1W OD LG [i The miners at the Springhill, N. S., colliery are on strike. Winnipeg will lay ten miles of new , macadam pavements this year. . is now 51,540, Ottawa’s population and its assessed valuation $21,947,635. . Ben J. Israel Tarte, Who has taken 211 in Ottawa, is confined to his bed at Montreal. A company of New York capitalists has been formed to work a ritory at Bothwell. Mr. Adam Beck of London has sold his famous horse Lon-gshot to the Duke of Marlborough. 'adly injured by a Foueren were L) . dynamite eXplosmn near saw Bill Lake. They were thawmg a can of. it betore [HE VERY LATE pionsnlp, rowed in miles, for 8th. Mr. J. H. Maconn, of the Geological Department, has left f jom Prof. Darcy Thompson and m preparing a report to the Imperla} Government on the result of their obâ€" servation of. seal life in the Pribyloffl Islands last summer. Wages and. glutiesi o the. C.P.R_._ wag the. L‘Jilono ‘V'da. MIGUEL/u van - . . Spencer, Supermtendent of the. (thS- 1011, and a number of representatwes of the men hailing from points between Fort \Viil'liaim and Quebec. 0 ‘ 1". 7-1,..-†' resi nation of Mr. Jonn aim-1a†asThaovergor-General’s secretar3_ {13: been accepted, and Mr. anclalr ting been appointed, thhonc pa), 'Talfis is secretary for {his Encelle‘ncy. It sting on account of _Mr. Smclau‘ 3 con e c _ _. +Ln TmTuJI‘i 2.]. vu “Luvuuv a Scotch constituency for Parliament. Lï¬g accident. 'As the husband Was found “:Lth the bOdy of his little bpy clasped mhis arms, the Mastgr dead- by the boy. t0 OODDBCL UUVBIâ€" uuu. L-ualuuo; doned. The Queen continues and is busy over the pro diamond jubilee. It is stated on auth W'iliiam W'aldorf Astor a. British subject. to 101-~§‘C UL ULUQ uuuuu C v..- veeks of the session. i .. i r T" ’luo more cases of cholera have deâ€" CHARLIE OF HEART i Sweet Girlâ€"I hope you W111 call again 1 Mr. Geo. A. Kirkpatrick, Lieutenantâ€"_ , , , , Governor of Ontario, who underwentan 1 soon again, if I were sure of. finding operation “in. London on \Vednesday, is! you at home. slowly gaining strength. 2 . > ' butâ€"â€" London gapers of all shades of. poli- 1 lret 11318 seeâ€"it. wont do. forOyou to Ocall i tics are said to approve of the signing l {neg 3% evenï¬ng,’ I - . dW i of the arbitration treaty between Great 1 0 de 0min: 1581011 meeting ’ an ed- Britam and the United States. â€Siege? y 3.1111? Thiili‘ida the Blue The British Government is taking 3.0- have ’3, most imporytant session - and tive steps to ï¬t out an expedition t0 Friday is the monthly meeting ,of the avenge the Benin massacre. It is prob- i Dorcas Club; and Saturday the Brown. able that the Kingdom of Benin Will be ing Clubâ€"really, I hardly know what day to set: bu â€"-â€"â€t societies always? . Oh, yes. indeed; I’m a. life member of Parliamen Lord Hamflton, Secretary of State but this 18 our busy season. and Ishall for India. states that the famme. in- be confined very 0 093157 to the Ofï¬ce for several man his. Good-evening †Indian treasury between four and six million pounds. LA’i‘Eé’i‘ FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ToÂ¥63to bay, one thousand (1011338: the imperlai -~ â€"-~â€" . . . _ _ Emperor \anham is still very active I an forwarding his scheme for the re-‘ 5. . Ger - .r nn Chan y organization of the antillery. .Sir John B. Thurston, Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner for the his little boy!1 his recovery is dorubtrul. Master gleam! The Maharajah of Durbhangah has. had first, be“ remitted eight lakhs of rupees of h13‘ De hampered revenue, and wi ount 1n the famine relief work. flN. l . AN Libezrety League hhalsi lEeeira. ftorr'nred - -. £400 1n ew aland to c ec a. 15 s. o- {fag/53%, ‘ tal .prohibitionists were the first to ex- , ‘perience the power of the league. Famine and plague are stalking hangl inthand through India, and.d 1t . . is almos. impossible to give any i ea 1n fine health ' of: the fearful distress that prevails. :rarnme for the .. .. . . . . The Young Turk agitation IS spread- . ‘ ‘ 1118 In - - iii") 1331?} ML cards have been issued calling upon true 5 no ecome \ gloilems to kill the mad dog of ul an. or five on May pOUIolcal 51“qu 5.. â€"â€"â€"_v The Hon. Joel E. known historian, died in Newburg, N. Y., on Recei ts of grain. Fort Villiam durmig season of 1896 aggregated at Buffalo from the navigation 2,329,500 bushels. The Pilttsburg Cuban policy of the tratlon will differ very little from that pursued by President Cleveland. Ernest L. Chase, son of: Dr. Chase, of Ann Arbor, Mich, has been sen- tenced at Detroit to .life imprisonment 11:15 w1fe, whom he has disfigured for hie. " . old Despatoh says that the McKinley Adminisâ€" 27, was arres . . for shoplifting. A waggon load of. Sllks t and gloves was found in the home I where she was employed as a servant. 1 ( 1 l Prof. Henry \V. Elliott has advised the United~States Senate that from an econ- omic and humane point of view it would he far better for the United States to kill all the remaining seals outright than to permit the s " ' 3under the present regulations. The United States Deep \Vaterways Commission has submitted its report to Secretary Olney. The report is an unqualified endorsement of. the ship canal project between the United States and Canada, and embraces a recommen- dation for two hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars for preliminary surveys. special features to tra‘ States. Business is quiet and prices continue low, ' " ° . business men is generally a feeling of confidence, and the more steady tone‘ and healthy tendency is considered more satisfactory because it is slow. Stocks in some lines are too large, es- pecially in textile fabrics, an ~' prices for these goods are probable. There have been some large purchases of leather and of wool; hides at Chl- B cago are lower. During the .Wee Jâ€"uv‘v of leatlwler and of wqol; h cage are lower. During 13] has been little yaxiatlon . The Czarima lS reporwu w W W- Lously ill. * Mr. W'illis, United States Minister to Honolulu, is (1de ‘ The pmposed naval yard extension at Hong Kong will cost $1,250,000. The Princess Chimneyz who eloped 'th a. Hungarian muSLelan, has been 3 W1 - ‘ engaged to appear in tableaux v1vants l at the Berlin \Vinter Gardens, after er divorce from her husband, dred and fifty dollars 5 1 ary.of seven hun i a. nlght. I hold the den- zari'na is reported DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE; GENERAL- to be Ser- THE PLAGUE AT BUMBAY BUSINESS AT Native Doctors Desert Their Postâ€"The (’emoteries 0vcrflowiugâ€"lnfliculty in Burying the head. SCARCITY OF \VATER in and about the town and the tary conditions are of: the crudes actor. The refugees hovever, ar afraid of the bubonic plague t? cholera, and they will undoubte acter. i afraid of the bubonic plague than of y i cholera, and they will undoubtedly re- ‘ main where they are rather than to reâ€" 1 turn to Bombay. The Government is ' ' to assist the people, but its . been productive of little real result in the direction of cleanliness. In Poonaâ€"h and Bandra the plague is raging w . great virulence. The efforts of physi-~ cians to stay the progress of the dis- ease in the slightest degree have been fruitless,“ and . t i 13 extremely high. 2 . ksons attacked by {the disease have lin two or three hours after suffer- ‘Lng dreadful agony. The cus the natives add to the hideousness of i the plague. The lVLOh teries are overcrowded, pUflg Augue w»... . . U: was prevalent there IS here. Swine, poultry .an‘ pear to be very susceptLbh and great nï¬zm‘bers of the: NOVEL UMBRELLA HANDLES. Umbrellas are displaying quite as ° tyle as articles of e distinctly The latest edict is that the LEMON S USED , Jan. 28, 1897. AS SOAP. The loss of nearly $2,000 in cash by Mrs. Belle Helmuth in Fifth avenue,‘ New York recently caused many police' detectives to make remarks about the carelessness of women and the ease with i which they can be robbed in public places. Talking about her loss, a detective said the other day that he had heard of SUBSCRIPTION Ed“; several cases in which women had lost ERMES. . . year DI‘OPBI‘tS of considerable value in their She Chargid if “0‘ 5° ; subscription is paid i anxiety to save trifles.;addresslabe1. N0 p “Clever thieves understand and take advantage of that failing,†he said. ‘ “Many women, not content with care-i lessly c1: rylng their purses in their hands when they walk about in crowds} in the shopping district, will lay their 1 purses down on counters when they are examining goods in the stores. “Thieves are on the lookout for such Opportunities, and all they have to do in many cases is merely to edge up to a careless woman, crowd her a little, perhaps pick up her pocket-book, when she isn’t looking and walk away with it; Sometimes it is necessary to divert her attention, and also the attention of the salesman at the counter. F 1‘__L U“(7 â€Â£1ku W-U vuv vv .._,_ v _- “Thieves often travel in pairs for thqt purpose, and the most common trio-k 18 to drop a handkerchief, usuarlly acheap one: with no marks on it, near the woman’s skirt. a 1 _,‘J W UUJUCDLL D GILL; U0 “ “Excuse me, but you have dropped your handkerchief,’ one thief says pol- itely, and the woman looks down, and of. ownership, and the handkerchief is handed over to the salesman to be re- turned to the real owner who may call for it later, and in the meantime, the woman’s purse has been stowed away in the pocket of a confederate, who makes tracks out of the store. i “ ‘My gracious!‘ lhe woman exolaims K ‘ “' 1 A1-_'_4. 1 13:1] 11r;+"1 mlakes tracks out of the store. “ ‘My gracious!‘ the woman exclaims presently, ‘I wonder What I did with . my purse!’ and then there is another 1 diversion. By that time {both thieves' are beyond pursuit. The police hear of many such cases, â€but there are many women .Who never make complaint to the police, and are even ashamed to tell' their friends how easily they have been , . taking care to pro- l tect their purses and other valuables by carrying them in satchels when they ‘are on shopping trips, and in most cases Hm. ummmn fail to take one small pre- [116629 CT' b“ (D 2,‘ O B O 'b 51 E. a». O a. E 8 CD 03 B 93 ï¬nd pâ€"A 'U H ‘P I ary thief. The trouble is that van-l ity of the women and the fault of the ‘ manufacturers of satchels combine tol , favor the thieves. seen and the clasp is exposed to the touch of. every light-fingered thief who passes her. It is the easiest possiblei trick for a thief to open a satchel in the hands of its owner, when carried that way, and take out a purse or some jewelry. It is done In crowded ! 1 side, and always on the side where the l l INVITATION TO THEFT. s and legs were used .rly as 700 B. 0. They the priests, who were at those times. nus 11mm mum}: EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE. CHRONIGLE PRINTMG HOUSE, GARAFRAXA STREET DURHAM, ONT. SUBSGR‘P'HON THE CHRONICPE will be sent to any address, free of postage, tor $.00 per RATES . . . . year, payable in :'tt‘.*-.r.:nceâ€"$|.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted 1:; the number on the address label. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, except at the option of the proprietor. ADVER'HS‘t“: For transient advertisements 8 cents p line for the ï¬rst insertion; 3 cents p RATES . . . line each subsequent insertionâ€"mink measure. Professional cards, not exceeding;r one inc $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without speci directions will be published till forbid and charged ;' cordingly Transient noticesâ€"“ Lost,†“ Fonnt " For Sale,†etc.â€"â€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion, 25 cew for each subsequent insertion. A 1__ --‘ All advertiseinents ordered by s:rangers must be pa for in advance. Contract rates {or yearly advertisements furnished ( application to the ofï¬Ã©e. All advertisements, to ensure insertion in curie week, should be brought in not later than T0551); morning. ,_ __.._._.-â€"-' THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT The hroniole Contains . . Hts Local News is Complete fording facilities work. world’s news, articles on the EDI'mR AND PROPRIETOR. household and farm, an SGI‘IB authors. and market reports accurate. a, b IS PUBLISHED W. IRWIN, Is completely stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus af- for turning out First-class rangers must be {