Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Sep 1870, p. 3

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@111! [1mg [we l Her light» 3 visible, aft'ef" \cr out. 11“ "t. were 10 55 missing. Th“ arch for her, ck were found{ discovered.” . ghteen 0‘ “in 'h.’ ens P 5‘!" ‘0 D AL MILNE; rzniml Milne rt of the cit; Izmmxe some« :water. I 181% when she was 3, At 11 p.111; arometer fell ‘ur sails weré I 610:6 astern‘ Steadiiy and; 31. 1:15 a. In; raft. our beall'l, 1 London des- clcgrams re- of the iron?- 83:13 in thé ms moderate. satfore. In ’z‘rshcned, the rCh 3333M. g).â€"Captaifl° tbrook, and a 10rd of tfié the iron-elude )OkS of ‘ With, and i! stam a order a! ecoum F xd -esumed ankf ,the ships ositions, and Main on tho‘ aPPR-"5d go sappearance Hz a report [Ll 31133333.” y of our I: our late desiredm y necesa’g‘. ii-Elflfl. h).-â€"lt i8 ship Capâ€" Finisterre : five bun: mg was 111 ) knots.â€"- :3 washed ale some- YPD Iru'cted b) can now. :e service particular 13, tradnc$ 6 content (Mic, and. [L1L1Hh0t. [DP-1' ctaries tlemben. that my; person; ccessary May We lu assxst 1 repmd msmess t2 let 1) it; an; BECK day of Sale of Lands for Taxesâ€"County of Grey. To be sold a't. the Court House, OwenE officg :5ound, on Tuesfiay, 15th day ofE November neit, commencing at. 1 P m, The amount. after each ht represents Th: taxes costs and charges. E will ; TUVV" \‘SHIP ()F OSPREY. : i0 ’clm Lot. Con. Acres. . 3 c Eshue o E E E E ASXEXATlos.-â€"Frequent attempts have been made to convince Canadians that an- nexation to the neighboring Republic would be of inestimable advantage to their com- mercial interests. Hitherto whenever the subject has been mentioned to the people of Ontario, it. seemed only to strengthen their attachment to the old flag, and they are as eager to repudiate all idea. of sepa- ration, and as loudly, as restorei invalid: . 21) 14 . Unpa‘t. Subdivision of East end of lot X0. S con. A, Osprey, U. Bell St. Pat. SINGHAMPTON. . 11 Melancthon St. Pat. .iymise' the quderfu't‘ Efficacy of the great “Shoshonees Remedy. For saie by Drug- ‘pl’lllg “‘1 001. gist“ Wanted immediately, a. good smart boy, 73:13.11. Edwards’ Fency Gocds Store, Durham. Uue Who‘is willing to make him gelf generally useful; none Other need aN‘é’OLVENT Came to the premises 1016‘), con... ,abo a iarge Sow Pig. The [0 prove property, pay ‘ her away. in the matter or ununun or. uauu. BO W ES, an Insolvent. ‘ 1 NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named Insolvent has depsited 1 in my otfice a drfe'd of composition and dis- , Ichargeg purportmgwto be signed by 3 mn-‘ fibfitydin numE‘E! of tho Cr’edltors of the szud Insolvent, rqpresennug three-twinks in ‘iraiue of his liztbilitiéé, subject to be com- puted in ascertaining snob proportion, and :if no OppoSition or obgection to said deed of composition and discharge be made to 'me in writing by a Creditor or Creditors within three juridical days after the last publication of this notice. I, th'é Assignee, .3113“ act upon Said deed of composition and discharge, according to its terms and isaid Act. â€".‘_._-- 'C-‘t-‘n Sept. 14, 1970 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ‘ 131‘ of unclaimed Letters remaining in the Durham P.0. on Sept. H, 1670. Adlam, Geo. Lutch‘, Neil Armour, Wm. Lee, Henry Anderson, .James Lennard, McAnthony Andrews, _MJSS P. Long Annie Burbs, James Lindsay, lsobt. Baker, J. C. Mathews. G. J. Benord, F. M“Laughlin. Mary Benton, Mal. M‘ Gilvoray. Donald Butler. Samuel M‘Millan, Mal. . Bull, Robt. M l‘ayden. Mrs. H. Binnie, (380. M Lean, Catherine Beaten, John _ M Lean, Miss F 1012:. .."_..n-. ,_ a‘i “A‘ Sept. 14th, 137 hndrews, Miss P. Burns, James Baker, J. C. Benord, 1“. Benton, Mal. Butler. Samuel Bull, Robt. Binnie, Geo. Jleato", John Cameron, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Duncan .‘Collinson, Joseph Qoverly, Joseph Campbell. Quinton Clarke. 11. Connellv, John .Clark, Duncan Dreelman. W m. Conner, R. _ Campbell, H. A. Cowan, llohn Campbell. Hugh Dixon, John , Dnnkerly, W. R. Dillon, James Davis, Thos. 3r. Davis, Thos. EvanS, Geo. Elliott, James Ellison, WKH. Fletcher, D. 2. Farrier, Olliver Farr, Henry Fisher, James Flynn, Walter Freeman, Rich. . Long Annie of the day. Lindsay, liobt. Mathews. G. J. M *Laughlin. Mary M ‘tiiilt'oray. Donald M‘Millan, Mal. . . M'l‘ayden. Mrs. H. 1 . ‘.. y : 3 . , ‘ _ M'Lean, Catherine , (:rCOI 1 LED, TL‘AS, TOBACCOES, [ M'Lean, Miss Flora l 3 , M'Cracken, Semuel 3 SPICLS’ Mi" 81c. ' M‘Millan, Archd. ; M‘Donald, Archd. l. M‘Uonald, Donald l; M‘Dougall, Maj. l M'Keachney, Duncan 1 M-Girr, John, M-Dcnald. Mar-gt. figfi}: 81; fiéfifiififi 9ESa M'Girr, \Vm. LAMPS AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, â€"-O"â€"â€"_ i 3. l l 1 1 -â€"â€"-oâ€"â€"â€" FIXES-:15 M'Quarne, Hugh. l M'Donald, Mrs. D. 1 M‘Ki.rnon, John 3 , , M'Yrcker, Angus) , 1n great variety. M'Laughlm, Mary l M'Lean, A. M‘Girr, James ‘ M‘A nnlty, Anne , M‘Clooskey, Morten . M‘Calmon, Saml. l ___â€"o_.__ . g F. 5-. s; have nOW facilities forsilpplyifig O‘Flannigan,Pauick ' all the newest. medicines and preparation: Outlay, 0. J33. gwhich may be brought before the publi Newal, Wm. , 1, Earn time to time. Porter, Wm 2 ’ . ~ . l Pritchard, Dr. 2 g z afiel’bysicians Prescriptions caretnll . compounded, and accuracy guaranteed. Fennell, A. H. 2 Sullivan, Thomas 5 . . Gold, .Ahram Scoyill, s. W. - 81101) ”Open (for dlswnsmg .9013) 0 Georgen, W. Smith, J. W. Snndayfrom 2 to 4 p. “m. (if? Night cal Hinch, John _ _ Shepard. John zpunctually attended to. ' Barr-ston. Isabella Seler, Wm. l . . . :____"..'. ' unter, James Thomas, James F 3; s. are aaents for the Gael] gamer, 30hr!” , froltrn, H. N. .1 Seovfig Machine Company. anford; Barnett Townsend, Thomas Johnston, W m. Jr. Wilson, Samuel N. 33.4351,an Sane are agenmf Ine, Ml“ Mary Watson, Chas. the Montreal Telegraph -Company. Ofli elie, John Fatsdn’ Roht. J" Open every day (Sundays excepted) Iron __ __ . . ._ a .. .-..' ‘: Touoxm, Sept. 12th Advertise-r of Tuesday reports : Wheat. ‘.‘. .....-100 @ 1 nonaoooooooo;.o-00 28 ([9 0 Guelph Markets. Durham Markets. Boy " “'m’lled. List of Letters. E. MCKENZIE, Posmasrzn. of GEORGE SPEA RE emises of the Subscriber, 2., about the end of June, The owner is requesteu pay expenses, and take 1 H. ED‘. 'ARDS. 100 Pat. ACT OF .869. JAEES CARSON. Unpat. Pat. U21 p'at. Pat. Unpat. 4L Pat. Unpat. ['npat. Pat. Unpat at. z'npat; 'at. 'u JOHN £8 H U H 5‘ H "t 'H H l6 s“ u U M‘Girr; James M‘A unity, Anne M -Clooskey,‘ Mqrten M'Calmon, Saml. O‘Flannigan,Pauick Outley, 0. Jas. Newal, Wm. . Rotter, W'm 2 Pritchard, Dr. {ichmond,dThos.. Robinson, Joseph Sharp, Jospeph B. Sulhvan, Thomas Scovill, S. \V. Smith, J. W. , Shepard. John Seler, Wm. Thomas, James 101““, H. No . ToWaaeud, Thomas Wilson, Samuel Watson, Chas. watso’n, Robt. Jr. H H Fl. at. M 44 39 46 9,. 0 . 11 ll 26 2'6 17 03 34 10 34 1A0 96) .45 34 KERR, Assignee 446 Q36 66 7 79 05 53 34 OI 24 86 r O {)9 )0 £23 all 9 'The Durham Company of Volunteers} will parade on Saturday, 17th inst, at y“ o’clock A. 3L, for Target Practice and 18-: sue of New Clothing. Each man bring his ; Great Coat. ' N. B. -â€"Those who have ordered pictu'r’es of the Battalion, taken at Owen Sound, be prepared to receive them. TRAYED from the farm of the wbscri- her, lot. 26, con. 2, Bentinck, about. 3 weeks since, three head of.cat'tlei:-a. Brown Heifer. 2 years old; Steer, spotted Red and White, 2 years aid, and , a Spring 8 eer Calf, Red. Any person returnining them, or giving infibrinanon that will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. ALLAN MCKECHNIE. SAAC IRELAND would call the atten- tion ,ot'xhe public to this Improved Machine Pumg. He would say that his Pump to'ok easfly the first prize at the late show in Mount Forgst, in competition, with ‘ CHEMICALS, 5“"1HOIâ€"ISE, CATTLE, PATENT. AND l PROPRIATORY MEDICINES, K Toilet and Fancy “Articles, 1 LLL|-Luslu_ iof the Dominion, it' not of the world. So ‘zstrong has the demand for their Machine l become, that the manufacturers have been i compelled to ENLARGE 'I‘Hlilll PREMI- l 5155, and INCREASE :I‘IaEII: STUCK 01“ j MACHlNERY, to the 'extent ot'making the i producing capacity of their Establishment sect l SECOND T0 NO OTHER 1:: THE'DO- l MINION. a. Pfimp that is reported to ha've taken the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton and tour oiber plates. _The im- provements consist of the sirongest bear- ings, which will stand themost wear of any pump now in use in Canada, also Malleable Valve Seats and Hardwood Cylinder. The same kind of hearings were used by him 17. 18 and 19 years ago, .and Seven out. of ten of the pumps put up by hing then are now in use, which has induced him to fall back on the old bearings and fixtures. Elmo IRELAND, MAS L' FACT L'R'ER. Loan .I_IUU .uu. UWJUI . . _ i. For sale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com- The subscriber 13 desxrous of disposing ofl prising 1C-_0 acres, 60 of which are a Splendid Park Lot, of four acres,_ situate 1, cleared, well Watered and fenced, with 8. within half a mile oi the village ot‘Dug-ham. 1 good Hous’e,’ Barn, Stable and an Orchard There is a good new frame barn on the 3. of 1.00 Trees-thereon. . :Also 50 acres, East 1131' and foundation fOI‘i half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Gl'énelg, from 8 a dwelling house. A good well of water: to 10 acres cleared. The above pronerty cochnient. \Vlll he sold very reasonable. will be sold cheap, and clear deed given,â€" HL'GH McKEN Z1E_. rTermseasy'. For particulars apply to Sept- 7th, 1870. “- ABRAM GOLD, at the Durham Ashery, or to ABRAM COOK, T- p;.-,_ 0- n-.,.,.. mum Lot7,Con.6,Glenelg- premises, also the (:9 Islmcs (V Gray, 1 ”V . flffi Findlay Shaw ‘~ ' ~ ‘ - Whips, Spurs, c. alwavs on hand. 0:? Jobbin; done on short notice and 111 good style. Spanish Sole Leather, 3eutinck, Sept. 6, 1870. (if? Harness Sho Land Otfice, Upper corner of Saddler Lower Town. Mount Forest, Sept. 1, 1:570. USO VOLUNTEER NOTICE. \EW LUMBER WAGON for sale, very cheapfor cash. Apply at this Have now compieted PRIZE PURIPS. EURE DRUGS; of ei‘ery kind and warranted of the best quality. Wagon for Sale. and FRENCH CALF, always in stock ,â€"-â€"PEG 3, all sizes. recommendel by all the leading p11) sicians of the day. STRAY CATTLE- Park Lot for Sale. A complete as‘soetmont of Liquors of the fines; brands, for family and medicinal purposes, including the celebrated E'EENGE W‘IE‘IES, N B.-â€"F1\'m.n' .1: SH w are agents for} the iIonireal Telegraph :Compapy. Office'i, open every day, (Sundays exce 3.111. to 8 p. m. Cash for Hides. rzrnese Shop opposite the Crown ce, Upper Town ; Tannery on the .f Saddler and Albert streets, J OHN MOODIE, _ Capt. 4th Coy. Slat Battalion DYESTUFFS TANNERS. m: B HA3], in: in part Of hXDDLE'RS, D Harness a n d Trunk Makers, their stock, consist- 17 1e“ BLILDI\G LOTS. g XDER POWER OF SALE IN.A ; Monyaue, Lot No.1, in the 11th I Concession, cof the township of Gleneig, 1n the County of Grey, containing 100 acres, will be sold at EU BLIC AL CTION, at. the i at one o’clock, p. m- Fifty acres c'léareé. Good house and outbuild1ugs.' Terms very liberal; long credit; For Puriher particulars apply t9 i . JARX IS 1% JARVIS. __ a 29 King Street, East, Toronto. 401' toJ. H. HUNTER, Esq" .__ LAM duction Sale [4‘ [T R N I T U R E BRITISH IIOTEL, Saturday, September 17th, 1370, TRAYED from'the premises of the sub- scriber, .lot 23, con. 20, Egremont, sometime ‘in Maylast', '5'sheep and three lambs. One ewe and her lamb are black. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitabiy re- warded. CHARLES MCQUEEN, ‘ SPLENDID flRM FOR SALE Sept. lst, IS‘ZO. Dromore 1’. '0. Egremont,‘ Aug. 16th, 1870. Wou7d call the attention of the readers of the DURHAM Cmmxu'u: to the fact- that } the}; are now manut'nmnrin; a NEW LOCK- : STITCH SHUTTLE SEWING MA- i CHINE, called after the inventor, Mr. C. :F. Lockman, the L‘JL'KMAN PATENT ‘ FAMILY SHUTTLE SEWING MA- WILSGPP BGWMAPP . 80., SEWING MAcuaNE MANUFACTURERS, WILD AND IMPROVED mnds for Sale, (11-1w) IN THE VILLAGE OF DURHAM, IMPLE AND ELEGANT ! ADIAN HOMES. A feat Wl'l'flUL 1 PARALLEL in the Sewing Machine annals of the Dominion, if not of the world. So strong has the demand fortheir Machine become, that the nxanuf'acmrers have been .......... n InYTI‘II) nl)l.‘\lT The secret of the man Patent EXTREME SIMPLICITY, GREAT DURABILITY, ADAPTABILITY, WONDERFUL CAPACITY, EXTRAORDINARY CHEAPNESS, Though 'notwithstanding this cheapness the WORKMAXSHIP IS EXCELLENT, MONEY TO LOAN Has all the attachments ‘ foaud ot‘usp by long With all the CLERGYMEN Wm be supplied with this excellent Maéhine AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. FULL INSTRUCTIONS AS TO USE AND MANAGEMENT. IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER, Stray Sheep: tom affix-mo more acceptable a_gif; ,1. their Minister may afé‘Lockman Patent.” Sewing Machine. THE “LOCKMAN Advent for Durham and vicinity, Arc sent anywhere, on application. By that. of afiy other Machine. HABEILTON, UNIX, ._â€"- FNISH UNSL’RPASSED L nfthe gleat success ofthe “LocL Patent 13 to be found 111 Its _0 F ‘EVERX MACHINE HAMILTON, ONT. mos. DIXON, ALSO, F. H; Edwardgjn coxcaEGqu-XS , Barrister-atiLaw, Lower Town, Durham. sual accessories, and accom' panied .by- . CIRCL’ LABS AVD Tm; . Durham. AN 1) which have been _' expenence. PATEXT ” VJ [WARE-ROOM OPPOSITE THE ARGYLE HOTEL,.DURHAM.] ave now on hand alarge assortment of all kinds, of Furniture‘, consisting of : BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS, BEDS'I‘EADS. CHAIRS, SOFAS, TABLES, Acct, which they will sell AT MUCH LOTVER PRICES! than have hitherto been sold for in Durham. C? Orders for Repairing will receivn prompt attention. All kinds of TURNING executed with Nestne‘sSand Despatch. _ - . - . ‘1 SPINNING WHEELS REELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; The subscriber manufactureé a kind of Collar which can be recommended for safety to horses, and which has proved its superiority over the Scotcl’r Coll‘ar. They have been thoroughly tested-by and are now ‘in use on the Durham ahd Collingwood Stage Line. Any personin doubt can refer to Mr. R. H. MIDDAUGU, proprietor of the said line.â€" ' iet'erence might be made to many others but the above named gentleman has more of 1 them in use than any other man in the county. . . (i? The Scotch Collar manufactured ’secorId’ to none. ‘ (3f?- CARRIAGE TRIMMIXG done on short notice and in any Etyle desired, i FONIJENSED CATALOGUE OF GOODS CONSTANTLY 0N HAND: HE subscriber begs to inform his numerous customers and general public, that he has removed his business from one door south of the Foundry, to the more com- xnodious building, situated one door north of said Foundry, where he is prepared to do business as usual, only with a much larger stock of goods, and hopes by strict attention to business and reasonable charging to receive a share of public patronage. The best. of work; :16 Apprentices or quack Mechanics Employed! Japauned Team Harness; Brass Team Harness; C Plate Harness; g Tug Team Harnessy} Tug Team Harness; Japanzted Single Harness; C Plate Single Harness; Brass Single Harness; ,Silver Single Harness; Riding Saddles, all kinds '5 Riding Bridles and Martingals; Team Whips, Buggy Whips and Stage Whips, of all kinds and quality, in abundance, also a few English Uak Halters; Cotton Fly Nets; Worsted Fly Nets; Worsted Ear Nets ; Suits of Horse Clothing ; Frank Millar’s prepared Harness Oil, the only oil to preserve the Stitching and Leather. cf? If you want Furnitfire or anything in our line give us a call. It will pay you. Suitable Lumber will be taken in exchange forwork. ‘ , ‘ The Best Stock of TRUNKS in South Grey, varying in Apricqifromgfio $0,314.00: I ‘P. , _1_-___A Durham, June 14th, 1370. I'""' “ ‘ " (If? The patent adjusting Hame inth safetiv ring, “which .can E‘e mz‘iée to fit any horse by raising or lowerng the draft ; CLRRY CUMBS, CARDS, BRUSHES and MANE COMES. (If? A call from all 18 solicited. - § ' ~ ust received at F. H. EDWARDS’ 3 3 Book and Fancy Goods Store, 3 3a. few c0pies of Disraeli’s latest iioveli gift to: ‘tLU'l'HAIRf’ a. few cOpies oft-lekie meat” 3 Collin? latest novel “MAN AND WIFE ;” 3 Mrs. Southworth’s latest novel “FAMILY 3DO0M, 0R SIN OF A COUNTESS.”. GO 3 Also a large lot of .1116 “CANADIAN GIRL v of 0F IHE PERIOD” Song Book; contain- 3 log all the. new aild popular songs of the day. DURHAM, July 33.1), 1870. The subscribers will pay- the above amount to any person giving information, that wxlllead to the detection and con- viction-of the person or persons, who caused the destruction, by fire, of our tan- nery, on the morning of the 8th of June $300 Reward ! AT PRICES fo SUIT THE TIMES. last'. GREAT BARGAINS ! Printing of every description execut- ed at the Canosxcw Office, in‘ good style, on time, and at reasonable rates. Slo _ T. 3:, J. B. SMITH. Durham, July 20th, 1670. . MATTHEWS ~8 NEVT BOOKS?! GLASGOW“ Austfialia EurOpa, SIIIRTING S, CHECKS, IN SHAWL PATTERNS SILK CHECKS, An“ Immense Stock of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer_ Dress Goons. LADIES’ SUMMER DRESS GOODS, New Shades and Colors. SHAWLS, MANI‘LE CLoTéS; ' and all kinds of Trimhi’égs. MEYKEVXEHY ANB Fޤ?'€§¥ ‘G’G 01's: In endless variety FLOWERS FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, RIBBO‘NS, é.; in all the Novelties of the Season very cheap 1. New, Groceries just Received. (31"?NEW HARDWARE just opened out; PRINTS GINGAMS‘, A large stock of Staple goods in HILLIANT in BLEACAED 0013mm, 'Y’EBY CHER? SHEETINGS, Just Arrived frém EX STEAMSHIPS NEW STYLES. A large stock of A large stock of larwe stock of TOWELLINGS, PURPLE PADS, LOWER TOWN, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE. in all the . C GRIFFITH. . M‘KECHNIE, CARPETINGS, URNITL‘RL‘ Dissolution of Partnership. ; MATTHEWS SON. Notice is hereby given that the. partner- .ship subsisting between BARKER CATTLE, as C-hemistp agnd Draggists, in Dar. ham, Owen Sound and God’erich, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. . All debts owing“ to the said; pgrtneirship, in Durham, are to be gpaid to HEXRY Putnamâ€"who will continue the business â€"and all, claims:against said partnership in Durham, are to be presented to said HENRY PARKER, by whom yhey will be paid. Dated at Durham, this 19th day of July. 1870. 1814f, To be held m Toronto on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6111 and 7th of October, 1870. Entries of Horse’s and Cattle to be made on or before the 3 dof September. For Grain and Boots, on or betore the 10th of September. _ o .1 1' I 1 "Fui-therparticulars can be had on ap- plicatign ., to Presidents of Township Agri- cultural Societies. - ‘ .: Intending exhibitors can have (free) printed forms and see prize List on ap- plication to SAMUEL 9-93.641E,_ Prairincial Show, TICKINGS, ’ . ”Sec S. G. Agl. Society. Durham, Ju1'y 27th 1870. c., (‘30. .. c., RIXTS. ([53. DISCO [WT SALE Ten per Cent off 0 PER OW’E DOLLa/iR ! Ready-Made Clothing Boots and Shoes. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"0â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Qu_rhgu_12__April 20th,. 1870. DRY - GOODS, GROCERIESé HATS CAPS, Crockery; Glassware; A «cam-Ci; 53%chth 93 OPENED (PUT -G00ds Purchases; ante r’ s . CLOVER SEED. M‘KENZIE’S AT AT 'M. FBASER’S STORE; LOWER VILLAGE, DURHAM. AT i Parker's Column. H. PARKER, [LATE PARKER $3 CATTLE.) {slablished in Canada l856 ‘ DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND Chemicals, Perfumery, and .Toilqt Preparations, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, .c., 820., of every description and reliable in quality. PETE“??? MEDEQEEEfiL VARNISHE S! Fire Proof Paint! Best Turpentine Varnish $1 50 per can. LU‘BBIQATIKG {33115, DY ESTUFF S WQTTS’ “XMGHWE M31: 01 TANNERS’ OIL, TAR, PITCH, PUTTY, Cheap; used by Miners, Threshers, 83c. PAINTEBS’ MATERIAL; Strength, Fla'vor and Quality unsurpassed. Prices moderate. TOBAccoES AND CIGARS! Olive, Elephant, Seal and Crude Oil, 01)qu ESSENCES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SPICES, I’ICKLES, HOPS, c., c. Teas Z Teas! -! Wine-M Liquors MOLSUN’S CELEBRATED ALE Roasted and Ground oh the premises. Physicians’ Pl‘éscrfptiafis, and Fan“; Récipes- careiully compounded, and promptly attended to. Britlsh, Malt, French and Canadian. mwm mm. comprising all noted brands, in wood and home. VETERINARY PaerAnA‘mfis} Is an effectual destroyer of Ticks on Shee-p,’ alsoa preventative against the Fly and Scab during the hot Summer months. .It greatly improves the QUALITY and QUANTITY of the Wool, and that at I. trifling cost. It has been long and favor- ablv known in GREAT BRITAIN, and it is confidently anticipated, that upon trial, it will enjoy as favorable a reputation in Canada. VINEGARS, suppfied at low rates. WEAVERS’ SUPPLlES 2 ESIN, AXLE GREASE, 82c. LICK KILLER! GLASS FRUIT JARS}. PAINTS ~ AND COFFEE 9331 oil may mm, Various Colors. in any quantity. PARKER’S of all kinds. H;PARKER; 9mm:

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