Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Nov 1870, p. 3

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fire occurred the building: editor of th‘. and reside’hé’o,‘ mesa shapgz. of stock tad 'M esars. 35011? $7,000. )0. Cause bf alar from the’ be publicatiod lumcd 33 mini bbtainecf; londay evening itbii year, and ng peeple in r liberty tbafi itics for mirth, -rspersion of a ledicator, 59:: urcb, on Sal): . gale whicli L and the early with fur’ious lakeé, causing , and the loss,- ‘ted, 01‘ 8181811 rkets. My ,8 :ss,’if b] t., search was the but}! of by Ric-Lima. w. 206, 1870. $0 90 to $1 00 0 90 to l 00 0 20 to O 00 0 33 to 0 40 O W G n O Q 99 9| Newt-â€" s: '0 O moocewceov 88.88838 cud-a Gem t. 313:, 1370. $1 05 to $1 10 l 00 to 1 06 $808. the Million. and inspect; of an empty belief is that. n the river. Market DURHAM. »n Council re- . on Saturday a rendered at. 50 Pct-if Horse Blankets, 200 Str' mgs of Bells, )ct. 31, 1870. (til: I. Iarkets. .LIY A N, P ncefln°° was presented ,; selling at 90}. ; aeuing at 5‘. seli'gng at 7.5- 851d Opened it frame buildé ’kets. Meeting on was heaitily 00m #ARMTO RENT on FOR SALE. ‘uvâ€" mes ma fe’néeé, never failing stream ‘Of water and qud water power. One. fourth mile bomb 6f the viilage 6f Durham. Isle indisputable. Terms easy. 'Apply to A. R. HORTON, bave great. pleaame in recoml‘ixending I to the notice of my h’i'ends, (that is If 1 have any), Dr. Halsted, 'of Phi-Bani, as a fboroughly quailififzd Physician, 'c., know- ‘1‘". '“H 1 . ing that. he mil give peffec: satisfaction to all who employ him. , ~ . . DR. PRITCHARD. Durham, Oct. 17, 1870. ‘ZD class Male Teacher wanted, for U. " S. 3, No. 3, Bentinck and Glenelg. WILLIAM CRANSTON, Trustee, Iguana. P. O. Collingwood, Co. Suncoe. Ont. Nov. 13*, 1870. A3m. _ Wanted for school section No. 8, Not- manby. a male Teach'er, holding a. second class ceryificaie. Duties to commence on the lat of January, 1871. Apply to any of the undersigngd, o. 4 Cowpany Durham Volunteers, will meet for 'l-érget Practice, on Saturday 5111 of November next, weather permitting. .‘ JOHN MOODIE, Cap‘, N0. 4Com.. 3lst 88L, G.'v . Durham. Oct. 26th, 187 0. @XCELLEQI? Mun,” GQQP BUILD The Landing Pia chine. Volunteer Notice. EDWARD ARD, JOHN YOI \IG, ANDREW DERBY, ‘ Trfiste Normanby, Oct. 24th 1870. 1953 TEACHER WANTEIL lst, 1870. TEACHER WANTED. It AGENT IN DURHAM. Ima'rE COULD BE FURNISHED Unexampled Shécess of the above 8 ALSO, A FEW GOOD Dry-GONE, ”I J “U V"""’ J eady-Made Cldthing, Hats Caps, ~.. ‘ 0 TORONTO. Provincial b‘xmmuun, ........... pHAIHA‘M, County of Kgnt, ...; ‘..,~ ... . . .... .. JNGBRSULL, County 0! Oxford. N. R... ....... WOODSTOCK, County of Oxford, S. R.,. ‘. . .'.". PARIS. Coumy of Drank. N... 1%,. . .. .......... BRANTFORD, comhy of Brant, s. 11., ........ ST. MARY’S, Cunngy of Perth, 3 3..., . .' ..... S'I'RA l‘FURD, Crunty of?erth. N. R ........ DUNDAS, Township of VVf’S‘ F2amb0ro’,. ... AY LM ER. Township of- Malahide, . - . . '. ---- . ... FBEELTUN. lTnion of Five annships, ...... RT. CATHARTNES, Cmmty of Lincoln“, ...... WELL-AND, Cuumy of Welland, .-. - . . . .. . . . . AU R0 RA. Townshics of King and Whitchnrch, BRADFORD, County of Sivficoe‘, S 3., ........ WHITBY, County of ORtario, S. R.,. . 32': ..... ." ”- __-__ n I.“ L-_gn I Durham, 05:}. 25 h, 187 «may Shuttle Sewmg .Wachine. mu-..“ n1 171 r\IRHED N‘) 13131112le EVIDENCE OF THE is, without exception, the best Machine now â€"WH|TBY, County of Ufltano, 5. n.,. . . . . .. . . .-.. . - - PRNCE ALBERT, Count'y ommario. N.R~., MILLBROUK, Cnunty of Durham; N. R_., . -- . --. .'. . . . .- NAPAN 13E, Counties of Leone: and Addingmn,. .' ...... HELPHHU 5."...an 4 E: h Fit-PI .\ A. 1‘ * \ . @‘Hflve bull THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF Men’ 3 Over-3039.3 from $3. CHEAP CASH STORE. irifiim, Obi. 20th, 1870: Carne d away durin (I Profihcial thibition, . . - Good Wincys 105 cents; HOOP Skirts for 23 cents: Ladies’ Jackets for :1. TWO BOXES PAPER COLLA Great Bargains in Crockery, 0:? Téa’. Seth Bis FOR 5 GEMS"; 1:3: 52. Trfistee'a. this Fall at the HAVE RECEIVED .THEIR Iibition’oo-oooooo.°°' .. F ’nt,....._.,- to...bboooo‘ ......... ’xford. N. R... ..._......... ..... I Oxford, S. R.,.‘....'.-....--..".--I 93! Fiumboro’,. . .. . .-'. . . ... .'. . [alahide, . . . . '.--‘- . .'.. .-"-. .‘. ._ 1 ve Townships,.-.-....-.'.-.... . - 1 A xty of Lincoln“, .................. rlland,..--...........-.-......-] ling and Whitchurchr...‘ ..... "I‘COE’ S‘ R.,.---o..- ..-...-oooo njio, S. R.” ................... ty 0f 0ntarxo. N. R}, . . . . ,,-, ,,-, Durham; N. R,.,.--- --..". . .. .12-. nnnnnnnn A Aflflinoihn-_-'___“,,,. VARNISH, CONSISTmG OF PRESERVING “ VERY PRETTY INDEED.” sTOvE - PIPES WILSON, BOWMAN; ,9, 0a., --â€" tint-{h IT SAVES TROUBLE an EXPENSE. w . bewmg F'iNbLAV a. ismw’s Admirable Ptefiérétién Staveâ€"Pipe amumfimxe .vv-‘, ." MANUFACTURERS, HAMILTON; DRUG STORE, 'Lomm TOWN, DURHAM. BETTER EVIDENCE \Iacbine, than the following various OUR PRICES :' C., C. A grieultural Fairs. MID FOR -FIRS'I‘ PRIZE. -.FIIHI‘ PRIZ 3. “FIRST PRIZE. --FIIIST PRIZE. ..FIRS'I‘ PRIZE. “FIRST PRIZE. “FIRST PRIZE. “FIRST PRIZE. . ..FIRSI‘ PRIZE. . . .FIRST PRIZE. . . .FIRS’I‘ PRIZE. ...FlRST PRIZE. ”FIRST PRIZE. -..FIRS'I‘ PRIRE. .F‘IRST PRIZE. ...FIRSl‘ PKIZE. --.FIRST PRIZE. ' -.FIRST I RIZE. ..FIRST PRIZE. before the public. CTS. TWEED. NEW Goods and NEW FaShith for 1870 and 1871. Fan's: W ll] fer Stack, Clouds and Wools ail Coloi'é. â€"v "v..â€" BONNET-FRONTS, HAT AND BONNET SHAPES, WOOLEN YARNS, BREAKFAST SBA-WLS, CLOAKINGS 8: SKIRTINGS, 62c. Toronto, feels Mrs. D. having secured the serviceé of‘a first-clash MILLINER, from favor her with co‘hfidem that she will be able to We em" ‘ .. - ' It . V thexr patronage. g e eatxsfdcuon to all who may Mrs. Davidson; FANCY GOODS, SILKS, ONT. 93a?- Bél‘TER EGGS TAKEN IN fikcamcn FOR GOODS. Montreal House, Upper Town, Durham, Oct. 20th, 1870. Ii'LI‘b'IER AND bREssuAiiER, OF THE u MONTREAL gOUSE," 3363'; respectfully to inform her Lady Patrons, that she has just recerved her t C roclaerey, C's*, will at all times be found complete. NEW HOOP SKIRTS “CO-Q . . . N . - “$1."? - v. ‘ [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE HOTEL, UUKIiALVlJ; ave now on hand alarge assortment nfall kinds . of Fumitui'e, c nsisting of: BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDS'I‘EADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TiiBLES, 830., which they will sell AT MUCH L0 IVER PRICES! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. (if? Orders for Repairing will receive prompt attention. All kinds of TU RNIHG‘executedfiiIb Neatnessnaud bespatch. ., ‘_ - . . nnftnm‘rtl mutants 8r. REELS OF EVERY EESERIPTION. HE subscriber beés to info'rm 5i has removed his business from mudiogs building, giguated one door business as usual, On‘ny with a. much to b’isiuess and reasonable charging The best of work; 910 Apprentices or Quack Mechanics Empicyed! --.‘.:! r._. I... .0. The subscriber manufacture? a‘hjuld of Collar which cah he rejectgmen ed for safety to whichhas pwved m superiority over the Scotch Collar. They have gbeeu O . and are now in use on the Durham and Collingwood Stage Line. Any nersou indoubt can refer to Mr. R. H. MIDDAUGH, proprietor.:of the éai'd line.- ' ht be made to may others but the above named ' gentleman has more of AMAZINGLY CHEAP. .. .‘l agkl‘llfgéi} i‘lllMMING done on short notice and in any style desired, CONDENSED CATALOGUE 0F GOODS CONSTANILY _0N HAND: H car Brass Team Harness; 0 Plate Harness; 5 Tag Team Jafiuuigs'l"?mTqu-'}ealn Harness; Japan..ed Single Harness}. C Plate Single arzmegsx. Braces Single Harness; Silver Single Harness; Rldl '9: Saddles, all kinds ’ Riding Bridles and Martingale; Team W hips, Buggy {Wh1p;._and ' a' Whi of all kinds and quality,:m abundancebjalso affew Stti-rfoli'sh 8;: Halters. 3.» Cotton rfly.‘ Net ; {WorstedflyPNegn _E r1"; Lg“: - 12-....1. main-hi Durham, June 14th, 1870. _ .- ‘ , _ DIIIFUlu6_uuu “?""“-'" . .A . ' ' _ _ _ The Best Stock of TRUNKS in. South Grey, varying in price. from 2.50 tq $14.00. . a? The patent adjusting Hame wjth safety ring, which can be made to fit any horse by raising or |owering the draft ; CURRY COMBS, CARDS, BRUSHES and MARE 003138. (3:? A call from all 13 solicited. J; C GRiFFITH. Note 'Dtniuii, July 13 11,1876; .133, L¢CES . ,.. VELVET$ FEATHERS, BUTTONS, TfiIMMINGs, 5:0. the Address. MRS. DAYIDSQN, e _\\’ mp3, UI an ngu uuuuuu ‘1‘“"".H,- ... .....__“____pr _ : mash Uak Halters b Cotton ‘lyxlfletg; (Worsted .171qu ; fiorsted Ear Nets 5 Sgiteyf . nge Qldehing‘ 5 Egaug Miliar’a' prepared Harness, 03,1, the 0 hr. oil to preserve the ‘ , Stitchingfind ether;- _ . PRlCES TO SUIT THE TIMES. befits to inforrn Bis nuinerods cdétomers and general public? that be his business from one door south ofthe Foundry, to the more com- yiguated one door north of said Foundry, where be 18 prepared to do iniy with a much larger stock of goods, and hopes by strict attention s‘onable charging to receive ashare of public patronage. Consisting i!) part of I: ATTHEWS SON .; Next door to Mr. Parker’s Drug;r Store. may". :r-v.» '- »‘r‘-"-'~.'-~'."~"’>‘ . - .. 0 ~ - LOWER TOWN DURHAM. MATTHEWS SON IBBONS. LOWERS, Rigs; 3:651: gamma mm 0 [b e n e :1 0 1 FALL 6L WINTER GOODS, Paper flangmgs Paper HangingS The public are invited to inspect} NO TROUBLE T0 SH' Durham, Oct. 1 5M» @QLLS {111‘ (2110118351? QLT'LEQNSJl WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, * 810., ev e1 brought to this pent of the ceuntly, 911d selling at ext1e111e1y 10W firices. Patterns to suit a1l tastes. I11 addition to the above we 11111 e also just received a 1:11 ge con- i signment 0f varying in mice f10m 3 to $35, 00. 3% Have your walls papewd, it IS cheaper and better than White'Washi Lot 49, Con. 2, Glenelg, on the night f a'st Durham Fair Day, a two-year old Steer, with a buyer’s mark on his right hip. He was sold by the subscriber at. the said Fair. 'The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and taue him away. GAME t6 the premises of the subscriber, O DURHAM, May 17th, 1370. affSUBSCRIBE FOR AND AD VERTISE IN THE “CHfiONICLE. ” The subscriber is desirous of disposing of a splendid Park Lot, of four acres, situate within half a. mile oi the village ofDurham. There is: agood new frame barn on the premises, also the cellar and foundation for sdwellmg house. A good well of water convenient. ’Will be sold very reasonable. ' 1 HUGH McKEKZIE, [ Sept. 7th, 1870. tf. Papers from 4 cents per Roll. ‘3” a anaws Sept. 27, 1870. . L;- Y 1 "\ "I ‘u w'l’v v 1' . '1‘ .‘A‘c )3 1 a '1‘ 41b, 1870. Park L61: for Sale. STRAY -STEER. ii: “TM. A. ANDERSON, in retu‘rning ‘_ -J W‘M. A. ANDERSON, in returning ‘ thanks to his patrons and the public generaily for past favors, begs to inform them that he is now carrying on the WAGGONSLCARâ€"RIAGEBUSINESS under the superintendance of Mn. W54. JAMIESON, and that all work will be marked as usual “ ANDERSON a: JAMIssofz." WM. A. ANDERSON, Blacksmith, Upper Town, Durham. JAMES DILLON. JUST RECEIVED AT AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F inform them that he is now carrying on the WAGGONSLCARRIAGEBUSINESS under the superintendance of Mn. W54. JAMIESON, and that all work will be marked as usual, “ ANDERSON a: JAMIESOEI.” CON SISTING OF :: i. A. ANDERSOE thanks to his p generaily for past them that he is m superintendance of Mr and that all work will be “ ANDERSON JAMIESOII To sHow GOODS ! 1 A. 0. M KENIIE 191.3 we; tfl LATEâ€"Any quantity of first-clad fad) {or sale, by F. H. Edwitds‘, magi. 9 LL PARTIES are hereby cautioned against purchasihg" or negotiating a Promissory Note made Hinnian Johnston, Bentillck,,in favor of Samuel McDearmid, Glenelg, beaming date 20th of SegwteQbe'x'. 1870, and payable one year therefrofil, as paymenthas been stopped. . SAMUEL MCDEARMID. Sept. 23, 1870; 191.3 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT :1; application wiil be made to the! Legislature ot Ontario, at its next nessmn, for an Act to extend the time for completo ing the construction of the Line of Railway authorized to be constructed by the Acts incorporating the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce Railway Company and for certain amendments to the paid Acts. J OHN OSBORNE, Secretary. t Hamilton, 4:11 October, i310. 193 ‘6. )N, in patrons it favors now cal n returning ns and the are, begs to carrying on NOTE LOST. 5H 00 Goiméâ€"Fifit;W€dneeday in each fiiouih. l . maniacsâ€"{hide before Guelph Fair“. ' 'Bfahwoarnwn fifbef'ore Guelph. r Eibufil-The day'hefore Guelph. Dmygopâ€"The day before Elora. Customâ€"Thursday before Guelph Fair. ; 'l‘sy‘loibilia-Friday before Guelph Fair. l : New HMU‘nuâ€"First Tuesday in each i \m nth. ; _‘ £ BERLIHâ€" irst. Thursday in each month. 1 ELmRAâ€"Second Monday in each month. Warsnuoo-rSecondTuesday in each month. l MT. EORESTâ€"Third Wednesday. in each x .. "month. - : Dcafifiga‘l'ue'sday preceding the above. FERGLYS-r-Illqraday following Mt. F ,orest. lOaaxctvu.L-sâ€"Second Thursday iu-Jan., March, Him, "Jul-f, Sepi, and Nov. Moxo Mansâ€"Third. Wednesday in In, April, July and October. . ; ERIKâ€"First Monday in January, April, July and October. . . . MasoanLeâ€"First Tuesday in; February, May, August. and November. ' ‘WT T0 FARMERS. This'Fork mésénl'y to be seen to be ap-' preciated. We feel confident in introduco ing it to the farmers generally, that it has Superior qualities over any other Hay Fork in the Dominion, and are willing at any time to test its merits against any otherl forks in Hay, Barley, or locse Grain. It is light to handle, and powerful. It is in no case likely to get out of order. It will pene- trates the Hay easily. It will elevate more than a team can draw. It is peculiarly . adapted for Barley and loose Oats as well as Hay. . Itean be Operated with more ease . to and from the mow than any other fork THO\IAS MILLER, AGENT for Abram’ s Improvéd Hay Bh‘lev and Straw , in use. Mdnthly Cattle SAAC IRELAND would call the atten-l . tion of the public to this Improved 1 Machine Pump. He would say that his 1 Pump tool: easily the first prize at. the late ‘ show in Mount Fort st, in competition with a Pump that is reported to have taken the' first prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton and four other places. The im- provements consist of the strongest hear- ings, which will stand the most wear of any nump now in Rise-in Canada, also Malleable ; Valve Seats and Hardwood Cylinder. The L same kind of hearings ,were used by him 17. $18 and 1'9 years ago, and seven out of ten l of the pumps put up by him then are now in use, which has induced bin} ~to fall back I on the old bearings and fixtures. . ISAAC IRELAND, : E F MANUFACTL‘RER. “u ‘ v"â€"â€" , _l_ Testimofiials-ai inost Wonderful and extrgordmaty cmeg,_.in ”Canada, by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY- _T_hey‘ are “L. “o-.. .â€"_â€"__ stern, undeniable and incontestable facts, 1", uu‘-v.--â€" - sufficient to conviece the most skeptical that. the Great Medical Compound veamed after for ages is now accessible in the Great Slioshonees Reme‘dy ! For biseases of the Throat,_ Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs, Kiineys. c., as well as Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases, H umm s, and all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, we boldlv state that this great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. - nâ€" ‘Ln‘ Sept. 27, 1870. ..... , 7, _ _ _ Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person of Wilson Storms,“ Brighton, Out.,_of Consumption; or that. of Peter C. A -- ‘ _l‘ n“â€" Vlbto, V. Vv--â€"-â€"-â€"_r-- , , V. Miller, of Earnestowxl, Out, of Con- sumgtion; or that ef-Ambrose Wood, of Consécon, Ont., of Dyspepsia. and Liver C'Ouyplifint, or that of John Hosey, of Napane‘e, Ont., of Rheumatism, who had actuaIEy been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scares of such cases might be mentioned had we §pape. “ ." n. -â€"---J _-L- uuu r- ,v Urwv‘v Call at the Drug Stores and geta Circular, of unqueshouable certificates on ._ _ ._ ~-'nfirrn 1771"“ 1‘ "IITV'\‘) {13}; FR}: K1? SHOSHONEES 12 EME q. PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. 0:"? For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. - .- .. . . W holesalc Agent‘sâ€"Northrop 6:. Lyman. Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott (30., Toronto. Mount Forest, § mi. 1, 1870. to my hips, and l Became 80 wean mm i could not. walk, but waggcnfined to my chair. For gbout. twopyears, while thiE weakness was-1' comin'g oh me, and after wards, I sougbtmedical advice, employing ... azmrmn nmpa- three doctors. and medi “v, ._ v- at different tunes, .tbree doctors, and medi- I cines of different kinds prescribed by friends, 3 but of no avail. I continued to get. Worse l and worse, until the summer of 1868, when ': I was induced to try the great Shomoneesl Remedy by reading the cures performed, in l a pamfihlét. At this time I had begun to feel he weakness in my hands ; in tact l was getting almost helpless. I have taken two bottles of the shoshonees Remedy and ‘ ; two boxes of the pills, and I 3311' entirely ‘ restored to health. I never eg‘pected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a son of forlorn hope. This case of mine was not a private one, but known to all my ‘ neighbors and friends ; and to any one 1 afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the ' Shoshonees Remedy, Ibelieve it will cure? yon. Manx Aux Dotcnrn. Sworn to before me at Madoch Conntglnf Hastings this ninth day of February, 1:369. . . A. E. W001); -J. P.‘ c. I hereby certify that I; hageit'newn Mrs. Mary Erin Doughty for the last [if teen years, she is a woman of~ probity and truth. I - have: linoivn her before, during, and since i her illness... I begieire her certificate to be true in eyery particular. I know that while ill her liaise was declared hapeless; and 1 know shat she has,- since her recovery MUMPS. HE FOLLOWING REMAP‘Jg‘S ‘ON_ . - .‘i . I: . U ' ‘ t l . o Hessrs. Cganmmwx a; Sums, Conway -P. 0. Cathy of Lennox, Ontario, Can- "5“-â€" alwajg attributed herrecovery to the Sb6- shoné‘es Remedy- Whatever may be the peptiliar 'prOperties of‘ this medicine, one gbiug is certain that in her case, it has act- Ed almost like the performance of a miracle. A. F. W001), J. P. gWarden of the county of Hastings, Pxo. [Vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. {HORSE _ FORK. momé 111mm,. Age..t, Beminck, Axiaépark, P. 0. '7 1970- 191, STOP AND SEE! D .: oszurhém.. that by bus ofyened a Bagber ShOp oven fiole Tweed‘s store, Lower Town, where Ila will be mos'. happy Ya attend .to the wants of 205‘. those requiring his servicgs. SPECIAL _ GENERAL MEETING of the shnk‘éiiolders in this comna'uy’, will be holdeu at We Company's onion,- in the city of Hamiltow pm, {Tuesday .the Twenty second day of Novetgber; next‘ at- the hour of 12 o’clock, noon,- {'01-th put-i pose of considering certainl. . pmpoaedg amepdments to the company's char, r, and of authorizing a further issue of hon- ‘ . . The Corie-oration ot' the Township of Be‘ntinck willpa‘t its first session held four weeks after the first publication hereof, bass a iiy-law making a Deviation afi‘ecting Lot Number, Fiftebn‘, ,in the Thirteenth Fourteenth and FifteenthLQoncessions, sai ’ Deviation and its bearings and distances being as follows ': DESCRIPTION OF mar-or hor FIFTEEN IN THE .Tmm‘sssmn CONCESSION on THE Iownsmr OF BENTINCK. ._ iCdtiiiiiencing at the North-east isn'gl‘e ol' said lot number fifteen, thence southerly on the westerly limit of road altowance .beiâ€" tween lets 'lifteen .and sixteen, ninety-two links, th‘e'n‘c’e north seventy degrees, west. one chain and ninetyofour links, more of less,to the division line between concessions thirteen and fourteen, thence easterly along said division line ,one chain and seventy links to the, place of beginning. Containing by adrneasuremcnt twelve and 'a half perches by the same, more or less. mascmerron “oi? PART OF nor ElF'l‘EEN.. ON , THE FpUl-‘J‘EENTH CONCESSION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. , Commencing on the southerly limit of the road allowance between concessions fourteen and fifteen, at the distance of nine chains and twenty links westerly of the north-east angle of said lot number fifteen, thence westerly: along the ”south limit of aforesaid rcad allowance one chain, thence southerly parallel to the road allowance 3 between lots fifteen and sixteen {my chains ' more or less, to the division line between the thirteenth and, fourteenth concessions, n“ thence easterly along aforesaid division - 3 t has, ten chains and six links, more or less to within fourteen links of the government stalte planted at the south-east angle of said lot fifteen, thence north seventy degrees, sp- west two chains and live links, thence uc- westerly parallel to the aforesaid division mas line between concessions thirteen and four- )rk teen seven chains and twenty links, mot?!I A- A‘-_ Wellington Grey and MEG Railway. (LATE 0F TOROETO), , ‘ E‘Gs Tb INFORM THE CITIZENS Hamilton, 4th Oct, 1870'. ‘P‘Uauc NoTi‘CEL. 8810 norlueny uuuu u; luau “nunâ€""f- -, chain, thence paéalfe! to aforesaid road al- lowance betweenlots fifteen and sixteen forty-two chains and fifty links, more or less, to the place of beginning. ‘ ‘ . Containing by admeasuremeut fo‘fi‘r and i qnarter acres by the same, more or lesé“. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Township Clerk. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned xs authorized to sell gm following Improx ed Farms on easy lemma, ma. Lot No. 18, con. 2, E. G-. l”... ,Townahip of Gleneig, 100 acres. Lots No. 16 and 15', um. 2,13. G. R., Town; ship qf Glenel2, 2M) acles. LotN016,con. 1,N. 0.11.,1ownshipb? 81911912, :19 acres. Lots No. 7and8 con. 3, N. D. 11., Town ship of Glenelg. 100 acres. Lot No. 8, con. 2. W. G. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 ames. Lot No. 12 con. 2. W. G. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot No. 25, con. 17, W. G. B», Townsb‘p of Normaubv, 100 acres. Akaâ€"0" i l: . n â€" . I o B Lot ‘10 47, can. .E_. G. 11., Tow’nshiptf Holland 1003 sures. Lots7, 8 andfl, N. I). R., and? 83nd9, South side of Elgin SL, contaminfr .1 acre ,each, in the viliage of Priceville. For further panioulars app}? to ____ _ - _-’_ nu.” fienti‘dck, Oct. 1m], 1870. M R. July 13, 1870. i DEAR Sm, -â€" Please con- vey to the Directors of the Beaver and Toronto Mutual. Insurance Company, my! thanks for the prompt and honorable get? tlement of my claim for loss of my Barn and such farming utensils, produce, lax, as were in the barn at the time. Thé property was insured under policy No} 25,569 and you have paid me $279 60, per draft, 1988 39588811181”, which is satis- factorv, being full amount of my claim.â€" The fire occurred on the 5th of September, instant. Lands for Sale; Egrggipa, Sept. 23, 1870. a. B. J. DOYLEL BU! LIDIN G LOTS. CREE? 6? mmm. WILD AND IMPROVED Sic nod, JOHN OSBORNE. MONEY 10' SAMUEL E.“ 'LEGATE, Yours, respactfufly, ANGUS M: ECHREN Taos. DIXON. . ‘ Barrister-aLLaw,’ Lower Town, Duh“? ALB 1, Secretary. . R., Toé‘nship (f Durham. Om. 130.

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