9

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ALE i=h It ‘ ed. W1 HS male Pills. 'p trtzstmngy In: c!!! of some 11mph thing to 9524!.” lng 9mm “fetal. L. Patel“ A!“- 3131"! prim on I wanted. ECURH’V arm must wide .bllshca II iDBY '09 G2” 0 hm” orchard 4i 1TH, Toronm. Ca. l} El) heal) ,1 use and Faun“, In 30am .1. Milan )D h 1130! i it” hush Powers, Level mhool ers for SNEQS u for hating and Saws 1n of time I Finding; his supply of feed rapidly diminishing, Mr. Jas. Herley pur- chased a quantity of Straw and sheaf cats from the estate of the late Mr. B. ‘.'\':--§;§hr, Orange Valley and is now :ez'»=..»;xres.1 for all emergencies in now the The task of hauling wood and logs is a laborious one, still ’tis the work the majority are engaged in. '1‘, Butler and son are hauling wood for .Ias. Haley; P. Butler is bring- ing out logs; S. Kelly is taking out ties; .J as. Ryan is hauling wood and the Sullivan boys wood and logs. A valiant effort is being made by the farmers around Thompson’s Corners to have a cheese factory established there. Messrs. Beattie, White and Blair have been in at- the Lake on different occasions holding consultations with the farmers, re- garding the proposed project. A number have signified their inten- tion of ioining. if the arrangements The task of haul is a labminus one, the majority z '1‘, Butler and son for Jar: Halev; P in" out loos, ' S. Ii ties; Jas. Ryan is the. Sullivan bovs Editor CHRONICLE :-«â€"Pe-rhaps it will be interesting to some of your readers partieularlyto your Dornoch corres- pondent, to know that the beautiful has arrived in satisfying quantity. W hen last he was through this burg the grating of his cutter runners seemed to have had a very soothing effect. I thought you would be willing to lend the assistance of your valuable paper to enquire regarding the lost. strayed or (here whisper softly) sleep- sleigh uith the result that; he re- ceived a. sprain which necessi- tated his remaining in doc-rs for some time to allow the injured member. to lecuperate. ing. For more particular description see the following :-â€"â€"Came into the premises of the subscriber at lot 30, con. 4. Holland, at gray dawn on the morning of the 12th day of January last, one horse and cutter containing a lauy and gentleman evidently sonorously dreaming of white wing- ed doves, butterflies, etc., but alas! for such fanciful flights of the mind. My two dogs seriously and veryi vociferously objected to that horse{ and cutter proceeding past the housel to the barn. Result: exit that one‘ horse shay. ' Moral, it is bad for the eyes sleeping out in the morning air. \Vhat we want to know: If this pair: of swains arrived safe at any par-J ticular destinationâ€"Com I {ion of Jommg, It the arrangemeuw prove satisfactory. As Mr. Sanday \Vilson was riding home on a, sleigh from town a. short time ago hisfoot, in some unaccount- able way. became entangled in the The Montreal Star, which is in-% augurating a scheme for the relief} of suffering India requests the publi- cation of the following article. We do so cheerfull'vand trust our read~ ers will take the matter into consid- eration:â€"â€"“ Well authenticated re- ports from India show the condition of the famine stricken districts to be Simply appalling. It is estimated that six millions of British subjects are on the verge of starvation. Al- ready the famine has claimed thous- ands of victims. The case of India’s famishing millions appeals to the sympathies of the whole world. The appeal is being heeded. . The peOple of England are eagerlv engaged in the work of relief, and British people in all quarters of the world are send- ing succor to their f-llow subjects in In our last report we inadvertént- omitted stating that Mr. Jas. Vin, who is working in Waterloo, out his holidaysmt the homestead. m is always a. welcome acquisition the Indian Empire. Even the people of Russia having joined in the relief movement, and are giving money and food. Canada surely will not neglect to perform her part in this great. humane worK. The Montreal Star neWSpaper has inaugurated a Canadian fundâ€"the first to be started in we Dominionâ€"and its publisher has headed the list. with a subscrip- tion of five hundred dollars. The Ben. Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Czuiada. has written to the Star, ex- piessing hIS hearty approval of the relief movement and contributing to the fund a handsome cheque. Phe appeal for assistance is meeting with Every subscription to the Famine Fund sent to the Montreal Star, no matter how small it may be, will be publicly acknowledged.” ‘All the Protestant clergymen of Montreal have written a joint‘ mem- orial to the Star supporting the movement. 1-11 V C” a llearty response in all parts of the cosggatry and_ among all classes. BVIOUSIY of interest are consmcuous- a this week. imothy Ryan had J. F. and livan engaged last week in Straw that; he bought; some IRISH LAKE . GLASOOTT. ---o «39 >â€" Mr. C. Donnely, wholesale liquor dealer, Alliston, Ont, was troubled for years with Itching Piles. He was persuaded by Jas. McGarvey, Alliston. livery man. to use Chase’s Ointment, which he did, was cured, has had no return of them and highly recommends this Ointment- as a sov- ereign cure for Piles. Honor roll for S. S. No. 5 Glenelg Public School Leaving classzâ€"Abbie Robson, John Cook Cassie McNally. 4th class: Dave Davis. 3rd class: Mabel Hunt, Dick Dams, Chas. TFucker, Fflorence IIunt, and Patsv Ryan equal. 2nd class Sr. Maud Tucker, Cleve Goodfellow. 2nd class Jr. Allie Davis Alfred Staples. Sr. Pt. 2nd. Olive Cook. Jr. Pt. 2nd. Geo. Tucker, Arthur Blair, Willie Ryan. Sr. lst. Roy McNal- 1y, Ernest Cook. Rachel Firth. Jr. lst. Tommy Cook.â€"-A. W. Park, teacher. Honor Roll of S S. No. 1, Glenelg, for January : â€" 5th class~Bella Mc- Gillivray, Robert G. \Vhitmore. 4th â€"â€"Mary Brown. Archie McComb. 3rd â€"â€"-John Kennedy. Sr Qtndâ€"George Nichol. Jr 2ndâ€"Donald \Vatson. Pt- ‘2ndâ€"-Linda. Edwards. Pt Istâ€" Sadie MoKeown.â€"~â€"\Vm. L. Dixon, Teacher. D; S. Doan. of Clinton, says: “ DR. CHASE'S OMTMENT will cure Salt Rheum when all else has failed; believe what I say and try it. Don't go on suffering for years as I did." m mm Pm‘m. \Vithout any doubt, the premium picture ofiered by the Family Herald and \Veekly Star is the grandest picture ever offered newspaper read- ers. There is a perfect scramble from all parts of the world to secure a copy. Some subscribers who have received it would not part with it for Mrs. F. Pearson, Inglewood, Ont., says: “My baby, five months old, had eczema very badly 1 _ ““““““ .s" ‘1‘!“ knt'nli on his face. gin-d head 1 procured twd boxes of the Ointment and when they had been used all signs of the disease had disappeared.” a $10 bill, The publishers will with- draw the premium shortly, \Ve have made arrangements, however, with the Family Herald publishers, where- by they guarantee to supply the “ Orphan’s Prayer” to all names sent in by THE CHRONICLE on or before 15th February. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is the recognized leader of all Weeklies in America. \Ve offer ‘Family Herald and Weekly Star.’ (One year) and THE CHRONICLE (one year). All for $1.75. f Don’t fail to secure a copy. Send subscriptions to: THE CHRONICLE LAST CHANCE Market Report. JOCOIOOOOO THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, February 4th, 1597. H‘QD.’ 40 17 50 to to 40 to ,0 BUt only fOur (4) lng mOre dain. 2111 Full S at g Nothing but Crowds, Crowds, Crowds. Come .2 quickly- Delighted Crowds. Pleased with the Goods, charmed with the music and more than contented with the prices asked. This _ wonder- ml Sale casting all our former and highly success- :2 33111 efi‘orts into the shade for the extraordinary i? lowness of the prices. Everything that is design- 2 ed to gladden the hearts of Qindicious house keep- 5 ers, but do come early and avoid the Crowds. g N Nm «:N '%% In addition to advertised bargains, we offer these attractions. Come now and come early. The goods are here, if you’re not too late and bear in mind a reduction on almost everything in the establishment. To introduce this wondeiful delicious T into evely household d111ino the 1C] Gio Gautio S21ie,1 pmkaoe will be given With e1*e1 V $3 pumhase. 7 Full Barrels ExtraOClarified ‘Diamond Drips’genuine Sugar Syrup. There’s a, good deal of H: but watch. 11: go. You unvariably pay 40 3 1b for it but to keep the ball rolling, Saturday we say 23/40 3. 1b instead of 4c a. 1b. 400 yds extra crash Towelling. By all that’s natural you should pay 10o yd for this ; you usually do. But then this is our Clearing Sale and we’re generous. If you’re not too late you may have 10 yds (each) at 41/20 a yd instead of 100. 150, large Selected Candies. today as long as 500 lbs will last at 50 a ll). This is The last but not least Day.- 50 pai1s Ladies, Oiled Pebbled Buttoned Boots Whit 1121111’ 8 1en0w11ed make all sizes, medium Width â€" AAA AA The goods advertised for special Days Will be on Sale at above prices only 011 these days. ‘ Departmental Store, . Upper Town, Durham. We can supply neat Covered Tin Pails, cheap, holding 10 lbs. Y_-â€"wv wv ‘. You may have any of the bargains offered (Which might be left) at advertised prices the following days during this Sale. $1112 a. pairinsteag of $1,160.. Sat Feb. 6th. ,_;:-fif asififiljfifiif ,_ 3w“ nFTTfl‘rYd‘ UJ p '1: 2 m- Im-III Ilfl-ful â€" -Iâ€" W_â€".l.â€"â€"â€".. a J. A. HUN TER, .L. I ”4â€"1131 I nu EU I “In F»! I nu nu I nu m- I nu m: a mu um . u u. . u... m. . ._ . -- _.. W, 2‘ I:â€" “Emma“ xi "In-117.." -o ifiiifii iii-:1: N l , u.- --- .._- v ....â€"-,. ‘IV . w... . ~a... I. v D 1 "I izi-ifii In! “I. .IO 1:; STILL

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