'8 tech. an' bet! {ix p0}- 'year upon id Mimi: )by, 6180" p, Derby,- Wak and‘ vised and! '11: year to said Mr kil of tho‘ vised and dug {no 9 coming such 604 gned “d ï¬ned by f Grey to ppoinlcd) on of tho Tara'to, a, lot 3, Division, on lot 11, Divmion, be nadir day here; ' to take the city of‘ to than tst‘ at. the r mention; by the said ,of Grey, :mmout, Holland, rn Sound, a this By idea 0! rnumbgr a] to b. may be 'rrey, um} County the said â€mallby, Electoral mceaaion 1 Chief. Forming a tie ma the ma of “vet-v. a _dollar,'~ I vam - for 2n ne,soction vision,- at Electml at No; 5 ? use on Lot t to say mm! D..- |;f:0t2n nd thereof, 1 ' 1““)? the ï¬n! the aid- at Bone 1 n! Cook†with and $011 the, 13d: eon- m on, {to be gig}? Village 3 . 2 Union ,3 School Elector“ :tonl DP Div'sion, 5th 8306' “we“ a 9; for Home’ a 33$] 5 7/ . Division, at B0) d’s School flow, 1 Elecgrfï¬agonal ; for 4th Electoral “'31.â€, 5"†‘kghhnk’s School House, South mg- 11¢ Twelfth Day of December, A..D. commencing at the hon}- of mna . :ock in the morning and closxng at ï¬ve o'ï¬lock in the afternoon of the same 693-, in; mg: the following be the Retummg for taking the said votes, namely n , _--.n\-m__Wnr ‘St “.9010“! “VII- Ont 1870. i099 1‘“ ' Divan)"- Pnectofl Elector! Hugh )1. Barton [5; Hon Axoâ€" iaion, Mr. Em I); Hu‘:,1.i.\'D-"r0r ‘ I. uICULu-an uu'r C3 him, Mr. Wm. C. Lyme £19920an Division, Mr. Henry Cardwellï¬ Elgsruzh E'ev-mral Division, Mr. Maxwell l ï¬ximn ; fur I‘last Hector-a! Division, Mn} ; for Garafraxa‘aMust be disposed of by a limited time, consequently ' ' ‘ ° ' '11 b " ' - ’ B 0' . ‘- .; Ju’ï¬u Pigmmira. Jr. ; for North Elector-31‘ argalns WI . 8; elven, Kai’m. M . 3‘1?) Price. > _ , , DIS 5L†IWI;\.\'aâ€"I‘n)l’ 13?. E!€Ct0fl DiVlSiOD i AT M. Fraser’s Mr. (fhzxr'zes L‘ritchely; {or 2nd Electoral: ’;\1.,-g3i.â€",.xx, 31:. Juhn Milhurn, Jr.; for 3:11 I Hector?“ Divisiom, Mr. Andrew Henry ; : STORE; LOWER TOWN! DURHAM. 3:411 I‘Z‘.P(;YUI“1’1DEVISiOU Mr. Robm KW! . . . 1‘ ‘ .3 5 Haunted Division, ML; Durham, 09%.??0‘“), 1870. Y‘.’l?"|“-\' ' f‘r gaâ€"trick ; for 5 h Donald McIntosh. UOHBIU £12 I "cw-a- I): DERBYâ€"For lst Electoral Division,‘ Mr. John Smith; for 20d Electoral DiviSo i0u,Mr. Joseph Kenchen , for 3rd Electoral Division, Mr. Abraham Finch; for 4th Electors! Division, Mr; James B. Young ; for 5th Electoral Division, Mr. Alexander Webster. _- - ‘ “Q ’â€" Is Svosan-nâ€"For lst Electoral unvw ion, Mr. Donald Baxter; for 2nd Electoral Division, Mr. Chariea Gordon ; for '3rd Eiectoral Division, Mr. Thomas Matthews ; for 4th Electoral Division, Mr. William Jobnstone ; for 5111 Electoral Division, Mr. David Armstrong. " n ‘17...) ll- 115' I“ Ail [who Ulla. _ Ix Owes SOL‘ND-FOI‘ Bay Ward, Mr. -J. C. Sprarzg; for Centre Ward, Mr. R. H. Hill; for River Ward, Mr. Jame! B. Cameron. Ix S.lRAWAK-)II‘. A. K. Roy. ‘ Ix KEPPELâ€"For lat Electoral DivfliOn, ‘f'lir. T..H. Reeve; for 2nd Electoral Div- .l$I.O!_),.Mr. Gavin Shaw; for 3rd Electoral Dwmon, G. A. Tenant, Jr.; for 4th - II, I TAKE NOTICE That the ahuve is a true 'c0py of the pro. posed By law, which will be taken into con- sideration by the Council of the said Coun- ty of Grey, after One month from the ï¬rst publication in the Owen Sound 'Wmes, the ‘1)wen Sound Adveftiser. the Owen Sound ' Imzet. the Durham Chronicle, the Meaiord Monitor, the Watcher am Snug-em, the "date of which first publications was in the. Owen Sound aimes on the 13th day df Navemher, A. 11,1870. the Owen Sound advertiser the I'Ith day of November, A.‘: 1)., 1570, the (â€ten Soun’l Comet on the7 iiith day {if November, A. 1)., 1870, the rDurham Chrmtigle 0n the Nth da .0! No- vember. A. D., 1870, the Meafprd 4 onitar 'On the 17th day of November, A. 13., 1830, and the Witchler am Saugcen on the Nth "day of November. A. D. 3870; and that the votes of the Eéectors of Eeremont, Nor- mmibv, (henelz, Bentinck. Holland, Snlo liven; Derby. Sydeuham, Owen Sound, Sarawak'and Keppel will be taken thereon 0n Monday, the 12th day of December eatâ€"drain mm, Mr. Jgiemiah' Wallace. A. I). 1870. commencing at nine o’clock in the forenoon, and closing at ï¬ve o’clock in use afternoon of the same day. at $116 967 my.“ pinces mentioned, set out in and ï¬xeï¬ M an eighth clause of We above W‘COpy ' ox \‘ne raid prOposed By-Lmv. unn‘v fluff: \'m. 17 mm 198:3. iST of letters remaining in Durham'v l’ost-Uflice 0!) 9th Not, 1370. Andrews, Thos. Morton, David Andrews, Jas. Moore. James Armstrong, Margt.(2)Miller, George Anderson, Andrew Macklin, M0898 Andrew, Mary Ann Martin, John Andrew, Pascila M'Kechnie, Elizabeth Bull, Henry M‘Gilvray, Duncan Brigham. Miss H. M‘Quarry, Jane flown, Thos. M°Donnel, Alex. ialley. Tnos. M‘Cormack, John Bell, John M‘Martin, David Campbell, Duncan M ‘lnnes, Dougald Cameron, Donald 1 Cooke, Smith 1 Campbell. Allan I Daugal, Don-Md 3 ‘Dargavel, James ‘ Dunsmore, Nathan Edge, B. B. Ellion, J33. (2) "Fan, Mrs. T hos. H. Green, S. Gilchrist Dougald Good, John 'Gray, T. Gray, John Hasmy, 30h“ Hastie, David Hastuy, George Hooper, Sarah HugbeS. J. W. Knox, Henry Luvingston, Andm' Luugeelle, Juhu Legzne, Thomas Lawuence, G. 3B J- LaWtence, Wm. mane, John flargos, Micheal Myers, Job" (2) m, Wm. Nov. 17. 1870. Durham, Nov. 9, 1870. :§‘1;Â¥;â€"For West Electoral ‘Div- UTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT e application win he made by the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Com- puny, to the Legislature of Ontario, at its ' for an Act to amend the Act 'd Company and to ex- tend the powers conferred upon the said Com pany . Lands for Sale, f0 Toronto, Nov. 7th, 1870. BUILDING LOTS. List of Letters. LATEâ€"Any r sale, by F- STRAY COW. VI.-- JOIN GALE, Assistant County Clerk -nl‘ MCKENZIE, Pus'mAs'rsn. T’almer, Joseph Ruwson, S. F- Rzley, Henry Rickard, Thou. Simpson, Jas. W. Scott, Ada. Smith, Ed. dmw Smith, Jas~ “ 'l‘aytusl', RObCT: .3 \\ hitmore, 680- 5? J. Wood, Job“ [1. White, thn‘ \U M‘Gilvray,' Duncan M'Quarry, Jane h1‘COI’flJ30-s M‘Martin, David M‘lnnes, Dougald M‘Kim, Hector M'Lean, Flora Jane M'Laughlin. John M'Donald, J. M‘Coll. Jazmie M'Faddcn, Thomas Nichol, Thos. New“, John . O‘Conue‘r, Richard Oliver. James Ogden, Jag. quantity of ï¬rst-class lath I Edwards, Durham. Pearsou, u. Pearson, Mrs. W. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for Apglicants. THUS. DI XON, Barrister-nth“ Lower Town, Durham. ALSO, V‘- Wï¬ucrs Richard \I Kinnon. Donald M Lean, Mr-S M-Douald, Ate!- 1 98 ‘5. Clearinggsme 2 ‘Ready JHade Clothing. : Men’s and'Boys’ Boots, Hardware, £55 51351? 33%wi Mag 0 p e n e d (D 1‘ MEL (SL WINTER GOODS CHEAP CASH STORE. â€L-â€" 390’135 A1336 swim, HATS AND CAPS, Ready-Made Clothing, c. Great Reduction in Prices. E w'HoLE STOCK CONSISTING 0F GROCERIESz The public are invited to iriép’eét! N0 TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS !! A. G. M‘KENllE-p Durham, tom. 41b, 1870. ï¬ftiE FOLLOWI)‘ [‘VAKb'dUUM U! L UUAJ u -u... _.- all kinds of Furniture, consisï¬mg of : Have now on hand alarge BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDSTEADS. ‘HAIRS, sums, TABLES, am, ' - . WER PRICES ! than have hitherto been sold tentiun. All kinds of TURNING executed with Neatness and Despatch3 _ ____ .. A .- “11.51517 nvcmmnfl. Durham, Oct. 20th, 1870. ‘AUL‘JWH-‘ ._ _, ' I h was and fences, never failing stream‘ of water and good water pOWer. Oneoi fourth mile south of the village of Durham. A. R. HORTON, Qollingwood, Co. Sl‘x‘néoe Ont. manby, a male Teacher, holding a class certiï¬cate. the lat ofJanuary, 1871. Apply to any of the undersigned. ANDREW DERBY, EDWARD ARD, JOHN YOUNG? } ‘. Nomby, Oct.‘24cb,-1870. y - Durham, New 5,1379- Nov. 13!, V1370 TEACHER WANTED. AT PRICES TO SUIT Great Bargains in Crockery, ï¬ï¬- Tea Se t8 for $2. fail 8525323. NT LAND, ‘ GO_Q_I_) BUILD- AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CO} HAVE RECEIVED TEE!!! ‘ 'N SISTIN G 0F : CONSISTING OF †THE, ARGYLE HOTEL, DURHAM.) Crockery, ! UllUD 1U nun-â€u; V- . ..-- _ - application will be 'made 30 the ‘Legislature ot Ontario, at its next nestion, for an Act to eXtend the time for complet- ing the tonaufuction ot the Line 01' Railway authorized to be. construcxed 13y , the Acts incorporgfing the" _e‘.lmg%oh. the Ac BIS IIIUUIPUIG ill-6 ..... -- .. Grey, and Bruce Railway Coinpany 08113 for certain amenflments to the said Acts. The subseriber. is'desirons of fliSposing of _ a Splendid Park Lot; ’of four antes, sibuata within half a mile oi the villnge of Durham. There is ag'Ood new frame burn on the ' also the cellar and foundation for pésiépaid line give us a. call. It will pay you. G. J. MATTHEWS SON. Sept. 7th, 1870. UTICE IS HEREBY ngs THï¬T Gléhéxg;'l\’oi's ls}: COLE TWEED. 'A’NTED inimediatei}, '. Séinboi Teacher. Address, if by letter aid _ . J 1 THQS, ‘S _LLIVAN,’ 1 5‘2. ' -Priceville.' "#10- NOV; 13', 1870. _JOHN OSBORNE, . - . Secretary“. I, 4th Oémber, 1870. 193 6. New Goods agd -New ‘anï¬ ' for 1870 and 1871. v‘m, FEATHERS, B UTTU N2 610m and Wool: all Colors. “ BO\NETFRO\ Hum can I! vvaw u.- WOOLEN YARNS, BEE Mrs. D. having secured the services conï¬dent that she Will be able to give enti their patronage. BONNET-FRONTS, HAT AND 13085131: SHAPES; AKFAST SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS esxmflNes, am. of a ï¬rst-class MILLINEB, from f'l‘qronto, feels FANCY Goons, _ _ _ _Montreal House», Upper Dnr'haï¬i; Oct. 20th, 1870 I Forming one ï¬fth: IiiOSi éitenswe assortment‘s in thé Cii‘iiiliy, ' and which will be found,- ' ‘ ‘ as usual, Oct. mm, 1870. s HE subscriber begs to inform his numerous customers and generalpnblic, that he has removed his business from one door south of the Foundry, to the ; more com- modious building, situated one door north of saichtmdry, where he is prepared to do business as usual, only 68% ‘2). much larger stock 01‘ goods, and lmpes by strict attention to business and reasonable "charging to receive ashre of public patronnge. -' The best of work; The subscriber manufacru‘i‘es a kind of Collar which can be recommended for safety to horses, andyhich has pro‘Ved its superiority over the Scotch Collar. They have been thoroughly‘lestedby and are now in use on the Durham and Collingwood Stage Line. Any Brennin .r t‘c'atrefer' to Mr..-R. H. Minnwcti, preprietor of the said liu'e.-‘â€" Reference ‘migh Be math ‘to many Others but the above named gentleman has more '01 them in use than any other man in the countyr ' ' ‘ ‘ ' 0:}- The Scotch Collar manufactured second to none. (fj- CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and in any style desired; cownxsnoouALOGUE OF GOODS CONSTANTLY 0N HAHD': L 1 ' â€" --- - I man" man" ï¬rl‘he acorcn uuuur lawman..-“ w“..- -_ _s, K)- CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on short notice and in any style desired, CONDENSEDGMALUGUE 0F GOODS CONSTANTLY 0N HAND': Japanned Team Harpies; Brass Team Harness; C Plate Harness; ï¬ Tug Tears Harnessfi Tug Team Harness; Japanned Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Ridin Seddlbs,’all kinds; Riding Bridles and Martingale; Team Whips, Boggy hips and Stage Whips, of all kinds and Quality; in abundance, 'also a few " English Oak Halters; Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Fly Nets; Worsted Ear Nets ; Suits of House Clothing ; Frank Miller’s prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the J Stitching and Leather: . The 339! Stock of TnuuKs In south crey, varying m price from 2.50 to $14.00. " The patent adjusting Ham with safety ring, whichf can be made to ï¬t any hon; by raising or lowering the draft ; CURRY COMILS, CARDS, BRUSHES and , COMES. cf," A call from all is solicited. . . f _ -r n n 11. T1117! I’mTI’ Note the Damn, July 13th, 1870; Consisting in pit of: LAGES _ VELVETS BUTTONS,H§1MM1NGS,c. mnfacm‘rea a tuna or uuuur wuxuu u... w ._..-.,_._-__ _ as pru‘Ved its anperiorily over the Scotch Collar. They have been rand life how in use on the Durham and Collingwood Stage ine. ’t‘c‘fl'rei’et to HIE-R. H.M_1DDAUGI'I, preprietor of the said lin'e.-‘â€"- _A_l1nmnn Ln. mflrï¬ bf JUST OPENED - no Apprentices or Quack Mechanics Employed! 05' THE “ Moï¬T‘REAL HOUSE" BEGS anti-one, that shé has just recéived her 'u, "Iu- Town, Next vdoor to Mr. Parker’ 3 Drug EOWER TOW-N DURHAM. Direct. 3183333; FLU W BBS; I: Store 0 LWK AT It is, AGENT m DURHAM. TORONTO, Prov'inczial Ethihition, ............ '. '. CHATHAM, County of Kent, ..... ._.. ........ , .. INGERSOLb, County 0t Oxford, Nâ€. 3., . . . . . . WOQDSTOGE County nngxffdpdf S. Bu, . . . . .-.-.-. PARï¬o (3011 ‘1", of‘ Bigot-(N. R5,; ............. BRANTFO Rï¬t); Cbh‘n'ty 0T Bran}, S. Buâ€, .-.. ... - .-. ST. MARY’S, County of Perth, S, Râ€, . .» ....... S'I‘R_ATFGR'D, County of Perth, N. R .......... ‘. DUNDAS, Township of West Flamboro’,. . . .. . . .. AYLMER, Township of .Malahi'de, . ... . .-- - . . . . .. FREELTON', 'f‘hr‘ion of Five Townships, . -- - . . . .1 RT. CATHARINES, County of Linoolm ........ WEELAND, County of Welland, . - --.,. . . . . . . . . . gUR'ORA- Townships of King and Whi‘tch‘urch, . .' RADFU D, County of Simcoe, S.,R., .'.-.-'. .-.-. - . WE BY, County of 'ORtario, S. R.,. . ..., ...-. '.- PRI’ CE, ALBERT, 'Co'unty of Ontario, N. ., . -. MIL 'B’R‘OOK, County of Durham, N. 3., . - . - -.~.'. NAPANEE, Counties of Lennox and Adding-3mm. Durham, 'of without 6iéép'ti6n; the ibes‘s‘l’. Machine t5 ,._ Lasagna as .saemssv: samsms , ; WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, 810., ever brought 10 this part of the at extremely low prides. Patterns to suit all tastes. In addition to the above we have also just received a iarge con- ’1. Children-’8 A against purchasing Bro’migsqry Notedgnade E Bentinck, in Mar of San Glenelg, begging gm}; 2C 187.0. and payaï¬lt'aptie s A :- â€"‘ A-.nn4 Cal-rim; away ‘éluring this Fall at the IUIV, .uu â€VJâ€"’3‘} payment has been flopped . - 1'91 ‘7 Nov. iat, 1870. SAMUEL McDEARMID. Sign. 23 1370. _ 191. 3 NOTE LOST. LL ï¬ARTIEgfl are herein _..-- 2....» ï¬ns-n "Ifllan 0r 1 ’ARTIE§ are hereby panama nst‘ purchasing or neg‘ntjaï¬ng a y Nolqgade Hinniaq. Jofmï¬ton, in 5901' of Samugl, Mabearmid, mpï¬ng 31m; 2031: of September, payqlilt! .er y‘ear therefrom, as VARIETY STORE. ren’s Carriages, and Pew‘ambulators, ., -Mï¬ffl"; am, No Ro,.-.-'.;;.'.'.'.. o-.-- I! and ï¬ddinthfln . .' ........ D UNO BETTER EVIDENCE Sewing Machine, than the folio wing signment of MANUFAâ€"CTUR'ERS, I'mmmmi various Agricultural Fairs. have great pleasure in recommending to the 'uoti'é‘é bf my friends, “58$ is if I have any), Dr. Halated, of Durham; As a thoroughiy qualiï¬ed Physician, ken know. ing that he y‘viil give perfect satiisfattion to all who employ Kit?! w a n.PRITCHABD. Durhgm, Oct. 131870. Lot 49, Con. 2, Glenelg, on the night of last Durham Fair Day, a two-year old Steer, with a buyer’s mark on his right hip. He was sold by the subscriber at the said Fair. The owner is requested to prove r0 rtv 3 ex uses and take him awe . p P6 "p y pï¬nuircnnjnxf y CAME to the premises of the subscriber, ..-.~.FIRST . PRIZE. .-.....-FIRST PRIZE. ..... FIRST PRIZE. ..-..-...FIRST PRIZE. ..... FIRST PRIZE. -...-.-.-...FIRsT PRIZE. ........FIRsT PRIZE. . . . .FI'RST PRIZE. .FIRST PRIZE. ........ FIRsT PRIZE. ........FIRST PRle. ..... . FIRST PRIZE. ....-.-...FIRST PRIZE. ....... FIRST PRIRE. . .. -. . FIRST PRIzE. ._ . ..... FIRST PRIZE FIRST PRIZE. §TRAY STEER. TH E -N§:w Emu l‘ 1-: mm DALE 7V I‘vvv, 'â€" JAMEs'bILLON. ' ! Guiirï¬-iï¬'frat Wednesday in each month: ‘HARIilsToxâ€"inday Before Guelph Fur. Bos'woï¬rnâ€"Szitu'rday b01813 Guelph: Emnaâ€"The da brt'ore pelph. ‘ Drnytonâ€" Yhe ay befo?‘e Elm-a. CLIFFORDâ€"Th3 mg!†pefum Emeiph Fni‘r. ’ ONT. Cabs 'l‘c;:101‘nau~Fndai;' bchre Gueléh Ftir. NEW Buncwâ€" “in-St Tuesday in etch month. . Bizm.1x-First Thursday'in ed'ch month. Elï¬ikéâ€" Second Monday in each month. i W mamboâ€"Second Tuesday in each month“. Mr. F'o'iiésTâ€"Third Wednesday in etch . month; , . . DmmAuâ€"Tuesday preceding the above; . andusâ€"Thursda'jr leloï¬'ing Mt. Fore“. QUBANGWILLnâ€"Second Thursday judging UBAKUIYIIJLbâ€"ucuvuu -uu.-__J ‘"“'Y‘"" 3; ,4, Mgcb, Max, July, Sap, .94"): z; 00 guxsâ€"Tbxrd Wednesdsy m an.; ~.pi-i}, July and October. 5 J Enm-uFiht Mpnday in January, Aï¬i-H', J uly an'd Ugtober. MAsoanLsâ€"First Tuesday in Februtry,’ May, August. and Nuvember. IMPORTANf‘jg FARMER'O; than This Fo‘rk needs only to be! Séer’f i'e'bé (p- pre‘ciat‘ed; We feel conï¬dent i’ijntroducg ing it 'to the farmers generally, g at it has: Superio'r qualities over any other ay Fork. in the Dominick, and are wining fit any. 191.3 time to test its merits againsr any other. forks in Bay, Barley, ‘or locse Grain. _. It is, light to handle, and powerful. It. is iil' no, case likely to get out of ora'efr. It will pia’he». trates the Hay easily. It will elevate more; than a ream can draw. It is peculiar]? adapted for Barley and loose Oats ‘as well' as «Bay. It can be Operated with more em I to arid from the axon than any other fork Maï¬tmy gym m in use. ISAAC IREEAND would call the otter:- tion of the public to this Improved Mach’in‘e P‘iu'np. He would say that bin Pump took easily the ï¬rst prize at the late show in Mount Fort st, in competition with 9. Pump that is reported to have taken thb ï¬rst prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton and tour other places. The in» provements consist of the strongest bent; â€" -- L:.\. "2" n‘nnl‘ .Ln mnnt 'Qï¬l' or ‘n‘ provemenis cuuuuu um um sauna)..- ..-_- ings, which wilzl, stand the most wear 9f no} nump now in nee in Canada, 8160 Malleabki Valve Seats im'd Hardwood Cylinder. The" same kind of benrings were used by him 17: 18 and 19 yearg'ego, and seven out of ten’ of the pumps p'n't'n’p by him then are noy in use, whichhn‘é induced him to fall beck on the old beeï¬ng; and ï¬xtures. ISAAC IRELAND, Mum l-‘ACTUBIB. IMPBUVED FARMS FUR SALE. The undersigned is authorized to sell the following. Improved Farms on easy lier' VIZ : , . Lot No. 18, con. 2, E. G. R.', Tbivnsliiï¬ of , . Glenelg, 100 acres. . . ,_ , , Data No. 16 and 17, con. 2, E.G. R'.,Town'- 3511i!) of Glenelg, 200 acres. LotNo.16, con. 1, N. D. 11., Townshigs 'ol‘ Glenelg, 50 acres. . . Lots No. 7 and "'8, con. 3, N. D. 11., Town'- i ship of GleUe‘lg, 100 acres.- Lot No. 8, con. 2, W. G. 11., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres. . - . Lot No. 12, con. 2. W. '6. I’ll, Townqï¬ip of Bentinck, 100 acres. .. ... . Lot No. 25, con. 17, W. G. R's, Township of Normanby, 100 acres. Also, .' . ’ , Lot N o. 47, con. 3, E. G. R., Towne‘hiï¬ of Holland, 100 acres. ,. Lots 7, 8 and 9, N. D. R., and 7, 8 and 9, South side of Elgiu St., containing g acre each, in the village of Pricevillex Fer‘further Particulars applz‘to ....-_- â€" w A A --. Sept. 27, 1870. emf for Abram? mpébved my; , Barley and Straw?“ __ ., fl “mini Mei h, Sept. 1, 18m. WITH] PS. My 13, 1870. (Luv: 01- 1030510); EGS TO INFORM 'lHE CITIZENS of Durham that he Lénq pened 3 Barber Shop over Cole 8: Tw'eed’p: “the, Lower Town, whe're his win .56 most happy to attend to the wants ‘Of $11 thm requiring his serï¬cés, SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the‘sbareholdem in this tummy, willbe holden at the Company's Ofï¬cfl; in the city of Hamilton on Tuesday tbs Twenty second day of November né‘xt, ct the hour of 12 o’clock, non, for the put: pose of considering certain propo‘ed amendments to the company’s charter, Ind of authorizing a further issue of bands. ‘ â€" â€"â€" - â€"â€"-.-J aï¬â€˜SUBSCRIBE FOR Am) A' VERTISE IN THE “CHRORICLE‘.†THOMAS MILLER; fioasn fé‘éï¬. Hamilton, 4th Oct, 1870. Professor Ringo; particulars app! to SAMUEL E. L GATE, JOHN 03303813, Durham. Our. 130. Secréhry: lm'.